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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 9, 2023 7:00am-8:58am PST

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good morning, america, for our viewers in the west, a deadly new wave of attacks on ukraine. overnight, russia launched over 80 missiles into ukraine targeting major cities from kyiv to odesa. power cut at a key nuclear power plant. james longman is in the war zone and top national security official john kirby joins us live. also breaking overnight, senate republican leader mitch mcconnell hospitalized after a fall. abc news exclusive. as the norfolk southern ceo gets ready to testify before congress following the toxic train derailment in ohio, what we're learning about a new incident that allegedly happened just weeks before the disaster in ohio. gio benitez is in the hearing room this morning. midair brawl. punches flying on board a southwest jet.
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>> stop it. >> a fight breaking out between two passengers, the latest in a string of travel disruptions. scathing report. in the wake of breonna taylor's death, what the justice department found in their investigation of the louisville police as the justice department turns its attention to memphis following the fatal beating of tyre nichols. the new storm taking aim at snow-battered california with more than half a foot of rain expected. plus, the massive cross-country storm on the move with 57 million people under alert this morning. new controversy for tiger woods. why the golf great's ex-girlfriend is now taking him to court. blurring the beverage lines? >> sunny delight, the good thing kids go for. >> why the maker of sunnyd is now coming under fire. ♪ here i go again on my own ♪ and third time is the charm. jimmy kimmel one-on-one with lara on being back at the
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oscars. >> when i enter a room i do typically like to get applause. >> everybody, come on. >> what he's telling "gma." >> can you give us one top secret nugget? >> who he hopes won't be there. what we can expect with just three days to go as we count down to hollywood's biggest night. >> good morning, america. are you ready for the oscars? i'm not. ♪ here i go again on my own ♪ >> he's got a little butterflies, that's okay. we kw mmkimmel is going to kill it. good morning, america. hope you're doing well this morning. also this morning, we're following the latest from the high-stakes hearing on capitol hill. >> absolutely. it's those enduring questions about the origin of covid. it took center stage as house republicans ramp up their investigation. we'll have the biggest moments from the testimony. we begin with the war in ukraine and the massive wave of russian missile strikes overnight targeting cities
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across the country. the top spokesman for the national security council john kirby joins us live. james longman starts us off. good morning, james. >> reporter: this is the largest attack on ukraine since the beginning of the year and russia fired six hypersonic missiles that ukraine says it proof they're running low on more conventional weapons. this, as the battle for bakhmut rages on. overnight, chaos in ukraine with over 80 missiles launched by russia in a massive attack targeting the country's energy infrastructure. eight iranian made drones were launched. ukrainian officials saying that russia launched six hypersonic missile, the biggest number in a single strike since the beginning of the war. nine people killed and at least a dozen injured. the zaporizhzhia plant is now running on diesel generators and president zelenskyy saying, it's been a difficult night. the enemy fired 81 missiles in an attempt to intimidate ukrainians again adding, the occupiers can only terrorize civilians, that's all they can do but it won't help them.
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this, as the battle rages in bakhmut. there are rumors of a ukrainian retreat from bakhmut but this is the road that leads to the city. it's been very active all day and it doesn't feel like they want to give up any time soon. the injured are rushed out here to be treated by head surgeon yuri. some of those who have chosen to stay are russian sympathizers. this is a fascinating nuance of this war. this doctor who supports ukraine still has to save their lives. [ speaking in non-english ] as a doctor, i have a duty, he says, but as a human, i'm completely against it, he says. >> what is bakhmut like now? what's left of it? >> reporter: nothing, he says, the city is gone. now, some western intelligence officials believe russia may have control of as much as 50% of bakhmut but ukraine says it's using this time to inflict maximum losses on the enemy. george? >> james, thanks. let's bring in the top
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spokesman for the national security council john kirby. what more can you tell us about this barrage overnight? >> it seems like it's at least dozens of missiles. i know the ukrainians have reported over 80. we certainly are in no position to refute that. it was a large barrage across at least six cities and certain other places across the country as far west as lviv near the polish border. it also appears, george, they were definitely targeting civilian infrastructure. we know that there were some casualties where missiles hit residential structures, but it appears as if the targets were civilian infrastructure, electricity and the heat, of curse, and we think 40% now of the population of kyiv is now without heat because of the strikes overnight. we're also deeply concerned about the proximity of strikes to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant which is right now on backup generator power. that is not a good thing for a nuclear power plant to have to use power that is off site like that. so we're deeply concerned about that as well. >> what does this tell you about
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the russian strategy, a sign of strength or weakness? >> i wouldn't subscribe it as a strategy other than -- i would agree with the ukrainians, he is simply trying to brutalize the ukrainian people. these are the kinds of strikes he's been doing now over the last two or three months. in fact, the last one nearly this size was just a couple of weeks ago. it's just a matter of knocking out the power, knocking off the heat and trying to brutalize the ukrainian people. it's hard to look at these strikes, george, and just look at the scope of them and say, well, here's the strategy. >> director of national intelligence avril haines says that russia appears to be digging in for a long war. what are the implications of that? >> obviously the implications are more death, more destruction to the ukrainian people. nobody wants to see that. we don't know how long this war will last. we certainly can't wave off the possibility that it could go on for some months in the future. we know that the russians are planning to conduct more offensive operations here when the weather gets better. we're trying to use this time to make sure the ukrainians are ready for those assaults and are ready to conduct offensive operations of their own.
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we do think the next four to six months is going to see more vicious fighting on the ground in ukraine. >> how long can the ukrainians hold out in the face of these barrages? >> look, they've surprised everybody with how well they've done over the last year. what i can tell you is that the united states and our allies and partners are going to make sure they have all the capabilities, the training and systems they need to continue to fight for as long as it takes. >> i want to ask about the attack on the nordstream pipeline last year. some reports suggest this was done by pro-ukrainian forces. is that your conclusion? >> we don't have a conclusion right now, george. there's three ongoing investigations by three european countries. they are not concluded. they have not finished their work and we certainly aren't going to get ahead of that. we do believe this was an act of sabotage, but beyond that we don't have any form conclusions. >> but not the russians, right? >> i don't want to get into predicting here. we see no indications that the russians were culpable. there's ongoing investigations and i want to let them finish
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that work. >> john kirby, thanks very much. juju? we're going to turn now to that breaking news overnight, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell in the hospital this morning following a fall at a washington hotel. abc news senior congressional correspondent rachel scott has the latest. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: juju, good morning. mcconnell's office is providing very little details on how long he is expected to remain in the hospital or just how serious that fall was, but here's what we know as of this morning. his spokesperson tells me that mcconnell was attending a private dinner in washington, d.c., at a local hotel. he tripped. he was admitted to the hospital where he is receiving treatment. mcconnell is 81 years old. he is the longest serving party leader in the history of the senate. he's a survivor of polio who often talks openly about how he has difficulty climbing up stairs as an adult. he did suffer a fall back in 2019 where he fractured his shoulder and spent a few weeks recovering back home in kentucky. with mcconnell in the hospital, the senate is now missing several members.
