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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  March 13, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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evening commute. we want to help you prepare, so we have live team coverage tonight with what we are already dealing with. karina: abc 7 news meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking the rain in real-time with live doppler 7 radar. we start with her and accuweather forecast. sandhya: prepare for a serious storm with significant impacts. this is a strong level 3 storm. we have a now the spirit river associated with it, and it is going to drench the bay area. -- we now have river associate with it, and it is going to drench the bay area. the flood watch starts at 10:00 p.m. tonight and runs until 4:00 a.m. wednesday at we have a high wind warning that goes until 5:00 a.m. wednesday. grounds are waterlogged. any rain that falls is going to cause existing problems to get exacerbated, not just the poor pajaro river, the salinas river
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areonrns. trees toppling. a few light showers. as we head toward tomorrow morning, the commute is going to be nasty. heavy rain, strong winds between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. it is going to be stormy. by 9:00, the wind and rain intensity begins to let up. it is a level 3 on our exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale. gusty winds, flooding, possible thunder, downed trees, and powerlines are just some of the concerns. i will be back with a full look at the forecast in a couple of minutes, ama. ama: thank you. to the east bay where abc 7 news reporter leslie brinkley tells us they are getting ready with some areas already saturated. leslie? leslie: ama, it feels great to be outdoors for little while here today before the next system comes roaring in. of course, recreational
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opportunities all over the bay area are continuing to be rain-soaked, as we wait for this next storm system to come in, it is only going to get worse. in some cases, it is runoff and rising creeks that are causing problems. in other cases, it is just more bad weather to contend with. at the oakland zoo in the midst of all the atmospheric rivers slamming the east bay, baby meerkats were born. they are proving popular with visitors who are returning to the zoo. today it is open, tomorrow it will be closed again for bad weather. the shutdown started december 31 with a giant sinkhole, so the zoo closed all of january, then reopened february 3 only to shut down times because of rain. >> with the shutdown and opening and closing, you know, i think people just don't know that we are open. so our attendance has taken a hit. it has been slow. leslie: this family usually comes every monday. this is only their second visit since the start of the year. >> we can do nothing about the
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weather, but once it reopens, pack everybody in the car, we will stay here. happy is an understatement. we are very excited to be back. leslie: golfers are still unable to access nearby red canyon golf course. it has been closed since the first of the area, significant flooding damage to the course. some bike riders found breaks in the rain to ride on the east bay regional parks district says some has been cleared but major repairs are needed. they have been delayed because of prolonged bad weather. it is much the same at las positas garza -- golf course in livermore, bringing mud into the parking lot. they say for safety reasons, they are still closed but are hopeful they can reopen this weekend. i talked to east district this afternoon. closed due to mudslides blocking
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assess -- access. other spots may because of anticipated flooding. the word from them was tomorrow, stay hunkered down, stay indoors. if you start to fit your out -- venture out, decide to take a walk, a hike, be mindful, check websites before event or outdoors to see if the parks and trails are even open. just be very careful out there. we will have a lot of probably branches down, muddy trails, a lot of hazards coming up as we all try to get back outdoors. reporting live in the east bay, i'm leslie brinkley, abc 7 news. karina: leslie, thank you. in the north bay, it is going to be an anxious night for several santa rosa residents. there is the reason. the rain has caused this hill to become saturated and start sliding. it has already destroyed the fence of one house. two properties on cooper drive have been red tagged and several more have been threatened. residents fear the new storm
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could make the situation cata as more rain moves through the area this week, you can keep track of the changing conditions and access the same live doppler 7 that our weather team uses. it is available on demand on the abc 7 bay area app. download it wherever you stream. ama:ama: now concerns about the silicon valley bank. federal regulators closed the silicon valley bank on friday after the bank ran out of money due in part to a huge loss in its bond portfolio and depositors rushing to withdraw their funds all at once. the treasurer yesterday said it would not bailout the bank but would use $25 billion to offset any deposits customers lost. today, president biden insisted the nation's banking system is safe. now to the impact. companies and people left in financial limbo. many returned to the bank today to get their money. abc 7 news reporter dustin dorsey spoke with some of them and said the situation left some
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companies on the brink of a funding collapse. dustin: what a difference a weekend makes. when we were here friday, the mood in menlo park was concern and fear that they may lose their businesses after the bank failure. for some today, relief. >> definitely very i think the government this time moved really fast. they did a good job this time. i'm pretty grateful. dustin: others at the santa clara branch still worried after seeing the flaw in the system this situation highlighted. >> we will feel relief when the funds are in a place that, you know, we feel is a bit more resilient to these situations. it looks like it will be at least a day until let us certain, depending -- until that is certain, depending on the method used. dustin: the line to get funds back was long and slow moving. some arrive before the grant even opened at 9:00 a.m. it took about an hour and a half to get through.
