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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 6, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. tonight, the chilling midair attack. a passenger accused of trying to stab a flight attendant multiple times. the united flight from los angeles to boston. the passenger trying to open an emergency exit door, then accused of attacking the flight attendant, trying to stab the attendant multiple times. passengers and crew tackling him, restraining him until they could land at boston's logan airport. also tonight, the other news from logan, two united planes clipping wings on the tarmac. and then news tonight on a southwest flight to florida. the bird strike. smoke filling the cabin. passengers then standing on the wings, escaping down emergency slides. gio benitez covers aviation for us. also tonight, the disturbing new video appearing to show four americans being kidnapped at gun point in mexico, just across the
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texas border. the gunmen appearing heavily armed and wearing body armor, pulling them from a mini van and putting them in the back of a pickup. what the u.s. state department is saying tonight. the violent scene in atlanta. more than 100 people clashing with police. explosives and molotov cocktails hurled at officers. nearly two dozen suspects tonight charged with domestic terrorism. only two of them are actually from georgia. elwyn lopez is there. bracing for several feet of more snow. the new storm in the west. and this is already the scene tonight, driving through walls of snow some 20 feet high. tonight, families that have already run out of food and critical medicine. matt gutman in california. in fact, there are two systems we're watching tonight. in the northeast, a fast-moving storm. several inches of snow and rain coming in some places. and then that new system set to slam the west again. ginger zee timing it all out. yet another train derailment in ohio. it comes one month now after the
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toxic train derailment in east palestine. another norfolk southern train. what authorities are saying about this one tonight. alex presha is there. the war in ukraine tonight. and the horrific images. what's believed to be a ukrainian prisoner of war executed by russian forces. we will not show the moment, but tonight, reports what he said just before he was killed. james longman in ukraine. back in the u.s. tonight, the mysterious death on a carnival cruise ship from charleston, south carolina, to the bahamas. the fbi now investigating. tonight, the personal plea from bruce willis' wife about dementia and respect. and the school janitor, the retiree, who couldn't afford his bills, so, at 80, he showed up at school. what the students did. america strong. good evening and it's great to have you with us here for
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another week. and we begin this monday night with the horrific scene playing out on a united flight from los angeles to boston. authorities say a man tried to open an emergency door. an alarm went off in the cockpit. when flight attendants confronted him, they say he tried to stab a flight attendant multiple times. all of it with a spoon he broke and turned into a weapon. passengers rushing in to help the crew, to restrain the passenger, holding him down the aisle until that plane could land at logan airport in boston. he was arrested tonight. he faces federal charges. and the other flight tonight that was terrifying for passengers on its way to florida. a bird strike. smoke then filling the cabin. one of the engines out, forcing an emergency landing. passengers then escaping through the windows and down slides. abc's gio benitez, who covers aviation, leading us off tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a horrifying midair attack. authorities say this man, seen pinned down inside a plane, tried to open an emergency exit door, then trying to stab a flight attendant.
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>> passenger is restrained with trying to open the external door, emergency door. >> reporter: investigators say about 45 minutes before the united airlines flight from l.a. to boston landed, francisco torres went into a bathroom and broke a metal spoon, turning it into a weapon, then went to an emergency exit and tried opening the door, which can't be opened midflight. in a confrontation with flight attendants, authorities say torres attempted to stab one of them in the neck three times, but luckily, it only hit the flight attendant's shirt collar and tie. >> two subjects with minor injuries. >> reporter: one passenger telling abc news torres was allegedly screaming, "i want to make a bloodbath and kill everyone and women and children." passengers and crew members tackling torres, restraining his hands and feet with zip ties, holding him down until the plane landed in boston, where the fbi immediately took him into custody. >> he's not going quietly. he's just laying there with six able bodies on top of him. >> reporter: in a separate incident today, also at boston's logan airport, two united planes
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clipping wings, as one of the jets pushed back from the gate. the latest in a series of planes bumping into each other. no one was injured. and on a southwest plane to fort lauderdale sunday, this terrifying scene. passengers screaming in horror as smoke fills the cabin. flight attendants telling passengers to cover their nose and face. those oxygen masks dropping down, some passengers struggling to get them. >> some of us had to punch the things to take the mask, but i thank god we're alive. >> reporter: the plane making an emergency landing back in havana. >> evacuate! evacuate! >> evacuate, evacuate! >> reporter: passengers standing on the wings and escaping down emergency slides. some of them emotional, describing the chaos. >> explosion. a lot of smoke. we couldn't breathe. >> reporter: southwest telling us multiple birds hit the engine causing that smoke to enter the cabin. >> some of those birds went down
