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tv   ABC7 News 900AM  ABC  March 25, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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announcer: building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7news. >> that's terrifying to be sitting right there, 33 -- feet from where the tree came down, knowing it could have been anyone of those trees over there. liz: fear and frustration, some residents say the city council needs to do more to protect homeowners. how they fighting to get trees removed after the recent storms. good morning, everybody. thanks for joining us. i'm liz kreutz here with lisa argent and we will start with the weather. dry this weekend but more rain on the way. lisa: that's right, another decent star headed our way.
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that's next week. as for the here and now, chillyitthough oonditions, a sunshine in emeryville. 45 degrees here and santa clara. 47 oakland, 40 eight half moon bay and the wind is not much of a factor which is why it is so chilly at 40 in santa rosa, 30 by the delta, the winds pick up throughout the day, upper 40's santa cruz and throughout the afternoon we will be upper 50's with plenty of sunshine. temperatures on the cool side breezy, about a carbon copy for your sunday but then changes arrive early next week. we will talk detail about timing and rain amounts in a little bit. liz: contra costa firefighters are investigating the two alarm fire at a senior housing complex overnight. flames broke out on the second floor of the montevista senior apartments in san pablo. firefighters say one person was treated for smoke inhalation. crews say the damage to the unit
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where the fire started is substantial. some residents are displaced. it is unclear how many and we will keep you posted on developments. it has become a familiar scene during what seems like a never ending storm season this year. this week we saw massive trees toppling over, landing on houses and cars and some of those instances even turned deadly. some residents are frustrated with the process to remove trees that pose a hazard. as lauren martinez found out, one woman is now taking matters into her own hands. >> i think what crossed my mind is what has been on my mind for 20 plus years and that is these trees do not belong here. lauren: during tuesday's storm, kimberly watch as a red foot tree came crashing down in her backyard. -- redwood tree came crashing down. >> it's terrifying being 30 feet from where the tree came down knowing you could be anyone of those trees over there. >> the property sits in between
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100 trees on one side and 48 on the other. >> redwood trees are wonderful in the force and belong in cool, foggy climates and do not belong in a tight, urban neighborhood. >> at one point, she served on the heritage tree task force to help simplify the process of applying for a tree removal permit. she says now large trees are protected by city ordinances creating a task force -- ordinances associates creating a task force of her own. >> i'm organizing a group of park citizens who have the same concerns i do, and we are going to take it to the city council. lauren: you don't have to drive far on the peninsula to find tree crews cleaning up from recent storms. during last tuesday's storm, two trees came down in shirley's backyard. >> now before the rain, it expanded. lauren: i year and a half ago she was given permits to remove
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three trees -- deceased trees during a six-month process. she is not taking chances now. the city granted her emergency permits to get two more removed. >> let us cut it down keep everybody safe, and if you want me to plant something else i will plant something else. lauren: lauren martinez, abc7news. liz: we have any update on the san francisco police officer seriously hurt after a tree came down on his car while he was working. a gofundme has been launched for searching kevin riddle at a and the goal is to raise $125,000. his family is getting closer to hitting the goal. they say he is stable but with serious injuries. a stretch of highway 84 near woodside is closed because of a landslide. as you can see, the roads cold. caltrans says the ground might still be moving. the highway is closed at portola road and there is no estimate as to when it would be repaired and back open.