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fcic answer questions along the way before customers could enter the door for the first time since last week. >> everybody has been very patient. they are letting three people in line to the lobby while three people are helped by the tellers and rotating through. we are on the same boat. everybody is being patient. >> we knew starting today that it is going to take patience. dustin: easier said than done when you're talking about millions of dollars in some cases, like with cofounder and ceo. he can only imagine how this would have gone for his company and others had the company not -- government not stepped in. >> if they cannot get their money, they are going to destroy silicon valley. i don't think we want that to happen. dustin: now mostly in the clear, the focus turns to what is next. customer said this will change how they make, and they are all wishing for what is best for one another. >> i hope everybody gets what they need by the end of the day, by the end of tomorrow, because, again, it is only good for the entire community. dustin: in menlo park, dustin
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dorsey, abc 7 news. karina: we are going to dive a little deeper into this issue. abc 7 news anchor liz kreutz learned all banks will have to pay for svb's failure. liz: president biden insisted today that taxpayers will not be the one bailing out these banks. he laid out his plan while also assuring americans that the financial system is stable and that people should not be worried about their own deposits. but of course, the sudden collapse of these banks has raised a lot of questions and concerns. pres. biden: americans can have confidence the banking system is safe. liz: it is an extraordinary step by the federal government, president biden announced his administration is stepping in. to save customers of silicon valley bank. pres. biden: this is important. no losses will be borne by the taxpayers. liz: how exactly will that work? we asked san jose state finance professor matthew faulkner to break it down.
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different in this program is this is not a bailout. liz: what the biden administration is doing instead is imposing an assessment fee that will require every bank to pay a fee. those fees will cover the losses. pres. biden: instead, the money will come from fees the banks pay into the deposit insurance fund. prof. faulkner: the u.s. banking system working together to cover some. liz: the money generated from the assessment fees will go toward paying back silicon valley bank customers who had more than $250,000 in their account. those with $250,000 or less are already insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation, or fdic. faulkner says while are some questions of silicon valley bank, he is hopeful it is an isolated incident. prof. faulkner: it looks like it is a combination of a starting economy within our general macroeconomic economy. money was not flowing the way it was 10 years ago. liz: after the bank asked the public for money last week,
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customers got spooked and made a run to get their money back, causing the bank to shut down. prof. faulkner: if every annual pass holder at disneyland showed up to disneyland on the same day, disneyland would shut down. it would not be able to operate. liz: faulkner's question now is about what precedents the biden administration is setting for banks and future failures. prof. faulkner: if they know the government is going to come help out the depositors, do they take on riskier investments? you have these things to think about going forward. liz: another question i'm sure a lot of people have at home right now, is there anything i can do to protect my own deposits? faulkner says if you want to be the most careful, you can disperse your money into multiple accounts at different banks, and only keep $250,000 or in each of those account. that is the amount insured by the fdic. live in the newsroom, liz kreutz, abc 7 news. ama: good advice. thank you, liz. we are following
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breaking news, a person was stabbed on an 8 bayshore express bus officers interviewed witnesses and do not have any information on the status of the victim or what provoked the attack. it appeared to involve several juveniles. karina: a lockdown has been lifted in saratoga. campus police called for the lockdown as they look for boards of an armed -- looked into reports of an armed intruder on campus. >> most of the kids were pretty calm. we were told that there is someone who was armed on campus. that we needed to lockdown kid we did not have a lot of information for a while, and then we were getting text alerts that there was an armed intruder with a rifle we did not get a lot of information unless we were texting family or friends. karina: police found a replica rifle and attained two people for questioning. no one was hurt. classes were close for the rest of the day. a very area -- a bay area
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diocese is closed following claims of abuse. ama: a warrior unresolved symptoms? heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome... ...shortness of breath... ...irregular heartbeat... ...and lower back pain could mean something more serious called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time, so it's important to recognize the signs. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm. meet three sisters learning how to spend, save, and budget. all with chase first banking. freedom for kids. ♪ ♪ control for parents. one bank with tools for both. chase. make more of what's yours.
