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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  March 25, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. a race against time. pg&e crews are trying to finish moving a gas line before the next storm rolls into the bay area. good evening, and thank you for joining us on dionne lim. you're watching abc 7 news at 11. to the north bay now and more trouble related to the impact of our recent massive storms a stretch of highway 101 is closed in novato to petaluma as pg&e cruise worked to reroute a gas transmission line. pg&e hopes to finish by sunday morning abc 7 news reporter answer hasan joins us live now with details about the work that is underway. this seems like a monumental task. deon good evening. you can see southbound 101 is already closed in this part of novato the mud slides about a quarter mile up now officially
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even though it hasn't been raining. that ground is still moving. so this exposed gas line is under a lot of pressure and that's why it has to be rerouted. pg&e cruise are in a race against time and the elements in their attempt to reroute a main pg&e gas distribution line. we have seen some erosion in the locations due to the significant amount of rainfall we've had but this is probably the most significant event we've had during these these winter storms this week storm caused a massive landslide, which exposed to pg&e gas line, even though there hasn't been any rain in the past few days officials one that the ground continues to move that's putting pressure on the gas line forcing them to reroute it working to relocate our gas line in order to get away from that hazard so we can still have gas service to the 95,000 customers here in marion county officials say it's a massive undertaking in a short amount of time cruise have to cut through the frontage road and the highway so they ony
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's aot 2,000eet ofreng it out on order to make sure that we can keep these customers in service. it's not something where we're we're actually have damage to the pipe. there is no leak there is no danger to the public crews. hope to finish the work before next week's storm even under the dry conditions. the hill is moving. the landslide is moving in. further anticipate that with the wet weather returning more land movement is is very possible and expected according to joel mccarthy interim deputy fire chief with the novato fire department. the gas lines are fairly new. he creates pg&e's upkeep in preventing the lines from breaking under the current conditions. he adds there will be other concerns throughout the process such as impacts to the underground water lines, which includes the natural. excuse me, the north marine water district novato aqueduct, which is a 30-inch gas line or excuse me, a 30 inch water line
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that provides water the north marine communities and some portions of west marin as well as the transportation system highway 101 is vital to our economy. we need to keep that moving between meridian sonoma counties. dion pg&e officials hope to be done by tomorrow morning at 9 am they don't expect any disruption in service reporting live ansar hassan abc 7 news story. we'll continue to follow unser. thank you. storm damage from tuesday's epic bomb cyclone is still being tallied in the east bay a massive cleanup is planned after several beloved ancient trees and dozens of plants were destroyed at the uc botanical garden. abc 7 news reporter cornell bernard spoke with the gardens director about what was lost but people who are on this side of the garden actually heard a cracking sound lou feldman is showing us what tuesday's bomb cyclone storm left inside the uc botanical garden in the berkeley hills the scope of the damage is
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extensive. so it's been it's really quite massive and it really of course has a dramatically damaged his portion of the garden pierce winds toppled this beloved giant redwood tree inside the asian plant section of the garden taking out a picnic table and portions of the bamboo grove when it fella snapped off and it actually took out that portion over there the bamboo grow. yeah feldman says more than 50 rare plants were all so destroyed one of the biggest losses. is this california buckeye tree planted a hundred and fifty years ago as you can see completely crushed by the weight of the redwood tree and it's almost impossible to replace a california native, which is a tree that people are very very sad to see disappear staff members held a memorial this week to honor the fallen trees and a toast garden area where we're now located where the tree fell was dramatically changed and it is in a condition that we had to close it to the public because it's unsafe feldman says the redwood was actually one of
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three trees with one trunk. the tree is probably so dangerous now as far as it's structure that we're going to have to take the whole tree down. the cleanup bill could top 50,000 dollars, but feldman doesn't expect the university of california to pay so donations from the public may be the only way to move forward to repair and restore this gem in the east bay. so there's an opportunity. it's not an end. it's a kind of a pause and we will certainly redevelop it in berkeley cornell bernard abc 7 news. oakland zoo officials say they've recovered five of the six birds that flew through a torn aviary mesh and are still on zoo grounds the zoo shared this video today of them capturing a pied crow a few miles away a woman spotted the bird in her yard and the zoo came and managed to somehow lure it inside the home. you can see that woman just slams the door trapping it inside several trees fell on zoo grounds during tuesday's storm one even fell onto the zeus african.
