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tv   America This Morning  ABC  March 8, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PST

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tales about four friends from south carolina who traveled to mexico for cosmetic surgery taken captive. two of them killed, two rescued what we're learning about the survivors and why the group was apparently targeted. it's your money, the new push to raise interest rates higher and faster, making borrowing more expensive here, pal. you are gambling with people's lives the debate ove what it could mean for american jobs. survival in the snow, the woman trapped in her car for three nights in the epic california snowstorm, how she got through it, and the concerns about the next storm taking aim happening now the shortage of a
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critical asthma drug and why the problem is getting worse. plus the nfl hero speaking out the right place at the right time pro football player who jumped into action explains how he helped save a man's life. and later what customer service just how bad things are getting when it comes to consumer complaints and the industry's posing the biggest problems. in new york. this is america this morning. good wednesday morning, everyone. i'm andrew denberg maggie in for ryan, and we begin with a deadly attack on americans in mexico. a group of friends from south carolina had traveled south of the border for cosmetic surgery. two of them have been rescued, but two were killed. and now we're learning more about the terrifying three day ordeal they experienced and what appears to be a case of mistaken identity. this morning. the two americans who survived a kidnapping in mexico are back in the u. s arriving in a convoy of ambulances and suvs. by military
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trucks with mounted machine guns . police say the survivors and two of their friends, all from south carolina, were kidnapped in matamoros, mexico, friday across the border from brownsville, texas, an area plagued by drug cartel violence . watered latavia, tame mcgee, zundel brown and eric williams had just crossed the border when authorities say a group of men opened fire on their white van. police found the four americans yesterday at a shack in a rural area. only mcgee and williams were alive. tears of joy, i guess they they he's he's alive . william's wife says he needed surgery for three gunshot wounds in his legs. i didn't even want to imagine what he was going through, or you know what any of them were going through. mcgee is a mother of five. her mother says. the fbi called her with the news. i had home all i was thinking of laws. thank you, jesus, and there is a guy according to her family, mcgee traveled with the others to mexico for cosmetic surgery. during the three days they were held. they were transferred to
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various places. is to avoid authorities. a source says. investigators believe the gunman may have mistaken the americans per arrival. human traffickers. so far, only one arrest has been made an alleged lookout man at the shack where the group was found. new backlash this morning after fox news showed new video of the january 6th attack on the u. s. capitol many republicans are now slamming the report accusing host tucker carlson of deceiving his audience. it comes amid new evidence in a billion dollar lawsuit against fox. abc is lindsey watson's here with the latest lindsay. good morning. liz good morning to you . both republicans and democrats are slamming fox's tucker carlson for his portrayal of this new video from the january 6th attack. i think it's bull. this morning. bipartisan outrage at fox news host tucker carlson after he claimed surveillance video from the january 6th riot proves the attack was mostly peaceful chaos. these were not insurrectionists. they were sightseers. lawmakers accused carlson of downplaying the
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attack, including senate republican leader mitch mcconnell, who held up a letter from the capitol police yesterday criticizing carlson for cherry picking calmer moments from the riot. it was a mistake. in my view for fox news to depict this. in a way that's completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at capitol thanks , carlson responded on his show last night. here you have people with shared interests, the open borders people, people, people like mitch mcconnell, who are living in splendor on chinese money. house speaker kevin mccarthy, who gave carlson exclusive access to the surveillance video, says he did it for transparency and has no regrets. person come up with in conclusion, but as republicans and democrats blast mccarthy, a new court filing shows attorneys for those arrested in the attack have had access to the trove of videos all along. carlson also
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air new video of capitol police officer brian sick nick, who died from a series of strokes after being assaulted, according to carlson. the video shows sick nick walking in the capital after he was attacked, apparently in good health after he was supposedly killed. we showed you that video ou can make of it. what you will family blasted fox saying every time the pain of that day seems to have abda bit. organizations like fox rip our wounds wide open again and we are frankly sick of it. this all comes as thousands of pages of internal text messages and emails are being released between fox's top executives and news hosts as part of a defamation lawsuit filed by dominion voting systems against the network in an email 15 days after the january the sixth attack, chairman rupert murdoch wrote. maybe sean and laura went too far, referring to hosts sean hannity and lower ingram, who echoed trump's claims of election fraud. and according to the documents. two
