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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 20, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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to tonight, breaking developments, after former president trump claims his arrest is imminent. tonight, could donald trump become the first former president in u.s. history to face criminal charges? the grand jury here in new york city investigating the $130,000 hush money payment, just ahead of the 2016 presidential election. a new witness testifying before the grand jury today. fences now being put up in new york city. police now on alert. and tonight, trump's potential opponent, florida governor ron desantis, taking a swipe at the prosecutor, but not before taking a swipe at donald trump. jonathan karl with late reporting tonight. overseas, vladimir putin welcoming china's president xi to moscow, calling him, quote, a dear friend. meeting for more than four hours
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today. will china help russia in the war in ukraine? what the white house said about that today, given this meeting. tom soufi burridge in kyiv. here in the u.s. tonight, the deadly school shooting today. a teenager tonight charged with capital murder. that school on lockdown for several hours. the powerful storm set to hit the west and move right across the country again this week. california to texas to the northeast. ginger zee timing it out. the alarming new report tonight on climate change, amid these extremes we're witnessing. the u.n. calling it a time bomb. and what they're now warning. police in colorado tonight investigating what they're calling a complex and calculated murder. a dentist accused of slowly poisoning his wife, revealing the text messages his wife sent to him in the days before she died. the other case making national headlines, after his father was sentenced to life in prison, the surviving son, buster murdaugh tonight, breaking his silence, involving another death. one of his own classmates. that student's family tonight pushing to have his body
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exhumed. in new york city tonight, the horrific and deadly images. the car losing control, up onto a sidewalk, hitting several people. after six years in captivity, an american kidnapped and held prisoner in niger finally freed tonight. and bruce willis celebrating his birthday, and what his family is saying tonight, after hearing from so many other families in this country who have helped a love one through dementia. good evening and it's great to start another week with all of you at home. and we begin tonight with former president trump, who said his own arrest is imminent. a grand jury here in new york city weighing the evidence. could trump become the first former president ever to face criminal charges? outside the courthouse in manhattan today, police have now set up metal barricades. over the weekend, the former president saying he would be indicted on tuesday.
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he called for his supporters to, quote, protest and take our nation back. authorities have warned against that. even republican house speaker mccarthy saying americans should not protest if there is any arrest. prosecutors are not commenting tonight. the potential charges involve hush money paid to porn star stormy daniels, days before the 2016 election. was it to conceal any connection to daniels from the voters? trump's lawyer and fixer, one-time lawyer, michael cohen admitting to arranging that payment. he has now testified before the grand jury several times. and tonight here, news on one more witness, at the request of the former president. testimony from a lawyer named robert costello, who said he was once michael cohen's lawyer. so, tonight here, what could all of this look like? here's our chief washington correspondent jonathan karl leading us off tonight. >> reporter: police in new york city are setting up barricades in downtown manhattan ahead of former president trump's possible indictment by the manhattan district attorney. the former president said over
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the weekend he'd be arrested on tuesday, telling his supporters quote, "protest, take our nation back." but trump's own spokesman said he had not received any notice of an impending arrest, and the d.a. alvin bragg has not commented. >> and if you don't fight like hell -- >> reporter: last time trump portrayed himself as a victim and called for protests was in advance of the january 6th attack on the capitol. speaker of the house kevin mccarthy said trump supporters should not come out to protest this time. >> i don't think people should protest this, no. nobody should harm one another in this. >> reporter: d.a. alvin bragg told his staff, "we do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law in new york." the potential charges against trump involve $130,000 in hush money he paid to a porn star named stormy daniels in the final days of the 2016 campaign, allegedly to conceal their relationship from voters. prosecutors are investigating whether he falsified documents