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savannah aviary tearing the mesh allowing the birds escape all that is left to capture is another crow and the zoo is asking for the public's help in locating it. all right, no rain for this weekend, but it is going to be chilly tonight in some parts of the bay area spencer. how cold are we talking here? well, deon down to almost freezing in some spots. so let me give you a look at what's going on. we have clear skies, as you know, as you can see on laptop with seven and under clear skies this time of year under these conditions temperatures drop sharply. so a frost advisory will be an effect until nine o'clock tomorrow morning for virtually all of the bay area except the immediate coastline and the areas right around the bay shoreline temperatures drop down to 32 to about 36 degrees in the coldest spots again under clear skies as you can see all night long into tomorrow morning. so more specifically look for lowe's tonight at 34 degrees at santa rosa, fairfield, livermore 36 at napa 35 at vallejo at 38, san jose 36 morgan hill even right around the bay shore line lowes will drop into the upper 30s and most locations.
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so prepare for the big chill. i'll give you a look at the seven days ahead including our next storm a little bit later deon. all right, i feel chilly thinking about it spencer. thank you. well speaking of warming centers are now open in santa clara county the national weather service put out a freeze alert for tonight through 9 am tomorrow. there are several county libraries including the one in cupertino open for those who need a place to stay. today community partners went to encampment sites to share information about the open centers. they also handed out blankets ponchos tarps and tents to unhoused people. you developments now monterey county supervisor luis alejo plans to propose a temporary eviction moratorium for pajaro tenants facing housing instability following the recent levee breach. he tweeted that he will have the proposal up for a vote on tuesday's board of supervisors meeting on thursday more than 2,000 pajaro residents were allowed to return to their homes after the levy was repaired and
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the evacuation order lifted many residents say their homes are now filled with mud standing water and even mold officials say maybe weeks before running water can be determined safe for drinking. of frightening attack and robbery and san leandro resulted in a foot chase and a family searching for answers at about 2:45, wednesday afternoon, a 23 year old woman was walking near senpre verde park on the san leandro oakland border when she was attacked by three people. you can hear the terror in her voice as she is tackled to the ground robbed for a car keys and punched in the head and face. victim's boyfriend's sister says their neighborhood has not had crime issues until recent years and has a reason for wanting to share the story. we were very concerned about. the incident just sliding we didn't want it to just become
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just another case that went unresolved and we were hoping that the community would help us. we really wanted for them to get caught for what they did, especially because of the age group that they're in and the fact that they can go on to do worse things if it's just allowed. lily's brother gave chase, but was unsuccessful in catching the three individuals police describe as in their late teens early twenties police say the investigation is ongoing and tell me there have been crime rings across the bay area. so they urge. one who has been a victim of a similar crime to report directly to police. and the east bay uc berkeley women's rowing team honors a former teammate who was killed in a biking accident last summer christening ceremony was held in orinda today for the custom boat named after sean o'donnell o'donnell was hit by a construction truck while biking to work in washington dc. the uc berkeley women's rowing team raised $50,000 to create
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the custom boat. teammates say the boat will be used in future rowing races to honor o'donnell one of her former teammates and friend became emotional when remembering her. every once in a while, i remember sort of that. she's not with us and you know, i just feel so thankful and grateful to have known her. o'donnell was a danville native and was 40 years old. today families and veterans celebrated national vietnam war veterans day in alameda. memorial squadron conducted a flyover at the event on the uss hornet organizers gave pins to the vietnam war. that's to show appreciation for their service. there was also a ceremony remembering those who lost their lives. the event was held ahead of the actual national vietnam war veterans day, which is on march 29th.
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representative rocana was in santa clara county today to address the impact from the silicon valley bank failure cana met with small businesses and nonprofits that were affected by the bank collapse on march 10th. provided updates on his work to structure the banking system to prevent a future crisis. khana met with the fdic and us treasury immediately after the bank failed and he urged administrators to give insurance to depositors that were involved. the representative says he wants to provide security for small businesses and nonprofits. even though the deposits have been guaranteed. this was traumatic for so many businesses in the valley that we need to be there in support of them. kana also heard about climate issues housing and community services during today's visit. or much more ahead on abc 7 news at 11 tonight including powerful storms that left dozens dead and a dtruction in the
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south what we know tonight about the let last one of the tornadoes that ripped through, mississippi. and with an increasing number of bills nationwide targeting the transgender community the action being taken in the bay area to raise awareness and fight back.
