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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  March 6, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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reggie: students will be back on campus for the first time since a fight between students turned deadly. how students express her frustration about school safety. >> another train tournament ohio only adding more pressure. top executives to testify in congress. reggie: another storm means more snow for the bay area. some cutoff and supplies to ride out the storm. welcome to monday, march 6. it is great to see drew tuma back. drew: what a week. >> you missed a lot. drew: right now we have light showers to talk about. high elevation snow. you can see showers moving in
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along the coast. we have a winter weather advisory in effect until 10:00 for our hilltop for a chance of snow showers. right now it is quite cold. 40's and low 30's. 39 in fremont. 43 in half moon bay. we are at level one today. a light storm. very similar to how yesterday was. scattered showers and sunshine not out of the question over the next 24 hours. snow levels about 1500 feet. you notice a cold breeze. we have partly to mostly cloudy skies and here is how the day shapes up. on and off showers throughout the day. not raining the entire day. it is rate mixing with snow temperatures only in the low 50's. we will take a closer look at
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the rain and show you the winter weather advisory coming up. reggie: let's see what the snow has done in the sierra. this is a live look from our camera in lake tahoe. snowfall making for tough conditions on the road. this was yesterday along highway 89 from truckee into tahoe. there it is. eastbound highway 50 is closed. i-80 is closed westbound to the state line. snow chains are required on all non-four wheel drives. officials in the sierra are boarding to play it safe with these harsh conditions. >> if anyone wants to come up and play we welcome you when the sun is out. reggie: look at recent drive-through two towering walls of snow to get to their house in lake tahoe. with more snow on the way california's snowpack is expected to surpass the all-time season record.
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now let's go to san bernardino. residents trapped under several feet of snow. residents doing their best to clear snow from their home. they can hear the snow damaging their houses. >> we were hearing pops and cracks. my stepdad dug out the shovel. we spent all day taking off tons of snow. reggie: people living in the town of crestline are getting help. snowplow crews are helping to clear, making it easier to get food and water. then he are stranded after snow has buried their cars under feet of snow. the wrote down the mountain -- the road -- many are afraid to make the drive because they are afraid they will not get back. >> i will go down for myself but i am not sure if i will get back because my wife has medical
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condition. reggie: officials are working to deliver food to those stranded residents. >> governor newsom meant to strategize on the states response to recent winter storms. he declared a state of emergency last week for 13 counties in the state. he had the national guard and other state emergency teams out the hard-hit areas. you can keep track of weather conditions as the storm moved through the bay area and access the same live doppler 7 our weather team uses on-demand on the abc 7 bay area app. moving on, students at montgomery high school in santa rosa will be back on campus for the first time since that deadly stabbing in a classroom last week. lena howland joins us from the newsroom with what students and teachers can expect on campus. good morning. lena: as students return to montgomery county in santa rosa for the stabbing they will be
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greeted by three extra police officers for added security. this comes after 16-year-old jason be into was killed on campus last wednesday. police -- the mother of student that was also injured and stabbed in the hand during the dispute says she warned the school the students were having issues and says for three weeks they have been trying to find a resolution. she says her son was assaulted by the same 15-year-old freshman and jaden's tires were slashed last week, allegedly by the same student. >> district failed by son. they failed jaden and the rest of the students that attended school. lena: the 15-year-old freshman accused of stabbing jaden as well as another student has been arrested. amid safety concerns brought up
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by families across the area, santa rosa's police chief will attend two upcoming listening sessions on school safety. the first is tonight for the sonoma valley unified school district starting at 6:30. the second is for santa rosa city sools at tuesday evening in person at 4:30 at the friedman event to center. we have also learned students at montgomery county are planning to walk out of class at 11:50 to demand change amid growing concerns for safety. live in the newsroom, lena howland, abc 7 news. reggie: investigators from national transportation safety board will be in ohio to investigate another derailed train a month after the toxic derailment in east palestine. jobina is at the live desk. the trades were operated by the same company. jobina: the last five months four trains from norfolk
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southern have derailed in ohio. saturday 28 out of 200 cars went off the track. authorities at the scene of the crash say this poses no threat to the public health. >> once we got crews noticed there was no hazards, deking, no spillage. jobina: nobody was injured in this weekends crash and the cause of the derailment is under investigation. in nearby east palestine residents say they are still suffering from skin irritation, coughing, fatigue, headaches, and anxiety. the situation has prompted bipartisan legislation which proposes a requirement for rail companies to notify emergency officials if they are transporting hazardous materials. norfolk southern says safety is their number one priority and derailments have been going down.