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and violated election laws. trump originally denied any knowledge of the hush money. did you know about the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels? >> no. >> reporter: but trump later acknowledged that he did know. and his former lawyer michael cohen pleaded guilty to federal campaign finance violations, admitting he helped arrange the payment and claiming it was at trump's direction. today lawyer robert costello, a close ally of the former president's, told the grand jury that cohen had previously told him that trump committed no crime. >> if they want to go after donald trump and they have solid evidence, so be it, but michael cohen is far from solid evidence. >> reporter: cohen, however, says costello was never his lawyer. republicans, including several of trump's potential 2024 rivals, accuse the manhattan d.a. of playing politics. florida governor ron desantis took a shot at the d.a., but also a clear shot at trump. >> look, i don't know what goes
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into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair. i just -- i can't speak to that. but what i can speak to is that if you have a prosecutor who is ignoring crimes happening every single day in his jurisdiction, and he chooses to go back many, many years ago to try to use something about porn star hush money payments, you know, that's an example of pursuing a political agenda. >> reporter: trump also faces a criminal investigation in fulton county, georgia, over his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. and he faces federal investigations into his handling of classified documents and his role in the january 6th attack on the capitol. >> but in the meantime, back to this case here in new york city. and jon karl live in washington tonight. jon, if, and this still remains a major if, the former president is indicted, walk us through what could potentially happen
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next here, what do we know? >> reporter: well, david, it is important to emphasize that we do not know if an indictment is coming, but abc news has learned that today, the secret service had a call with the nypd to go over logistics, including security at the courthouse in the event of an arraignment, if he is, in fact, indicted. what would typically happen in a case like this is, he would be permitted to turn himself in for booking. that would include fingerprinting in normal cases, and the taking of a mug shot. also, in cases, it would typically include the defendant being handcuffed. we don't know if that would happen in this case, david, but i do not expect that would happen if he is indicted. >> again, if. all right, jon karl leading us of here on this monday night. jon, thank you, as always. we're going to turn now to russia tonight. china's president xi arriving for a three-day summit in moscow with his so-called peace plan. this is the first visit since russia invaded ukraine. the images tonight. you can see xi given the red
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carpet treatment, serenaded by a military band in russia. vladimir putin then welcoming his, quote, dear friend to the kremlin. the two meeting for more than four hours. and of course, the question remains tonight, will china help russia in this war in ukraine? the white house tonight pressed on that, given this meeting in moscow. and abc's tom soufi burridge in ukraine again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, vladimir putin rolling out the red carpet for china's president xi, kicking off a three-day state visit. xi arriving with a peace plan on his first trip to moscow since russia invaded ukraine. china and russia saying their relationship is entering a new era. the world's most powerful autocrats greeting each other with smiles, meeting inside the kremlin for more than four hours, as they seek to challenge the west as they aim to potentially shift the global balance of power to their favor. the backdrop to the summit, russia's costly war in ukraine. and tonight, ukraine firing back.
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videos circulating online showing explosions inside russian-annexed crimea. ukraine claiming it destroyed russian missiles. and just days after the international criminal court charged putin with war crimes, today, xi calling him a "dear friend." putin saying he carefully studied china's initiatives to end the war, adding he'll treat them with respect. david recently pressing president biden on this notion of china providing a peace plan to end the ukraine war. >> what do you make of this chinese peace plan floated overnight that putin is now applauding today? >> i think you answered the question. putin's applauding it. so how could it be any good? i'm not being facetious, i'm being deadly earnest. i've seen nothing in the plan that would indicate that there is something that would be beneficial to anyone other than russia, if the chinese plan were followed. the idea that china is going to be negotiating the outcome of a
