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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 26, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> and underdogs florida atlantic purging their ticket for the first time ever. the team's coach and the player who sealed the deal joining us
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live. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: live from abc news in new york, this is "good morning america." >> gio: we say good morning america. janai and i are in the studio. which is leading our team coverage. still getting a handle on the damage from that massive tornado. >> janai: take a look at this video. it passed by a high school in the town of armory. you can hear that wind blowing through, damaging the ceiling but incredibly, most of the school is okay. the same, however cannot be said about other spots including nearby rolling fork. and that is where our friend, whit johnson, is, you said it looks like everything in the storm's path is nearly obliterated. >> whit: good morning. exactly, it is ard to make out what you're looking at as you drive into this community. but let me paint this picture for you. practice is just a small claims by the way of the
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devastation that we have seen for miles. this is a lumberyard behind me. there were several structures right next to it where a couple communities and neighborhoods where there were some trailer homes and all of that just blown to some the rings and you can see just mixed together and now this on recognizable pile of debris. sadly, that is also where some of the fatalities have been reported. and the death toll is rising overnight. we know that this path of destruction as we talked about earlier, cut a pass 60 miles from this rare ef-4 tornado. those tornadoes only make up about 1% of all tornadoes and so this community going through so much right now. just beginning to -- the painful process of taking up the pieces. it is made up of only about 2,000 people here. we are going to talk to the mayor in just a moment. but he and many others describing this town and what is left of it as mostly wiped out. >> lord in heaven, what now?
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and i was told that they passed away in each other's arms. >> whit: heartbreak in mississippi. survivors mourning the lives lost and many still in shock after losing everything they had. >> i still have not completely, you know, accepted that yet my family is going to be devastated. >> whit: this violent and deadly ef-4 tornado three quarters of a mile wide striking friday night. one of at least 10 reported tornadoes in an outbreak stretching from texas to alab alabama. bringing unimaginable destruction to the silver city rolling fork, mississippi. president biden approving a disaster declarati operation for the state. man
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mary barfield bush of rolling fork. search teams the looking for anyone trapped under rubble survivors coming to grips with overwhelming loss, two died when an 18-wheeler fell in her home. >> it's just heartbreaking, terrible. just so bad. like i said, over here, i hollered for maybe 30 minutes, an hour or so. >> others trapped inside collapsed buildings. storm tracer aaron rigsby went door-to-door rescuing victims who had no way out. >> there was just constant rain of people yelling for help and i followed the closest ones that i could find. >> percy johnson had just 5 minutes to take cover, rushing into their truck, the tornado burying it under debris.
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>> we was just thinking for a minute all this stuff was going to come crashing down on us but we literally thought >> the violent tornado turning homes into rubble. >> this is what's left. >> this is all we have left. >> everything cheryl andrews owned gone. this heap of ruins was once her home, a slab of concrete all that remains. >> this was our home. >> her family taking mattresses inside the hallway, praying is the fierce tornado came barreling down, she describes as life or death moments. >> we felt the whole house going in circles, and it just down. >> than it looks like it exploded. >> it exploded. >> all around you. >> still she says she is blessed, grateful to be alive. >> and whether experts tell us that tornadoes that hit overnight are more than twice as deadly that tornadoes that hit in the daytime it on other the
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things we've heard from people's yes they knew about the warnings, they knew about the bad weather but how do you prepare for this gimmick you know, even if you take cover within the walls of your own home minute script to shreds all around you. we'll thought they were able to find a place and then it turns out that it wasn't. so this tornado, obviously's going to take so much time for this community to rebuild and recover. as we noted, rob also here in rolling fork with more on the devastating impact. good morning to you. >> good morning. you know, if they did all the right things. they went into the center part of their home and interior hallway, they took mattresses and cover themselves and that's miraculously how they survived. we talked to her, talked to so many survivors yesterday and they all have remarkable stories. and also pointed out to me that this is an area that gets a lot of tornadoes. if they had one just to the north that missed them a couple of years ago. they have many down to the south. so i guess you could say it was their time. nobody wants to hear that, especially with an ef for.
