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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 10, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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tonight, the state of emergency, the dangerous and potentially deadly flooding unfolding right now. parts of an interstate shut down, rooftops collapsing. the new and dangerous system slamming the west at this hour. several feet of snow expected in some places. 8 inches of rain elsewhere. the flooding emergency already tonight and the winds gusting to 100 miles per hour. it will move across the country. meantime, the other system in the northeast tonight. the potential snow coming tonight and tomorrow. rob marciano timing it all out. also tonight, where is our money? customers demanding answers tonight after a bank shuts down, the largest bank failure since the banking collapse of 2008. regulators today seizing the bank. customers rushing to withdraw their money. the white house is pressed tonight. could other banks be next?
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what safeguards are in place? all this amid the new jobs report. 311,000 new jobs added in february. mary bruce on it all tonight. the horrific images that have now emerged tonight, the gunman taking aim at that religious center. the suspect seen firing through a window. more than 100 shots fired, crawling inside, and our team in germany. the race for the white house on the republican side. ron desantis in iowa tonight declaring he's there from the free state of florida. not mentioning donald trump by name, but what he did say, a clear reference to the former president. rachel scott in iowa. meantime tonight, prosecutors inviting former president trump to testify before a grand jury, investigating his alleged role in hush money. legal experts say this is a strong signal that criminal indictments may be coming. aaron katersky and what he's learned tonight. the five suspects this evening lined up south of the border. the arrests and new charges, and
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what that note said left on the windshield. matt rivers in mexico. news tonight on embattled new york congressman george santos. what's he's accused of doing now. what the u.s. secret service is confirming tonight as santos himself responds. we have breaking news in a case that made national headlines for years. the sentencing tonight in the kristen smart case, what the judge just decided. the health headline tonight. the fda approving a first of its kind nasal spray, fast acting to treat migraines. a passing to note tonight. the famous actor, his hit show in the '70s, and the real-life crime drama the country watched unfold. and will history be made at the oscars? good evening, and it's great to have you with us as we near the end of another week together here, and we do begin tonight with this dangerous and potentially deadly system slamming the west at this hour.
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they're investigating deaths already, and this will move across the country again. tonight, part of an interstate shut down. rooftops in danger of collapsing. one warehouse already coming down. california declaring a state of emergency tonight, and look at this -- a satellite capturing the massive system, what they call an atmospheric river coming in off the pacific there, slamming into the west coast. the storm delivering several feet of snow in parts of northern california, and you'll remember that so many communities are already slammed from recent weeks. still digging out and this tonight, cars skidding on treacherous roads. parts of interstate 5 shut down for a time. the flood threat in santa cruz county. deputies going door to door, urging people to leave. flash flooding washing out main street in this town. authorities in oakland investigating if weather might have been the reason for the warehouse roof collapse that was in fact deadly. w're tacking all of this, and in the northeast tonight, the
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snow coming this evening and tomorrow. we have it all covered beginning with senior meteorologist rob marciano in california tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a state of emergency in california. evacuation orders as catastrophic flash floods overtake communities here. fatigued residents across the state hit with unrelenting extreme weather for days. two new weather-related deaths reported. the newest storm, that atmospheric river lashing california with heavy wind and rain. >> look how violent that water is. >> reporter: officials warning of a life-threatening flash flood emergency in the central valley town of springville. in santa cruz county, deputies pelted with rain going door to door in the middle of the night, urging everyone in this neighborhood to evacuate. a creek washing out this roadway, cutting off as many as 700 people. >> i've lived here my hole life and i've never seen the creek go through the road. so it's just nuts to see. >> reporter: in oakland, authorities investigating if weather played a role in this warehouse roof collapsing
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overnight. one person killed, another hurt. ad flooding shutting down part of interstate 580. >> nearly the entire roadway is covered in water. look at this -- backing up traffic for miles. >> reporter: north of sacramento at the oroville ram, they're opening this spillway for the first time in nearly four years. how fast is that water pouring out of the lake right now? >> so, right now we're releasing 8,000 cubic feet per second of water. that's equivalent to a basketball of water, so 8,000 basketballs every second. >> reporter: that atmospheric river bringing snow to higher elevations, making driving treacherous. this vehicle sliding across interstate 5 near mt. shasta. our mola lenghi in south lake tahoe where they're warning of more possible roof collapses. this mix of snow and rain is a dangerous combination. you see about 6 to 7 feet of know piled up on this roof, weighing it down. it's absorbing the rain, increasing the risk for a roof collapse or all of it sliding
