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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 10, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. t requested an emergency declaration from the president of the united states. it was approved this morning, and we already have our very important partners from fema here with us today. dan: a federal emergency declaration for the entire state following the most recent storms, which again has left major damage across our region, wh you are looking at in the santa cruz mountains. i am dan ashley. ama: and i am ama daetz. do not put that deer away just yet. much more is on the way. dan: brace yourself. for details on that, let's go to
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abc 7 whether anchor spencer christian. spencer: let's take a look at live doppler 7. there is moisture in the air. we have had a patch or two of drizzle in the air, but basically we have dry conditions nonetheless, a flood watch is in effect until 10:00 a.m. there is more rain on the way, which could, of course, bring us more. dry until later tonight when a couple of small waves of moisture move through, bringing us isolated showers. . tomorrow morning, we have a more active system developing for the weekend. that system a light level 1 on the exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale. scattered showers, later tomorrow, sunday. i will give you a at that plus your accuweather 7-day forecast in a minute. ama: thank you. as expected, the atmospheric river hammered santa cruz
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county, and now several homes are cut off after a road collapse. abc 7 news reporter zach fuentes is live with a look at the damage and how the community is coming together. zach: as bad as things are today in santa cruz county, officials tell us they are prepared for much worse, compared to january's devastating atmospheric river, but there have been many communities impacted by this atmospheric river, including more than 400 homes that have almost no access to their town and resources except by foot. even that is only to the thanks of generosity of some kind neighbors. the santa cruz mountains were hammered by the late thursday at mixer river. despite the heavy rain -- atmospheric river. despite the heavy rain, officials say it could have been worse. >> we took a few hits, but we could've taken more. zach: san lorenzo river's off letting him enough for sheriffs deputies to go door-to-door, evacuating residents.
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south of felton, residents tell us they were not expecting the impacts the storm had on them. >> i have lived here my whole life, and i have never seen the creek actually go to the road. zach: streets caved in, closing more than 450 homes. the cause is this culvert underneath the road that got washed out in the rain. >> just can't go to work and can't do everyday, normal errands and activities, so we are all pretty stuck here. zach: residents like gabby were able to at least get foot access to other side of the collapse, thanks to neighbors like nina, whose property leads to a small private footbridge. . hundreds going back-and-forth, walking through their yard all day. even though she admits the foot truck it outside her home a strange, she says it is the least her family could do. >> there are at least 2000, probably, people that live up there, you know? so we are more than happy to provide them that support line. zach: jason banking the property
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owners for providing that access, which is also open helpful to crews as they work to make repairs. the road is one on the many o long list of repairs to be made. >> we are still recovering from 2017, so we have roads that have not been fixed from that storm. so things are kind of layering on top of each other. zach: for now, main street road is an immediate focus for the county to residents hoping they will be able to have access soon. >> we can get to school, we can get to our normal life as soon as possible, within 48 hours would be great. zach: county officials say they hope to have temporary access restored to those homes by tomorrow. many of those homes are on well water, but about 40 of them were cut off to water access because of the damage that was done. county officials say they hope that federal declaration emergency for the state of california will help bring some
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much-needed resources to help fix all the damage done here in santa cruz county. live in santa cruz county, zach fuentes, abc 7 news. dan: zach, thanks a lot. investigators are trying to figure out if the storm was responsible for the deadly roof collapse at an oakland wherefore -- warehouse. an employee was killed after a collapse at peet's coffee warehouse. the collapse happened 15 minutes after the worker arrived to work, and listen to this, 70 other employees were scheduled to start work within the hour. ama: tahoe's emerald bay has completely frozen over for perhaps the first time in decades. located just north of south lake tahoe, the last time the inlet froze over may have been in the early 1990's, according to california state park officials. these photos are from march 8. emerald bay sees partial freezes every winter, but for the bay to completely freeze over is more unusual. the ice is believed to be about six inches deep.
