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tv   Nightline  ABC  April 12, 2023 12:37am-1:06am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> announcer: this is "nightline." >> juju: morning power and sex. the case against lori vallow daybell. prosecutors revealing the alleged motive behind the shocking crime that made national headlines. >> tell me where your kids are? >> juju: dear bill and her husband accused of killing her two young children and the bombshell prosecutors dropped about the death of chad daybell's first why. the mother of his five children. and white an emotional lori asked to leave the courtroom. plus owen wilson one on one with the wedding pressures start. >> you better lock it up. >> you lock it up. >> juju: about his new role in
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"paint." >> i think it was sort of imagining as a bob ross look and a little bit of art garfunkel and gordon lightfoot. >> juju: channeling that signature hairdo and a soft voice. a.p.p. -- pbs fixture facing some new competition. why wilson says we should all find joy in painting. and furry vomiting. the special relationship between a u.p.s. driver and the four-legged wonders on his route. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "nightline" we will be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ whenever heartburn strikes, get fast relief with tums.
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♪ ♪ >> juju: thanks for joining us. prosecutors in the trial of lori vallow daybell presenting gruesome evidence against a mother accused of killing her young son and daughter. the twists and turns in the cross country crime saga that gripped the nation. attorneys sing it all comes down to money, power and sex and a bombshell allegation about the death of her husband, chad first why. >> can you tell me where your kids are? >> juju: a mother on trial for murder. lori vallow daybell dance accused in the brutal killing of her own two children and now persecutors say they know why.
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>> money, power, and sex. that is what this case is about. >> juju: vallow daybell and her husband chad daybell have both pleaded not guilty to all the charges against them which include murder, conspiracy and grand theft in the deaths of her children. >> if you are a fair-minded individual, then let the evidence to prove her guilty. >> juju: the grandfather, one of those murdered children in court today as an investigator testified about finding their bodies. >> it has been four hard years. we have gone through a lot. we have seen some stuff. we wish we could have unseen. >> juju: it is the latest development any story that is captivated, the country for years now, searching for arizona all the way to hawaii. what first started as the hunt for two missing children turned into a trail of suspicious deaths surrounding a newly married, well all part of what prosecutors called a doomsday plot. it was grandparents larry and
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kay woodcock whose heartfelt pleas for help made headlines in 2020. >> authorities intensifying their search. >> juju: the couple had been looking for answers. where did lori vallow take her children? 16-year-old tylee and seven-year-old jj. vallow was known by friends and family for her kindness and beauty seen here as a contestant for mrs. texas back in 2004. at the time, she was married to joseph ryan daughter tylee father. the two would later divorce. it was the third of five marriages for lori. she would go on to marry charles vallow. >> she is very energetic but now i think it is all a façade. >> juju: kay woodcock is the sister. he talked with "2020". they said they had a good marriage until 2018 when things began to fray after lori met
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chad daybell and a spiritual confidence. she became captivated by his teachings about his visions of an apocalypse. chad had written a number of books like the times of turmoil series focused on the end of the world. by 2019, the vallows were locked in a divorce with charles citing concerns about larry's religious police think she had become infatuated and at times obsessive about near-death experiences and spiritual visions. according to the filing, she told him she could not trust vallow and that she would not only kill him but would destroy him financially. is the league months later, charles was dead. and lord's brother alex had pulled the trigger. >> what is the emergency? >> i shot my brother-in-law. >> no weapons on me. >> juju: alex cox claimed he shot and killed his estranged brother-in-law in self-defense
