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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 2, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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ime to be alive. introducing the next- generation 10g network. only from xfinity. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> not only are we explosive material that can be detonated, but we are also talking about narcotics activity. there is some remnants of what we believe is manufacturing of narcotics. larry: methodically going through a house full of explosives. san jose police say it could take as long as three days to make that house safe. thank you for joining us. i am dan ashley. karina: and i am karina nova. the man who lives in the house with his wife and children is under arrest. dan: they had to bring in federal resources to help. abc 7 news reporter zach fuentes is live and joined us at the scene with the latest.
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zach: the most important thing is that the police say there is no public safety threat at this time. they did evacuate. some homes closest to that home. workers got to this home more than 24 hours ago. if you see behind me, there is a big, active seen on this part of the investigation the police say has multiple layers to it. police, fire trucks, fbi, vehicles and equipment no one in the south san jose network expected to say -- c. >> we have never had anything like this. zach: he is explosive material. >> not only is there explosive material here, there are chemicals used to manufacture narcotics, a deadly combination in a residential neighborhood with children. zach: our camera was one of the first on scene. more than 24 hours later, the scene was still extremely active. >> there is so much material in
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there that we had to call in federal resources to assist us with the proper handling and rendering safe is evidence that is here. zach: the neighborhood is just across the street from gunderson high school. >> i always thought it was a family neighborhood. it has always been, you know, kid friendly, so that is a concern. zach: the suspect was arrested at a location away from the home but they did not go into detail about what led them to that home or the specific material that was found. some of the main details, they say, will come out later. >> there are elite -- a lot of layers of this investigation. today will not be the last day we speak about this. zach: neighbors say they are glad the situation is not worse, but still, they are shaken up. >> it makes me nervous. to know that this kind of activity is going on now. we just have to be more aware of our surroundings. zach: again, police saying there
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is no public safety threat at this time, but if they need to do more widespread evacuations, they said they will send officers door to door to let people know. they said they could be out there for 72 hours, and we will continue to track all developments. for now, live in san jose, zach fuentes, abc 7 news. karina: thank you. san jose police have made an arrest in the attack on a food vendor. the attack left the a broken nose and several loose teeth. the incident took place after the suspect demanded a free hotdog from the vendor. it was the first of two attacks on vendors in the span of three days last month. dan: in the north, students are gathering around mcgovern high school. abc 7 news joins us live.
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answer: as day, students, family, friends have been showing up for this memorial for jaden. i spoke to santa rosa police a short while ago. they say over the past five months, they have received 97 calls just to this high school pigot student who was survived with stand in the -- stabbed in the hand. his mother was at the school three weeks ago, warning that something was happening, but according to the mother, nothing was done. >> it was common knowledge that there was something going on. you guys told me three weeks ago, you pulled me in for a meeting to let me know that my son was assaulted three weeks ago by the same individual. >> maria cervantes is the mother of 16-year-old cruz. he was involved in the incident in which his friend, 16-year-old jaden pienta, was
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hand. she says she warned be school that students were having issues. >> i warned you and you did not stop it then. tires were slashed last week, allegedly by the same student peer >> he brought a knife to campus that day as well cared this is not an isolated incident where the individual has brought weapons on campus, period. anser: jaden's grandparents also conforming -- confirming that jaden's parents spoke to the school as well. >> they had issues last week, went to the school, and asked them to do something about it. nothing happened. >> i want to make it very clear that the school and the school district failed my son and they failed jaden and the rest of the students that attend this school. anser: starting christopher mahoney with these santa clara police department is anything
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below the level of violence is handled at the school level, but cervantes claims her son was assaulted, which should have been reported to police. according to the sergeant, he is not aware of any previous assault. >> i looked earlier today, and there are no cases on file between those three students that are associated with any assault that i am aware of. anser: cervantes believes jaden's death was preventable, had the school acted. the confrontation may not have escalated. but sergeant mahoney says that is not always the case. >> we did see less calls for service when officers were on campus because they built those relationships with students to be able to prevent them. it does not mean that it is not going to happen because we have seen nationwide that violence happens on campuses even with sro's on there. anser: we did reach out to the school. they did not return our request for con -- for comment. police tell me that 15-year-old was arrested yesterday on
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charges of homicide, attend a homicide, and for possessing a weapon on school grounds. he is yet to go before a judge's reporting live, anser hassan, abc 7 news. karina: oakland police are cracking down after numerous atm armed robberies they. warned people to use caution when making a transaction. opd will increase patrols in areas where these are happening. . there were numerous reports last month the people being problem making an atm transaction. three occurred at an atm on fruitvale avenue. another happened on lake park avenue, where a victim was pistol whipped and their keys were stolen. police say people shouldn't scan the area and put cash away right after a transaction. dan: alameda county district attorney pamela prices reportedly adopting new rules that would reduce jail sentences for some defendants. price is borrowing -- barring prosecutors from sentencing
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enhancements, like those used for gun use and gang affiliation, often adding years onto a prison sentence. price is also demanding prosecutors use probation in plea negotiations. karina: college and the livermore police department offered a free catalytic converter etching today. people were able to get their car's license plate number etched into the catalytic converter. abc 7 news reported on the department's free rollout event back in november. the serialization helps police track down owners of recovered stolen converters. >> just like everything else with the locks on your house, it is a deterrent, and it can be at least traced back, if they are recovered. karina: if you missed the first two events, the school's departments said they plan to do this every semester. dan: abc 7 dianne feinstein is hospitalized
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and treated for shingles. the virus can be quite uncomfortable, even painful. a spokesperson says she has missed several votes in the senate and a couple of committee meetings because of her health issues. a few weeks ago, the 89-year-old announced she would not be running for reelection. karina: san francisco has a few eccentric people in colorful characters that make the city unique to those who visit. this week, the city lost one of them. larry hunt was known to many of the bucket man. before you saw him, you certainly heard him. abc 7 news leanne melendez has his story. lyanne: if i stop playing, i will die. he wanted to play as makeshift drums forever, as long as he had an audience, and that he did. tourists would stop to listen to the bucket man, as he was affectionately known. in 2009, he confronted those businesses near public square who called him and others a public nuisance.
