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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 22, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ >> breaking news has a come on air, there manhunt for a high school student who police say open fire in two faculty members after pat down. authorities in denver tonight warning he is armed and dangerous, police releasing his image because of public safety. the 17-year-old allegedly opening fire, one of the staff members in surgery. school officials say he was specifically ordered to undergo pat downs because of issues. standing by at the school in denver tonight paid also this evening, the reported tornado near downtown los angeles. 1 of two reported twisters. this record-breaking storm turning deadly in california. mudslides forcing him to be evacuated, drivers navigating streets with downed trees and power lines. 20 states tonight from california to texas to ohio now
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on alert her flooding, snow, and severe storms before this hits the northeast. rob marciano, time to get out. in new york city, the tense standoff unfolding high above the ground in new york. a suspect dangling from a window on the 31st floor, threatening to jump, with the fbi there with an arrest warrant. the terrifying scene for pedestrians below. will former president trump be indicted by a grand jury hearing new york? why the jury was toward this morning not come in today. what's driving this? jon karl's new reporting tonight. meanwhile, trump's likely opponent on the republican side, ron desantis, and is an interview tonight. after he said supporting ukraine was not in the interest of the u.s., what he is saying now. also tonight, news on desantis and a potential plan to extend florida's "don't say gay" policies in schools all the way to the 12th grade. rachel scott reporting tonight. the war in ukraine and horrific video this morning to make
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evening showing a missile strike targeting an apartment complex. and drones exploding and attacking a dorm near new to the elements suspicious death that the nation learned of during the murdaugh case. the death of a teenager, the former classmate of the surviving son, buster murdaugh, never with homicide. a warning on some common eye drops, the cdc now saying they have led to more deaths and blindness. also tonight, beloved acted dick van dyke in a car accident, it will have the latest. and the creator of the west wing, aaron sorkin, on his stroke and what he has learned. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from "abc news" world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight with david muir." >> david: good evening. great heavy with us on a wednesday night. we begin with the urgent search for a teenage gunman accused of opening fire on two gun mike
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faculty members at his denver high school. authorities say it happened after pat down. they say he was searched like this every day because of concerns involving a before. during this morning's search they say he opened fire, wounding those faculty members, one in surgery now. the student then escaping. the school placed on lockdown, students barricading themselves inside, parents rushing to the school as police search for the gunman. he is armed and dangerous. the incident at denver's east high school where just last month a student was shot and killed while sitting in a car near that school. paramedics who were in the building helping the victim, both staff members hospitalized tonight in serious condition. a crowd of parents gathering outside the school. you can see the pictures, all waiting for word today. emotional reunions followed. tonight police identifying the 17-year-old suspect because of public safety, they say kind i wanted for attempted homicide, asking for help in finding him, and warning people to stay away if they see him.
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mola lenghi leading us off at that school in denver tonight. speak of the urgent manhunt for a 17 year old student accused of opening fire inside his denver high school, shooting and injuring two faculty members. >> i need two ambulances please. >> authority say just before 10:00 a.m., the student, identified by police as austin lyle, was undergoing a daily pat down for weapons when he opened fire with a handgun, striking two administrators. lyle had been singled out to be searched every day because of behavioral issues. >> this particular student had a safety plan in place where they were to be searched at the beginning of the school day every day. they had been searched previously and had never had a weapon on them before. however, today, during that search, which took place away from other students and away from other school staff, they did produce that weapon and fired shots. >> lyle then fleeing the school campus with the gun. >> not secured. the student has a weapon. do not know where they are.
