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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 19, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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i am dion lim. for francis and chris, thanks for joining us. we will see you back here in 30 minutes. tonight, breakin tonighte come on the air. new details just in after former president trump claimed his arrest was imminent. a historic move to shore up the banking industry and protect your money. and the new storm threat taking aim in the west. we do begin with former president trump who says he will be arrested in days and calls for protests. the charges he could face for allegedly paying an adult film star hush money during the 2016 campaign. and tonight, the last-minute witnesses called to testify tomorrow. aaron katersky is standing by. also, that major deal announced by ubs that it's buying its chief rival to restore confidence in the global banking industry. how the u.s. is responding and what we're learning about billionaire warren buffett's purported talks with the biden administration and tonight, calls for the federal reserve to
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be investigated after the second largest bank collapse in u.s. history. california in the cross hairs once again from that new round of storms. more soaking rain in the forecast with another four feet of snow in the mountains and winter's last big blast, 70 million americans now face freeze alerts. we just learned at least 150 vehicles were involved in a massive pile-up. vladimir putin's power move, traveling to a russian occupied city in ukraine. ukraine is comparing his visit to that of a thief entering under the cover of night. and it comes just hours before his meeting with chinese president xi. miami beach declares a state of emergency and imposes a curfew after two deadly shootings. spring breakers seen running for cover. the urgent search in mexico for an american mother of seven. her family on what the kidnappers are demanding. heartbreaking video of a college wrestler's apparent desperate search for water before he collapsed and died. tonight his parents are speaking out after a multi-million dollar settlement with the school. and america strong, how a
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9-year-old came through when her mother needed her most. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." good evening, everyone. thank you so much for joining us on this very busy sunday. i'm linsey davis. we have several developing stories as we come on the air. the international banking crisis and historic deal announced late today, but we begin with late breaking developments in the manhattan district attorney's investigation into former president trump. abc news has just learned tomorrow the grand jury in the case will hear from a last-minute witness, a trump ally, and an attorney who once represented michael cohen, a former fixer for trump. cohen testified to the grand jury a few days ago and today he said he has been told to make himself available as a rebuttal witness. the manhattan d.a. is investigating an alleged hush money payment to stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign. the former president attended wrestling match in oklahoma this weekend after claiming his
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is imminent. aaron katersky leads us off. >> reporter: tonight, sources tell abc news the manhattan grand jury investigating former president trump over a hush payment to a porn actress will hear from an additional witness tomorrow. bob costello is an attorney and long time trump ally who at one point represented michael cohen. cohen is a key witness for the district attorney's office since he wrote the $130,000 check to stormy daniels. the trump legal team petitioned to have costello testify. and cohen says he has been asked to be available for rebuttal. the manhattan district attorney is still not saying whether he will charge trump with a crime, but he is saying he will not be intimidated. in an email to staff, d.a. alvin bragg said we do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office. the message followed a social media post by trump this weekend saying he would be arrested tuesday and calling for protests. a spokesman is clarifying that
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trump has no knowledge of when an indictment could come, but to some trump supporters that post was a call to action. >> if they give voice to this, if this occurs on tuesday, that they need to do so peacefully and in a lawful manner. >> reporter: our jon karl asking former vice president pence about the possible indictment. >> it feels like a politically charged prosecution here. and for my part, i just feel like it's just not what the american people want to see. >> reporter: trump has said the hush payment to stormy daniels was no crime, but if prosecutors believe one was committed, democrats say he should be charged. >> no one is above the law, not even the former president of the united states, if it's time to bring indictments then they'll bring indictments. that's how our legal system works. >> aaron katersky joins us now. any word on timing for a verdict from the grand jury? >> reporter: this additional witness may or may not be the last one.