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and two people were arrested after shooting at a popular casino in tahoe the hard rock casino was on lockdown after deputies were called out about an act of gunmen. all happened at about 8 o'clock this morning off of highway 50 police. say the three men were in a casino bar together and an argument broke out before shots were fired authorities. identified 32 year old omar garcia as the man who was shot
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he was taken to the hospital where he later died. the two other men involved were arrested about 20 miles away from the scene. in response to the hundr anti-lgbtq+ bills being introduced across the nation san francisco's transgender and drag queen communities are joining forces to fight back and as abc 7 news reporter tara campbell reports. they're now asking you to join in that battle. you know one of the things that is really really. upsetting about this is that they're not just attacking us as people, but they're also attacking our pursuit to happiness, honey. mahogany is talking about the slew of anti-lgbtq+ bills being introduced across the country. our community is really been under attack for a while now the transgender leader and others gearing up to fight back on april 8th marching from san francisco city hall to union square led by the drag queen community. we'll have a fabulous contingent
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of drag performers a beautiful trans people, but we really need our allies to show up because we can't do this alone sister roma's been performing on san francisco's drag stages for 35 years and fears violence now more than ever every time you get in dragon your stand in front of a huge audience like that. you said idea in the back of your mind, but these days it's a real. a real concern even though drag queens are not trans and necessarily trans and trans people are not necessarily drag queens. we do have people like myself who fit into both boxes and she says laws like the one just passed in tennessee restricting public drag shows threatened both communities. the laws are written. broadly enough that it could really apply to both and so if you're a trans person walking around in public in a child sees you good technically be breaking the law and be arrested. for existing from banning jendra affirming surgery to drag queen
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story times. there are now nearly 500 bills nationwide taking aim at the lgbtq+ community what i'm hoping that we are able to show people is that all of these? laws that are being you know thrown at us despite all of the opposition. it seems like that we have from the republican party that we are still able to fight back and we're able to do it with love and joy tara campbell abc 7 news a couple of our abc 7 news anchors and see the 28th annual art inspiring. hope gala tonight the event kicked off at the fort mason center for the arts in san francisco community partners gathered for an art auction and silent auction that was created by okazu okazu is a peer support program that helps families navigate childhood cancer. the auction would help fund camp kaizu, which is a summer camp for the children in the program in organizer from the program
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shared why this initiative is so important. the magic of camp is that these kids are actually can create new connections and they get to meet other kids that are going through the same thing or have gone through the same thing that they went through. the goal for tonight was to raise $800,000. it was a special celebration of american history marking the 125th anniversary of wong kim arc day in san francisco's chinatown. the chinese consolidated benevolent association along with the chinese historical society of america hosted the event which featured descendants of wong kim ark elected leaders and prominent chinese-american community members also spoke today. wonky mark was born in san francisco in the 1870s and after a trip outside the country. he was denied entry back into the us. he and the community then banded together and took his case all the way to the us supreme court which ruled that the 14th amendment guarantees birthright citizenship to all born in the
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us as you can see. i was honored to be mc for this morning's presentation my deepest. thanks for you all having me speak and i was just expressing this to the crowd that i was amazed that growing up. i never learned anything about chinese american history and we're learning it now. yes about time indeed better late than never good for you for being part of that event. it was very meaningful. it was a very good. thanks. well, we've got chili what they're coming our way get right to it. we show he was looking lived up for seven. we've got clear skies right now. they're going to remain clear through the evening through the nighttime hours. it's a little breezy in some spots right now as we take a look at our surface wind speed you can see gusts to 25 miles per hour at novato to 32 miles per hour at oakland. so breezy and chile will be the operative words for tonight. view on the clear skies from sutro tower looking out over san francisco where it's 48 degrees. also 48 in oakland. we have mid to upper 40s also in palo alto, san jose santa clara and half moon bay and the view
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thou cama u hig loo b aos bay tperareht nownt rosa, novad fairfield and more conquered at 48 degrees one more live view from our exploratorium camera looking across the the bay to toward the bay bridge and across the entire bay across a little bit of the bay waters there toward the bay bridge. these are our forecast headlines clear and cold overnight with frost advisory in effect for much of the bay area. it'll be sunny tomorrow seasonably cool and our next storm arrives late monday into early tuesday looking at the forecast animation overnight. you can see the absence of clouds which of course accounts for the sharp drop in temperatures. so overnight lows will drop down to 28 degrees at lakeport. we'll see 34 santa rosa, fairfield and livermore 36 at concord down to 35 at vallejo tonight 38 at richmond and san jose morgan hill a low of 36 and right around the bay shore line most locations. we'll have lowe's in the upper 30s except oakland which will bottom out at about 40 degrees.
