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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  April 8, 2023 1:06am-1:41am PDT

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and eva pilgrim, you guys grow up playing basketball together. we're not really but we played against each other, like at cookouts and family functions and stuff to be him. did you trash talk him? i'm proud are i'm super proud man just to see your family doing something amazing. good for them. that's nightline for this evening. catch a full episodes on hulu. we'll see right back here. same time on monday. thanks for the company america have a good and safe weekend. more americans choose abc news, america's number one news source. percent buying factory direct. compare this famous brands one carat band at 8800 with the jewelry exchange for 14 91 carat engagement rings. 26 90 thousands of gi a diamonds guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange, redwood city.
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. this is abc seven news. an emotional gathering as tears, flow and remembrance of a champion cyclist killed in a collision this week while riding in san francisco. good evening. i'm on the dates, ashley thank you for joining us cyclist around san francisco are calling for changes tonight following the death of ethan boys tuesday afternoon boys who was a nationally recognized and award winning cyclist. died after a collision with a car in the presidio, abc seven news reporter tim johns was at the vigil held for boys this evening and has the story. we're literally dying out here. i'm not sure what we have to do to make them care, anger and sadness friday night at a vigil in san francisco's presidio, dozens coming together to remember cyclists ethan boys who was killed tuesday after a collision with a car near this spot we just want to reflect to ethan was as a person, which was a very positive grounded centered person boys was a renowned and world class athletes, someone who won dozens of awards throughout his life
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and left a profound impact on the sport he loved. he is a current record holder in several disciplines on the track, and he has, i think 10 national championships over his career, but friday's event was more than just a vigil for the local cycling community was also a chance to call for change. according to city data. san francisco has had at least one bike fatalities a year since 2014 and cyclists are demanding that local leaders take more action to keep them safe on the roads in the very short term that looks like posts and other things in the ground, but you no longer term. ideally we're looking at physical concrete curbs and physical protection. because for them anyone could have been ethan boys. i shouldn't have to feel like i'm putting my life in danger. every time i ride my thrr d schl,o.ole igating theau otuesday's san f , tim johns, abc seven news new at 11. a dead whale has washed up at the san leandro marina
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park. sky seven was overhead this afternoon and spotted the whale on the rocks. it is clearly missing its tail. it's a gray whale appears to be a juvenile, the marine mammal center in california academy of sciences are going to send a team to check it out. in the south bay. the san jose police officers association has terminated executive director joanne segovia after she was accused of running a years long drug distribution scheme. segovia was charged with attempting to import legal synthetic opioid drugs from overseas. federal prosecutors say it was part of a years long scheme to distribute them in the u. s. the sentence. a police unions president says they have completed the first part of their internal investigation and will now hire outside help. we planned this from the very get go, uh, we have taken it. is a serious as we possibly can. from minute one from the time we were notified. until this very moment and continuing to move forward.
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segovia is expected to appear in court to april 28th. on the peninsula, another close call with a falling tree mental parliamentary apartment, said it is just miraculous. his family is safe after a large oak tree crashed into their yard earlier this week, the city of mental park has received hundreds of tree related calls this year, abc seven news reporter lauren martinez has the story. my wife and i were. right there with our with our one month old toddler camera north home and his wife were playing with their daughter poppy inside with just seconds after these photos were taken, a large oak tree came crashing down in their menlo park backyard. we were just frozen right because it was just so out of place and sort of hard to comprehend what was actually happening. the tree crashed in between their home and their 80 you with his in laws on monday afternoon, no one was hurt north home rushed over to his next door neighbor's house where the tree had fallen from his neighbor told him despite
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efforts to remove it in the past , he took good care of it had been trimmed. it looked healthy talk to our neighbor before and he said, yeah, you know, it spent all this money to kind of keep it in shape and follow the rules and regulations and everything else. after back to back storms, we reached out to the city of menlo park about fallen trees this year at the end of march, a city spokesperson said they had 342 tree related calls. 125 of those were fallen trees. when you have someone who's done the right thing, spent the money follow the rules. and something like this can happen. i'm not someone who's prone prone to hyperbole, right? but you know, we really got lucky home said with more high wind event in the future, the next family may not be so lucky. 4 58 4 59. there's our little girl. lauren martinez, abc seven news seven was overhead of the annual way of the cross procession in
