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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 29, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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to answer questions around the bay area. "world news ♪ ♪ >> tonight, breaking news on pope francis in the hospital, what they are saying about his condition. also tonight, authorities now believe about the shooter at that school in nashville. tonight, authorities were viewing police have stormed the school, took down that sugar within minutes, but what they witnessed at the school involving the suspect and what they believe it reveals about the shooter. also tonight, investigators have now questioned the shooter's parents. moments ago, the first lady in nashville to honor the victims. alex perez on the scene. also developing at this hour, pope francis hospitalized in rome, what they are saying about what he's fighting in james longman with late reporting. here at home tonight, authorities very concerned about this new storm system that could bring tornadoes and dangerous winds to the same part of the
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country hit with those deadly tornadoes just days ago. rob marciano timing it out. we also make it to a rolling fo, also hit in mississippi. they are now bracing for another dangerous system coming through. overseas news on russia tonight, the kremlin now suspending all notifications, communication's with the u.s. nuclear weapons. if communications required under the new start treaty. tonight the white house now responding to all of this in martha raddatz standing by. if in the u.s., the veteran pilot in another plane helping a student pilot make an emergency landing. if you will hear the communications back and forth, what he learns about that young pilot as she tries to land the plane. news tonight involving the case against alec baldwin, the surprising move from the santa fe d.a. who charged him. tonight, dozens of swimmers are now facing possible federal charges for allegedly harassing the dolphins. and the diane sawyer exclusive, the first interview with actor jeremy renner, superhero action
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star run over in that snowplow accident. jeremy renner in his wheelchair talking to diane after breaking more than 30 bones. the long recovery ahead, who he was trying to help that day, why he says he would ♪ ♪ >> from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight" with a big new york buried >> david: good evening, it is quite heavy with us here on a very busy wednesday night. breaking news on the pope, hospitalized tonight, we have news on his condition here in just a moment. but they're also new tonight involving the shooter at that nashville school. tonight, why authorities believe the suspect had training. and new details on some of the children outside for recess and their own escape and this evening, how quickly those hero officers ended the threat. authorities pointing out the children, this surveillance of suspect audrey hale driving into the school parking lot. children on the playground there and on the swings. authorities now believe those
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children are being outside, likely helped them get away faster amid the shooting unfolding. they ran, some running into the woods. police tonight on why they believe the assailant may have had some weapons training as we also learned it was just 2 minutes after entering that school they shot the suspect and tonight, that community and the nation remembering the victims. the nine euros william kinney, evelyn dieckhaus, and hallie scruggs as well as custodian mike hill, substitute teacher cynthia peak and school principal katherine koonce. her family tonight saying she gave her life to protect the students she loved. and just before we came on the air tonight, first lady jill biden joining the mourners right there in nashville. abcs alex perez leading us off from nashville again tonight. >> let's go! >> tonight abc news learning that dramatic police truth takedown of the covenant shooter. that first call coming in at 10:13:00 a.m.