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a large portion of california is now drought free thanks to the rain we saw the last few months. because of that, the state is lifting drought-related provisions on water use. that includes rescinding a state voluntarily cut water use by 15%. yesterday, governor newsom announced drought restrictions will ease. storm after storm made this one of the wettest years on record in the state following three years of the driest years on record. despite the loosening water restrictions, the governor says it is this unpredictable change in the weather year to year that makes it important to keep conserving. >> the economy, well-being, livelihood, health and safety of millions of californians is at stake if we do not meet these moments and continue to maintain our vigilance. liz: governor newsom also announced an end to the contingency plan for local water agencies area he introduced his
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plan to increase storage efforts, stormwater capture, reservoir storage, and more. the dea is warning the public, especially parents, about a deadly animal tranquilizer mixed now into fentanyl. last month we reported on trying showing up on the streets of san francisco and now a bay area special agent tells tara campbell the lethal mixture is on the rise. >> that's the thing, one pill, one time can kill you >> the special agent in charge, brian clark, is talking about fentanyl. he says the deadly street drug is being made more dangerous. >> we are detecting zaila zine -- zilazine. >> the potent mixture on the rise across 48 states and the bay area is no exception. >> the d.a. is working with partners like the san francisco police department and bay area law enforcement community is actively monitor the situation. >> and while this is most prevalent on the east coast, the
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dea is preparing for a search year. >> fentanyl has been the -- surge here. >> fennell has been the deadliest crisis and this makes it deadlier. >> 23% of fennell powder and fennel pills seized by the dea in 2022 contained -- fentanyl powder and fentanyl pills seized by the dea in 2022 contained this. >> public can save lives. >> and the lives of children are top of mind. >> children have been taking counterfeit bills. there have been instances of drug poisonings. we are seeing this mixed within these pills so that is a huge concern. >> and staffers dr. on the lanky say it is best for parents to talk openly with their kids. >> proper education around the
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incredible lethality of fentanyl and the fact fentanyl is found in a lot of counterfeit bills so that a child may be ingesting fentanyl without realizing because a little bit is so deadly and they could die from a single-dose. >> tara campbell, abc7news. liz: in contra costa county, the man suspected of stealing an suv and leading police on a chase ended in a deadly crash has been arrested. the crash happened between 4th street and parker avenue in rodeo thursday night. a mother was killed and her six-year-old twins were hurt. abc7news obtained surveillance footage of the crash. police were following the car when it exited interstate 80 into a residential neighborhood. the stolen suv was seen crashing into the car. the mother died and both boys taken to children's hospital in oakland. one witness was in disbelief afteset unfold.
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>> it was the most horrifying rible. lauren: police -- liz: police say the suspect was arrested at a nearby liquor store. the parents of a teenager shot and killed in sunnydale house party in 2021 are suing airbnb and property owner. the chronicle reports the lawsuit claims property owner keys do never got approval to do short-term rentals. it also requires host to stay on-site during the guests stay. they believe -- the parents believe their son would still be alive if he and airbnb followed the laws. happening today, the san francisco public library is hosting a freedom to learn summit in response to an increase in book bands across the country. th to protect free expression and there will be workshops and activities for high school students so they can learn skills to combat book
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burning and educational center ship. the libraries of young people should have access to a broad array of materials. this starts at 10:00 at the main library on market street. lisa argen, let's get a check outside heading to break. lisa: temperatures coming up into the 40's in livermore. it is chilly and we are on our way to a bright and breezy afternoon. temperatures below average but you can see the camera shaking already read we will talk about how windy it will get, how warm it will get, and how much rain coming up. liz: also ahead, businesses hoping to bounce back. why shop owners at yosemite say it is the best time for people to visit after it was closed because of storm damage. plus stolen airpods at sfo, we hear from the woman who kept tabs on her airpods after they was stolen by a worker.
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liz: a woman tracked her airpods for two weeks after employees stole them at sfo. her determined to find them garnered national attention. tim johns shares her story. >> they say good things come to those who wait but for elizabeth hayden, she prefers to tackle her problems directly. in early march, the washington state resident was conctghusbane
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military on the island of guam. she says she was getting off of her plane when suddenly she remembered she had left her jacket which had her apple airpods inside on her seat. after approaching airline staff, they assured her someone would get the jacket for her and she went on her way to catch her last flight to seattle. it was during that part of her journey hayden decided she was going to try and get sleep. >> i just put in my airpods and i could be fine, i could sleep for a couple hours to seattle. that was when i realized they were gone. >> thanks to the app on her phone, she realized her airpods had been stolen out of her jacket. while she was in the air, she was able to track them and take screenshots as they made their way around the airport. first to different terminals, then the united cargo building, and ultimately down the south on 101 freeway. she said she immediately began reaching out to various united employees and police departments trying to get her stolen property back. after nearly two weeks of getting little to no assistance,
