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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 9, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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>> building a better bay area. moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. of today's atmospheric river. the rain a famr sight across the bay area.
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>> around the neighborhood they said the worst is over been out looks like it may start all over again. reggie: scenes from the flooding in january. the major concern from some east bay neighborhoods making sure their belongings are safe this time around. >> and a live look outside. a flood watch in effect for the entire bay area. drew is tracking when the rate is expected to arrive. reggie: welcome to thursday, march 9. it is the day of the storm. again. jobina: we have been here before. drew: we are prepared, may be. >> we just test the waters. drew: we have a wind advisory that will also go in effect. our storm is just beginning to knock on our door. you can see showers off the coast line. most oppose our dry. a level 3 strong storm on the
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exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale that ramps up this afternoon into friday morning. moderate to heavy rain. flooding is a threat. live from the east bay hills camera it is drive from this manage point. an isolated shower for the first part of your day. it is the afternoon in the evening you want to focus on. that is when the heavy rain moves in. we'll take a closer look at the storm system in a few minutes. reggie: communities hit hard by the recent storm say they are not taking any chances with the potential effects of today's incoming atmospheric river. this is a level 3 storm on our exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale. it is expected to bring intense wide and the potential for more flooding. >> governor newsom has extended the california storm state of emergency to cover 21 additional counties. now a total of 34. it is a significant portion of the state.
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it includes napa and san francisco and santa clara counties. neighborhoods in the south bay flooded during the last storm are preparing their homes and businesses to avoid more damage. lena howland joins us live from morgan hill where sandbags are available for anyone who needs them. lena: good morning. we are live at the el toro fire station in morgan hill where there are not any sandbags available. this is where sandbags station was set up yesterday for folks across santa clara county for anyone who needed a psalm as they brace for the next atmospheric river. -- who needed some as they brace for the next atmospheric river. we found locations like these across the south bay with 4200 bags dropped off and loaded up at this location in morgan hill. when it comes to santa clara county, the southern part is expected to get the most. places like morgan hill and gilroy, which saw serious flooding.
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water crew spreading out across the region to keep these waters flowing, making sure there are no blockages causing a backup and gearing up in hopes to avoid a repeat of january storm. >> we hope it will not be as bad but in january that was not forecasted to be bad and it stalled over us. we are taking those same precautions. there is always a possibility mother nature changes her mind. lena: areas in forecasted to get more than two inches of rain, leaving creek flooding risks hi. for risk of all santa clara county sandbags rotation -- locations head to valley but make sure you call before you go as many locations are running short on supply. lena howland, abc 7 news. jobina: flooding is also a big concern for people in the east bay. people in danville are hoping to avoid a repeat of january
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flooding. neighbors are moving their cars to higher ground, placing sandbags by doors and remembering how bad the conditions were. >> there was an suv floating down the street and now we are hearing it again. there is a lot of tension in the neighborhood. >> everybody in the neighborhood feels like the worst is over but now it looks like it may start all over again. jobina: one man told us he has lived in the area for 75 years in january's flooding was the worst he has ever seen. reggie: pg&e has diverted crews to areas expected to get hit hard by the storm. they expect there will be power outages and down power lines. a spokesperson has this advice. >> having things like flashlights with batteries on hand instead of candles, charging electronics. charging phones and tablets in electric vehicles. we are anticipating outages and we want to make sure people plan ahead. reggie: another reminder is to
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have ice ready or even a cooler in case of a prolonged outage so you can keep your refrigerated food from going bad. jobina: if you're planning a trip to lake tahoe the window to get there safely is starting to close. this is a live look at interstate 80. conditions are expected to be treacherous. people heading to the region are being asked to come prepared or rethink their plans altogether. >> we don't want to say do not problem to tahoe, we want to say if you do do so responsibly. our resorts are likely to be open later in the season. there'll be time for people to get here and have their ski weekends. jobina: there are two main concerns with the storm. rain makes no incredibly heavy which could cause roof collapses , and snow covering storm drains could lead to flooding. we have extended special weather
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coverage today and tomorrow on the abc 7 bay area app. it includes live updates from drew and the entire abc 7 weather team plus live doppler 7 anytime you want to see the storms. if you're not streaming with us download the app wherever you stream and we will also be on early tomorrow morning for special coverage of the storm. >> led led -- a deadly day in ukraine. why one u.s. official says the war could go on for years. reggie: threats to national security. the director of the fbi is saying about the biggest concerns. drew: in looking at the commute. little concern for the morning rush, perhaps and i slated light shower after 7:00. a dramatically different story for the evening commute. that is when moderate to heavy rain is moving through and strong winds are developing.
