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tv   2020  ABC  April 7, 2023 9:01pm-11:00pm PDT

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roads lead back to mr wonderful oh, man of god. dead husband. police wiretap 2020 starts now. sabrina and robert lemon. we're really kind of an it couple. so bubbly, so vivacious, we're partying more. even drinking a lot. they open up their marriage, meaning other couples. have come into the bedroom. robert his words were were having too much fun and everything is fine. julie called me and told me that there had been a terrible accident at the railroad, and i asked her what happened? where's my brother? i'm yelling on the phone. what's wrong with my brother told us that my brother had been to shop. oh you're thinking robbery robbery gone bad, looked as
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though maybe have been staged. seven drawers were pulled out. other drawers were not pulled out its screamed as being a staged crime scene, but that crime scene is just the tip of the iceberg. we're all right. we have been dirtbags weeping sinners previously selfish whodunit. this boiling underneath. this investigation takes cops down a very unusual road that involves god and david and bathsheba and murder monster took or robert's life. as you're coming down route 66 you turn into the silver lake's community. it is hard to not compare this place to a desert oasis is. silver lake
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community. it's about 99 miles from los angeles, halfway between victorville and barstow. there are two lakes here. it is a family orientated place in there's so many opportunities for families to have a very affordable living in a beautiful neighborhood. some people moved to still relates to either retire. for to have more of a private. like less city life. and it's in silver lakes where robert and sabrina lemond live with their two children. and just to put the icing on the cake of this picture of domesticity. the street they lived on was strawberry lane. sabrina is my baby sister. she was born when i was 15 years old , and we've just had a bond ever since she was born. we grew up
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in barstow. and i got married to randy. so i moved out at 18. and randy and i had this little home and so sabrina would come and she would stay with us. she was always trying to entertain. she has such a talent just to be an amazing funny person. even when she was little, and every time we take a picture we do. let's do a breanna picture and we would all do our hands. so it was just something that she took on when she was little in it stuck with her all this time. she was just so sweet. she um just had just a heart for people just sweet. she was just so loving. my dad had decided that he was going to retire and his dream was to retire, and prescott, arizona. so, sabrina.
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was i want to say 13, and she made a lot of wonderful friends there, and that's where she met. robert was in prescott. at the age of 18. sabrina meets robert lemon, and it's an instant attraction. here he was with the big tattoo. lamont you know, tattooed on the back of his head , but he was a big teddy bear. he wanted us to meet his girlfriend. we were all sitting in the kitchen and robert pulls up in his truck and sabrina gets out and i looked out the window and i told mom robert's gonna marry her. robert and sabrina had a total connection, and they started going to church and then when they were going to get married, they were baptized together. it's sabrina and robert got married in 2000. the wedding was in arizona, and it was just a beautiful wedding. i
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was the maid of honor, and sabrina was just a beautiful bride. not long after their wedding, sabrina and rob moved to silver lake's, a low key desert community in california and with the help of julie's husband, randy, rob gets a job working and bnsf railroad in barstow. when they moved to silver lake's. they went to church for a few years, but sabrina's faith never wavered. she always always had her bible . the family life for the lemons was brilliant. it was loving. sabrina devoted her life to her children. that was her number one priority. and she was by choice is stay at home, mom. robert was really hard working reliable. they were also a family that likes to have fun. they had a lot of friends when we lived in silver lake's. i was a stay at home. mom we had two
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children, and i was married to a fireman. nicola asked us not to use her last name. i met robin sabrina on our son's t ball team . sabrina and robert lemon. we're really kind of an it couple and all the photos you see of them all the stories you hear about them. they seem so bubbly, so vivacious robinson would have people come to their house. you know to have gatherings or they would be drinking robin serena, they seem very happy. they were always calling each other sweet little names, always kissing each other laughing a lot. a lot of people wanted. their husbands be like rob just because he was very in tuned with sabrina like he gave her everything. they weren't just a tight family. they also had a core group of friends, couples. they called themselves the wolfpack and there was a lot
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of voting. and partying like there was a group of friends that hung out with them and they would go a lot of places together. i wasn't friends with anybody that was part of it. it was after me. among this wolf pack is a couple jason and kelly bernadine. they were particularly close to sabrina and robert. jason was a firefighter, and kelly was a hairstylist. in fact, that's how she met sabrina. kelly. bruna thine is the one that started the wolfpack. you know, sabrina would tell me when she first met kelly. kelly was just the greatest thing ever. so between 4000 and it's a pretty steady marriage. great family life, great social life. everything going well. but in 2008.
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something starts happening in this relationship. sabrina would invite everyone over to their house. sometimes you couldn't even fit into the house. we all lived within a mile of each other or less. so province screen come to our house. we'd go to their house, but it was pretty much like eating and drinking. sabrina was drinking so much all the time. that um she was pretty numb. i think to a lot of things, but she didn't share with me. what was going on ? always talking. my head of it's five o'clock somewhere is always what she said. because she just always wanted to drink. sabrina did not ask for help. i would talk to her about it. and she'd be like, oh, julie, i'm fine. it was the same thing with me. we didn't admit it. it wasn't real, and that may be one of the first indications that things aren't as happy and nice as they appear. it was during this time of heavy partying that
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the couple decided to shake up their marriage. and this beautiful family portrait would be shattered for good. moderate to severe crohn's disease. now there's sky rizzi. getting to leave. control means everything to me. significant symptom relief with sky rizzi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements at four weeks is the first and only i'll 23 inhibitor for crohn's that can deliver both clinical remission in endoscopic improvement. the majority of people on scott tracy achieved long lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may occur in disease. ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your
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family. we target people who deserve it. these guys are d. c s dirtiest. then they think we're the crooks. there's no way she stick around if she knew the truth. what did you say you do again? attach. the loop was engineered to assist trains and not going too fast as they're coming down the mountains from mojave and detached. robert was known as a rapid responder he would fill in for other people who needed some time off at the last second, robert would have to go to wherever the problem was on the
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train so if the train broke down , then he would go out and he would fix it. someone to break into the trains and steal the contents of its cargo. robert came across the bear. one time it was a very dangerous job for one person to work. that job is just unreal to me. by all accounts, rob loved the railroad. he not only worked into hatch api on a part time basis, but he also worked in the rail yard in barstow. that fascination with the railroad came from his dad. my dad started with the railroad working with the group in the in the railroad called the tie gang. just a day in day out what they did was change river attracts. because of that job. rob's father had to move a lot. that's how the family wound up
