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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  March 19, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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>> from abc 7, live breaking news. >> take a look -- two people have been hit and one killed after some sort of dispute with an uber driver. you are looking at the camera from the scene along i-580 in livermore. this is in the westbound lanes. caltrans says the uber drive first reported being assaulted by his passengers at around 9:30. we want to show you this video that came in a few minutes ago. the passengers then got out of the uber while the driver continued on to isabel avenue. the two people were hit after they got out, killing one. it appears the two were hit shortly after the offramp lane separates from 580. we are working to figure out if these passengers were hit by another car or the uber vehicle. we will keep you posted. we say good evening and thank
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you for joining us. i'm dion lim. now to our other top story. anotk rwithetea o the menu.e potentialormospheric river once again in northern california. let's bring in a we can expect in the next couple of days. francis, still not in the clear yet. >> we are seeing a little bit of drizzle on top of the roof at kgo, but we get a little bit of ahere's a look at the satellite radar image. you can see this long line of moisture, it is starting to trend towards southern us a good amount of rain. right now, we could see some spotty showers here and there. we could see that overnight with the forecast animation, possibly through tomorrow morning. for the most part, the first day of spring will be dry, and that is a good day to charge your cell phones, cleismosphever arrt
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downpours. i will have all those details. dion: thank you. talking about it, rain returned to the north bay did the flooding. the combination of rain and high tide created this very deep water on shoreline highway in mill valley. steady rain made other roads slick and dangerous. take a look at this spin out in santa rosa. and at ace hardware in novato, tarps and rain ponchos are the best sellers. >> it is always a good time to do it. >> you got to be ready. >> a lot of practice. dion: in santa rosa, this homeowner is watching the weather and unstable hillside behind her home. city crews have been using bulldozers to remove portions of the landslide to shore up the hill before the next atmospheric
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river moves in. elsewhere in the bay area today, the weather ranged from foggy mist to another gray downpour. even for those who enjoy the rain, all of this wet weather is starting to test everyone's nerves. j.r. stone was out at golden gate park today getting a temperature check. j.r.: a landslide in calistoga. a tree down in san francisco's pacific heights. and umbrellas at golden gate park. all of which have become the normal in recent weeks. >> i am sick of it. i want sunshine. blue skies. j.r.: yes, many appeared ready. bundled up in their warm and waterproof coats with stories of the challenges they went through just to get to the park. >> a lot of rain. >> flooding rain. while we were driving here, it was all flooded. >> we needed the rain, came down in buckets. j.r.: highway 29 was closed
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sunday between a the la cy linduto this landslide. in san francisco, the weather was to blame for this tree falling on a car and a pickup truck. and taking out muni cables in the process. >> i like where it has brought us with our drought, but i am a little sick of it. as you can see, not too sick of it that i am not out here in this drizzle getting my exercise. j.r.: all this wet weather with another storm system arriving on tuesday. don't forget about the first day of spring on monday. can you believe tomorrow is spring? >> it is? is it really? >> that's crazy. j.r.: even the wet, chilly weather was not enough to keep some we talked with from coming out of the park. >> i think it is refreshing to get different weather coming in. california needs the water. you've got to be grateful while it lasts. j.r.: yes, optimism among some
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of these rain goers mixed in with a bit of reality. >> it is we are to come from the rain thinking we are going to sunny california and it is drizzly. >> all you can do is prepare. you just don't know how hard it will hit until it hits. j.r.: j.r. stone, abc 7 news. dion: make sure you are prepared with the latest weather alerts as they happen this week through the abc 7 bay area app. we sent out a push alert just like this one for whether happening in your neighborhood. you too can get full forecasts anytime by downloading from your phone. be sure to enable those push alerts. tomorrow, president biden will be holding a conversation on mental health the cast of the popular tv show "ted lasso." cast members will join the president and first lady at the white house. the emmy award-winning show tackles mental health as one of the show's main storylines.