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karina: welcome back. the catholic diocese of santa rosa filed for bangor please today, citing new lawsuits from more than 200 survivors of child sexual abuse by catholic police. reporter dan investigated this 25 years ago and is back with more. dan: i spoke with survivors and attorneys that the church is trying to avoid responsibility
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of horrific abuse by police. this warning, the diocese of santa rosa estimate its assets between $10 million and $50 million and its liabilities to be the same because of a flood of new lawsuits from survivors of clergy sexual abuse. i spoke with santa rosa bishop robert. why is bankruptc bishop vasa: when it exceeds entity's ability to pay those claims, i don't see other options. dan: i first uncovered shall succeed abuse by priests in 1994. found father austin peter keegan working in a north an edge -- in an orphanage in mexico after working in the santa rosa diocese. have you the same physical conti have had with you, ok.
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dan: this same against children at a summer camp in the wilderness. now a window for people to sue no matter how long the abuse had occurred. the diocese faces more than 200 new lawsuits. bishop vasa: we do have compassion for you, but we also have limitations in terms of the assets. dan: i asked attorney about this. >> this is another way for the diocese to avoid responsibility and do the right thing by survivors. dan: in 2016, they made their parishes and school separate corporations and now claims it should not be part of this bankruptcy filing. >> one of the things they are trying to do, it is known to everyone, is to shield their dollars, whether it is cash, property, pledges, shield from
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who? from survivors. dan: there's a real feeling that this is about protecting the church's assets and not doing the right thing. how do you respond to that? bishop vasa: that is the reason why the bankruptcy offers an objective look, because basically the diocese and any entity in bankruptcy turns over the books and says, here is everything that we have attachments to. >> i just think it is a tragedy. dan: this person from the survivors network of abuse -- >> if basis lead, they will -- if they succeed, they will limit what survivors can receive in opposition, and they will freeze the files that are so important to understand what went on and what still make be going on. dan: that is going to be a crucial part of the bankruptcy case, can the diocese shield the
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assets of parishes and schools, or will those contribute to the pot of money that will go to more than 200 survivors? karina and ama? karina: all right, dan, thank you so in the east bay, the owner of the so-called warrior's house in west oakland is in danger of losing the property to foreclosure. the blue house is an unofficial landmark for all the warriors memorabilia covering the exterior, but the owner owes more than $300,000 on a reverse mortgage here he is on disability and cannot make the payments, but there may be a hope to solution. the oakland community land trust is looking to buy the home, fix it up, and rented to him for the rest of his life. ama: that is interesting. karina: it will be great if it works out. ama: this rain, we are in for it, karina. karina: here we go again. this will be a lot of rain tonight. we will check in with sandhya patel, who is tracki a o wl t le tonight? sandhya: that is correct, karina and ama. let's take a look at live doppler 7.