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off like an avalanche on to someone below. in southern california, the investigation ongoing in the death of those 13 snowbound residents in san bernardino county. the sheriff saying they'll wait for a coroner to rule on official causes of deat. this is a separate system now marching from the great lakes to the northeast, bringing heavy snow there. >> let's get right to rob marciano. he's live at that dam in oroville. you told us in california that officials are closely monitoring those water levels into tonight. just look at that behind you. you see actually a little rainbow there. you're watching two separate storms hitting tonight, and i gather you're going to start with what you're seeing in the west. >> it's great to see this water coming out of this reservoir, but at the same time there are so many californians suffering from flash flooding. we have flood watches that have been extended into sunday with the next system coming in tomorrow. this atmospheric river sliding into southern california. 60 to 70 miles an hour winds and
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heavy rains and mudslides and more in the way of roof collapses, yes. across the mountains with more snow on the way. blizzard warning already up for the upper midwest. that gets into the great lakes late in the day saturday. while this one exits, the next is getting into the northeast tonight. right now it's all rain, i-95. as that gets closer and passes over the new york area overnight tonight and tomorrow we get wraparound snow, and that turns into snow and we'll see a couple of inches along i-95, including new york city. both coasts getting big storms tonight. >> quite a sight behind you. rob. thank you for covering it all. now the news that reminded so many of us of the unsettling times that came with the banking failures in 2008. tonight a bank has been seized by state and federal regulators. this is the biggest bank failure since 2008, and this evening so many customers demanding to know, where is our money? this bank, silicon valley bank a favorite of the tech company. customers rushing to find branch offices closed and atms not working.
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tonight here the white house's press. could other banks be next? and what safeguards are in place? here's mary bruce tonight. >> reporter: from new york to california today, panicked customers scrambling to pull their money out of silicon valley banks only to find them closed. >> all our money is in the bank. i don't know how we are going to do our payroll. i don't know what we're gonna do now. >> reporter: it's the biggest bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis. regulators this morning shutting down and seizing the assets of the bank, a go-to lender to the tech industry. many of those businesses today cut off from their cash. >> i hope we get most of it back, but, yeah, it's definitely a concern. >> reporter: it all came crashing down in just 48 hours. as the bank tried to shore up its finances, the panic only spread on wall street. the bank's stock plunged, and customers starting pulling their money out. >> once that happens, it's just ineitable it's going to fail. >> reporter: high interest rates have left many tech companies with less cash on hand, forcing them to withdraw more to meet their expenses.
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>> this is a bank, perhaps a handful of banks, that are getting nailed by the fallout from the problem in the tech sector. and it's not a economy-wide or a banking system-wide problem. >> reporter: we pressed the white house on what this means for the tech world. how concerned are you that we could see a ripple effect just throughout this specific sector? >> i just want to reemphasize that we are in a fundamentally different position, that, you know, with the reforms of the global financial crisis of 2007, 2008, we've put in place stress tests and other tools that our regulators have to provide more resilience to our banking system. >> mary, we all listened to that closely today. right there with you. the white house saying safeguards are in place since 2008, obviously trying to ease jitters about other banks. but this was unsettling today. in the meantime, while we have you, the other news today, it was a major economic headline, the new jobs report, and again it was much better than expected. >> reporter: these number again beating expectations, david.
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311,000 jobs were added last month, fueled by gains in hospitality, health care, and the retail sector, and the unemployment rate ticked up to 3.6%. the president today was very pleased with these numbers, hailing them as a clear sign that the economy, he says, is headed in the right direction. david? >> mary bruce on a friday night. mary, thank you. we're going to turn now to the horrific images that have emerged, the gunman taking aim at the religious center. the gunman seen firing through a window. more than 100 shots in all. marcus moore tonight. >> reporter: tonight, disturbing new video showing that gunman in hamburg opening fire through a window into a jehovah's witness hall. he fires his pistol more than 100 times, according to police. the lights eventually going out. and then he crawls through the window and continues pulling the trigger. a special police unit in the area at the time storming the building within minutes of the first calls, evacuating
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terrified people from the hall. the gunman then fleeing to a higher floor and, police say, taking his own life. five adults were killed, and a pregnant woman was badly wounded. she later miscarried. seven other people were also hurt, three with life-threatening injuries. police say the 35-year-old gunman, who they identified only as philipp f. for privacy law reasons, was a former member of the congregation who left 18 months ago. and authorities confirming to abc news they received an anonymous tip that the shooter had developed, quote, a special rage toward religious groups, particularly the jehovah's witnesses. investigators visited the suspect at his home last month but did not find grounds to seize his weapons. and today, one by one, the bodies of those killed were brought out of the hall. dennis gehrmann paid his respects, telling us he has friends who've attended the congregation's meetings. i'm sorry this happened here. >> i'm sorry too. yeah, this is -- this is horrible for hamburg, at least for germany.