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war that's a totally unjust war for ukraine is just not rational. >> reporter: tonight, with xi and putin side-by-side, the white house pressed on when the president plans to talk to xi. >> we'll do that at the most appropriate time. it's important that we keep those lines of communication open, particularly now, when tensions are so high. >> so, let's bring in tom soufi burridge, live from kyiv. and tom, we know this meeting between china's president xi and vladimir putin continues tomorrow. and tonight, the white house continuing to warn beijing not to provide lethal aid to russia? >> reporter: yeah, david. u.s. officials are waiting to see what exactly comes out of this summit. but tonight, the white house said, it's not in china's best interest to supply weapons to russia. if they did, they would be helping mr. putin, quote, slaughter innocent ukrainians. david? >> all eyes on that meeting the next couple of days. tom, thank you. back here in the u.s. tonight, a deadly school
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shooting. and tonight, a student has now been charged with capital murder. it all played out in arlington, texas. the school on lockdown for several hours. abc's john quinones tonight in arlington. >> reporter: tonight, families in arlington, texas, in shock after yet another school shooting takes a life. and a student is charged with capital murder. the calls to police coming right before 7:00 a.m., just as students were walking through the parking lot at lamar high school. >> when officers arrived, they found one student had been shot, another one was injured, and they did find the suspect and also recover a weapon at that time. >> reporter: police locking down the school, clearing the classrooms. kita bowles getting the text no mom ever wants. >> i couldn't work, i had to leave work. i had tears in my eyes, and my boss couldn't really understand what i was saying, but i told him i had to go.the was a shoot child's school. >> reporter: late today, police announcing the student that had been shot died at the hospital. officers praising the school's
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response. >> having our school resource officers there i think made a big difference into how quickly we were able to respond and know what was going on. >> reporter: tonight, david, the superintendent for schools here saying, "we prepare for incidents like this all the time, but it's impossible to prepare for the emotion. we are heartbroken." david? >> all right, john quinones in texas. thank you, john. now, to yet another powerful storm that will move right across this country this week. a new atmospheric river striking the west. heavy rain, several feet of snow, damaging wind gusts up to 80 miles an hour, then heading all the way east. california to texas to the northeast. we've heard this before. let's get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee. just incredible the number of systems we've followed take this same track, ginger. time this out for us. >> reporter: it really is, david. you know, los angeles has had more than 19 inches of rain just since the first of this year. that's more than ten inches above average to date. nearly three times what seattle, washington, has had this season. so, let's go ahead and five in, because l.a. is about to get more rain. it starts tomorrow morning.
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two to five inches in the flood watches, they go into nevada, arizona, too. but notice the brown on the map. that was a high wind watch or warning, depending on your location. you could see gusts upwards of 70 miles per hour. and even though you get that first round in, you could see power lines coming in, extensive free damage, mudslides. sierra could see one to four feet of snow. some of those snow levels, san gabriel mountains, could drop to 3,500 feet. eventually, david, this storm moves to the plains, severe weather there, and rain for us by the weekend. >> all right, ginger zee, thank you. and amid the extreme storms hitting the west for weeks now, a dire new warning tonight about climate change across the world. a new u.n. report from scientists concludes, quote, climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health. there is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all. but the report says it is still possible to stay at relatively safe levels by cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 60% by 2035, in the next decade, ending the use of coal worldwide by 2040, and ending all new oil
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exploration, according to this u.n. report. meantime, news back here at home, and police in colorado tonight investigating what they're calling a complex and calculated murder. a dentist now accused of slowly poisoning his wife. tonight, revealing the text messages his wife sent to him in the days before she died. here's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: tonight, a colorado dentist is behind bars, accused of "a heinous, complex, and calculated" plot to slowly poison his wife to death. police say 45-year-old james craig allegedly purchased arsenic and cyanide, and secretly dosed his wife, angela, in protein shakes. the arrest affidavit showing text messages between he and his wife the week before her death. angela complaining, "my head feels funny and dizzy." even writing, "i feel drugged." angela rapidly declined and was pronounced brain dead saturday at a local hospital, before being taken off life support. alarm bells went off for craig's long-time business partner when he heard of angela's strange and sudden symptoms.