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>> reporter: police rushing to the scene, a massive search underway. authorities say the suspect may be driving a red volvo suv. >> we don't have any sense of where he is. we do know, again, where he lives, and we are executing a search warrant at that location. >> reporter: officials warning the public not to approach the suspected shooter. >> obviously he is armed and dangerous, and willing to use the weapon. as we learned this morning. >> reporter: the school placed on lockdown. students spotting police and first responders from their classroom windows. paramedics already in the building, quickly rendering aid to the victims. they were taken to an area hospital. the school district identifying them as gerald mason, in good condition, and eric sinclair, who remains in serious condition. at the school, a crowd of anxious and frustrated family members waiting outside. >> and very upset. i just feel like we as a society aren't doing enough. we don't have police in the school, there's no metal detectors. >> reporter: many upset that this has happened once again. >> i have rushed over here for the fourth time this year to get
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my son out of a lockdown. it's got to stop. i can't take it anymore. >> repoter: this, the second shooting at east high in just six weeks. last month a junior was shot while sitting in his car near the school. he later died from his injuries. both students and parents have recently been calling for increased security measures here at the school, from resource officers to be brought back, to metal detectors to be installed. the school is closed for the rest of the week, and once it reopened, the school district has two offices will be placed here for the rest of the accommodated. >> david: mola lenghi in denver at leading us off tonight. thank you. we will turn to the reported tornado in downtown los angeles, 1 of 2 reported twisters, part of this deadly storm barreling across country. 20 states, 60 million americans now on alert tonight. the strongest march storm ever to strike san francisco. to the south east of downtown l.a., these were the pictures, this very unusual sight, a likely tornado in montebello. to the northeast of san francisco, rain washing out a retaining wall on interstate 580.
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fears of the complete collapse now. santa cruz county hit especially hard, when resident recording his treacherous escape right here through the downed trees and power lines. the storm not targeting the south of texas right up to ohio and into the northeast. senior me urologist in santa cruz tonight. >> an extremely rare reported tornado's, one of them near downtown los angeles, sending debris firing. as roofing goes airborne. >> came right down to the ground, it ripped the roof off. only one person injured at this point in time. speak up the coast, confirmed tornado spotted near santa barbara. speak of the national weather service surveying the damage tonight. strongest march storm to ever hitthe bay area neck having a path of discuss destruction up n the golden state. in the san francisco area, more than 700 reports of downed tres, at least five people
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killed, and several others critically injured. overnight, san francisco's third street bridge shut down for a time after at least one barge slammed right into it. the high winds sending furniture and other debris flying from city skyscrapers. >> david: let's bring in rob marciano to time this out again for us. hey, rob. >> you can see utility crews behind me getting a break and making some progress. the storm winding down on the lead to meg was saying, coast, stretching into the ohio river valley and all hazards are in play. snow, wind, avalanche, and severe storms coming right about this time tomorrow across the southern plains. from a glum city to dallas, big hail and winds likely they are, and stretching into alexandria, jackson, and memphis during the day on friday. better chance of seeing tornadoes that time, and pushing up across the great lakes, and heavy rain through cincinnati into the northeast with heavy rain and snow wrapping around the backside of this on saturday. we don't get rid of this whole
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storm until late in the day on sunday. david? >> david: rob marciano with us tonight on the storm yet again. rob, thank you. here in new york city, i was a tense standoff high above the street, a suspect dangling from the window on the 31st floor threatening to jump, with the fbi there and arrest warrant. pedestrians pushed back below and the dramatic moment he was finally taken into custody. trevor ault on the screen for us. reporter: tonight, a heart pounding standoff playing out above the new york city street. a man wanted by the fdic perched on the ledge of the window, legs dangling, while he threatened to jump from this luxury high-rise just steps away from carnegie hall. police bringing in this large inflatable, moving the crowd back as they watched from below. it all began before 9:00 a.m., when the fbi try to interest warrant. the officer finally rappelling down from the floor above, the
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suspect tried to grab his ankle before the officers able to get inside. authorities finally taking that man into custody late today. >> david come as come authorities took him into the hospital while he was wanted on fraud charges, no charge that he had been filed as his health is being evaluated. david? >> david: trevor ault in new york. trevor, thank you. already on heightened alert ahead of any possible indictment of the former president, we learned that members of the grand jury were told not to report in today. so what could this signal? jonathjonathan karl back agai tonight. >> at the manhattan district attorney investigating donald trump's hush money payments to porn star stormy daniels told the grand jury in the case to stand on for today. sources tell abc news at least one additional witness may be called to testify before jurors decide whether to indict the former president. trump declared over the weekend he would be arrested on tuesday. that obviously did not happen. but new york is still bracing
