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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 1, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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tonight, breaking news. the alarming discovery at an american airport. an explosive device found in luggage. authorities say powder and fuses. the suspect on surveillance. the fbi on this tonight. also, those two trains colliding on the same tracks. more than 40 dead now. and tonight, the images just in, the moment of impact. first, here in the u.s., the tsa intercepting that explosive device found in a suitcase. authorities say hidden in the lining of a checked bag at an airport in pennsylvania. meant for a flight from pennsylvania to florida, the suspect seen on surveillance with his bags beforehand, and then leaving the airport. trevor ault reporting tonight on what else they found in that bag.
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the horrific images now emerging tonight. the video showing the moment of impact when those two trains collided on the same track in greece. now greece's deadliest train disaster ever. more than 40 people killed. tonight, you'll hear from survivors who crawled out of that train. and how those trains were barrelling toward each other for a full 12 minutes on the same tracks. marcus moore in greece tonight. here in the u.s., the tornado watch in effect as we come on the air tonight, as severe storms now race across the country. 100 million americans on alert for snow, damaging winds, and flooding. the threat of strong tornadoes tonight and tomorrow before this hits the northeast. creating a dangerous commute. rob marciano timing it all out. tonight, the arrest warrant for a college football star expected to be a top nfl draft pick. jalen carter facing charges linked to a deadly crash, killing a teammate and a staff member, hours after celebrating georgia's second straight national championship. tonight, police just releasing surveillance video and 911 calls from that deadly crash.
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the dramatic move today in the alex murdaugh murder trial. jurors going to the crime scene and what they saw. then closing arguments. what prosecutors said about the son being shot and killed. they say the mother then running toward him. a major decision tonight by drugmaker eli lilly. when it comes to insulin. under growing pressure, the company says it will now cap the price of insulin at $35 a month, out of pocket, for everyone. this affects millions of americans. the war in ukraine, and tonight, the extraordinary images coming in. ukraine releasing video claims to show russian tanks being destroyed in a cloud of smoke in the east. james longman from ukraine tonight. back in the u.s., the deadly fire in buffalo. a firefighter killed when a burning building collapses, an explosion knocking several firefighters to the ground. what singer ed sheeran has revealed about his wife, diagnosed with a tumor while pregnant. and america strong tonight. the story that moved so many of you at home, in fact, many of you got to work saving the family photos.
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good evening and it's great to have you with us on a very busy wednesday night. we begin tonight with the alarming discovery at an airport in allentown, pennsylvania. the tsa found an explosive s sa- device in a passenger's luggage, they say concealed in the lining. it had been on a flight from pennsylvania to florida. the bag tripping an alarm before it was loaded onto the plane. tonight here, what the tsa found inside. that suspect is now under arrest. the incident was on monday at the lehigh valley international airport in pennsylvania. the fbi and bomb experts rushing to the scene. and take a look at the surveillance tonight. images showing the suspect arriving at the airport with suitcases. we know one of those suitcases checked in, then triggering that alarm. the tsa paging him. instead of answering that call, authorities say the passenger is seen leaving the airport before the flight. they stopped that bag before it made it onto that plane.
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tonight, inside that suitcase, powder and fuses. authorities say the device posed a, quote, significant risk to the aircraft and to passengers. abc's trevor ault leading us off in allentown, pennsylvania, tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the fbi says this man tried to smuggle an explosive device onto a passenger plane in one of those suitcases he's wheeling behind him. according to the criminal complaint, 40-year-old mark muffley checked the suitcase monday onto a flight bound for orlando, florida, from pennsylvania's lehigh valley international airport. but during security screening, an alarm went off. tsa officers opened the suitcase and found "a circular compound, approximately three inches in diameter, wrapped in a wax-like paper and clear plastic wrap hidden in the lining of the baggage." they called the fbi. an x-ray showed the device contained "a granular type of powder, consistent with a