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we fed winds up to 200 miles per this.and it does stuff like this is an industrial building made with brick and mortar. these are your everyday bricks. these are industrial type of bricks, and that's what 200-mile-an-hour winds can do. and this is kind of surreal, this is all over this area. all growth trees like this just completely defoliate it, corrugated metal wrapped around them. it is just a surreal site of this incredible tornado that made its way through here. as you said, it's going to take months, years, they are going to have to start from scratch i think when it comes with this tornado. culver city and other town just up the road about 20 miles, much smaller, completely devastated as well, at least one fatality of this thing was on the ground for a remarkable 60 miles with the damage length with other tornadoes even farther than that. it only takes one. we talk about a tornado outbreak. we didn't have many with this one but obviously this one and efr, completely crushed this community. >> it sure did.
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this devastating pictures to see there. joining us right now is the mayor of rolling fork. thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. our heart goes out to you in the entire community here. first, can you tell us are their current rescue efforts that are still happening as we are almost 48 hours into this? >> as of this morning i think we will be pretty close to the final end of the search and rescue in the community. i believe all of our people are accounted for and now we're just trying to put the pieces together. but this community back together and make sure that our families who have been affected, that they are taking care of, that our children are taking care of. this is a resilient community. we are going to come back and come back even better than what we were before grade >> you mentioned the resiliency, mentioned putting the pieces back together. but when you take a look around, i mean, it is just so overwhelming. how would you characterize the
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level of devastation in your community? >> the level of devastation is just what you said. devastation. we've lost a lot of structural buildings, we've lost a lot of homes. a lot of families are displaced. the community has been destroyed and now we've got to put the pieces back together again.% >> i can see the emotion in eyes this is a community of 2,000 people. you know each other, use each other at the store, you go to church together. how has the loss impacted you personally? >> personally it has taken a lot out of me. being the mayor, not just being the mayor. but i'm also the local funeral director in this community. and i've lost friends. and it's devastting. and it's heart shaking and i
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extend my condolences to the families who lost loved ones and it's just horrible. >> how to comfort them? what you say to them when you call a family member who has lost someone? what do tell them? >> the only thing that i can say to them, i'm sorry about your loss. that's all i can say. from that i pick up as a funeral director, as a mayor, and i continue to comfort them the best way that i possibly can. >> we've been hearing from people that it's a total loss here. is there anything still stand standing? >> there are a few structures standing. if they are standing, they are damaged. so we still have issues with those properties that are standing. the community as a whole has been devastated. devastated. >> last question, we don't have much time left, what do you need
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from the state and the federal government to rebuild? and to help the people right now who need resources and supplies? >> we've been talking to the state officials, my congressman, my senator and the governor of the state of mississippi, and we are coming together and talking with them about getting funds that we need right now to get the type of projects up and going to get this place cleared up. the governor has assured us, our congressman has assured us, that we are going to get the assistance that we need to start work right now building this community back together. >> absolutely. we certainly hope that is the case. thank you so much for your time this morning. our heart aches for your community and we hope you get those resources that we need. >> i feel that we will, thank you very much. >> will have much more from here in just a little bit. first let's go back and get another check of the weather because it's not over yet here. there's another weather threat today in the south and samara
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theodore is watching the lavette or us. good morning. >> good morning. yes, the south cannot put down her guard just yet. take a look, severe thunderstorm watch is now extend from jackson intothola. we even have a radar confirmed tornado down in georgia as early as this morning. here's a look a to happen. i have to stress this, we are looking at multiple rounds of severe weather today. 3:00 p.m. this afternoon we could see a few isolated tornadoes pop up, but as we enter the evening, is that sunsets, we are expecting a more robust storms to move through, and that's where we could see the most devastating tornadoes pop up through this evening, and remember, whether you are in alexandria into jackson, mississippi, all the way up into augusta, georgia, and south carolina, this entire swath to strong tornadoes, very large hail, flash flooding is also a major concern. >> and seen that coming in the overnight hours just raises that much more concerned, thank you. we are going to get other news% now in politics and former president trump's first campaign