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for protests after trump called for his supporters to turn out. seem to be heeding his call. former vice president mike pence saw firsthand what happened when trump called for protests on january 6th and said people should not protest this time. >> i would discourage americans from engaging in protest. if, in fact, the former president is indicted. steve on this of course the hush money case in new york city. jonathan karl back with us tonight. i want to turn the story you broke last night, the mishandling of classified documents at mar-a-lago. jon karl reported last night that the special counsel presented compelling preliminary evidence that the former president misled his own attorneys and might have broken the law. the question out tonight, does this mean one of his report he's football ha attorneys left to come back? >> they filed an appeal it late yesterday to try to stop this. a three-judge panel rejected
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that appeal, meaning they will have to turn over all the documents and testify. we think that testimony could come as soon as friday of this week, and a sign of just how quickly this case is moving, trump was given a deadline of midnight last night to make their case for the lawyer not to testify. the government, the prosecutors were given until 6:00 a.m. to respond to that, and the three-judge panel ruled almost immediately, the lawyer must testify, a big setback for donald trump. >> david: jon karl here with us tonight. thank you so much. in the meantime, as you know, the race for the light has well underway, and president trump's likely opponent on the republican side, florida governor ron desantis. in an interview after saying supporting ukraine was not an interest of the u.s., what he saying now. and news on desantis and a potential plan to extend florida's so-called "don't say gay" policy and schools all the way to the 12 great now. here is rachel scott again tonight. >> reporter: florida governor and likely presidential
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candidate ron desantis trying to quiet the outcry from fellow republicans after declaring that protecting ukraine against russia is not in america's vital national interest. in a new interview, desantis declaring vladimir putin a war criminal. >> i think he is a war criminal. i do think he should be held at kendall. >> reprter: desantis in playing putin stays in power may be numbered. >> i think it's great grand editions, that is hostile to the united states, but he doesn't have the conventional capability to realize his ambition. we overestimated his conventional capability. this is been a huge blunder for him, a huge cost, and we will see what ends up happening with his longevity. >> it comes as desantis inches closer to become a candidate, and as his likely main rival, former president donald trump faces a slew of investigations, the florida governor highlighting their differences. >> no daily drama, focus on the big picture, put points on the board, and that something very
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important. >> reporter: anser president biden -- >> you think you can beat biden? >> i think so. >> reporter: desantis now doubling down on this controversial law. critics have called "don't say done x18," that restricts what teachers can tell their students about sexual orientation and gender identity. proposing that for grades 4-12, instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity is prohibited, unless such instruction is either expressly required by state academic standards or as part of the reproductive health course or health lesson, for which a student's parent has the option to have his or her student not attend. opponents say students all the way up to their senior year who may be struggling could be cut off from teachers who could help. >> tonight a spokesperson for florida governor ron desantis telling us in a statement, "there's no reason for instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity to be part of the k-12 public education full."
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this is something we can expect to hear more about head between 24. >> david: rachel scott covering the race for the last voice. rachel, thank you. we now turn to the war on ukraine, russia unleashing a deadly neat assaults on ukrainian cities. to some of the images tonight, a missile slamming into an apartment building. dozens of injuries including children, and this brutal assault unleashed even before china's president xi departed moscow. ukraine force again tonight. >> tonight, a russian missile striking and apparent block in the heart of a major ukraine city. zaporizhzhia, including children. at least one person killed. russia also launching a splitting attack drones from hitting a college dormitory southeast of kyiv. eight people killed here, say officials. the attacks are underway even before china's president xi departed moscow after he and putin said that they were ready for peace. we are learning more about that
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drone, a russian fighter jet spraying it with fuel, colliding with its propeller, the pentagon then downing it in the black sea. "the new york times" tonight publishing audio intercepts of russians near the crash site coordinating efforts to retrieve drone debris from the sea that day. the russians heard saying they picked up parts of the nose, gas tank, and wing. the kremlin awarding those pilots medals. >> i have no idea why they would give a bravery award to a pilot who was, at best, just an idiot. >> david, a defiant move from president zelenskyy, visiting troops near the sea aged of bakhmut. the ukrainian forcesare still holding on. >> david: tom, thank you. meanwhile at home tonight, the federal reserve recent interest rate another quarter percent today, the ninth increase since march of last year now. the fed trying to tame inflation even amid this turmoil.