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commercial grade firework." they say it had multiple fuses attached, one designed to ignite quickly. the suitcase also containing "a can of butane, a lighter, a pipe with white powder residue, a wireless drill with cordless batteries, and two electrical outlets taped together with black tape." law enforcement believes the device "posed a significant risk to the aircraft and passengers." according to the fbi, once the device was discovered, muffley was paged over the airport's p.a. system, and told to report to the security office. instead, they say he left the airport. he was taken into custody soon after. >> all this very alarming. let's bring in trevor ault. live at the airport in allentown, pennsylvania, tonight. i know the suspect tonight charged with bringing an explosive to the airport and attempting to place it on the plane? >> reporter: that's right, david. and mark muffley is set to make his first appearance in court tomorrow. we are still waiting to find out what his motive might have been for allegedly trying to sneak that explosive device onto that plane, david. >> trevor ault leading us off tonight from pennsylvania. trevor, thank you. we turn now to that horrific
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train crash overseas, the head-on collision. two trains on the same tracks. it's now the deadliest train disaster ever in greece. a passenger train and a cargo train speeding toward one another on the same track for a full 12 minutes before the collision in the middle of the night. and just now emerging, the images. a massive fireball when they collided. greek tv obtaining the images tonight. cars derailing, landing away from the tracks there. crews searching the wreckage. we are told some passengers are still missing tonight. more than 350 passengers were on the train. at least 40 people killed. and tonight here, you'll hear from a passenger who crawled out of that wreckage. abc's marcus moore in greece for us. >> reporter: tonight, horrific new video showing the moment a packed passenger train traveling more than 100 miles per hour slammed head-on with a freight train in greece. a massive fireball erupting. greek state tv obtaining these images. flames reaching temperatures of more than 2,000 degrees. the impact sending passengers
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flying out of windows. and tonight, greek television reporting the two trains were traveling on the same track for 11 miles, racing toward one another for 12 minutes, before tragedy struck. this man, his head still bleeding, saying his train car caught fire. he and his friend, along with a woman and child, escaping through a hole. another survivor saying the collision felt like an earthquake. night has fallen once again here in greece, and because of safety, they are not using the heavy equipment and cranes here at the crash site. but they have not stopped their desperate search for survivors amidst the wreckage. at least 43 people killed in what is now the deadliest train crash in greece's history. most of the victims between 20 and 30 years old. nearly 60 people remain hospitalized. the horror unfolding shortly before midnight tuesday in tempe, four hours after the passenger train departed athens. many passengers asleep, heading home from a carnival celebration. and several top officials resigning, including the country's transportation minister. authorities calling the crash a case of, quote, tragic human
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error, arresting the station manager responsible for directing train traffic, charged with causing mass deaths through negligence. david, it is a heartbreaking sight here. rescuers are still on the scene behind me looking for people who are unaccounted for. as authorities still try to answer that crucial question, how did no one notice these two trains were on the same tracks for 12 whole minutes? david? >> yeah, it's really something. marcus moore on the ground in greece for us. marcus, thank you. back here in the u.s. tonight, and there is a tornado watch up as we're on the air right now. that watch across four states at this hour, as this massive storm now moves east, moving quickly across the country yet again. tonight, 24 states, 100 million americans on alert right now. it started in the west, of course. blizzard conditions and more snow. these images from the lake tahoe region tonight. a state of emergency in california. this family finally escaping their home, surrounded in snow. yosemite national park closed tonight indefinitely, under 15 feet of snow in some places. and now this tornado threat into the nighttime hours tonight and
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tomorrow, and then this hits the northeast. senior meteorologist rob marciano in memphis tonight, and rob, memphis is in this watch area? >> reporter: it is. it's already been a dicey evening here already, david, in the way of storms. that tornado watch is big. across four states. you mentioned it here in memphis, down to tupelo, back through tax about ctexa through little rock. that's up until 10:00 tonight. again, a warmup for tomorrow. here's where the big storm is the coming, out of california, across the four corners region. phoenix getting it now. flakes flying overnight tonight. but then the storms erupt again across east texas, east of dallas tomorrow. probably two waves of it. and that's where the bullseye is. east of dallas, shreveport, basically the same areas under the gun tonight. and big threat for seeing large hail and maybe strong tornadoes tomorrow. and then the northern part of this thing gets going during the day on friday. some snows across chicago, detroit, getting into the northeast late friday with snow significantly accumulating inland into saturday. david? >> all right, be safe tonight, rob, in that region and through the day tomorrow. our thanks to you, rob marciano.