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rally since announcing his 2024 run. these rachel scott has more from waco, texas. fico good morning. a former president donald trump holding his first major 2024 campaign rally under the shadow of a possible indictment. trump making it clear regardless of the outcome he's in this ra race. >> overnight, a defiant donald trump taking the stage at his first major rally of his 2024 campaign waco, texas. ♪ ♪ >> the former president dismissing a possible indictment telling his supporters he's done nothing wrong. >> from the beginning it's been one witch hunt in phony investigation after another. >> the manhattan district attorney investigating is a ledge at hussman new payments to star stormy daniels before the 2016 election. >> there several investigations looming over the president, a possible indictment. does that change anything when it comes to your support for him? >> it makes me support and more because it's a witch hunt. >> trump is also facing a separate investigation into his
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actions leading up to janua january 6th, opening his rally with a video showing images of the deadly insurrection with people in prison for their actions singing the national anthem. trump standing with his hand over his heart. ♪ ♪ >> the former president zeroing in on a potential challenger, florida governor ron desantis, taking credit for his victory in 2018. >> i did rallies for ron that were massive rallies. and they were very successful. so we got him the nomination, we then got him the election. >> trump saying he's not a big fan of desantis at the 2024 presidential race takes shape. >> 1824 is the final battle, that's going to be the big one. >> alternate rally in waco, texas, is the city marks the 30th anniversary of that deadly siege. if a trump spokesperson pushing back single rally location was chosen because it is centrally located here in texas. as for what comes next into the
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investigations and the former president, that grand jury in new york is expected to meet again tomorrow. >> a lot we will be watching for. rachel scott in waco, texas, thank you. tune in this week, later this morning martha raddatz interviews the leaders of the new house committee investigated in china. a potential tiktok band gaining momentum in congress, administrator discusses recover every in the south. >> we are going to go overseas to the war in ukraine a new talk of neckwear weapons. russian and resident prudence and he's going to send tactical nuclear weapons to neighboring belarus. more now from ukraine. >> this morning rush removing its nuclear weapon threat beyond its borders. president putin on russian state tv planning to deploy tactical nuclear weapons designed for limited strikes on the battlefield into belarus. the regime there a longtime ally
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of putin. the russian leader claiming he is responding the u.k. supplying ukraine with depleted uranium tank shells. the kremlin falsely laming the shells contain nuclear components. the u.s. monitoring the situation, a senior u.s. official saying there are no indications moscow is preparing to use nuclear weapons. russia ratcheting up the rhetoric as brutal artillery battles in the east draining ukrainian ammunition stocks. with president zelenskyy telling a leading japanese newspaper it cannot start a new offensive due to a lack of ammunition and arms. positive signs for ukraine in the brutal battle. western officials claiming russia's offense if there stalling, a drone capturing the devastation in the city with ukraine's top commander saying the situation is being stabilized. >> i'm not moved by russia to
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move nukes into belarus, a senior ukrainian official hitting back this morning saying the kremlin has taken belarus as a nuclear hostage. >> we know you will stay on top of that. back here at home to breaking news overnight, actor jonathan majors arrested on an assault charge in new york city over an alleged domestic dispute, a rep for the actor saying he's done "nothing wrong." jaclyn lee is here with the latest. his team saying they are looking to clear his name. >> that's right, good morning. hollywood actor jonathan majors facing some very serious allegations. the 33-year-old was arrested in new york city saturday morning, charged with strangulation, assault, and harassment after an alleged domestic dispute with a 30-year-old woman. his were presented of denying accusations saying in a statement he has done nothing wrong, we look forward to clearing his name and clearing this up. majors is known for his high-profile work on the big and small screen with credits including "create three" "antman and the loss" in a statement,
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police say majors was no longer in custody as of saturday night. as for the condition of the woman he allegedly assaulted, police say she sustained minor injuries to her head and neck and was taken to the hospital. >> all right, thank you so much. let's get over to samara theater for another check of the weather. >> good morning. a lot to track out there. i want to take us down into florida. we got this flow there, temperatures in orlando, we are talking near record 93 degrees, monday, 93, staying in the 90s through tuesday. what a stark contrast out west though. we got freeze warnings and frost advisories from big sur up into reading, sacramento, and napa. temperatures already down to the teens that they are walking out the door so very cold li: it is a cold start. we have a breeze today but i turn of sunshine. and the wind and rainn.