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from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities.
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jobina: the oakland will stay close today. if you have a reservation you will automatically get a refund. the weather has forced the zoo to close a number of times in a few months, including a sinkhole in january. drew: we are beginning to see the start of will be a rainy 24 hour period. our atmospheric river is coming together in two parts. this upper-level low across the pacific northwest will link up. when they combined they will bring about heavy lane -- heavy rain and gusty winds. the flood watch will begin this afternoon for the entire bay area. everyone is fair game to see heavy rain which could cause localized flooding on roads and
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also smaller streams and creeks. by 8:00 it is isolated showers. by midday we are seeing the light rain become more widespread. it is the afternoon in the evening when the storm gets its act together and heavy rain begins to move through and that will last until friday morning. get ready for a windy and rainy afternoon and evening. it is level three storm on the abc 7 storm impact scale. temperatures in the low to mid 50's at the temperatures will stay steady overnight tonight. expect a mild night and humid weather moving in. how much rain you could expect with this storm and we will talk about the storm coming to this year and a few minutes. let's check in with sue and see how we are doing with traffic. sue: stepped up beyond the 880 at the bay bridge this morning and sluggish from the tunnel into the western span. we started off at 4:00 a.m. with this fatal accident.
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it is still out there eastbound 80. closer to highway 29. all but one lane blocked this hour. even though lanes are wide open it is the worst. suggesting 780 to 680 to highway four to get back onto 80 if you want to avoid that back up the westbound direction. the coroner is expected on the scene at any time. in accident northbound 880. i'm not seeing a big backup. a little bit southbound. northbound 880 from fremont into hayward looks pretty good. jobina: the image of getting a lot of comments lately. also the countdown to the oscars with just three days left until the big night. the new details we are learning
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about the ceremony from jimmy kimmel. as we had to break, bringing you a live look outside. a beautiful picture of the golden gate bridge. we will be r it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's one less thing to think about while traveling. hiv pills aren't on my mind. a quick change in my plans is no big deal. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness.
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jobina: the department of weroua this is video from the last time they did this to prevent damage and flooding. the process does increase danger downstream with higher than usual water levels and faster flows and creeks. public works have been clearing work zones. >> if you'll been pron flooding in the past we encourage you to be proactive
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and get the sandbags before there is a need for them. jobina: the storms in january caused major flooding and many now are hoping to avoid a repeat. reggie: a major offensive by russia overnight in ukraine, missile attack targeting 10 ukrainian cities. critical infrastructure was hit as well as residential buildings. at least five people were killed. pressure is claiming major progress but u.s. officials believe the country will not make major territorial gains this year. >> putin calculates that time works in his favor. prolonging the war may be his best remaining pathway to eventually securing russia's strategic interest in ukraine, even if it takes years. reggie: there is some new help on the way for ukraine. poland announced it is ready to send fighter jets as part of an international coalition provided military help. jobina: u.s. intelligence officials say china is the
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biggest threat to national security and is working to fuel division in the u.s. and with our allies. fbi director christopher wray outlined the threats. he was asked about tiktok, which has been a big concern. >> could they use it to drive narratives, like to divide americans against each other? let's say china wants to invade taiwan. make sure americans are seeing videos arguing why taiwan belongs to china, why the u.s. should not invade. jobina: the tiktok of ceo has insisted they would never provide american data to the chinese government. another debate, the origin of covid-19. the two leading theorieso heed rally or was accidentally leaked from a lab in china. reggie: governor newsom has tested positive for covid again. he was also infected and make. the first partner has tested
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negative. he was scheduled to make a major announcement with attorney general later this morning. we do not know how that will proceed. jobina: some wax polish museum are going viral for all the wrong reasons. these figures of the prince and princess of wales have been in the wax museum for a while. after video posted on tiktok made its rounds, the images are taking on a life of its own. is that mr. being? -- is that mr. bean? the script says terrifying images, and i would say correct. some are saying the sculptors carved the figures from memory. drew: this is like an attempt was made. at least you tried. jobina: it looks like when someone has filled on the morning show for a week and this is not normally their shift. [laughter]
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you look like a version of yourself. it is bad. drew: i don't know that i've ever seen a wax figure try was like they got it, they nailed it. jobina: that one of angela bassett? drew: i stand corrected. they did a really good job with her. jobina: that is because she looks like a wax figure in the best way. reggie: i once saw a fairly accurate wendy williams. does anyone remember that? she was getting next to it and i thought not bad. i don't know why that came into my brain but i remember that ime. is madame tussauds a real person or is that a made up place? reggie: like is she a historical figure? drew: did she start the wax figures and it just took over as a company or is it made up? reggie: did she turn people -- jobina: did she turn people into wax? drew: it is not a horror film.
