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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 26, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> building a better bay arevi g to the significant amount of rainfall we had. this is probably the most significant event we had during these winter storms. >> a race to reopen the road. big gas line leading to more storm related trouble. good morning it is sunday, march 26. i am liz kreutz here with m meteorologist lisa argen. lisa: we are starting off cool. temperatures continue to drop. nice view from our tower camera. 44, downtown. you can see the camera shaking. a bit of a breeze has kept those temperatures in the 40's. for our inland valleys it is cold.
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34, santa rosa. until 9:00 we could see temperatures dropped another few degrees. that frost advisory will be with us through tomorrow morning. through the next hours nothing but son. low to mid 50's. we timeout the storm, coming up. liz: structure closed in petaluma because of more recent damage from storms. exposed an underground line. crews have been working to reroute the line hoping to finish around 9:00 this morning. fire officials say even though we haven't had rain in the last couple of days the land is still moving there stop moving there. >> pg&e cruise in a race against time and the elements to reroute a main pg&e gas distribution line. >>
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significant event we have had during the storm. >> this storm because they gas -- caused a landslide that exposed a gas line. officials warn the land is still moving. forcing them to reroute it. >> working to reroute that gas line so we can still have service to the 95 customers. >> officials say it is a massive undertaking in a short amount of time. crews have to cut through the highway so they can lay the new gas line on the median the -- median divide. it is a total of 2000 feet of transmission line. >> we are doing it out of costs and -- out of caution to make sure we keep these customers in service. there was no leak. there is no danger to the public. >> crews hope to finish the work before next week's storm. >> the hill is lit -- the hill
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is moving, the landslide's vitipate that with the wet weather returning, more land moving is possible and expected. >> according to interim deputy fire chief, the gas lines are fairly new. he credits pg&e upkeep preventing the lines from breaking under the current conditions. but he adds there will be concerns throughout the process, such as impacts to the underground waterways. >> which includes waterway. a 30 inch water line provi water to the north marine communities and some portions of west marine. as well as the transportation system. highway 101 is vital to our economy. we need to keep that movie. liz: officials did not anticipate any disruption to service. pg&e will have to wait until all the rain is over before they can
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conduct a thorough investigation and find a permanent solution. es a dozs of plants westroy at botanical gardens. >> the garden heard a cracking sound. >> lou feldman is showing us what tuesday's cycling storm left inside the uc botanical gardens inside berkeley hills. the scope of the damage is extensive. >> it is massive and dramatically damaged this portion of the garden. >> fierce winds toppled this redwood tree inside the asian plants exhibit. >> when it fell it snapped off and took out that portion over there. >> feldman says more than 50 rare plants were also destroyed. one of the biggest losses is this california buckeye tree planted 150 years ago.