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the fed likely predicting to raise rates and of the court appoint. though fed chief jerome powell says getting inflation back down to 2% "has a long way to go." when we come back here tonight comminuted elements in a suspicious death relation to machination laid up during the aleck murdaugh case. a former classmate of the surviving son, buster murdaugh, now ruled a homicide. and a warning on some common eye drops after more deaths and blindness. after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. stand up to your symptoms with rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that tackles pain, stiffness, swelling. for some, rinvoq significantly reduces ra and psa fatigue. it can stop further irreversible joint damage. and rinvoq can leave skin clear or almost clear in psa. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer;
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of artificial tears have now been recalled, most made by global pharma health care. we have more on their website. when we come back here tonight, the news on actor dick van dyke. '? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems.
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to more wellness solutions every day. get more with nature's bounty. >> david: dr. dick van dyke was in a car accident. the 97-year-old actor was behind the wheel when he crashed into a gate in malibu last week during a heavy downpour. treated for minor injuries, he is recovering at home. and west wing creator aaron sorkin revealing he suffered a . he says he is still feeling some effects, telling "the new york times," "i thought i was one of the people who could eat whatever you wanted, smoke as much as he wanted commands not going to affect me. boy, was i wrong." wish them both a swift recovery. when you come back, the friendship between two 4-year-olds and why so many are responding tonight. >> announcer: "world news tonight with david muir" and america strong, sponsored by horizon therapeutics. learn about thyroid eye disease. -whoo-hoo! -[ laughs ]
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>> david: funny tonight here, the power of friendship. tonight in alabama, just outside mobile, two best friends are now inspiring so many with the friendship. read do it on the left and legend michael moore on the left, both four, and both wearing the same exact shirt. meeting at day care two years ago, they been best friends have their lives. when they could sit and were the same sheet to school and day, legend's mom called reid's mom and said, lets president keep them going. today come at the classroom door calling for legend come inspecting the yellow shirts that say "collect mom." they two, both wearing tan and black sleeves. day three in the parking lot,
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reid first to notice this time. legend running up to reid in the hallway. and in their black matching car shirts, hugging. the families have been sharing it online and hearing from so many. reid's mom reading a letter from jennifer in arizona. >> this letter says, "this world needs more people like you in it. don't ever change being the beautiful souls you are. >> david: and write here tonight... >> hey, david! >> david: legend, reid, and the moms, the boys with matching shorts, "momma knows best." because it's been so exciting and the boys enjoyed. >> david: to kill families on one powerful friendship. >> i hope this video shows people to love and be kind. >> david: keep matching. we love it. i'll see you tomorrow. good night. and at you for making "world news >> building a better bay area,
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moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> the we are finally getting a sense of what was lost. >> thanks for joining us. we are grateful for come conditions after the unprecedented storm we endured yesterday. five people were killed. falling trees crushed drivers in portola valley in your lake merritt a falling tree crushed a man in a tent. falling trees killed two people in san francisco. one was at 23rd and lincoln way. the other was at post and polk street. a san francisco police sergeant has life-threatening injuries after a car -- after a tree fell in his car. >> this is a look at the current outages being reported by pg&e. at the height of the strap said 240,000 customers lost power.
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at the major concern, broken windows. it happened at three downtown san francisco high-rises as well as one other building in the city. liz kreutz is live. anyone hurt by this? >> people were hit by the glass including one of our own colleagues. thankfully nobody was seriously injured but that is remarkable when you see how large sum of these pieces of glass are that fell. this is one we found here on the sidewalk. we are told the most damage happened at this building behind us where windows shattered on 19 different floors. >> i find this to be terrifying. >> after tuesday's windstorm in san francisco caused windows to shatter questions now about how and why this happened and what is being done to prevent it again. >> we need to get to the bottom of why these failures are taking place.


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