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senator dianne feinstein, a democrat, is at home in california recovering from shingles, senator john fetterman still receiving treatment for clinical depression. in a closely divided senate, every single absent member matters. members of congress on both sides of the aisle wishing them all well this morning. >> as we do as well. rachel, thank you for that. now we turn to our abc news exclus exclusive. federal investigators looking at a new alleged incident with norfolk southern, the same company in the ohio train derailment, as the ceo prepares to testify on capitol hill. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is in the hearing room. good morning, gio. >> reporter: hey, michael, good morning to you. yeah, this is where the norfolk southern ceo will take those tough questions today and he'll almost certainly have to answer to this abc news exclusive. this morning, just as norfolk southern's ceo alan shaw is set to testify before congress, abc news has learned the feds are looking into the company's handling of a separate incident. this one allegedly happening february 27th, just weeks after
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the derailment in ohio, according to a complaint filed with the federal railroad administration. as the train moved through stoneville, north carolina, the crew was told by an off-site safety official that one of the cars carrying ethanol was trending hot. five cars away, propane. but even with those dangerous materials, a norfolk southern dispatcher allegedly overruled the crew and urged the train onward. norfolk southern did not respond to our request for comment, but it will almost certainly come up in today's hearing. >> after seeing a record 3.3 billion in profits last so choseo ioti billions in stock buybacks inea fe equipme woer >> please get our people out of here! >> reporter: east palestine residents have been outraged. some wanting to be evacuated during epa ordered testing for toxic dioxins. >> i want you to tell me why everybody in my community is getting sick. >> reporter: in prepared remarks obtained by abc news shaw is expected to apologize yet again,
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promising, we will clean the site safely, thoroughly and with urgency. we are making progress every day. and he is also expected to lay out the money that the company is now paying to more than 4,200 families there in ohio. by the way, some of those families will be right here in this hearing room. michael? >> i'm sure they will. gio, and meanwhile, the acting faa chief testified about safety as we learn about a new incident between passengers. >> reporter: you know, he is certainly facing tough questions as well. take a look at this new incident that we just learned about. this was on a southwest flight taking off from dallas and this fight breaking out. two of these men were actually taken off the plane. they were removed from that plane. but no doubt about it, just one of the several issues that we are seeing play out in aviation right now. the faa is holding a special safety summit right here in d.c. next week and, of course, we will be here. michael? >> all right, gio, thank you so much for that. george?
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now to the doj's new report into the louisville police department that details a pattern of excessive force following the 2020 police raid that killed breonna taylor. senior national correspondent steve osunsami has the details. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning to you, george. this is the result of a two-year investigation into the louisville police department and they have now signed an agreement with federal authorities. it allows for an independent monitor to come in and watch while the city tries to accompish police reforms. >> this conduct is unacceptable. >> reporter: the results this morning from the u.s. justice department aren't flattering at all to louisville police. >> the report concludes that the unit's activities were part of an overall enforcement approach that resulted in significant and unlawful racial disparities. >> reporter: federal authorities found that police in the city were four to five times more likely to stop black drivers than white ones for the same traffic violations, five times more likely to charge black
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people for loitering or disorderly conduct, and more likely to stop and search black americans for the same behaviors. the u.s. attorney general flew in to kentucky to share the bad review. >> some officers have demonstrated disrespect for the people they are sworn to protect. some have videotaped themselves throwing drinks at pedestrians from their cars, insulted people with disabilities and called black people monkeys, animal and boy. >> reporter: the federal investigation began after the death of breonna taylor at the hands of police in 2020. >> i don't know what's happening. somebody kicked in the door and shot my girlfriend. >> reporter: she had no connection to the crime police were investigating but died as police were trying to execute a no-knock warrant looking for a drug suspect. justice officials found more than 60% of no-knock search warrants and forced entries into buildings involved black people. taylor's mother is not surprised. >> it's heartbreaking to know that everything you've been
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saying from day one has to be said again through this manner. >> reporter: the city's new mayor says he'll work with the justice department to put changes in place. >> we will reform how we recruit, train, equip, support, supervise and deploy the more than 1,000 public servants whose job it is to serve as guardians of the public safety every day and every night. >> reporter: since breonna taylor's death louisville banned those no-knock search warrants, but federal authorities want supervisors in that police department to look at every single traffic stop and pay a lot more regular attention to those police body camera videos. george? >> steve, we also have a doj investigation in memphis where tyre nichols died at the hands of police too. >> reporter: that's right. the doj investigation is taking a close look at the de-escalation practices of the memphis police department. but they're also asking for something else.
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they're also taking a look at the scorpion unit, those specialized crime units involved in the incident, and what they find could have implications for police departments that use similar units across the country. george? >> steve osunsami, thanks. michael? george, now to that extreme weather for the west coast. snow-battered california racing to dig out as heavy rains pose a new threat. mola lenghi is in south lake tahoe for us this morning. good morning, mola. >> reporter: well, good morning, michael. more than 60 feet of snow has fallen in the sierra nevada mountains just this year and that relentless snow has buried homes like this. you see the ice. see how thick this ice is, as well as snow. that's about six feet of snow that has piled up on this roof. you see the roof line right there and all this snow just weighing down on this roof here. it's like this at homes and structures and businesses really throughout town and throughout the region as all of this snow is creating leaks and cracks in these roofs. we've seen countless roofs already collapsing under all
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of this weight and folks can't seem to clear it off fast enough. as you mentioned, we have heavy rain coming through the region here in the next few days. with that, this snow will essentially turn into a sponge absorbing that rainfall and creating even more weight on top of this roof, creating a pretty dicey situation for homeowners. again, if that's not enough there is also the potential for flash flooding throughout the region especially at lower elevations as that heavy rain is expected to come through. these folks can't seem to catch a break. >> cannot seem to catch a break. mola, you're right about that. hopefully relief is coming soon. juju? well, you know it's almost march madness time and we're already seeing so many amazing moments on the basketball court before the tourney even begins and we're about to show you the best buzzer beater so far. watch this. southern utah is down -- three seconds to go when a player launches a one-handed hail mary, sinking the shot, sealing the
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victory, 62-61 over mexico state. i just love it when you see those people. >> you love it if you're on that team, if you're a fan of that team, but good defense that too. just great shot. >> we do these buzzer beaters all the time and i often feel like we're rubbing it in. >> the good news is southern utah is going on to the semifinals. >> that is fantastic. congrats. we have a lot more coming up. house republicans ramping up their investigation about covid-19's origin and we'll tell you what we learned on capitol hill. also ahead, new controversy for tiger woods. why his ex-girlfriend is taking him to court. and sunnyd coming under fire. why critics are calling out their new product. but first, let's go to ginger in philadelphia. good morning, ginger. >> reporter: good morning to you, juju. we'll tell you why we're here in a moment, but first, i got to show you these pictures. my buddy nick lives in tahoe and he tagged me in this. this is one of his friends. this is alpine meadows. they are at 6,400 feet in the elevation where they've got this
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14 feet standing on the ground on the roofs and now they are under 8,000 and that's where you'll get rain so rain on top of that. a lot of it will absorb into the snowpack in the higher places but in the foothills, when you get 2 to 5 inches that's where flash flooding and extreme melt will happen and pair it with winds of 50, 60 miles per hour through nevada, wyoming, you'll have big-time issues. we saw all the alerts. now, look at the rain with mudslides and roof collapses, that's through the coast too, by the way. and finally a look at where it moves east with the snow in the midwest. let's get your local weather now in 30 seconds.
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accuweather forecast. strong level three storm arrives today. it will bring heavy rain and gusty wind this evening. low to mid-50's for afternoon hi. temperatures are elevated into the upper 40's to lower 50's. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast. we are tracking the storm tomorrow. more rain overr okay, guys, you have to get your oscar ballots in. you know it's coming up this sunday and we're with jimmy kimmel as lara is talking to him about hollywood's biggest night. we'll be right back. stay with us. i love my hardwood floors. but honestly, i didn't really know how to take care of them. that's until i found swiffer wetjet wood. it's specially made for wood floors
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♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions . this is abc. seven news. good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings. communities hit hard by the recent storms say they are not taking any chances with the potential effects of today's incoming atmospheric river. this level three storm on our exclusive abc seven storm impact scale is expected to bring intense winds and the potential for more flooding. governor newsom has extended the california storm state of emergency to cover 21 additional local counties. now to a total of 34. you can see that makes up a significant portion of the state, and that does include napa, san francisco , san mateo, santa cruz and santa clara counties. we're pretty quiet out there, considering the weather has just begun to come ashore. according
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to drew touma, we did have this earlier fatal accident. i'm happy to say it happened four am it's finally been cleared. it was eastbound 80 just after the car keenness bridge in the westbound direction that we're still seeing some slow traffic beginning to recover the now that lanes are open that should be happening momentarily, guys. what is the timing of
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you didn't choose. kaiser permanente for all that is you. we're taking a look at live doppler seven this morning because it will get busier and busier as the day goes on. right now we're just finding some very light showers across parts of the north bay. for a lot of us. it's currently just very cloudy start to the day, but things will turn uglier. we should say as the day goes on heavy rain, strong, gusty winds this afternoon and overnight with a level three strong storm on the exclusive. abc. seven storm impact scale, so the second half of your day expect heavy rain. some gusty winds temps in the
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fifties. reggie thank you for streaming us on our abc seven bay area, abc, seven and seven continues for everyone else. it's good morning america. i'm on the phone. when your team needs more space to work and eat... carl, is that mackerel? no, it's uh, trout. [gags] matters where you stay. fish tacos? team: carl. hilton. for the stay. (box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers.