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she said she was able to get them back thanks to a detective working at sfo. the airports -- airpods had been taken by contractor loading food onto the aircraft. abc7news reached out to united who sent a statement which reads "united airlines hold our vendors to the highest enders and are working with local authorities and in their investigation for this local matter." words of little comfort to hayden. >> as far as i'm concerned, if united has trusted that employee on the airplane to do a job for them and then they are responsible. >> her airpods were eventually sent back but they say -- he arrives -- he said they arrived damaged. the airline is paying for new parent giving her 5000 miles as an apology. >> that has not happened yet. can't say if it will or won't. >> she said her tenacity has served her well and hope to can be a lesson for others to never give up hope. >> when you look at things and you look at something that is
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right and wrong and you ask yourself is this something that is happening to other people as well? >> in san francisco, tim johns, abc7news. liz: warming centers in santa clara county are open now as we experience really cold temperatures this morning. seven county libraries including the one in cupertino are open for people who need a place to stay. outreach workers are also visiting encampments to hand out blankets, tarps, and tends to un-house people. warming centers are open through 9:00 tomorrow. more than 2000 people will spend the next week's if not months cleaning up after their town was overtaken by floods because of a levee breach. now that they are back home after being evacuated, officials say it could be weeks before even the running water is safe to drink. we are told bottled water is making -- although evacuation orders were lifted, homes are not livable now and may not be for some time. many people who saw their homes for the first timeayre filled with mud, standing water,
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and mold. >> [speaking spanish] >> we are sad because we lost what few things we have. we have worked hard to get what we have and here it is. liz: the levy has since been required. the spca is sheltering in caring for more than 200 evacuated pets and has started to reunite some of them with their families. you can support their relief efforts by going to the website and buying pet the rude -- pet food through wishlist. the yosemite national park is finally open to visitors again after being shut down because of weather. the park was closed for weeks because it was too dangerous with heavy snow and rock and debris flows. with rose back open, businesses are anxious to bring crowds back to downtown mariposa. >> we are hoping to get our public back, hoping to get the people from the surrounding areas. >> we've seen days where we had been limited to four visitors coming through, which is
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abnormal for this. you normally use 60 to 70 coming to the visitor center. liz: the visitor center said with all the snow and water, the summer season is expected to be one of the best in decades. the best time to visit the park right now though is because there are no reservation requirements. lisa, if you are in the bay area now, right? this is our nice break we are getting. lisa: that's right. sunshine, cool conditions, breezy winds, and another storm on the way, just a week apart from the last one where the winds are going to kick up monday night and it will be a level two on tuesday once again a live doppler 7 picking up on high pressure that allowed for the bay area to enjoy a couple dry days in the wind on top of enhance and get stronger after't
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least we have shut the precipitation off for a little while. as we look outside in the south bay, beautiful blue sky, 46 san francisco, palo alto at 47, san jose, santa clara, and oakland half moon bay. the golden gate bridge, good visibility and it will get 20 windy at the coast. 41 santa rosa and livermore with 44 in napa, 46 novato so the cove looks awfully cold, doesn't it? we are looking at another several feet of snow coming into play late monday into wednesday as the storm system will bring rain and wind and again the area of low pressure is not quite sure how close it will get to the coast. that will determine how much rain, wind, and snow we see tuesday. a chilly morning, sunny afternoon, rain arriving monday night with the wind. chance of thunderstorms into tuesday when the front, cold front begins to move through and
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into wednesday as well. there is a look at the current wind profile and through the next few hours, the winds kick up quickly along the coast. 20 to 25 miles per hour. right inside of the bay at the valleys, by 7:00, over 40 miles an hour from point raised to montero, half moon bay. looks like it if -- if it is not the rain it is the wind and we can bind the two -- combine the two here. monday, the clouds thickened and the rain is off the coast monday night so pretty good on that on wind advisories and excessive rainfall watch as we look at rainfall in excess of an inch and third, perhaps inch and a half into wednesday. wednesday feature the connective showers where we get the heavy downpours and perhaps thunderstorms. the king at the snowfall accumulation, the winter storm watch through wednesday, two to four feet of snow possible. as we get into monday, the
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countytures begin to low getting snow. kirkwood could see another two feet and another foot getting closer to lake tahoe basin. upper 50's today with gusty winds along the coast, 60 in the inland valleys and tonight, even colder. a frost advisory, temperatures hovering right around freezing and the valleys. accuweather 7-day forecast sunny and dry the next few days, cool, a level 1 system monday, level two tuesday, wind and rain, thunderstorms and dry by the end of the week so good idea to try to prepare but the ground is so saturated not a lot more we can do. liz: here we go again. thank you. just ahead, paying late fees even though you are not late. why bay area residents are upset about dmv charges they call misleading.