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oakland's fruitvale neighborhood earlier tonight. hundreds of people attended the annual good friday reenactment, which ended at st elizabeth catholic. sunshine for those egg hunts. that's the question. let's get a first look at the forecast. here's meteorologist sandy patel . sandia timing is everything and dan and, um, we're going to brighten things up around here. it's about time we got to enjoy some warmth. take a look at these live pictures from our tower cameras and you will see that things are looking good from all four of our tower cameras. here's a live view from our emeryville camera. here's what you can expect an easter weekend warm up. so today 63 in santa rosa, up three degrees tomorrow, san francisco you're going up to oakland three. you'll notice san jose. four degrees warmer. and conquered from 61 to 67 degrees sunday. those temperatures are going to soar into the low and mid seventies for easter, just about everywhere away from the coastline. and as we take a look at live doppler seven yes, we
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did have some wet weather earlier today, the most widespread this morning that rain is long gone, and tonight we do have a lot of cloud cover around. i'll be back with a full look at the accuweather seven day forecast to let you know how long that spring warmth is going to last. all right, thank you. sandia. new developments out of the courts tonight with two significant rulings on an abortion pill in texas, a federal judge has suspended the fda approval of myth of kristen. the justice department is going to appeal the ruling, the judge in washington state ruled to keep the pill available. abc news reporter melissa don is following the story. in an unprecedented move of federal texas judge ruling to reverse the fda approval of mifepristone medication abortion pill. the ruling is paused for seven days , so the federal government may appeal us district judge matthew cass merrick, who made this ruling is a trump appointee. he held a hearing on the issue on march 15th in amarillo, texas, where the conservative plaintiffs in the case argued the fda was wrong to approve method per stone in the first
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place. meantime a washington state judge issued a dueling injunction in a separate case regarding the status of the fda as approval of the abortion pill. and his ruling judge thomas rice, mandates that the fda keep the status quo when it comes to regulating the drug, the vice president weighing in on the judge's ruling following a speech in nashville, tennessee , contrary to what makes for good public health policy to allow courts and politicians to tell the fda what did you do? this is a drug that the fda approved and safe. 20 years ago. for 20 years. so this is a dangerous president. in the next seven days, all eyes will be on the fifth circuit, the nation's most conservative appeals court to see if they uphold the texas ruling overturning the fda approval of this abortion pill. now, if these two federal orders
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the texas and washington one remain in conflict, the issue will likely be expedited to go before the supreme court. melissa don abc news, los angeles. and california governor . newsom was quick to criticize the decision, saying quote today's ruling to pull back the 20 year. fda approval of kristen by federal judge has merrick threatens access to abortion care across the country. abortion is still legal and accessible here in california, and we won't stand by as fundamental freedoms are stripped away. and as you heard just a moment ago, the vice president was in nashville today, where she met with the lawmakers kicked out of the state legislature yesterday following their protest. over gun control. that protest happened on the house floor last week after six people died in that terrible shooting at a ch. the three lawmakers at the center of the controversy walked out of today's meeting to an applause from the tennessee black caucus , with their arms locked together. moments later, vice
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president harris delivered a fiery speech to some college students. democracy says you don't silence the people. you do not stifle the people. you don't turn off their microphones when they are speaking of. lawmakers face expulsion for breaking house decorum. the two kicked out were black, while the third who survived the vote, one short, white republican leaders have said race had nothing to do with the outcome of that voting. hear from some oakland students who are on the trip of a lifetime and what they're getting to experience for the first time. you've probably heard of manhattan henge, but how about california bench? we're in san francisco. you need to go this weekend to see this rare phenomenon. look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live right after abc seven news at 11, jimmy. thanks dan anoma stay up tonight and i'll stay up to of course, he's probably available. hey guys,
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what's up, everybody. jesse loves playing, detective, but the real mystery is you're irritated skin, so we switched the tide pods free and gentle. it cleans better and doesn't leave behind irritating residues , and it's gentle on her skin closed. it's got to be time. uh oh. no signal. i don't have hom internet. oh, that's a red flag. your mom looks a lot like me. yeah. couple of hotties. thank you. dead spots all over. this place really are oh, wow. nothing are you getting a good signal? no i'm not. it's time for real home internet xfinity internet for just $25 a month with no annual contract during our xfinity tingey network launch celebration only from xfinity. alright let's talk about this. bring your friends