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jobina: like a human candle? reggie: that is a horror film. drew: it is called the wax house. reggie: they turn people into candles? drew: they turn people into wax figures. they are alive when they dip them in wax. reggie: very macabre. drew: vincent price. look it up. we are starting to see the initial line of showers that is associated with our atmospheric river. as we look at future whether it is isolated light rain, heavy rain will move in this afternoon and this evening. the evening commute will be a mass with heavy rain and strong gusty wind. look at these rainfall totals. one to three inches of rain for most of us. that create flooding for area roadways.
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it is not only rain, it is the south wind will cost. that means the south wind is running perpendicular to the bay bridge. here are the winds. they ramp up this evening. we will see trees coming down. does coda six feet of snow. below 6500 feet we are tracking several inches of rain. we'll be on top of it all day tomorrow. light showers over the weekend with the time change. jobina: let's turn to ginger zee live in findlay for the
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philadelphia flower show. ginger: great to be with everybody. we have flowers all around. i will be talking about your weather because you have a big weekend ahead of you. so many other headlines. it begins with a massive attack overnight on ukraine. this for dozens of russian missiles and they are talking about them going and infrastructure, into neighborhoods. lots to get into. we are on the ground with the latest. we will speak to john kirby about all of it live. then we have an abc news exclusive about another norfolk southern train that was carrying hazardous materials. this as their ceo is headed to capitol hill. and finally we are just days away from oscars so lara headed out to l.a. to talk to jimmy kimmel about his third time hosting the oscars.
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i am preparing by taking it and smelling the roses at the nearly 200-year-old horticulture event on the oldest in the world. reggie: what is this you are in? is it a tent, is it a building? ginger: it is like a convention center. on the ceiling and set of satellites they have flowers everywhere and gorgeous lighting, music, it is a whole show. reggie: it looks really peaceful. jobina: i did my allergies would be on 10,000. ginger: it is like a tiktok extreme. that too. reggie: a tiktok dirt and pharmaceutical dream. we love it. all right, ginger. i am soothed by the sound in the background. i do not want to leave. we will see you at 7:00. ginger: it is flower vibes. our audio guy has been allergies. he just wore a mask. that is all you have to do, you
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will be fine. jobina:
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reggie: the 95th oscar ceremony is just three days away. here is reporter will ganss. >> if you thought the gloves were off at last year's oscars, wait until you see what jimmy kimmel thinks about sunday night ceremony. >> this year may be two people will come on stage and hit, eventually it will be everybody rushing the stage and slapping whoever is on. >> the academy has a newly formed crisis team in place after last year's will smith incident. this year's host is feeling confident that will help. >> the decision to go champagne carpet rather than a red carpet shows how confident we are. >> the oscars has had a red the lyig change. past years ide
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mo peoplead snmost of the movie. year you have at least four movies that most everyone has seen. it makes the references easier. you know who the actors are. tom cruise will be there. >> let's talk about the cruise factor. i have to imagine you will have a little fun with tom. >> fund will be had with tom on sunday night. >> fun with tom cruise but not lady gaga. after tons of speculation, the academy announcing wednesday lady gaga will not perform her hit from top gun. >> after a bunch of back-and-forth, it did not feel like she can get a performance to the caliber we are used to with her that she is used to. she is not going to perform on