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completely crushed are the weight of the redwood tree calie people are really sad to see disappear. >> staff members held ever boreal this week to honor the fallen trees and drink a toast. >> the area located where the tree fell is dramatically changed. we had to close it to the public because it is unsafe. >> feldman says this is one of three trees with one trunk. >> the tree is so dangerous now as far as it structure that we have to take the whole tree down. >> the cleanup bill could top $50,000 but feldman does not expect the university of california to pay, so donations from the public may be the only way to repair and move forward to restore this gym in east bay. >> it is a pause and we will redevelop it. liz: oakland zoo officials say
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they have recovered five of the six birds that went missing after a tree fell on to a conclusion -- onto a closure comprising the birds. the tree would down during stormy weather last week. video showing capturing a crow miles away. a woman says she spotted the bird in her yard. the zoo managed to lure the bird inside the home and try to get inside. right now another pi crow is still missing. lisa vallejo plans to facing housing instability. in tweet he says he will have the housing up for a vote at tuesday's super board -- supervisory board meeting. on thursday they were allowed to return to their homes after a levy was repaired and home evacuation order was lifted. officials say it may be weeks before running water can be determined safer drinking. to a frightening attack and
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robbery in the east bay. a family is shaken after a 23-year-old woman says she was chased down, tackled, robbed and hit by three people. surveillance video shows the incident on camera as a woman screams for help. it happened wednesday nurse every verde park. the victim's boyfriends and sister says their neighborhood has not had any crime issues until recent years. she believes the suspects need to be held accountable. >> we were very concerned about the incident just sliding. we didn't want it to become another case that went unresolved. we were hoping the community would help us. we really wanted for them to get caught for what they did. especially because of the age group they are in and the fact they can go on to do worse things if it is allowed. liz: lily's brother tried to
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chase the group away but was not able to catch up with them. police described the suspects being in their late teens and early 20's. officers say there have been crime rings across the bay wheat recently. uc berkeley women's biking team honoring a victim klethe customa cons willuck while biking to washington, d.c.. teammates say the boat will be used in future rowing races to honor o'donnell. one of her former teammates and friend was emotional. >> every once in a while i remember she is not with us. i feel so thankful and grateful to have known her. liz: o'donnell was a danville native and she was 40 years old. representative ro khanna is pushing for more security for small businesses and nonprofits.
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he spent saturday in santa clara discussing the collapse of silicon valley bank. he met with small businesses and nonprofits is affected by the collapse. he provided updates on his work to structure the banking system to prevent a future crisis. he met immediately after bank failed. he urged administrators to give assurance to depositors involved. >> this was dramatic for somebody businesses in the valley. we need to be there in support of them. liz: he also heard about climate issues during his visit. 6: let's get a check outside. lisa: wind chill factor right around or above freezing. the frost advisory for much of the bay area, in the next couple of hours. it is clear and cool with a sunny day on the way. maybe not as warm as you would like it.
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get ready for another round of heavy rain and wind. the details in my accuweather 7-day forecast, next. liz: a shooting causes a lockdown at a popular casino in lake tahoe. what happened before the shots were fired. lgbtq+ community calling for more support at hundred of anti-tranc whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home.
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♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome.
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liz: one man is dead and two people are in jail after a shooting at a popular casino in lake tahoe. the hard rock was shut down after deputies were called
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around 8:00 yesterday morning off highway 50. police say the three men will in a casino bar and an argument broke out before shots were fired. authorities identified 32-year-old omar garcia as the man who was shot. he was taken to the hospital where he later died. to my -- the two other men were arrested away from the scene. san francisco's transgendered drag communities are joining forces to fight back to a controversial bill. they want more people to join their battle. >> one of the things that is really upsetting about this is they are not just attacking us as people, they are attacking our pursuit to happiness. >> honeywell hagen is talking about the slew of anti-lgbtq+ bills being introduced across the country. >> our community has been under attack for a while now. >> the transgender leader and
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others gearing up to fight back. on april 8, marching from san francisco city hall to union square, led by the drag queen community. >> we will have dry-cleaning performers. but we need our allies to show up. we cannot do this alone. >> sister roma has been performing on san francisco's drag stages for 45 years and fears violence now more than ever. >> every time you stand in front of a huge audience like that, you get the idea in the back of your mind. these days it is a real concern. >> even though drag queens are not necessarily trans, people are not necessarily drag queens, we have people that fit inside both boxes. the laws are enough that it could really applies to both. if you are a transgender person
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walking around in public and a child sees you, you could technically be breaking the law and be arrested just for existing. >> from banding transgender surgery to storytime, there are nearly 500 bills nationwide taking aim at the able to show people despite all these laws being thrown at us, despite all the opposition it seems like we have from the republican party, that we are still able to fight back and able to do it with love and joy. liz: it is a wrap for the 28th annual art inspiring hope gala. some of our news anchors were there to celebrate. community partners gathered for a silent auction and art auction. it is a pure support program that helps families navigate childhood cancer. the auction would help fund summer camp for the children in
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the program. an organizer from the program shared why this initiative is soap important. -- so important. >> the magic of camp, they make connections and get to meet other kids going to the same thing or went to the same liz: liz: thing they have gone through. the goal for yesterday's event was to raise $800,000. another celebration in the bay area, for american history as the community marked 125th anniversary of one cam art day. in san francisco's chinatown. the chinese when association -- benevolence association featured one cam art. he was born in the 60's. after traveling out of the country he was denied entry inside the u.s.. the high court ruled the 14th amendment guarantees birthrights
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citizenship to all board within the u.s.. let's get a check of the forecast. enjoy this break while we have it. lisa: another 36 hours or so of dry weather. we will see the impacts affecting the north bay with warm frontal rain. everything intensifies as we get into the overnight hours on monday. into tuesday morning, that commute lasting through the day on tuesday. we could see the chance of thunderstorms. low snow levels with the system. it is going to make its way all the way down the california coast. that low will stay offshore. it continues to intensify gets closer to the bay area, lasting us with gusty wind and unstable air that could brings thunderstorm activity. a gorgeous view of a little bit of a breeze. you can see the camera shaking. half moon bay, 45.
