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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  March 6, 2023 3:30am-4:00am PST

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this morning on world news. now more questions after another train derailment in ohio. this one was caught on camera over the weekend and now the company behind it, and the toxic derailment last month is facing more scrutiny. also this morning, the battle for the future of the republican party is heating up with presidential candidate former president trump told supporters over the weekend as potential rival rhonda santis begins a multistate tour. and convicted killer alex murdoch wakes up in prison this morning. what his life is like now and the new trial awaiting him just months from now, and it's the final countdown less than a week to go before the academy awards, and we've got your guide to this year's most competitive categories and who could pull off a major upset it's monday, have you.
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caught up on any of these movies have not watched many of them. i've seen a few avatar, not a bunch more two years behind the dog. we cannot be friends. you haven't seen the first avatar week. got a little time. all right. we're gonna get to that coming up in a little bit. but we do want to start with your headlines right now. we want to begin with that recent ohio train derailment. a team of ntsb investigators arriving today at the scene of this weekend's derailment in springfield, ohio , train like the one that went off the rails in east palestine last month, are both owned by norfolk southern. this morning rail company. norfolk southern faces more scrutiny over its safety record after another train derailment. this train was over 200 cars, which is 50 more cars than the east palestine train. so the railroad's got a lot of questions. they've got to answer and they really haven't
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yet video shows the moment in norfolk southern train derailed in springfield, ohio, over the weekend 28 of the 212 cars derailed, including four empty tankers with residual amounts. diesel exhaust fluid and common industrial products. authorities say the crash poses no threat to the public's health. once we got crews in there, we noticed that there was no hazards leaking no spillage. the cause of the derailment is still under investigation. this marks norfolk southern's fourth train derailmentin ohio in the past five months, including the derailment in east palestine a ticas canups stl undeay since the february 3rd derailment, residents there have suffered from a range of symptoms, including headaches, anxiety, coughing, fatigue and skinny rotation. the environmental protection agency has now ordered norfolk southern to test the area for dioxins, which can cause cancer safety is our number one priority. and as i stated earlier, or are
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derailments or mainline derailments or on the on the decline, according to the federal railroad administration . norfolk southern transports goods across nearly 20,000 miles of rail in 22 states and washington d. c new legislation proposed by a bipartisan group of senators would require rail companies to notify state emergency officials if they're transporting hazardous materials shouldn't take a rail disaster to get us working together like that, and that's what we're going to be doing. on thursday. norfolk southern ceo is set to testify before congress about those recent derailment in greece. anger boiling over at a protest following that country's deadliest ever rail disaster. protesters here in athens, clashing with police, who used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse that crowd. 57 people died last week. when a passenger train slammed into a freight train on the same track. the rail official blamed for the accident is under arrest, facing negligent homicide and other
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charges in ukraine. 13 people are now dead in iraq. it attack on an apartment building in zappa regia. russian forces are advancing in the battle for mahmoud moving into the northern suburbs and two key bridges have now been blown up, jeopardizing ukrainian supply lines and possibly bringing them closer to withdrawing from the city altogether. meanwhile, to ukrainian pilots are in areas zona to improve their flying skills. officials say they will use simulators and not flight actual aircraft. there's no word on what this means for whether american f sixteen's could be provided. now to the race for 2024 former president trump is calling it the final battle as he prepares to face off against what could be a crowded field of fellow republicans trump addressing a crowd of conservatives, making it clear that a string of investigations will not stop him. abc elizabeth scholesy has more a battle for the future of the republican party as the race for the presidential nomination begins to take shape. i am your warrior. i am your justice and
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for those who have been wronged and betrayed i am your retribution. speaking at the conservative political action conference, former president trump telling a group of reporters he will stay in the campaign, even if he's indicted as he faces state and federal investigations over his finances , classified documents and the january 6th capital attack. absolutely i wouldn't even think about leaving. trump's biggest challenge is expected to come from florida governor rhonda santis on his book tour in california governor is very concerned about what we're doing in florida. so i figured i had to come by with plan this week in key states, iowa and nevada. we have a big problem with the federal establishment in washington, former maryland governor larry hogan now says he won't seek the nomination warning a crowded field could help trump win. i didn't want to have a pile up of a bunch of people fighting the more of them . you have the less chance you have for somebody rising up possible. gop hopefuls disagree