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ahh! ahh! ahh! matters where you stay. ♪ but don't you let go of my hand ♪ welcome back to "gma." that is the one and only lady gaga with her oscar-nominated song, "hold my hand" from the blockbuster hit "top gun." the movie going into oscar sunday with six nominations. but will gaga take the stage this year? that's the big question. we're going to have the answer coming up. >> i think the answer is yes. >> we can hope. >> we can hope. you know the answer? >> insr. >> was goingo y, ynoto the deba or covid-19 o capitol hill.heanld their
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is bacith latest on that. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. it is a burning question. there is no clear consensus on how the pandemic started. house republicans launching their own investigation as intelligence officials warn the mystery itself is a threat. it's a question that has haunted health officials for three years -- where did covid-19 come from? >> the truth is we don't know the origins of covid-19 yet for sure. >> reporter: house republicans ramping up their investigation into the origins of covid-19 holding their first hearing on capitol hill. the three witnesses they called made a forceful argument that it started with an accidental lab leak in wuhan, china, including trump's former cdc director robert redfield. >> based on my initial analysis of the data, it indicates that covid-19 more likely was the result of an accidental lab leak than a result of a natural spillover event. >> reporter: it's an assessment two agencies agree with. the department of energy with low confidence. the fbi with moderate confidence.
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>> there's no smoking gun proving a laboratory origin hypothesis but the growing body of evidence suggests a gun that is at least very warm to the touch. >> reporter: four other intelligence agencies believe the virus was more likely spread through natural transmission, a human being exposed to an infected animal. the director of national intelligence avril haines was on capitol hill pressed by lawmakers in a separate hearing on when americans would have an answer. >> china has not fully cooperated. and we do think that's a key, critical gap. >> reporter: the focus turns to advanced biomedical labs like that one in wuhan and some experts warning the work that goes on there could be dangerous, especially research called gain of function where viruses are enhanced to study their impact on the world. >> many believe it is critical to get ahead of viruses by developing vaccines. in this case i believe it was the exact opposite. >> reporter: other experts warn
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those labs are necessary and safe. so no definitive answer but the inteigommunis agree o thing. figuring out how the pandemic started is critical to preventing the next one. george? >> it certainly is. rachel, thanks very much. michael? george, now to new controversy for tiger woods. his ex-girlfriend is asking a judge to free him from nondisclosure agreement she says woods had her sign. kayna whitworth has the details for us this morning. good morning, kayna. >> reporter: yeah, hey, michael, good morning. so tiger woods first met erica herman back in 2017. she was the manager at his restaurant in florida. now, six years later she's taking the 15-time major champion to court. this morning, golf great tiger woods facing a legal battle with his girlfriend of six years. in court documents obtained by abc news erica herman says the nondisclosure agreement she signed shortly after she and woods started dating in 2017 is invalid and unenforceable. in the filing she cites the
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federal speak out act just signed into law in december. it provides an exemption to ndas if there is a dispute involving allegations of a sexual assault or harassment. >> this complaint doesn't necessarily mean that she has an accusation of sexual assault or xu harasenagainst tiger woods caa ve. >> reporter: herman says woods has been trying to aggressively uphold the nda. if that happens she seeks clarification saying she's unsure what information about her own life she may discuss or with whom including various legal claims she believes she has. >> my guess is that there's some type of misconduct here that she wants to address. she needs to know what her legal rights are first. >> reporter: while there's been no official announcement of a split, the pair has not been photographed together since last summer's u.s. open. the pair's legal battles appear to have started last fall. herman filed a landlord complaint against woods' trust
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alleging he violated an oral tenancy agreement. she says agents of the trust tricked her into leaving his florida mansion by telling her to pack for a short vacation. she claims, once at the airport, she was told she had been locked out and was not lo turn. to diismoon his lawyer argued herman wt. now, she is seeking $30 million in that lawsuit and while she's made no specific allegations against tiger woods, she is the second former girlfriend of his to try and get out of an nda. guys? >> okay, kayna, thanks very much. next on "gma," the popular drink sunnyd is coming under fire. later, what a new study says about the mediterranean diet and a lower risk of alzheimer's. the (cecily) hey seth, you getting ready to roll? (seth) yup, roadtrip. and now that i'm rolling with verizon, i get why more people choose it. (cecily) nice! (seth) and i got this incredible iphone 14 pro, on them. (cecily) oh, love the camera.
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i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ we're back now with critics calling out sunnyd, the latest company to release an alcoholic version of their drinks but some people say the marketing of beverages like this is irresponsible. chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis has more on why people are saying this. good morning, rebecca. >> nice to see you, michael. you know you were a kid of the '80s or '90s if you remember those sunnyd commercials, but with sales of juice declining many beverage companies like sunnyd are jumping into alcoholic options and that's raising concerns about how they're marketed and who they're
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actually targeting. >> get some soda, o.j., purple stuff. >> reporter: for years it was the drink in almost every family's fridge. >> sunny delight, the good stuff kids go for. >> reporter: now to the delight of children of the '80s and '90s, sunnyd is out with a new twist, a vodka seltzer, which is set to hit select walmart stores this weekend. some industry experts claim companies like harvest hill beverage, the maker of sunnyd are blurring the beverage lines using sunnyd's brand recognition among young consumers as a way to market its alcoholic beverage to minors. >> it's very hard if you've got a brand that's been built up in a loyal followship of the younger people to then stretch that brand into alcohol which clearly should be targeted to people over the age of 21. >> reporter: it's the latest soft drink company to partner with alcohol brands like the coca-cola company making simply spiked hard lemonade. pepsico working with the boston
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beer company to do the dew with a kick. >> freak out responsibly. >> reporter: but some warn the marketing of these beverages is irresponsible. a report published in 2022 on this issue includes photos showing hard mountain dew merchandise next to regular cases of mountain dew and in this photo beneath a hot wheels toy display. and now some legislators are looking at how to keep any confusion from happening at the grocery store. in virginia they've passed a bill that would ban retailers from setting the alcoholic and nonalcoholic versions immediately adjacent to each other. guys? >> can get confusing. >> yes. >> thank you, rebecca. coming up, he's back. it's jimmy kimmel gearing up to host the oscars for the third time. they say third time is the charm. lara sat down with him. lara, did you get any hot tips about sunday night's big show? >> i got one hot tip. jimmy says with all of the categories back on the live show night.prepared for a very late - he says we might even get the
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morning off, it could go that long. he's kidding, of course. very excited for his third time hosting the oscars. we'll have much more with jimmy in just a moment on "good morning america." ood morning america." the abcs of ckd a is for awareness, because knowing that your chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes could progress to dialysis is important. b is for belief that there may be more you can do. just remember that k is for kidneys and kerendia. for adults living with ckd in type 2 diabetes, kerendia is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia is a once-daily tablet that treats ckd differently than type 2 diabetes medications to help slow the progression of kidney damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause hyperkalemia, which is high potassium levels in your blood. ask your doctor before taking
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♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy, tasty, sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy, tasty. sweet or savory, ♪ ♪ always satisfying, gimme- ♪ blue diamond almonds. meet brett from apartment 2b. he's not letting an overdraft alert get him stressed. he knows he's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ and we're back now with our oscar countdown to sunday. lara sat down, of course, with jimmy kimmel as he gets ready to host hollywood's biggest night for the third time. and lara is joining us now
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flanked by two golden men on the staircase. hey, lara. >> reporter: i mean, as i should be, right? it's a wonderful day here in hollywood. you guys know the oscars usually does not announce their host until january, but this year they were so excited they tapped jimmy kimmel in november, which gave the late night host two extra months to figure out how to make this a three-peat to remember. >> hello, jimmy. >> would you like applause at the beginning? >> i would, thank you. would you like applause? >> you know, when i enter a room i do typically like to get applause. >> come on, everybody. [ applause ] >> oh, thank you. please, please, don't. it's not necessary at all. >> reporter: jimmy kimmel is back ready to host the oscars for a third time. >> i tell you what, nobody got hit when i hosted the show. >> no, that's true. you had a very under control crowd. just rogue envelopes. >> this is not a joke. "moonlight" has won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. >> everybody was very well behaved at my oscars.