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a look from our tower camera, it is nice and clear out there with 33 in santa rosa. you stop the wind and temperatures drop off. 34, livermore. 37, fairfield. 30, concord. the sun coming up just after 7:00. patchy frost this morning. sunny and cool this afternoon. as we get into this last week of march you would think we are going to see some changes. changes, but not probably what you're hoping for. we have wind and rain coming again and the temperature outlook, the rain profile still looking kind of murky. the rest of the day on sunday, sunday. monday increasing with high clouds. here comes the warm frontal rain. the cold front, heavier rain, 6:30, slicing through the north bay after 11:00. low snow levels pushes to the east bay by about 5:00 tuesday.
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the evening commute impacted in livermore, san jose, santa cruz mountains. snow levels may be an inch. east bay hills. santa cruz mountains. more than that in the east bay. colder air sticking around coming in sooner. maybe four inches. th fr t bay area. the possibility of more downpours. rainfall has gone up in the north bay and elsewhere it about two inches, santa rosa. richmond, concord, over an i and a half. you can see the peninsula, wind accompanying the system too. it is going to be a scenario we have to watch once again late on monday. the winds don't look too bad. as we get into the overnight hours, early tuesday they are beginning to crank up and stopping this at 9:00 on tuesday. that is what we have. 30 to 45 mile-per-hour wind. they will quickly release their grip as we get into the later
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afternoon hours. nonetheless we get another round of heavy snow. two to four feet. inland valley, a little a little breezy. north bay near freezing in inland valley. the accuweather 7-day forecast, level 1 system. level two system moves out of here on wednesday. we are dry but we don't warm up. we just keep going with this. this is another one just like we have seen. liz: strong wind and all of that. we will have to brace ourselves. why climate change concerned toxins are facing but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall.