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you can see what is coming our way, and atmospheric river. it is a strong level 3 storm that will be pounding the bay area. . as we'd check out satellite and radar, live doppler 7, that moisture plume is not too far away off our coast, which is what we are concerned about. here are some safety tips with this level 3 storm -- never drive through flooded areas. as you know, we've all seen that happen before. stay off the roads if you can. evacuate if ordered to do so by your emergency officials, and have a to go bad. the storm concerned for tomorrow, roadway flooding, streaming creek flooding, outages a very high likelihood. the ground is supersaturated. it cannot hold much moisture. anything that falls is going to start to run off and cause problems. mudslides and debris flows, river flooding is a high likelihood. the particular rivers that are concerning is not just the pajaro river, where they saw the levee breach, but also the salinas river. if you live near a river, stream, or creek, keep an eye on
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them. here's a live view from our tower camera's. we see a cloud-some experience ever camp showing you a cloudy view. -- we see a cloud-sun zephyr cam showing you a cloudy view. dew points out ahead of this storm in the low to mid 50's, which is very muggy for the bay area appeared we are not used to this, obviously, but we have the subtropical moister trough. temperatures in the 50's. concord today made it into 70 degrees. many areas were in the mild to warm category today. here's a live view from the zephyr cove cam. the winds are blowing. it has been a rain-snow mix in the mountains. some picking up a foot and a half in the last 24 hours. we have a winter storm warning until 5:00 p.m. wednesday. up to five feet above 8000 feet with gusts to 70, 1 foot to three feet above 6500 feet, and those snow levels will be coming up to about 7000 to 8000 feet
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tomorrow could you know it will be raining below that. here is live doppler 7 locally, and here is the most are -- moisture showing off the coastline. a few showers popping up primarily in the north bay around middletown, hidden valley lake, really like stuff right now. this is not the main storm. from our live view from oakland airport, peaks of sun through the clouds. strong level 3 storm rise overnight. a brief break is coming wednesday and thursday, and we will need it, as you will see on the accuweather 7-day forecast. it is a level three on our exclusive abc 7 storm impact downpours at times, gusty winds, possibility of thunder, downed trees, and power outages at high-impact with this storm. right now, the winds are gusty but not terribly strong cute as we check out the hour-by-hour forecast, winds will begin to come up as the morning commute begins. gusty winds over 30 to 50 miles an hour at 11:00 a.m., and those
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southerly winds are going to cause some damage, so watch out for that. 9:00 tonight, light rain beginning to develop. heavier rain between 3:00 a.m. and about 5:00 a.m. is when the downpours happen. 6:00, it is still coming down kid by 9:00, most of the heaviest actual move through. scattered showers continue through the afternoon and evening, but we are not expecting it to be quite as widespread or quite as intense as we head toward tomorrow morning. pray for totals, a lot of you in the 1 -- rainfall totals, a lot of you in the 1- to 3-inch category. afternoon high, cooler showers, and here is your accuweather 7-day forecast. it is a 3 tomorrow, short break midweek, lighter rain through friday and the first day of spring, which is monday. karina: all right. thanks, sandy. we know select trails are being shut down in the presidio tomorrow, and they have nothing to do wi
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ama: on and off again. you may notice something familiar return to the iconic bay bridge. the lights went back on, but it will not be illuminated tonight. it was a glitch that the lights went on last night, and it may have been because of the time change. just last week, the lights were
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said to be going dark for good because of a lack of funding for some much needed repairs. a fundraising effort is underway. karina: the presidio is closing some trails starting tomorrow. it has nothing to do with the rainy weather. it is for coyote pumping season. these signs are going up on trails near lake park and the presidio golf course. these are areas where female coyotes are known to set up dens. the signs prohibit dogs from going onto trails. it is to avoid conflicts with coyotes that can be aggressive while they raise their pups. >> walking a dog, if it is on a leash, you can pull it adjacent to you, leave the area, don't run, maintain eye contact the coyote, established on -- that is to establish dominance, and leave the area. karina: people are allowed on the trail as long as they are not accompanied by a dog. the trails will reopen in september. >> in monterey county town still flooding. nearly all of its residents evacuated. we will have more on the
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conditions here coming up at 6:30. ama: new research on the staggering amount of plastic pollution in the world's ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. karina: a live look outside. expect a windy, wet night and possible storm issues during the morning commute. ama: another atmospheric river is rolling into the bay area. the storm has just entered the north bay. good evening. i'm ama daetz. karina: i am karina nova. live doppler 7 showing a strong system turning toward the bay area right now. rain and wind expected to cover most of the bay area in about an hour or two. ama: abc 7 news sandhya patel is checking on live doppler 7 to get a read on when we can expect the heaviest rain and how long it will last, sandhya. actually, that is coming off, sandhya. karina: we will get to that in just a second. flooding has devastated part of
