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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 2, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the jury finding alex murdaugh guilty of murdering his wife and son. the case going to the jury just hours earlier. the jury reaching the verdict quickly, in just under three hours. the dramatic moment from the courtroom just a short time ago. we'll go live to eva pilgrim on the guilty verdict. severe storms hitting tonight. the tornado watch at this hour, and a real concern over straight-line winds. dallas to little rock to memphis. 26 states from texas all the way up to the northeast on alert. rob marciano timing it out. two separate flights, two midair scares. a passenger plane taking off from texas, hitting severe turbulence at 37,000 feet. passengers describing the horror, plates and glasses flying. a flight attendant hitting the cabin ceiling. several passengers taken to the
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hospital. and tonight, a separate flight forced to divert because of a fire in the cabin. gio benitez on both flights. tonight, the suspect accused of attempting to place an explosive device onboard that plane in pennsylvania, in court. and tonight here, the first image of that device, hidden, they say, in the lining of his luggage. trevor ault is there. the idaho college murders, and tonight, what's now been discovered in the family home of the suspect. pierre thomas with late reporting. the war in ukraine, and the first meeting between secretary of state antony blinken and hid russian counterpart, sergei love love, since this war began. james longman in ukraine tonight, as we now learn what was said. the news back here at home on george santos tonight. the new york congressman who admitted to lying, making up much of his life story. what they're now doing in congress as he comes under the microscope. jon karl is here. the remarkable discovery. what's been found inside the great pyramid of giza, and you'll see it here tonight. and america strong.
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he waited nearly six decades for this honor. our interview tonight with the black vietnam veteran set to receive the medal of honor. good evening as we come to pbe air in the west tonight. and we do begin with the breaking news. a guilty verdict in the case that made national headlines. the jury finding alex murdaugh guilty in killing his wife maggie and son paul. the verdict just a short time ago. >> guilty verdict, signed by the forelady, 3/2/23. >> that was the scene in that south carolina courtroom. standing to hear the verdict. guilty on all counts, in fact. two counts of murder and two counts of possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime. this guilty verdict coming after six weeks of testimony. the jury of seven men and five women reaching this verdict in just under three hours. abc's eva pilgrim leading us
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off, she was in the courtroom again today. >> reporter: tonight, a guilty verdict in the case that has transfixed this country. the jury convicted alex murdaugh for the murder of his wife and son, who were shot to death outside the family's dog kennels. >> in the court of general sessions, in the term of 2022, july, the state versus richard alexander murdaugh, defendant. indictment for murder, sc code 16-3-0010, cdr code 0116 -- guilty verdict. >> mr. murdaugh, you having been found guilty of two counts of murder involving your wife and your son, two counts of possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime. >> reporter: the unanimous verdict coming just three hours after the defense made its final
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case for murdaugh. murdaugh's team painting a picture of a botched investigation, and saying murdaugh didn't have time to kill his wife maggie and son paul and get rid of the evidence. >> he's got 17 minutes. 17 minutes. he would have to be a magician to make all that evidence disappear. >> reporter: the defense arguing the truth is simple. that it had to be two shooters with two guns. murdaugh's attorneys flipping the prosecution's script. arguing that while he lied about being at the kennels minutes before the murders, that video captured the conversation of a happy family. >> he's got a bird in his mouth! >> bubba! >> hey, bubba. >> there's nothing on that tape that indicates there's any strife, any conflict, any anger, any planning. >> reporter: the defense mocking the state's theory the disgraced lawyer murdered his wife and son because he was about to be exposed for his financial
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crimes. >> why, why, why would alex murdaugh, on june 7th, execute his son paul and his wife maggie, who he adored and loved? >> reporter: with his voice cracking, murdaugh's attorney asking the jury for a not guilty verdict. >> on behalf of alex, on behalf of buster, on behalf of maggie, and on behalf of my friend paul, i respectfully request that you do not compound a family tragedy with another. >> reporter: but prosecutors getting the last word on alex murdaugh, leaving jurors with this thought -- >> i think he loved maggie. i think he loved paul. but you know who he loved more than that? you know who he loved more than that? he loved alex. >> reporter:. >> he said he loved himgs more than maggie and the son paul. that was the argument in the closing. let's bring in eva pilgrim on this guilty verdict at this hour.