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everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673
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or live chat at today. liz: millions of californians
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renew their car registrations through the dmv website each year but dmv has been charging penalties to some, even when they #. michael finney shows us what is happening. >> to be quite honest i did not believe it. >> terry brown's ordeal began two years ago when she paid for her car rentals -- registration online. the dmv mailed her registration and everything seemed fine but weeks later she got this letter from the dmv manning payment plus late fees and penalties. >> i thought it was a scam because i knew i had paid it. >> but it was real. the dmv notice said the electronic check she submitted was no good even though the dmv received the successful payment. now she had to pay $148 in late fees and penalties. >> i paid it, i had a cashiers check and go in person to the dmv and i thought the issue was over. >> but it was not. the same thing happened when she renewed online again. she paid by e-check and got her
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registration and stickers but weeks later the dmv sent this demand for payment plus penalties. saying her each check bounced. >> same thing, got the successful payment, risky -- received my stickers, now i'm charged this astronomical late fee. it was unbelievable. >> she says the dmv should have notified her right away if the check did not go through instead of waiting until she was hit with late fees. >> i can't imagine how much money they are pulling in with these 60% penalties. >> this was very odd and misleading and even fraudulent. >> the same thing happened to alex lee, he paid with in each eye, got a receipt for payment and dmv sent his registration. then the shock. >> sorry, your payment did not go through and now you owe us a late payment fee. >> the dmv said he now owed $457 and could only pay by cashiers check or money order so alex mailed a payment but instead of a renewal he got this, a final
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demand for payment threatening to seize his car. >> i was scratching my head like this is ridiculous. it is a bit over the top to threaten to take away my car. >> turns out alex and terry had the -- mistakenly entered their savings account numbers which would not generate any check. it was accepting payments even if an account number was invalid and mailed out a registration anyway "to a courtesy to the customer." >> if this were like some private company somewhere, i would think they had done this on purpose. >> after our inquiries, the dmv changed the each check system to flag incorrect account numbers. it also refunded late fees for terry and alex and several others who came to 7 on your side for help saying as soon as the dmv became aware of the increase in the number of customers inconvenienced by
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the issue, the department took action to further improve the system process and address customer complaints. i am michael finney, 7 on your side. liz: nasa will be monitoring a close encounter today, a newly discovered asteroid will pass between the earth and moon this afternoon. it is called 2023 dz two and might be more than 200 feet in diameter. it is expected to pass more than 100,000 miles from earth moving at more than 17,000 miles an hour. experts say it is rare for an object of this size to pass this close to earth. they say it happened about once every 10 years so keep an eye on the sky. a slice of space rock is up for auction, the first recorded meteorite seen as it dropped through the sky and landed in a french wheatfield in 1492. the piece weighs only nine grams, it is no larger than a credit card. it already racked up more than 20 bids had nearly $3000. the auction still has another
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three days to post higher bids. still to come, a scary scene in the north bay, a giant tree comes crashing through a home. we hear from the mother who is trapped inside. and a tornado hit mississippi overnight killing nearly two dozen people. a look at damage the twister left behind.
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announcer: building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc7news. liz: good morning and thank you for joining us. we start with a check of the forecast, lisa. let's get the good news first, nice day. lisa: lots of sunshine and temperatures, though it will be cool, getting a win area, the sun feels good. try to find one and i have. 47 oakland in palo alto, 40 eight half moon bay and what a gorgeous view here, upper 50's later, the winds kicking up,
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especially along the coast with low 40's now. 41 livermore, could see this the bay. it took slow climb in mid to upper 50's 1:00. by the afternoon, maybe if you high clouds, perhaps a few 60 degree readings and then a frosty night tonight so get prepared for that and heavy rain and wind coming in tuesday. i will explain in more details in a few minutes. liz: developing news out of mississippi, nearly two dozen people are dead after a tornado ripped through the state overnight. meteorologist rob marciano is surveying the damage left behind. rob: the sun is coming up in mississippi were a massive tornado came through around 8:00 last night. and it just completely demolished this entire town. you can see it is unrecognizable what was here, some industrial building. you can see the corrugated steel bent over the wiring. this pickup truck is flattened,
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dozens of cars flipped over. across the main street here, it is a moonscape, these have been defoliate it and stripped of branches and as far as the eye can see, every structure, building, home has been completely flattened and the debris is so compact they had to bring in heavy equipment in hopes of finding whatever sought -- whatever survivor may be left after this devastating tornado came through. there are dozens of people injured and several more unaccounted for. i have opened shelters for the survivors but this will be a long call. the mood is somber, the situation weighs heavy in the air. at the same time, the men and women working on scene are efficient and getting the job done. behind camera, officers are recovering a body and that is the scene that is happening here in this part of mississippi. it is some of the worst damage i've ever seen.