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we will have a live report coming up on abc 7 news. dan: a silicon valley shocker tonight. federal regulators seized the assets of santa clara based silicon valley bank, making it the second largest bank failure in u.s. and a lot of customers went to local branches, desperate to learn what is going to happen to their money. as abc 7 news reporter dustin dorsey explains, they left with more questions than answers. dustin: a great cloud hangs over head of the silicon valley bank branch in menlo park. customers, capitalists, start up owners trying to learn the fate of their money after the federal deposit insurance corporation seized all assets. >> we are trying to save our seed round. >> it is most of our vc capital that we just raised. >> all of our money is in the bank. i don't know how we will do our payroll. i don't know what we will do now. dustin: many came by the bank to find out what to do. the lights were on, but no one was home.
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only representatives from the fbi cecum appointing customers to a press release, detailing what companies -- what comes next. the bank will reopen monday, at which point customers will get back their money come up to $250,000. 250,000 dollars is insured by the fdic. customers with more than that will receive a receivership certificate for the remaining mound of the uninsured funds. we met with a couple of the. >> truly concerned, but, on a level from one to 10, i would say seven. dustin: the overall mood of people today was calm but an underlying fear hangs over everyone the reality is, anyone or any start up with more than the insured $250,000 may or may not get that money back. according to sec filings, that is roughly 95% of money deposited into svb, or more than $150 billion. for now, all these people can do is wait. >> the bank is instrument to
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this whole valley, not only to silicon valley but all over the u.s. and other countries. some people may worry. we just prefer not to worry too much but just think about the best course of action. >> hopefully everything works out, but we will see. dustin: in menlo park, dustin dorsey abc 7 news. michael: i'm michael finney. our annual tax chat is in full swing. if you have a tax question, give us a call, tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they also tell me they've tried artificial tears again and again, but the relief is temporary. xiidra can provide
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lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied and unusual taste sensation. why wait? ask your eye doctor about a 90-day prescription for xiidra today.
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>> 7 on your side tax chat is sponsored by united way bay area. ama: we know you probably have some questions. dan: 7 on your side's michael finney is here to answer your questions. michael, great stuff.
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michael: i tell you, we have been very busy this year irs dropped by, we have free tax help, and hear with that is kelly batson. a lot of calls we have been busy since 3:00. has this been a busy year for you? kelly: it has been a busy year. lots of tax returns. about 200%. michael:wow. amazing. one of the questions we are hearing tonight and you are hearing with you. kelly: we are hearing the question about the extension on the d it has been extended from april 18 to october 16 because of the storm-related issues people are having. people have several more months to file their federal and state taxes. michael: they should still g their taxes if not filed, at least done, so they can know
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whether or not they are going to get a refund or hold off paying, right? kelly: right. the extension is both to file and to pay, so that means you have more time to do both, but yes, you could just have it filed or prepared and then looked at. michael: there you go ok. so better to start now. we have all these resources. you guys are giving free tax help all the time, right? how do people find you guys? kelly: for 20 years, we have been running the free tax help organization with lots of volunteers. people can file their taxes at 70 in person locations or get help on live zoom help, or we have just virtual checks, where you can submit your forms and get help online. michael: how do people find you? kelly: go to u
5:13 pm and calling 211. michael: i've got to talk to you about the earned tax credit could we don't have much time, but we need to tell people what that is. kelly: the earned income tax credit is actually a large tax credit that people can claim if they are working. it is up to the california earned income tax credit as well, so if someone earns under $32,000 a year, you may be eligible for over $8,000 in tax credit, so we want to get people in here claiming those tax credits. and if you have an i-10 file for the earned income tax credit as well as the child tax credit. these are tax credits people can claim if they are eligible. michael: we love the term "tax credit." thank you for your time. we will be here until 7:00 tonight. any questions you have, give us a call, 415-954-7621.
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reporting from the 7 on your side text chat office, i am michael finney. dan: that is such a great thing you do every year, michael, thank you. ama: as we head to break, check out this video from san bernardino. a reserve sheriff's deputy had to get out of his house through the window because of all the snow. many residents in san bernardino county have been stranded for days as cruis work to clear -- soccer is the best. but her moderate to severe eczema could make it hard for her. my skin was so itchy. and my outfit was uncomfortable. now, my skin's not as itchy. now we're staying ahead of her eczema.