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after vallow allegedly attacked him wth a bat. he said he was protecting his sister, lori. dropped jj off at school and then came back with daughter tylee, calm and collected. within months, lori moved to idaho and so did her brother, alex. >> she never would respond to anything, text, voicemails, e-mails, nothing. >> juju: that same month, september, marked the last time tylee and jj were seen alive. chad daybell lived in rexburg, idaho, too with his wife, tammy and their children. in october of 2019, tammy unexpectedly died. at the time her cause of death was listed as natural causes. then just about two weeks later, lori vallow and chad daybell got married. in hawaii. but in the opening day of lori vallow's trial, a bombshell. prosecutors say tammy did not die of natural causes. authorities had exhumed her body
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and performed an autopsy. the results secret until now. >> tammy died at the hands of another. and that the cause of her death was asphyxiation. >> juju: authorities say the investigation also uncovered clues that lori and chad had been involved and had been planning a wedding before tam tammy's -- >> they were pretty close. they shared a lot of things including his online passwords. >> i worked for him a little bit. he gave me all the information. >> juju: the online information is key. lori purchases a ring on amazon. a wedding ring and it is this ring that turned up in her wedding photos to chad daybell. the receipt from amazon shows that was purchased before chad daybell's wife's that's. >> juju: the couple came back to idaho where authority started pushing for answers trying to find the kids within weeks the
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couple flew back to hawaii. for months, investigators search for her and jj watt the daybells refused to talk. finally in february 2020, lori was arrested and brought back to idaho but she still would not tell investigators where to find her kids. >> i want to ask you, are the kids okay? >> i can't comment. >> reporter: why can't you comment? [away from microphone] >> juju: at the time, my colleague caught up with chad daybell to ask the question that had been hounding him for mon months. >> reporter: is there anything you would like to say to people at all who are concerned about the kids were concerned about you and your wife? anything you want to say to them? >> grateful for the support.
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we will go to legal process. >> reporter: can you tell mr. daybell, are the kids okay? >> no comment. >> reporter: okay. >> juju: then in june of 2020, investigators one to daboll's property digging in the backyard where they uncovered two show grades about 50 yards apart. that same day investigators arrested chad daybell. lori and chad were eventually indicted on murder charges. >> they had asked me if i could identify jj. i drove to a place where they showed me some. just and asked if i could identify him and i did. it is pretty overwhelming. >> juju: do indictments paint a picture of the larger conspiracy involving chad, lori and her brother alex to get rid of the kids and jack's why, tammy. authorities had used alex cox's cell phone records to track down the children's bodies. cox himself died before authorities could make arrests.
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prosecutors say the couple used their doomsday teachings allegedly telling friends that tylee and jj had been taken over by dark spirits and turned into zombies. >> if somebody's dark, an evil spirit or an evil entity can come in and they can push the real person out and take over the body. the body had to be destroyed. >> juju: lori vallow daybell's defense argued that the charges don't make clear what if any role she played in the murders. her lawyer described her as a loving mother. >> she believes in life after death. and she believes she will see her deceased family including her children again. >> juju: in court today, prosecutors presented graphic testimony and photos from police. how tylee's body had been this mentored -- dismantled and how jj's body had been bound and buried. >> the dirt was removed from the small body wrapped in plastic. the body was eventually removed
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from the burial site and put into a black body bag. which was locked for evidence purposes. >> juju: at one point, vallow daybell for his attorney asked the judge if she could be just the excuse because it was too emotional. the judge denied the request. a.g.s grandfather larry woodcock's sat in court to the testimony during one break calling his wife to tell her to stay away telling her you don't need to see this. despite the grim reality, larry still hopes for a just end to the trial. >> if i only have charles, jj, tyleik, and tammy back, that is the perfect scenario. we can't. so now we have to believe in the system and that the system is working. >> juju: we will stay on continuing coverage of the trial. coming up, owen wilson, the actor channeling a famous pbs star in his new movie "paint."