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we move now to an arrest warrant issued tonight, a stunning turn for one of the most celebrated college football players in america. jalen carter, a defensive tackle with the national champion university of georgia bulldogs, a projected top pick in the nfl, tonight charged with reckless driving and racing in connection with a crash that killed a teammate and a staff member with the school. tonight, authorities just releasing surveillance and 911 calls in this case. it happened not long after their won the championship. abc's steve osunsami in georgia tonight. >> reporter: police in georgia tonight are sharing 911 calls and surveillance videos from a deadly crash that are now threatening to end a promising professional football career before it's even gotten started. >> we got one patient in the car unresponsive, one on the ground. >> reporter: former university of georgia defensive lineman jalen carter was expected by many to be this year's top pick at the nfl draft. >> carter, if he's not the first
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pick in next year's draft, he'll be a top five pick. >> reporter: but authorities say he is one of the drivers seen here waiting in a black suv at a traffic light shortly before they say the two suvs went on a drunken high speed race through city streets, killing 24-year-old chandler lecroy, a recruiting analyst, and offensive lineman devin willock, who was seated behind her, on january 15th. >> the owner of this iphone was in a severe car crash and is not responding to their phone. >> reporter: it was the night of the big parade. uga had just won its second national football championship in a row, and it was a party. >> the georgia bulldogs on an incredible accomplishment. >> reporter: today is the first time most people may have had any idea carter had anything to do ith the crash. police have charged him with street racing and reckless driving, both misdemeanors. he was in indianapolis, at the nfl combine, lobbying for a job, where he canceled his press appearances. instead, he put out a statement saying he will return to georgia to answer the arrest warrants, saying, "there is no question in my mind that when the facts are known, i will be fully exonerated of any criminal
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wrongdoing." police say according to the toxicology report the young woman who was driving the other suv was driving drunk, and they say she was driving more than 100 miles an hour. investigators say that carter left the scene, then came back to talk with them, but they said he told them that he wasn't racing, which tonight police say was not true. david? >> steve osunsami in georgia. thank you, steve. now to the trial of once prominent attorney alex murdaugh, accused of murdering his wife and son. the dramatic move today, jurors going to the crime scene and what they saw. and what prosecutors said today in closing arguments about the son being shot and killed, they say his mother then running toward him. here's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: with a security escort, the jury in the alex murdaugh trial today making a rare visit to the crime scene, where prosecutors say the disgraced lawyer shot his wife and son to death. jurors spent an hour on the family's sprawling 1,700-acre property, walking around the crime scene near the dog kennels. the bullet holes still visible. just hours later, the jury was back in the courtroom, hearing prosecutors make their final
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case against alex murdaugh. >> there is only one person who had the motive, who had the means, who had the opportunity to commit these crimes. >> reporter: the state arguing alex murdaugh was about to be exposed for his financial crimes, and was facing pressure from his family about his opioid addiction, so he killed them to buy time and gain sympathy. >> the pressures on this man were unbearable and they were all reaching a crescendo the day his wife and son were murdered by him. >> reporter: prosecutors describing in chilling detail how murdaugh first shot his son, then his wife, at close range with the family's weapons. >> maggie sees what happens and she comes running over there, running to her baby. >> reporter: the state then pointing to murdaugh's string of lies, denying he was at the crime scene until that kennel video emerged, proving he was there minutes before the murders. >> bubba!
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>> why in the world would an innocent, reasonable father and husband lie about that? >> reporter: as they wrapped their case, the prosecution asking the jury to remember the victims. >> maggie and paul deserve a voice. >> reporter: pleading for them to convict alex murdaugh. >> he fooled maggie and paul, too. and they paid for it with their lives. don't let him fool you, too. >> reporter: and the defense begins its closing arguments tomorrow morning. david? >> eva pilgrim at the courtroom again tonight. eva, thank you. now to the war in ukraine. and tonight, the images coming in now. ukraine releasing video claiming to show russian tanks being destroyed in a cloud of smoke in the east. james longman in ukraine tonight. >> reporter: tonight, russia's desperate attempts to conquer the east met with fierce resistance. here, russian tanks cross ukraine's frozen landscape, and then obliterated in a huge cloud of smoke.