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returning tuesday. 58 jose. the accuweather 7-day forecast, level 1 system for monday. rain arriving late at night. >> and you know, it is so cold out in california they have these frost advisories, this is going to impact wine country significantly. >> we will check back in with you shortly. now though to the thrilling games overnight in the ncaa, elite 8 teams whittled down now in hard-fought victories read the highlights. >> cinderella story. >> florida atlantic! they are headed to the final four! >> underdogsan iverty earning their first ever spot in the final four, extending the greatest season in the school's history. the owls taking down 3 seed
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kansas state in a back-and-forth battle at madison square garden. >> okay! >> these huge dunk from elijah martin setting the pace for the owls early in the first half, but it was the wildcats who had the lead late in the second half before fau came storming back. it was guard marcus noel keeping the wildcats alive. >> he will shoot it from there. and make it from there! >> yet it wasn't enough. the game's final moments sealed by senior guard michael forrest, sinking in four buckets to seal the game. >> nothing but net. >> florida atlantic is the 1st9 seed in final four it's 2013 and none have made it to the title game. on the other side of the bracket, the uconn huskies easily moving past make their first trip to the final four since they won it all nine years ago. in the women's tournament, a eing's
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co combin for 40 points, ready to face virginia tech. >> and with that, the women's elite 8 is set, that match between number 1c virginia tech and number 3 seed ohio will take place monday in seattle and from jc cody mcmahon to the cavender twins in miami, there is so much star power in elite. >> thank is a much for that and coming up later i will speaking with florida atlantic's coach in one of the team's key players. stick around for that. >> can't wait for that. more from the tornado disaster in the south ahead as we check-in, taking part in those urgent rescue efforts. these ar. no, what if we have to talk to somebody about our policy but it's late at night? call us 24/7. great, because what if someone still calls his mom for everything? we'll walk you through everything, at state farm we're there for your “what ifs". yeah mom, everything is great...yeah...i mean not my mom.
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building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions . this is abc. seven news, everybody. i'm liz kreutz. right now. a stretch of highway 101 is closed in novato to petaluma. this is because of more damage from our recent storms. it's after a landslide along that highway exposed underground, pg and e gas transmission line
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crews have been working to reroute the line, hoping to finish by nine this morning. fire officials say, even though we haven't had rain in the last couple of days, the land is still moving. and lisa more right now, on the way we have a little bit of dry weather until that ring comes out. that's right. you can see by the hillside, the water on the pavement there. certainly water still seeping down to the roads and the hillsides movie. what a gorgeous day though. enjoy it. it's cold out there right now, thirties and forties. made an upper fifties with a bit of a breeze out there. so lots of sun today list. alright lisa. thank you. thanks for joining us. the news continu
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together can help you make smarter decisions. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. >> welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning. i'm here enrolling fork mississippi's, a town that has been decimated by that massive tornado that swept through the area we were actually just looking at some google maps trying get a sense of what all this looked like before we showed up and this was a significant structure, the lumberyard. there were several buildings down that way. communities and buildings across the street. all of that gone and it speaks to what the mayor just told us, but there are only a few buildings left ending in this neighborhood, and the ones that are are pretty much a total loss. but the mayor also said this. he talked about the resilience here, we noted that somebody came over here and planted that american flag right in the
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middle of the rubble. this is a community that is strong, they are resilient, and they are not giving up as they slowly pick up the pieces here read let's bring in rob marciano, who has been on the scene since yesterday, shortly after that tornado tore through. he's been speaking to people who lived through it. and the impact just starting to sink in. >> for sure, and when you first come on the scene, i know you felt this too, you go up my goodness, how in the world can this happen. you look at all this debris so densely packed. cars completely destroyed. if you think all this weight, all this debris, how can anyone potentially even remotely survive this you met in this town of nearly 2,000 very resolute people, many found a way to do just that. >> we lost everything. >> everything. >> everything. >> this morning survivors enrolling fork telling their stories after the devastating tornadoes that ripped for their community. shirley only had minutes to get her and her family to safety.
