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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 1, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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>> now from abc 7, like breaking news. >> this is truly a sad day tragedy that happened today was heartbreaking. our thoughts are with the students involved, their families, friends, classmates, and staff. montgomery high school. >> tonight at the community and morning after a 16-year-old student died following a school flight earlier today. good evening i am on a dates. >> latest afternoon police and school officials share details about what happened. >> we are at montgomery high school in santa rosa, which brings us live. >> good evening. police chief did not give us the name of the students who were involved, but he did confirm
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that two students were staff, one fatally. we also learned that the three students had had problems on the campus, and that they may have been now education earlier in the day. -- an altercation earlier. two juniors entered the classroom and got in a fight with a freshman. teachers were able to pick up the fight, but then they started fighting again, and that is when the 15-year-old freshman pulled out a knife with a four inch blade. he staffed one student three times in the upper body, a second student in the hand. both of those 16-year-old students were rushed to the hospital. the student stabbed in the upper body died at the hospital. the freshman student fled the campus but police were able to track and a short while later. >> we eventually got witnesses from saint eugene's cathedral, reported they had seen a student or a young man hiding in the creek behind the saint eugene's cathedral campus, our officers scoured that area and were able to locate a 15-year-old juvenile
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who was hiding in the creek bed, laying down on his stomach trying to conceal himself. officers slowed down, they use restraint, they did not use force and they were able to take the young man into custody. >> daughter to pick her up after the lockdowns lake -- triptych, here's how they describe it. >> it was said that they came to that, and with the shootings it is pretty scary for me and the students. >> we had under our desks until further information was told to us by our teacher, which wasn't, it was not really like that bad, it was just like the information that was being told to us was the scariest part, because we didn't really know anything until, you know, people told us. >> the mayor of santa rosa and
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the superintendent said the focus will be on students over the next few days. in 2020, they got rid of the school resource officer, some of the school -- the students i talked to said that the officer would have helped mitigate the situation. the superintendent will decide by 6:00 tonight, whether they will have classes tomorrow. >> in oakland one person is dead and another injured after a shooting in the fruitville district. this happened on international boulevard at 11:00. according to sources, arrive -- police arrived on the scene and found two victims shot. one of them did not survive. police are looking for possible suspects. this is oakland's 18th homicide this year, the same as last year on this date. today an connection to last month's deadly maths -- mass shooting at an open gas station. one person was killed, 10 others wounded.
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21-year-old brian cruz was arrested from san leandro. he is charged with the murder of 18-year-old margaret navarro. he was attending a music video shoot on macarthur boulevard when he was shot. the shooter is being held without bail. >> mystery on a hiking trail where anybody was found today. cruz responded to 14 state beach in daly city, and officers were on the scene. there is no word yet on god or how. we do know that there are steep cliffs in the area where people have had to be rescued in the past. >> in the south bay, leaders taking action to improve safety after the deadliest year of city streets ever. the council approved the project along tully road, one of the most dangerous streets in san jose. dustin dorsey has the story. >> safety is a basic necessity that everyone hopes for and expects. but in the past two years, in san jose, safety is not a
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guarantee. san jose resident joseph sullivan is all-too-familiar with the struggle. >> it can be dangero automated. watch out for them as they move in, but they don't watch out for us. >> more pedestrians died last year than any year before in san jose and the overall traffic that set an all-time high as well. the years have had enough. >> it must be a priority. we cannot have six free people die on our streets and not care. care very much and make sure that we reduce those numbers dramatically. >> the places that need special focus and care are the priority safety corridors in the city. >> 17 streets that account for over half of the fatal superior injury crashes. tele is one of the streets. in the years between 2017 and 2021, police saw that 12 people lost their lives along this stretch of street.
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>> newly approved be part of that solution. the grant will cover three miles and allow for safer crosswalks and bike lanes. median islands to allow pedestrians to cross at their own pace, ways to narrow the street to sort speeds and even a brand-new traffic light at totally and bronze avenue. -- tully and bronze avenue. >> it will slow down make anything safer. >> it should take one year to complete, one of two major capital process -- projects in the works hoping to return safety to san jose. >> these are people's lives being affected, family members, individuals. not numbers. we need to do everything that we can. >> dustin dorsey, abc 7 news. >> and taking a live look outside right now, it was a nice break from the rain. that is some pretty -- but some pretty cool to pitchers are back in the forecast.