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so that frost advisory will be an effect until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. it covers virtually the entire bay area except areas right along the right around the bay shoreline and their immediate coastline lows in the coldest spots will drop down to about 32 to 36 degrees. so prepare to bundle up if you're going to be outside during those hours then tomorrow afternoon high temperatures under sunny skies will range from low fifties on the coast to mainly upper 50s right around the bay shoreline also mainly upper 50s inland although some locations like santa rosa will top out at about 60 degrees now, here's our forecast animation beginning monday at 6pm as that next storm approaches. it'll start to push in monday night overnight. to tuesday morning it will begin as a relatively light a level one storm on the exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale, but it will intensify overnight into tuesday to a level two. so this will be a significant storm producing significant rainfall and bringing strong gusty windizut ound wednesday thursday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast.
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and as you can see, we have a couple of pretty cold mornings coming our way not just tomorrow, but monday morning as well in advance of that storm then by wednesday, we'll see the storm weakening to just scattered showers and we'll get some drying out some sunnier skies, but not much milder on thursday, friday and saturday. so brace yourself get ready for the next storm. oh, i've been bracing for a long time. this is always exactly brace some more. okay, good advice spencer. thanks. we'll still head on abc 7 news at 11:00 a unique egg hunt today in the bay area. well tell you what sets this one apart from the others. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. i really like the flexibility. and for me, it's one less thing to think about while traveling. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva.
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serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. with every-other-month cabenuva, i'm good to go.
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea
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- wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music) kids got to take part in a special easter egg hunt. ah, you hear that the lighthouse for the blind and visually impaired held its first beeping
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egg hunt in san rafael. it was dogs f bli have reivmpi's canine bunny program took part in the event looks like fun. we do have some good news for the warriors that at least is at the injury front and steph curry making a difference in oakland today chris alvarez joining us now with a preview of sports. hi, chris. dion coming up in sports the warriors are in line to get a key piece back for the playoff push the latest on gp2 plus shining the light on the three stars how stephen curry's underrated tour is giving opportunities for basketball products across the country sports is next. i'm going to mandalore. dublin. wakanda. ♪ ♪give me the greenlight♪ now is our time. may the force be with you! ♪ ♪greenlight♪ ♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders.
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that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power.
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you didn't choose cat allergies. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with your hairline. or that thing where your knee just gives out for no reason. but... you can choose your doctor who will care for all the things you didn't choose. kaiser permanente for all that is you.
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>> it is hard to believe now that stephen curry was once a lightly recruited restart athlete coming out of high school. the generational talent and future hall of famer is giving prospects just like himself a chance to shine in the underrated basketball. what a great event at the open gym premiere in oakland. surprising the campers with words of wisdom before some of the boys and girls championship games this weekend. one of the many highlights,
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dinkins out of georgia, dunking over him. nice we will show it twice. the underrated tour, shining the spotlight on three star athletes. >> for me, all the accomplishments and the success, i still carry the underrated mindset and that jean is always built into me. i will always look at things that way, and now i can show the journey of what it took for me to. that mind that every step of the way. >> pretty good experience. i am all the way from georgia, so pretty experience. we will look to bring in more players, and how can we involve more players? we are currently throwing around some ideas of how to improve the tour, to hopefully grow this to give more kids more opportunities, both boys and girls. >> great event. and gary payton the second is officially probable for tomorrow's game. it sure sounds like he is going to play.
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he hasn't playedhe doesn't thind to get back up to speed. >> just like riding a bike. a couple of pegs on the back. you get accustomed to them, have been watching, so i know what guys like to do and where they like to be. it will be like riding a bike. >> ncaa elite eight in yukon and gonzaga, all huskies here. yukon up seven at the break. gonzaga superstar picked up his fourth bout early in the second half, huskies took advantage off the turnover. hoop and one. final moments of the college career, gets a hug from coach. it was gonzaga's worst loss of the season. yukon wins 82-54. east regional in new york, marc keast noel had a record 19 n, check
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re comes fau, elijah martin from distance, team-high 17, i will up six with three minutes to go. final seconds, three point game. he gave it up and never got it back. florida atlantic wins first-ever final four. sponsored by river rock casino. >> much more to come on abc7news at 11:00. what we have learned about a deadly explosion at a candy factory in pennsylvania. movie star jonathan majors has been arrested in new york city. what he is accused of doing.