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ask your child's eczema specialist your hairline. or that thing where your knee just gives out for no reason. but... you can choose your doctor who will care for all the things you didn't choose. kaiser permanente for all that is you. dan: now to our storm wrought -- storm watch coverage in a check on the roads. ama: spencer? spencer: it is not going to last very long. let's take a look at live doppler 7. dry conditions across the bay area right now. patches of green showing up, moisture in the atmosphere, but we have no reports of rain hitting the ground right now. none the less, we are under a
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flood watch for the entire bay until sunday because of the saturated ground and because of the oncoming rain this weekend and into next week. the approaching storm, the next one for this weekend, on the exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale is a level 1. we can expect scattered showers, maybe an occasional isolated downpour here or there. rainfall totals about 1/4 to 3/4. flood advisory in effect for some areas. notice much of the day tomorrow will be relatively calm, especially going into the late afternoon hours. we get a little bit of a break, a calm break, before the next surge of more widespread and steady rain arrives late tomorrow night. . that will continue into sunday. it will be a wet weekend, wetter tomorrow than on sunday, but there will be periods of wet rain. rainfall estimates for the weekend, generally about 1/3 to maybe almost 3/4 of an inch. that is about it. right now, we have calm
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conditions the wind is generally called. we have breezes of 10, 12 miles an hour. that is about it come about. no gusts. five degrees warmer than this time yesterday in oakland and hay word. as a live view of the east bay hills camera. bright skies at the moment. 53 to about 55 degrees in all these locations, san francisco, palo alto, san jose, half moon bay. blue sky with the golden gate. mid to upper 50's from santa rosa to novato, re map. this is the view from emeryville, golden gate. partly cloudy, a few sprinkles may occur. showers, brief downpours returns we get, and the stronger storm arrives late monday into tuesday. temperatures generally in the mid to upper 40's, a little chilly some farther north locations like santa rosa. tomorrow size, mid-50's along
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the coast around the bay, upper to close to 60 southward and eastward into -- eastward into the inland areas. we have a storm warning in the sierra until 11:00 a.m. sunday. to snow likely about 6500 feet. gusts and the higher elevations about 80 miles an hour. really treacherous travel conditions. don't try to get there until it is all over. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast, don't forget to spring forward, daylight savings saturday night and sunday. low-level storm saturday, sunday, and monday. we get unsettled weather, instability in the atmosphere on monday. . maybe a thunderstorm or two. a stronger storm, level 2 on tuesday. next week, the remainder of clearing out and drying up, dan and ama. dan: that would be nice. we are counting down to oscar sunday right here on abc 7. the big show hosted by jimmy kimmel is now just two days away. ama: it actually does rain in
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southern california, and it is right now. that is where we find abc 7 news anchor dion lim, who is covering this year's oscars. dan: dion, this year, the carpet is not red. dion: oh yes, and we are going to talk about that. ama, this rain is certainly not good for the hair. it is cold as well. but we are not letting the stamp at our oscars spirit. i have not been to the awards for the past three years, partially because of the pandemic, but it is so fun to see what has changed and what has not. one thing that has certainly not is behind me, you can see crews are still frantically getting those last-minute preparations in place. you can see the caution tape. also, people with hairdryers drying the wet paint that was being applied as we speak. dan, you did mention the champagne-colored carpet. it has not been this color because it has been red since the 1960's. this was a little bit of a controversial move, one that
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host jimmy kimmel actually referenced early in the week. he said that it was because it was symbolizing no blood would be shed in reference to what happened with will smith and back slap heard around the world. i asked him earlier this week as well what he would do if there was another controversial moment like that. jimmy: i'm just going to hightail it out of there. i'm going to run off the stage, through the backdoor, and out to my car, which hopefully will be waiting, and hopefully i will be able to watch the end of the oscars from my house, if any violence occurs. [laughs] dion: now, we also had a chance to get a bit personal. jimmy himself has four kids and he gave me a parenting tip for welcoming my son into the world this summer. jimmy: i'm going to give you some advice as far as the delivery room goes that was given to me and to my wife by mr. bill murray, who suggested that you hang christmas lights in the delivery room, so that you are not subject to those