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>> right. so what the heck happened? >> i don't know what happened. i still can't believe it happened. it was suddenly a wwe event. >> how do you handle the slap heard round the world? have you given that thought? >> well, yes, i have given it much thought. i think i have some good things to say about it. i think that it's going to be on everybody's mind. everybody is going to be waiting for that moment. that will be part of the show but certainly not the focus of the show. >> right. your wife is your partner in this big time. she's the executive producer. >> she's one of the executive producers. my wife molly, she's an executive producer on our show. she gets into all the details that i don't necessarily have the time or patience for and it's great having her be part of it. >> it's a real family affair. are you guys just living and breathing the oscars this week? >> yeah. actually my 5-year-old will be one of the cameramen. >> that should go well. speaking of surprises, of course, "gma" wants something special because you're part of our family. can you give us one top secret nugget --
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>> oh. >> -- for our special family? >> here's what i'll say, okay, i will say this. the whole crew at "gma," this show is going to be so long you might get to sleep in the next morning. >> we should just plan on you going right into us and handing over a mic. >> you know what, i'll give it right to you and skipping the local news and going all night long right into "gma." >> is there a fear that it could be ridiculously long now that we've added back all the categories? >> there's not a fear. there's a guarantee. those categories take space and i don't know. unless the speeches are four seconds long, it's going to be a lengthy night but hopefully not a long night. >> a performance that you're most excited about? for me it's rihanna. >> rihanna. rihanna is more pregnant than the super bowl. >> it's bigger. it's better. >> she's bigger. it's bigger. come see rihanna have a baby. >> i mean, i'm watching. >> i hope she names the beak
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baby after me, asap jimmy. >> something interesting movies thinking about "everything everywhere all at once," one of the strangest most genius -- >> i loved that movie. >> what's happening? >> i'm guessing there will be a parody of some sort. did you dive into a lot of the movies and sort of have fun with them? >> i've seen all the movies and one of the great things about doing the show this year is in past years it was harder because most people hadn't seen most of the movies and this year you got at least four movies that most everyone has -- was interested in movies have seen. it makes the references easier. you know who the actors are and, of course, tom cruise will be there. >> good morning, aviators. this is your captain speaking. >> let's talk about the cruise factor. i got to imagine you'll have a little fun with tom. >> i will for sure. i always have fun with tom and fun will be had with tom on sunday night. >> will you somehow involve matt damon? >> matt damon was not invited,
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was not nominated, and i hope he's never invited or nominated again. >> am i being played off seriously? >> wrap it up. we want to go home. >> you wanted the academy to also ban him. >> i think that would be nice. i think he should come back when will smith comes back. >> we had a great time. by the way, another person we have just learned we will not see performing at this year's oscars, lady gaga, nominated for best original song for her "hold my hand" from "top gun: maverick." we heard she would be performing but she is, in fact, too busy shooting a movie. jimmy told me after the show ends, whatever times that, he and his pal guillermo have a tradition and throw back a shot of don julio and they go to a couple of parties, wonder why they're there, and then go home with his beautiful wife molly a job well done to be
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sure. still looking forward to jimmy on sunday night. >> that's great. no wonder he's so loose through the broadcast. >> he knows what he's doing. >> absolutely. we are getting the popcorn ready. the 95th annual oscars airs at 8:00 p.m. on abc, of course. tune in for our "gma" oscars after party the next morning for sure. coming up here, tory johnson is here with "deals & steals" and top skin care products. michael will be checking those out. you got to check it out. stay with us. >> you got to take care of your skin. >> you got to take care of your skin. your skin.
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i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones one teaspoon of potassium iodide. i'm so glad we did this. checkaroo. and then, science. oh, i think that's carvana. alright, let's go! let's go. adjusting the amount.
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some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. >> reporter: welcome back to the philadelphia flower show. i'm bringing you around coming up. the largest in the country and the longest running in the world.
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everyone at the champagne pain. building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions . this is abc. seven news. good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven morning. sue hall is looking at traffic and we're going straight to the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights were on tningtt' pstkedt finitelyot a light.r crossing it's notheiconl bridg cine norto ere at2 plaza yet we're racing for that this afternoon. otherwise we just have slow traffic around the bay area. no major. i don't want to jinx it. no major incidents to share with you drew. we're looking live doppler seven or just beginning. you see some returns on our screen, but live doppler seven will be very busy this afternoon and evening and overnight as we track this level three strong storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale atmospheric river will
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bring moderate to heavy rain and also very strong, gusty winds this morning, an isolated light shower in the afternoon and evening we have heavy rain and strong winds. reggie drew. thank you for assuming us on our abc seven bay area at abc, seven and seven continues for everybody else. it's good morning america.