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so much intact. every community feels it too. friends. captured several suspects trying to break into a canister cannabis dispensary in san francisco. police say it happened about 3 40 this morning on 13th street near folsom, and the suspects can be seen trying to pry open a large roll up door. now, at one point, you can see sparks literally flying. the damage to the door is done. and for all of that, investigators say, still the suspects did not get into the building. protect our kids. it should be protected . what did the 600 ft radius concernedntanidts held innerun to pr ainocat f aannabs dispensary. the owners of gold mirror want to convert the top of the restaurant into a dispensary. protesters say it's a safety concern for children in the area. keep the drugs away
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from children across the street . we have preschool. we have students. we have small kids that they should move to somewhere else. comfortable telling me my, according to the city and county of san francisco, the dispensary application is in its processing phase. activist riley gains says she was attacked last night at san francisco state following a speech at the clubs event opposing the participation of transgender athletes and women's sports. there is swearing in. the video taken by gains is shaky and blurry, but does not appear to show an assault. she said. someone hit her twice, with one blow, grazing her face . campus police are investigating gains as a former college swimmer who competed against leah thomas. last year, thomas became the first openly transgender athletes to win an n c. a championship. tomorrow i'll coalition of drag queens and allies will protest in san francisco against anti drag legislation organizers expect between five and 10,000 people
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to attend the rally at city hall kicks off at 11 a.m. it's one of several weekend protests around the country. the a c l u is tracking 435 legislative actions targeting the lgbtq plus community. many of the bills target transgender people and drag queens. a similar rally will be held in los angeles on sunday, abc seven news is committed to building a better bay area and tonight we're doing it in hawaii. some oakland middle school students are getting the experience really of a lifetime learning about the culture and protecting the environment. as abc seven, news reporter, tara campbell explained, it is also giving them a new perspective on what's possible. thank you with this boarding pass. there are 12 middle school students from oakland unified school district taking flight hawaii. chosen to take part in travel academy, a partnership between alaska airlines and state bags shop because i never knew i would be able to go somewhere farther
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than i had never been before in my life because i never went out of state marcus wheeler and the others experiencing a lot of first over the past week, learning the history and culture of hawaii and the importance of sustainability and conservation . very beautiful. we've been like going to a lot of places. wait trees and all that. kids from these communities are often met with so many barriers and challenges that it's hard for them to think to themselves, but i can still do. it is the co founder of st bags and says their itinerary is purposely packed with risk taking outings . snorkeling yesterday was a major thing for a couple of our kids that don't swim in the open ocean. scott spending time in the ocean with some of the kids, including markets got emotional because i was like you know, he was so proud of himself was kind of scared that i'm kind of looking at drown. but when i
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went inside the water i was like i thought i was going to drown right now. seventh grader anaya's sarfraz also working through her fear, many like beautiful fishes that have never seen also faced some other fears . making new friends birthday. i was like, kind of like really quiet, and i really didn't know who to talk to, but now like i get along with everyone eager to take the lessons learned and friends made in hawaii back home to oakland. tell other people like you should try to become friends with others. campbell, abc seven news. hmm that is a great experience for those kids. it's an astronomical phenomenon , and it's happening right here . the so called california henge happens twice a year when the sun sets above the bay bridge between california and golf. it's somewhat similar to england stonehenge, which was built to align with the sun during winter and summer solstices, california hench is expected to happen saturday through monday. before
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seven a.m. if you miss it this weekend, don't worry astronomical phenomenon will happen again. this september. that's kind of neat, but you gotta be up before seven. that's right. we'll leave that to the morning group. yes good point. all right, so the weekend is here it is. and so is the holiday and easter coming up. what will the forecast be like a meteorologist cindi patel is here. fantastic and dan and, um i'm with you let everybody else go wake up and do this, although it would be pretty cool to see we'll wait for the videos to come in. let's take a look at a gorgeous view. um of the setting sun at 7 37 from mount tam kam. hey if you want more sunshine, easter is going to be the day that you'll be seeing a lot more sun and certainly warmer weather . so a lot of cloud cover lingering today after the rain moved through. here's a look at your 12 hour day planner for easter seven o'clock, it's going to be in the low fifties. so if you're going to sunrise services, sunrise is at 6 43 in the morning. grab that extra layer warmth is heading your