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and tonight, governor newsom is taking aim at the mental health and addiction crisis in california. all of this part of his days long tour delivering bold new policy plans. in san diego, he pushed to invest billions into new campus style mental health facilities to house those that are struggling. tara campbell spoke with those with loved ones living out on the streets about how this might help. tara: jackie berlin's son has been battling anxiety, depression and addiction on the streets of the tenderloin for more than a decade. >> i am so grateful for newsom's realizing there is a tremendous need for more mental health support in california. >> we have to address and come to grips with the reality of mental health in this state and our nation. tara: governor newsom announcing a sweeping proposal sunday to expand housing and treatment for people suffering from mental illness and addiction. >> right now, we are looking and
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supporting minimum 6000 beds that has gone through a multiyear needs assessment, that provides support for 5000 to 10,000 individuals. tara: it is a move berlin and others have been calling for for years. >> i have come across so many families that are struggling to get the support they need for their loved ones. >> it is unacceptable what we are dealing with at scale now in the state of california. not only in terms of what's happening on the streets and sidewalks, but those that are suffering alone, unseen in homes, mobile home parks, on the streets obviously as well. tara: the governor is asking lawmakers and voters to approve a 2024 ballot measure investing up to $5 billion to build new mental health campuses, residential housing, and permanent supportive housing across the state. the plan also puts $1 billion a year into operating the sites. >> to set aside and prioritize
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the most acute challenge this state faces, and that is the issue of the integration of housing and the support of services we need to be stacked on that housing to stabilize individuals that are in acute states of psychosis, those that are self-medicating. tara: as for berlin, she says the potential investment is an offering of hope. >> i am very hopeful that this is just one step in the right direction. that there will be continued -- continued to be added support for californians for their mental health. tara: tara campbell, abc 7 news. dion: there are plenty of resources if you or someone you know is going to mental health issues or trouble with addiction. you can find our list on our website and for more urgent matters, you can also call the national suicide and crisis lifeline by dialing 988. moving on to other news now. one man in the hospital after getting shot in san francisco
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today. police say it happened before 6:00 admission and 13th, right by the 101 on-ramp. officers found the man with one gunshot and got him to the hospital. another person on the bus who did not want to go on camera said he got on the bus to see the victim and suspect already arguing. >> by the time we got to this stop, they were calling each other names. the shooter had challenge the other to get off the bus to fight. dion: sfpd says the suspect was gone by the time they got there. no word on the victim's condition. tomorrow, bart's chief of police will announce the next plan to try to address safety issues. bart will be adding an extra eight to 18 officers to control bart's rings during east shift -- during each shift. bart ambassadors and fare inspection officers. bart has been dealing with issues of crime and safety
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including a pistol whipping and shooting at the embarcadero station last week. the bart chief and other leaders will share details of the safety plan at the powell street station tomorrow at 10:00. check out this enormous line we caught at the must goni center today. if you are wondering what exactly is going on, this is the line to check in for the start of the game developers conference tomorrow. it runs all week and is excited to draw tens of thousands of enthusiasts. much more to come tonight on abc seven news. we will get you back to that life breaking news of two uber passengers hit on the side of i-580, one of them killed. the very latest. a major discovery in the collapse of silicon valley bank. abc news confirms the feds may have seen this coming from a mile away. and a date for an arrest for president trump.
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the former president calling for protes
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dion: back to the breaking news we mentioned at the top of the newscast. two people have been hit, one killed after a dispute with a new bird driver. this is video from the scene moments ago for a long i-580 in livermore. this is the westbound lanes. as of right now, caltrans says the uber driver first reported being assaulted by his passengers this evening, just a couple hours ago. caltrans says the passengers then got out of the car while the driver continued on to isabel avenue. the two people were then hit after they got out, killing one. right now it appears that two
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were hit in the offramp lanes shortly after it separates from 580. as of right now, we're working to find out if these passengers were hit another car, perhaps the uber itself. we will keep you updated throughout the newscast. moving on to a new development tonight in the mass banking crisis. abc news is learning how much the federal reserve knew about the riskiness of silicon valley bank. an early report confirms the fed had cited key risks with the bank and its level of liquidity more than a year before its collapse. the fed is not reviewing its own oversight of the bank. those findings will be released publicly more than a month from now on may want. also today, the s&p lowered the credit rating for san francisco's first republic bank, a second time in just a week, further into the junk status. andrew dymburt has the very latest on a busy sunday.