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ev lease bonus or 4.99% apr on a new volvo electric vehicle. i was injured in a car crash. apr on a new volvo i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insurance offers. call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. overnight, a deadly new wave of attacks on ukraine. russia launched over 80 missiles targeting major cities from kyiv to odesa. power cut at a key nuclear power plant. james longman in the war zone. "gma" health alert. what a new study is saying about the mediterranean diet and a lower risk of alzheimer's. medical tourism warning on the heels of the tragedy in mexico and with millions traveling outside the u.s. for procedures, one mother shares her horror story and warning. supermodel and actress cara delevingne pulling back the curtain on her battle with addiction, revealing she's four months sober and the paparazzi photos that were her wake-up
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call to seek help. >> i was like, wow, okay, this is bad. plus, should you snag the rip-resistant tights taking over social media? becky worley running them through the paces. what happened when she used scissors, a pineapple and even a barbell. see how they stood up to tights from drugstores. ♪ good vibrations ♪ and it's a marvelous morning. we're one-on-one with iron man himself. >> no amount of money ever bought a second of time. >> robert downey jr. on his new real-life mission and his brand-new look and he's saying -- >> good morning, america. ♪ lovely day ♪ good morning, robert downey jr. different look right there. >> uh-huh. >> without a doubt. well, good morning to you at home as well. thanks for being here with us on this thursday morning. we have some george superfans outside of our studio this
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morning. they love you, george. >> hi, guys. >> all the george fans are in town. >> yes, they are. you know what, three days to go, three days away from the oscars, and the party is already getting started in hollywood. when you say hollywood you say oscars, you say party and lara spencer is there. hey, lara. >> reporter: hey, michael. yes, i am here. so excited counting down to the oscars on sunday. but, first, don't forget tomorrow we have our big oscar pre-party on "gma" and want to point out one big change at the dolby theatre where the oscars are held. this is very different. the red carpet this year is gone. do you see right here? do you see this gorgeous champagne carpet? as jimmy kimmel says, it just shows you how confident they are that no blood will be shed at this year's show. thank you, jimmy. >> wow, and yet you look like your wardrobe is matching that carpet. we're looking forward to all of
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that. just ahead, a new study about your diet and the risk of alzheimer's. first, we get into that deadly new wave of attacks on ukraine that targeted major cities, foreign correspondent james longman is on the scene with the latest. good morning, james. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, george. this is the biggest missile attack on ukraine since the beginning of the year. yet, another attempt by russia to make life for civilians here as difficult as possible, while their forces struggle on the battlefield. overnight, chaos in ukraine. with over 80 missiles launched by russia in a massive attack targeting the country's energy infrastructure. the military saying eight iranian-made drones were also launched. ukrainian officials saying russia launched six kinzhal hypersonic missiles, the biggest number in a single strike since e stof t w. pl and alet a zein ukrainian authorities said that shelling attacked the zaporizhzhia power plant which is running on diesel power generators. the enemy fired 81 missiles in an attempt to intimidate
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ukrainians again, adding, the occupiers can only terrorize civilians, that's all they can do but it won't help them, state president zelenskyy says. earlier this morning george with john kirby. >> derek of the national security avril haynes says russia appears to be digging in for a long war. what are the implications of that? >> well, obviously the implications are more death, more destruction to the ukrainian people. nobody wants to see that. we don't know how long this war will last. we certainly can't wave off the possibility that it could go on for some months in the future. we know that the russians are planning to conduct more offensive operations when the weather is better and we're trying o use this time to make sure the ukrainians are ready for those assaults and conduct offensive operations of their own and we do think the next six months there will be>>or repr t bakhmugence ofiaay cityro 50% of that ting as manyrces dow possible. george?
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>> wt a vicious grat is okay, james, thanks hory, dera investigators are looking at a new alleged incident with norfolk southern, the same company in that ohio train derailment as the ceo prepares to testify on capitol hill. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is in the hearing room right now. good morning to you, gio. >> reporter: hey, juju, good morning again. norfolk southern's ceo is set to testify right here in just hours, but as you said, now there's another case he's going to have to address. abc news has exclusively learned that the feds are looking into the company's handling of a separate alleged incident. just weeks after that ohio derailment, a complaint filed with the federal railroad administration says as the train moved through stoneville, north carolina, the crew was told by an off-site safety official that one of the cars carrying ethanol was trending hot. five cars away you had propane. but, even with those dangerous materials, a norfolk southern dispatcher allegedly overruled the crew and urged the train onward.
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now, norfolk southern did not respond to our request for comment, but no doubt about it, it's almost certain that he's going to have to address that right here in this hearing room today. michael? >> yeah, we're pretty sure about that. gio, thank you so much for that. now to a new study about your risk for alzheimer's and your diet. abc's will reeve has the latest. good morning, will. >> good morning, michael. you heard of vegetables? apparently they're amazing and i've got another reason to eat them. it could defend against alzheimer's disease. researchers found at risk patients following the plant-based mediterranean diet and the similar mind diet had fewer signs of alzheimer's in their brain tissue. the study found those that closely followed the diets had fewer sticky brain plaques, that's the hallmark of alzheimer's disease. and, according to the study's author, adding just one food group from either diet such as greens or berries could help reduce the risk of dementia as you age. now, more than 6 million americans have alzheimer's. symptoms can include memory loss that disrupts daily life, poor judgment and no longer being
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able to complete routine tasks. doctors say recognizing the warning signs can help patients get diagnosed and in treatment faster. so eat your veggies, guys. >> all right, will, thank you. coming up, with millions of americans traveling abroad for medical procedures at a discount one mom is sharing her story and a warning about what happened to her. also, actress and supermodel cara delevingne opens up about her battle with addiction and the moment she knew she needed help. plus, counting down to the oscars sunday. tory johnson is here with skin care products to make you shine like a star on the champagne carpet. we'll show you how you can create everyday looks inspired by the biggest movies of the year, even "avatar." check it out. there are the models. coming up right here on "gma." ♪ that's just the way you make me feel ♪ "gma's morning menu" is sponsored by naturemade. start your day with naturemade. the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. i'm a vegas hotel. i know what you're thinking - it's cool, i don't want anything too serious either. just a fun, spontaneous thing. i'm looking for someone who will let loose. dress up a little. order the eak and the lobster. some people say i'm excessive, but who cares. i'm just looking for a saturday to remember, and a sunday by the pool. think you can keep up? i'm not a doctor. i'm not even in a doctor's office. i'm standing on the street, talking to real people about their heart. how's your heart? my heart's pretty good. you sure? i think so. how do you know? you're driving a car? you have the check engine light, but the heart doesn't have a hey, check heart sign. i want to show you something. put both fingers right on those pads.
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including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. (vo) some people say the metaverse will only be virtual. without talking to your doctor. but firefighters entering a burning house... will one day save time when lives are on the line. visualizing a patient's most recent scan... will help speed up decision making in the er. and while the woolly mammoth is still extinct... that doesn't mean students can't take field trips to visit them. the metaverse may be virtual, but the impact will be real.
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[ laughter ] we are back with our "gma" cover story, it's a warning about the risks of medical tourism. millions of americans travel abroad each year in search of medical, dental and cosmetic procedures at a discount. erielle reshef has the story of one mother's treatment gone wrong and her warning. good morning, erielle. >> good morning to you, george. experts warn traveling abroad for medical purposes can be dangerous. medical tourism is especially popular for, as you mentioned, cosmetic procedures, and one mom says that her surgery in mexico came at a life-altering cost. this morning, a warning from one mom to other americans about the potential dangers of medical tourism in mexico. >> i'm permanently disfigured for the rest of my life.
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>> reporter: shannon palmer crossed the border for a so-called mommy makeover, which included a tummy tuck. after researching a physician in tijuana, but she says immediately when waking up from anesthesia she knew something was wrong with her hands. >> i'm waking up in agonizing pain and it wasn't from the surgery i just had on my body. it was on my hands. my fingers were cold, numb, and i started to worry about the circulation. >> reporter: the next day her doctor explaining that heated saline bags placed on her hands during surgery to keep her harm had severely burned her. >> when i got home, they told me the news saying that you're likely going to have an amputation on your dominant thumb. >> reporter: according to the cdc, each year millions of americans participate in so-called medical tourism in places like mexico, canada, central and south america and the caribbean. with dental care, surgery, cosmetic surgery and fertility treatments, organ and tissue transplantation and cancer
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treatments among the most common. the "journal of the american society of plastic surgeons" reporting cosmetic surgery can be obtained for up to 50% less in developing countries. with a tummy tuck running $8,000 on average in the united states, in mexico, the same procedure can cost just $4,500 as of 2017. but experts warn traveling abroad for medical procedures can come with a host of serious risks. >> here in the united states individuals are credentialed to perform certain types of procedures based on their training and board certification and it is based on whether their facility is deemed safe for general anesthesia. that may not be the case abroad. >> palmer now says that she wants her story to serve as a cautionary tale. she wants others to know that if something does go wrong with a surgery, you will likely have more recourse if it's done here in the u.s. guys? >> important warning right there. erielle, thanks very much. michael? now to supermodel and
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actress cara delevingne pulling back the curtain on her addiction battle in a new interview revealing she's four months sober and lara is back with the story. hey, lara. >> reporter: michael, good morning. cara sparked concern late last year when paparazzi photos captured her erratic behavior, but those images turned out to be a blessing, giving her the wake-up call she needed to get help and start her journey to sobriety. >> it's hard to explain. i always knew i wanted to be an artist. >> reporter: she's a star on hit shows like "only murders in the building" and "carnival row." >> stop shooting. i'm the one you want. >> reporter: this morning, supermodel cara delevingne is opening up about her battle with addiction in a new interview with "vogue." >> all i knew is if i was continuing to go down the road i was i would either end up dead or doing something really, really stupid. >> reporter: the 30-year-old
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british actress says she's now been sober for four months and counting and sparking concerns with her erratic behavior last may while attending the billboard music awards with megan thee stallion and when these photos of her went viral last fall. >> i was like, wow, okay. you know, this is bad. >> reporter: according to the cdc substance use disorders are treatable. chronic diseases that can affect anyone regardless of race, gender, income level or social class and in 2020, one in seven americans reported experiencing a substance use disorder. >> it can feel isolating for celebrities but when they come forward and talk transparently about their process and recovery, it inspires people to do the same. >> your life can change if you give yourself a chance to really be who you are and sit in that uncomfortability and be uncomfortable, but it's worth it. >> reporter: cara also said
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she's trying not to plan too far into the future but that long term when ready she hopes to become a mother someday. "vogue's" april 2023 issue is available on newsstands march 21st. >> i love when she says uncomfortable but it's worth it. >> an important message. all right, we're going to turn now to our try before you buy series, oscar edition. whether walking the red carpet or heading to the office, rip-resistant tights are all the rage online and becky worley snagged the assignment, get it? ba-dum-dum, trying it out. you're here in your glittery best. >> these tights i'm wearing are both a fashionable look and staple of winter, but getting tights to last all winter can be a challenge. so bring me those tights. when we saw ads for tights that resisted extreme torture like a pineapple in tights, we had to try that. is there anything worse than putting on a pair of tights and having them immediately run? ah, man.