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the show. >> no lady gaga and definitely no damon. matt damon was not invited, was not nominated, and i hope he is never invited or nominated again. >> will ganss, abc news, new york. reggie: they famously have a feud but they actually like each other. jobina: i was not in the loop. reggie: every day he says we did not have time for matt damon. don't worry. jobina: ok. because there was a lot of shade in that. reggie: the award show is this sunday at 5:00 p.m.. it was hosted by jimmy kimmel in case you did not get the message already. next, sandbags for san francisco residents. when you can pick them up before the incoming right. even with all of the concerns about the weather
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solutions. this is abc 7 news. reggie:what investigators are rg about the men accused of having explosives inside his san jose home. jobina: today marks two weeks since a popular radio host disappeared without a trace. the tribute his station is paying to him. reggie: peers what it looks like outside now.were gch quickly. i o t tele and damaging winds.n jobina: it is march 9. reggie: you have a few hours to get everything together. drew: then hunker down this evening. that is when heavy rain and strong winds will move in. this morning the initial line of our atmospheric river is being shown. you can see green on the screen. most of this is not reaching the ground. it is adding cloud cover to the sky.
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it is a l this afternoon to tomorrow morning. moderate to heavy rain, strong and damaging winds. light rain on the lens right now. here's how the date shapes up. the first part of your day is like showers. it is the afternoon and evening that lets you focus your attention for heavy rain and gusty winds. flood watches and wind advisories going into effect. a closer look at the timeline of the storm in a few minutes. reggie: there is a state of emergency and 34 california counties because of all the potential damage from the incoming storm. neighborhoods in the south bay that flooded are not taking any chances. lena howland is live in morgan hill with what they are doing to prepare. lena: as the south bay braces for the possibility of more than two inches of rain, valley water crews were hard at work yesterday dropping up more than
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4200 sandbags to this morgan hill sandbag distribution site behind me. for acrs ntclara ty wchere s theyerbr for the it comes arah cla county, places like morgan and gilroy who saw serious flooding. making waters flooding to avoid a repeat of january storm. as the region braces for snacks atmospheric river, people saying they were not taking any chances , stocking up on sandbags to help protect their homes. >> trying to get as ready as possible. that is all you can do. with this kind of weather, you do not know what it will be bad or worse. >> sometimes something gets wet,
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little bit of damage here or there. you roll with the punches. lena: this look like in january after our last major storm. this is what things look like in the daylight yesterday. back your live at the el toro fire station, this is one of about five sandbag distribution sites set up across santa clara county. for a list of all of those head over to and make sure you call before you go. though sandbags are running on short supply. lena howland, abc 7 news. jobina: the city of san francisco is offering free sandbags for residents at head of today's incoming rain. the distribution site is at the public works yard at marin and kansas street. you can pick up 10 free sandbags. you have to have proof of address and you will need to load them into your car on your own.