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>> more than two dozen people are dead and dozens more injured following a severe weather outbreak in mississippi and alabama overnight. the national weather service confirmed a powerful ef 4 tornado ripped room rolling fork, mississippi, all but leveling the town.
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morgan norwood is following this developing story. morgan: a deadly tornado outbreak shredding through parts of the deep south friday evening. a monster storm touching down about 60 miles northwest of jackson. silver city and rolling fort, were decimated by the storm. >> it was just scary. but, my mom had to hold the door closed. we was all trying to -- just pushing me. i was scared. morgan: that twister on the ground for more than 90 miles. >> now the sun is getting higher etti sen for just how mh is town has beed ings you can't even make out. this is an industrial building completely thought.
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>> it was like a bomb. total devastation. morgan: homes destroyed, trees and power lines trampled. team rubicon humanitarian organization that helps in times of disaster. >> they thought it lasted 30 minutes, it was 20 seconds. you look at the aftermath, you are like, there is no way. morgan: we have learned 56-year-old mary barfield bush is among those killed. her niece, sharing with abc that she was a sweet and caring soul of a beautiful smile that lit up the room. mississippi's governor has issued a state of emergency for all the counties affected by the storms and president biden, promising the federal government will be there as long as it takes. >> officials confirmed three people died in an explosion at a
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chocolate factory in pennsylvania. were senohehospital injonpe wase overnight. four others are still unaccounted for and officials are still looking for a cause. here is jaclyn linley with details. reporter: shortly before 5:00 p.m., a deadly explosion rocked the chocolate factory in west reading, pennsylvania. >> total destruction, it looks like palmer candies. >> emergency responders, including the fire department and law enforcement immediately responded to the scene to secure the area and provide assistance to those affected. >> i have one trapped under the rubble. reporter: the factory, destroyed. >> it is pretty leveled. there is not too much to be able to salvage from it. the building in the front, the explosion was so big that it moves that building or word. reporter: residents described the terrifying moments. >> it was the loudest thing i
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have heard in my life, it felt like the ground fell out from under me. reporter: -- >> the whole house was shaking. i was really freaked out. i was thinking earthquake. reporter: emergency workers will be on the scene likely through the weekend. >> there are still rescue efforts underway at the scene. our thoughts and prayers go out to those involved including families and loved ones of those affected by this tragedy. >> arrested today in new york city on assault charges. police say he was involved in a domestic dispute with a woman who had minor injuries. a representative for the actor says he does nothing wrong and they are looking forward to clearing his name. majors is considered a fast rising star in hollywood, recently appearing in creed three. still ahead on abc7news at 11, done wrong by the dmv.
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7 on your side looks into why people are getting hit with penalties and late fees after renewing their registration online. >> a frost advisory is in effect until 9:00 a.m. for most of the bay area. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month.
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cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪ visit or call 833-422-4255 to ask for medication to treat covid-19.
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>> millions of californians renew their registration through the dmv website each year. lately, they have been being charged even when they pay on time. michael shows us what's happening. >> to be quite honest, i didn't believe it. michael: she paid for her car registration online. she got a receipt, the dmv mailed her registration, and everything seemed fine. weeks later, she got this letter demanding payment plus late fees
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and penalties. >> i thought it was a scam. i knew that i had paid it. michael: but it was real. they said the electronic check she submitted was no good even though the receipt said, successful payment. now she had to pay late fees and penalties. >> i paid it, had to go get a cashiers check and go in person to the dmv and i thought the issue was over. michael: but it wasn't, the same thing happened when she renewed online again. she paid by each check, but weeks later, the dmv sent this demand for payment plus penalties. seeing her each check bounced. >> same thing, receive my registration stickers, and now i am being charged this astronomical late the. it was unbelievable. michael: she says dmv should have notified her right away instead of waiting until she was hit with late fees. >> i can't imagine how much
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money they are pulling in with these penalties. >> this was very odd and misleading and even fraudulent. michael: the same thing happened to alex. he paid with an check, got a receipt, and the dmv sent his registration. >> sorry, your payment didn't actually go through and now you owe us a late payment be. michael: the dmv now said he owed $457. so, alex mailed the payment but instead of a renewal, he got this. a final demand for payment, threatening to seize his car. >> i was scratching my head, this is ridiculous. kind of a bit over-the-top to threaten to take away my car. michael: turns out, they both had mistakenly entered the savings account numbers which will generate an e check. the dmv acknowledged its online pay section was accepting payments even if an account number was invalid and mailed out registration cards anyway as a
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courtesy to the customer. the customer said late fees were anything but a courtesy. >> if this were some private company somewhere, i would think they had done this on purpose. michael: after our inquiries, the dmv change the system to flag incorrect account numbers. it also refunded late fees people who said, as soon as the dmv became aware, the d took action to further improve the payment system process and address customer complaints. >> i alway on behalf of all of these people michael helps. >> when will michael help us with this cold weather? here is a look. low temperatures will drop, down to about 34 degrees.