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hence the appeal of the rip-resistant tights and the tear-proof tights. >> you work hard to hold it all together. you shouldn't have to worry about your tights falling apart. >> reporter: to run them through their paces we asked two new yorkers, kelly and maria to try them. maria had the shapermint tights that retail for $34. >> i'm really excited to see if these ones tear as easily or not. today is day three. i haven't had any snags or rips and i kind of just like threw them on as if they were a pair of jeans. >> another day of wearing my shapermint tear-proof tights and they definitely live up to that title. >> reporter: kelly had the sheertex priced at 59. >> my nails are always snagging on tights and i haven't experienced that yet so good to report. >> reporter: out of curiosity she enlisted a friend. >> looking good to us. >> reporter: even letting a dog
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in on the action. >> hi. oh. we went to the dog park and the tights didn't rip so love that. durability of the tights really, really impressed me. >> reporter: compelling testimonials. but what about those extreme videos? i'm going to compare the sheertex tights to a pair of tights we bought at a drugstore for $8. first scissors. whoa. no run. wow. but this is a surprise. with the brand from the drugstore, no runs either. i'm impressed. how about a pineapple? how does one put a pineapple into tights? neither pair got a run or snag, but this. a barbell, 35 pounds. that didn't sound good. oh, my gosh. whoa. okay. but i think -- well, no. i don't believe it. a few little snags, but no runs and the sheertex didn't rip. oh, my gosh. oh, man.
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but neither did my drugstore tights. after all those extreme situations, the undoing of the drugstore tights came from something quite mundane. it's jewelry that led the drugstore tights to their demise and this is where the sheertex tights performed better. they are indeed snagged but they're not running. now, these tights were really tough, but my takeaway is the barbells and the pineapple was extreme, but it was the every day stuff like jewelry, rings, that really provided the torture test so, you know, they're expensive. $59 and $34 and but say they last ten times longer. >> i can't tell you the last time i walked into a pineapple. a real epidemic. >> it is. >> this is so eye opening. appreciate it, becky. find these tights if you scan the qr code on your screen or head over to
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now let's head over to ginger who is at the philadelphia flower show. hey, ginger. >> reporter: hey there. i keep imagining juju in the supermarket and some sort of stretching going on. that's got to be how you ran into a pineapple. now, we are just enveloped with what looks like spring, but this is the philadelphia flower show inside the convention center again. they haven't been here for a couple of years because of covid, but look above me. even th ceiling is just drenched in flowers. now, this place is celebrating garden electric. that's their theme and really the spark of joy that so many of us get when we give or receive flowers and it certainly feels like spring in here but felt like summer elsewhere. look at those record highs. miami was 90. that's the big picture. let's get a check now a little closer to home. accuweather forecast. strong level three storm arrives today. it will bring heavy rain and gusty wind this evening. low to mid-50's for afternoon hi. temperatures are elevated into
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the upper 40's to lower 50's. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast. we are tracking the storm tomorrow. more rain overr ♪ you better get moving ♪ now to "deals & steals" and one of my favorite people, tory johnson, is getting us ready for the oscars, how to have glowing skin that's red carpet ready but not just for the red carpet but every day. go right to the deals by pointing your cell phone camera at the qr code on your screen. good morning to tory. >> you ready? >> i'm ready. >> first up, perricone. lara, i know, is already online shopping and we've got something brand-new from them. this is their cold plasma plus the essence. so you would put a little bit of this right into the palm of your hands, dab it on your face and neck area. it has amplified levels of their number one selling cold plasma plus sciences. this is specifically for loss of radiance, uneven texture, uneven
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skin tone, to help with all of those things. it's got a proprietary method to help it absorb much faster and effectively. so if you like cold plasma plus, you will love the essence. we also have their cold plasma plus hand therapy. very important to take care of the hands because that's often an area that's overlooked. everything is slashed in half. michael, starts at $14.50 and free shipping. >> free shipping, which i love. >> okay, skinlab. this gives you one device, a three-step rejuvenating facial at home under ten minutes, we start with the red light for warming massage and that's going to help to stimulate collagen and reduce the appearance of fine lines. then to the blue light cryo. this is a little cool to help reduce puffiness and then you end with a very soothing ionic massage that's great for inflammation and undereye areas. under ten minutes and you can do it while you're watching tv and on this you will save 50% today
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only with our deal. >> i love that. i love that. >> then we go to beautybio. we've got a brand-new product from them, that's their pore cleansing tool. they like to think of this as a vortex vacuum for your skin and will suck out all the stuff you don't want there and then it's going to exfoliate dead skin and we have their glow pro tool. that is for stimulating collagen in the skin and scalp. this tool, this sharp one right here. we also have lip and eye products, just a delightful assortment from beautybio, all slashed in half and starts at $19.50 and two words -- >> free shipping. >> you got it. >> that's right. >> now to virtue. this is a haircare line making its "gma" "deals & steals" debut. jennifer garner was a customer and then became a brand partner because she loved this line so much, that's how good it is. it's got a special type of alpha
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keratin in it that's clinically proven to help give you stronger, healthier hair in as little as five uses. use the shampoo/conditioner. one of their favorites is this healing oil that's really great to help to repair hair. if you see reese witherspoon on the red carpet, she often credits this line with her hair looking so great. this is a line to get in on, starts at $18 and -- >> free shipping. >> you got it. >> my hair sometimes gets confused with reese witherspoon's. >> there you go. sio beauty. these are reusable medical grade silicone patches. we have every single body part here from them that they make plus their brand-new midbrow that's new. they're both preventive as well as corrective so that they will help prevent the formation of new fine lines and also correct the ones that you have. these are great to either wear overnight or to prepare for an event. this is a fan favorite around this show. everything slashed in half starts at $15. >> great deal there. >> yes. >> then finally juice beauty. they are known for all organic ingredients that deliver
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clinically proven results. we have a big assortment from them, from their age-defying serum to their kate hudson line. kate hudson has gorgeous skin and she has a line specifically with them. i also happen to love this exfoliating peel spray. easy to use. gets rid of all the dead skin cells. this is a terrific one. all these prices today, michael, slashed in half starts at $9.75. >> $9.75. you do it again, tory. we're not surprised. you always bring us the best. we partnered with them on these deals. get them on our website, get them on our website,
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building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions
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. this is abc. seven news. good morning. i'm job in affords from abc seven mornings. let's check in with sue hall overlooking traffic. hi sue. good morning, and we're heading over towards berkeley and emeryville with a stall between lines one and two. westbound 80. that's just being cleared out of lines. but you can see a little bit of slug sluggish traffic. excuse me coming from golden gate fields in the westbound direction little slow today. elsewhere slow across the san mateo ridge about a 17 minute drive over towards one on one and bart delays due to weather at about 10 minutes to year bart trip today. thank you soon. meteorologists
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♪ take my breath away and make it last forever ♪ we are excited because joining us now is the star of one of the top three most watched shows on fx ever. "snowfall's" damson idris stars as '80s drug kingpin franklin saint in the show, which is in its sixth and, unfortunately, final season. damson, great to have you here, man, great to see you. >> bless you. thank you so much for having me. >> you say you've always been a big denzel washington fan. you finally got a chance to meet him. how did that go down? >> it was huge. it was a great moment for me. i went to see timberwolves with the lakers.