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first officers arrived at 10:21, going in at ten: may 23:00 a.m. carefully going room to room and conjuring the heavily armed suspect, 28-year-old audrey hale, firing on the second floor. 10:25:00 a.m., the officers engage. by 10:27, 4 minutes after officers entered the school, hale was declared dead. phase invtion int whatotivated the former student to target covenant school, killing six people, including three 9-year-old children. >> as of right now we don't have any indication therwa any problems at the school or at home. >> police say hale's parents were shocked to learn there was a lethal arsenal of seven guns hidden in their house, including the three used in monday's masker, telling investigators hale was under a doctor's care
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for an emotional disorder. authorities say they were not aware of hale's condition before the shooting, noting hale had no previous criminal record. but based on hale's ability to evade fire from this second-floor window and hit these police cruisers, authorities say they believe hale knew how to use those weapons. >> we believe there has been some training of being able to shoot from a higher level. >> zooming in on this surveillance video released by police, you can see young students on the school's playground outside as hale arrives. playing outside may have helped those students get to safety faster. some running across the street into the nearby woods. >> i was told there were kids that evacuated into award line, had the presence of mind to do that. geico katie robbins, who lives nearby, ran outside when she heard the gunfire, encountering a teacher and terrified children running. >> this little boy looked up at me and i will never forget the look in his eyes. he said "help me get inside
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here, how do i get inside here!" >> tonight, the frustrated mother who made news where the media was gathered at the school on monday. ashley beasley and her son survived the recent mass shooting at that fourth of july parade in highland park, illinois, and they were on vacation in nashville. beasley today telling us she was so angry she had enough. so she took the microphone, demanding where is the action the action. >> aren't you guys tired of covering this? are you guys tired of being here and having to cover all of these mass shootings? i'm from highland park, illinois, my son and i survived a mass shooting over the summer, i am in tennessee on a family vacation with my son is hitting my sister-in-law. i have been lobbying in d.c. since we survived a mass shooting in july. we all have to make our lawmakers may change now for this is going to keep happening and it's going to be your kid and your kid and your kid and your kid next. it's just a matter of time. >> and david come up behind me here you can see those flowers and balloons, the memorial for
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the victims here continues to grow. first lady jill biden just a short time ago among those who stopped by here to pay their respects. this community, david, it's coming together. >> david: a familiar scene yet again, the first lady visiting the scene of a tragedy here in this country. alex perez leading us off. thank you. we're going to turn in the meantime to those other breaking headline involving pope francis in the hospital tonight with a lung infection. here's our foreign correspondent james longman with late reporting tonight. >> tonight, there are prayers of on the road for pope francis, who's been hospitalized in rome with a lung infection. the vatican revealing the 86-year-old complained of respiratory issues in recent days and went in protests. the infection will require several days of appropriate hospital medical treatment. as a young man, he had part of a long removed after a severe case of pneumonia. >> the less lung function you have the less pulmonary reserve you have and so it may present a risk in terms of available
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pulmonary resources to fight this particular infection. >> today's news comes just hours after the pope's weekly audience where he appeared energetic and engaging, kissing babies and posing for photographs. >> since the pope was out and about this morning, that would imply that -- not necessarily serious, but he is the pope and you might want to have him observed in the hospital until things clear up completely. >> but he has been facing some other health challenges in recent years, he is now relying on a cane and wheelchair to get around after a knee injury and he's been dealing with the return of a condition after intestinal surgery back in 2021. tonight's the faithful are praying for the pope's recovery. if this pope, really, i love him, i adore him, this woman says. we want pope francis to get better. the vatican says the pope is touched by the many messages received in excess of his gratitude for the closeness and prayer. >> david, it's not clear how long the pope is going to be
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hospitalized, but the catholic church is heading into its busiest time of the year, holy week. they're all kinds of masses and celebration to be presided over and that starts with palm sunday this weekend. david. >> david: a lot of prayers for the pope tonight. james, thank you. back here in the u.s. and there is growing concern over this major new storm barreling across the country, concerned that it could bring tornadoes and dangerous wind to that same part of the country hit with deadly tornadoes just days ago. let's get back to senior meteorologist rob marciano in the storm zone, he is now tracking the storm for us. a familiar path all over again. >> yeah, here we go again, david. coming friday, similar to last friday, and the storm coming into the west is also very similar. cold core, strong dynamic that will have no problem going cross-country. you see that west of san francisco, spiraling in, thunderstorms, could see some severe weather across california, one or 2 feet across utah. wyoming get some heavy snow as well. thursday there will be some