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way, especially by four pm we have low to mid seventies around the bay and inland, low sixties coast side and at seven p.m. it is still going to be comfortable around the region. so beautiful weather for easter, checking out live doppler seven. right now, the clouds are still pretty stacked up. and that system that did come through brought snow showers to the sierra brought us the rain in terms of the rain. well, let's just say some areas just enough to dampen the ground like san jose only 207 inch conquered 1/100 of an inch 11 hundreds. oakland had about a third to 4/10 of an interim san rafael has santa rosa 21 hundreds of an inch in san francisco, the highest total ben lomond 6/10. temperatures right now in the forties and the fifties. not terribly cold, and we don't expect it to get cold. alright if you missed the home opener today, giants are taking on the royals again tomorrow at 105 at oracle park this time around, it's going to be a little bit milder and brighter upper fifties to the low sixties , so enjoy the game. exploratorium cameras showing you a lovely view of san francisco with a few clouds
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around mostly cloudy with patchy fog warming up for your holiday weekend and then a cooling trend begins next week. your morning temperatures will be in the forties. for most of you 39 at lakeport, watch out for some patches of fog along the coastline and also in the north bay valleys. tomorrow afternoon in the south bay 68 degrees in gilroy and also lost. kado 67 san jose 65, milpitas pretty mild day on the peninsula mid sixties from mountain view to redwood city, 57 half moon bay downtown san francisco 60 degrees. it's going to be really nice in the north bay you're looking at mid sixties around nevado, santa rosa napa heading into the east bay 63. oakland 66 free month inland areas. 68 fairfield 67 conquered and also in livermore. want to show you what's ahead for sunday. i mean , talk about a warm up it is going to feel i mean, much warmer. since we haven't experienced this all season, this could be the warmest of the season to mid seventies on monday. we're going to hold on to some of those seventies inland. here's the accuweather
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70 forecast. it's morning gray, followed by a milder day easter warm heading your way for sunday . that is going to be the warmest day on monday, temperatures begin to come down a little bit, and then the cooling trend. really gets underway tuesday and wednesday as we start to notice an onshore breeze that sea breeze will start to take those temperatures down, and then we'll go right back up again. but for the first time in a long time, have a dry accuweather seven day forecast, which is so important for the little ones and the egg hunts and any outdoor gatherings for easter. fantastic. sandy, thank you. we'll be right back. i hate it when a car freshener hits you with an overwhelming blast of perfume. car vent clips work differently gives you consistent , precious that starts just right and stays just right for 40 days. upgrade to progress car , mr clean magic eraser powers through tough messes, so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning. no, i didn't. it makes my running shoe looks like new. it's amazing. it's so good mix
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it look like i have magical powers and sheets. make cleaning look easy. now is the perfect time to visit men seen his sleep world where you can sleep free for three years with temper pedic come in and experience california's largest selection of luxurious temper pedic mattresses and sets and take advantage of our limited time. special financing on deborah pedic, starting at just $47 a month. plus take home $300 in free gifts, providing the perfect night's sleep to californians for over 50 years. sleep better live better at mancini's sleep world visit, sleep world .com. disney wars celebration is currently underway in london, england for more than two decades, super fans gathered to celebrate everything. star wars, including guests, exhibitions and special reveals the celebration is the place to get the latest star wars news fans were decked out in star wars gear, dressed as characters from galaxies far far away. to come back years later
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and have them having seen what we did and then show that appreciation. this is the this is the toughest crowd you're going to get when you're making star wars. these people have the most invested and they have high standards. lucasfilm announced three new live action star wars movies are in the works, exploring star wars past present and future. disney is the parent company of abc seven. san francisco's chinatown merchants association is getting some financial help and restoring those iconic red lanterns along grand avenue. earlier this week, we reported about the effort to repair the lanterns damaged by all of the wind and the storms. we had the community responded to by donating to the go fund me campaign to repair the lanterns. then the amount requested was increased to include the cost of labor, which is estimated to be abou$90,0. is not cheap. alaska airlines has committed to matching all go fund me donations up to $20,000 so they will be repaired. that's great. alright take a look at this. oh
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boy, a seven ft alligator was found in the sacramento river, california department of fish and wildlife says someone captured it on wednesday and brought it in trying to find the owner because someone anonymously called a couple of weeks ago and said they had a friend with a pet gator. i wanted to make sure it was properly cared for. um hmm. terrifying yes. can you imagine not be there? wow alright, baseball returns to oracle park while the warriors head to the state capital. yes chris alvarez is here. sports chris dan and i'm coming up in sports. the giants host the royals in the home opener. plus the playoff pushes on for the warriors. could they crown the king's on the road? your answer next in sports power pods with 85% more tied in every pod who needs that much more time? he does. what does that mean? it means you're gonna need more tied more likes.