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liz: janai norman joins us now from new york to tell us what is coming up at 7:00 on good morning america. >> the devastating toll from those tornadoes sharks -- tornado strikes spanning from texas. 22 paid will -- 22 people dead. we are on the ground in mississippi live from the city of rolling fort. recovery efforts only just beginning. the mayor joining us live this morning. our weather team is tracking the latest on the new severe weather threat for the south, including the chance for more strong tornadoes. and the storms on the way. we are tracking it all this morning. liz: environmental groups are calling for closer monitoring of an industrial site on the san francisco bay. the group that owns the site
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moving forward with a plan they say it will make the area safer and more resilient to climate change. abc seven news reporter dan ashley is here with a look of what those wants. >> it looks like a levees turning evaporating seawater into mountains of high quality salt. recently environmental groups have raised concerns about the material in two of those pods will stop concentrated bitter left over from the salt making process they argue could present a threat to nearby wildlife in the event of release. >> the agencies need to go out and inspect these ponds and make sure we are not on the verge of a catastrophic toxic spill into the san francisco bay. >> david lewis runs save the bay. the group recently drafted a
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letter questioning whether the agency is effectively monitoring the pond. among their concerns, threats to the levels to the seawater rise, and the potential for a spill to reach the nearby don edwards wildlife refuge. >> there are toxic spots around the bay much more heavily regulate a. it is baffling the agencies have not taken a stronger stance about protecting the bay from this toxic material. >> the environmental concerns come as they are rolling out a major proposal that could transform the way the companies doors and processes the mixed sea salt. a plan that would ultimately dispose of them back in the bay. don brown is the land resources manager. he says the company is working to build a multimillion dollar pipeline assigned to be a long-term solution. >> we understand that sea level rise and climate change is coming. we realize the time to act is now. we are taking a proactive
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approach to protect the bay. >> the pipeline that shown in red would run about 60 miles connect ponds with the newark system run by the east bay dischargers association. once the bride is mixed with treated wastewater and deluded, it would be piped to this facility in san leandro and released back into the bay. enron manager would be one of the largest additions to the east bay wastewater system in years. she believes the dilution process is a safe way to dispose of the bidder. >> we consider it our mission to protect the bay. we have done a lot of water quality testing to demonstrate that the combined brine would be safe to the bay. >> the environmental impact report is still under consideration. eileen white is executive director with san francisco regional water quality control board. while acknowledging her agency has not inspected the two ponds specifically, she says they have
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provided a recent expection that inspection report. she also supports the pipeline plan. >> it is returning it back to the bay but not at such a high concentration that it could be toxic to the environment. >> groups like save the bay argue it would be years before construction is completed. they point to recent levee failures like the breach in monterey county as an example of the height risk. in the meantime they are pushing for increased oversight at agencies like the bay conservation and development committee and the regional water quality control board. >> there are a lot of letters going back and forth between agencies and the company. that is not adequate. they need to go out and inspect this to see how clo the pond. >> and a balancing act in the corner of san francisco bay at the center of a thriving industry and home to majestic wildlife refuge. liz: while there is
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for a decision on the pipeline, agencies we spoke with say they believe it could potentially be approved later this year. still to come on abc seven mornings, former president donald trump holds his first large-scale campaign event for the 2024 presidential campaign election. what he has to say to supporters as he faces possible indictment. i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order.
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>> moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. liz: severe storm disruption. a close look at the storms in mississippi as residents say they have lost everything. good morning everyone. thank you for joining us. we have a little bit of a break in the rain right now. it is sad to see what is happening in the south with those tornadoes. lisa: very sad. quite incredible. lots of folks had never seen anything like that. our hearts go out to them as the endeavors begin for cleanup.
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it is freezing. a blue skies there. san francisco, 42. upper 30's, palo alto. 36, santa cruz. numbers have dropped in our inland valley. 36, napa. livermore, 30 four. until 9:00 we are under a frost advisory for all the communities away from the bayshore, not including san francisco. looking at a slow warm up today. freezing wind on the coast. plenty of sunshine. mid-50's for everyone just about 1:00. in the low 50's at the coast. upper 50's for our warmest location. another cold night tonight with more frost for your monday morning. then we are tracking rain and wind in a few minutes. liz: at least 26 people have died from storms bettering the south this weekend. this is the trail of disruption
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left behind after a deadly tornado struck in mississippi. a few hours later a storm touchdown in the state of georgia. the national weather service says to twisters hit. >> what used to be homes just scattered debris. after intense tornado outbreak hit parts of mississippi and alabama friday night. >> we lost everything but we got our life. >> we are in the tornado right now. >> wesley jackson took this video as he drove through the tornado and captured some of the devastation left in its wake. storm leaving a path of destruction stretching more than 90 miles. small towns of silver city and rolling fork, mississippi both decimated. the national weather service confirming it was a powerful ef4 tornado. >> through, you would think they would tell you to take cover.