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severe weather but the big threat is going to be friday afternoon as far north as des moines, iowa, through st. louis, paducah, down through memphis and it's a hard hit areas of northern mississippi, damaging wind, large hail and tornadoes possible come friday night. >> david: just unbelievable what they could face again, rob, thank you. there is a town even smaller than rolling fork mississippi, about a hundred miles away were so much was destroyed where they are now bracing for this new system about to hit. abcs phil lipof tonight in the town of vaden mississippi. >> tonight, 100 miles from rolling fork in vaden mississippi they're worried about new storms but still can't forget the ones that you struck. >> writes went out and all of a sudden it's like you can hear it coming. >> d'angelo white can still hear the tornado coming. @>> my cousin, my wife, my two kids and i, we all felt the same time. >> they survived but three family members across the street did not. >> my mom was over here somewhere in this area here, i walked right past
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>> mom helen, his stepfather danny and 14-year-old brother were all killed. his twin brother survived. she tells us her cousin helen lit up her room. >> i called her numb l realizede y find phone s sisterhowing >> this was the cover? >> this is her dog. we actually is looking for the dog. >> it's tiny, little more than 300 people live here. 30-40 of them are related to helen. they're all rallying now. >> my cousin emma but she kept the whole family. we don't know. walking on faith. >> the funerals are scheduled for sunday, not far from here at school, helen was a teacher for
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27 years but with his new storms coming in, even that is an uncertainty in their lives tonight. we've also learned that president biden in the first lady plan to visit storm damaged areas here in mississippi friday. david. >> david: phil lipof in mississippi for us. thank you. oversees tonight into russia and an alarming new turn in u.s. relations with moscow. tonight the kremlin now suspended all notifications involving nuclear weapons. he medications required under the new treaty. white house is responding it won't communicate either the, so where does this leave us? here is martha raddatz now. >> tonight, a troubling standoff. russia now refusing to give advance warning to the u.s. about its missile tests or provide data about its nuclear arsenal as required by the start nuclear arms agreements, a move that has now prompted the white house to do the same. >> to be compliant to that
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particular modality of new start, we have decided to likewise not share that data. >> the new start agreement signed in 2010 limits each country to 1550 deployed nuclear warheads with inspections to verify compliance. but las month, vladimir putin called off inspections because of u.s. support for the war in ukraine. now they have taken it even further. calling off all notifications of missile tests. this all comes as russia begins military drills and putin's announcement that he will deploy tactical nuclear weapons to ukraine's neighbor belarus, but the pentagon believes this is just saber rattling, although failing to share data about missile tests under the agreement means there's always a greater possibility from his calculations. david. >> david: very unsettling. thank you, martha. now to the veteran pilot coming to the rescue of a young pilot
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on her third solo flight. chris yates on the ground waiting to take off when he saw part of that young pilot landing gear fall off. what he learned about her as he helped her land that plane. here is gio benitez tonight. >> tonight, a rookie pilot making this incredible emergency landing that may not have been so smooth if it wasn't for another hero pilot. >> just took off, there was fire on the runway. >> thank you, okay, yes. >> 21-year-old taylor has taking off from planning at michigan friday suddenly receiving terrifying news, her front landing gear had fallen off and it was only her third solo flight ever. figure something is wrong with my plane now and i have to kind of figure out what i'm going to do. >> that's when veteran pilot chris gates, who was about to take off himself, saw taylor's plane we'll bounced on the runway if you jumped on the radio to help affect nervous pilot shared the same name as
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his daughter. >> my name is taylor. >> taylor, this is chris. my daughter's name is taylor. and i taught her to fly! we are going to be just fine, kiddo. >> thank you very much! >> i was deftly terrified, that common voice was what i needed. >> wanted to get this kid back home and i knew how to help her do it. >> and then that moment, yates, with nerves of steel, guiding taylor to a safe landing. figure there you go, kiddo. just sit back gently. nice job! the nose is going to come down. if you are okay. you are okay. talk to me, kid. >> i'm okay. >> proud of you. >> it could have been a lot worse. i was really hoping that airplane didn't end up on its back upside down, and it didn't. >> and david, tonight taylor says she will keep training to someday fly corporate jets just like chris. >> gio benitez tonight, and credible story. on capitol hill, the former ceo
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of starbucks defending the company from allegations of unionbusting, howard schultz hearing before the seney ohmic senate committee clashing with bernie sanders. >> the past 18 months, starbucks has waged the most aggressive and illegal unionbusting campaign in the modern history of our country. >> starbucks coffee company unequivcally -- let me set the tone for this very early on -- is not broken the law. >> david: employees have now voted to unionize at nearly 300 starbucks stores. when we come back here tonight, the case against alec baldwin and the surprise turn tonight, the sudden move from the santa fe d.a. who charged him. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy. we exercise. i noticed i wasn't as sharp as i used to be. my wife introduced me to prevagen and so i said "yeah, i'll try it out." i noticed that i felt sharper, i felt like i was able to respond to things quicker.