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on a new volvo electric vehicle. >> juju: we are one-on-one with owen wilson with his new movie "paint." he says despite similarities, it is most of them definitely not a by. and his philosophy about the joys of painting. here is abc's zohreen shah. >> thank you for going for a special place with me >> that is after owen wilson. a whispery voice public
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television pain or. carlton article. >> the hair, you know, i can imagine carl norvell looking anyway but that. and it is amazing that you could get used to something and start to feel very comfortable in th that. >> zohreen: he plays a similar artist you may think you know. >> early surprisingly chilly april morning. >> zohreen: is this movie about bob ross? is it a. >> i think it was imagining, you know, that world of public television and kind of telling a story within that and then using this character of car naugle who has a bob ross look and, you know, a little bit of art garfunkel and gordon lightfoot even though the movie is set in 2008, he is set in 1977. because he has not had to change. everything is going his way. >> zohreen: fans love wilson
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from his on-screen hilarity on films like "wedding >> he says he is in love with you or in the real tenant bombs. his latest film has viewers drawing some obvious comparisons between carl nargle and bob ross. >> you are going to get some calls. >> i'm not good at doing imitations and as great as bob ross' voice is and his manner, i could not quite get that although it would have been, you know, useful so i did my version of what i think, you know, public television painter who has a devoted fan base in vermont might sound like. >> zohreen: you took someone clearly inspired by a character and then really changed them quite a bit. >> zohreen: carl nargle --
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>> carl nargle, what his struggle is is that people don't really change unless they have to and so everything has gone to great for him and then all of a sudden now after decades his standing and position is under siege with this new painter. >> done. >> zohreen: wilson's painter faces an identity crisis. >> will come. >> zohreen: his artistic empire begins to mumble. did you pull from moments in your own life when you thought about that? >> there has definitely been more than a few terrible reviews and i, you to stay away from them because i don't want to read them because it does not feel good. he is saying it does not affect him at you are like, gosh, what a great guy and you see him racing to try to pick up all the newspapers so no one will read this terrible profile on him. >> zohreen: and wilson drew on his very own special connection
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to the public television the excitement behind this artistic world. >> my dad ran a pbs station in dallas in the late '70s. as a kid, going down to visit him, it is exciting place to have your dad working and seeing the cameras and, you know, all of the stuff that they are doing. i think my dad would get a kick out of this movie. control wilson's flory also helped him rediscover a passion he says he missed from his youth? but i have been thinking of, why do all of us as a kid, you know, your parents give you crayons and you are always drawing. why do we stop that? because there is something, you know, that we get from it that still feels good. >> zohreen: it is a feeling that he is passing on to his own boys. >> before we started, i took -- i -- i guess their bob ross school of painting and i took it with my two boys and we
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know, i think we did a pretty good job. i know that the the paintings are hanging up. you know? in the house. >> zohreen: coral had that one image he kept going back to. that you have one in which you kept going back to? >> there was a drawing i did as a kid of the lone ranger and he was fighting the marines and, you know, and it had all these planes and tanks, you know? typical pictures that a kid would be, you know, working on and i've messed up on the lone ranger's boot, one of them. i was so frustrated that i did not want to finish and my mother had to pay me to finish it because i did not like the way it turned out and i finished it. she took it and got it framed and it still hangs up in the house today back in dallas. >> zohreen: what is the one message that you want viewers to take away with? there's so many messages.
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>> well, i would hope that they find it funny, in new york in new york at the way i did when i first read the script and that, you know, kind of poignant, some of the things that carl is struggling and some of the other characters kind of talk about, what can give your life meaning. that is something that i think can't resonate for all of us. ♪ ♪ >> juju: our thanks to zohreen. furry bonding. a u.p.s. book driver and the bond he shares with the pats on his. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis keeps flaring, put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable, i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. and left bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc got in my way, i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when my gastro saw damage, rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission.
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>> juju: it is national pate and we look back at the relationship that a u.p.s. driver has with the adorable pets on his route. here is david near. >> reporter: he has always loved dogs. when he started his new group for u.p.s. a few years back, he started to take selfies with all of the dogs he would see along his route. >> the best part is taking random breaks and hanging out with buddies. >> david: we have followed his stories for years. the pressures dogs and the images of them too many to count. >> i have picked up one dog goofing around and took a photo with him and posted it on my instagram and he got me more lax than i have ever seen. >> david: posting on instagram more than 1800 images now posting with -- posing with do dogs, usually he sees up to $50 a day. the long floppy ears, turns out, big dogs to the tiniest. he says his favorites, the properties. sometimes the occasinal cat, rabbit, even a goat and on this national pate, his own smile
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contagious, too. >> the fact that i could make someone's mouth or even a second means a lot. >> juju: paws up for david muir. you can watch all of our full episodes on hulu. we will see you back here same time tomorrow. thanks for staying up with us. the night, arica.


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