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it happened so fast we didn't get a chance to take cover. >> ainfork. i felt the tornado was pushing me and pulling. i don't know what happened. the tornado just one around the house and tore it down. >> not everyone survive. 56-year-old grandmother mary is among those killed. her niece telling abc news mary was a sweet and caring soul with a beer. that lit up the room. >> now that the getting a real sense of how much this town has been leveled. some of these buildings you cannot make out. this is some sort of industrial building completely flat. >> mississippi's governor has issued a state of emergency for all of the counties affected by the storm. resident bright and promising the federal government will help.
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liz: president biden has declared a major disaster in mississippi. he has ordered federal aid to help the areas affected by the storm. that includes grants, housing and storm repair. developing news on that deadly explosion at a pennsylvania chocolate factory. crews are still searching for survivors two days after that blast. officials say three people have died, five people are still unaccounted for. crews rescued one person found alive. 10 others were taken to the hospital with injuries. >> someone was found alive. fingers crossed we are going to find more. liz: officials say the factory building is leveled and not much to be salvaged. they are still investigating the cause of the explosion. former president donald trump held his first campaign event after claims he would be arrested last week to alleged hushed buddy paid to stormy daniels. he addressed supporters in texas
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yesterday as he faces possible indictment. try told the crowd if he doesn't win the 2024 presidential election he believes, "our country is doomed." >> 2020 for the final battle is going to be the big one. you put me back in the white house. there rain will be over and american -- and america will be a free nation once again. liz: trump also fired back against the multiple investigations he is facing about his conduct. he declared himself "the most innocent man in the history of our country." coming up abc news martha raddatz discusses what a possible indictment reads where his presidential bid. you can watch that with george stephanopoulos at 8:00 on abc seven. actor jonathan majors was arrested on charges of string you and a salt, and harassment saturday. he is no longer in police custody this morning. police say majors was involved in a domestic dispute with a
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30-year-old woman who had minor injuries. a representative for the actor says he did nothing wrong and they are looking to further clearing his name. majors is considered a fast rising star in hollywood. he recently up for your that she recently appeared increased three, antman and the wasp mania as well. divers have recovered the body of a 70- the coast guard was called to the beach and moderate county before 8:00 p.m. monday night. a three-year-old said his brother and mother were missing in the water. the mother's body was recovered that night. divers found the body of the seven-year-old for noon yesterday. still ahead on abc 7 news mornings, how would hopes to reduce crime later this week. and here is a live look outside looking at the santa cruz lighthouse. the sun just starting to peek at 6:30 this morning. we will check in with lisa when
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liz: here is a very pretty view from our tara campbell right now as the sun starts to come up. a live look from our sfo starting tomorrow one of the airport's runways will be out of commission for eight weeks. crews will be repaving and painting and making other minor repairs. flights will be routed onto two other primary runways. taxi runway will remain open to limit any traffic congestion. airport officials say the closure will cause flute -- will cause few delays. the runway is expected to open by late may. new safety changes are coming to bart. the agency will double down its police presence at bart train station starting tomorrow. there have been multiple safety issues we have covered. new bart data shows thieves are stealing personal electronics.