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the ceo is set to testify in front of congress on thursday. liz: very sad news out of the south bay. a mother on a hike with her child's boy scout troop was struck and killed by a falling tree. this happened yesterday morning at rancho san antonio county park. emergency crews say the tree brought down several other trees. crews tried rendering aid, but were unsuccessful. >> she was with her husband and son so it was a horrible tragedy. most people were enjoying the flora and fauna of the park and not paying attention and looking up and saying that tree is that a bad angle, maybe i should go somewhere else or be more careful. it is a horrible tragedy. liz: is closed off to hikers. family members have not shared the woman's name. reggie: in the north bay of fallen tree made it dangerous
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for anyone driving down highway 29. this large oak fell on the roadway yesterday in the st. helena area. fortunately no one was hurt there and crews moved quickly to reopen both of the lanes. drew: our stormy pattern continues through much of the week. here is live doppler 7. you're noticing an upper level low at california and oregon still supplying us with the chance of scattered showers throughout the day, snow in our mountains as well. we have a winter storm warning in effect for tahoe until 4:00 this afternoon. it is a mess traveling to tahoe. the snow is not over yet. live doppler 7, showers moving through the north bay. parts of britain county from the coastline. snow around st. helena. we have a downpour crossing 580 this morning. we will find scattered showers
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as our monday wears on. winter weather advisory in effect for the mountains of the north bay until 10:00 today. by 8:00, a line of showers is moving through. it continues through 10:00. into the afternoon and evening we have a chance of scattered showers. any shower could contain hail. rainfall estimates today between .1 and .5 inches with this storm. it is a chilly day today. temperatures only in the low to mid 50's by this afternoon. more rain is in the forecast for the week ahead. we will show you the seven day in about eight minutes. let's check in with jobina for traffic. jobina: we have a wind advisory for the altamont pass. everything is green. a nice monday commute. no blocking issues. a live picture of the san mateo bridge where everything is moving at the limit. it is beginning to fill in in the westbound direction.
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headlights are traveling westbound this morning. our slow spot will be for our super commuters. that ride is sitting around 47 minutes. i will let you know if anything changes on that commute. reggie and liz? reggie: donald trump taking an early lead among republicans. a straw poll released showing he is outpacing other candidates by double digits. liz: we are six days away from the oscars. all the ways you can watch the awards this year. reggie: the bay bridge is shining no more. the moments the lights shut off. liz:
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reggie: over the weekend former president trump headlined cpac. a straw poll shows the former president as the clear choice for the republican nominee in 2024, receiving nearly 62% of the vote compared to his next closest competitor, ron desantis at 20%.
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cpac's topic for vice-president is kari lake. ron desantis also finished second in that poll. ron desantis made a trip southern california to speak at the ronald reagan library over the weekend. the visit did not come without protest. graffiti was sprayed at the library before he even arrived. one of the signs read ron de fascist. the rising republican politician spoke to more than 1300 attendees. he is not officially entered the presidential race but experts see his visit to the reagan library as an audition for gop voters in california. liz: bernie sanders stopped in california. visitors from as far away as fresno joined the former presidential candidate for the formal book discussion.