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i saw him and he kind of snuck off. then two days later at the game, i was like he's going to sneak off again. he walks my direction and goes to shake all of the news people hands and walking right by me, and i'm like, i got to say something. denzel, denzel, hi. thank you, thank you for everything. he's like, thank you, son. [ laughter ] >> did any part of you want to go up to him? >> definitely. he was walking by. i was like, hey, it's damson idris and then he spins, remembers last year when i was getting cooked and he was like, hey, my man, hey, you owe me money. you owe me money. it was just the best -- >> that's a pretty good denzel. >> it was fun. it was fun. full circle moment. >> so final season of "snowfall" coming. what can we expect? >> wow, so it's the endgame really. it's chess. six seasons has come to this point, and all the characters, who were once in love, are now
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at war, and franklin has lost $73 million, so it's about what he's prepared to do to get it back. >> and i know that your mom is your number one fan but i read you had 17 nieces and nephews. >> nigerians, man, we don't stop. [ laughter ] >> yet, you he was like, yeah, i get to come to your premiere. and then at the end, we showed episode one, and i was like, what did you think? he was like, oh, it's all right and then went back to playing fortnite. these kids, man, ah. >> they keep you humble. >> yeah. they keep you humble. >> let's take a look at a clip. >> every piece of information we have is useful, it's helpful and this is progress and we always knew that this was a possibility and that's why we have a plan b. >> plan b? >> we're supposed to leave tomorrow morning but i'm suddenly feeling unmotivated. >> mom.
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>> i suggest you think about the $7.3 million you stand to gain if you pull this off. will that motivate you? >> motivate me. are the fans going to be happy? do you think fans will be happy with how everything wraps up? >> 100%. above all things fans will be entertained. that's the most important thing that we do in this art form but they'll learn secret too. these are characters that they've stuck with for so many years. i was 23 years old when i got this part, i'm now 31. i feel like a president at the end of his term. [ laughter ] >> seen them all. >> did it go fast? >> it flew by. it really did fly by. but audiences who stuck with the show, who stuck through the slow burn, who saw every season get better and better, i mean it's going to be a fulfilling moment. >> you're only 31.pso what's ne? >> well, i don't know. we'll see what god provides. >> all right, well, he's provided pretty well so far. >> yes. >> you've done great.
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congratulations. >> thank you so much. guys, it was a pleasure. >> what did denzel say to you again? >> hey, you owe me money. [ laughter ] >> thank you for being here. "snowfall," it airs wednesdays at 10:00 p.m. on fx and streams the next day on hulu. make sure you check out the final season. >> you'll get him in trouble. >> denzel loves him. coming up, we go one-on-one with robert downey jr. stay right there. we'll be back with more "gma." >> great. thank you, man. but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects
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to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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welcome back. we take a look at robert downey jr. he's sporting a new look and he's on a mission. ginger has that story. hey, ginger. >> reporter: hey, george. of course, we know robert from his talents on the big and small screen, but now he's got a new passion. this segment is sponsored by aura and they are teaming up to keep families safe online. he's a silver screen hero. from outsmarting villains as the armored avenger iron man -- >> where did that come from? >> it's nano tech. you like it? >> reporter: -- to hunting down criminals as sherlock holmes. >> in another life you would have made an excellent criminal. >> reporter: now, robert downey jr. is taking on a real-life mission to help protect families against online crime like scams and fraud. >> what concerns you the most? >> it's a real world problem and i've been solving off-planet
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issues with the different cinematic universe. every six seconds someone's identity is stolen and then last year a million kids had their identities stolen and i find that very unnerving. >> reporter: the hollywood a-lister now a spokesperson for our sponsor, aura. it's a company that gives people peace of mind in the digital age. >> at last count 6.9 billion lost to online crime which soared past home burglaries. >> reporter: the fbi's internet crime complaint center receives an average of 2,300 complaints every day. phishing, data breaches and identity theft among the top crimes. >> it's an online safety app. here's the cool thing. if you go to aura website, you'll read about my partnership with them. it'll explain the product and you can do an assessment test of kind of where your vulnerabilities lie. >> reporter: along with the new project, the father of three is also sporting a new look. >> your kids shaving your head, i really love that post.
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>> i knew i was about to start this job based on this book called "the sympathizer" and knew i would have to shave my head and it was also halloween. i had an image of my kids painting my head to look like a pumpkin, but then i thought wouldn't it be cool if they could shave my head first and believe you me, they had no compuction. >> reporter: downey says at this stage in his life, he's only interested in projects that matter. >> when you have an audience that has come to trust you, you bring a certain quality of entertainment, when you come into the real world it's like the onus is really on you to apply those same principles. >> reporter: what's meaningful to downey is aura's commitment to increasing awareness and providing a much needed solution. >> the amount of care, integrity, expertise that went into building this app, is astonishing, and it's all to make it easy for the consumer to use and for protecting your family, and your loved ones, and your information. >> reporter: thank you so much to robert. he was so charming, witty and genuinely into this.