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>> are removing seven of our traditional vehicle patrols per shift and redeploying those officers incited trains, which also includes our k-9 unit. liz: bart is hoping to not only make the system safer but more efficient. bart could be facing paint -- facing bankruptcy or for station shutdowns. a toxic parasite that has the potential to pass on to humans has killed four sea otters. wildlife officials say the parasite can be passed to people through cats as fecal matter. >> we want our collaborators worked on studying causes of mortality in marine animal -- marine mammals to take extra precaution because we know toxoplasmosis can potentially infect people. liz: the cr cases are in santa
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cruz. to avoid infection cat owners are advised to keep cats indoors, properly dispose of litter and feed food that is cooked. in monterey county people beginning to rebuild. some are concerned about how the flood is impacting the cultural -- the agricultural industry. we talked to experts on what the damage could lead -- could leave when it comes to produce. >> the extent of storm damage to the largest producing state will come at a cost but it may take some time. >> if an event is going to take in effect, you will see hotel prices jump up immediately. i have not yet seen that happen. >> the salinas valley is one of the hardest hit areas. the nation's largest producers of lettuce, broccoli and strawberries. smith, a food economist says this could potentially reduce supply of food across the country -- across the country. >> many of these crops in the
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wintertime in california are grown in arizona or mexico. >>at means production is available in other locations that can fill the gap and mitigate a price impact. >> it will be may be pay a few dollars extra for the next couple of months because of this particular event. but it is probably not something that most people would notice. >> while the exact impact to consumers is unknown, the impact the farmworkers is unquestionable. >> this is a catastrophe. >> the organization center for farmworker families helped 500 people during their food distribution in watsonville. >> the drought had an impact hours available. now with this flooding it is just going to decrease the amount of employment opportunities for form workers -- farmworkers. >> ortiz says there will be less places to live.
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>> all donations from the public will not be able to resolve this situation. we need federal assistance. liz: it is with more rain on the way. lisa: rain and wind. another storm. not only here, but for sierra, nevada. two to three feet of snow. temperatures in the teens. it is cloudy. maybe a few snowflakes today. a high around 30. they are going to get hammered again in the mountains. we will talk about it with my fool accuweather 7-day forecast. liz: the warriors online to get a key piece back from their play out bush. chris alvarez has more on gp to use imminent return, coming up in sports. i think it would... hey sharon, did you know triscuit is crunchy on the outside yet incredibly wholesome on the inside. just like me. you forgot salty.
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i'm not salty. triscuit. unapologetically wholesome.
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liz: take a look at this gorgeous view from our tower
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camera. a gorgeous sunrise. time right now 645 time. the warriors are back in action today. gary the second could return to the court for the first time since golden state reacquired him last month. steph curry made a surprise visit to some young talented athletes in the east bay. abc 7 sports anchor chris alvarez has the details in this morning sports. >> it is hard to believe now but stephen curry was once a lightly recruited three-star athlete coming out of high school. fast forward, the generational talent and future hall of famer getting prospects just like himself and chance to shine in the underrated basketball her. an event put on by under armour and rakuten at the open gym premiere in oakland. stefan surprising the campers with words of wisdom before some of the boys and girls championship games. best jenkins from duncan jenkins dunking over staff.
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shining a spotlight on the three-star athletes giving them a platform to showcase those skills. >> from me the accomplishments and i still mindset. i will always look at things that way. now i can show the journey of what it took for me to carry that underrated mindset. >> not a lot of kids got picked to come to san francisco. i am all the way from georgia. it is a pretty cool experience. n ivee prswe are throwing arouo improve the tour to give kids more opportunities, boys and girls to be found to no longer be underrated. >> gary payton the second is listed as probable for today's game against minnesota. it sounds like he is going to play. gp
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acquired him from portland. but he doesn't feel it will be that hard to get up to speed to play. >> you get accustomed to them. i have been watching. i know what guys like to do and where they like to be. it is going to be like riding a bike. >> ncaa delete caravan beast the first-half buzzer mother. uconn at seven at the break. drew timme picked up his fourth foul the huskies took advantage of the turnover. now he marlena hoop and the foul. the final moments of his college career gets a hug from coach. worst loss of the season by far. uconn clinching their sixth final four appearance. east regional in new york, marc keast noel had a record 19 assists thursday against florida atlantic. steph range, a second point lead. here comes fau.