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let's go to abc 7 news meteorologist sandhya patel. >> tonight you will need to bundle up. i want to show you a live picture right now from our sutro tower camera. bright skies over san francisco, seeing the sun but it is breezy out there. gusting 23 miles per hour at this hour in san mateo. once those winds drop off, the temperatures are going to plunge. we have freeze warnings for inlaid areas, frost advisories for much of the bay, and the coast, from midnight until 9:00 a.m., the wording will be in the upper 20's, and the advisory will be in the mid 30's and low 30's so protect your plants and pipes. should that you have a light jacket by 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. we will be at or below freezing for our coldest spots like santa rosa. i will be back with a closer look at what you can expect for the weekend, which includes big changes from what you are expecting right now. >> thanks very much. it is an absolute mess of the
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sierra, with homes and cars buried in snow, and we are hearing first-hand about the avalanche that slipped into a building. abc 7 news reporter suzanne phan spent the day talking with people in the mountains and she is them at the store. >> people who live and work here are facing treacherous conditions. several feet of snooze -- new snow has fallen in just four hours. >> so much snow in such a short amount of time. this is the view from the kitchen window and truckee. in silver spring -- soda springs >> >> it was a wild ride with the blizzard conditions that we were in. >> over the past week almost 12 feet of snow has fallen. lead scientist andrew shorts expense what is surprising. >> how light and fluffy it is. these cooler than average temperatures meant that it was very light and fluffy, not the cement that we normally get. >> conditions have been treacherous on the roads and in the mountains. check out this photo from a
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resort inside their marketing office. >> the conditions are pretty serious. the entire region is just very. >> this is a pr professional staying in a valley in tahoe. he had to dig his car out of the snow every day this week, and then at 12:30 a.m. >> the cops banged on the door and indicated that we needed to shelter-in-place or evacuate. >> and avalanche nearby. these are photos from the placer county sheriff's office. >> the condo next door to ours had had the wind is out, i saw a trashcan tossed at 30 feet. >> fortunately no one was hurt and they evacuated with help from the fired apartment. the high winds and blizzard conditions have calmed down on wednesday. they expect i-80 to open up at some point. meanwhile andrew says that we have been disappointed with snowfall because of the drive. but now --
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>> i think it is excited to be about this now and that it has come in the way it has and there's more. >> several ski resorts have reached 500 inches of snow this season, with nearly 42 feet, 100 inches more than it usually gets. here's another interesting tidbit. in truckee at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow, is forecast to be one degree fahrenheit. live in the newsroom, suzanne phan. >> that is brutal. suzanne, thank you. closer to home, we are still in all of the beautiful scenes of snow around the bay area. today, we sent sky 7 out to get karina nova incredible. -- karina nova shows us the incredible images. >> snow-covered mountain tops, so majestic. at mandela state park, for the first time in days, there are no clouds covering the summit. a light dusting of snow has left a drastic difference from a few days ago.
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with snow and ice causing closures in the area. sky 7 showing the lookout where there is still a good amount of snow blanketing the ground. flying south towards mission peak, he could see the snow is melting. the hikers enjoying the sunshine and the trek up to one of the bay area's favorite vistas. and now, to mount hamilton and santa clara county, with one of the highest peaks at about 4200 feet. several inches of snow falling overnight made for a beautiful sight. the lick observatory looks like a winter wonderland. snow blanketing the trees. but this week's unusual wintry weather continues to cause problems. a power outage at the observatory, and a road closure up to the mountain. while caltrans worked for the night to clear the road, the observatory remains closed to visitors. karina nova, abc 7 news. >> still ahead here, the hope is to open them in san francisco. a group of city leaders is headed to new york city to see the country's first safe
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injection site. to figure out how to make it work and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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>> district attorney brooke jenkins filed a motion to dismiss manslaughter charges against the former san francisco police officer involved in the 2000 17 fatal shooting. rookie officer chris some iola fired his gun to the window of his patrol car, killing cato o'neill, who was unarmed. the d8 homicide, the first time an officer had ever been charged with homicide. but jenkins says the facts and the laws don't support the prosecution and proclaims that the charges were only filed for political gain. today the judge gave the attorney general's office until
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march 7 two decide to file charges. today at a rally, o'neill's and demanded justice saying police officers to held accountable. -- must be held accountable. >> the message must be clear that if this man walks away it won't matter what video you have, pictures, witnesses, they will do it in broad daylight, and put it on their social media and left themselves. >> they filed a lawsuit against the city, and the rookie officer was filed by the apartment. >> in san francisco's ongoing battle against drug overdose crises, leaders are heading to new york city to take a look at the first safe injection site. >> the city attorney is pumping breaks citing legal concern about opening some it san francisco. >> we, with them as they left, and they -- they were for the goal is to come back for more support with the sites. >> through the doors is one of
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the first safe injection sites in the country, operated by a nonprofit in new york city, and more than a dozen of local leaders are going to get an on the ground look, including the police chief supervisor hillary ronen. >> we are bringing this group of city employees that intersect with this issue and street issues, and nonprofits that have an interest in running dissenters to learn from it. >> safe consultant sites are where people can go to use their drugs under supervision in case of an overdose. they also connect people to treatment and other services like housing and medical attention. >> how do you think that will move the ball forward in terms of establishing sites? >> well, number one, i think when our fire department, our police department and our public apart directly -- directors see the change dissenters can make