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>> i was homeless, and i was doing this. lyanne: hunt, 54 years old, died yesterday. the medical examiner has yet to determine the cause of death. abc 7 news spoke to his partner of 12 years. >> he laid down and he did not get out. lyanne: when he living in an sro. for years, he lived across from glide memorial he knew everyone and everyone knew the bucket man. >> his picture is on everything. he's been down there playing the drums for god knows how long it i have been down here for 22 years. lyanne: he made a cameo appearance in "the pursuit of happiness" and a gavin newsom playing next to him on the buckets. >> he enjoyed coming out here. he drives those buckets 5, 6 blocks. lyanne: hunt was always outspoken. here he is trying to keep his
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welfare benefits when alameda county proposed major budget cuts. >> if you will cut this budget, you are going to put everyone out here on the street, struggling. lyanne: his partner says those buckets brought meaning to his life. >> is smiling face and how happy he was, how happy he was out here playing the buckets, making everyone happy. lyanne: today, where the bucket man regularly entertains, there is an unfamiliar silence. dan: still ahead, a community at the base of the santa cruz mountains without power for an entire week. the latest on the repair work before the next round of rain arrives. karina: plus, get ready. after nearly a year of delays, starting tomorrow, drivers will be oval to pay to use
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs)
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karina: covered california is getting hit hard by the storms. there is so much snow come other roofs collapsed ask the only grocery store in the town of crestline in the mountains of san bernardino county, west of lake arrowhead and big bear. dan: in the south bay, no water and no electricity, awfully challenging conditions facing residents off of black damage from all the storms we've had to as pg&e works to store the power, abc 7 news reporter dustin dorsey has the latest. dustin: at the base of the santa cruz mountains, during the past week, from snow, rain, and freezing temperatures, residents have been in the cold. >> we lost power last wednesday. dustin: as a longtime resident of the mountains, carrie roberts says she has been through a lot of challenges, fires, mudslides, historic rain, but nothing like this. >> it is scary.
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i have been up here for 30 plus years. this is the worst i have seen it, ever. dustin: damage visible days later, closures from highway 35. wires across the roadway, trees snapped, others marked at risk of falling with more wet weather returning this weekend. >> it is a bit wearisome, because i can already see which trees on my property are going to come down. we lost 12 trees already. the ground is completely saturated. . it scares me a lot. we need the water, but we could use a little break now. dustin: cruise at pg&e took full advantage of that break with sunshine overhead as they worked to restore power. despite being without a lecture city for a week, today is the first data could get done -- electricity for a week, today is the first day work could get done. >> there was a lot of snow, a lot of downed trees, so the snow needed to be plowed, the trees clear roots, and they were moving those trees. once they were able to clear the
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hazards, they were able to come in and repair. dustin: pg&e hopes their work will stick to it in many cases, they had to repair spots they have already fixed, because the next form crated more damage. crews will be here 24 hours over the next few days, 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., to bring some light back. >> for them, it is a great satisfaction, at the end of the day, to know someone has the lights back on. dustin: black road will remain closed until work is complete. pg&e says power will be restored for residents in phases today and tomorrow. dustin dorsey, abc 7 news. karina: on the peninsula, tolling begins tomorrow for the san mateo 101 express lanes after nearly a year of delays. the stretch runs in both directions from whipple avenue in redwood city to interstate 380. solo drivers can pay full price to use the express lane during the hours of 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. monday through friday.