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elijah martin, the owls go six with three minutes ago. final seconds, down three. noel gives it up, never got it back, they get -- they never get a shot. o you.liz: tomorrow three-time d series champion will take the mound one last time. romo had signed a one-day contract with the giants and will retire with the steib -- with the teams. romo giants. almost all three of their championship season. tomorrow's game starts at 6:45 and oracle part. let's get a check of the forecast. it was really windy in my neighborhood yesterday. lisa: the winds picked up and today another breezy day. a wind advisory this time tomorrow as we anticipate another round of heavy rain,
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gusty wind as an area of low pressure drops out of the golf -- the gulf of alaska. lashing the entire state once again. as we look at the north wind, writing parallel, it has been cool. 29 degrees on top of not diablo. 32 on top of mount tam. it was only 49 it was only 39 here yesterday. the highest peak if you were hiking or biking. some cold air in place. 43, san francisco. oakland, a nice clear picture where the wind will be breezy. up to about 20, 25 miles today. they be higher than that at the coast. 33, santa rosa. the north wind off. above freezing. 37, by the delta. all the blue hues from outside our window.
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patchy frostng ts roh nd nnndool this ahighs the 60's. santa rosa will be shy of that by 10 degrees. rain monday night in the north bay moving into tuesday for the east bay, southbay bay and peninsula. a look at your sunny sunday. higher clouds late in the day on wednesday. here comes the front. out ahead of it we see the highest rain with the front. the downpours, gusty winds, the colder air coming into play throughout the north bay could see a couple of inches of snow. higher elevations around and kills berg. as we get into the front, pushing into the east bay and southbay, a be an inch. not diablo, not hamilton. the area of low pressure lingers. cold, unstable air traversing the coastline. that could bring the chance of thunderstorms into late tuesday.
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more downpours. this will take us into wednesday as the system finally wants to depart. between now and then, rainfall amounts going up to over two inches in the north bay. all of this green shading indicates at least an inch and a half. even into the valleys, probably an inch. maybe so in mountain view as well. the santa cruz mountains getting hit again. as well as monterey. wind increasing monday night into tuesday. overnight, 30 miles per hour along the coast. peeking upwards of 45, maybe 50 miles per hour for that tuesday morning commute. that front pushes through, slightly better conditions after that. winter storm watch. wind up to 60 miles per hour in the mountains. west slope, sierra, nevada, ski resorts could see about 18 inches. upper 50's today. overnight tonight, just it's frosty with the frost advisory. accuweather 7-day forecast, level 1 storm monday.
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level two system tuesday. wednesday, more showers z: lisa, come on, help us out. next, a piece of lana delrain 's calling on lana delray fans. ahead of the special, tomorrow. >> bay area, this week. first time interview since winning best new artist at the grammys. a performance you don't want to miss. later in the week, jay farrell and kim fields. that is coming up this week on one
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everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. liz: the winning numbers from last nights powerball drawing, 15, 17, 18, 47, 57, powerball number 19. the jackpot goes up to 122 million numbers -- $122 million. here are the numbers from the
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mega drawing. no one picked all six numbers in that drawing. wednesday nights prize increases to $45 million. families and veterans in alameda celebrating ahead of national veterans day on march 29. a memorial squadron conducted a fly or more of in yesterday. organizers gave pins to the vietnam war vets to show appreciation for their service. there was also a ceremony at remembering those who lost their lives. in the north bay some kids got to take place in special easter egg hunt. the lighthouse for visually impaired held its first beeping and can't -- first beeping egg hunt. drive and is hosting a lana delray listening party.
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the diner will play lana all night titled do you know there is a tunnel ocean boulevard. there is also a new lana delray milkshake and giveaways happening on geary boulevard. both the singer and the train -- and the chain wrecks throughout. she is set to perform lisa: it is going to be a is chilly.of a slow climb bec 30 in the north bay. the rain comes in late monday. a level 1 system. level two system wednesday. wednesday still some showers. possibility of a storm. cool but dry. liz: thank you for joining us on abc seven. along -- i am liz kreutz along with liz -- along with lisa argen.
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