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in these peoples lives at the neighborhood we will have a whole new set of advocates. >> sake associate sites are illegal under federal law, but there could be a work and it is based on what is being dubbed the new york model. these sites are funded by private donations, not city dollars. making the city, in theory, less libel. >> the more advocates we can have that are leaders in the department that have to deal day in and day out with this crisis, more likely i think we will get the support of the mayor and city attorney to be brave and to move forward, and open the centers. >> i think it is really important that we are able to see it working site in the united states. >> lydia bronson is the executive director of one of the nonprofits will be to operate a consumption site in san francisco. >> the sites in new york are very realistic, and i think it gives these people perspective
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of how this is a conduit to better health and treatment. >> in more than a year and a half, onpoint staff reversed more than 700 doses and connected more than 2200 people to treatment. >> to see an effective working model in the united states, to meet with the people who are working at the site, and get their feedback on what is working well, and to where the pitfalls are. >> tara campbell, abc 7 news. >> after the break it may look like special-effects, but actually it is real. the scene at disneyland today, we are talking about the happiest place on earth in anaheim
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indefinitely because of a huge dumping of snow. look at this. someday shutdown ferry 25th because of a blizzard. park officials say they are working to restore critical services. >> at disneyland, no special-effects here. it looked like it was snowing for a few minutes at disneyland, but it is action what is called -- it is something that only looks like snow, it is just a few snow like flakes landing in their hand and then melting and crumbling away. pretty wild. >> people always have a good time, doesn't matter. >> rain or shine or whatever that is. >> lester, weather. >> sandhya patel. >> it is definitely a crazy scene there, let me show you dan and alma alive picture of a snow a few from the stafford, they got a lot of snow in the sierra nevada in the last 72 hours. just a beautiful sight. let's check and how much snow we are talking about. 87 inches, sugar
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palisades tahoe 92 inches. many of the resorts reporting anywhere from 5-7 feet of snow, puts the state might see at 189% of average, and we will be added to that pack this upcoming weekend. vote totals over the last 72 hours have generally ranged from one to even three inches. there were a few spots that got less than an inch like open, san jose, livermore, but certainly has been a welcome sight, and that is reflected in the rain season to date. san jose, 100% of average, san francisco 147% of where you should be for this time of year. this storm has moved on, it's long gone and we are seeing just a few high, thin clouds passing through the bay area. they won't insulate as much. temperatures right now in the 40's and 50's. a live view from our golden gate bridge camera, you see that sunshine and high clouds. you do have records this morning. san francisco and oakland both tying their previous records.
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what is interesting that san francisco's morning low was 39 degrees, and the previous record was 39 degrees and that was in 1896. we are nearing records for some cities tomorrow morning. life is with the tower camera showing you that there's plenty of sun here, and you will see more of this as we head toward smart. breezy and gusty tonight, frosty tomorrow. the wet pattern returns this upcoming weekend. tomorrow morning before you get morning -- going bumble up. it will get frosty. low 30's and low afternoon, you are looking at sunshine may seem high clouds, milder in the 60's as the winds drop off compared to today -- for the weekend, union -- we do have this trend cobras -- carries into monday and even into tuesday with the mountains
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picking up quite a bit of snow in the sierra. rainfall estimates through tuesday will range from about half an inch to an inch, a little bit more in some of the wetter spots, winter storm watch going up monday morning. heavy snow expected about 2000. we are talking 1-5 feet, dangerous the possible travel. don't travel during that time. the forecast will be cold and frosty to start on friday, and milder weather in the afternoon in the morning on friday, thenvd going io next week for that wintry mix returning. >> this just seasons we had 25 years ago. >> this is all the usual stuff a few decades ago. >> it's we are. >> was happening? -- west happening? all right, he missed the last
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been announced by the team, but espn reports he is likely to return on the upcoming road trip which begins sunday. that gain is in los angeles against the lakers, and you can watch it right here on abc 71230. we have much more news ahead. >> let's go to karina nova for what is coming up today at 5:30. >> the extreme weather has been a hot topic over the last week, but also the last year. we will talk to accuweather up -- talk about accuweather rain and snow pack, what we saw a strange this year from heat to snow, and what we can expect going forward and what all this means for wildfires. plus in the east bay we will introduce you to the oldest black motorcycle club on the west coast. join us for those stories and more at 5:30 on abc seven street eatery. >> and you can download the abc 7 app or head to to join karina in just a few minutes. >> more news tonight with david mir is next.
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we appreciate your time. >> we will see you again at 6:00. ♪ i'm with it ♪ ♪ i gotta good feeling about this ♪ ♪ yeah, ♪ ♪ so let's get it ♪ ♪ i'm feeling good vibes ♪
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tonight, breaking news. the alarming discovery at an american airport. an explosive device found in luggage. authorities say powder and fuses. the suspect on surveillance. the fbi on this tonight. also, those two trains colliding on the same tracks. more than 40 dead now. and tonight, the images just in, the moment of impact. first, here in the u.s., the tsa intercepting that explosive device found in a suitcase. authorities say hidden in the lining of a checked bag at an airport in pennsylvania. meant for a flight from pennsylvania to florida, the suspect seen on surveillance with his bags beforehand, and then leaving the airport. trevor ault reporting tonight on what else they found in that bag. the horrific images now


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