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monterey county. a levee break in pajaro has forced the evacuation of nearly 2000 people. some of them may not be able to return home for weeks. abc 7 news reporter zach fuentes has a look at the devastation. zach: heartbreaking weekend for the residents of pajaro in monterey county. people like andres garcia and his family were left with nowhere to go but county evacuation centers. andres: we got evacuated around 1:30 in the morning. we had a few minutes, two or three minutes. we grabbed was left and came here. zach: garcia is one of 1700 people displaced from their homes, virtually the entire town. but residents are telling us they have neighbors who stayed in the evacuation zones. >> my neighbor is there. he's, like, 80 something years old. has no water. trying to get water to him, they won't even let take him water. zach: monterey county sheriffs say with current conditions, they cannot let people back home. this more recent atmospheric
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river has brought more impacts throughout monterey county than the one in january. >> this was tremendous, a direct -- was a tremendous amount of rain, a direct hit, this atmospheric river that was full, full, full of moisture. monterey county was in its path, its direct path. zach: county of supervisor's district includes pajaro. >> low income, many immigrants, and this is the worst thing that could happen to them at this time. these are residents who have the least. so this, being evacuated and the damages to their home and their vehicles and businesses is going to be severe, and the pain is going to be prolonged for many weeks and months. zach: he is calling on governor gavin newsom and president joe biden to bring in more federal resources to monterey county. he says what happens to this community, made up of mostly farmworkers and aa land, will have a large-scale impact. >> this should have been the beginning of harvest season. this will have an impact on our food supply. beyond that, the impact to jobs
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is going to be enormous, is going to be severe, because these farmworkers are going to be out of work for a very long period of time. zach: a period of time many of those workers say is agonizing. >> were going to return maybe, we don't know yet. it depends on the weather. zach: yeah county -- the county says it has state crews working. once they stabilize the water, the lev will start toe recede. they are working around-the-clock. they hope to have that done today so the water can finally start receding. the main focus is how the hardest to parts of monterey county will handle this next atmospheric river expected to come. in monterey county, zach fuentes, abc 7 news. karina: another 13.2 inches of snow over the last 24 hours, making it the third snowiest winter on record at the lab. it has reported more than 54 feet of snow since october and expects up to 30 inches more tomorrow. ama: wow. flooding remains one of the top
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concerns a statewide. the department of resources put out a statement today. >> with the forecasted incoming storms and taking a look at the forecasted conditions across the state, several rivers will again reach flood or monitor stage tuesday and into wednesday and even thursday, of course resulting from the precipitation, the saturated situations we see, low elevations often contributing to increased runoff. ama: state and local agencies continue to work together to cordate flood preparedness and flooding across the state -- coordinate flood preparedness across the state. karina: an alert today about plastic waste. there is a staggering increase in the world's oceans. abc 7 weather anchor spencer christian says it is a disturbing problem affecting habitats across our own coast. spencer: it is a startling reminder often hidden from our collective view, our cargo hold full of debris and plastic, plucked from a flooding garbage
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patch in the pacific ocean, known as the north pacific gyre. the mission organized by the ocean blazers institute. mary crowley is executive director. mary: we started doing it to learn about what was out there and to figure out the best ways to collect it, and now we are doing it to kind of create change. spencer: the urgency of the institute's work is coming into sharper focus this month with a new report on the rapid increase of plastic pollution spreading across the world's oceans. 16 trillion pieces in 2005 to more than 170 one trillion pieces of plastic today, a tenfold plus increase. mary: our ocean, globally, has been used as a garbage pail. for hundreds of years, and, you know, plastics started about 60 years ago.
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it really has accumulated. spencer: all the classics are often collecting in distant oceans, the effects can reach bay area shores with drastic consequent. teams are routinely rescuing seagulls entangled in the debris. adam is the director of conservation education adam: every animal is vulnerable to ocean trash. we see a lot of california sea lions, we see elephant seals, harbor seals along our coast line. spencer: another recent study led by bailey resources also document at the norm is the volume of micro plastics being adjusted by whales migrating along our coast, but there are signs that the international community is waking up to the threat. a growing list of countries is ready to sign the new united nations high seas treaty. the goal is to protect the oceans, considered international waters. >> plastic knows no boundaries.
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even if we have policies in place in san francisco, marin county, other places, we are still seeing trash building up around the world, and that is having an impact on marine mammals and other marine life. spencer: an impact likely to become more severe without a coordinated effort. spencer christian, abc 7 news. karina: dr. say it is a significant training -- doctors state is a significant change by the fda.
