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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 7, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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kristen: thank you for joining us on getting answers today. we are here every day at tonight, two americans found dead, shot and killed after being kidnapped in mexico. two more americans surviving in that same home in mexico. we have late reporting. and the developing headline. two small planes colliding outside tampa, going down in a lake. first tonight, the haunting images. those four americans kidnapped at gunpoint, shortly after crossing over the border from texas. one of them seen being tossed into the back of the pickup. the two survivors found in that house. their conditions tonight. why it's believed they made that trip into mexico. and news here on their whereabouts. matt rivers in mexico tonight. also this evening, that scene playing out late today, a midair collision in florida outside tampa. those two small planes crashing
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into one another, both planes believed to be in a lake tonight. the chilling video emerging of that horrific flight from los angeles to new york. you'll now hear what that passenger was threatening to do to everyone onboard that plane before attacking a flight attendant, attempting to stab the attendant in the neck several times. we're tracking two new systems moving across the u.s. winter storm watches in effect across several states tonight, moving from the midwest right to the east coast. ginger zee timing it out. tonight, the deadly collision on the tracks in cleveland. a truck and a norfolk southern train. the conductor was killed. the ntsb on the scene tonight. republican house speaker kevin mccarthy pressed repeatedly today about his decision to hand over 44,000 hours of video from january 6th to fox. overnight, pieces of that video described as peaceful and respectful. tonight, the capitol police chief outraged. some republican senators angry, too. and it all comes after speaker mccarthy himself said the day
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after january 6th that it was un-american, the sadness day i've ever had serving as a member of this institution. jon karl tonight. here in new york city, a deadly wall collapse. one worker killed. the major move tonight by weight watchers. what the company is doing that may help give customers access now to key new prescription diet medica medications, including 0 semi pick. what this means. and america strong tonight. the high school cheerleader, suddenly without her team, all alone at the competition. so, who filled the stands? you'll be cheering, too. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. and we begin tonight with the horror discovered in mexico. two americans found shot and killed two other americans with them surviving in the same without, with one of those victims killed. all four americans crossing from texas into mexico in a mini van,
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coming under fire and kidnapped. u.s. and mexican authorities launching a desperate search. the incident caught on surveillance. heavily armed men could be seen pulling the americans from the car. one seen being toss into the back of a truck. their white mini van, the windshield shattered. mexico deploying police and armed vehicles on the streets. this morning, that gruesome discovery. the two survivors transported away in an ambulance under heavy guard, back to the united states. tonight here, we have news on their conditions, and why they traveled to that town in the first place. abc's matt rivers leading us off, he's in mexico tonight. >> reporter: tonight, two americans have been found alive and are now back safe in the u.s. after this horrific kidnapping at gunpoint in a mexican border city, captured on video. you can see at least one of the survivors in the back of that pickup truck. >> two u.s. citizens were returned to the united states. the bodies of two other u.s. citizens killed in the same incident were also recovered.
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>> reporter: a convoy transporting the two survivors to the border near brownsville, texas. this is the moment the two victims made it back to u.s. soil and a waiting ambulance. tonight, barbara burgess tells abc news her daughter, mother of five latavia "tay" mcgee, is one of the survivors. >> i had to hold my heart. i was thanking the lord. i said, "thank you, jesus. there is a god." >> reporter: her mother says she has no major injuries. >> reporter: and tonight, the wife of mcgee's friend, eric james williams, says he is in surgery in texas. officials in mexico say he was shot in the leg. >> it was just tears of joy. i guess that he's, he's alive. >> reporter: the other two members of the group, shaeed wodard and zindell brown, killed during the kidnapping. their bodies now headed back to the u.s. tonight, mexican officials outlining the three-day search that led authorities to a wooden house outside matamoros. they say the survivors were found alongside the dead. according to her family, mcgee traveled with the others from lake city, south carolina, to mexico to get cosmetic surgery. when the four crossed into
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matamoros on friday, her family says armed gunmen in body armor chased them, opening fire on their white minivan. the gunmen then kidnapping the group. a mexican bystander also killed. mexican officials say it was a case of mistaken identity. a source close to the investigation telling abc news that investigators believe the gunmen may have targeted the vehicle because they wrongly believed the group of americans were rival human traffickers. >> so, let's bring in matt rivers again tonight. we know this is an area filled with organized crime. the u.s. warning americans about traveling to this part of mexico. have authorities made any progress tonight in finding out who might be responsible for this? >> reporter: david, officials not saying if organized crime was definitively involved here, but they have detained one person they say was acting as a lookout at the house where the kidnapping suspects were found. but the investigation in its infancy right now. and david, more arrests could be coming soon. david? >> matt river, thank you.