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heavy losses on both sides in the battle for bakhmut. more than 70,000 lived here before the war. now, there's almost nothing left. this as belarus president lukashenko, putin's closest ally, met with president xi in beijing. there are growing fears that china may seek to arm russia. the two men touted china's 12-point plan for peace, a proposal which doesn't say russian troops should leave ukraine. putin is preparing to host xi in moscow this spring. today, secretary blinken saying there is "zero evidence" that putin was ready to engage in serious peace talks. and david, tonight, ukraine is rushing reinforcements to bakhmut, keen to give a clear sign they won't retreat. david? >> all right, james longman in ukraine for us. thank you, james. back here at home tonight, and to news that will effect millions of americans who buy insulin. eli lilly says it will now cap the out of pocket cost of insulin at $35 a month. so, will other pharmaceutical companies now follow suit? here's stephanie ramos. >> reporter: tonight, in a major
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move that will bring relief to millions of americans with diabetes, pharmaceutical giant eli lilly says patients using their insulin will only pay up to $35 a month out of pocket. >> we're doing this completely voluntarily, because it's time, and it's the right thing to do. >> reporter: ely lily also cutting the price of its most commonly prescribed insulin, humalog and humulin, by 70% this fall. its generic version of humalog dropping to $25 a vial in may. the news comes as the company and other drugmakers face increasing pressure from president biden to lower insulin prices. just last year, biden signed a law capping insulin prices for seniors on medicare. nearly 3 million americans with diabetes are using eli lilly insu insulin, including j.p. q qualters, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 10. even with two different health insurance plans, he says the prices are just too high. >> for anyone above 26, in my personal opinion, you can pay up to $400, $600, $800 a month extra on top or your health
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insurance payments for one vial or three vials of insulin. >> reporter: the uninsured will need to sign up for eli lilly's insulin program before qualifying for that discount. tonight, president biden called the announcement a big deal, adding, it is time for other manufacturers to follow. david? >> all right, stephanie ramos, this is good news for many people across this country, that's for sure. thank you. now to that mysterious condition affecting american personnel around the world, we've been reporting on, what was called havana syndrome after some time. tonight, a u.s. intelligence review of that illness finds no link to a foreign adversary or an exotic weapon, they say. more than 1,500 american personnel in 96 countries did report symptoms. the report found no single cause, but likely many including ordinary illness and environmental factors. when we come back on this busy news night, we have news coming in about a deadly fire in buffalo, a firefighter killed. the collapse and the explosion knocking firefighters to the ground. you didn't live this strong, this long to get put
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like i did... the last thing you want to do is wait and see. be ready. have a plan. and ask your doctor about treatment options that may help. ooh, the chewy app. clumping litter. salmon paté? we have enough to splurge on catnip toys! i feel so accomplished. pet me please! great prices. happy pets. chewy. finally, saving the family photos. america strong. tonight, the remarkable effort we first showed you after hurricane ian. families trailing to save their photographs, their family albums. >> dad, mom, charles, joe, and marie.
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>> photographer krista kowalczyk, owner of impressions photography, in hard-hit fort myers, florida, on a mission to help. >> whole other load of pictures. >> volunteering to preserve and restore those treasured photos. >> hi, david. >> at the time, rosie gaylord telling us all she wanted to do was save her family photo album. >> can we recover? >> krista vowing to help. >> thank you so much. >> and 1,300 miles away in woodbridge, connecticut, art teacher ms. lisa toto was watching. >> hi, david. >> ms. toto telling us she wanted to help. >> i look forward to the america strong bit that you do at the end, and then krista popped up, and i kind of jumped up and said, my kids can do that! >> so, krista starting sending those damaged photos to ms. toto and her photography students. >> hi, david! >> tonight, that class proud to show us their work. the mother and daughter.
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the wedding day. junior abby fitol. >> we were all just so happy to be involved with it and helping other people. >> sophomore tamsin ditchik. >> these are their memories and it makes me feel really good. >> sense of hope and getting back on their feet after the devastating events of florida. >> and tonight, seven months after hurricane ian -- >> hi, david. >> krista going back to rosie, who wanted to lots of pictures for her. >> those photos now restored by the students. >> oh, come on! look at this! >> the 40-year-old photo, rosie's newborn son at the time, alan, being held by rosie's late mother. >> so this -- i can't even -- i can't even begin to tell you how fabulous that is. >> what a gift. we love our viewers. good night
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>> breaking news, a fight in santa rosa resulting in the death of a high school junior, where live where the teenagers family has just shown up. >> freezing cold tonight, i will show you how much temperatures will drop and where warnings are going up, coming up. >> plus the impact of the winter storms up and down california. visitors thought it was snowing at disneyland and yosemite shut down. >> now from abc 7, like breaking news. >> the information bageled to us was the scariest part because we did not really know anything. >> students in the dark during a stabbing at their school that turned deadly. good i'm ama daetz. >> classes may not be tomorrow after a fight near montgomery high school. one student debt, another in the hospital and a third in custody. roger hoss and is at the school with the very latest. >> good evening, over the past
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few hours family friends -- and friends have gathered here setting up this memorial, frustrated with the loss of a young man but frustrated that this could happen at a school. no one would talk to the camera, but judging by the size of the crowd you can see the impact. the police chief would not give the names of the three students but he did confirm two students were stabbed, one fatally. these three students have also had problems on what we know so far, around 11:00 a.m. there was a fight in one of the classrooms. two juniors entered a room and got into a fight with a freshman student who was in that class. teachers were able to break up the fight but moments later there -- they started fighting again. in the freshman pulled out a knife with a four inch play. he stepped one student three times in the upper body, a second student in the head. both of those students were taken to the hospital, the student step in the upper body died at the hospital.
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