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>> sounded just like a train. we all went to the bathroom, got down on the floor in the bathroom. all i could do was just pray we would all make it out. all we just did was pray and pray and pray. >> william barnes is lived here for over 20 years. his home flattened. >> we got out alive, for the truck outcome of the car. >> 9-year-old derek describes hiding in the bathroom with his mother and sister. >> i was trying to cover my sister. i had to dive, i had to dive in the tub to take cover. it was just scary. >> and tracy harden, owner of a rolling fork institution, chuck's dairy bar, says she had others rode the storm out in the restaurant's walk in freezer. >> it's -- alive, but also we are so
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devastated by the loss, the whole trailer park behind the building is gone and we don't know where everybody is. we don't know who's alive was gone. >> everybody in this town goes to that restaurant. the only things that are left standing today, that walk in freezer and very heavy pool tables. everything has been pretty much stripped away. just incredible to look around see this and when you talk to these people time and again many are left with absolutely nothing. they've got nothing left yet they look at me, they look at everyone i talk to and they say they're just happy to be alive and really reset everything in your life at this point but they've got a long, long road, as you know, ahead in this town. >> yeah, this community, they're going to need every ounce of that strength to get through it and it is just so striking to see those cars tossed around like toys. it's what we've been seeing all
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up and down the streets throughout the area. thank you so much, we appreciate it. now we want to talk about the volunteers who are among those pitching and helping out wherever they can. joining me now is the director of field operations for the united cajun navy, blake matthews. is on the ground here coordinating his organization's efforts. thank you so much for joining us, we really appreciate it. it's incredible work that your organization does. just get me up to speed on the search and rescue efforts this morning. i understand there was a pause overnight but you're getting right back to it today. >> we had to pause overnight just because there's no power in the area, there's no way to see. at 8:00 this morning we will resume secondary search with all the teams. we will go from the damage and r search crews can get out of there and we will focus more on supplies at that time and bringing in whatever this community needs. diapers, any kind of baby supplies, toiletries. but we will have 18-wheelers coming into the, big trucks with
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ice, frozen foods, we will have cook teams coming in so we are more than just a search and rescue, we are focusing -- today is more we are going from our search and rescue and we are transitioning over into, okay, here we are with supplies, food, how can we help at this point. >> sort of an assessment phase helping people. and look, we've reported on the united cajun navy many times over the years. mostly volunteers, you guys drop everything, you leave your jobs, you leave your families, you go right into the disaster zone and you've been doing this since ice thinks 2016. how would you characterize what you're seeing here? >> this is by far one of the worst, especially tornadoes, that i've responded to. i mean, you start from where this town starts, where their core limit is all the way down and its complete devastation. everything is gone. i mean, it's just a complete path. it looked like a bomb went off. there's no other way to put it. and as i was telling you, as you drive to silver city and lack
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hawk mississippi, this is an agriculture community, so there's fields everywhere. everywhere you look there's debris debris in the fields. it's a 35 minute drive from here to silver city, i guarantee you you will see debris in every field you look at. >> you were among the first to arrive on the scene here. describe what you saw when you first arrived. what were those initial search and rescue efforts like? >> when we got here around one in the morning yesterday and we came in our initial dog teams, i mean, there's nothing. there's no power, there's no lights. by that point there wasn't really any kind of structure. we didn't know -- we found a local person in that kind of give us an area where the neighborhoods were and we just started utilizing that information and running our dog teams at that point we have everything from our live search dogs out here that will detect a live human sent or cadaver dogs who will detect cadavers. >> are you still finding people alive in the early hours? >> yes, we were doing -- recovering some people were