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we turn next here to that new audio now emerging during that terrifying midair attack on that flight from l.a. to boston. a man attempting to open an exit door. tonight here what he said to everyone on that plane. the chilling threats. here's gio fwheen tez. >> reporter: tonight, authorities say this is the terrifying moment a passenger began threatening everyone on that plane in midair. >> i'm taking over this plane. >> reporter: authorities say 33-year-old francisco torres got up out of his seat, threatening passengers with a broken metal spoon, and trying to stab a flight attendant in the neck several times. lisa olsen recording this video, sitting alongside her husband and daughter on that united airlines flight from l.a. to boston. >> my daughter was very upset. she was crying. for me, the fear was just that short, five seconds or however long it took him to drown seven rows and hit that flight attendant. >> reporter: officials say the violence erupted after torres
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tried opening an emergency exit door. plane.ill kill every man on thi- where are they diverting us? because wherever it is, it's going to be a bloodbath. >> he was saying that i'm going to kill everybody in the plane. so now he's getting more, you know, not just random thoughts. it's more deliberate. >> reporter: about five or six passengers an crew members tackling torres, restraining him with zip ties, holding him down for about 30 minutes. but he kept on fighting. >> my husband ran to the back of the plane to see if there were anymore zip ties. they didn't have anymore. so, passengers started taking their belts off to get the belts up there, you know, just in case that he somehow got out of the restraints. >> reporter: and david, authorities releasing this new image of torres, after the fbi took him into custody. officials saying he tried to attack two guards at that jail, where he is being held. and abc news has also learned torres has two prior arrests for
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armed robbery and assault, but he was never convicted. david? >> all right, gio benitez on this case again tonight. gio, thank you. we're also monitoring that developing story in florida at this hour. emergency crews searching for victims after a midair collision near winter haven regional airport. two small planes colliding. the scene more than an hour outside tampa. the small planes crashing into one another. both going down in this lake. at least one person has died. one of the planes floating on the surface of the water there. no word yet on how many people were on each of these planes or what led to the collision. emergency teams, as you can see, remain on the scene tonight. we're also tracking two new storms this evening. one just moving out of the west, heading no the midwest and then hitting the east. the other winding up yet again to strike the west all over again, up to five feet of additional snow. so, ginger zee timing all of this out, and matt gutman tonight with the families just now returning to their homes. >> reporter: along the slippery road in snow-battered crestline in san bernardino county, we met samantha latino and her toddler,
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gio. residents here finally granted access to return to their homes. worried about your cats? >> a little bit, yeah. >> reporter: he street still unplowed. finally, we arrive. >> oh. >> reporter: the cats still there. >> oh, momma, you're alive. i'm so grateful. >> reporter: little gio eagerly racing to his toys. >> oh that's scary. i have no idea how i'm going to manage that. >> reporter: but like so many families here, there is much work left to do. beneath tons of snow and these mounds are cars. now, these college students have been working for the past two days to dig those cars out. they believe there's still five to seven here. and across this part of san bernardino county, there are believed to be hundreds of cars locked in snow embankments. crews still racing to clear roadways. >> look at how much work they have to do.