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his book is titled "it is ok to be angry about capitalism." bernie sanders explained the thought process that went into the publication. >> we wanted to bring forth an honest assessment of the reality of american life for tens of millions of people whose pain is very rarely discussed. liz: the literary foundation hosted the event and each attendee received a free copy of the book. >> ♪ liz: president biden was in selma, alabama to celebrate the landmark march that helped galvanize the civil rights movement. it was 58 years ago when alabama state troopers beat hundreds of civil rights marchers as they attempted to cross the edmund pettus bridge. president biden says voting rights are still being threatened today. pres. biden: the right to have your vote counted is the threshold of democracy and
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liberty. with it anything is possible. without that right, nothing is possible. this fundamental right remains under assault. the conservative supreme court has gutted the voting rights act over the years. liz: the president urged congress to pass the john lewis voting rights act and the freedom to vote act. both measures are stalled in congress. reggie: the iconic lights along the bay bridge have simmered for the last time. here is a live look from your south beach camera. no more dazzling light display. yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of the light installation. look at the moment those 25,000 led lights turned off at 8:00 p.m.. there is a path for those lights to come on again. a fundraising campaign is underway to raise $11 million. there is a crown funding slight just launched at bay lights
5:17 am it is called 360 because they want to improve the lights to put them on both sides. drew: i hope it comes back. it is so prissy. -- it is so pretty. liz: do they need them on both sides? drew: it has always kind of annoyed me it was on the one side. liz: i would rather one side of the no sides. that is all i'm saying. drew: it is really pretty. i've a feeling they will raise the rest of the $5 billion in aid. liz: it is the bay area. reggie: make me miss you. drew: make the heart grow fonder. come back in 2024. we are still in the weather pattern where we have showers and snow in our mountaintops. it is been an active week and will stay active through this week. live doppler 7 showing we have showers offshore. this line will move in around 6:00 or 7:00 this morning and
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bring us a quick moving downpour. high elevation snow in the north bay where we have a winter weather advisory in effect until 10:00 this morning. a level one on the abc 7 storm impact scale. the snow level hovering around 1500 feet. a cold breeze. there the future whether. the line moving in off the coast line at 7:30, and that as we head towards the afternoon we have a chance of scattered showers and that threat continues tuesday as well. tuesday peaks of sunshine. a shower here and there. unsettle the next 48 hours. today highs will go into the low to mid 50's. overnight tonight it is chilly. rainfall totals over the next three days, not high amounts, but certainly wet from time to time. we are keeping our eyes on friday. there is a potential we could
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see some tropical moisture in the form of an atmospheric river. right now we saw the fine tuned to details where we could have heavy rain locally and more heavy snow. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast. wintry mix today with more showers tomorrow. a slight chance on wednesday. thursday looks to be the driest day and we have level two by friday or saturday with rain and wind. liz: coming up, s know this morning. reggie: nearly one year after he got slapped, comedian chris rock is addressing it. what critics are saying about rocks performance over the weekend. liz:
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but firefighters entering a burning house... will one day save time when lives are on the line. visualizing a patient's most recent scan... will help speed up decision making in the er. and while the woolly mammoth is still extinct... that doesn't mean students can't take field trips to visit them. the metaverse may be virtual, but the impact will be real. ♪ma ma ma ma♪ [clears throut] for fast sore throat relief,
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try vicks vapocool drops with two times more menthol per drop*, and the powerful rush of vicks vapors for fast-acting relief you can feel. vicks vapocool drops. fast relief you can feel. the peppadew pepper on panera's new green goddess caprese melt. vicks vapocool drops. it's a small detail. but when enough of those details are melted together... they become big. new toasted baguettes. cater your next event with panera. liz: here are seven things to know this morning. students at montgomery high school in santa rosa are planning a walkout, demanding better safety on campus after classroom stabbing last week. today is the first day back to school since wednesday's incident. the 15-year-old freshman accused in the stabbing has been arrested. reggie: a mother hiking with her son and his boy scout troop was killed after tree fell on her at rancho san antonio county park.
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the trail where this happened is now closed off to hikers. liz: another norfolk southern train derailment in ohio over the weekend. officials say the train was not carrying hazardous materials. the top rail executive will testify on capitol hill over the disastrous drama that happened more than a month ago. liz: -- reggie: governor says the trade is coming up with a plea -- the state is coming up the plan to better response to the winter storms. 13 counties in the state to get the national guard out to hard-hit areas. drew: showers this morning and snow in our higher elevations. live doppler 7 showing the showers. a level one light storm. showers on and off throughout the day. more hail is possible. jobina: so far we have a very clear commute this morning.