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rob marciano, abc news, rolling four fort mississippi. liz: very sad news. i'm sure we will have updates throughout the day and in the coming days on that story. developing news on the escalating conflict in syria. president biden is responding to the new attacks on u.s. bases after drone strikes in syria killed one american and left others hurt. abc news reporter alex presha has more. >> overnight, two new attacks on u.s. bases in eastern syria. u.s. officials telling abc news five rockets were fired at one facility entering a u.s. service member. and the other attack, drones targeted the facility and two out of three were shot down. these latest incidents make for attacks on u.s. forces in syria in 36 hours. at least one deadly. the u.s. heading back using f-15s and destroyed two iranian backed facilities housing drones and vehicles in syria. pres. biden: the united states does not, does not emphasize, see conflict with iran but be
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prepared for us to protect our people. that it's exactly what happened last night. >> iran condemned the retaliation calling targets civilian points and saying it led to the death of seven martyrs. on thursday, official saying a drone carrying explosive killing an american contractor or the first time in american has been killed in syria by a drone attack. it also injured another contractor and five u.s. service members. official saying these incidents have become a regular occurrence almost, nearly 80 rocket or drone attacks by proxies in the last two years. today, there are 900 u.s. service members and many more contractors in the area to defeat isis. in the case of the u.s. space attract by drones, there were ash attacked by drones, there were no injuries reported but there are questions as to how it happened in u.s. command. they are reviewing the incident. alex presha, abc7news. liz: at least five people are
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dead and six others missing after an explosion at a chocolate factory in pennsylvania. police a several people were hurt. officials say they explosion was so strong it pushed the building back four feet and factory has collapsed. it caused damage to two buildings. crews spent hours searching through the rubble. fire officials say crews are likely to continue working at the scene for days to come. the cause of the blast is under investigation. this morning we are hearing from a mother trapped in her home after a 100 foot oak tree crashed into her home. the oak tree stood for nearly a century in the frank out of the home before it fell yesterday morning. remarkably, the woman's son was not hurt thanks to quit thinking. >> i don't know how he lived, honestly. his room is totally destroyed, the tree is on his bed and he just heard it and jumped out of bed. liz: incredible. parts of the oak fell into the neighbors properly -- property,
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narrowly missing his house and car. record storms and rainfall brought on hundreds of trees in marin. a dry -- giant crane was brought in to assist in the cleanup. to keep up with changing weather, access the same live doppler 7's our team uses available on-demand on abc seven bay area app. you can download that wherever you stream. today in santa clara, congressman ro khanna will discuss the collapse of silicon valley bank and importance of government intervention. he met with the officials of the ftse and treasury about the crisis. representatives from nonprofits will join him at today's town hall. he's excited to give more details on efforts to protect community banks and regulate the banking system to prevent future failures. still ahead on abc seven mornings, spreading hope in san mateo county. the new campaign being launched to help women and children get out of poverty. and here's a live look outside right now. beautiful start to this saturday. time right now is 9:36.
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we will check in with lisa when we get back.
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liz: here's a live look from our emeryville camera right now, a nice clear star tower saturday and weekend. abc 7's parent company disney is donating 2500 books to family connection centers. this is part of disney's magic storytelling initiative. celebrate, abc seven gloria rodriguez read to pre-k students at the family connections location on mission street in san francisco. the organization serves 1900 people per year through their early child education, family support services, summer and afterschool programs, and basic needs assistance. 90% of people they serve are low
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income. family connections will use the books and pre-k homework club as summer camp programs and give their way -- give them away at some upcoming events. >> [indiscernible] children will be watching things, children will explore and ask questions, children will gain knowledge in letter and vocabulary as well. liz: it's a collaboration of first book to cultivate the next generation of storytellers through increase equitable access to books. if you want to help or are an educator or nonprofit serving children in need, visit for more information. o kaiser is hosting its 20th annual art inspiring hope gala at fort mason in san francisco. oh kaiser do is a nonprofit that supports families with childhood cancer. people come together to show support for families as children get ready for summer camp. >> the beauty of camp as we
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bring together a community going through the same thing. folks are not alone. so everyone knows exactly how folks are feeling, often times we hear me too, i have had that experience or know exactly how you feel and it is a special place like we are able to make that happen. liz: the camp has been a safe haven for children and families affected by cancer, helping thousands of people for nearly 40 years in northern california. in 2020, the previous can burn down during the wildfires and have been able -- been unable to rebuild since. they have been camping in other locations until they could find a new home. abc 7 is a proud sponsor of today's event and our very rm seeing the gala. it is a chilly start to the morning, isn't it? lisa: yeah, nice and sunny, mid and upper 40's from san francisco to the airport. the onshore winds increasing throughout the day, still five
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degrees below average, upper 50's and breezy here but another sunny day for your sunday with things changing dramatically for the week ahead. stay tuned, my forecast is coming up. liz: also next, a close game on the core. the warriors coming back to beat the 76ers at chase center. chris alvarez will have the highlights in sports. alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power.