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still alive but we've also done some other recoveries sadly. >> well, blake, listen, the work you do isn't credible important and i know this community is grateful, thank you so much for joining us this morning. best of luck with the rest of your efforts. >> thank you. >> we do want to turn now and get another check of the weather because there is so much going on across the country. still a threat right here, we are all bracing for more severe weather as it comes in this evening. let's go back to samara theatre in new york. good morning once again. >> good morning, yeah. these storms have taken no time getting going. we are already seeing them fire up alumni 20. we have a confirmed tomato that's touched down in georgia and i anticipate we will see tornado watches extending all the way through this swath that you see here from alexandria into jackson, mobile, right on up into augusta and savannah. large hail, very damaging winds, so make sure you have multiple ways of getting alerts. we're going to shift gears and head out west where we are isto system is going to bring snow into areas like oregon as we had for monday and
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northern california, and that by tuesday arrived on the coastline bringing heavy rain and strong winds into areas like san francisco and los angeles could even be in for more thunderstorms during the middle3 of the week. let's take a look at some of the snow totals. up towards redding they could see up to 4 feet of snow, and we see that into the rockies as well, 1 to three feet of snow as you move into nevada as well as >> and we all talked about -- i just talked about having multiple ways of getting alerts but something else that's important is the straigh-line winds can be strong, so make sure that you are sweeping away at -- sleeping away from windows if you're wary about trees, park the cars. a lot of action that needs to be taken before these storms really
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get going. >> and by dimension because of the top of the show, whit told us that's the storms overnight can be twice as deadly and twice as damaging because of the sleeping hours. an important or miter. taylor swift fans suing ticketmaster over that ticket debacle, preparing for their day in court tomorrow. >> the madness, marches on. florida atlantic coach and guard joining us live after their big win. stick around. around. i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound. (psst psst)
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call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. >> and welcome back to "gma." the troubles for ticketmaster, taylor swift fans are suing over that ticket fiasco ready for tomorrow's first court hearing on the matter in los angeles with more. >> there is some bad blood between swift fans and how they feel about ticketmaster and their practices. they are holding a dance party tonight and a rally on monday outside the hearing, hoping that the company makes some big changes. ♪ ♪ >> this morning taylor swift fans making it clear who they are rooting for after what they say was a disastrous experience with ticketmaster and getting amped for a hearing with the
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company in los angeles tomorrow. they say ticketmaster intentionally misled them back in november, alleging the company engaged in fraud, price-fixing, and antitrust violations. because we are not going to just settle. we want to see some change happen. we want to see a difference been made. >> they say ticketmaster intentionally charged sky high fees and told their -- sold their tickets to scalpers. >> it's bafflingly could have skirted up this badly. because soon after, taylor swift spoke out to her fans. she said there are multitude of reasons why people had such a hard time getting tickets and i'm trying to figure out how the situation can be improved moving forward. even congress has scrutinized the company. >> we apologize to ms. swift, we need to do better, and we will do better. >> the company also says it does not embrace deceptive and questionable secondary ticketing practices. >> tickets -- ticketmaster
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itself is already said they're working on this. the second piece, ticket prices will still be sky-high as long as there is sky high demand and limited supply. >> ticketmaster also facing another lawsuit from drake fans. they say there was a disconnect of what they wanted and what they got, suing ticketmaster for what they say intentionally misleading customers. they say they knew they would perform it to concerts in montreal but that they had the informatin to hike sales. >> our expert says the artists largely set the prices but you have many artists who agree with fans. they are very critical of ticketmaster's high fees and remember decades ago, pearl jam, they stood up to ticketmaster, but they lost that battle and they still use ticketmaster today. >> but the fact that the fans are holding a rally at a dance party, that seems right to grade up thank you so much.
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coming up here on "good morning america," from elite 8 to final four, florida atlantic coach and a key player joining us live after the big win. stick around. ♪ ♪ . >> long three... it's good! with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at li is pradt y ask your doctor about caplyta. moment you give your dog a
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>> back now on "gma" with florida atlantic celebrate in the big win overnight against kansas state and securing a spot in the final four. joining us this morning is coach dusty may encino guard michael forrest, welcome to both of you and congratulations. coach, this is the first time ever that florida atlantic advanced to the elite 8. this latest won to make it to the final four, how does this feel? >> it still doesn't feel real.