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our only advisory from the chp will be a wind advisory from the alta month past. otherwise we are bringing you a live showing the richmond-san rafael bridge. liz: the iconic lights on the bay bridge have come to an end for now. last day the bridge went dark and will stay that way until funding can be raised for repairs. $11 million has been raised for tax -- 6 million has been collected. reggie: in gma, pas sharing video of the smoke-filled cabin. >> in this morning's gma first look, a bird strike emergency. that smoke filling the cabin inside a southwest airlines plane. passengers using the overhead oxygen masks. the flight was headed to fort lauderdale from havana on sunday. southwest saying there was a reported bird strike to the
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engine in the aircraft's nose shortly after takeoff. >> we have bird strikes every day but seldom does it require an emergency return. we always err on the side of caution and that is what this crew did. >> the plane turning around and making an emergency landing. customers covering their faces as they evacuated. much more at 7:00. with your gma first look, i am victor of kendo, abc news, miami. liz: chr anticipated performance over the weekend is getting mixed reactions after he addressed the oscars slap from will smith. the 58-year-old comedian released his first end up special since that incident and touched on several topics, including racism, meghan markle, abortion, and wokeness. he told a few jokes about smith. online reviews are split, some calling it fair, while others
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believe rock took it too far. reggie: which reminds us we are one week away from the 95th oscars. there to watch this year even if you not doing a tv watch party with friends. >> i want to be here with you. >> on march 12 abc is the place to be for the 94th academy awards. >> enjoy the moment. >> jimmy kimmel is back as host. this will be his third time hosting hollywood's biggest night. >> there only two ways to prepare. one is to write a ton of jokes and the other is to try to fit in your tuxedos. i've been writing in starving. you have to be funny at the beginning and funny throughout the thing and apologize repeatedly for how long the show is. >> among those scheduled to
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perform, rihanna, who will take the stage with her oscar-nominated song from black panther. >> ♪ lift me a ♪ >> if you cannot be in front of your tv, abc has you covered. you can li or the abc app. you can also watch on hulu live if you have a hulu live subscription. reggie: march 12 begins at 10:00 for a full day of the red carpet. the predictions, the wards hype, then don't miss the 95th oscars at 5:00 right here on abc 7. coming up, disneyland is removing a tiny bit of its parade.
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will tell you about the lyric from the controversial movie they are taking out. liz: plus a close encounter with a wild moose caught on camera. we hear from the snowmobilers who escaped tile, wood, stone and laminate — they've got it.
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>> building a better bay area. moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. reggie: taking a page from new york city. a rare look inside the countries first sanctioned drug consumption site and we hear from bay area leaders about how they can implement that same program here. liz: five days since a student was stabbed to death by another student and montgomery high school. this morning students are expected to be back in the classroom and they plan to take a stand and demand a safe learning environment. reggie: first, more wet weather is in store for the bay area. many waking up to a rainy commute. meanwhile communities in the sierra are dealing with several feet of snow.
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more is on the way. liz: thanks for joining us. i am sure a lot of people were up in tahoe, and now are stuck there. reggie: i am not sure that was a great choice. drew: i do not think it was a great choice. it is still snowing there. we are watching the line of downpours that will create heavy rain for a few minutes as the morning commute goes on. i have elation snow in the north bay. temperatures in the 30's and 40's. sunshine at times. a shower moves through inhale potential -- a shower moves through and hail potential. partly to mostly cloudy skies from the exploratorium camera. we keep the unsettled weather in the forecast the entire day. it is not raining the entire day but from time to time you'll see a shower moving through the neighborhood. finishing up with a winter until
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10:00. with a closer look at the rain, we will have that in a few minutes. reggie: parts of c bracing for five more feet of snow. gloria rodriguez is in the newsroom with that. gloria: officials say it could take days longer to rescue everyone trapped in the snow. governor gavin newsom has declared a state of emergency for san bernardino and 12 other counties to provide greater assistance for damaged areas. in the san bernardino mountains east of l.a., up to 12 feet of snow falling from back to back storms. some people are still stranded. crews tried to clear away snow and volunteers handing out supplies as people right out of food and gas. >> it is too thick and t and they are not equipped for this kind of ice. it is too much. gloria: christine foster and her
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father have been snowed into their home in arrowhead lake for two weeks. there cabin surrounded by nine foot walls of snow. officials say crews have removed so much snow from san bernardino county it could fill the superdome five times. authorities say they will evacuate anyone who wants to be evacuated and said them down the hill to shelters. liz: all of the f great for the snowpack in the sierra and for skiers and snowboarders, but officials and staff at resorts remind you it is also dangerous. crews at heavenly mountain resort have been working on avalanche control all weekend. >> right now with a wide we are experiencing, the avalanche danger is upwards of high to extreme. >> this morning it was just a wide-out. i could barely see. liz: records are expected to be broken by the end of the week. caltrans is working to clear the roads as quickly as possible.