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liz: here's a live look from the santa cruz camera. you can see a clear start to this morning and a break in the rain. the warriors rally late in the game against the 76ers to come back and win at home. sports anchor chris alvarez has the highlights in this morning's sports. chris: good morning. eight games left in the regular season. warriors riding the eight-game home win streak taking on the beast in the east but
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watch this past two to michael green, slams at home. a scoring machine in the fourth quarter, here we are down and slam a dub within two. sixers are up for, a sidestep the file early extending their lead. midway through the fourth, blocked but looney is there to clean it up and warriors down one. klay thompson and three of his 21 he now has 14,000 points in his career. ajay tucker from the corner three mist, office -- offensive rebound indeed and a game-high 46, sixers back and curry gathers it ahead to jp. 19 points in the fourth quarter, game tied at 108, back and forth we go. currently -- curry, stop and flow that is good. under 90 seconds to go, curry,
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they swing it and get it to jp, splash, team-high 33 and warriors up by five and sixers fans cannot handle it. curry enclosing scored 29, warriors win 120 to 112 and stay sixth in the wesco put pressure on phoenix. college hoops sweet sixteen, san diego state and alabama and three aztecs goa. four minutes ago, spin and slam. just over two minutes ago, matt bradley, the jumper, san diego state on of first ever elite eight. number five miami first the final number one seed remaining houston second half came at five, nigel from downtown, miami goes abate, next kane's possession, packed again, and another three. cooper is looking lost, they game-high 26 so two minutes left , miami, isaiah wong
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basically do it. miami wins 8975, 2nd street elite eight appearance first time in tournament history, no number one seed advancing to the elite eight. that is your look at sports. back to you. liz: tonight, a bull riding show will be in the bay area, yes bull riding. this marks 30 years since the professional bull riders was founded. their tour is stopping at the oakland arena. bull riders can try to earn toys to approve their standing ahead of the world finals in may. it starts at 7:00 and tickets are available on the oakland arena website. lisa, this is the weekend to go do the things outside because we have not had a dry weekend in a long time. lisa: i know, the first full weekend of spring and last week of march next saturday, april 1, maybe it is a march thing but we are looking at more rain coming in monday night and tuesday but there is a cut the north wind this morning, allowing for a cold start, frosty for some, but i think the coldest day will be tomorrow into the afternoon and
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it will be cool again. look at the flags blowing, we have the winds blowing throughout the day. already sick san francisco, 47, oakland san jose and santa clara, 48 and half moon bay, and great visibility, emeryville, temperatures below average but we will take it. a sunny, dry afternoon, 44 nava -- napa, mount tam was 28 early, not a lot warmer now. the chilly morning, sunny afternoon, your saturday and sunday, rain arrives monday night so you can bet the national service is already thinking about a wind advisory, excessive rainfall, watch, and looking at thunderstorms possible through tuesday into wednesday. the winds build, here is 1:00 and look how windy it is along the coast, 50 miles inside of the bay. inland valleys, we get over 20 miles an hour and look at oakland, 25 mile per hour winds along the coast with purples
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indicating 45 mile per hour gusts. sunny saturday, sunny sunday, the clouds increase monday, the south winds ahead of it, but this is a colder storm so beginning of the sleet and rain, we could see some accumulate on snow on top of hamilton but even lake county looking at low snow levels, helzberg perhaps, as the front moves through and a kimye laded through wednesday night, well over an inch into one third so widespread totals here that are almost too much to handle with almost an inch and a half and then you add in 45 mile per hour gusts and we are going through it again as we look at the winter storm watch. area of low pressure depending on how close a guest to the coast or how far away determines how much rain, wind, and as for the snow, looks like a lot of snow in the mountains, two to four feet and with low snow levels, it is not that heavy
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cement, it is the dryer snow so we will look at big impacts across the entire state. looks like this will slide to the south looking at rain in southern california. how much? cannot be determined yet. upper 50's oakland, 60 for our warmest vocations. then tonight, even colder with low 30's inland valleys, mid-30's morgan hill. the accurate forecast a dry day today and tomorrow, level 1 system monday, tuesday is level two, wednesday still thunderstorm possibility with a level 1 system and then dryer next week. that is our best guess as of this point but things change closer to it. i keep getting storms -- liz: we keep getting storms tuesday like clockwork. here at abc 7, we are committed to building a better bay area and part of that work is bringing stories that impact your community. our current abc7news political analyst jackie speier launched her own foundation to help women and children get out of poverty.