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in small rural towns throughout arizona. shortly after my parents divorce and 86. they moved to mojave, arizona, or my brother finished off his last couple of years of high school. you know, i really loved playing football. he played a defensive end, or defensive tackle robert malone was one of my special kids personally coached him in football. i paid more attention to him because i could tell that he needed somebody to guide him along. he needed that person that would pat him on the back. rob stood out to a lot of people because to make ends meet, rob would bring home made burritos as family would make, which were delicious and he would sell them at school and the money he raised. help support his family . my dad when he was home on weekends, him and robert would go out and my dad would sell burritos to people along the railroad. i think that's where robert got a lot of his social
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behavior from is just hanging out with dad and going out and meeting people. by 2000. rob is happily married to sabrina living in silver lakes and working that dream job with bnsf railroad. their lives seemed to be pretty good. but the reality was much darker with what was going on behind closed doors in 2008, robin, sabrina decided mutually that they wanted to have a little bit more excitement in their relationship . a difference in robert and sabrina's marriage. not so much their marriage but their way of living and their lifestyle. they started to have relations with other couples. sabrina were out one night i dropped her off at her house in her driveway, and she propositioned me for her and rob and i told her no, i'm married like i was
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kind of like, shocked and then she was like, okay, well, let me talk to rob. and i'm like what? so it just caught me off guard and i'm thinking this is what they do. and then eventually i don't even know a couple weeks later, something ended up where it happens. my husband and i at the time had agreements that like we were going to kiss. you know, we knew that we would talk about. it only happened a couple of times and that was it. a lot of community already knew that, like robin sabrina had an open marriage in a roundabout way. another couple also involved with robin sabrina at the time were friends from the wolfpack, jason and kelly burn 18. they went on adult vacations. they went out voting. they partied a lot at the north lake. it was usually sabrina and i, and then we would go have sex with our husbands. sabrina she was tired
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of being in an open marriage. remember her, saying rob would kind of insinuate her to change certain things about her. he did tell her something that he must have liked about me to change on her and she had brought to my attention, and i just thought that was wrong. i just told him i wouldn't want my husband telling me something about another woman. we opened our marriage bed. and it. changed the dynamics of, um are sacred. bond as soon as we made that choice together. some say it was sabrina's idea. others say rob was into it unless we were flies on the wall in the bedroom. we won't know for sure. the only thing she complained about is that she wanted to go back to church, and she wanted robert to go back to church. robert he felt like they would be hypocrites. if they went back to church. robert didn't want to change back. he wanted to
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continue. with the fun and all that they were doing. despite the open marriage, robert and sabrina still loved each other. on august 17th 2014 rob is filling in for a coworker and that morning like he's done so many other times, he drives the 85 miles to tehachapi. when rob isn't on call fixing, broken down trains, he is typically in the bnsf office. which is a nondescript industrial warehouse on the outskirts of town. it's on good work, dr. which is a one way in and one way out street. so if you're gonna go there that's going to either be you have a destination or you're lost. robert was due to get off at seven in the evening and return home to his wife and kids. i talked to sabrina few
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times later on that evening, and she's like i keep trying to get ahold of rob. i can't get ahold of him. her daughter was waiting up for him because it was going to be her first day of school. and she wanted to give her daddy a kiss. goodnight and i said, oh, brianna, he'll call you maybe he's out on a train or something. around replacement shows up to take over the shift. immediately he says, things don't seem right. their daughter wanted to talk to him on the phone desperately. and they just kept calling and calling and calling. mm. and there was no answer. julie called me. i asked her what happened? where's my brother? and i could hear the phone broke. yep.
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on august 17th 2014 it's a sunday robert lemann is working at the railyard into hatch api. he's covering a shift for someone else. it's about seven pm when his coworker walks into the office and finds robert lemon bleeding on the ground. he calls 911 call that comes in there is shot. what happens on that type of a call is the homicide unit gets a call. the guys come up here from the unit as well asecical instigorsrailadhiisin yes t train tt comes llto aood work, dr. now which is the one way in and one way out, and as we're coming to the industrial complex, this
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is way back off the beaten path. it is absolutely is. that's why i believe that someone who was purposely had to come here or they were lost. the body is found inside this warehouse used by the bnsf railway. what did the detectives find? once they get here as they arrived here, this roll up door to door is open. inside. there is a large work truck. next to the truck near the driver's door. there is robert lamont. and he's sort of propped up against the truck. and what kind of condition was robert lamone in he had been shot once, twice twice. yes he'd been shot in the upper torso area and in the hip when i arrived during the walkthrough, i observed he was laying next to the refrigerator. this photograph here is significant. we found that there was blood spatter on the side of the refrigerator door. there was blood starting to pull underneath his body. but we did find an expended bullet that was
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on the ground just above rob's head. and they also found the office inside had been sort of ransacked, and they found drawers pulled from the desk. they found binders and shot manuals and things on the floor thinking robbery. robbery gone bad initially. yes it did. look that way. what leads you to think that that's not the case? so as we begin looking at the crime scene itself, and you're funny shot manuals pulled out onto the ground. it's very odd. can't steal those and trade them in generally, people who commit crimes of murder and things like that are looking for fast money , and we sort of determined that you know, this looked as though maybe have been staged. so your hunch was that this wasn't a legitimate robbery that somebody tried to make it look like it was a robbery. yes. detectives contacted sabrina lamone and informed her that her husband had been in fact murdered. her actions and her demeanor was appropriate. i mean
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she was crying. i got a phone call. and it was sabrina. she was just screaming and asking me to go over to her house and i know that i kept saying are you sure it was robert because robert was so strong? we couldn't believe it. we just couldn't believe it. i got the call august the 17th. juli called me. and tell me that there had been a terrible accident at the railroad and my brother was no longer with us, and i asked her what happened? where's my brother? what happened? brother and i could hear the phone drop or and then i'm yelling on the phone. what's wrong with my brother? then? ready got on the phone. told that my brother had been the
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shop was called the very next morning. by a friend of mine that lived in silver lake, telling me that rob had been killed and i felt so bad for the kids. with detectives sorting out the crime scene and processing evidence family is coming together to make funeral arrangements. my brother passed away. we were at sabrina's house and julie took me into the back bedroom, and sabrina didn't want to talk about the services arrangements and the funeral and all that. she just wasn't dealing with it. there were people everywhere. i mean, it was overwhelming. sabrina stayed in her room most of the time. she just had a hard time. it was unbelievable. so a few days following robert lemons death, there was a memorial held at a local helen dale church, where hundreds of people gathered. he was somebody who was beloved by many in that community, so they gathered to pay their respects.