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and eva, this verdict was reached very quickly. >> reporter: yeah, the jury deliberated, david, for less than three hours. they came back at 6:41 p.m. eastern time, and that pivotal piece of evidence, the kennel video, where you can hear alex murdaugh's voice on the video, you hear him speaking about the dog there, saying, "hey, bubba." you hear his wife, you hear maggie, as well. and the state saying that if they hadn't found that video on paul's phone, they don't know that he'd ever admitted to being there, david. >> eva pilgrim with us on the guilty verdict. alex murdaugh found guilty of murdering his wife and son. eva, thank you for your coverage. also at this hour, we're following a tornado watch across several states right now. these storms from texas up to the northeast. rob marciano in little rock, arkansas, where they are bracing tonight. rob? >> so, let's bring in eva and eva, this is now of course in the hands of the jury, as you reported there, and with that
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>> reporter: hi, david. another rough night ahead for much of the midsouth and much of texas. two waves coming to a lot of these areas. that tornado watch you mentioned includes waco, it includes dallas, and it will probably be expanded off to the east. there's the radar, boy, those strms look angry. tornado potential tonight from dallas all the way through little rock into memphis during the overnight. and across the mississippi, we're talking about big winds tomorrow, but more population density. so, the ohio and tennessee valleys get into the mix. some of these storms will have flooding rain potential. and the northern side of this during the day tomorrow will become snow in places like detroit, back through chicago. and by the evening rush in new york city, looks like snows coming in there. a winter mix for i-95 once again, but winter storm watches have been posted for snow while inland. folks here in the tornado zone need to get through tonight first. david? >> very difficult 24 hours ahead. rob marciano, our thanks to you again tonight. now to those midair scares on two separate flights. one taking off from texas, hitting severe turbulence over tennessee. look at the images. hitting during dinner service. trays and glass all up an down the aisle there. reports one of the flight attendants hit the cabin ceiling. several passengers then taken to the hospital of making an emergency landing. and in a separate flight out of dallas, that flight was diverted after a fire onboard.
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you see the pictures there, in the overhead compartment. and again, this time, a battery was to blame. abc's gio benitez. >> reporter: tonight, passengers on a lufthansa plane from austin, texas, to frankfurt, germany, shaken by violent turbulence mid-flight describing that terrifying moment. and then we started dropping u- down really fast. it felt like about five seconds o free fall. >> reporter: susan zimmerman among the 174 passengers onboard. >> while it was happening, the plates were up in the ceiling glass was up in the ceiling. my bag was flown back behind me. >> reporter: lufthansa flight 460 in the middle of dinner service on wednesday night, when the faa says the aircraft hit severe turbulence at 37,000 feet over tennessee. >> lufthansa airbus a-330, experiencing extreme turbulence. >> reporter: the plane diverting safely to washington's dulles airport. lufthansa says seven passengers suffered minor injuries, and the aircraft was also damaged. and just hours before, this chaotic scene midflight aboard a spirit airlines plane from
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dallas headed to orlando. smoke filling the cabin as passengers and crew worked to extinguish a fire sparked by an external battery pack in an overhead bin. the crew putting that burning battery pack into a thermal fireproof box before the plane made an emergency landing in jacksonville. at least ten people required treatment. tonight, authorities say everyone is expected to be okay. and david, that's why it's so important to carry your batteries on with you. do not put them in checked luggage. david? >> all right, gio benitez tonight, thank you. tonight, the pennsylvania man accused of trying to smuggle an explosive device onto a plane, he was in court today. he was seen on surveillance, as you'll remember last night here, arriving at an airport, pulling two suitcases. authorities say inside the lining of one of them was that device with two fuses and powder. this is the first image tonight of what authorities say he packed in his luggage. it triggered an alarm before it was put onto that plane, but what authorities called for the passenger, he was seen on surveillance leaving the airport.