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the right engine and may have damaged the engine to the point that oil was ingested in the engine and put smoke into the cabin. >> let's bring in gio benitez. of course, all of this very unsettling. gio, i want to go back to this other flight making news at the top of your piece, that flight from l.a. to boston, the united flight. that suspect taken into custody by the fbi tonight? >> reporter: and david, he's 33 years old. he's been charged with interference with a flight crew, using a dangerous weapon, and that's why, david, if he's convicted, he could face life in prison. >> gio benitez leading us off here tonight. gio, thank you. the other major story tonight, to the disturbing video of four americans who authorities believe were kidnapped just south of the border in mexico. tonight, the fbi now working with mexican authorities. we have the disturbing srveillance video here, showing heavily armed men pulling the americans from their minivan. at least one of them can be seen being put in the back of a truck. a mexican bystander was killed. all of the americans are still missing tonight. and there is now a new reward for any information. abc's matt rivers is in mexico
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tonight. >> reporter: tonight, disturbing new video appearing to show a group of americans being violently kidnapped at gunpoint, just across the texas border in matamoros, mexico. one person led into the back of a pickup truck by heavily armed men wearing body armor. a few moments later, the men pull another person into the truck bed as at least one other was left lying on the ground. abc news has not verified the authenticity of the video, but sources familiar with the matter confirming it is part of the fbi's investigation. u.s. officials say four americans traveling in a white minivan with north carolina plates crossed into mexico on friday. shortly after, gunmen began shooting at the van, kidnapping all four people inside. one mexican bystander was also killed. president biden briefed, the fbi and state department working with the mexican government to find them. >> these sorts of attacks are unacceptable. we will continue to coordinate with mexico and push them to bring those responsible to
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justice. >> reporter: the conditions of the americans are unknown, but tonight, abc news learning the identify of the victims. barbara burgess saying her daughter latavia "tay" mcgee, traveled with this group from south carolina to mexico to get cosmetic surgery. the city of matamoros in the state of tamaulipas, is one of the most dangerous in mexico. >> the travel advisory for tamaulipas state remains at level four, do not travel. we encourage americans to heed that advice. >> reporter: and david, here in mexico city, abc news has learned that the u.s. ambassador to mexico met today with the mexican president in his office at the national palace. meanwhile, the fbi offering a $50,000 reward for the safe return of those four victims and for the arrests of those david?sible.- >> that video is really unbelievable. let's hope they are found safe. mat rivers tonight. matt, thank you. now, to atlanta. the violent scene at the sight of a police training center. more than 100 people clashing with police.
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nearly two dozen people tonight charged with domestic terrorism. surveillance video showing protesters tossing firecrackers and molotov cocktails, setting equipment on fire. tonight, at least 23 people have been arrested. only two were actually from georgia. abc's elwyn lopez in atlanta for us. >> reporter: tonight, nearly two dozen people facing domestic terrorism charges after a violent clash with atlanta police. >> this was a very violent attack. >> reporter: officials say agitator, most from out of state, breached the construction site of a police training facility critics dub "cop city" after splintering off from a peaceful protest. the crowd, some dressed in black, seen here launching what authorities have called a coordinated attack, hurling rocks, fireworks, and molotov cocktails, setting equipment ablaze. >> when you throw molotov cocktails, large rocks, a number of items at officers, your only intent is to harm. >> reporter: s.w.a.t. teams and police swarming the area. one officer seen taking one protester down with a stun gun. >> this was about anarchy and the attempt to destabilize. >> reporter: environmentalists
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have occupied the site, all in an effort, they say, to save the wooded area. also arguing that training facility would militarize police. in january, rioters smashed windows, setting a cruiser on fire. this just days after officials say activist manuel teran shot a trooper and was then killed by law enforcement. and tonight, some protesters accusing police in this latest incident of violating civil rights. saying in part that this, quote, reaffirms that this cop training facility should never be built. and david, only two of those charged are from georgia. the rest out of state and two people even from different countries. and david, city council overwhelmingly voted in favor of that training facility, both republicans and democrats in support. david? >> elwyn lopez in atlanta for us. thank you, elwyn. we're tracking two systems tonight, one set to hit the northeast, the other set to hit the west again. another cross-country storm. and so many families are still suffering from the last one. these images near lake tahoe tonight. what it's like driving through walls of snow. look at that. incredible. some 20 feet high.
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this is before this next system. in south lake tahoe, a jeep sliding down a narrow road. people rushing out of the way. in southern california tonight, families still trapped. county crews using heavy equipment, still trying to clear the roads. families now out of food, and at our matt gutman learned, out of critical medicine, too. >> reporter: tonight, with walls of snow up to 20 feet high, families hemmed in in san bernardino county, and in survival mode. as communities like crestline begin to dig out, teresa wells eating her first meal out. desperate for necessities, she and her daughter had previously braved the snow with her grandaughter, turning her baby tub into a sled. they got food, but have been unable to get teresa's cancer medication. this is, what, your sixth day, starting on your sixth day when you haven't been able to take your medication? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: your chemo medication? >> yes. >> reporter: teresa telling us she was worried about her siblings who live at a senior living community.