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this morning the scientists who live and work at the observatory on top of mount hamilton are bracing for more problems. they have been dealing with power outages and an unusual amount of snow this winter. now the rain is causing additional concern. >> we still have snow and ice in the way. where will the water go? it will flooded through our cloud drives and walkways. you might have cloud dams underneath singles. jobina: there is a silver lining to the timing of the weather. >> of burn scars. at least we have had a season or two for the ground to recover and vegetation to grow that will hopefully minimize those slippages, those rock slides and mudslides. jobina: the road to the observatory remains close to the
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public. reggie: ski resorts are seeing a big impact from winter storms. yesterday lives had to shut down because of white out conditions. the resort got another six inches of snow yesterday so that brings the seven-day total of 58 inches. you can track the storm with meteorologist drew tuma and our entire abc 7 team starting tomorrow at an earlier time, 4:00 a.m.. you can watch us live on tv or wherever we stream. jobina: new developments with the deadly stabbing at montgomery heisel in santa rosa. the school board heard from dozens of students and parents. gloria rodriguez joins us live in the newsroom with their calls for change. gloria: good morning. the santa rosa city school district had a board meeting last night. many spoke out in light of the decent deadly stabbing at a school as board members listened. students are making their voices heard. >> we want change. we want change. gloria: students in santa rosa
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walking out of classes, speaking out against campus violence and hos.nding more safety in high sot student suffered a stab wound at a 15-year-old suspect was charged with voluntary manslaughter. those participating in the board meeting last night were able to voice concerns in person and the council chamber or over resume. one student let the board know they are living in fear. >> we hate fire chills more than lockdowns. it is because we are terrifying of being in crowds because it is the perfect time to get shot. if the adults understand that is how we the students think. this time there was a gun. the student had been in possession of a firearm and it could've have been a real school shooting. we do not feel safe. i do not feel safe. student stopped coming to school
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because we cannot trust you to protect us. jobina: no decisions were -- gloria: go decisions were made last night. this is about starting conversations. there have been talks about bringing back school resource officers. some students are against that idea. jobina: a student at a santa rosa high school where a student brought a hunting knife to class. he has been arrested. officers say they were called to school after staff found a hunting knife hid it in one of his school binders. students and backpacks are checked each day before they enter the academy. jobina: police -- reggie: police have released new evidence that links a san jose man to two explosions in september and january. investigators say surveillance video shows the man riding away on a bike after igniting a pg&e transformer. during a news conference yesterday investigators also
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revealed new details about what was found in the home. >> various items were seized including a homemade liquid explosive and energetic destructive devices and multiple suspected destructive devices. other materials for making destructive devices were also found, including pipes, wires, and various chemicals. >> cleaning up the material took several days and forced the evacuation of several homes. please say the man lived with his wife and three children and was arrested at work and has been charged with nine felonies. police say they do not have any evidence about emotive. jobina: thieves in san francisco broken door professional wrestlers rental car and stole all of his gear, including his championship title belt. michael bartlett reported the break-in on california street between fillmore and steiner. police say a wallet, laptop, and other personal items were taken. he won the championship
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saturday. no arrests have been made. reggie: wild 94.9 posted a tribute for missing radio host. the san francisco radio station pandora heartfelt tribute to their website and thank him for the laughs and pranks over the years. his last conversation before going missing was on air with a fan. he mentioned suffering a severe case of lyme disease. he has been missing since february 23. scathing report. what the justice department found in their investigation of louisville police in the wake of breonna taylor's death. jobina: live at the bait board at the new york stock exchange. another update on how the markets are doing, next. reggie: preparing for oscar acceptance speeches. what the producers are saying about when they bring music into cutoff the winners. stay with us on our streaming app at 7:00. we are live every weekday from
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7:00 to 8:00. you can download the app now. drew: live doppler 7 along with satellite beginning to see our atmospheric river. in the subtropical moisture aimed right at california and will bring us heavy rain and gusty wind later on today. right now we are waking up to te and foths cloudy start to your day but things go downhill this afternoon and evening. a flood watch will begin at 1:00 for the entire bay area as heavy rain moves through. we could see plotting on our roads and even our smaller streets. 8:00 this morning is an isolated light shower. the showers become more widespread around lunchtime but still mainly light in nature. later on this evening the showers intensify. by 7:00 p.m. we are finding rounds of heavy rain that will