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thanks too to our sponsor aura for shining a light on digital safety. scan the qr code if you want more info about getting a free trial. now, you know that we're here at the philadelphia flower show and this thing has been going for almost 200 years. it is the longest running horticulture event in the world and in the world we've had a really warm winter so it's kind of appropriate we do this. look at the numbers that just came out from noaa, a report yesterday shows massachusetts had the warmest winter on record. new jersey, many other states saw their second warmest on record. and although that all happened, march is trying to come in roaring with some winter-like weather especially tonight from chicago to detroit and then by tomorrow into saturday, anywhere from, you know, new jersey, which had their second warmest, to new york city and even here in philadelphia you could see just a flake or two of snow mixing in to wet stuff friday night through saturday morning. so that's a look at what the snow will leave behind, but,
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again, we'll go ahead and enjoy every single moment at this beauty of a philadelphia flower show. let's get a check now a little closer to home. drew: i am drew tuma with your accuweather forecast. a strong level 3 three storm will move in today. heavy rain and gusty wind. temperatures in the low to mid 50's. heavy rain today and tomorrow morning.g. an and now it's our road to the oscars where we're taking styles from the biggest movies of the year and turning them into everyday looks. and our "gma" staffers are here, and tiffany reid is showing us how it's done. you can shop these items -- of course, you know the drill. take the camera, point it towards the tv, and the qr code will help you shop. but, tiffany, this is so exciting. >> ready to go shopping? >> let's get started, right? this is a look inspired by "tar," cate blanchett, kind of getting the "tar" vibes on this
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getting a lot of accolades for her performance. this is an awesome look. >> yes. so cate blanchett wore a ton of tuxedos basically the entire movie, so this is our modern take on it. she's wearing a black jacket and pants from topshop. i really love this blouse. it's a high-neck ruffle blouse, adds something special to the tuxedo dressing and see a bit of the ruffles peeking from the sleeve, as well. i say, you know, trade in the composer stick for a bag instead so that the look is actually functional. >> definitely giving "tar" vibes right now. yes. >> and then we just added, instead of a classic loafer, something with a chunkier heel to add some height and then something with a patent leather look so just to elevate it a little and it's fun and exciting. >> lindsey is bringing absolute "gma" producer vibes too. >> thank you so much. >> up next we have one inspired by "avatar: the way of water," and roshni is looking ready for a night out on the town. not too costumy, though. that's what i love about it. >> yes. "avatar" is the exact movie that
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you can pull inspiration from without being too literal. >> obviously no body paint here, so a monochromatic look instead. what i love about this is playing with the blue so if you look at her shoes they're a lighter blue which kind of ties back into and is a nod to the stripes in each of the characters. we also added a yellow earring to it which is tying in the yellow in their eyes. >> interesting. >> so really drawing inspiration from your character, but just playing into it versus being exactly, you know, literal with it. >> super elegant but that peekaboo moment. >> yes, the sheer paneling is fun and flirty for a night out. >> thank you, roshni. up next, hello, "top gun: maverick." kendall is rocking that look inspired by the blockbuster. >> there was a ton of military utilitarian inspiration we saw in the movie also on the runway, tons of cargo pockets and pants. what i love about this is styling this boot with this long sleeves to sort of play with the proportions showing skin on the
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legs. the trick to styling this is a good romper jumpsuit, by the way. the trick to styling this is a belt because you want to accentuate the waist, rompers can be tricky so a way to highlight the silhouette and aviator is a classic piece and you can style it a ton of different ways. >> we were told take the glasses off so we can see your face. your mom will be happy we were able to do that. karolina is last but not least. "elvis" inspired look. >> yes, this is my "elvis" inspired look. the way we wanted to tackle this is by adding blush as the staple bit there so it's sort of anchors it and a bit more muted and not as costumy and has the sequins still because there has to be sheen when talking about elvis. the gold platform really leans into that decade and that style of dressing and there's always the retro glass so we wanted to make sure she had that as well. >> that's amazing. these are not necessarily
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high-priced items that we're looking at. >> no, everything is super affordable and under 100 price range. so everything you can shop, very, very affordable and some of these items are definitely staple pieces that you can style a bunch of different ways like the boots, aviators and jewelry. >> absolutely, and the boots there, they look waterproof and functional bu also like night on the town even. >> you can wear those from day to night for sure. >> you feel good in those outfits? >> yes. >> who knew you would be pressed into service as models. [ laughter ] you did an excellent job, ladies. >> thank you so much. you look great. >> thank you, tiffany, these are genius ways of adapting. thank you so much. so you can shop all of these looks. i'm going to look them up too. use your phone, scan the qr code on the screen. stay with us because coming up, global pop star zara larsson performing live here. stay with us. stay with us becag up, global pop star zara larsson
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we're back with multiplatinum pop phenomenon zara larsson. she's about to sing her latest hit from her upcoming album. first, we're going to talk a little bit. you are doing something that i'm amazed at, you are learning to fly a helicopter. >> yes. >> something i always thought about but i know you're smarter than i am and you can do it. what's your plan? yongo fly yourself to urhows? >> yeah, maybe, i'll land on top of the roof the next time i come by. yeah. you know what it is, i think it's -- i'm having so much fun at work and i think this is also me kind of making up for the fact that i didn't finish high school. so it's just like having to study for something and prove to myself that i can do it and then also having really fun doing it and it's great that we're talking about this too which, you know, it's something that people will bring up and they're going to ask me about it so now i have to finish it.
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>> you have to finish it. when you come back next time, we expect to hear whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. zara is here, she just landed on the building. we're eagerly awaiting your next album. you said it is pretty much done, but the fans are like, okay, how much longer do we have to wait and what can we expect? >> we can expect some really fun dance sngs like "can't tame her." some heartfelt, really emotional tracks that you can cry a little too. there's ups and downs. it's very dynamic and very fun and it's coming out after summer. so pretty soon. >> after summer. >> pretty soon. so fans will have to wait a little longer but don't have to wait for you to perform. you will perform "can't tame her." all right, it's a new single off her upcoming studio album. here's zara larsson. >> thank you. >> take it away. ♪ >> whoo! good morning, america. let's get up and let's dance.
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♪ ♪ don't need no one, she can dance on her own ♪ cluis cso buthe ait gog home ♪ ♪ night is still young, where the hell will she go ♪ ♪ nobody knows, nobody knows ♪ ♪ ain't the first time 'cause i've seen her before ♪ ♪ smell her perfume as she walks through the door ♪ ♪ i wanna know where the hell will she go ♪ ♪ nobody knows, nobody, nobody knows ♪ ♪ no, you can't tame the girl 'cause she runs her own world ♪ ♪ so if she wanna party all night, all night ♪ ♪ no, you can't tame her, no ♪ ♪ and you can't tie her down when the night comes around ♪ ♪ say she gonna party all night, all night ♪ ♪ and you can't change her, can't blame her, can't tame her ♪ ♪ oh ♪
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♪ no, no, no ♪ ♪ can't tame her magic energy, she's so magnetic ♪ ♪ pulls you in every time, every time, every time, every time ♪ ♪ but she don't care, she gonna do what she wants, she wants ♪ ♪ because she never needed any reason, reason ♪ ♪ yeah, she a girl and she just wanna have fun, ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ no, you can't tame the girl, 'cause she runs her own world ♪ ♪ so if she wanna party all night, all night ♪ ♪ no, you can't tame her, no ♪ ♪ and you can't tie her down when the night comes around ♪ ♪ says she gonna party all night and you can't change her can't tame her ♪ ♪ you can't tame the girl 'cause she runs her own world ♪
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♪ runs her own world ♪ ♪ so if she wanna party all night, if she wanna party all night, all night ♪ ♪ no, you can't tame her, no ♪ ♪ and you can't tie her down ♪ says she gonna party all night, all night ♪ ♪ and you can't change her, yeah, you can't ♪ ♪ you can't tame her ♪ [ applause ] >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much.
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all the stars. >> backstage moment. >> serious style. >> the red carpet. >> fashion. >> after party. >> good morning, america. you won't want to miss it. >> no one and i mean no one does oscar in the morning like "gma." was that good for you guys? >> yeah. before we go, big happy birthday to our friend charlie gibson. have a great one, charlie. >> happy birthday, charlie. >> whoo! great one, charlie. >> happy birthday, charlie. >> whoo!
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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) affordable design. endless possibilities. ikea.
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bill a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc. seven news. good morning. i'm giovino forza from abc. seven mornings. here's sue hall with a look at traffic high super good morning waiting on the rain. in the meantime, 80 westbound right near powell street. we had an accident. it was a stalled car slammed into it became an accident. so expect slow traffic there and delays on bart, whether related true to live doppler seven. we are tracking a line of downpours mo marin county and parts of northern san francisco will track this line. it's a slow mover about 20 mph arriving in san rafael about 9 24 am if it holds together, fairfield at 10 56. it's a level three strong storm this afternoon evening on the exclusive, abc seven storm impact scale. tan cam is wet, the heaviest rain and the worst wi thirnoon and this evening prepare for
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flooding and possible power outages. dubina. thank you drew time now for live with kelly and ryan and we will be back at 11 for midday live ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, she's back as gil weathers and the new scream thriller, courteney cox. plus, from "shazam! fury of the gods," adam brody. also, another day, another academy award challenge as we continue our oscar countdown game. all next on "live!" and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] >> ryan: good morning, deja vu vu! it is thursday the ninth day


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