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ama: huge victory for companies like uber and lift in their quest to keep drivers from being classified as employees. proposition 22 can remain law. they gave app-based company is an acceptance from state law that classified independent contractors as employees. opponents say the measure is unconstitutional, because it restricts lawmakers' ability to oversee compensation for gig workers. prop 22 will likely be appealed to the state supreme court. karina: studies show one in every eight women are likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
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the fda issued a new rule requiring mammogram facilities to tell women if they have dense breast tissue. >> maracel mammogram. >> it was a shock to me. it was not what i. was expecting to hear. >> she has dense breast tissue. it makes it harder to have a mammogram and also dense breast tissue also slightly increases cancer risk. >> the higher concentration you have of this tissue seems to confer a larger risk of developing breast cancer based on ratio of glandular tissue to the other component of the breast, which is fat. >> now come a new rule requires mammogram facilities to notify women if they have dense breast tissue. >> this is significant, because they have made a uniform process, nationally mandated process. >> many mammogram centers sent
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letters even before it was imposed, but now dr. jacob says it will enhance women who are seen and open the doors to advanced screening in this group. >> women with dense breast tend tissue do benefit from ultrasound and breast mri. >> recommendations for additional tests will be based on personal history, but having the knowledge will help women make better decisions about their care. >> that will confer in our patients, who will live hopefully happier and longer, healthier lives. >> she felt good about the decision to get another mammogram sooner rather than later. >> i'm happy to take myself back to september, because it is important to take care of our health. denise dador, abc 7 news. karina: there is so much snow in tahoe, people are getting a bit creative to remove it
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on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. ♪ for skin as alive as you are... don't settle for silver. harness the power of 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins to smooth, heal, and moisturize your dry skin. gold bond. champion your skin. karina: back to storm watch, neighbors in truckee are finding creative ways to clear the snow from their home. check this out. the homeowners used a rope tied
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to a bocce ball in a bike bag. they said the moisture was bringing water damage, and snow services are booked solid in the area. they say it is a temporary fix, and they are planning to hire a crew when they can. . got to do something at this point. ama: whatever you can do to get that snow down and deal with it. some people are looking like they are trying to enjoy it, make the best of it, right? even though it is a lot. we will continue to talk about that right now with meteorologist sandhya patel. they are going to get hit again. sandhya: indeed they are, karina and ama. the national weather service is saying considerable to catastrophic expected because of this atmospheric river. flood advisory's are going until 11:00 p.m. tomorrow for the sierra nevada. there are thunderstorms right now. as we take a look at the wider picture, it has been a rain-snow mix. we have rain falling on top of a
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snowpack that is very healthy. the atmospheric river is pretty much knocking at our door. you can see the moisture plume, the leading edge of it is just a matter of a few hours away. pajaro river flood warning continues in monterey county until 5:15 tomorrow evening. the levee breach, the flooding continues, and that will be a major concern down there. as you take a look at live doppler 7, light showers ahead of the main atmospheric river in the north bay as we show you where it is raining, right around aetna springs, very light stuff, as i mentioned. right around south santa rosa, petaluma, bodega avenue, urc and wet roadways. the wider picture shows you the strong level 3 storm on our exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale. hour-by-hour, the hourly forecast showing you the rainfall becomes more widespread and intensifies for the morning commute.
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it is really going to be bad for the morning commute. if you can stay home and work from home, that would be ideal. if you can't, give yourself plenty of time, because it is not just the rain we are concerned about. 5:00, six of what in the morning, it is the strong, gusty winds on top of saturated ground. 8:00, rainfall intensity is highest in our southern part of our viewing area. the concerns are roadway flooding, creek and stream flooding, downed trees, outages. mudslides, debris you can see the intensity of rain falling in a short period of time. you will see a potential of that, and river flooding also high. flood watch 10:00 p.m. tonight until 4:00 a.m. wednesday. flooding likely not just streams, creeks, but rivers and roads. high wind warning until 5:00 a.m. wed wind gusts up to 70 miles an hour on top of saturated ground will mean the potential for some problems. 50's and 60's on your highs tomorrow. scattered showers for the afternoon, not quite as intense as what the atmospheric river is going to do in the morning.