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experts say the species will be extended. wait until things are cleared out. reggie: wild weather around the bay area highlighted by lots of hail. i stepford windshields and homes. decks in the oakland hills were also sprinkled with ice. highway 24 was slick. risky for drivers on the roads. it was not just rain inhale. did you see lightning in san francisco? there was also flooding saturday night. keep track of the weather conditions as the storms move through and access the same doppler seven hour weather team uses. liz: students school in santa rosa will be back on campus for the first time since the deadly stabbing in the classroom last week. lena howland joins us from the newsroom with what students and teachers can expect on campus. lena: we have learned students
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at montgomery high school are being welcomed back today for the first time since the stabbing are planning to walk out of class this morning at 11:15 to demand change amid growing concerns for safety. this comes after a 16-year-old was killed on campus last wednesday and a second student was injured. police believe the stabbing happened during a confrontation between multiple students. the mother of the student that was stabbed in the hand during the dispute warned the school that the students were having issues. >> you guys had knowledge that this was going to happen and you did not stop it then. >> they had issues last week and went to the store and ask them to do something about it and nothing happened. lena: the 15-year-old fresh accused of stabbing jaden as well as another student have been arrested. amid safety concerns police chiefs in santa rosa and sonoma
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are holding two upcoming listening sessions to talk about school safety. the first is tonight for the sonoma valley unified school district starting at 6:30. the second is for the santa rosa city schools happening in person on tuesday evening at 4:30 at the freeman event center. for the first time since the santa rosa city school board unanimously voted to pull school resource officers from school three years ago, three police officers will return to montgomery high school today as students head back to school for the first time since the stabbing. lena howland come abc 7 news. reggie: abc 7 is working to help build a better bay area and one of the biggest issues in the city of san francisco, the drug crisis. over a dozen local leaders went to new york city to observe the country's first-ever safe drug consumption site. san francisco is hoping to open
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three of these sites by the end of the year but their legal hurdles. abc 7 reporter has the story from new york. >> there are two safe consumption sites in new york city. what is right here behind me. both of them are operated by a nonprofit called on point. >> we are putting in an oral or nasal airway and making sure the oxygen is getting to the right place. >> the pace is fast and the purpose is clear. save lives and connect drug users to services they need, from treatment to medical care, a shower, and laundry. on point is operating the first sanctioned safe consumption sites in the u.s.. one location in harlem and the other in washington heights. more than a dozen of san francisco's local leaders are taking note. from city supervisors to the san francisco fire department, public health, and the nonprofits hoping to operate safe consumption sites in san francisco.
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lydia princeton is the executive director of the project. >> the biggest take away is how intentional everything is done. this is not a fly-by-night operation. this operation is intentional, it is very skilled, the people really know what they are doing. >> sam director of on point and says properly trained staff is key. >> we are not in there letting it happen. we are tough on how we operate these services. >> four milligrams naloxone spray. >> since opening nearly a year and a half ago, onpoint staff is overseen 55,000 drug injections or inhalations and reverse more than 700 overdoses. it has also connected more than 2200 people to treatment. >> we know it in opioid overdose
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the central nervous system is slowing down, we stopped breathing. >> 80% of the ove have to do is put on an oxygen mask connected to one of her oxygen tanks. take a big breath, that is all we will have to do. that is the beauty of the site. we are here from people the second the needle goes in the arm. >> is already in >> sam says he feels safer using his drugs under supervision. >> is cocaine with heroin mixed. >> and you will inject that? >> here. no better place than here. >> how often you come here? >> every day. >> where would you be otherwise? >> in the bathroom by myself. >> another point of interest for this group is what is happening
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on the streets outside of the safe consumption sites. how is it impacting the local neighborhoods? they will be getting a look at that as well. >> what is going on inside is important and i think it is saving lives but that will not work if it is creating a mess outside. >> supervisor mental dorsey noticing clean streets and very little open-air drug use. >> one thing that came through here is this running the overdose prevention centers in new york is committed to being a good neighbor and a good partner with the new york city police department. >> it is clean now, but you walk around, you see rigs everywhere. >> fred is battling add and says he does access the safe consumption site and has