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the cost will go up or down depending on how crowded the lane is. any driver using the express lane needs a fast-track toll tag. it is free for carpools with three or more people. the new express lanes connect with the nearly 6.5-mile stretch that open february 2022 between whipple and north matilda avenue in sunnyvale. dan: more to come. could be commercial season be canceled altogether this year? why state officials are considering a ban. karina: the warriors are on abc 7 this weekend. watch them play the lakers on sunday. that game tips off at 12:30 on
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unresolved symptoms? heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome... ...shortness of breath... ...irregular heartbeat... ...and lower back pain could mean something more serious called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time, so it's important to recognize the signs. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm.
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dan: you expect to see birdies and eagles on the golf course but not an actual bald eagle, a pair of them, in fact. nesting bald eagles on a golf course in alameda. experts say there have probably
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not been bald eagles nesting in alameda for 100 years. this is really special. it's a perfect spot with lots of food all around them. bird enthusiasts hope the female will lay eggs soon. >> we are starting to get anxious that they should be laying eggs. we will know when there's always one bird on the nest, that's how you know they are incubating, because they won't leave alone. dan: t identified as a three-year-old eagle that was raised in the area. she was nicknamed "big junior," when they did not know what sex she was. they do not know where the four-year-old male was. karina: state wildlife officials are considering a full cancellation of the commercial salmon season as experts predict and historic low of salmon moving from california rivers to oceans. an official incision will be announced april, a month before the season is expected to begin. dan: let's turn now to the
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weather. the map on the left shows large chunks of the state colored and white, indicating no drought conditions. the yellow on both abnormally dry and out of the drought. today's map in the northwest corner of the state come on the right is last year, where you can see the entire state was feeling severe to extreme drought conditions. so this is exactly what we want to see in the payoff for all this rain. karina: exactly. some people complain about the rain, but we are seeing that, and that is good. there is more rain coming, but not for a couple of days. dan: there is. meteorologists sandhya patel has more. sandhya: this is good stuff. 84.6% of the state was in a drought last week. now what happens when you take a look? that has been nearly cut in
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half, 49% now in a drought. you will probably be happy to see this part as well, parts of the coastline, all the way down to southern california and the northern portion of the california coastline along with parts of the sierra, all the snow we have received out of the drought. this is really encouraging. and here in the bay area, most areas are in the dry category, the yellow here. the northern fringes and the moderate, but remember, we are talking extreme and exceptional drought not just here locally but around the state several month ago, so we are making progress, no doubt about it. here's another system pushing into the pacific northwest, we are getting another system coming in, because i know some people are enjoying the sunshine, including myself. from our live doppler 7 perspective, high clouds passing through right now. today's highs in the
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and 60's, a few agrees below average. inland valleys down near freezing this morning, a nice recovery. look at the gorgeous views from mount tam, san jose, you are seeing some sunshine. zephyr cove. if you want to head to the mountains, today and tomorrow are your days. mild and mostly sunny tomorrow, wet, windy weekend, slight chance of thunder. tomorrow night is cold, low 30's to mid 40's, high clouds will insulate us a bit. tomorrow afternoon, low 50's to low 60's, similar to today, a mix of sun and high clouds. than the winds come up gusting, 30, 40 miles an hour. it is still pretty windy ask the system comes in, and the rain starts to spread saturday. we will see snow over a higher peak, monday is still the wintry mix, then it carries over into tuesday before this winds down. it will not be a big rainmaker,
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but we will get decent totals. most of you and a half inch to one inch category, 10:00 saturday until sunday, we are talking one foot to five become heavy snow above 3000 feet with a gusty winds, it will be difficult to impossible, and the snow will drop, even lower accumulating will be there. level 1 through saturday, windy and wet, a run for sunday with the snow showers, wintry mix monday, tuesday still some lingering showers before we bring in another system on thursday, karina and dan. we are just on a roll. karina: keeping you busy.
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they decided not to renew because of a rent increase. other locations will remain open. the same family has own caspers for years. we are talking caspers with a c. kaspers with opened by a cousin of caspers with a c. karina: dr. patel will be here to discuss lyme disease. we will discuss dj who is missing to it we will talk about illness, treatment, and long-term effects. the latest from lake tahoe after several feet of snow fell in the sierra. how many people are digging out and how resorts are keeping up. download the abc 7 news app. dan: if you are watching us on to become a world news tonight is next.
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for sandhya patel and all of us here, we appreciate your time get on dan ashley. karina: on karina nova.
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tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the jury finding alex murdaugh guilty of murdering his wife and son. the case going to the jury just hours earlier. the jury reaching the verdict quickly, in just under three hours. the dramatic moment from the courtroom just a short time ago. we'll go live to eva pilgrim on the guilty verdict. severe storms hitting tonight. the tornado watch at this hour, and a real concern over straight-line winds. dallas to little rock to memphis. 26 states from texas all the way up to the northeast on alert. rob marciano timing it out. two separate flights, two midair scares. a passenger plane taking off from texas, hitting severe turbulence at 37,000 feet. passengers describing the horror, plates and glasses flying. a flight attendant hitting the cabin ceiling. several passengers taken to the


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