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more tied more adorable. more time. everyone's gonna need oh, god, i. you're gonna need more time. it's a mess out there. that's why there's 85% more tied in every power pod. abc seven sports sponsored by river rock casino. final weekend of the nba regular season golden state needed to win the final two games to ensure they stay out of the play in tournaments. stephan curry and the warriors in sacramento, second quarter checkout curries handles right here, it's pretty finds given loony finds gary payton, the second for the slam loony at six points. 16 rebounds, seven assists. warriors up five at the break third quarter look at this two man game between stephane draymond. curry the corner triple good moments later, curry back to the dribble shot. he ha5 points in this game and clay thompson some two way clay the steel on keegan murray and then goes down for the layup. he had
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a game high. 29 warriors win 1 1997 and take a half game lead over the clippers for fifth in the west, the giants opening the home portion of their schedule taking on the royals open the 24th season of play on the corner of third and king. how great is opening day? whether did stay mostly dry. bottom two giants down one, nothing. rookie blake sable game time. rbf the middle. michael stransky scores . it's one all tables, versatility on display here, but sliding, babbling catch for starter alex cobb. so nice. we show it twice. top eight now still a 21 game. salvador perez takes tyler rogers deep to left. 31 kansas city. bottom nine now , yes, representing the tying run, but the home plate umpire calls up questionable call their three batters later. sable representing the winning run, strikes out looking, finishing a frustrating 31 loss. when something gets taken out of your t shouldn't it's frustrating, so that's where the emotion came. and you know, just one of those competitive moments where i felt like we had some momentum in just kind of got taken out from
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under our feet. get your hot dogs aces road game, their first of the year taken on tampa bay. bottom two. it's 21 game. make it 61 isaac parade's grand slam of kent, while the chuck one of seven total home runs in the game. rays win 95 2nd round of the masters. royal mcilroy will not be around for the weekend shot 5/77. story of the tournament so far, the amateur from texas and abbott sam bennett, no amateur has ever won the masters back to back 68 to start. he's alone in third place. you're leader, four time major champion brooks kept to an eagle on a bogey free day. he's currently three clear of jon rahm tiger woods, even part on the day through 11 holes. he sits on the cut line currently and we'll be out early to see if he can make it on the weekend and right before play was suspended a very scary side on 17 a few trees go down. no injuries were reported. thankfully sports on abc seven sponsored by river rock casino, we'll be right back. we're done. what about these looks right.
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quick the quicker picker upper one sheet of bounty is all you need and bounty is two times more absorbent so you can use less bounty. the quicker picker upper my secret to beating safe tricks secret dry spray, just spray and stay fresh all day. my turn secret actually fights odor, and it's aluminum free hours later, still fresh secret works. in las vegas, the most popular food is broccoli. yeah that's the only food they have broccoli smoothies and broccoli pancakes and broccoli, ice cream and broccoli, hot dogs, and of course, they have raw, unseasoned broccoli stems. i don't want to go to vegas perfume and mommy tomorrow. are you sure? are you sure want to go? it'll be so much fun. this night represents hope.