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. i actually think that more voices right now in opposition or providing an alternative to donald trump is the best thing in the right direction. president biden has yet to announce that he's running his team has started to enlist top democratic allies to help with the campaign.the first lady has said pretty much all that's left to figure out is the time and the place of the announcement. elizabeth halsey abc news the white house, elizabeth thank you. one person is dead and two people injured after a small plane crashed on new york's long island. three people were on board the single engine aircraft when it hit the ground and burst into flames in lindenhurst on sunday afternoon. no one on the ground was hurt. the cause of that crash is now under investigation. murdoch is waking up in a 10 by eight jail sellers after he was ordered to serve consecutive life sentences for the murders of his wife and son with his head shaven. murdoch is being temporarily held at a facility in columbia, south carolina. he'll undergo medical mental health and education
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assessment. before being transferred to a maximum security prison. his attorneys are vowing to appeal. he is still facing a lawsuit for deadly boat crash involving his late son. they are expecting several more feet of snow in california's nevada mountains over the next few days. that's exactly what they don't need. considering this is what a drive to one person's house near lake tahoe looks like. right now. the sierra nevadas have seen at least 47 ft of snow this winter, hundreds of miles of interstate 80 remained closed because of whiteout conditions. and all that. so brings us to this morning's winter fashion report. one garment is all the rage. so this is a coat that might be described as tasty or fashion expert. will ganz is here with what's cooking? what's going on ? will tell you what's cooking. it's called the pasta puffer. it's a short black coat printed with images of bow tie pasta. it's from designer rachel antonoff and it's become one of those seasonal phenomenon that we see from time to time. some
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owners of the coat say its popularity is due to winter beingwarmer. we were talking about this earlier than usual in a lot of places, giving them the chance to put fashion over function. i always put fashion over function by the way. one fan tells the new york times that wearing a coat with pasta all over it. it's just a little bit of joy, but that joy is going to cost you the pasta puffer goes. for $425. absolutely not. no was a fan of it until you told me the price. i think it's very cute. not for $425. i mean what someone said that if you wear the pasta puffer to an event, all you're going to talk about at that event is the pasta puffer. good or bad? depends on you know how much attention you want all the attention, which is where that and then go eat pasta. i think. yes you just drape it onto yourself after indulging in ebola. of that bowtie pasta cute and there's a matching bag is a bag that's probably another $425 sold out by the way three times
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since it was made available in 2021 okay, means it'll be irrelevant next year. yeah. coming up. what you should never do when your houseguests plus remembering a rock legend more on that story coming up, but first after a nearly year long public silence, chris rock delivers an epic slap down and there's no reaction this morning. you're watching world news now. get worse.
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the music world is remembering leonard skinner, co founder and guitarist gary rossington. the florida native was last surviving was the last surviving original member of the hall of fame band. his death was announced sunday, nearly two years after he underwent open heart surgery. no cause of death has been released. rossington played on such headsets, freebird and simple man he was 71. well. chris rock has not said much publicly about his face to fist on stage meeting with will smith at last year's oscars will this weekend it was the comedians turn to take his
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shots during a much anticipated live special on netflix, and he did not hold back. you know anybody that says words hurt. has never been punched in the face this morning. reaction is still coming into chris rock's must watch weekend show, breaking his silence. nearly a year after will smith slapped him at the oscars. wow muhammad ali in the movie. you think i auditioned for that part? muhammad ali play hooky and new jackson. people i didn't hurt. it's still hurts. but the comedian declaring he is not a victim, but i'm not a victim took that hit like pacquiao and pulling no punches as he laid into smith and the tabloid fodder surrounding the marriage of will smith and his wife, jada pinkett smith. i didn't have any entanglements. everybody in here and cheating. none of us have
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ever been interviewed by the person that cheated on us television. she heard him way more than he hurt me. okay suggesting smith slapping him for joking about jada's hair loss. the result of alopecia was actually misplaced. anger rock has maintained he did not know about jada's condition at the time, everybody in the world called him. i tried to call them and give them my kiddos hand pick up. for me. there is a range of new reaction overnight with esquire, saying rock certainly delivered, but the roots saying rocks targeting of jada as well made his so straight up mean and no different and with the oscars now six days away, reverberations of the slap are still being felt. traditionally the winner for best actor presents the statute to best actress the following year. that presenter on sunday will not be smith will come up with something creative and some nothing appropriate to make sure that the woman who was winning
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that very prestigious and very big award still feels loved and appreciated, even though tradition has been broken a little bit rock, ending his weekend special with this explanation of his onstage reaction. you know what my parents taught me don't fight in front of white people. so far. still no reaction from will smith to chris rock's performance. however he did apologize to chris rock in a video last summer. he's also banned from the oscars for 10 years. sure, it's going to be driving ratings on sunday. i'm curious to see who will be presenting that award coming up. we're less than a week away from those oscars, so we're checking out the odds on favorites. everything everywhere, all at once and later in the mix, who won this year's wife carrying race? you're watching world news now.
