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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 26, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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the bees at the rightness. >> i never put those two together. >> sorry, i did. >> linsey: tonight, as we come on the air, the urgent storm threat across much of the south as we learn more about the scope of that ef4 tornado that devastated parts of mississippi, our team is tracking severe thunderstorms and possible tornadoes throughout the night, not far from the very communities where tornadoes just ravaged the area, killing more than two dozen. tonight, the harrowing tales of survival. a police officer and his girlfriend writing out the storm in a bathtub. another man left with only a suitcase. new video shows the moment a school was hit with wind gusts close to 170 miles per hour. and what we are learning what the victims tonight. whit johnson and rob marciano on the ground in the disaster zone. breaking news from philadelphia, concerns about the drinking water after a chemical spill, but the city is now saying.
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also tonight, a possible indictment looming in new york, former president donald trump blasts investigators, manhattan district attorney receiving death threats, and new witness testimony expected before the grand jury. the death toll rising in that explosion at a pennsylvania chocolate factory as they search for victims intensifies. growing political turmoil in israel. a top government official is fired as protests escalate over what some call a power grab by prime minister prime minister benjamin yet yahoo. new details in the arrest of rising hollywood star jonathan majors, a woman is accusing him of assault in alleged domestic a suit and make a solid, known for several popular roles in films including "creed iii." tonight his lawyers says he is completely innocent. and mississippi strong, a community brought together by tragedy now counting its blessings. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." >> linsey: good evening,
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everyone, thanks for joining us this busy sunday, i'm linsey davis prickly begin with the severe weather threat across the deep south. dangerous thunderstorms and tornadoes happening right now and continuing through the night in the same areas just devastated by that deadly tornado outbreak. this new drone video shows what is left of rolling fork mississippi, roofs ripped right out of the few buildings still left standing, the majority left with rebel, showing the stark difference from before and after, a once sprawling town no utterly devastated. surveillance video from inside a school shows and ef3 tornado's sheer power. at least five people hurt georgia today when they reported tornado touched down there. that weather system now moving through the south, millions on alert into the early morning, we have team coverage. rob marciano times at the new storms, but whit johnson on the ground in mississippi. give us a sense of what you are saying. >> reporter: linsey, the scope
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is difficult to comprehend. this powerful tornado leaving pieces of businesses and homes all mixed together into one big, unrecognizable pile of debris. and this is what it looks like block after block here. the mayor of rolling fork telling me at this town is nearly a total loss. that monster ef4 tornado on the ground for more than an hour, killing more than two dozen people and cutting 860-mile path of disruption across mississ mississippi. >> big wedge! >> reporter: accuweather capturing it hitting at the worst time, with catastrophic winds up to 170 miles per hour. in amery, and other violent prenatal ripping through a school, debris flying out of th. >> this is coming in. oh, man. [sighs] dear jesus, please help them.
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>> reporter: off their foundations, appliances tossed like toys, trees snapped in half, and the devastation stretches for miles. >> refrigerator, stove... >> reporter: local police officer says it all happened so fast, he and his girlfriend taking cover in the bathtub. >> came off of the foundation, we began rolling inside, debris falling on top of us, all we are doing is holding each other. >> reporter: his home obliterated, couple surviving with only a few cuts and bruises, then immediately started recognizing neighbors. >> one-third screaming, she got up, we helped everyone. >> reporter: tracy harden is the owner of trucks dairy bar, they were among nine people who took shelter in a large cooler. her husband fighting the wind to pull the door closed. >> before he pulled it all the way he said "i see the sky." >> reporter: "i see this guy" cute? so the roof was gone?
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>> yes. at that point, we know it is bad. >> reporter: i'll survive, including an injured customer who hunkered down in a part of the restauran. >> we were stuck, we couldn't get out, the customer found us and he moved all of the debris and he got us out one by one. is >> reporter: so the customer with the broken arm came and let all of you out of the cooler. >> yes. >> reporter: tonight, governor tate reeves during the disaster stone with fema. >> fema is here, we remain committed to the people of mississippi, we will be here for you now, we will be here for you next week, we will be here long after these cameras are gone. >> reporter: our team speaking with family members of the victims. jessica davis says she was on the phone with her mother, wanda, when she heard the tornado hit, she said that was the last time that she heard from her. >> i'm hurt. nothing but hurt.veryone lost s.