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what were you learning about this guy? robert leamon as you began to ask people about him began interviewing his family and friends, and they said that he was a great guy. everyone that we spoke with said that he was just a fantastic person. he was sort of the husband that every woman would want. we've got nothing but praise about him from family and friends. i was shocked that rob got killed. i mean, that was the last person you would think that would ever get killed. rob was just such a good person. i mean, he's a great dad. detectives didn't really know who might have committed this murder. robert didn't have any enemies. nobody seemed to have any animosity toward him. no eyewitnesses no apparent evidence here at the scene. so you just have to just start looking at the following day. during daylight hours, we came out and began canvassing the area and upon doing so, we found this video surveillance camera right here. and this is
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the camera that actually captured the only footage we had for that entire day of anyone within this complex. this is the camera that captured the person walking through the complex with an exaggerated limp walking towards the bnsf location where rob was found dead. you were just hoping that this would show you something. we thought this would be great. there's the potential. this is going to actually have footage of the person who committed this crime. samantha hey, i haven't seen you since the nineties. remember how much fun we. the games played more exciting. dog house we built. now you can build own farm adventures. they got wild. and when we thought the fun was gone, it's just begun. that's blessed. grand harvest reinvents, nostalgic, fun download for free now when it's
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most photographed woman in the world, sexualized child modeled exploitation. what happened to her isn't really about her. it's just about women. and let myself be vulnerable. and this is the first time i've ever spoken about what happened. i thought in my one no should have been enough. no. and someone like brooke shields talks about it. it makes a difference. i'm amazed that i survived any of it. the first former president placed under arrest and running for the white house at the same time, now exclusive. trump's former trusted attorney general bill barr, live the trial. the campaign. what's next? plus the powerhouse roundtable sunday morning on abc s this week following sunday and monday? this is a showstopper, baby, and i'm ady to kic se tt th yet wingers. everybody is bringing the house down. the final judgment could see we hate having to make
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choices like this. some of your favorites going home gloves have come off. you're not going to be in our top 24. oh god, american idol, new sunday and monday on abc and stream on hulu. robert was a rapid responder for the railway and with returning to the shop after work when he was attacked. rob lamone is dead after being shot twice. now detectives are asking the same question that's being asked them to hatch a p all the way to silver lake's. why no one had any reason to suspect or know of anyone that wanted robert lamone. killed or dead. he was well liked by everyone. and no one could imagine any reason why someone would want to kill robert. when police found robert lemon on the ground, suffering from the gunshots. they started to look around the office. they
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found the place really ransacked and disheveled. but what was really interesting as they thought about could this have been a robbery was there was no money really being held at the rail yard? each and every single one of us had the overwhelming opinion that the office within this bnsf railroad complex appears at the crime scene had been staged. so the current county sheriff's department and the investigators were spending a lot of time with sabrina lamone trying to gather information about who might have had a motive to harm robert lemon. and they asked her about her marriage with rob. she said. everything was great, she said. there was no extra marital relationships that she was involved in her. she was aware that rob was involved in and so at that point in time, she was unable to provide us any information with respect to who may have killed rob the expended bullet that investigators find at the crime scene is fragmented and is of no evidentiary value. and there's no shell casings at the scene either. but during the autopsy investigators catch a
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break. we discovered that the gun used in this case was a larger caliber, probably a 44 magnum or 45, or possibly larger, so we were looking for it all likelihood, a handgun of larger caliber investigators now know what kind of weapon they're looking for, and they soon get a promising lead from a local gunsmith. we received a tip that someone went into a local gun store in tax b and requested that they're firing pin be replaced. detectives were hopeful that this was possibly a great lead, and this could possibly be the gun that was actually using rob's murder, but any hope for a quick resolution is short lived the gun in question. how did examined and had it compared to the bullet that was found at the scene, and we found that the two did not match this is soon a tireless investigation with detectives searching the crime scene
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looking at surveillance cameras , hoping they might have captured a possible suspect. the first camera they check is actually in the garage where the murder happened. so this is a photograph of the truck that rob was driving that evening during a shift. we were hopeful initially that we might be able to get some video surveillance from being that many of the trucks are equipped with cameras , but unfortunately, the cameras aren't running 24 7 and they're they're only recording when they're actually being operated , began canvassing the area and upon doing so. i found this video surveillance camera right here. and once you began to look at the surveillance video from this camera, what did you see exactly? we saw subject you couldn't really tell us aged. the quality of the video is not the best. and you can see him walking with a limp. through the complex. and then towards once
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again, we're down this way correct where the bnsf rail businesses located clear enough that you could make out whether it's a man or a woman or older was a man. i think that's fair to say there was a man but anything other than that age, ethnicity? no and when you saw that person walking over here, did you think that could be your suspect. it's a very high potential that it could have been. you see a guy on security footage. you're going to get excited. who else could it be? it seemed so promising. do people recognize the person we're able to get a good look at this person. the only video were released was the person in the industrial complex. some of the tips we got led us to a local transient. um that people believe could have been potentially involved and were able to locate that person and ultimately eliminate them as the suspect. we were back to square one without a whole lot of leads to follow up on sabrina and her family, and the detectives aren't the only people desperate for answers. the people that bn
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sf railroad also want to help. bnsf railway is now offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in the murder of one of its employees. detectives get some leads from the reward offer, but it's the discovery of more surveillance video from a nearby company that helps open up the investigation . video surveillance footage did in fact show rob limone driving on good work, dr. so you began looking deeper on the day in question. there was multiple vehicles that were on good. rick drives or abdomen was located. um we were able to identify each every person driving those vehicles on that day, with the exception of a loan motorist on a motorcycle video surveillance , captured a subject riding his motorcycle, eastbound and good work, dr. and then a short time later, he was leaving goodrich westbound. adding to that suspicion the motorcycle is spotted around the same time
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investigators think robert lemon was murdered. but the driver of that motorcycle is a mystery. so the investigation was slow. but on september 1st 2014 investigators received a call that changed the entire course of the investigation. robert lemons friend contacted us and told us that he received a very odd message left on his cellular phone from the subject, whom identified as jonathan hearn. he thought it was very odd about the voice measures is that jonathan seemed very apologetic for rob's death. but who exactly is jonathan? her? this is the first time during the investigation that we heard the name jonathan hearn. once detectives speak with mr hearn. they are suddenly led down a whole new investigative path. with the allegra. we live life our way. allergies. don't hold us back. allegra starts working