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we drove there, finding teresa's sister betty and her brother. betty's been stuck, because her car is buried. >> just trying to do it little by little. >> reporter: it's incredible. you got to see -- down in here, you can just make out the toyota tag. this is a prius that is buried under all of this. probably several tons worth of snow. and finally, teresa arrived. they bundle their brother in, a quick hug, and off to find medicine. in northern california, one resident capturing this image of a claustrophobic drive in lake tahoe. massive walls of snow on each side of the car. a new system set to move in, dumping more snow on the sierra nevadas. david, as residents begin to emerge from their homes to get food, medicine, basic supplies, they have been telling us how angry they are at local and state officials for what they say is their lack of preparedness ahead of what everybody knew would be a monster storm. and they say that what they are seeing, that response right now, simply not enough. david?
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>> and it's still quite a scene right there behind you. matt, we're glad you're there. thank you. let's get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee. we're tracking this new storm in the west that matt mentioned, and this quick system in the northeast, as well, right, ginger? >> reporter: yes, that quick system called a clipper system, named after the ships that moved fast with the wind, will move fast and it will drop about one to three inches of snow, david. so, let's look ahead at that. the heaviest of which would be scranton, williamsport, squeezed between new york city and philadelphia. remember, philadelphia's only had .3 inches so far this season. you could see a few snowflakes mixing in, but they're 20 inches below average. not the case on the west coast. 190% of normal snowpack for the state of california, and nor come thursday into friday. watch that atmospheric river pull in and leave up to five feet, that's south of reno, and mount shasta back toward northwest of reading could also have five, six feet. david? >> all right, ginger, thank you so much. we'll be watching first thing in the morning. yet another train derailment to report on, and also in ohio,
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one month after that toxic train derailment. yet again, the train operated by norfolk southern. abc's alex presha on the scene of this newest derailment, this time in springfield, ohio. >> reporter: tonight, questions as to what caused yet another norfolk southern train to derail, this time in springfield, ohio. the incident coming a month after that toxic derailment in east palestine. dash cam video shows 28 of the 212 cars careening off the tracks saturday, sending metal flying. >> pretty serious derailment, multiple cars in the roadway. >> reporter: ntsb investigators are now on the ground. the rail operator and local agencies say no cars carrying hazardous materials derailed, but there were such cars on that train. how close of a call was this? >> i mean, i'm not going to speculate on how close of a call it was. obviously, safety at norfolk southern is a priority. there were no hazardous material cars involved in this derailment. and that's what's important. >> reporter: today, norfolk southern released a six-point plan to boost rail safety, including enhancing its hot bearing detector network.
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an overheated bearing is what the ntsb thinks was the cause of the derailment in east palestine. trains in springfield this morning already back on track, passing through that site as we saw crews in hazmat vests combing the scene. tonight, the chair of the ntsb saying they are digging into the train company's accident history. >> we're going to look at culture in the company, safety culture. we will look at management practices and policies. we'll really dig in. >> reporter: david, from this vantage point, you can see the cars behind me, still a lot left to clean up. miraculously, no injuries reported here, but the cause of this derailment is still under investigation. david? >> alex, thank you. we're going to turn now to the war in ukraine tonight, and what ukrainian president zelenskyy is now saying about the battle for bakhmut. and tonight, the horrific new images here, what's believed to be a ukrainian prisoner of war executed by russian forces. we're not going to show the moment, of course, but tonight, reports what he said just before he was killed. james longman in ukraine again tonight.