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it's impossible to know how this affects the timing of any indictment, but the white house did say today it's on alert for any potential violence. linsey. >> high alert we would imagine. aaron, thank you. now to that historic deal to ease the international banking crisis. late today, ubs acquired its smaller rival, credit suisse, for more than $3 billion. the deal is welcomed by treasury secretary janet yellen and fed chair jerome powell calling it a move to promote financial stability and tonight, warren buffett is reportedly speaking to the white house about u.s. banks. here's elizabeth schulze. >> reporter: tonight, switzerland's two biggest banks announcing a merger as regulators race to restore confidence in the u.s. and global banking system. ubs agreeing to buy its embattled smaller rival credit suisse in a $3 billion deal negotiated by the swiss government. >> the bankruptcy of a global an would have caused irreparable
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economic turmoil in switzerland and throughout the world. >> reporter: credit suisse is now the third major bank to be taken over in just one week after the u.s. government took control of silicon valley bank and signature bank, part of a massive effort to ease customers' fears. >> we should be confident in the banks and with our banks and besides, we have fdic. >> reporter: investors still on edge about the finances of other regional banks like first republic, pacwest and western alliance. bloomberg reporting that billionaire investor warren buffett has had conversations in recent days about the regional banking sector with officials from president biden's administration. >> warren buffett was pretty integral back in 2007, '08 and '09 in coming in, infusing capital to infuse confidence into the banking system. he's been very successful at doing that. >> reporter: and tonight, new questions about if the federal reserve overarnsll 's collapse. >> i'm calling for an independent investigation of the
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fed and the whole regulatory system here. >> lots of questions, of course. elizabeth, the fed and treasury department are now applauding this new deal between ubs and credit suisse. what is their message tonight at the fed prepares to meet this week? >> reporter: the treasury secretary and fed chair say they were closely coordinating with officials in switzerland calling this buyout a sign that the banking system is resilient. the fed is now facing calls to raise interest rates by less than expected when it meets this week. those higher rates have been a key reason for some banks' financial troubles. linsey. >> elizabeth, thank you. next tonight, that parade of storms taking aim in the west. spring is still a day away, and more than 70 million people under freeze alerts. whiteout conditions may have contributed to this 150-car pileup on a michigan interstate. lake effect snow and freezing temperatures in hamburg, new york, leaving cars encased in ice. millions in the west bracing for more rain and snow. some places still recovering from earlier massive amounts of snowfall. abc meteorologist somara
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theodore is here now. what can residents expect? >> reporter: well, linsey, california residents still reeling from the ramifications of past storms and now they're gearing up for a one-two punch. rain has already begun to fall in parts of california and into the rockies, we're starting to see snow. here's what's going to happen as we go forward in time. by tuesday morning, we're anticipating that second round to move in and that's going to be hitting during the critical rush hour timeframe. we could see anywhere from 1 to 4 inches which could lead to flooding. as we move to the higher elevations and areas like the sierra nevada mountain rage, we could see upwards of 3 feet of snow and head down to areas like san bernardino county, 1 to 3 feet possible. on the east coast, it's very cold but we're warming up just in time for spring. >> which officially begins tomorrow. thank you. now to a developing headline out of florida. state of emergency declared in miami beach as spring breakers descend on that city. officials are also imposing a curfew aft weeke.
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rang out during onofhe ci here's abc's jaclyn lee. >> reporter: chaos erupting in miami beach overnight during spring break. two separate deadly shootings in just over 24 hours causing the mayor to declare a spring break state of emergency. video showing a crowd running for safety near ocean drive. police tending to the wounded. the deadly shooting incidents occurring late friday night and early sunday morning. miami beach mayor dan gelber saying officials seized over 70 firearms in the past three weeks. >> the volume of people in our city, the unruly nature of too many in the presence of guns has created a peril that cannot go unchecked. especially in the evenings. >> reporter: the state of emergency and curfew starts tonight at midnight. lasting until 6:00 a.m. in addition there will also be restrictions on the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages in the areas under curfew. >> we don't want spring break in our city. it's too rowdy, brings too much
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disorder and it's too difficult to police. >> reporter: miami beach officials will be meeting monday to consider imposing another curfew next week. >> thank you. overseas, vladimir putin's power move in ukraine. defiance in the face of an international arrest warrant. visiting the russian occupied city of mariupol, the scene of massive devastation. that comes on the eve of his high-stakes meeting with president xi. the two were last seen together in december. tom soufi burridge reports tonight from kyiv. >> reporter: a defiant show tonight from vladimir putin. the russian president, for the first time, visiting land seized from ukraine in this war. putin driving around the russian controlled ukrainian city of mariupol. visiting newly built apartments there. the city obliterated by russia d