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whether it was a loved one, home, everyone left something. >> reporter: this home decimated, the only thing he has left is this suitcase. he was inside this trailer park when the storm hit, hiding under a mattress. >> when it blew the mattress off, everything was fine, the mattress just fell off, the carpet just came over me. covered me. i can't talk. >> reporter: the carpet saved you? >> the carpet saved my life. >> reporter: oh, my god. do you think god sense that? >> letting me know it is all right. he can take everything, but i'm still here, so i don't worry about it. no material stuff at all. you know, life is more important. >> linsey: trying to put it all in perspective in the midst of that order devastation. let's get right to whit johnson, rolling fork mississippi, a diverse community with us in 2,000 people, it sounds like many were already struggling,
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even before this tornado sister. >> reporter: lindsay, about -- linsey, and interviews, people explained to me over and over didn't have much, but people wod very hard for what they did havy were proud of it, and know that everything has been ripped away by this tornado, it makes the idea of rebuilding their lives even more daunting. linsey? >> linsey: we can understand why, whit, or thanks to you. i was senior rob marciano. this area not out of the woods yet, still the threat of more severe weather there? >> reporter: unfortunately, yes, linsey, down to our -- bubbling up, hitting in this direction, hopefully they stay to the south. you see this is not a good situation here to be dealing with more severe weather. we do have the threat like wed f moderate, four oh five, extending south of the tornado
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zone two parts of alabama than extenr future radar times are dead, these storms that have been in louisiana are now entering mississippi, then rumbling from west to east, getting into central alabama. some of these will be torn attic tonight. perhaps, get south and into the atlanta area as we go through the day tomorrow before things begin to week and late in the day tomorrow. going to beat daisy through georgia even through south carolina, just about 20 miles away from rolling fork there, no better off, they hope these storms stay to the south. linsey? >> linsey: the last thing they need for sure. whit, rob, thank you, stay safe periods coming up later, mississippi strong, how they devastated community is pulling. that breaking news out of philadelphia, city officials monitoring the water supply after a chemical spill in bucks county.
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officials say about 8,000 gallons of latex finishing material leaked into the delaware river. officials say the potential health risks are low but they are urging caution. here abcs faith abubey. >> reporter: tonight, philadelphia officials shutting down the intake of the city's tap water from the delaware river after an estimated 8,000 gallons of the chemical used in latex paint spilled into a delaware river tributary. this bill showing a milky white substance in the water. >> it is more what is visually happening than it is for people to be worried about. >> reporter: city officials saying a damaged pipeline, now partially plugged, because the leak friday, triggering a warning system. this map showing the potentially impacted areas along the delaware river. officials, however, stressing that so far they found no contaminants in the tap water and it remains safe to drink at least through monday. but an earlier advisory today causing a rush to the stores. bottled water sold out as residents scrambled to stock up
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out of an abundance of caution. linsey, hazmat teams did respond to this bill to try to contain the chemicals. in the meantime though, city officials are testing the water and a plan to continue to update residents at least through tomorrow. linsey? >> linsey: faith, thank you. new witness testimony expected tomorrow before a new york grand jury as they consider charges against former president donald trump. at a companion rally this weekend, he remained defiant, labeling the investigations as witch hunts. he could face a historic indictment this week. here is senior investigative reporter aaron kotowski. >> reporter: former president trump waits to see if this will be the week he is indicted, with possible new witness at -- the manhattan case involving hush money paid to stormy daniels was on his mind at his first big rally for 2024. >> from the beginning, it has been one witch hunt and phone investigation after another. >> reporter: trump devoted most of his rally to his own legal troubles, trying to turn them to his political advantage.