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>> david: there is news tonight in the case against alec baldwin. this evening santa fe d.a. stepping down from the case. she's the one who charged baldwin with involuntary manslaughter after the deadly shooting of cinematographer helena hutchins. the case suffered a string of setbacks and putting the dropping of a more serious charge. the d.a. tonight saying she is standing down to focus on other cases. two local attorneys will not take over. when we come back, dozens of swimmers facing possible federal charges for harassing the dolphins and diane sawyer with actor jeremy renner after the snowplow accident, his first interview in a moment. when things go right too. like, when you score your dream job. sell your business. or discover she's smart... really smart.
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rrnding and b. to swim within 50 yards of spinner dolphins in hawaiian waters. when we come back, jeremy renner, his first interview after that awful snowplow accident and what he reveals here. for the first time is a unique challenge. -so you think you can help? -i can try. hey, what you doing? oh, just cleaning my trash cans. wow. it's important to build trust. see you put your address and phone number on here. well, you can never be too safe. with trash? progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto -when you bundle with us. -don't look at the hedges. -they're a mess. -no one's looking at the hedges. type 2 diabetes? -when you bundle with us. -don't look at the hedges. discover the ozempic® tri-zone.
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special, tonight, here a first look, ohmic revealing the extent of his injuries, telling diane he chose to survive. >> dewar member the pain? >> all of it, i was awake through every moment. i would do it again. >> he would do it again? >> yeah i would do it again because it was going right up my nephew. >> you have a video which is haunting. it's january 1st at 8:42 in the morning, 13 minutes away. >> someone's been run over by a snowcapped, hurry. >> there's a lot of blood over here. keep breathing, keep fighting. hang in there, brother. >> eight ribs broken in 14 places. right knee, right ankle broken, left leg, to be a broken, the left ankle broken, right clavicle broken, right shoulder, face side socket, amendable jaw, lung collapsed, pierced from the rib bone, your liver.
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which sounds terrifying. >> yeah. like what does my body look like, am i going to be just like a spine and a brain like a science extremity? >> i heard that you had in sign language you set your family "i'm sorry." >> yeah. sorry. i chose to survive. not going to kill me. no way. >> do you dream of doing those stunts again? >> i've lost a lot of flesh and bone in this experience but i've been refueled and refilled with love and titanium. >> you look in the mirror and do you see the same face? >> no, i see a lucky man. >> david: said he was saving his nephew, would do it again. jeremy renner, the diane sawyer interview next thursday night, april 6, 10:00 p.m. right here on
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> all across the bay area, another wild weather day. hail, wind knocking down trees, and record snow in the sierra. thank you for joining us. liz: rain, but we did get some sun, and yes, hail. that little boy said it best, it was hail paradise in san francisco. that video was taken around 7:00 this morning when it was really coming down. larry: hail yeah. you can see, and if you listen closely -- here it coming down. and then it quickly ended. similar scene in the berkeley hills. large chunks of hail and video
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sent to us by end abc 7 viewer. it is wild. liz: it really is. it was also coming down in marin county. this video was shot this morning around highway 101. wet roads a factor that caused this tesla to spin out and crash into a tree. it happened onhw 280n city. the driver, thankfully, just suffered minor injuries. larry: we have team coverage for you this afternoon all around the bay area. liz: but we begin right here with spencer christian. spencer: yesterday, we talked about the terrible tuesdays. today is wacky wednesday. we have a variety of weather conditions, as you just showed. thunderstorms up and down the doppler image. numerous thunder strikes, that's where the severe weather is now. in the bay area, the storm is