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abc7news report a lena howland has a look at the nd hioundatio. 'mnn launching of the jackie speier foundation for women and children in san mateo county. [applause] lena: funded by $1 her own fund, jackie spears says it is her own time to mix up good trouble as the late representative john would say as she is calling the most important campaign of her life. >> when you realize we are the wealthiest county in the state, we cannot let that be. >> san mateo county is the fourth richest in the country yet also home to as many as 27,000 children living in poverty. two out of every five children >> when leaving an abusiv house, it's f the bi like what i
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can't make it on my own? >> christina sandoval left an abusive relationship with her three kids just nine months ago on top of two jobs just to keep food on the table now staying at a family-friendly shelter. >> i remember calling and being like we are about to leave -- lose our house in less than a week and don't have anywhere to go and they are like while you make too much money so you don't qualify for the motel through the county. because you make too much. >> but she said the goal is to put money directly into the hands of moms like her and get them and their kids out of poverty. >> so they can fix the car, so they're not addicted to their homes, so they don't end up homeless. >> she says she is now on track to be connected to permanent housing and the next few months after meeting with sphere. >> it gives you hope. maybe it will be so hard. lena: in san mateo, lena howland, abc7news. liz: next, pop-up
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liz: today and say no spring -- today, the family -- there will be a petting zoo, balloon makers, arts and crafts, and more. the easter bunny will also be there. some restaurants are offering discounted meals or free meals for kids today running from 10:00 to noon. happening now, the farmers market in san francisco is hosting black-owned businesses. pop up on the plaza celebrating black women makers is now underway. food wise, the bay area nonprofit is hosting the event. nearly 15 black-owned businesses are taking part. there will be food, music, and activities including flower crown making. although the business are -- businesses are part of the equity program. that supports business development for by pok
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entrepreneurs. it runs until 2:00. russian river brewing company kicks off its 19th annual release. people line up early yesterday to get the highly sought after beer. this roux is described as smooth and made of eight different hop varieties including a new flavor called nectar on. it has notes of orange and stone roots. >> year after year, we're always a bit paranoid that maybe no one will show up. this might be the year people are over it. [laughter] year after year we are always pleasantly surprised on how many people show up and continue to show up. liz: it's available at the santa rosa and windsor pubs to april 6. i was telling you earlier i got to try it for the first time and i understand the hype. delicious. lisa: that sounds fun. anything today, do it outside.
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it will be breezy but beautiful with a lot of sunshine come upper 50's to around 60. it is a frosty nightonight with a frost advisory and temperatures dropping to just above freezing in inland valleys. elsewhere, may be about 40 closer to the bay and accuweather 7-day forecast, similar looking day for sunday, level 1 system monday, the rain comes in at night, a level two system with rain and wind tuesday, chance of thunder storms takes us into wednesday and good idea to clean out the storm drains, check the gutters, we are going to go for another excessive rainmaker coming along this week. liz: thank you. and thing you for joining us here on abc seven mornings. i'm liz kreutz along with lisa argen. abc7news continues at 4:30. have a great day and see y back here morrow morni.
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10:00 am
[captioning made possible by espn, inc.] >> this is espn on abc. >> welcome to the sun splashed orlando, florida. it just outside of camping world stadium, fans are gathering, supporting their guardians, in search of their first win of this xfl season. a little corn hole in action outside of the ballpark and i will tell you who is inside, josh gordon, the former nfl standout with the seattle sea dragons, they've been playing great football as of late. quinten dormady stepped to get the start, playing some good football as well.


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