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the streets. >> people were dying, you could walk over bodies. >> since the safe consumption site? >> it has changed a lot. >> safe consumption sites are illegal under federal law but the new york model could provide a path forward. these sites are funded by private donation, making the city less liable. >> you're getting a good look at the safe consumption sites in new york city. do you think this will move the ball forward and bring sites to san francisco? >> i do. we now have a whole group of advocates from san francisco who have seen these centers in real life and have proof they not only save lives, but they improve neighborhood conditions. >> tara campbell, abc 7 news. reggie: in addition to that store in new york city, tara
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also traveled to vancouver, north america's first-ever injection site. you can watch her documentary available wherever you stream. >> we are still over a year and a half away from the 2020 for election but that is not keeping work units from throwing their hat in the ring for the highest office in the land. coming up, look at the growing field of candidates looking to take on president biden next november. reggie: and a moose on the l oose. what happened when snowmobilers came face-to-face with a charging animal. this is why do not mess with the snow. drew: peers live doppler 7. busy across northern california. more showers and heavy snow falling in the sierras. a winter storm warning still in effect through this evening. we also have an avalanche warning in effect through this evening. strong winds are moving through and that could create avalanches
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, especially in our backcountry. we are expecting one to three feet of snow. at home we have rain and snow in our higher elevations. in the north bay, we take you to marin. downpours moving onshore in marin county. we are tracking oneself that will move through san mateo county. here it is and could contain hail. moving into half moon bay, it holds together moving through san mateo around 6:36. there is future whether. a lot of showers moving through then we stay unsettled through the afternoon and evening. rainfall totals between .1 and .5 inches of rain over the next 24 hours. it is a chilly day. temperatures only in the low to mid 50's. more rain coming this week. we talk about that in the seven-day. jobina: good morning. so far we are continuing with a very light commute looking at a
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wind advisory through the altamont pass but otherwise conditions moving up the limit. a live camera in oakland, the headlights are traveling southbound. a live picture of walnut creek showing 680. smooth sailing for this monday morning. we know this is the day were a lot of people work from home. our super commuters, the time keeps increasing. tracy to dublin come up to 53 minutes. highway 1 to cupertino also a 60 minute ride. nice and ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can beat it! ♪ visit or call 833-422-4255 to ask for medication to treat covid-19.
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liz: we are starting to get a clearer picture of the 2024 presidential race. president biden has a democratic challenger and president trump is vowing to keep campaigning even if he is indicted. jobina: former president trump
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is facing state and federal investigations over his finances, classified documents, and the january 6 capital attack. despite all that he told reporters that he is running no matter what. one of trump's biggest challengers is expected to come from florida. ron desantis has that announced his campaign but he is on a book tour with stops planned this week in states like iowa and nevada. yesterday marilyn's former governor larry hogan announced he will not seek the republican nomination. he believes a crowded field could help trump win, which is something he wants to prevent. meantime democrat marianne williamson says she will run again. the self-help author spoke exclusively to abc's jonathan karl. >> i do not see myself as running against joe biden. i see the campaign is challenging a system. pres. biden: my intention has been to run but there are many things i have to work on in the near term before i started
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campaign. jobina: u.n. ambassador nikki haley has also entered the race. she was at the cpac conference where she received support and also heckling from from supporters. reggie: got on camera, an encounter with a moose. two brothers were snowmobiling in idaho when a massive moose got between them. one of the brothers started waving his arms, but than the moose started charging at him full speed. >> my snowmobile dies. i look over my shoulder and i see this moose charging me. at that moment i am like i'm going to get out of here. reggie: in seconds he was able to jump off into safety. animal experts say waving your arms is not something you do when encountering a moose. >> you come across a bear, you want to make yourself look large and challenging. with a moose it is different. reggie: did not know that.
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he goes on to say moose are territorial and the brothers were too close to his face. experts suggest slowly backing away from wild moose and distancing yourself. liz: the national park service is using humor to warn people about bears. the agency tweeted a number of tips about how to handle bear encounters. one that got a lot of attention -- if you come across a bear never push a slower friend down, even if you feel the friendship has run its course. one user asked the agency what to do if they are just with an acquaintance, not a friend. the park service replied that friendships do not happen by chance, it takes effort and trust to build a friendship. reggie: who is in charge of their social media account? drew: their own role. they said if the packet -- if the park is packed go to a less peck park. you do not have to push them. just run faster.