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>> the weaponization of a justice system is not, as some have called it, a political spectacle. ithss o time. >> reporter: rep trump supporters who spoke to our rachel scott unfazed by the multiple investigations into it. >> would a possible indictment change or support for him? >> no. >> reporter: a wide? >> you are chasing ghosts. you were chasing after stuff that is not there. this man has been under investigation for six stinking years. >> reporter: on social media, trump has warned of potential death and destruction if he is charged. just days ago, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg received a letter with a death threat saying "alvin, i'm going to kill you," and a white powder deemed nonhazardous. speak with the horrific activities that took place generally six, god willing, we will not see repeated. should anyone of these move forward on trial. >> reporter: the hostile rhetoric has put the courthouse
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behind metal barriers and compelled bragg to reassure staff members, who have received offensive or threatening messages. the grand jurors are expected to reconvene here tomorrow. linsey, when they do, it will be under tighter security. linsey? >> linsey: aaron, thank you. death toll rising after a massive explosion at a chocolate factory. at least five bodies have been pulled from the rubble. rescuers say time is running out to find anyone else alive, but families are still holding onto hope. abcs jaclyn lee has those details. >> reporter: tonight, the death toll rising after a pennsylvania chocolate factory violently exploded friday, the terrifying moments caught on camera by local station box 29 philly. >> explosion, active fire, damaged buildings. >> reporter: to date, crews discovering a fifth body buried beneath the rubble at r.m. palmer company. >> do the amount of time that has passed, the a chance of finding survivors is decreasing
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rapidly. >> reporter: one person miraculously found alive overnight, but two people are still missing. >> we are holding on to the faith hope. >> reporter: among them, anyways it says, is his cousin diana cedeno. rescue workers using equipment to come through to do. look for signs of life, with neighbors gathering to help first responders and families who lost loved ones. >> we are always racing against time and we're hoping we can stop it to be able to get answers. >> reporter: the cause of the explosion is still under investigation. the candy company says their systems are down so they are relying on first responders to share information with those impacted. they say they are focusing on their employees and their families. linsey? >> linsey: understandably so, jaclyn lee, thank you. growing turmoil in israel, fiery protests tonight, just hours after embattled prime minister benjamin netanyahu dismissed a
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member who said he would not support his attempts to take -- the battle over netanyahu's plans is now a intensifying. here is patrick weevil. >> israeli cities tonight erupting in protest after prime minister benjamin netanyahu sacked his defense minister today, the countries political turmoil turmoil rapidly weakening. netanyahu removing a member of his own party after he called for a pause in the government's controversial plan to weaken israel's judiciary, essentially stripping its power to have final say on israel's laws. the plan triggering weeks of massive protests, an estimated 300,000 citizens marching saturday, many unlatching the plan is a power grab that could make israel and autocracy more like turkey or russia. >> we all have to fight for our rates because of the plans of benjamin netanyahu that want to turn this nion into a
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di rorter: the unprecedented anger spreading to israel's military, hundreds reporting to -- refusing to report for duty. netanyahu pressing on with a key parliamentary vote expected this week on a law that would give the current ruling coalition ultimate control over most judicial appointments. israel critics warning heading for an unprecedented and constitutional crisis. benjamin netanyahu's opponents accuse him of weakening israel's judiciary to protect himself as he is on trial for serious corruption allegations. netanyahu denies all charges but those protesting say that this is escalating into an existential battle for israel's democratic soul. linsey? >> linsey: a dramatic upheaval, patrick, thank you. back in this country, after jonathan majors -- actor jonathan majors is free after his arrest following an alleged domestic dispute. claiming that he assaulted her. majors' lawyer --
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mona kosar abdi. >> reporter: today, new details in the arrest of jonathan majors. the 33-year-old actor going before a new york city judge this morning charged with harassing and assaulting a woman during alleged domestic dispute. police sources tell abc news majors and cell called 911 saturday morning to "report his concern about his girlfriend, with whom he shares in a manhattan apartment." police sources say majors' girlfriend told a different story when officers arrived that "she and majors were in a cabin he physically attacked her." according to the criminal complaint, the 30 old woman allege majors struck her in the face "with an open hand," causing her substantial pain and a laceration behind her ear. the complaint goes on to say that majors allegedly bruised her hand and "put his hand on her neck, causing bruising and substantial pain." police say the woman was later taken to a hospital. in a statement to abc news, majors' lawyer claims to have evidence "he is completely evident make innocent and