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andrew: switzerland's two largest banks have announced a merger. ubs agreeing to buy credit suisse. >> ubs intends to downsize credit suisse investment banking business and align it with our conservative risk culture. andrew: the fed chair jerome powell and treasury secretary janet yellen released a joint statement saying we welcome the announcement by the swiss authorities today to support financial stability. and late today, the world's central banks said they are working to stabilize banks by pumping more u.s. dollars into the global financial system so it is available to borrow, something that was also done during the 2008 financial crisis. this all comes amid concerns over the u.s. banking system after the u.s. government took control of silicon valley bank and signature bank in an effort to ease customer spheres. billionaire investor warren buffett has been in talks with officials from the bite and ration to offer a cash lifeline to those struggling
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institutions. >> warren buffett was pretty integral back in 2007, 2008 and 2009, infusing capital to infuse confidence. andrew: this turmoil as senator elizabeth warren calling for changes to the regulatory system and for ceos of these failed institutions to be held accountable. >> these big multibillion-dollar banks loaded up on risk. they boosted their short-term profits. they gave themselves huge bonuses and big salaries, and they exploded their banks. when you explode a bank, you ought to be banned from banking forever. andrew: senator warren calling for an independent investigation into the federal reserve to see if warning signs leading up to silicon valley bank's collapse were overlooked. andrew dymburt, abc news. dion: the manhattan district attorney says his office will not be intimidated after former president donald trump claimed
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on his social media platforms that he would be arrested on tuesday. the manhattan d.a. is investigating alleged touch money payments made to stormy daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential campaign. the former president has called on his supporters the protest. democrats are calling him out saying no one is above the law. some republicans have joined trump in his outrage. >> it just feels like a politically charged prosecution here. i just feel american people want to see. dion: manhattan's district attorney sent an emailed to his staff this weekend saying "we do not tolerate attempt to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law." a traffic alert for you for tomorrow morning. one lane of northbound 680 is back open and remains on track to fully reopen by 5:00 a.m. crews have been working all weekendionsf the freeway between
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80 is notffecd. happening now, all roads open in the cr after snowfall this morning. taking a live look along highway 80 at donner summit right now. for anyone coming back late from the sierra tonight, chains are required on parts of both i-80 and highway 50 for any non-four-wheel-drives. the uc berkeley central sierra snow lab get another 1.5 inches overnight on donner summit. they are just one inch away from making this the second snowiest winter on record now at nearly 56 weeks -- feet, i should say. the all-time snowiest season, 1952-1953. speaking of precipitation, once again to frances up on the roof. you are prepared for it with what you are wearing but a little bit of a break in the rain. frances: there is some drizzle
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right now and we will probably break that record because we will get more snow in the sierra with this atmospheric river heading our way on tuesday. i will show you live dopplerthi. still a little bit of drizzle and we can see some spotty showers through tomorrow morning. rainfall totals have crept up by a few hundred seven inch for some locations. we got more rain along the coast and one of our biggest winners at 1.2 inches. san francisco come almost one inch. half moon bay, over 310 seven inch. san jose, some other parts of the peninsula barely got a few hundredths of an inch. tomorrow, we do get a break. temperatures right now are mainly in the low 50's. san francisco, 50. san jose, 53. tonight, with the cloud cover, we will cool down into the 40's. you see those spotty showers
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that may pop up. some models showed no rain at all but we are seeing drizzle right now so i wouldn't not be too surprised. we will see some mid to upper 40's around the bay. low 40's in parts of the north bay where we get more clearing. tomorrow's highs will be well below normal, similar to today's numbers, in the mid to upper 50's. san francisco, 55. near 59 in fairf antioch and san jose. here's a live look outside. winds are lighter but if your allergies have been bothering you, tomorrow with some of the sunshine and calmer weather, we will see pollen possibly affect your allergies. the uv index will be moderate, so get some sunscreen on and enjoy it because that atmospheric river arrives early tuesday morning. it is a storm level 2 on the impact scale. this will have downpours and very gusty winds. most areas less than an inch, but higher elevations.