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reggie: in a court of law i think that stands up. drew: if you're passing by, just a little nudge. reggie: wow. liz: we know what you will do. drew: with an acquaintance. reggie: or a friendship that has run its course. drew: this morning. another unsettled day. showers once again. here is live doppler 7. you can see a line of showers about to move onshore. this will cross us over the next 90 minutes. as the commute is underway we will find wet roadways and hail at times. it is a level one on the abc 7 storm impact scale. scattered showers, the potential for hail. snow levels down to 1500 feet. here is future whether.
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the line at 8:00 crossing the east bay on its way to the south bay. even the afternoon and evening is unsettled once again. a look at highs today. it is chilly. low to mid 50's. that is about it. overnight tonight it is cloudy. temperatures falling into the 30's and 40's. what we are watching, like rainfall through wednesday. a quarter to three quarters of an inch. all eyes are on friday. the potential is growing for an atmospheric river hitting california. that will bring us heavy rain and a floating threat through california. level 1 through wednesday morning. thursday is dry. now we have until friday or saturday. right now is a level two, a moderate storm. reggie: raspberry rally ? the new cookie on ebay for a massive markup.
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liz: in a massive moment for the aapi community in hollywood. reggie: in a live look outside. like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at
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reggie: disneyland says lyrics deem stereotypical and racist are being removed from its parade. the lyrics for zippy do. come from the film song of the south and has been criticized for help or trace black people in the post-civil war south. disd is cutting out reference to that film including remodeling splash mountain into a tiana ride. creed iii tops the weekend box
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office. the film surpassed $100 million mark with 59 million of that in domestic sales. jonathan majors also stars. liz: trying to steal your read. the 95th academy awards is less than a week away. this year's awards marking a milestone for the aapi community with record number of asian nominees. reena roy has more. reena: the 95th academy will be one of the history books with a new record set for asian representation. four asian actors are nominated. >> we have come so far. the landscape is very different. we finally have a seat at the table. >> three of those nominations from everything everywhere all at once. the film upper 11 awards. the nominee for best supporting actor reflecting on this moment. >> being a nation actor was
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difficult because there were not a lot of opportunities back then. this year it makes me so happy because it reinforces my belief that impactful change can happen. reena: michelle the first backed actress nominee to openly identify as asian, leading the audience into a mindbending adventure as she tries to save her family and the world. >> it is exciting to have such great representation from the aapi unity. that is the beauty of film to giving understanding to people who exist in our society. reena: stephanie hsu has seen the effects of that firsthand. >> when my mom came to see it at the premier she was in tears and pointed to the screen and said that's me and i realized it was the first time my mother has ever seen her story on a screen. reena:
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supporting actress for her performance in the whale. many hoping to see similar representation, saying we still have a long way to go. >> is very problematic in our entertainment sphere that it does not reflect the reality of who we are. there has been progress but there is a way to go. reena: reena roy, abc news. liz: our coverage next sunday begins at 10:00 a.m. for a full day of the red carpet. don't miss the 95th oscars at 5:00 right here on abc 7. drew: live doppler 7 this morning. showers moving through. high elevation snow as well. level 1 on the abc 7 storm impact scale. scattered showers. one of those days we see sunshine and a shower moves through that brings hail. unsettled the next 24 hours. temperatures today come it is a coldfternoon. dress warmly. by 4:00 low to mid 50's.
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liz: concerns about a california species. what is being blamed as a type of pigeon is dying off across the state. reggie: the new and cheap flight that will be available at sfo for your summer travel plans. liz: the indices seeing big and then you come home and you're honduran. marianne: totally relate to that. it's like a double personality kind of thing. ♪ ♪
5:58 am
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6:00 am
moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. liz: now at 6:00, kids at santa clara school going back to school for the first time. why they are planning a walk out. >> 2013, we gave cinderella a gallon. reggie: i have never heard it described that way. interesting. the lights are now dark on the go to gate bridge. the funds to get them reinstalled and how many funds have already been raised. liz: taking a live look outside. the rain will not go away. drew is back with us this morning with what we can expect as we start a new week. good monday -- good morning everyone. it is monday, march 6. reggie: bare minimum mondays. >> are just alike to tell myself. >> welcome back, drew. drew: it is glad to be back.


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