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provably the victim and did not assault her whatsoever." majors' arrest comes amid his meteoric rise to fame fueled by rules and diffuse back-to-back number one films "creed iii" and marvel's "ant-man and the wasp: quantumania." they share disney as a parent company. majors also presented at this year's academy award. >> reporter: saying they have pulled ads featuring the actor until the investigation is complete. majors is due back in court ma may 8th. linsey? >> linsey: still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this sunday, inflatable bounce houses flew away near a little league in. deadly crash, two officers killed when their chopper went down. at it's like? when you can du more with less asthma. it's possible with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function
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is made for people like sam who make...? ...everyday products... ...designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder - that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card... like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more... plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases! and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas... ...a brilliant reality! the new ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. with gold bond... you can age on your own terms. retinol overnight means... the smoothing benefits of retinol. are now for your whole body. plus, fast-working crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. champion your skin. >> linsey: the police department in baton rouge louisiana this morning, two officers killed in a helicopter crash. officers were sent to >> linsey: next tonight, the police department baton rouge, louisiana, is morning two officers killed in a helicopter
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crash. the officers had been sent to assist in a pursuit, the chopper went down early this morning, the national transportation safety board has been called in to investigate the cause. to some scary moments in north carolina, high winds yesterday sent two inflatable bounce houses up in the air. these images taken just after the incident. the houses had been set up for children at a little league game and brevard. they blew across several fields, seven injuries were reported, all minor. when we come back, march madness, who is in and who is out of the final four? she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. [dad] once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb.
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>> linsey: finally tonight, we often say the worst of times can bring up the best in people, this time in a town called rolling fork. >> there is no roof this sunday over the bowed head of the parishioners of the rolling fork united methodist church, their view of the heavens uninterrupted as they gave thanks for what they still have. kathy barlow is counting this among her blessings. a longtime family bible she managed to salvage, still intact. so many in this community holding on to their faith, holding onto each other, or in the case of this man,
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holding his head in despair. sifting among piles of what once was. but in the midst of the mounds of misfortune, there are glimpses of the best of humanity. >> i knew that there was going to be help needed, se, just deco volunteer my work. >> reporter: there are those who are simply fortunate for a roof over their head. for a man seeking shelter inside this makeshift clinic. in the midst of the devastation and mounting grief, patriotism looms and help abounds for some in the form of free food and water, basic essentials for a community overwhelmed by laws and a renewed gratitude for the little things, including life itself. >> linsey: our hearts certanly go out to that community. i'll be on the ground there reporting from mississippi tomorrow. thank you so much for watching tonight, and linsey davis in new york, david murray from the tornado disaster zone tomorrow. have a great evening.
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good night. >> tonight on abc7news, of the big rainmaker on the horizon. the measures some flood victims are using to keep water away. >> how're we going to save this? how are we going to bounce back from this? >> 2000 pounds of pastrami. in east bay sandwich top is forced to throw a $100,000 in revenue. >> he has a great story. he is going to take it all the way. >> a young man from the bay area is a local fan favorite in this year's march madness tournament. the days game is not the last you will see of him. abc7newst a moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7news. >> make sure they have
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flashlights. make sure their phone is charged. >> first responders urge the public to get ready for the next storm. this as pg&e races to complete work on -- compromised by mudslide. advice to prepare for more rain ahead. let's get a check with spencer christian talking about how much rain we are in for and some areas could get up to three inches. >> especially in the higher elevations but even down low it will be a lot of rainfall. approaching storm is a level two storm which will begin as a light to moderate level one late tomorrow night in the north bay but it will quickly expand and intensify by early tuesday morning. it will bring rain heaviest in the morning hours. gusts exceeding 45 miles per hour at times. lower snow levels and isolated
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