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kimmel live sunday on abc. we are california dreaming on
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this winter's day and the countdown to the hollywood's biggest night of the year t minus six days anding down tohe. so whereohe ggt minee td will is back with more? i am standing and i will tell you where the nominees are standing as well. they're saying, this is the most competitive oscars race in years, and the last awards of the season were just handed out over the weekend. so what is the state of the race this morning? let's take a look. everything everywhere all at once. packing a punch this awards season, taking home top honors over the weekend at the independent spirit awards and the wga awards, making the multiverse jumping story of a family finding their way back to one another, the film to beat this year at the oscars will always always gold derby, naming it the odds
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on favorite for a best picture. oscars win at 6 to 1, citing its wins at the critics' choice in sag awards two, kwan seems like a lock for supporting actor and leading lady michelle yeoh has a narrow edge over cate blanchett for her work in tar. you want to dance the mask, you must service the composer. you got to sublimate yourself your ego and yes, your identity. the race for supporting actress is also a tight one. but it's queen amanda's to lose my entire felony. it's gone. have i not given everything. angela bassett , making history as marvel's first nominated actor, and perhaps winner come sunday, when it comes to the race for best actor, a dead heat between austin butler for playing elvis. like tonight. and brendan fraser for his work in the whale endearing himself to academy voters with speech after emotional speech this season. we
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want you to know that if you too, can have the strength to just get to your feet and go to the light. good things will happen. many calling this most competitive oscars in years. cheese have an assurance pull off an upset. just don't like you know more like me yesterday . or could the fable men's find it's hollywood ending kind of movie we're gonna make. who final voting for the oscars ends tomorrow, which is why all of these award shows and the speeches by their winners matter. it's a long campaign for these nominees, and we'll see who turns up victorious during the 95th academy awards this sunday night, right here on abc bracket ready my bracket has been filled out for weeks, please jennifer coolidge even if
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she's bound now, twist twist. alright thanks for coming up next the mix. you're watching world news now we'll be right back ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're
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i'm steve, i lost 138 pounds in nine months on golo and taking release. since taking release, my sleep is way better. my inflammation has gone way down. i'm nonstop now, i feel way better than i did before. i don't sit down in life anymore.
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to four imprint dot com for imprint for certain. now, with the mix, starting with an annual tradition in alaska. the organizers have kicked off the 51st iditarod dog sled race in anchorage. this year's competition features 33 teams of mushers mushers, most of them from alaska, but others coming from as far away as denmark, south africa and australia. the dogs will run a root of 998 miles. the first musher is expected to finish in nome, alaska, next tuesday. a long race wow! yeah 1000. yeah. short point to the tree and come back, man. do it again. okay now to another race playing out across the pond. husbands took the track in surrey, england, hauling their spouses through a
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1200 ft course for the annual wife carrying race. of course, one guy stretched the rules of it carrying his dog gets to represent britain in the worldwide carrying championships in finland this summer, as one does tradition is believed to have been started more than 12 centuries ago when vikings ransacked in english islands. okay something we should be commemorated. maybe not. i like the guy who carried his dog. listen, if i could do this and carry archie, i would have a real leg up. archie weighs £9 so i could literally just like, you know my kind of my kind of race there. alright next, the worst sins you can commit as a houseguest ahead of spring and summer vacations. etiquette expert jackie vernon thompson is out with a list of dues and don't and number one is my favorite. do ask whether you should take your shoes off before entering someone's home. home in new york city. i absolutely want you to take those shoes off before you walk in. but what if someone's feet stink? i will give you socks or
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you can go home with your stick people are not coming in with your shoes? stuff we're stepping on the subway. absolutely fair, okay. also do always use coasters under your cups and glasses and clean up after yourself. always replace that empty roll of toilet paper as well. always of course, with the flap over not under like some sort of psychopath. thank you never use the host shower gel and no feet on the furniture, especially. they've got shoes on finally always bring a small gift as a gesture of gratitude and said that thank you note once you've returned home work you note. wine a candle. i love a candle. thank you know goes a long way. sure does. finally some frolicking caught on camera off the coast of kona, hawaii. very cute, playful moment between a humpback will and a cap splashing around caught by a drone. every winter humpbacks travel to the shallow waters of hawaii to meet giving birth and raising their young. look at this. they're having a whale of
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a time. i'm sorry. andrew is not here. but i had to throw it. that's it. we're ending
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♪♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" ♪♪ here are today's contestants-- a shipping manager from chicago, illinois... an editor, writer, and proofreader from lakewood, colorado... and our returning champion-- a customer success operations manager from ocean city, new jersey... whose 20-day cash winnings total... [cheers and applause] and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings!


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