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months after the election, carlson sent a message to his producer about how badly he wanted to stop covering trump saying that he quote hates trump passionately and back to the january 6th videos. carlsson pointed out that capitol police walked some protesters into the building during the riot. but security experts say that may have been a strategy by police to calm the crowd. andrew lindsay, thank you. 1/7 member of the memphis police department , has now been fired in the wake of tyree nichols beating death. the firing was part of an administrative investigation into more than a dozen officers and several members of the memphis fire department who responded to the january killing. about 20 more hours of video related to the case is expected to be released today. the head of the federal aviation administration will be in the hot seat on capitol hill today after a series of close calls involving passenger jets across the country. acting administrator billy nolan will testify before a senate panel about aircraft safety and oversight. the hearing follows a
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violent confrontation on a flight from los angeles to boston earlier this week. the suspect is now accused of trying to attack his jail guards. francisco torres was restrained by passengers after allegedly trying to open an emergency exit and attack a flight attendant with a broken spoon. the justice department it is suing to stop the merger between jetblue and spirit airlines, claiming it would hurt competition and raised prices. jetblue has claimed the deal would create a stronger competitor to challenge the bigger airlines. now to your money. it's about to get more expensive to borrow cash. that's because the fed is promising steeper interest rate hikes, and one senator is especially not happy about it. do you verbal fireworks on capitol hill as federal reserve chairman jerome powell faced off with senator elizabeth warren chair people, you are gambling with people's lives, said the central bank is now prepared to raise interest rates higher and more frequently than expected as it tries to get inflation under control, even if that means job losses process of
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getting inflation back down to 2. has a long way to go and is likely to be bumpy. warren argues. there are other ways to fight inflation, like addressing supply chain issues and cracking down on price gouging, she says. under the fed's plan, millions of americans will lose jobs if you could speak directly to the two million hardworking people who have decent jobs today. who you're planning to get fired over the next year. what would you say to them? inflation is extremely high, and it's hurting the working people of this country badly, all of them, not just two million of them, but all of them are suffering under high inflation. and we are taking the only measures we have to bring inflation down. senator warren also argued the feds moves could trigger a recession since the end of world war two there have been 12 times in which the unemployment rate has increased by 1% point within one year. exactly what you're aiming
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to do right now. how many times did the economy fail to fall into a recession? after doing that, out of 12 times? i think the number is zero. that's exactly right, chairman powell noted. even if the unemployment rate would rise of four point it would still be among the lowest unemployment rates in 75 years. turning to the weather. a woman survived three nights trapped in her car in snow. around california. she was stranded on a rural road about 160 miles north of san francisco, but she was smart enough to keep food and water in her car, and now she is okay. meanwhile in the sierra nevada mountains, residents have been shoveling feet of snow off their roofs as a new storm approaches. but there's still time for fun. one guy launched his kayak from the roof of his home with that, let's take a look now at your wednesday forecast. country storm brings heavy snow out of the rockies today. it moves into the northern plains and midwest by tomorrow night to the south rounds of rain today
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from the southern plains, moving into the midwest back in california and atmospheric river begins tomorrow night, and by saturday, some areas could see up to eight inches of flooding, rain and five more feet of snow checking today's high temperatures still warm along the gulf coast. but only forties from the great lakes to the northeast 86 in miami, 77 in phoenix. learned about two planes that collided over florida. also ahead. should the parents of a school shooting suspect be held responsible for buying him? the gun? the arguments in the landmark case in michigan brazen wine heist at a fancy restaurant, how the thieves pulled i
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try before you buy this morning on g m. a this morning. four people are confirmed dead after two small planes collided east
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of tampa, florida they crashed over a lake in winter haven. the victims include a 19 year old flight student and his flight instructor. we turn now to a first of its kind case stemming from a deadly school shooting in michigan in 2021 court will now decide whether the parents of the 15 year old shooter should be held liable for their son's actions. here's a b cs andrea fuji. this morning, jennifer and jason crumbly whose son ethan pleaded guilty to killing four of his classmates at oxford high in michigan, are fighting involuntary manslaughter charges they could become the first parents ever charged in a mass shooting caused by a child. we had a person who put together this plan of who he was going to shoot what order he was going to do it in, the crumbling attorney argued before a three judge panel that ethan was the only person responsible and parents are not obligated to protect their child. olds classmates as a parent. i don't owe a legal duty to every kid at my four kids schools. i don't know a legal duty to every person might