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the concerns with this next atmospheric river are flooding possible and some local shallow landslides. even some trees down with the gusty winds. i will show you that in a little bit. tomorrow, mostly dry for the first day of spring. look at this wave early tuesday morng.the yellow and oranges are downpours. it will be a messy commute. we will still see showers all the way into wednesday. check out the winds that accompany the system. they will be so strong tuesday afternoon. even though it is not as wet, the drive home will be difficult with winds gusting up to 50 miles per hour in some spots and easily over 30, 40 around the bay. also, the winter storm warning is still in effect for the sierra until 11:00 tomorrow morning. tomorrow is a good day to drive because we have a winter storm watch tuesday into wednesday. that is where we will see
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possibly up to two more feet of snow in the sierra. here's the seven-day forecast. atmospheric river tuesday into wednesday and hopefully dry the rest of the week. dion:lways eciate yourhelp.we wa lile.we will be
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dion: actor bruce willis marked his 60th birthday today. his wife posted an emotional message on social media. willis is suffering from frontotemporal dementia. his wife is trying to raise awareness of living with the disorder so she's documenting her journey as willis' caregiver. she says messages of support help her cope. her post read, the days of feeling the grief and sadness but the silver lining is i am lucky to feel
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your warmth and love that is dedicated to my husband and our family." a big night of basketball for two of the most successful programs in the bay area. let's get to chris alvarez with a preview of sports. chris: both the saint mary's men and stanford women trying to move on in the tournament. stanford on the brink of elimination. upset alert
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ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go. >> abc 7 sports. chris: the bay area's best basketball program of the last three decades, the stanford women in action against ole miss. last on the cargo failed to reach the sweet sixteen was 2007, the same year ole miss last reached the sweet sixteen. cameron brink returning after battling illness. three blocks in one play. there is two, there is three. she was fired up early on. ole miss never trailed. thompson's three. stanford's largest halftime deficit of the season. it was a struggle all night to score. the fourth quarter, down five, brink puts it up and in. stanford within three.
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haley jones, two cover 16. next possession, defense. another block. hannah turns stanford has to foul. under 20 seconds to go. jones doubled and turns the ball over. stanford turned it over 21 times in this game. ole miss pulls off the upset, putting an end to stanford's season. >> i thought our team really battled in the second half. we kind of dug ourselves a hole. we battled back. we tied it up and had an opportunity to win the game. they made plays down the stretch that we didn't make. >> it is not the way i wanted my senior year to end. i think it's disappointing. i wouldn't say depressing, i would say disappointing. i think it is tough when you lose a game when you feel like as a team, it just wasn't your
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best all-around game. chris: on the men's side, saint mary's looking to advance to their third sweet sixteen in program history. gails taking on uconn in albany, new york. look at this. lays it up and in, giving them the biggest lead at eight points. nice. problem for the gales. game-high 24 and eight rebounds. great pass for the dunk. a tough break late in the half. injures his back, did not return on the noncontact injury. just a tough moment. never really the same. huskies pouring it on. the triple part of a 10-0 run. the huskies took advantage inside. the alley-oop. hawkins caught fire in the second half. huskies hit 10 triples and no gales scored in double digits.
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the saint mary's run comes to an end in the second round. >> w before. much less five seasons. everything they cared about was that. putting our program in a better situation than when they came into our program which would be hard for anybody to do but they did. >> we never took a day for granted being a part of this college. i'm thankful and thankful for everybody that is supporting. i feel like we left this place in a better place. that is a tough thing to do. chris: abc 7 sports sponsored by river rock casino. dion: much more to come on abc7news tonight. a major save this morning in the east bay. the dramatic fire and the cargo that firefighters were able to save. a san francisco tradition 50 years in the making. a celebration of a league
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>> from abc 7, live breaking
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news. dion: we continue following that breaking news we mentioned at the top of the hour where two people have been hit, one killed after a dispute with an uber driver. this is video coming into the newsroom. all along i-580 in the westbound lanes. caltrans says the uber driver first reported being assaulted by his passengers at about 9:30 p.m. tonight. the passengers then got out of the uber while the driver continued down isabel avenue. the two people were then hit after they got out, killing one, though it appears both were hit in the offramp. we are still working to find out if these two passengers were hit by another car or the uber vehicle itself. we will keep you posted as soon as we learn more information. new details now. calfire damage inspection specialist have completed their survey of homes and businesses. crews inspected 858
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affected by the levee breach in monterey county. they found three single-family homes were destroyed and 400 damaged. 457 buildings escaped the floodwaters. the inspections are the first of three steps the county says needs to be completed before evacuees are allowed back into their homes. in the east bay, this body camera captured some intense moments from an open storage facility. firefighters jumped to the fire at about 1:30 a.m. at the smart stop self storage. crews had to use a chain saws to cut through the front gates. the fire department says firefighters were able to save multiple storage units potentially saving personal belongings and hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. take a look at the aftermath. you can see a pile of burnt debris still at the storage facility today. the most severe damage appears to be isolated to just one unit. workers for los angeles county
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schools are set to hold a three-day strike for 30% pay raise. the union representing thousands of l.a. school cafeteria workers, bus drivers, custodians, and teachers assistance plan to walk out on tuesday. all of this comes after nearly a year of negotiations over better pay and working conditions. the union sees this as a wake-up call for other districts in the country to fund education. the superintendent also believes when they come to an agreement, the rest of the country will use it as an example. >> i believe it will be precedent setting for the country and i will take pride in it. these are some of the lowest wage earners in our community. >> the superintendent says the strike could make it virtually impossible to keep schools open. dion: l.a. unified is the second-largest school district in the country. now to the growing number of school districts across the country suing social media companies over their impact on kids and their mental health.