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trevor ault is there again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the pennsylvania man accused of trying to smuggle an explosive onto a plane held without bail. prosecutors alleging he created a level of danger that was simply astonishing. authorities say marc muffley was dropped off at lehigh valley international airport 10:45 monday morning. they say he knowingly packed a prohibited explosive device inside that suitcase he's pulling with his left hand. airport officials say he checked into his allegiant airlines flight to orlando at 11:00 a.m. his bag triggering an alarm during tsa screening just 18 minutes later. and according to authorities, they found this inside the lining. a circular compound "wrapped in a wax-like paper and clear plastic wrap." with two fuses attached. one appearing to be part of the manufactured device, the other added. x-rays showing a "powder consistent with a commercial grade firework." also packed in the bag, a can of butane, a lighter, and lithium
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ion batteries. at 11:40 a.m., less than an hour before his flight was supposed to take off, security called for muffley over the airport p.a. system. but at 11:45, investigators say security cameras captured muffley leaving the airport. in their motion for his detention, the government outlining muffley's lengthy criminal history. including harassment, theft, and drug charges. saying muffley's actions monday "seriously jeopardized the lives of airport workers and patrons, and if the explosive had not been intercepted, the flight's passengers and the aircraft." and muffley's attorney argues that was just a firework and there was no way it could have detonated on its own, but prosecutors say that doesn't matter, and if muffley is convicted, he could face 15 years behind bars. david? >> trevor ault on this again tonight. thank you, trevor. now to the investigation
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into the idaho college murders, and authorities revealing what was found in the suspect's family home. here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, new details of what the fbi and state police say they found after they searched the family home of the suspected killer of those four university of idaho college students. some of the items recovered from bryan kohberger's parents' home in pennsylvania potentially critical to the case, including a knife, a gun, black gloves, black face masks, and dark clothing. a number of those reportedly recovered items matching the description from a witness who stumbled upon the killer on the night of the murders last october. in a chilling account, the witness describing how she opened her door after she heard crying. and she saw a figure clad in black clothing and a mask that covered the person's mouth and nose walking towards her. kohberger, a ph.d student in krim noll from washington state university, was arrested on december 30th, weeks after those murders shocked the nation. >> detectives arrested 28-year-old bryan christopher kohberger in albrightsville, pennsylvania.
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>> reporter: authorities say they locked in on him through the use of dna technology and after surveillance footage identified a white hyundai elantra that they were eventually able to connect to him. david, the search warrant showing how the getaway car is key. police have dissected the vehicle, looking at the seat cushions, even floor mats, clearly hunting for dna evidence to tie the suspect to the murders. david? >> all right, pierre thomas tonight. pierre, thank you. to the war in ukraine, and tonight, the first meeting between u.s. secretary of state antony blinken and his russian counter part, sergey lavrov, since this war began. james longman in ukraine tonight, on what was said. >> reporter: tonight, in their first face-to-face meeting since russia's invasion, u.s. secretary of state blinken was blunt with his russian counterpart sergey lavrov. >> i told the foreign minister, end this war of aggression. engage in meaningful diplomacy that can produce a just and durable peace. >> reporter: beyond the u.s. support for ukraine, blinken says he also urged russia to return to the start nuclear treaty, and free american paul
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whelan, who, the u.s. says, has been wrongfully imprisoned on espionage charges. they met for just ten minutes at the g20 summit in india, where blinken also said countries had warned china not to give russia weapons. and this is where putin needs them. fierce tank battles in the muddy fields of eastern ukraine, where both sides are losing men and equipment fast. we just had word now that a tank may have been damaged in battle, so, they're off now to retrieve it. and this is what's so important in this war. it's not just the equipment, it's the knowledge, it's the know-how of how to repair it and maintain it. the u.s. has promised 31 abrams, high-tech equipment a world away from fixing tank engines on tree stumps. >> so, let's bring in james longman with us from ukraine again tonight. and james, the russians, i know, also reacting to this meeting today? >> reporter: yeah, the russians are downplaying the importance of it, saying that it was only on the go and that it was secretary blinken who asked to meet lavrov and not the other way around. david? >> james longman in ukraine for us again tonight. thank you, james. back here in the u.s. now, and the new move on capitol hill
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tonight involving embattled new york congressman george santos who, of course, admitted to lying, making up much of his life story, and then getting elected. tonight, an official investigation under way. and here's our chief washington correspondent jonathan karl. >> congressman, what is your reaction -- >> reporter: today, the bipartisan house ethics committee formally launched an investigation into george santos, the freshman congressman known for fabricating much of his own life story. there are so many allegations, they had to form a separate subcommittee. among the things they are looking at, allegations related to campaign finance. whether santos lied to the house in disclosure statements. and alleged violations of federal conflict of interest laws. you regret nothing? the congressman has already admitted repeatedly lying about his resume, including falsely claiming to have a college degree, and that he worked at citigroup and goldman sachs. none of it was true. >> i've said i'm sorry many times. i've behaved as if i'm sorry. i am sorry. i'm deeply sorry.