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>> reporter: david, authorities also revealed today that the gunman left this congregation voluntarily about a year and a half ago, but that it apparently was not on good terms. still, there is no specific motive for this horrific attack. david. >> just awful images tonight. marcus moore, thank you. now to the race for president back in this country. on the republican side in iowa tonight, florida governor ron desantis declaring he's from the free state of florida, he said. he didn't mention donald trump by name, but what he said, clearly directed at the former president. rachel scott in iowa. >> reporter: florida governor ron desantis traveling to iowa today for the first time and acting very much like a presidential candidate. >> good morning. i bring greetings from the free state of florida. >> reporter: desantis pitching florida as a model for the country on issues like covid, where he kept the state largely open. >> i'm just proud to say that when, during covid, the world
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lost it's mind, when common sense suddenly became an uncommon virtue, the state of florida stood as a refuge of sanity. >> reporter: and on conservative social issues, declaring he stood up to, quote, the woke mob. >> we've done things like eliminate critical race theory from our k through 12 schools. [ applause ] we're not going to teach our kids to hate our country or to hate each other. >> reporter: desantis never mentioned donald trump by name, but he did take one undeniable swipe at the former president. >> there's no drama in our administration. there's no palace intrigue. we roll out and we execute, and we do things and we get things done. >> reporter: that message landing with voters like rob bohnsack, a grandfather of three who told me some of trump's behavior has been distracting. >> when it really comes down to it, i just want to make sure that whoever we run can win. we really need to win. >> reporter: do you think that governor ron desantis could win the white house?
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>> after today, i'm even more sure that he's probably the guy. voters now on the fence.r trump- >> we need the best candidate, not necessarily -- nothing against donald trump personally, but he's not the only horse in the race. >> let's get right to rachel scott reporting from iowa tonight. ron desantis in iowa now. we know donald trump is coming. trump has formally announced he is running. when do we expect that from desantis? >> reporter: well, sources indicate to us, david, that desantis has privately told allies that he intends to run for president. we are expecting that announcement sometime after the legislative session in may. david? >> rachel scott in iowa. rachel, thank you. meantime, one more headline on this election. prosecutors tonight inviting former president trump to testify before a grand jury now, investigating his alleged role in hush money payments. now, legal experts say this is a strong signal that criminal indictments could be coming.
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here's aaron katersky. >> reporter: tonight, former president trump may be closer to finding out if he will face criminal charges in new york over the hush money he paid to porn actress stormy daniels. sources tell abc news manhattan district attorney alvin bragg recently informed trump of his right to testify before the grand jury. the law requires potential criminal defendants be afforded that opportunity, but prosecutors typically only invite targets of investigations to testify if they're moving forward with criminal charges. potential charges would involve whether trump falsified business records when he reimbursed his former lawyer michael cohen, who actually made the $130,000 payment to daniels. trump calls the investigation a witch hunt, insisting he has done absolutely nothing wrong. and while trump awaits the d.a.'s decision here in new york, david, he's also awaiting charging decisions from prosecutors in atlanta and a special counsel in washington, d.c. david? >> aaron katersky tonight. thank you, aaron. to mexico tonight where mexican prosecutors have filed charges tonight in the kidnapping of those four
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americans, two of them killed. and today the striking image -- they lined up the suspects. matt rivers in mexico city again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, for the first time, a look at five of the men authorities say kidnapped four americans in northern mexico, killing two of them, each allegedly members of the gulf cartel. they were captured not by authorities but apparently by the cartel itself. thursday morning next to this pickup truck, on the windshield, a note purportedly from cartel leadership. "we have decided to deliver those involved and directly responsible," it reads, referring to the kidnapping. shortly after the four americans crossed into mexico last friday, they were attacked. the fbi investigating this video reportedly showing their abduction as it happened. driven around for days, they ended up here. abc news obtaining this video of the crime scene where the americans were eventually found, blood stains still on the floor. two victims, latavia mcgee and eric williams, found alive. two more, shaeed woodard and zindell brown, dead. their bodies now back in the
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u.s. for burial. david, all five of those suspects now officially charged with aggravated kidnapping and homicide. david? >> matt rivers in mexico city. matt, thank you. meantime back here in the u.s. tonight, embattled congressman george santos is denying he was the mastermind of an atm fraud scheme, instead tonight claiming he helped fight the crime. in a sworn statement to the fbi, justice department, and secret service, a former roommate claims santos trained him to skim credit card numbers from atms. that roommate arrested and deported to brazil. santos insisted he cooperated with law enforcement. insisting the former roommate is lying. secret service saying they have received a letter from that one-time roommate. when we come back on this friday night, there is breaking news in the kristin smart case coming in at this hour. and then the fda on a new treatment for migraines tonight. ?