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with 100% grade a milk and cream and only sustainably farmed vanilla. better starts with briars attention parents of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, palsy or another birth injury if you suspect that a medical mistake may have occurred at or near the time of birth, your child may have important legal rights, call science and kirk for a free case evaluation. cerebral palsy is a permanent disability that may be the result of brain damage suffered during pregnancy delivery. or shortly after birth. of failure to follow the proper standard of care may be the cause of your child's injury . a lifetime of medical care can cost millions of dollars. protect your family and find out whether financial compensation may be available cases are also being investigated for children diagnosed with herb's palsy, also known as shoulder disc, osha, or break yo plexus injury. if you suspected your child's disability could have been prevented. don't wait. get a free case evaluation call 1 806
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this yard. declined. maintenance chemotherapy, sean. i made my choice. there's a spot on your brain. if i have cancer, then i won't be here when your son is born. i won't be here to help you. the good doctor new monday on abc. robert was murdered. police get a game changing phone call from roberts. good friend jason bernetti. it really changes the face of everything. detectives really didn't have any strong leads in this investigation until jason byrne 18 had come
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forward. he had a very strange voicemail left on his phone. jason told us that sabrina was possibly involved with a red land's fireman by the name of jonathan hearn. jason pernetti, new. jonathan hearn, due to their both firefighters, and that they used to work with one another, especially when jonathan was a paramedic on an ambulance crew ran calls together. jonathan hearn grew up a little bit sheltered. it seemed he was a good looking guy really fit, and i think he was incredibly ambitious, too, especially for his age. jonathan hurt. his paramedic program with honors, even got an award for outstanding performance. jonathan hearn really did have a natural instinct to draw people in. he's a first responder. he
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took care of elderly ladies and he would make them feel okay and everything's fine. had you heard of jonathan hearn before we had not. so what did he tell you about jonathan hearn? he knew that jonathan hearn actually had possibly a dating or romantic relationship with sabrina lemon outside of robert lemon. it was odd and suspicious, and in fact that jonathan called jason and apologize to him for having this relationship with sabrina. outside of rob's knowledge. then, shortly after the voicemail jason bernardin has something new to turn over the cops. and that's the strangest of letters from jonathan heard. in that letter to jason jonathan repeatedly asks for forgiveness from the burner teens, but he never explains why he's asking for it. the first and biggest regret left on don was my sin against you with no further ado
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, please let me ask for your forgiveness. i'm sorry for being prideful for being selfish and for being disrespectful. for you. as an investigator. you're thinking why would you write this letter after the fact rob's dead and this? this is just odd. this is just very odd behavior from this person. jonathan was originally not on our radar whatsoever. when jason came to us and told us about sabrina and jonathan's possible relationship . we immediately started looking into jonathan to find out if we could make any sort of connection or a link to rob. detectives are blasting through this new lead with jonathan hearn, and they learn all kinds of things. now what about rob? lemon are you learning anything about him and his relationships outside of his marriage was told to us that there was the potential of him and his wife had an open relationship. meaning that the non traditional
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marriage with other people within their small group of friends, so if you know that rob lemon is possibly having relationships outside of his marriage, and now you learned that his wife is too where does that take you in this investigation? so it's circled us all the way back around to jonathan hearn. how did jonathan hearn even know sabrina lemond. she was 10 years older and they didn't run in the same circles in 2012. sabrina went to work with a part time job at costco. she was a sample lady, and it was a good match for her personality. that's eventually where she met jonathan when jonathan met sabrina at costco, she realized oh, you're a fireman. i have fireman friends as well. they start talking. it's flirtatious. they exchanged phone numbers. they have a couple of get togethers, but it starts to develop an emotional component. he was like nobody i ever that before the attention
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he showed me was very different than what i was getting at that time in my life. i don't know why i pursued a relationship with him that there was possible infatuation that jonathan had with sabrina jason bernardin's wife, kelly actually called us and told us that jonathan heard was spinning quite a bit of time with sabrina lamone at her home , and kelly found this very odd. jonathan showing up a lot in sabrina's home. he's bringing flowers but bringing his sister with him. he started hanging around a lot more. he would even cook for the kids. but what's really bizarre is that jonathan is trying so desperately to get himself inside this group this wolf pack. he is really trying so hard to get in there and be a part of this group so he can be there. sabrina why is he doing
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this? why not just keep the affair going secretly. one day rob lamone discover some pretty intimate text between the couple on sabrina's phone, she says he angrily breaks her phone and insists that she stop saying jonathan robert was upset and he wanted to know who this guy was . what was so special about him? and i told him that i didn't know and i'm sorry. she promises to break things off, but sabrina and jonathan keep seeing each other. detectives now have reason to take another look at that surveillance video gathered near the crime scene to see if they can link it to jonathan. her. can we begin to do some follow up investigation into this jonathan hearn and found that he had a motorcycle registered to him. jonathan hearn has a yamaha motorcycle. that seems a lot like the one you see in the footage from various convenience stores and began pulling video surveillance
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footage. and we did find one at the pilot station at a place commonly referred to us four corners. the loan motorcyclist comes into the gas station on the day of the actual homicide. the motorcyclist seen inside the convenience store at the station is wearing a red bandana. but detectives can't confirm whether it's jonathan hearn. so they decide it's time to kick their investigation into high gear. we immediately started thinking this could be a great case for a wiretap. what we're hoping to glean from this wiretap was conversations between sabrina and jonathan hearn. whatever happens, however, it goes. i just love you. i love you. i love you to be end of the world. i love you. so, um i love you got in the days weeks months
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following the murder, jonathan and sabrina talked a lot on the phone. and through these wiretap recordings, we catch this glimpse into what they're discussing, and they talk a lot about god. they talk a lot about faith. i want to be used for hands going, whatever he wanted me to any really? my arm off. i would shave my head. i would like what god would want from me, you know, like i feel that like whatever you too i do, too. it was quite odd. and in these conversations, jonathan, actually, at one point in time, talked about passage in the bible talking about david and bathsheba. i've been reading farms. 51 of the stars. are so good. david yes and i, sabrina, someone who committed adultery. actually
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that's what some 51 is about it. he had an affair. and then he even went on to kill. the guy like send them into battle. and pretty much had him killed off. it's a really twisted take on religion. is this just a spiritual discussion or is it a roadmap to foul play? god? word on our knees. for reasons we have been dirtbags. we've been senators selfish. pounding, stunning, mysterious, real life true crime drama. follow the clues the hunt any time 2020 true crime screaming now on hulu next week on g m a elementaries, lisa ann walter and kathryn hahn are both here. live into it. plus, kristin cavallari cooking things up denzel washington and an
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garlic, vitamins and minerals and its odor free. i'm taking charge with garlic. somebody explain to everybody how we got here. decided to reimagine repurpose and renovate these vehicles, and i wanted to do it for communities and help kids in need all over the world. i love that. still talking. we're gonna change this truck into mobile rec center. can't wait to see the look on these kids faces. i hope this demonstrates how easy it is to make a giant difference in other people's lives. there's no way she stick around if she knew the truth. criminal. just walked up to $10 million. that's rock. data doesn't lie. people do. i never got an answer about what you do for a living. this is too dangerous.