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costing 25,000 civilian lives, according to ukrainian officials. now a group of residents greeting putin in a carefully choreographed trip. the kremlin deflecting attention after putin was indicted for war crimes by the international criminal court. president zelenskyy's chief of staff blasting the trip saying "the criminal is always drawn to the crime scene." the surprise visit coming just hours before china's president xi travels to moscow for the first time since russia invaded ukraine, a major diplomatic boost for putin. the world's most powerful autocrats set to strengthen ties. but the white house tonight rejecting in advance a possible call from the chinese for a cease-fire now. >> all that's going do is give mr. putin more time to refit, retrain, reman and try to plan
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for renewed offensives at a time of his choosing. >> lots of reason for concern there. tom soufi burridge joins us from kyiv tonight. we're hours away from president xi's potential pivotal meeting with putin. tell us about the big concerns surrounding this meeting. >> reporter: linsey, president putin just saying china/russia relations are standing on the brink of a new era, and a senior ukrainian official telling me they are concerned china could supply weapons to russia. they have no proof it's happening now, but they believe china is already supplying electrical components which can be used by the russian military, diminishing the impact of u.s. sanctions. linsey. >> tom, thank you. next tonight, new details in the urgent search for a missing american woman kidnapped from her home in mexico. the family of 63-year-old maria del carmen lopez, a dual u.s. and mexican citizen is speaking out and the fbi is offering a reward up to $25,000 for information. here's zohreen shah. >> reporter: tonight, the fbi offering a reward of up to $20,000 for any information that
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helps find an american mother of seven believed to have been kidnapped in mexico. >> we need our mom back. we miss her. we miss her terribly. >> reporter: zonia lopez tells abc news her family has already been asked to pay a ransom for return of her mom, maria del carmen lopez, who she believes was the victim of a coordinating kidnapping in early february. witnesses told the family they saw a white van in front of lopez's home in the state of colima, lopez said. >> there was an exchange of words. she was refusing to get into the van, there was another individual who stepped out of the van and helped those two bring her inside and they drove away. >> reporter: no one has seen or heard from her mom since. just last month, four other american citizens were also kidnapped in mexico. two of them were killed. can now the u.s. state department is issuing a travel advise ray, ing americans not to trave six threats of crime and kidnapping.
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the u.s. embassy in mexico also issued a travel alert right before spring break. they say travelers should stay aware and avoid dangerous situations. as for lopez, the fbi says they're getting tips in both mexico and the u.s. >> zohreen, thank you. now to a tragic story out of kentucky. the family of a 20-year-old wrestler who died of a heat stroke after a practice settling with the university of the cumberlands for more than $14 million. the family released video of grant brace appearing to search for water just before his collapse. here's abc's em nguyen. >> reporter: 20-year-old wrestler grant brace appearing to frantically try to open a locked door on campus, his parents say likely in search of a way to cool off in august 2020. the horrifying moments caught on surveillance video. about an hour later, he was found collapsed nearby, not far from a shut-off water fountain. >> he was on all fours and he had dug his hands in the dirt, and he had fistfuls of dirt.
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>> it's so painful to think he was alone. >> reporter: brace's parents accusing test the ersity of then kentucky of denyinhi ter a -called "punishment practice" of "sprinting up and down a hill with steep incline" seven times, according to the lawsuit. >> ultimately it killed him. >> reporter: in their lawsuit against the school, brace's family claims the coaches in the wrestling room "yelled at fellow student-athletes who tried to provide him water, insisting grant needed to 'get the water himself.'" adding, "grant begged 'i need water, somebody help me. i feel like i am going to die, i feel like my head is going to explode.'" the state medical examiner's office determined brace died from "exertional heatstroke" when the local temperature was "85 degrees." >> how could anyone treat smeone that way? especially a good soul. grant would have helped anybody. >> reporter: the university of the cumberlands is settling for more than $14 million with the brace family. saying in a statement it
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"believed it could defend the claims asserted in the lawsuit, but made the decision to settle the case now in a manner it hopes will respect the brace family's tremendous loss." we've reached out to the two coaches named in the lawsuits but have yet to hear back. local police tell us there's also an open criminal investigation into grant brace's death. >> our hearts go out to the brace family. thank you. still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this sunday including a devastating accident. five people killed all 17 and younger. and a police captain arrested for dui. what he told the arresting officer, all captured on video. there's nothing like volunteering at the fire department. there's nothing like hitting the waves. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema it hasn't always been easy,... ...since my skin was so irritated and itchy... ...and even worse with all my gear on. now, i'm staying ahead of my eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the insie
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to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so adults can have long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. on a very special "tv dad"... i didn't make the dance team. what do i always say? switch your car insurance to progressive, and you could save hundreds. -feel better now? -not really. switch to progressive, and you could save hundreds. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks...