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>> i can only imagine! michael, what about for you? you appeared cool as a cucumber when you sunk those four free throws in the game's final seconds. you couldn't have really been that calm, were you? >> going up to the first free throw i was kind of shook but once i knocked it down under the rest of them was going to go in. >> kind of short, i can only imagine. dusty, kansas states coach came to the locker room after the game to praise you and your team, to wish you good luck. what did that mean to you all? >> it just means that the coach is a class act and he really appreciates the game and how our guys play, act, and interact with each other. it's a truly special deal. >> you know, michael, i read that there is a mantra that you live by, if you're going to do something, do it to be the best. tell me how you are embodying that right now in the midst of this -- this, i mean, historic run that your team is on. >> my team, we just won the east
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division. we won conference usa, regular-season champions, so i feel like we've just been bodying that this whole season. >> and when you say "we," looking at the two of you, michael, you've spent your entire career at fau with coach may. together you have not had a losing season. what does it mean for the two of you to have been through this together, now in your final year, to be on this run? >> go ahead. >> it just makes it that much more special just knowing that we stuck together and stuck to the plan. >> it was so sweet that your coach just let you take that one. thank you guys so much for being with us and good luck to you guys. and we will be right back here on "gma." ♪ breeze driftin' on... ♪ [coughing] ♪, you know how i feel. ♪ if you're tired of staring down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, ♪
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we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it. edward jones i think it would... hey sharon, did you know triscuit is crunchy on the outside yet incredibly wholesome on the inside. just like me. you forgot salty. i'm not salty.
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triscuit. unapologetically wholesome. >> thank you so much for joining us on this tough sunday morning, where of course thinking of all those folks in mississippi.
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>> especially in whirling fork where whit is. you told us it's a town of 2,000, your interview with the mayor, who is also the funeral director there, it's just >> it truly is heartbreaking. and so much this community is going through, i can tell you is the son is coming up we are getting the full panoramic view of the destruction and as far as the eye can see it looks just like this. please stay tuned to this week, later on this morning, we will have much more coming up tonight on "world news tonight," have a great day. building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions . this is abc. seven news. good morning, everybody. i'm liz kreutz. new safety changes are coming to bart. tomorrow the agency is doubling down on its police presence on trains and stations. starting tomorrow, there have been multiple safety issues that we've covered extensively two weeks ago to writers got caught in a fight at
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the embarcadero station. one of them pulled out a gun and pistol whipped the other, causing the gun to fire. barrett hopes the additional patrols will make the system safer. a massive cleanup is planned after several beloved ancient trees and dozens of plants were destroyed at the uc botanical garden in berkeley. the cleanup bill could top $50,000 garden officials say they did not expect the university of california to pay for that, so donations from the public may be the only way. to move forward to repair and restore this east bay gem and lisa arjun. let's go. check out the forecast now dry today. that's right. and boy, do we need it not only to enjoy all that vitamin d, but to prepare for our next round of heavy rain and winds, so we were looking at a gorgeous shot right now from emeryville. the winds have been calm and inland valley so temperatures have really bottomed out there. but right here, san francisco 44, oakland, 44 42 san jose, and as we look from the golden gate bridge, you can see a bit of a breeze. and
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this is where the numbers are quite cold. 33 santa rosa, it is 35 in livermore with 39 in napa , fairfield 37. so we're looking at a slow warm up today. anywhere from two to about three degrees cooler than yesterday. agency five degrees cooler up in ukiah, so as we get into our breezy winds throughout the afternoon, they will be more onshore upper elevation winds out of the north today mid and upper fifties out there, enjoy it. it's going to be nice and the other 70 forecast clouding up with a level one tomorrow. alright lisa. thank you. thanks for joining us this week
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"this week" with george stephanopoulos starts right now. "this week" with george stephanopoulos starts right now. over night, donald trump escalates his rhetoric as he faces mounting legal danger and a potential indictment. >> what we see before us is not equal justice. >> if he keeps it up, he's going to get someone killed. this morning, rachel scott and erin kutursky with latest development. major show down. >> the united states does not seek conflict with iran.


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