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>> reporter: tonight, casualties soaring on both sides as the battle for bakhmut grinds on. russia's total war obliterating much of the city. the street-by-street fighting brutal. but every inch russia takes has cost them dearly, with reports that russian casualties are several times that of the ukrainians. yevgeny prigozhin, the head of russia's mercenary force here, the wagner group, complaining they're running low on troops and ammunition, and that the russian military might be diverting resources elsewhere, warning, "if we retreat from bakhmut, then the entire front will crumble." and horrifying video released today, posted by the ukrainian government's human rights commission, showing the moment a ukrainian soldier, believed to be a prisoner of the russians, is executed after saying "slava ukraini," glory to ukraine. and david, tonight, president zelenskyy has denied rumors of a ukrainian withdrawal from bakhmut, saying it's yielded the greatest results of this war, namely, draining russia of its resources and even buying
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ukraine more time to reinforce the region. david? >> james longman in ukraine for us again tonight. james, thank you. when we come back here on a monday night, the fbi investigating the mysterious death onboard a carnival cruise ship from charleston to the bahamas. and then tonight, bruce willis' wife and her deeply personal plea about dementia and respect, as willis now battles this disease. for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are positive for acetylcholine receptor antibodies, it may feel like the world is moving without you. but the picture is changing, with vyvgart. in a clinical trial, participants achieved improved daily abilities with vyvgart added to their current treatment. and vyvgart helped clinical trial participants achieve reduced muscle weakness. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. in a clinical study, the most common infections were urinary tract and respiratory tract infections. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections
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plane going down. home surveillance showing the plane going down yesterday, exploding in a ball of flames on long island. we now know a mother and daughter were on sight-seeing tour. one of the passengers was killed. the other passenger and the pilot in critical condition tonight. the pilot issuing a mayday just before that crash. tonight, the fbi is investigating a mysterious death of a passenger onboard a carnival cruise ship. the carnival "sunshine" sailing from charleston, south carolina, to the bahamas. she was found unresponsive in her cabin. the medical staff and crew members unable to revive her. authorities in the bahamas believe she may have died from a sudden illness. they have given no more information. when we come back tonight, the personal plea from the wife of bruce willis. what she says about dementia, what families go through, and giving him his needed space. ce for copd, ask your doctor about breztri. breztri gives you better breathing, symptom improvement, and helps prevent flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it.
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space living with dementia, after the family revealing his battle with the disease. she says, quote, if you are someone who is looking after somebody with dementia, you know how difficult and stressful it can be to get someone out into the world and to navigate them safely, even just to get a cup of coffee. it's clear that there's still a lot of education that needs to be put forth. please don't be yelling at my husband, asking how he's doing, whatever, just don't do it. give him the space. the plea from bruce willis' wife. a passing to note tonight. the last surviving member of lynyrd skynyrd. ♪ i'm as free as a bird now ♪ >> guitarist gary rossington has died. a founding member of lynyrd skynyrd, badly injured in the plane crash that killed four of his band mates, including ronnie van zant. he said it was his mission to keep the band's legacy arrive. gary rossington was 71. when we come back here tonight, the 80-year-old retiree. his bills shooting up, so he showed up at school to be a janitor at 80, and what the students did. postmenopausal women with hr+ her2- metastatic breast cancer
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finally tonight, he was retired, but like so many retirees, the bills going up. so, at 80, he showed up at school to work as the janitor. the students noticed. tonight, in callisburg, texas, north of dallas/fort worth, the students at callisburg high school have just done something extraordinary for their beloved janitor, mr. james. mr. james gailey is 80 years old. and like so many retirees, he came out of retirement to pay his bills. principal jason hooper. >> he shared with me his rent within a year has gone up nearly $400, and he just couldn't afford to continue paying without going back to work. >> senior grayson thurmond. >> when i saw him in the hall, it broke my heart, because nobody at 80 should be working. they should be living the rest of their life.
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>> so, the students had an idea. taking this video of mr. james and posting in online with the caption, "this is our 80-year-old janitor who had his rent raised and had to come back to work. let's help mr. james out!" senior marty eusco. >> we're just hoping that whatever we can get might give him a little bit of cushion, a little bit more comfort. >> tonight, now 2 1/2 weeks after their post, the incredible response. people so moved by what the students did, they began donating to mr. james on gofundme. more than 8,000 donations from all of the country now, more than $270,000. and because of those students tonight, mr. james is going back into retirement. and right here tonight, the principal. >> hey, david. >> principal hooper on his students, who recognized need and acted. >> we're so thankful that we have kids who look out for others, who love one another, and who display kindness in every way that they possibly can. >> we're counting on this next generation. they sure stepped up.
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>> an i-team exclusive. hackers who had the city of oakland's computer system want $9 million ransom. the words of advice from people who may have been affected by the breach. >> we are a friendly mob of neighbors trying to get some help. >> already storm better neighbors in the east bay trying to make repairs before a new atmospheric river heads. the wind damaged area that has been a big concern. >> san francisco mayor's brother, who is serving time for murder, robbery, and a carjacking, could be released next month. the new information released by the eye team. >> building a better bay area. moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. >> this now, and the impact will be a lot greater and tremendous. >> the eye team taking a closer look at the impact of a hack attack that has crippled some services in the city of oakland.
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thank you for joining us. >> this is a quick timeline of the new developments that oakland is still struggling to resolve. the hack was confirmed that week. the nonemergency systems including phone lines within the city of oakland were impacted or off-line. the city said 91 one service as well as fire and emergency resources and financial data were not impacted. >> the following week, oakland declared a local state of emergency, allowing the city to speed up the process of getting equipment and materials, and activating emergency workers if needed. on march 3, hackers leaked dat of city employees. >> stephanie sierra has been closi closely following the attack. she has an update on the information compromised and efforts to get back control of that effort. >> we have known about this hack for nearly a month. tonight, we


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