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seattle public schools started the wave back in january. since joined by similar lawsuits in florida and new jersey. this past week, san mateo county schools stepped up with a lawsuit of its own, pointing to studies on the adverse effects of too much screen time. lyanne melendez has the details of that. >> we must finally hold social media companies accountable. leanne: president biden taking a swing at notional media companies -- social media companies. republican senator josh hawley by introducing a bill to block children under 16 from social media. now, the san mateo county office of education filing a lawsuit in federal court because of the impact the school district is seeing on their students. >> social media platforms can be used to harm each other or to create havoc or to cause disruption or to shame students for various identities or the
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way in which they look or sound. >> we are talking about children here. their brains are developing. what happens to them while they are children carries through for their whole life. leanne: anne marie murphy is the attorney representing the school district. according to the lawsuit, the district is spending large sums of money addressing and reversing the harm done by social media platforms like youtube, snapchat, and tiktok. they want these companies to help pay for that. >> when we work with young people to help them, to help educate them about making responsible choices, all of that takes resources. it takes time, money, and it takes time away from learning. leanne: that is not to mention the damage to property created by viral challenges which are executed by students. social media companies say they have put in place protections for young people and screen time reminders on their devices. but the lawsuit says it is not nearly enough.
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the strategy now is to go after big tech the way big tobacco was targeted. remember once upon a time, cigarette ads were associated with good times and good flavor. >> i am not sure we will convince young people not to use social media or fully educate them on the harms that can stem from social media. as parents, the community, as schools, we need to be taking steps. dion: good morning be taking a full look at the chance there might be any change through these lawsuits. you can watch that right here tomorrow morning starting at 7:00 right after abc 7 mornings. the american red cross is honoring one of the heroes of last year's club q mass shooting in colorado springs. richard fierro was given the lifesaving award last night. he's a decorated army veteran who helped take down the alleged gunman in november inside the
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lgbtq+ nightclub. five people were killed and 19 others injured. last night, fierro simply reminded people to be kind. >> just be nice to people. like say hello to walmart at some stranger. maybe they are having the worst day of their life and needed someone to say hello. dion: fierro was recognized by the red cross of colorado and wyoming at last night's event. it was opening day for the san francisco gay softball league and a monumental one. the league this elevating his 50th season. cheer san francisco kicked off the proceedings at kimball field. the league across 44 teams. the san francisco lesbian and gay freedom band got everyone into the spirit. >> this is just the start of it. there are opening ceremonies to bring everyone together. folks show up in the rain. dion: unfortunately, the coed
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exhibition softball game with the san francisco police department had to be postponed. still ahead tonight, 26.2, rain or shine. some serious bay area warriors showing off their endurance. the highlights from today's soggy open running festival. frances: light spotty showers possible through tomorrow morning. after a dry day mostly on monday for the first day of spring, we will have an atmospheric river bringing us a very messy
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dion: neighbors turned out in a big way today to volunteer and cleanup coyote creek and its nearby trails. keep coyote creek beautiful is part of clean california e mayor has also made
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community cleanup a big part of his mission. more than 6300 runners signed up for today's 14th annual oakland running festival. events included a marathon, half marathon, 10k and 5k. the top finisher with a time of two hours and 26 minutes and 17 seconds. katie wicker was the first woman to cross the finish line in three hours, eight minutes and 45 seconds. a shout out to our very own abc7news producer kate who ran the marathon and set a personal best time, finishing in under four hours. we are so proud of you. way to go, kate, and to all the people who participated. frances joining us with a look at the weather. those runners, they are troopers running through the rain. frances: yeah. and right now, there's a little bit of mist and drizzle out here on the roof but we get a break. we have some lights spotty
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showers continuing through tomorrow morning but as you look at the satellite radar image, the atmospheric river will bring us a very wet and messy day on tuesday. overnight lows mainly in the 40's tonight with lots of cloud cover. you can see those bits of green. sprinkles popping up through tomorrow morning. tomorrow afternoon, we will still be on the cool side. most temperatures in the mid to upper 50's but get ready for this level storm two. it is a moderate storm that arrives early tuesday morning and then turns into showers into wednesday. downpours, gusty wind, rainfall generally less than an inch for most of the areas but the winds will cause a problem especially tuesday afternoon, gusting possibly 30 miles per hour. we could see local flooding, shallow landslides. we could see some downed trees and power lines. this is why you want to clear the rain gutters and get ready for what could be a very messy day. here's the accuweather 7-day forecast.