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"barreta" and so many others. years later, acquitted in 2004 of murdering his wife at a restaurant. claiming he had gone back in to get a gun he left in a booth. robert blake was 89. >> to your health and the fda approving the first nasal spray to treat migraines. pfizer says it may work faster than pills, in some relieving pain in as little as 15 minutes. expected to be available for prescription by july. when we come back, from the newcomers to veterans, how the oscars could make history. when you have chronic kidney disease. there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. and here. not so much here. if you've been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections
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achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. finally tonight, the countdown is on to the oscars. >> reporter: the big night sunday. >> let's do it. >> reporter: the 95th academy awards set to make history.
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>> having any fun yet? >> reporter: in fact, this year, first-time nominees are dominating the award categories. 16 of the 20 acting contenders nominated for the first time, including all of the nominees in the best actor category. austin butler for "elvis." ♪ well, don't you mess around with me ♪ >> reporter: and colin farrell for "banshees of inisherin." >> you know what you used to be? >> no, paidraig, what did i used to be? >> nice! >> reporter: and for the first time in history -- >> water connects all things. >> reporter: -- two sequels, "avatar: the way of water" and "top gun: maverick," are both nominated in the best picture category. >> good morning, aviators. this is your captain speaking. >> reporter: also in that category, "everything everywhere all at once." that movie leading with 11 nominations for the night, the most nominations ever for asian actors and actresses, including best picture, best director, and best actress for michelle yeoh, the first asian actress ever nominated in the
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category. >> very busy today. >> i'm trying to help you. >> reporter: so many hollywood veterans nominated, including angela bassett, up for best supporting actress in "black panther: wakanda forever." >> have i not given everything?! >> reporter: also in that category, jamie lee curtis in "everything everywhere all at once." >> now, you may only see a pile of boring forms and letters, but i see a story. >> reporter: and up for best supporting actor, ke huy quan, and we remember what he said about this second chance, this comeback, early in this awards season. >> to all those at home who are watching, who are struggling and waiting to be seen, please keep on going because the spotlight will one day find you. >> the oscars, sunday night here on abc. good night.
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>> the storm has passed, but the problems remain. the worst in the bay area around california. >> a brief break of mainly dry weather, but more storms are coming. i will have the accuweather forecast. >> we will do our payroll. i don't know what we will do now. >> is the second largest bank failure in u.s. history. what the collapse of svp means for customers. >> we are in the last hour of the live 7 on your side text chat. michael phoebe and a team are ready to answer questions. here in southern california that even the oscar statuettes are wearing raincoats. i have a preview of the big oscar show sunday. abc 7 news at 6:00 starts right now. announcer: building of the area --building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> where did the storm go?
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this one is done, but the next one is not far off. i'm ama daetz. >> i'm dan ashley. check out the sunshine around the bay area today. it is the break we need to clean up from the damage overnight. that intense storm so bad today that president biden improved in emergency declaration for more than half of california's counties including six in the bay area. ama: 101 in gilroy is partly shut down because of flooding. caltrans says one lane from 25 to 152 is closed. more than 11,000 pg&e customers in the bay area lost power overnight. only 3000 are still affected. . peninsula is without power right now. let's bring in weather anchor spencer christian. dan: windows the rain return and how much? spencer: only hours away. you can see right now, little patches of green are showing


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