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my child encounters on the street, but prosecutors argue the crumbly is new. their son had hallucinations and was hearing voices and yet they bought him the gun used in the shooting. there are warning signs all over the place the day of the shooting a teacher called the crumb lease to school to show them a picture. ethan had drawn up a gun and a note in which he wrote the thoughts won't stop. help me. prosecutors argue that crumbly should have taken ethan home. instead, they left him at school. he later opened fire using the gun in his backpack counselor was worried about that you might have been have been suicidal. at that point, wouldn't that warrant looking in the backpack? if he's suicidal, and he has access to a gun is attorney saying the parents could have never imagined a mass shooting. it could be a morning sign that you see may have been troubled or may have been having certain thoughts, but not a morning sign that he was going to kill for other people. it's not clear when the court will decide whether the crumbling will face
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charges. as for ethan, crumbly, who pleaded guilty he could face a life sentence without the possibility of parole. andrew liz. andrea thank you. a couple in spain has been sentenced to four years in prison for a brazen heist convicted of stealing $1.7 million worth of wine. authorities say the pair order to 14 course meal from high end restaurant and they were given a guided tour of the wine cellar. then they distracted the receptionist and made off with 45 bottles of wine. one bottle from 18. oh, six. was valued at $300,000. the stolen wine has not been recovered. coming up a problem nationwide just how bad customer service is getting these days, but first why there's a growing shortage of a common asthma shortage of a common asthma medication. mighty quaker oats. a bowlful of nourishment. they're heart-healthy, have no artificial flavors, and for only cents per day... the delicious apples and cinnamon will hug your taste buds. quaker oats. a super-trusted superfood. skin your face will envy?
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with olay hyaluronic body lotion 95% of women had visibly-smoother skin. be fearless with olay hyaluronic body lotion and body wash. ugh covid-19? and being overweight makes it more risky. i'm calling my doctor. if it's covid, paxlovid. authorized for emergency use, paxlovid is an oral treatment for people 12 and up... who have mild-to-moderate covid-19 and have a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not waiting. if it's covid, paxlovid. having even one risk factor, like being over 50, diabetes, or smoking increases your chances of severe covid. taken within five days of symptoms, paxlovid reduced the risk of developing severe covid-19 by 86%. paxlovid may strengthen or weaken other medicines. taking it with certain medicines may cause life threatening side effects or affect how paxlovid works.
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so it's critical to tell your doctor about all medicines you take including herbal supplements, because lab tests or changing the dose of your medicines may be needed. tell your doctor if you have any serious illnesses, allergies, liver or kidney disease, are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, are breastfeeding, or use birth control. paxlovid may affect how your birth control works. don't take paxlovid if you're allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions, liver problems, and issues with hiv medicines. other side effects include altered taste, diarrhea, high blood pressure, muscle aches, abdominal pain, nausea, and feeling unwell. with my asthma, i knew it could be riskier. if it's covid, paxlovid. ask your doctor or pharmacist if paxlovid is right for you. doctor or pharmacist if packs loaded is right for you. we were just talking to the camera and the car smashes into our backs and i go into and fish hawk that's one of two podcasters in
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houston, describing this the moment an suv slammed into the cafe where they were recording their show vehicle. just miss them. neither man was hurt and the people in the suv suffered minor injuries. details about a story we brought you last month. volkswagen is making changes after a vehicle was stolen with a missing child inside. police in illinois were forced to pay to renew a subscription to the company's car net tracking service during the urgent search for the vehicle. thankfully despite the delay, the child was found safe. volkswagen is now offering free access to carnet for five years for owners of its late model cars. we turned out a medical news and the shortage of a crucial drug for people with asthma. here's a b cs lionel movies. this morning, growing concern about a shortage of one of the most common asthma medications albuterol sudden my chest starts hurting, and i just physically cannot take a breath it's been on the fda is drug shortage list since october, but the recent shutdown of a major