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enjoy the first day of spring. still a little bit of wet but the atmospheric river will bring us a messy day tuesday into wednesday. dion: what a way to go into spring. thank you, frances. let's get to chris alvarez with a preview of sports. chris: coming up, with baseball's opening day around the corner, the giants and a's about the highlights of the off-season. and the war of wars between the ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪ visit or call 833-422-4255 to ask for medication to treat covid-19.
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>> abc 7 sports. chris: through 72 games, the warriors are a .500 team. 29-7 at home. at the end of play tonight, the warriors are seventh in the west. there is no love lost between the warriors and grizzlies, especially between klay thompson and dillon brooks. on christmas day, klay at that
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big shot over dillon brooks. klay sent brooks a reminder, the warriors have four rings. which brooks recognized post game. >> he's got four rings. that's all he was saying. it is motivation to us. we want a ring as well but we have to go through the process, the steps that we did last year. we will keep going and learning from it all. it's friendly trash talk, but also own a lot of real estate over there in san francisco. chris: major league baseball opening date thursday, march 30. giants and a's in the middle of their cactus league schedule. i caught up with both squads to see how they spend their off-season. >> took a disney world trip with the whole family. it was a lot of fun. the first time in orlando going
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on some of those rides. i think guarded guns was the favorite for everybody. >> moving out to arizona was my first move away from home. it was a big transition, getting the house in order. >> i went to vegas for new year's, watched the raiders play. >> do you like the beam? >> i love it. aisleways say light the beam. i saw the beam one time. >> being out in nature is a good recharge for me. things like fishing and cooking. they're meditative. >> i went to south africa. i went on a safari with the family. trip of a lifetime. saw one of the seven wonders of the world in victoria falls. a lifetime experience when you go through category 5 rapids and you've never been through category 3. chris: what was the wedding like? >> it was awesome. we had a lot of fun.
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family and friends were there. chris: is there crying on wedding day? >> i cried. chris: i am right there with you. >> i teared up. i got some from my buddies but i couldn't help it. when your girl goes walking down the aisle, you cannot help it. chris: barry bonds to see the giants and angels in scottsdale. logan webb getting tuned up. there is max stassi swinging. we go to the third inning, webb striking out anthony rendon. 4.3 innings, four earned runs, struck out six but get of up to homer's. world baseball classic in miami. u.s. taking on cuba. paul goldschmidt, two-run bomb to left. the u.s. court at least one run in each of the first six innings. how good has trae turner been? call him captain america. he will hit a three run shot. the u.s. wins 14-2 and will take
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on the winner of tomorrow's mexico-japan game in the championship. sports on abc 7. dion: a quick reminder you can watch all of our newscasts live and demand through the abc 7 bay area connected tv app. it is available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. all you have to do is download the app now and start streaming. i'm dion lim. the news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00. for frances naand
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12:00 am
>> announcer: "this week" with george stephanopoulos starts right now. threat of indictment. >> it just feels like a politically charged prosecution. >> donald trump claims he's about to be arrested by the manhattan d.a., and he is calling for protests. >> so if this occurs


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