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last. it is a level 3 storm with temperatures in the low to mid 50's. a look at how much rain you can expect where you live and heavy snow will come to the sierra. let's check in with sue. sue: you can see the clouds beginning to form. four lanes in the southbound direction. no delays from marin into san francisco. we do have delays with this fatal accident at 4:00 this morning. on the other side of the bridge, one lane is getting by. the coroner is on scene. the westbound direction we are finding the biggest backup. westbound the lanes are wide open. we did have an accident backup. that was in the center divide near redwood. give yourself plenty of time. you may want to scooter to 780 to take the bridge from 80 westbound if you want to avoid
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this backup. no estimated time of reopening in the eastbound direction. chp is checking on the location of this accident and says northbound 880 near
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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jobina: norfolk southern ceo is scheduled to testify before the u.s. senate environment and public works committee after desk of the company's trains derailed in ohio a month apart from each other. the first incident has created a catastrophic public health concern, dropping tons of toxic chemicals into east palestine. so far the company has taken steps to self regulate, creating a six-point plan to enhance safety operations. meanwhile a bipartisan bill is aimed to tighten safety requirements for trains carrying hazardous materials. jobina: louisville police
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department is facing more criticism after the death of breonna taylor. the justice department released a disturbing report that officers often used excessive force. this comes after the botched rate in 2020 eight where officers fired dozens of rounds into taylor's apartment, killing her. the review is based on hundreds of interviews, documents, and hours of body camera video. it found officers routinely conducted unlawful search warrants, unjustified neck restraint, and wrongly usedthe t 36 steps for the department to improve policing training and protocols. reggie: a six-year-old boy accused of shooting his teacher earlr a prosecutor in virginia s the law does not support prosecuting a six-year-old in this case. the shooting critically injured a teacher who was in the hospital for more than a week. the family's lawyer says the gun
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was secured at the home and they were unsure how the boy got it. the child's mother could still be charged. at least as good school officials left their post because of the incident. jobina: the first day of spring is just around the corner and so is allergy season. if you feel like it is lasting longer every year, you're right. a new report says that is exactly what is happening. temperatures have been on the rise in more than 200 cities across the country. this has been going on since 1970. a group called climate central released this report. climate change is bringing an earlier spring. this means a longer growing season for plants, giving them more time to release their irritants. lovely. the battle to fill an open school board seat has come to a conclusion. this was a hot topic for a lot of people. a judge has declared mike hutchinson rightful winner of the district four race. it will replace nick resnick who resigned last month.
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they present was certified the winner in november due to an error in how the alameda county registrar of voters, the rank-choice voting results. hutchinson suit to challenge the results. reggie: nearly 350 bay area employees have been laid off by johnson & johnson subsidiaries. all of the layoffs are within the surgical robots, technology and tools sector. the biggest loss came from a surgical robotics company johnson & johnson bought in 2019. a spokesperson for johnson & johnson says it is constantly assessing ways to be more innovative. here's a live look at what is happening on the newark stock exchange. we are up about 1 -- on the new york stock exchange. up about 163 points. we are learning more about the golden girls pop up coming to san francisco. jobina: the menu includes was on you, sandwiches, avocado toast,
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desserts, and drinks. local drag performers are said to be there every sunday. the golden girls kitchen will be on folsom street. it opens april 26 and will be there until the end of july. reggie: i have a feeling it will be very popular. jobina: are the menu items popular items from the show? reggie: i am assuming they are. and my family i'm not the golden girls asked her. that goes to my husband phil. i will have to ask him. jobina: the avocado toast seems a bit new. reggie: current. maybe they saw into the future. they were ahead of their time. were you a fan? sue: big fan. love derose. betty white -- loved white. we will go to this accident past the carquinez bridge.
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a fatal accident at 4:00 this morning. chp has issued a traffic alert. a big backup in the westbound direction. take 780 if you can avoid eastbound or westbound. drew: we are chill strapping we are still tracking a level three strong storm as the atmospheric river arrives across california. damaging winds and the potential for flooding and thunderstorms over the next 24 hours. here is future wth the system and throughout the evening and the over it -- the evening. moderate to heavy rain keeps coming. rainfall totals next 24 hours one to three inches likely for everybody. even higher in the santa cruz mountains. wins also issue.
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gusts up to 55 miles are possible. future tracker wind gusts showing they strengthen this evening. it is between 7:00 tonight and 4:00 tomorrow morning we'll find the heaviest impacts in terms of the wind and rain. winter storm warning starting at 10:00. two to six feet of fresh snow on an already incredible snowpack. because of storm temperatures, low to mid-50's for afternoon highs. tonight is a mild night. the rain continues. there is the accuweather 7-day forecast. level three storm, worst impacts later today. more light showers over the weekend and more rain next week. sue: we have the toyota tahoe report. they're giving away free snow in the sierra. they have so much of it. we will a look at palisades. chains are required on 89. 80 and 50 are clear of chains.