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now that's the 18. as you travel towards big bear, that entire stretch of the 18 still has to be plowed. >> reporter: up north, yosemite national park announcing they'll remain closed at least through the weekend. the sierra nevadas bracing for up to five feet of additional snow. in south lake tahoe, crews shoveling snow from roofs. hoping to prevent additional collapses. david, because the roads in those mown ghinties are still so clogged with snow, right now, authorities are only allowing residents to go through, a policy they say will likely be in effect until next week, because there is still so much more snow left to be removed. david? >> yeah, we can see that line of families just trying to get home. matt, thank you. let's get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee, tracking both of these systems. ginger, good evening. >> reporter: hey, good evening to you, david. we are fighting some brutal gusts with the white caps on the hudson behind me. but all eyes on this storm headed to the northern plains, because it is going to produce
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four to ten inches of snow. you see the winter storm watches, twin cities, western wisconsin. that's who is going to get it. mostly thursday. then chicago, a place that's, you know been pretty snow starved for the season, about 15 inches below average, they'll get a couple inches with this as it slides through on friday. but then our attention then turns by the weekend, most of it friday and friday night, but thursday through saturday's the window, with that abundance of tropical moisture. two to five feet of snow in the highest elevations, could put us in top three category, and flash flooding possible along streams big-time problems with all that snow plus rain in the west. david? >> the west cannot get a break. ginger, thank you. to ohio tonight, and to another accident involving a norfolk southern train. this time, a collision with a truck in cleveland. the train conductor was killed. the ntsb on the scene tonight. abc's alex presha in ohio. >> reporter: tonight, a norfolk southern conductor killed after a collision in cleveland. >> the conductor on the train
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may be needing to be checked out. >> reporter: police say around 1:30 a.m., the driver of a dump truck hauling a full load of limestone pulled up to a stop sign before a railroad track. the driver then continuing forward, colliding with the train's first car. that impact killing the conductor, 46-year-old louis shuster. shuster remembered as a father and former leader of the local rail union. norfolk southern saying, "we are grieving the loss of a colleague today." the ntsb now investigating at least three norfolk southern accident sites across ohio. and today, abc news obtaining the manifest for saturday's derailed train in springfield, with 212 cars attached, 28 contained hazardous materials, including liquefied petroleum gas, benzene, and sulfuric acid, many known to be flammable and potentially poisonous. local officials grateful none of the derailed cars contained hazardous materials. when you look at the list of hazardous materials that were aboard that train, is there a sense of relief here that they weren't involved?
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>> we are relieved there were no, you know, discharges from any of those cars. we were very fortunate in that. >> reporter: david, the ntsb has opened a special investigation into norfolk southern's safety practices. and the company's ceo has responded to the news by saying, "going forward, we're going to have to rebuild our safety culture from the ground up." david? >> all right, alex presha again tonight. thank you, alex. we turn now to capitol hill tonight, where republican house speaker kevin mccarthy was pressed repeatedly today about his decision to hand over 44,000 hours of video from january 6th to fox. overnight, selected pieces of that video were described as peaceful and respectful from january 6th toni. tonight, the cap tom police chief outraged. republican senators angry, too, and speaking out. and it all comes after speaker mccarthy himself said after january 6th that it was un-american, calling it, quote, the saddest day i've ever had serving as a member of this institution. here's jonathan karl tonight. >> reporter: tonight, house speaker kevin mccarthy is facing questions after he gave fox news
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access to some 44,000 hours of raw surveillance footage from january 6th. >> speaker mccarthy, why are you releasing those tapes to fox, sir? >> reporter: on the sixth, the country and the world saw the violence unfold. but overnight, this is what they saw on fox. >> they were peaceful. they were orderly and meek. these were not insurrectionists. they were sightseers. >> reporter: despite all the images we saw that day, rioters smashing windows, beating police officers, and rummaging through the desks on the senator foot, host tucker carlson showed selected clips with no context to claim trump supporters who broke into the building were treating it with respect. >> they're not destroying the capitol. they obviously revere the capitol. >> reporter: today, the chief of the capitol police told his officers carlson's show was, quote, filled with offensive and misleading conclusions about the
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january 6th attack. he added, "truth and justice are on our side." several republican senators expressed outrage at the fox report. >> i think it's [ bleep ]. >> there were a lot of people in the capitol at the time who i think were scared for their lives. so, i think -- however you want to describe it. but it was an attack on the capitol. >> particularly when you come into the chambers when you start opening the members desk, when you stand up in the balcony, to somehow put that in the same category as a permitted peaceful protest is just a lie. >> reporter: today, speaker mccarthy, who decided to give tucker carlson those 44,000 hours of raw footage, dodged questions. >> reporter: but we remember what he said january 6th just hours after the rioters were cleared out of the capitol. >> the silence, destruction, and chaos we saw earlier was unacceptable, undemocratic, and un-american.