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maybe even below in some places farther north like ukiah and lakeport where 20 degrees is expected. look for lows in the upper 30's, that is where we have that frost advisory until nine tomorrow morning. in the afternoon, it won't warm up much. highs will be mainly in the upper 50's and on the coast, only low 50's. get ready for our next storm. we will start our forecast animation monday at 6:00 p.m.. monday night, mainly a level 1 storm on the exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale, but it will intensify overnight tuesday -- overnight monday into tuesday. this will be a significant rainmaker and a strong wind producer. i want to go to the accuweather 7-day forecast. level 1 storm on monday, becomes a level two by thursday. level 1 on wednesday, dry conditions thursday, friday, and saturday. >> is it fair for me to say, i
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am sick of this? >> we arhis. once aga joining us with a preview of sports. >> coming up in sports, the warriors player continues. they are saying. a/brother surprise. klay thompson gives a life-changing gift for a bay area basketball player.
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for children fighting critical illness, you can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. help us make every wish come true. ♪ ♪ >> good news on the warriors injury front, and gary payton practiced and he is probable for tomorrow's game. it was a pool party at chase center last night. norton pool scored 19 of a highway 33 in the third order. golden state has won nine straight games at home, now three games above 500. tonight, they are tied for fifth in the west with the clippers,
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but l.a. holds the tiebreakers. seventh place minnesota who comes in at chase tomorrow night. >> whenever i get time to catch my rhythm and lineup my shop, it makes the play making a bit easier, because the defense is also right above me scoring. >> you are trying to put together a solid run leading into the playoffs, no one wants to limp into the playoffs. we somewhat did that last year, but you would rather not and have that uncertainty. >> it is a logjam. if you take care of your business, and when the games you are supposed to win, you put yourself in a great position. that is our goal. i don't think we are watching this -- oh, man, we need to separate from this. we need to just win games. >> chowing down in calgary, san jose trying to snatch an eight-game losing streak.
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hockey players are tough. they are down 2-0 early. logan ends up in scoring his 25th of the year. sharks came all the way back and took the lead. cleans up and scores 23rd of the year they sharks have lost nine straight. quakes in toronto, we are dancing at paypal park. benji just missed. scoreless in extra time, jackson, the shot, outrebounds right to tommy who slipped. this ends in a 0-0 draw. klay thompson understands what it takes to overcome adversity and recently, he along with the thompson family foundation gave the gift of a brand-new basketball wheelchair to a bay area teen who is a warrior.
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times klay thompson warming up before a big game. on this day, the superstar is getting set to surprise one of his biggest fans. waiting in the interview room is braulio. he plays for the junior road warriors and was attending the game as members of the challenged athletes foundation. >> we thought that clay's team and our team thought it would be a perfect time for him. >> nice. what's up, team? how are you doing? >> as room, braulio is overwhelmed with emotion. a brand-new customized basketball wheelchair.
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>> this is moment. coming to a warriors game was such a thing. i get to meet him as well. just so much emotion right now. >> after an autograph and photos, it is time to put his new chair to use. the next day at the basketball academy facility, he was already hooping in his brand-new chair. >> so drastically. i met so many great people, some of my closest friends just through basketball. and i get to meet the warriors? sponsored by river rock casino. >> i love those kind of stories. that is all the time we have this edition of abc7news. news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00. from all of us, think so much
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