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someone killed my friend. they needed to pay for it. so you don't hear about big crime activity here? no. so to get a call that there is a shooting at the rail yard here pretty uncommon. very. robert lemon was brutally gunned down at his place of work interest was insane. confused here to bring a really telling you think you're flat in the middle of this murder? closing in on not just one, but two suspects. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you, man of god. a married woman, a dead husband and a wiretap. something's not adding up here. i won't be surprised if
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they're listening to us right now. it forced them to have to talk about the open marriage and who's with who? it was like a car accident. you couldn't look away from. i was so ready. and so on fire to tell the truth that she didn't have anything to do with her husband's murder. august 17th 2014 robert lemon is working at the railyard into hatch. api it's about seven pm when his coworker walks into the office and finds robert lemon bleeding on the ground. police arrive on the scene. take one look and realized it's robert lamone, who's dead. he's been shot, and police don't know at this point what they're dealing with. police uncover surveillance video that shows a man walking with a limp outside rob's workplace. investigators
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initially think it might be a local transient, but he's cleared. the killer's identity is still a mystery. and rob's wife, sabrina says she can't think of anybody who would want to hurt him. mhm got along with everyone, and everyone seemed to love him. so at this point in the investigation, there was really no additional leads. we had nothing coming in that we can follow up on but two weeks after rob's murder, there's a development that changes everything. robert lemons friend contacted us. and told us that he received a very odd message left on his cellular phone from a subject whom identified as jonathan hearn. so this friend of robert lemon, jason partner teen new jonathan hearn due to their both firefighters. and this is the very first time we have heard the name jonathan hearn. jonathan basically confided that he was having some sort of a relationship with sabrina. we immediately started
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looking into jonathan to find out if we could make any sort of connection or a link to rob. everything in this investigation was pointing towards jonathan hearn. but nobody really knew at this point who he was. jonathan herman was in the early twenties . he was a firefighter. he was extremely intelligent. he had been previously a paramedic, and he had interests in becoming a arson investigator. jonathan hearn was from hysteria, california and he grew up in a religious family was home schooled. jonathan and i would say that we were each other's first crushes. um that was always kind of our little thing and he always made me feel super special. he was one of those guys that would dote on you. he would open the door. he always had his bible with him. sarah says from the time he was a
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child, everything in jonathan's life centered around the church that he attended with his family . there wasn't a day where we were not on the church grounds for some type of function. we lived, ate breathed church. he was charismatic, charming, and he loved the lord and that mattered to me and i would have seen him leading his own church eventually. but hearn's life takes a different path. but december of 2012, he's working as a firefighter, and he meets this woman named sabrina lemann at a local costco. jonathan came in wearing his fireman's outfit that kind of blurted they had lunch and some coffees. but then it turned into a full on sexual relationship and then ultimately a plan to be together someday. detectives want to know more about jonathan and sabrina's relationship in the wake of rob's murder, so they decide to tap their phones. whatever
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happens around, however it goes. i just i love you. i love you. i love you to the end of the world. i love you. so, um i love you back. what kinds of things were you hearing in these calls? there was a lot of praying. back and forth as jonathan was is very religious person, and it seemed as though sabrina was sort of becoming that same way. hi god. we were on reason. we have been dirtbags centers. prevent some fish. while the conversations are revealing, they're not exactly incriminating, so detectives decide to up the ante. during a wiretap investigation. you need to get your targets or your suspects talking about the crime that you're investigating the way you do. that is by tickling
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the wire, so to speak. one way is to place a phone call to one of your possible suspects. uh give them some disinformation that might get them talking to one of the other suspects about what you just told them. investigators feed sabrina some false information that they've got a lead on the person caught on surveillance video riding a motorcycle outside the crime scene. she immediately calls jonathan. hey. hmm. what's going on. but detective meyer called me he got us secret witness tip. yeah. i tall. white male leaving on the motorcycle. around the time of robert murder. and. and said that it's someone that knows rob by the name of john. i
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wouldn't be surprised if they're listening to us right now. this is a soaker. i can't. i can't believe any of this. like i can't believe any of it. one of our detectives called sabrina and told her that during the investigation that we have found dna evidence at the scene. sabrina. how's it going? oh what's up? exciting news. okay tell me crime like discipline, email and said they got a good dna sample. from what they believed was a sweat drop. it was on the floor. and they will be able to get a good dna profile from that sweat drop. it looks good. looks good. the best news you've gotten so far. really oh, gosh, that's great. as soon as she hung up the phone with one of our detectives. immediately, she called jonathan on her burner phone. he just said i'm sorry. i don't have a lot of information for you. maybe i'll have fun. maybe i'll
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have more for you wednesday. i was going to talk to you and see if you want to. maybe. ah. kind of kind of feel imminent a little bit. she should have been related. and said, you know, they've got this d n a. this is gonna be fantastic. that was a big moment. to me. it was yes. what was the fact that you know? jonathan didn't say. oh, sabrina , that's terrific. they're going to find out who killed your husband that this is fantastic news. police have heard enough and they are now ready to move in on the couple. but do they really have enough to hold them accountable for the murder of rob leamon? i think he's such a husband killed by jonathan. so you two can be together. you have chronic kidney disease , there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. and here. not so much here. you've been diagnosed with
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america prime time showdown to new jersey devils square off against the boston bruins else, jack. devil's saturday on abc and espn, plus. three months since robert lemond was murdered. police have closed in on two suspects. his wife, sabrina, and her young lover, jonathan hearn, on november 18th 2014. the decision was made to execute search warrants at multiple locations and make the arrests jonathan hearn and sabrina lamone for rob's death. it was a shocking announcement from the current county sheriff's department this morning, a wife and her lover behind bars for her husband's murder. the arrests and their relationship makes huge news in the silver lakes area of photo of sabrina and jonathan together , appearing close is published in a local newspaper. i was at
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work, and i got a call from a detective. that sabrina in herne had been arrested. and that i needed to pick up the kids. from school. and i. well freaked out and went to jonathan hearns home where detectives were conducting a search warrant investigation. i also helped in the search of that, whereas we found a motorcycle. uh, helmet. a red bandana backpack. as well as we found a grocery bag. full of receipts. you have the right to remain silent, you understand? yes a widow at 34. sabrina lamone is suddenly facing some very tough questions . after sabrina's arrest, she was taken and she was interviewed by detectives. and during that interview, she adamantly denied any involvement and the death of her husband