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it was the saddest day i've ever had serving as a member of this institution. >> all right, so, let's bring in jon karl with us live tonight, bcause jon, there's another developing headline tonight. hundreds of pages of documents released in the defamation lawsuit brought by ghinon voting systems. and you and the team have been pouring through this what do you see so far? >> reporter: there's a lot here, david, but bottom line, more evidence that top people at fox privately knew that donald trump's claims about the stolen election were just not true. and you see one very interesting email here from rupert murdoch expressing concerns that two of the network's top stars, laura ingraham and sean hannity, were doing too much to spread trump's lies, as murdoch writes in this email, "maybe sean and laura went too far." david? >> jon karl, thank you so much. now to the crisis at the border tonight. and news this evening that the white house has privately discussed the possibility of
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reinstating the policy of detaining migrant families who cross into the u.s. illegally. let's get right to mary bruce. mary, i know you are learned this is, in fact, under consideration, not a done deal, but if so, it would be a major reversal here. >> reporter: it could, david. president biden was quick to stop this policy shortly after he took office, but now we've learned that detaining migrant families is back on the table. now, no decisions have been made. but i'm told that any family detentions would be limited to just a small number of days to allow for swift processing. now, this would be significantly different than the policies under former president trump, who, of course, separated children from their families and sought to detain my grants indefinitely. all of this comes as the administration is now scrambling to tackle what is expected to be another surge at the border in the comes months and detaining migrant families is now just one option being discussed. david? >> mary bruce, thank you. when we come back here, a deadly wall collapse here in new york city. one worker killed, several injured when it came down. we'll have late news on that.
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and then a major move tonight by weight watchers, a possible game-changer for members when it comes to access to diet prescriptions growing in popularity here in the u.s. the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. [dad] once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors.
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month. when we come back, the major headline tonight involving weight watchers. and you have to see the cheerleader and what she did alone. america strong. ♪ ♪ we're the ones getting it done. we're managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk. we're on it with jardiance. join the growing number of people who are on it with the once-daily pill, jardiance. jardiance not only lowers a1c, it goes beyond to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease. and jardiance may help you lose some weight. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, (that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function), and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. a once-daily pill that goes beyond lowering a1c?
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and create that shield around it. i'm excited for this product- i think patients are really going to like it. to the index tonight and weight watchers planning to buy the tele-health platform sequence for $132 million. it would connect members to doctors that can prescribe medication, including ozempic, growing in popularity. the drug promoted as a weight loss aid. the best advice, of course, comes from your own doctor. when we come back here, the cheerleader suddenly alone, and what she did. ♪ when pain says, “i'm here,” ♪ i say, “so are they.” just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve who do you take it for? i'm kareem abdul-jabbar.
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finally tonight here, america strong. the cheerleader suddenly alone, and what she did. tonight, in nebraska, the entire community cheering for katrina. katrina is a senior and has been on the cheerleading squad since she was a freshman. >> their big state competition was just two weeks away, when her teammates chose not to compete for different reasons. but katrina deciding to compete alone. reworking the entire routine with her coach, april lott. katrina running out to that competition floor by herself, holding up the sign, "go", "fight." the crowd cheering her on when she was suddenly alone. one cheer after another. >> blue and gold! >> holding up her school's letters, mhs.
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the entire crowd, even competitors cheering her on. then, the final song. and right here tonight -- >> hi, david. >> katrina on why she kept going. >> i just wanted to get a message out to everyone to go for your dreams, no matter how big or small, you can achieve them with a lot of hard work and dedication. >> it turns out katrina ended up placing better than her school has done in years. >> hi, david. >> katrina's coach on the lesson. >> to not be afraid to finish something old, and even have the courage to stand up and be proud of yourselves each and every day. >> well, we're cheering for katrina, too. i'm david muir. i'll see you right back here tomorrow night. good night.
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announcer: building a better bay area. moving forward. finding solutions. >> we are still cleaning up the mess from the atmospheric river. if these wind come through, it is going to take out a lot of trees. kristen: upping for the best, preparing for the worst. another round of storms close in. >> the amount of snowfall is nothing i have ever seen before. >> now the possibility of a warm storm melting all the snow not just in yosemite, but across the sierra. thanks for joining us. kristen: is another atmospheric river is expected, impacts from the last round of storms are still being felt by the folks hit hardest. larry: zach fuentes spent the day in santa cruz county edge joins us live now. he i let's get a check of the forecast with spencer christiansen.
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we are in for it. spencer: we certainly are. right now, things are relatively quiet, but take a look. you can see there's not much happening in the way of precipitation. but, we still have a storm with us. it is going to show up this evening. it is a level one on the impact scale. into tomorrow morning but beginning tonight, showers and brief downpours with a chance of thunder, hail and a wintry mix. here is our animation starting at 6:00 p.m. between 6:00 in midnight, most activity will be in the north bay. periods of heavy downpours, maybe thunder and snow in higher elevations. after been died, the storm drops southward. the morning commute tomorrow's going to be quite wet with slippery roadways and brief downpours. maybe not even brief, but steady. by mid morning, we expect that sort to be out of here. we start tomorrow, the middle part of the


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