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>> reporter: he also lied about his family story. falsely claiming his grandparents fled the holocaust and that his mother died from causes related to september 11th. for months, republican leader kevin mccarthy, who needed santos' vote to get elected speaker of the house, refused to criticize the congressman. but mccarthy is now suggesting he's had enough. >> you'll support santos if he ran for reelection? >> i didn't say that. >> i'm asking you. >> i think we'd have to see the election. i'd probably have a little difficulty doing that. >> reporter: in a written statement today, santos said that he will fully cooperate with the ethics committee's investigation. david? >> jon karl on this again tonight. thank you, jon. when we come back here, the developing headline. the fbi arresting a heavily armed man, accusing him of threatening to kill government officials who are jewish. also ahead tonight, what's been found in the great pyramid of giza, and you'll see it. and the long-awaited honor for a vietnam veteran. if this were the real covid-19, i would be in real trouble. 'cause i have asthma.
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finally tonight here, an honor long overdue. the vietnam veteran, the army colonel, america strong. tonight, the honor long overdue. retired army colonel paris davis, his bravery on the battlefield in vietnam. finally recognized. davis was one of the first black officers in the special forces. he was 26 years old and a captain when he and his team were outnumbered by hundreds of north vietnamese forces in june 1965. they would hold off the enemy for 18 hours. and despite being wounded himself, captain davis would pull three of his badly injured men to safety. he was shot in the leg and hit by grenade fragments as he carried them. he and all of his men would survive. he was nominated by his superiors for the medal of honor, but was told the u.s. army lost his paperwork twice.
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this interview from 1969. >> i was spending most of my time just trying to keep us alive and keep them off of us. >> reporter: colonel davis speaking candidly on being a black commander at the time, saying combat was a powerful unifier. >> there's no race there. in the dark, brown is just as black or white as anyone else. they're bodies, human beings. we're a kin. not ethically, but by virtue of being an american citizen. overlooked for decades.s - retiring from the army in 1985. but tomorrow, colonel paris davis will receive the medal of honor from president biden. and right here tonight -- >> hi, david. >> colonel davis telling us he's grateful for all of those who fought for him and beside him. >> i'm so thankful that there were soldiers there that said, no, we're not -- we're not going to say no. we're going to keep at it until someone responds to what the hell happened. >> tonight, on the eve of his honor, colonel davis proud.
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>> you feel pleased and you served your country in the way that you thought you would serve your country. america becomes profoundly your flag that you carry around. and so, that's where i am right now. i'm extremely excited and pleased and thankful that i'm going to get the medal of honor. >> well, we salute you. colonel davis, on the eve of his well-earned honor. i'm david muir. good night.
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>> all this rain, all that snow it has added up to make a big difference in our drought. >> i will have the latest numbers on that plus a look at one wendy with whether will return should >> the mitt flip -- the latest on missing san francisco dj. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> check out this view. it is a beautiful sight to see. reservoirs in the bay area looking this full. did the case of lexington reservoir 82% and you can thank all the recent winter storms. >> ton being rewarded for enduring all the recent rain and snow. today's map from the u.s. drought monitor on the left shows parts of california are entirely out of the drought. it is a visible difference from last week and a significant change from last year as you can
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see on the far right. we have team coverage with a mix of perspectives. >> let's go to sandhya patel. >> let's take a look at our drought monitor and we will talk about what has happened. last week 84 .6% of california was in a drought. in one week you will notice that number has shrunk 49% is now in drought so it is nearly half of the reduction here. there are parts of th california i will point out the coastline from santa cruz heading down south out of the drought. parts of the sierra and obviously parts of the snow we have received. the rain we have received is making a difference. the end results locally. most of the bay area is in the yellow category which is the dry category. you will notice there are parts to the north