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confused here. sabrina i'm really telling you, i think you're flat in the middle of this murder. i think he's such a husband having killed by jonathan so you two could be together. no i can tell you that's not gonna happen ever. yeah, i he did that through your head. now you are not going to be together, going up going to prison for the rest of his life, and i've got some serious doubts about you. okay, understood. for more than four hours. detectives pepper sabrina with questions if you don't have anything for us, i think we need to get you to jail. what i need you to do is i need you to stand up and turn around. already brought down here once before you were told what you're under arrest for correct conspiracy to commit murder and accessory to murder. it
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out that arresting sabrina for rob's murder is one thing. but having the evidence to prove it is another. she was just steadfast. i you know i have no involvement in this and she didn't really give us much with all the evidence collected against jonathan hearn, who is still in jail. the d. a s office believes it has a good case. but with no direct evidence linking sabrina she's not charged. so you're holding the two of them. but within a couple of days, sabrina is let go. there wasn't enough to hold her. at that point in time, correct. after being released. sabrina returns to silver lake's but with whispers about her affair and possible involvement in her husband's murder. not everybody is happy to have her back. they would harass her. um the kids couldn't go to school, she had to homeschool them. so my cousins, they said, you know
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what? come and live down here. with us and we'll take care of you. sabrina moves 140 mil away from silver lakes to camarillo, california. and sabrina decided to move out. we looked at maybe six or eight places. there was one in this community that was off the streets, and it was a big complex and it was right next to the soccer field, and then she looked at it and said, we'll take it. so this is a picture of me and sabrina at the beach. um andersen's birthday. we became instant friends. our boys are a week apart, and we found out that we were married on the same day. in the same year, her husband passed away and so did mine. she was involved in a church. she's amazing mom. she adored her kids. and that was her focus. then to be the best mom. she could be. with a new life and now new friends, karen says sabrina eventually opens up
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about her past was one weekend we went, we took my daughter to a soccer tournament. and we got a room for our kids. in a room for us, and that's when she shared her life with me. um, told me what happened. and about her husband being murdered, and, um, that's when i kind of learned the story. but for two years, with sabrina, now settling into a new life after silver lake's detectives are quietly building their case against her. detectives in this case believed that sabrina and jonathan did conspire to kill rob. we just had a little bit more work to do in order to allow the district attorney's office to provide us with a warrant to rearrest sabrina. while sabrina is starting over. jonathan is sitting in a jail cell on murder charges. with his trial date approaching, he now faces a monumental decision. and
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so when we had a conversation with him, i think that there were a variety of factors. one of them was that we had trial coming up and that if we were going to make a deal now is the time to do it and it was going to cost something. we received a phone call from the district attorney's office and said they were contacted by clayton campbell indicating there. jonathan hearn did in fact, wish to testify and provide information. initially as charged he was facing life without the possibility of parole. and so they made this deal, but it was a substantial sentence. it was still 25 years , jonathan was going to have to tell the prosecutor about sabrina's involvement and he was going to have to tell them everything. and it was a circumstantial case. nobody saw this. there were no eyewitnesses . no d n a just jonathan's word against sabrina's correct. there was a knock at the door. and it was the district attorney and the detectives and, um sabrina
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didn't have any shoes on and she they asked her to come outside, and she went outside and i was started freaking out. the way she was acting towards us was like i can't believe this. you know how basically how dare you ? you know how how dare you come and arrest me. i'm not involved in this. i didn't do anything man found dead into hatch p two years ago, has been arrested in his death with jonathan hearns cooperation. sabrina lemond is now squarely in the prosecutor's crosshairs. she couldn't sit back and play the innocent card anymore. emotions were high in the courtroom this afternoon as jonathan hearn took to the stand for the first time in sabrina lehmann's trial. it's been three years since robert lemon was brutally gunned down at his place of work. now his own wife , she goes up against one major witness. the man she once loved
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best season yet we have outstanding singers. everybody is bringing the house down. the final judgment could see we hate having to make choices like this . your favorites going home gloves have come off. you're not going to be in our top 24. oh god, american idol new sunday and monday on abc and stream on hulu. so what do you do? i'm a criminal. people who deserve it. these guys are d. c s dirtiest, and they think we're the crooks. there's no way she stick around if she knew the truth. what did you say you do again? trial sparking national
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attention getting underway this morning, so really moan facing murder and conspiracy charges. it's september 11th 2017. curran county superior court in bakersfield, california sabrina lemann is about to stand trial. she's pleaded not guilty to all charges. we'll continue to keep you up to date on our website turned 23 .com as well as our mobile and tablet at the general interest was insane. this wasn't just bakersfield, kern county where i worked. this was a national attention story, deputy district attorney eric smith tells the jury that the motive for this murder was love and money. sabrina and jonathan they had a plan, and that plan was to get rid of robert lamone. why they could be together. why so she could get in excess of $300,000 in life insurance
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money. the prosecution's case hinges on its star witness. jonathan hearn, man who's about to turn on the woman he once loved and adored sabrina lemon. laid out for the jury how he met sabrina. how they're relationship started and then how it evolved and blossomed into the level where they were having those deep conversations about having a future together. when i met her, there was a sort of emotional magnetism there. i just found her to be a very entrancing person. jonathan testifies that he suggested sabrina divorce rob, but says she rejected the idea. she expressed that he would honestly rather be dead, then divorced. losing her would essentially kill him. what jonathan said was pretty ironic, because that turned into the next part of the conversation for jonathan and sabrina. what did sabrina tell
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you? she wanted you to do with with respect to rob to kill him. jonathan testifies about what he says is the couple's first attempt to kill rob. bizarre plot to poison him with arsenic mixed into one of his favorite desserts. banana pudding with nilla wafers, um, stirred in the arsenic into the pudding, jonathan says she places the container in his lunch bag. and sends them off to work. but then she panics and she chickens out. she called robert, and then she told him to not eat the pudding because i think she said that she told him that bananas had gone bad in it. but jonathan testifies that the couple doesn't give up, saying they next come up with a scheme to
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kill wallace. at the jihad tapi warehouse when you're planning or lead up to the second attempt , what information did sabrina provides you? she offered to find me. pictures of the facility. she described the office layout and the injury er to give me a kind of an idea of what to expect. it was really chilling to hear how precise the descriptions of the preparation that he undertook for that day were. i assembled some of the clothing that i would be wearing a mask. two backpacks. extra ammunition. also some of the clothing disguised clothing that i'd be be wearing, jonathan actually crafted his own silencer, and he made it out of a large flashlight that it's somehow attached to his weapon.