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we have a very big base, almost too many inches to count. right now there is a window of drive time where maximum drive is three and a half and four hours. 89 on sierra tahoe about a 3 hour drive. in kirkwood chains are required on 88. give yourself plenty of time. later today and tomorrow, even sunday, check ahead. road closures could be a thing this weekend that is your toyota tahoe report. jobina: the oscars are this sunday and once again the winners will play the game of beat the clock to try to squeeze the thank you's before the dreaded music starts to play to cut them off. there is a look at the preparations underway right now. the two men in charge of queuing that please stop talking that music spoke to cnn saying they're not trying to be rude or disrespectful. they said if you're giving a
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if you start reading what feels like a grocery list, the musical, on. -- that music will come on. reggie: i would not want to make that call. sometimes they do it right and sometimes the really flub it. jobina: sometimes that right at that really beautiful moment. reggie: and then my mother -- oh boy. you can watch the oscars only on abc seven. it starts at 5:00 on sunday although our coverage begins at 10:00 a.m.. abc 7 news anchor dion lim will be on the champagne carpet tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.. optimistic. jobina: that is what my wedding planner would say. reggie: off-white?
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jobina: it is giving beige. if it were sparkly. maybe it does have sparkles. reggie: it is not reading on camera. if it is not read on kamrap we do not need it. jobina: you heard it here fir reggie: annie and lou eggs in their nest. they are wasting no time. they were our new couple alert. these are the first eggs sired by lou. at this rate there'll be hatchlings by early april. annie's original partner died earlier. the two hatched 13 chicks together starting in 2016. this is a good step in the right direction for anti-, she has been through a lot -- in the right direction for annie.
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jobina: annie knows how to keep a man. reggie: if she loses a
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drew: are the seven things you need to know. our atmospheric river arrives later today. it is the evening commute, get ready. heavy rain will be moving through along with strong wind. an isolated light shower through the next couple of hours. it is the afternoon in the evening where the heavy rain and strong gusty winds move in. the level 3 strong storm on the exclusive abc 7 storm impact scale. a flood watch a begin at 1:00 for the entire region. the heavy rain could cause flooding on our roads and streams and creeks. wind advisory begins at 1:00. jobina: communities across the bay area are preparing for
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flooding in the south bay. valley water is hard at work filling up sandbag locations with more than 4000 bags dropped off after neighborhoods were hit hard during our recent storms. reggie: pg&e has diverted crews to areas that could be hit hard by the neck storm. utility is warning of possible power outages and is asking everyone to be prepared. jobina: governor newsom has expanded a storm state of emergency that covers 34 california counties, including several in the bay areas. reggie: officials are warning against visiting the lake tahoe area. their concerns the storm could cause flooding and roof collapses. sue: we are following your thursday morning commute. the fatal accident has been in vallejo in the eastbound 80 direction between -- just past the carquinez bridge. take 780 if you can. jobina: the famous oscars red carpet has somewhat of a twist this year. it is champagne.
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that classic red be gone. this is the first time this has happened since 1961. the most interesting part is the oscars organizers have not set at all why they did this. reggie: why does the ground look more enticing than the carpet? drew: you always want a red carpet. reggie: it is funny when the organization fix things that do not require a fixed. jobina: it is not broke. reggie: was anyone asking for this? jobina: i am wondering if there is a broader plan. drew: it will not be actively raining, but if there will be wet ground so if you trudge in some of the dirt on the champagne carpet? you get from the mud and sells at. jobina: i'm thinking bigger picture. there has to be something else. reggie: nicole kidman.
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right here. jobina: yes. good morning, america, for our viewers in the west, a deadly new wave of attacks on ukraine. overnight, russia launched over 80 missiles into ukraine targeting major cities from kyiv to odesa. power cut at a key nuclear power plant. james longman is in the war zone and top national security official john kirby joins us live. also breaking overnight, senate republican leader mitch mcconnell hospitalized after a fall. abc news exclusive. as the norfolk southern ceo gets ready to testify before congress following the toxic train derailment in ohio, what we're learning about a new incident that allegedly happened just weeks before the disaster in ohio. gio benitez is in the hearing room this morning. midair brawl. punches flying on board a southwest je


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