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so on our accuweather 7-day forecast, you will notice it is a level 3. a stormy start tomorrow morning. thunderstorms chance as well. . . . we get a chance to dry out wednesday, thursday, light rain coming in with a level 1 friday mainly in the second half of the day going into saturday. it is just going to be like showers on sunday night going into the first day of spring, wet and windy. none of those systems are expected to be an atmospheric river or a strong storm, so hopefully the two-day coming up will help. ama: we need it. karina: a special edition of abc 7 news mornings will begin at 4:00 a.m. abc 7 news meteorologist drew tuma and the entire abc 7 morning team will be there to help you get your day started. in sports, jimmy g. gets picked up by a new team. ama: the warriors in action tonight. abc 7 sports anchor chris
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alvarez is live at chase center. chris: what a huge day of sports, referencing jimmy g. on the move, leaving san francisco. the warriors, man, playoff push is a wacom the warriors andsuns, everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today.
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for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. >> now, abc 7 sports with chris alvarez. chris:
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inbo 10 mite an ankle injury, good news on gary payton ii, he's dealing with the right adductor injury, facing on court progress and will be reevaluated in 10 days, but warriors trying to get healthy. 14 games left in the regular season, and the warriors have won seven straight here at chase center. they have six in the west, two and half back-and-forth pace -- place -- of they need to take that home game magic on the road. >> i've been on teams that have sucked at home and on the road, but nothing like this. the answer lies in our defense. no matter how you want to look at it. >> we are playing that revolving door right now of being able to show it, searching for it,
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obviously the chase center has been great for us, so we have to figure out a way to take that on the road with us in some games coming up. chris: and a huge day of nfl news as free agency negotiation windows open up. jimmy garoppolo is headed to the las vegas raiders. after all this time, jimmy is on his way to vegas. three years, 67 point $5 million deal. jimmy g. reuniting with head coach josh mcdaniels, and he was 42-19, including the playoffs, but injuries along with the emergence of brock birdy and trey lance put an end to his career here. rita, the portuguese native, began her series four days ago -- 404 days ago of drawing jimmy g. every day. various quotes from teammates and 49ers legend steve young.
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huge congrats to rita. re from vegas. sam donald will be going to the 49ers. some of the video a some of those players, coming up in a second, there it is, sam darnold, for overall pick, darnold began with the jets, not great there, carolina, played two seasons. brock purdy will recover from that off-season elbow surgery. tonight's offensive line is getting better. they were already good, and they are adding former eagles defensive tackle javon hargrave. he had a career-high 11 sacks last season. long time mike heading to the denver
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bronco's, a five-year, $87.5 million deal to protect russell wilson in denver. he played five seasons in san francisco. first-round draft pick out of notre dame in 2018. spring training, major league baseball, opening day just two weeks from thursday. giants and padres, action in arizona. there's a former a and of a former padre, the lefty striking out in the first. that looked good at how about getting him again in the third? two runs and three another new guy, michael can forward a, his fourth -- michael conforto, his fourth homer this spring. 14 games left in the regular season, the atmosphere and everything starting to build up of the warriors try to make the playoffs. they try to get away.
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back to you. karina: thank you so much, chris. coming up tonight on abc 7 at 8:00, it is "the bachelor," followed by "the good dr.," and abc 7 news abc 7 news stay with us for news. that is going to do it for this edition of abc 7 news. thank you for joining us to dime ama daetz. karina: i'm karina nova. sand yet is standing off to the side -- sandhya patel is standing off to the side. [laughs]
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" ♪♪ please welcome today's contestants-- an academic tutor from freehold, new jersey... a grocery specialist from crawfordville, florida... and our returning champion-- a data scientist from longmont, colorado... whose 4-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings! [cheers and applause] thanks, folks. thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome to the show. last week was a big one for us here on "jeopardy!" on thursday, we concluded our high school reunion tournament,
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and then we ended friday's show with stephen webb becoming a 4-game champion in his third runaway game, proving that his short break in competition had not impacted his performance one bit. today roy and karen are our challengers-- the only thing that stands between stephen and a guaranteed spot in our tournament of champions. good luck to all three of you. we begin with the jeopardy! round and these categories. first up... huzzah! then we have... then we have... i sense a theme. and finally... "cat" begins each response, and i'm not sure i was the intended host for this game board. [laughter] but in any case, stephen, you begin. let's do big bang theory for $1,000.


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