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horrible florescent lights. let me tell you something, it is a very good idea. we recommend it highly. dion: [laughs] he and bill murray have a point. who likes florescent lighting? it is not good for yourself these. i want to show you something that is really funny. there are these, i think they are plantar pots, all along the champagne carpet. you can see they are filled with water. they are sprinkled all over the place because of all the rain we have had. there is even an ice cooler that was filling up with gallons and gallons of water. if i could come up above me, there is this red curtain that has been installed. i did not see this in years past, and even that was dripping. you can imagine just how much rain there has been here in southern california. dan and ama, back to you. dan: dion, in the movies,uldor h the weather. it is a shame they cannot do that in real life. [laughter] dion: there's got to be some
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kind of cg or special effect by now. dan: you would think. ama: stay with abc 7 news for all your oscars coverage come on oscar sunday, the action begins at 10 a.m. with on the red carpet, then count down to the oscars at 3:30 p.m., and gets underway at 5:00. you can only watch it right here. dan: the city of oakland being proudly represented in the high school basketball state championships. we will tell you about the girls for skin as alive as you are... don't settle for silver. harness the power of 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins to smooth, heal, and moisturize your dry skin. gold bond. champion your skin.
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ama: all right, well, good news, 49ers fans, brock purdy is on the way to recovery could he had successful surgery today to repair his injured elbow. an internal brace was put on his right elbow. he may be completely ready for football in six months per that means he will likely miss training camp, but he could be ready earlier in the season. dan: we need you, brock. for the first time ever, two oakland high schools are playing for the state championship title. ama: the oakland high boys basketball team is playing right now for the division iii championship. dan: as abc 7 news anchor karina nova explains, the oakland tech
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high school girls basketball team is going for their third straight title tonight. karina: for a team that has won three straight high school titles, the oakland tech high school girls basketball team has a lot to prove. >> division i, i set it last year, the kids are back now. karina: oakland tech won the division iii championship last year but they felt they should have been playing in the more prestigious division i tournament. this year they are, and they are in the finals. >> i think it is not fair for everybody. karina: it has vanna white ride for the six seniors on the team. they all played on the varsity team as freshman. that team made it to the division ii finals in march of 2020 but the game was canceled because of the pandemic. there was no tournament their sophomore year, then there was the title last year. the players credit their success to a sense of camaraderie that has existed between them since middle school. >> we communicate outside of
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basketball, so that makes our bond even stronger. so it is like you're playing with your friends. >> that chemistry, you cannot buy that, you cannot teach it. karina: it is that friendship that kept sophia connected to the team. she stopped playing basketball during the lockdown, but teammates talked her into coming back. >> our bond is unbreakable, because we are like a sisterhood, because we have been knowing each other for so long. karina: a sisterhood that has won 18 straight playoff games. number 19 could be the sweetest. karina nova, abc 7 news. dan: so cool. good luck. don't forget, there's much more news ahead at 5:30 on abc 7 bay area streaming tv, including a live report from tahoe and more on the silicon valley bank collapse. ama: on tv, world news tonight is next. for spencer christian, all of us here, thank you for watching. i'm ama daetz. dan: i'm dan ashley. we will see you tonight at 6:00.
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tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they also tell me they've tried artificial tears again and again, but the relief is temporary. xiidra can provide lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied and unusual taste sensation. why wait? ask your eye doctor about a 90-day prescription for xiidra today.
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tonight, the state of emergency, the dangerous and potentially deadly flooding unfolding right now. parts of an interstate shut down, rooftops collapsing. the new and dangerous system slamming the west at this hour. several feet of snow expected in some places. 8 inches of rain elsewhere. the flooding emergency already tonight and the winds gusting to 100 miles per hour. it will move across the country. meantime, the other system in the northeast tonight. the potential snow coming tonight and tomorrow. rob marciano timing it all out. also tonight, where is our money? customers demanding answers tonight after a bank shuts down, the largest bank failure since the banking collapse of 2008. regulators today seizing the bank. customers rushing to withdraw their money. the white house is pressed tonight. could other banks be next?


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