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on august 17th 2014 jonathan makes that fateful trip to the jihad tapi warehouse. he says. that's him and the surveillance video deliberately faking a limp to help disguise his identity. once inside the garage, he says he spots rob at that time. broberts. uh, approach. briefly spoke. he went to retrieve some things and i went to pull out a firearm. however the silencer was kind of stuck in the corner of the backpack that i had, so i fired the first shot from within the bag. jonathan begins ransacking the office in this attempt to make it look like a robbery gone bad. the rifles through some drawers
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. he throws some papers around. he steals the laptop that's on the desk. he turns around to leave. and guess what? he thought he had hurt some sort of gurgling sounds. from robert lemon. leave him. if he wasn't entirely dead, so i went back around the back side of the truck and fired one more shot at him. and then closed the garage door behind me. are you feeling happiness. elation excitement immediately leaving probably fear. i regret and i'm sorry. this sounds bad, but of relief that what had been in the works for so long was finally done. jonathan
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then gets on his motorcycle and drives home, stopping at a gas station along the way. that's him captured on that surveillance video home. what did you do so that i had a lot of missed calls from sabrina. so i called her. she wanted to make sure i was okay? and i did express that i had done it. and, uh, everything about to change. i think jonathan hearns testimony was particularly striking, mostly because of his demeanor. he talked about the murder that he carried out just so matter of fact, lee, it was really strange. but remember, this is a case of he said she lied. now it's the defense's turn. and
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their star witness is none other than sabrina lamont ever talked about him killing robert. type two diabetes, but i manage it. well it's a little pill with a big story to tell. i take one steely jarred ians to see a one c to flush out some sugar and for adults with type two diabetes and heart disease. guardians can lower the risk of cardiovascular death to guardians may cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening kidney function in general, yeast or urinary tract infections, rare life threatening bacterial infection and the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking rinse and call your doctor right away. if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis,
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morning ladies and gentlemen. sabrina limon's defense attorney, richard terry, in his opening statements, really was trying to show jonathan hearn as a calculated killer. who sabrina limone was a victim, too. she was vulnerable. he played on that and use that manipulated her and he killed her husband. the most important thing i was trying to bring across to the jury was is that jonathan had been living a lie is entire life by his religious aviation when he actually didn't believe it. as they would play the wiretapped conversations in court. really, the thing that stood out was how often jonathan hearn would bring up god, faith. that's strange god. we know that you have saying that. driving rabbits and hares killers. i
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mean this the troopers account given changes and you can actually you know to your head. considering all the conversation about god and faith. it was very interesting to hear what he said when being cross examined by richard terry, are you really weren't true christian if you weren't that devout is that right? yes sir. you mouth. the words is that right? that would be a good characterization. not working, really didn't believe it. i can say probably from the age of 18 and onward. it was pretty artificial. all this, you know, pious. front you put on is nothing but fabrication. so how can you believe anything coming from this man's mouth? and one thing terry says. jonathan is lying about is that plan to kill rob lemon with poison banana pudding? remember
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jonathan testified that sabrina suddenly panicked the day, he said rob took that deadly dessert to work. so she called rob when he was at work to tell them not to eat it. the right that's what she told me. yes. you ever aware that sabrina never called her husband those two days he was working in the hatch, p and april i was not aware of that. terry also accuses jonathan of lying when he testified that sabrina had given him rob's work schedule for august. 17 the day of the murder. he didn't know until the day before he was killed that he was going to be there. how is sabrina telling you within two weeks of august 17th bravo is going to be there on august 17th. that seems strange. not sure. when it's his time to present witnesses. terry calls three people to the stand who
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are very close to sabrina, her two children. and her sister, julie. she's an amazing mother. her heart and soul is everything in those kids. she'll never love love love. when she ever in your opinion. be involved. anything that would harm rob? no. i was so ready. and so on fire to tell the truth that she didn't have anything to do. with her husband's murder. prosecution had jonathan hernias , their star witness the defense well, they had sabrina lamone as their star witness. was necessary for sabrina to testify because i think the jury needed to get to know who she was. they needed to understand
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why she had become involved with with jonathan hearn. was there something about your relationship with jonathan that you felt you needed. apparently there was and at that time it became our sacred relationship and i guess that's now looking at it. what i was lacking in my life. in my marriage sabrina admits to planning a future with jonathan, she says she thought she could also continue having a life with her husband. were you at any time seriously, really considering leaving rob? no. why not? i couldn't imagine my life without rob. why. testifies that any life insurance money that she got was
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put into a savings account for her kids and to pay for living expenses. she also strongly denies ever hatching a plot with jonathan to poison rob's dessert . did he ever provide you with any vanilla wafer banana pudding to give to robert no, sabrina testifies that she was grief stricken when she was notified that her husband had been killed. i dropped chinese i started crying and you and jonathan at all that they ever talked about him killing robert. no. were you aware of that time the johnson and killed brock? no. but prosecutor eric smith argues that sabrina was hardly acting like a grieving widow, pointing to text that she sent to jonathan shortly after her husband's funeral. oh, how i love you. i adore you, jonathan hearn. exclamation mark, you sexy guy. did you write that? well apparently i did. i can't explain. that. time in my life.
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it's unexplainable. two days later, i want to kiss you right now and not stop. unexplainable sabrina is also question about those wiretaps where prosecutors say she was tipping off jonathan about the details of the police investigation are called me. he got his secret witness tip re releasing the video. sabrina testifies that she was just following jonathan's directions . he wanted to know everything that was going on, and i told him i trusted him. he had told me that, um you know just the dangers of what can happen when an affair is exposed. how the how the police think and how they work. on the stand. sabrina limone was very emotionless just seemed very solan. sabrina think was just so tired and
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devastated and. i don't know that she came across the way she should have to the jury. sabrina lamont's fate is now in the hands of the jury. and the question is, did she make her case? or did she bury herself even deeper? milestones like this may start at age nine hpv vaccination, a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv related cancers can start then two. for most people, hpv clears on its own, but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. embrace this phase, help protect them in the next starting at age nine. talk to your child's doctor about hpv vaccination. you know you love to move, baby. we're huggies.