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a colleague had recently opened a package addressed to craig at the dentist's office containing potassium cyanide. he alerted a nurse at the hospital of his suspicions, leading investigators to craig. according to the affidavit, investigators finding craig had conducted numerous online searches about poisons, including, "how many grams of pure arsenic will kill a human?" and "is arsenic detectable in an autopsy?" and david, the couple had six children together. friends and family telling authorities that this was not the first time craig had tried to poison his wife. david? >> all right, kayna whitworth tonight. kayna, thank you. and another case making national headlines. after alec murdaugh was convicted of murdering his wife and son, tonight, murdaugh's surviving son, buster, is breaking his silence on the death of one of his classmates. here's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: tonight, that frenzy surrounding alec
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murdaugh's double murder trial now turning the spotlight onto the unsolved death of his surviving son buster's one-time classmate. the family of stephen smith raising over $70,000 to exhume the 19-year-old's body for an independent autopsy. >> my hope is that we can find the right people that we need to just start from the beginning. and to get us answers. >> reporter: police classifying him as a victim of a hit and run, after his body was found in 2015 on a south carolina road. nearly six miles from the murdaugh home. but authorities investigating the murdaugh murders later announcing they'd found new evidence in smith's death. they did not say what that evidence is. tonight, lawyers for the smith family rejecting that hit and run theory. >> it just makes no sense to us, that he could be struck in that fashion badly enough to cause his death and there'd be no vehicle debris. >> reporter: and tonight, buster murdaugh, who went to high school with smith, breaking his silence to address what he called "vicious rumors" of his involvement. saying in a statement, "these
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baseless rumors of my involvement with stephen and his death are false. i unequivocally deny any involvement in his death, and my heart goes out to the smith family." and smith's family now needs approval to exhume his body. we are told that could take some time still to get. david? >> all right, eva pilgrim. eva, thank you. to the economy this monday night, and stocks rallying after emergency moves to save troubled banks. the dow closing at 32,244 points, gaining 1.2% today. investors buoyed after ubs stepped in to bail out its smaller rival, credit suisse. and here in the u.s., new york community bank agreeing to buy most of the failed signature bank, including its 40 branches. when we come back on this busy monday night, the horrific images here in new york city tonight. the car losing control, up onto the sidewalk. hitting several people. and the american freed tonight. ...a day off,... ...or a double shift. make your move and get out in front of eczema... with steroid-free cibinqo. not an injection,... cibinqo is a once-daily pill
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sidewalk. the car slamming into a pole. at least two people killed. sevel rt. treated for injuries. police tonight investigating whether alcohol was at play. that driver could face charges. when we come back, the kidnapped american freed tonight. and the message from bruce willis' family after hearing from so many other families in this country facing dementia. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema
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finally tonight here, celebrating bruce willis' birthday, and all of the families bravely taking on dementia. tonight, bruce willis' family sharing moments from his 68th birthday after he revealed he is battling dementia. ♪ happy birthday dear daddy-o ♪ >> bruce willis singing along, too. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> it was two weeks ago, his wife emma heming willis, posting
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a deeply personal plea about dementia and respect. concerned about photographers and videographers when willis goes out into public, asking them to give him his space. >> if you are someone that is looking after someone with dementia, you know how difficult and stressful it can be to get someone out into the world and just to navigate them safely. even just to get a cup of coffee. so, in the spirit of raising awareness around dementia, it's clear that there's still a lot of education that needs to be put forth. >> his family writing online to supporters, "thank you so much for loving and caring for him, too" after hearing from so many other families who have seen dementia n their family, too. >> hip, hip, hooray! >> as they now celebrate a new birthday, a new milestone. happy birthday, bruce. and we're thinking of all the families dealing with this every day. i'll see you tomorrow. good night
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>> more police coming to b.a.r.t. the transit agency details its plans to address your safety concerns. in the community upset about a housing project in the north bay. what has them so angry, they plan to protest. and -- dustin: i'm dustin dorsey in san jose, where blue skies and sunshine does not mean a day off for cleanup crews. abc 7 news at 6:00 starts right now. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> a mall brawl caught on camera in san francisco, and this is one of several. now there are calls for the city to take action. good evening. i'm ama daetz. dan: and i'm dan ashley. the last two involve several dozen young people. ama: lyanne melendez joins us live. lyanne: there is heightened
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security at the mall, and there will be more vigilant on wednesday. that is when public schools in san francisco have that shorter day of the week. the supervisor who represents that district believes that social media has everything to do with these fights. this is one of several social media posts showing several youths fighting inside stonestown galleria last thursday and again friday after school. what triggered the brawl is unknown but the motivation seems clear. >> instagram live just post things but seek out, you know, action, and then when they post it and a goes viral, they get more likes and more volunteer -- more lyanne: as we witnessed today, stonestown is frequented by several nearby high schools and the college, but the figin


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