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choose stelara® from the start... and move after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. next tonight, an horrific crash, five young people killed in new york's westchester county. the car they were traveling in veered off of a highway, struck a tree, and caught fire overnight. the victims range in age from 8 to 17 years old. police say a 16-year-old was behind the wheel. the lone survivor is a 9-year-old boy.
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a police captain in oklahoma city has been put on leave with pay after an incident with another officer that was caught on video. cajas over on suspicion of drunk driving last week. he's seen repeatedly asking the sergeant to turn off his body camera, which the sergeant refuses to do. >> please turn that off. >> i cannot, sir. >> i'm asking you. i'm a captain on the police department. >> i don't care if you're a gang banger or the president of the united states. >> french was arrested and booked on charges of driving under the influence. when we come back, a remarkable light show. what was that streaking across the sky? numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal,
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cibinqo continuously treats eczema whether you're flaring or not. cibinqo can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. do not take with medicines that prevent blood clots. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, lung, skin and other cancers, serious heart-related events, and blood clots can happen. people 50 and older with heart disease risk factors have an increased risk of serious heart-related events or death with jak inhibitors. it's time to get out in front of eczema. ask your doctor about once-daily cibinqo. to the index now, and a spectacular scene over northern california. pieces of space junk lit up the sky friday night as they burned up while re-entering the earth's atmosphere. they're believed to be part of a satellite antenna from the international space station. scientists say they pose no danger to anyone on the ground.
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next an extensive study by the pentagon has found high rates of cancer among military pilots and ground crews are also getting sick. the study found pilots had a 24% higher rate of cancer than the general population. ground crews had a 3% higher rate of cancer. the second phase of the study will seek to identify the causes. now to college basketball. not a single perfect bracket remains in espn's tournament challenge after all the upsets on the men's side. one of the big surprises, princeton, which beat arizona and then missouri in the first two rounds. the tigers are in the sweet 16 for the first time since 1967. and when we come back, america strong. a 9-year-old keeping her cool under pressure and saving her mother's life in the process. living with eczema we're used to this feeling. ♪ it's time your skin gets used to a different one with opzelura. for the treatment of mild to moderate eczema opzelura is proven to clear
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5:55 pm
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finally tonight, america strong. a mother who's crediting her young daughter with saving her life. 9-year-old aria has been a girl scout since kindergarten but she wasn't trying to earn a badge last month and she displayed courage and bravery well beyond her years after her mother had a medical emergency at home, she was quick to call 911. >> 911, where is your emergency? >> my mom, she was talking to me and she passed out. >> a composed aria stayed on the line, checking on her mother's breathing. >> is she still passed out? >> yes, she's still breathing but she's passed out. >> staying right by her mother's side until the ambulance arrived. >> we're going to hang out and talk to each other until they get there. then i'll call your daddy, okay? >> okay, thank you. >> little aria's handling of her mother's emergency made a big impression on the veteran dispatcher.
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>> i have taken calls for 30 years. i have never seen a kid ever do as well as she did. >> this week, aria was honored by the mayor of her hometown of aurora, illinois. after spending 16 days in the hospital, aria's mother karen is now back at home, feeling grateful. >> i love you, you're my little nurse. you're my little angel. >> aria has this message for other children. >> i care about telling kids that they need to learn these things that way their parents or anyone is safe. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> such a sweet moment and a life-saving lesson. thanks so much for watching. i'm linsey davis in new york. david muir right back here tomorrow night. have a great evening. good night.
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>> on the news at six a soggy monday with a stronger storm approaching. we would take a look at how the bay area is handling all that rain and what we can expect next. >> we can fix this, we know how to do it. >> the governor unveils a plan to take on the states homelessness crisis and he's asking for our help. ♪ >> getting everyone into the game. we will check out opening day for a san francisco baseball league that is all about inclusion and acceptance. abc 7 news at 6:00 starts right now. >> moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >>edheoi of saturation.
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streets are flooded across the bay area. des slippin a another atmospheric river is headed towards us as we speak. good evening and thank you for joining us. i am dion lim. we have storm coverage for you tonight starting with francis on the roof and with the timing of when this rain is going to finally let up. francis: right now on the there is some drizzle and we can expect spotty showers overnight into tomorrow morning. live doppler 7 satellite shows lots of cloud cover, we can expect that to taper off tomorrow. check out the rain totals. one of her highest rainfall amounts was in kentfield, 1.2 inches. then you see the rain shadow effect in the south bay and the lower part of the peninsula where palo alto only got eight hundredths of an inch and san jose got 500s of an inch. san francisco, .92 inches.