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the greatest teacher in the world grandma teak boy. oh i'm nobody's granny just figured out where i know johnny's mom from the club. people should have cool babies. all right. what happened to that woman? 34 sunday and monday. this is a showstopper is heavy, and i'm ready to kick some butt. this is our best season yet we have outstanding singers. everybody is bringing the house down. the final judgment could see we hate having to make choices like this . your favorites going home to come off. you're not going to be in our top 24. oh god. american idol, new sunday and monday on abc and stream on hulu. arguments are set to take place tomorrow after the prosecution and the defense rested this
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afternoon. good morning, ladies and gentlemen, in his closing argument, richard terry really tried to hammer home that jonathan hearn had an incentive to get on the stand and potentially lie because he was given this plea deal to save his own hide. story. so then he would have they out. present. the future. take away earlier. and eric smith's closing arguments. he really points to a lot of evidence showing that sabrina limone had to have known and played a part in the plot to kill robert lemon. that's in the text messages that's in the pre planning that's in the cell phone locations that's in the wiretaps. it's throughout its replete throughout. she needs to be held accountable. for what she did with jonathan hurt. she
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needs to be held accountable. letting her husband suffered because he did. after 15 days, and dozens of witnesses heard the sabrina lamone murder case is now in the hands of the jury . there's no way to predict how a jury is going to come back. any lawyer who says well, this is a slam dunk win. i can guarantee you are lying through their teeth. i was hopeful that they would have quit her. so after about five or so hours, the jury came back with the long awaited verdict. we the jury panel to try the above entitled cause find the defendant, sabrina, vermont. guilty of a felony, two with murder of robert lemon. when the jury came back. my first reaction was disappointment. anger. frustration. she didn't do this. i know that she's an amazing
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mother. amazing person. she would never do anything. like this. when that verdict came it was. part so many people come up to us and just say, how wrong how wrong it was. that was not the right verdict. it was all very difficult to listen to. when it's. someone that you've loved your whole life. and you get to listen. two. people planning what they're going to do or what they've done. to end his life. sabrina lemond is convicted on four of the six counts against her, including first degree murder, attempted murder, solicitation of murder and conspiracy. the one thing she's
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acquitted of is the alleged poison banana pudding attempt on robert's life. the jury find it to be not true that sabrina lemond placed the pudding with arsenic into robert lemons lunch. the jury did not buy that she had anything to do with that clearly. but then it makes you wonder then on what grounds? did they think she had something to do with this ultimate murder? in november of 2017 jonathan hearn is officially sentenced to the terms of his plea deal. he is convicted not of murder, but manslaughter and gets 25 years and four months in prison. in stark contrast to when he was on the stand testifying against sabrina lamone, this time at his sentencing, jonathan hearn was emotional from the start to robert's family and dear friends. i'm so sorry. i'm sorry for stealing your brother, your friend. relative. taking your joy from you. i am at once the
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violence defender by god's grace and him safe. in christ forgiven. but there's n remorse or apology from sabrina lemond. she immediately files a motion with a new attorney asking for a new trial, saying that her previous lawyer, richard terry, should never have put her on the stand in the first place. i don't know why he even put her on the stands. to me. it wasn't a good choice because it really didn't do good for her. was i nervous about it? yeah. but it's not my decision to make she she made the decision herself, and i think she had to stand up for herself. on february 21 of 2018 now going into four years since her husband was brutally gunned down , sabrina lamone. here's her faith, okay? briefs and i heard oral arguments regarding the motion for new trial. most produced trials denied.
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to seven seen. sabrina is sentenced to 25 years to life in prison, plus an additional 16 months at the hearing. robert lemon's sister, lydia speaks, give sabrina choice. build a friendship or tuesday deceit by concealing an affair. resulted in the murder of our brother. sabrina has all the power to make the final decisions to do what was right. instead, she made decisions that brought overwhelming distraction division brokenness to the two most effective. find her actions. children. i think she's just your life in prison myself. no. she cheated my brother out of a relationship with his children. she cheated the children. from having a father. after her sentencing. sabrina lemond is now living behind bars
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at a california women's prison, out of sight and out of mine. but could her conviction soon be overturned? champion cyclist struck and killed while riding in san francisco that calls for change at a vigil tonight. sunshine and warm spring weather ahead. easter weekend forecast coming up abc seven news is next. you know. don't know what to say. better make a start. better make it soon before you break my.
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every day. i'm hustling big dog in this yard. today i'm in chino, california driving to see my clients. sabrina limone, who's incarcerated at the california institution for women. sabrina has been doing really well ever since she's been incarcerated today we're going to discuss possible further steps to take in the appellate process. how is she doing in prison? i saw her very recently and i was very impressed. she has a lot of remorse for how her family was destroyed, and she takes responsibility that that would not have occurred if she had not engaged in that lifestyle, but i did not believe she should have been convicted of murder, soliciting murder or conspiracy to commit murder appeal. valerie
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wats argues that sabrina was wrongfully convicted because jonathan hearns testimony was never corroborated. if you took away jonathan's testimony, and you just had sabrina's testimony that she, at one point told jonathan where her husband worked, and they would be working that day. how does that prove her intent to kill? but to prosecutors and the jury apparently bought it that gave him an indication of when and where to find her husband. they see that as corroboration corroborates that, but how was the content of his other testimony corroborated that she had the intent to kill. that she asked him to kill her husband that she conspired to kill him. there's nothing nothing. but the court of appeals rejects that argument, saying the law doesn't require corroboration of criminal intent. i feel that it was insufficient corroboration of his testimony, but the court ofdi petition for review and the california supreme court that was denied. she's exhausted her state remedies, which allows her now
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to proceed in federal court. jonathan now 33 years old, is currently behind bars at the ironwood state prison in black california. jonathan is occupied in prison and an administrative capacity and he's also participated in prison ministry. and you're convinced that he told the truth. absolutely and i think 12 people on the jury saw it the same. jonathan killed robert on his own absolutely manipulative monster took robert's life. and sabrina. paying the price for it. i believe sabrina only used jonathan. to get. what she wanted and still is not admitting her part in all the circumstances that revolved around my brother's death. are my brother's ashes to way to
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always keep them close to my heart. he was my baby brother and he's just no longer with us, but i didn't keep his memory. time is that we got to share together. no. close to me. sabrina lemond will be eligible for parole in 2033, jonathan hern, now 33 years old, will be eligible in 2028. five years earlier. that's our program for tonight. thanks so much for watching. i'm deborah roberts from all of us here at 2020 and abc news. good night. there's no way she stick around. if she knew the truth. i'm a criminal. it's just too dangerous. let's rock.
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moving forward finding solutions . this is abc seven news. an emotional gathering as tears, flow and remembrance of a champion cyclist killed in a collision this week while riding in san francisco. good evening. i'm on the dates ashley thank you for joining us cyclist around san francisco are calling for changes tonight following the death of ethan boys tuesday afternoon boys who was a nationally recognized and award winning cyclist. died after a collision with a car in the presidio, abc seven news reporter tim johns was at the vigil held for boys this evening and has the story were literally dying out here. i'm not sure what we have to do to make them care, anger and sadness friday night at a vigil in san francisco's presidio, dozens coming together to remember cyclists ethan boys who was killed tuesday after a collision with a car near this spot we just want to reflect to ethan was as a person, which was a very positive grounded centered person boys was a renowned and


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