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there's a lot of news to sift through out there. so if you're searching for one final nighttime read here is something we picked out for you. the saying is, you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but scientists hope dogs can teach us about the aging process and perhaps reverse it. researchers are turning to dogs because they are much larger than other animals and more similar to humans than, say, rats are worms. are similar environments also move the popular pet to the front of the line in this regard. that story is one of the top things you were clicking on right now on our website. it's up for you on the top news sidebar at abc seven news dot com and a reminder that you can watch all our newscast live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and raku download the app now and start streaming. all right. thank you so much for watching my mama dates and i'm dan ashley for sanjay patel. chris alvarez. all of us here. we appreciate your
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time. have a great weekend and happy easter. happy easter. for downey mcbride to go to work . y'all gotta sniff this stuff. great downy. coldest sex stops you gotta snip it to believe it . dan ashley, are you ready to rock the cost of the help children in need? my annual charity concert for kids is back in person featuring joan jett and the blackhearts join us saturday, april 15th for tickets and information to rock the casa .org. see what the show. hey area, it's time to share some amazing stories and feel good. we could all use them inspiration right now and you've come to the right place is all about good food, good people and good living.
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ambition in this children's book . where are the little black girls that look like my daughter? the life of a master somalia. i'll go with a british blend coming from france. hidden gem on the sonoma coast brisket is a 14 hour smoked brisket. meet the east bay dragons dragons there, my brother. but first artisanal popcorn is taking over the bay. would be sick of popcorn by now. but i still eating all the crumbs that aren't big enough to go into the bags as like my lunch on production day, we are popping off. like that basically. produce craft popco , all kinds of zany flavors like pb and j and habanero ranch. and i sell them at pop ups and on shelves. at bars and breweries
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and markets and also educate oring. i'm jerry and ireland. jerry pop i make locally handcrafted san francisco popcorn like the popcorn. actually people at parties for years i've been like, where can i buy this? why don't you sell this and i was like, oh, it's just a great hobby of mine. i like my job. i'm good with what i'm doing. i never want to be stressed about popcorn is like a line. i would use a lot, but then eventually you know, i wanted to give this a shot full time. i wanted to not have a regret later of wow. i wish i had given popcorn a shot. so i'm giving it the shot, okay? i have been doing as a hobby for about 10 years now i got into it back in
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college. my roommates parents, um, made a run to the grocery store for him and kind of the house and they brought back a £10 drama of popcorn kernels. we don't want to waste the popcorn , so we kind of took it on as a challenge to get through the £10 of kernels before the end of school, and you can only eat so much like plain buttered and salted popcorn. so we started experimenting with different flavors and seasonings. some sweet, some spicy, very basic stuff. just shake it up. i went on this big weight loss kick, replacing a lot of junk food with popcorn and other things. so i got an air popper and made like super healthy popped popcorn as my go to snack with, like all kinds of flavors and stuff to make it interesting, ended up losing about £130. as the years went on, i started experimenting with more kind of weird flavors. i'd be inspired by beer i had or like a meal like i have like a pad thai popcorn that's inspired by pad thai that you wouldn't kind of think. oh, i want pad thai on a popcorn, but it actually kind of
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works. we got the star of the show salt my suppliers for buttermilk powder that i use in my habanero ranch. launched goat milk powder, and i was like, oh, i want to make a popcorn with this have a sweet popcorn and a savory popcorn. basic structure down. that's like here's what goes in basically all of them with a few exceptions, and that helps me have the right ratios and everything kind of ready to throw in a new spotlighted flavor for a different popcorn. i rotate the flavors around pop up to pop up. i like giving people like a brand new seasonal flavor or something special. that's particularly for an event or for a month. you can't really find any of these flavors on the shelf and popcorn and you can hardly find them in like potato chips or something more common and easier to manufacture. i u hollis baby white popcorn for a lot of my flavors, and that helps mitigate the little pieces of colonel getting stuck in your teeth. when you go to the movies, and you see those kernels that are just like jutting out in


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