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manufacturer could make finding albuterol even harder, illinois based acorn operating co. announced last month it was closing all its locations as it filed for bankruptcy pharmacies are now scrambling to keep albuterol stocked. we're checking secondary and tertiary vendors if our primary vendor doesn't have it, so it's just creating a little bit more. leg work on our part, the impact could be great with 25 million americans are about one in 12, currently with asthma and more than 4100 deaths in the u. s per year. do anything i could to get this medication can cause loss of breath, wheezing, chest tightness and coughing and could lead to asthma attacks. when it gets to that point, i need that medication. i take my inhaler immediately, like albuterol used in inhalers and nebulizer keep the condition under control and could be life saving. top experts in the field have previously said patients could use an expired inhaler for
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partial effectiveness. but of course you should be sure to consult your doctor first about your own condition. andrew liz. thank you. homeowner in arizona got quite a shock after getting home from work. this bobcat was getting awfully comfortable in the dog's bed apparently got in through the doggy door. the big cat ran back outside before wildlife officers arrived at the home coming up with the winner of the $2 billion powerball jackpot just bought us we hear from the nfl player who came to from the nfl player who came to the rescue after a fiery crash. who's on it with jardiance? ♪ ♪ we're the ones getting it done. we're managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk. we're on it with jardiance. join the growing number of people who are on it with the once-daily pill, jardiance. jardiance not only lowers a1c, it goes beyond to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease. and jardiance may help you lose some weight. jardiance may cause serious side effects
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choose nexium. i never get tired of this. making angel soft... ...strong... ...and... ...soft! it's like magic. every time. angel soft. soft and strong. simple. suffering from sinus congestion, especially at night? try vicks sinex every time. for instant relief that lasts up to 12 hours. vicks sinex targets congestion at the source, relieving nasal congestion and sinus pressure by reducing swelling in the sinuses. try vicks sinex. resistant like magic. it's try before you buy this morning on g m. a. americans apparently can't get no satisfaction. many americans these days are asking what customer service, according to
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the wall street journal, a new survey shows 74% of consumers say they've had a problem with the company's products or services, and it's gotten so bad that 9% of people admit seeking revenge often is shaming a company online customer service appears to be declining the most in industries like fast food, hotels and gas stations, so even get a person on the phone to complain about them. the industries that need them the most to alright, next. a follow up to a story we brought you yesterday nfl player helping save a man's life. minnesota vikings receiver kj osborne was riding in an uber in austin, texas. he and the driver came upon the crash scene. a man trapped in a burning car, so i was born, his driver and two others jumped into action, getting the man out in dragging him to safety. osborne says. he was just in the right place at the right time. and actually excited to be able to, uh, find out who this guy was just to be able to shake his hand and god is real. and, um, you know, i'm just happy. you know, we were able to stay this next life. the man suffered minor injuries. kj
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osborne describes more on the rescue later on. good morning america. next a special delivery from rihanna superstar gifted a bouquet of thanks to some of her older fans, rihanna said, a present to kentucky nursing home where a group of women recreated her super bowl halftime performance there. video of rude boy has nearly four million views online, one person commented. do we have to wait until we're seniors to live there? for the party is next, a posh new pad for a big powerball winner. castro claimed his $2 billion jackpot last last month, he took a lump sum of just under one billion. records show he bought this mansion in the hollywood hills for about $25 million, so his new neighbors now include the likes of jimmy kimmel and ariana grande. and finally attention. reese's peanut butter fans. there's a new option coming soon. plant based peanut butter cups. that's right. reese's will debut a new vegan option. it will be made with oats instead of dairy. it
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hits stores this month. something tells me it's gonna taste just as good as the young taste just as good as the young checking the top headlines i'm still moving toward what's next. even with higher stroke risk due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin... i'll go after that. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk better than warfarin. and has less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis has both. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. think he's posting about all that ancient roman coinage? no. he's making real-time money moves with merrill. so no matter what the market's doing, he's ready.
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>> on and on school campuses. >> we need a lot more supervision. reggie: a community in santa rosa frustrated over violence in schools. the suggestions being offered to keep students safe following a stabbing at my graham rahal school. >> you think it is challenging to get police officers this community now? it will be virtually impossible. you think our city is unsafe? it will be terrible for the city and county of san francisco. jobina: an emotional plea from mayor london breed. the grim picture she is painting if supervisors do not take action and investing more in the police budget. reggie: it is raining hard in the area today, snowing in the sierra. even more snow and rain this week adding onto the issues caused


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