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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  February 28, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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tonight, several breaking stories as we come on the air. another train derailment, this time, with 30,000 gallons of propane fuel onboard. hazmat teams racing to the scene. and the scare onboard a jetblue flight. a close call again. this time at boston's logan airport. coming in for landing, suddenly climbing back up to avoid another plane. first, the images coming in from florida tonight, that train off the rails. hazmat and fire crews on the scene securing the area. the heightened concern over tens of thousands of gallons of propane fuel after what played out in ohio, that toxic train derailment there. and the newest governor tonight to say that toxic waste isn't coming to my state. victor oquendo in florida. another close call at an american airport, this time in boston. that jetblue flight coming in for landing, suddenly having to take, quote, evasive action,
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climbing back up to avoid another plane. gio benitez on this tonight. we're tracking yet another storm already. pounding the west at this hour, racing across the country. the real tornado threat expected, and the storm set to hit the northeast, too. rob marciano timing this out. president biden's plan to relieve college debt for millions of students, will it be halted by the supreme court? tonight, the new audio from the court. what the conservative justices are already saying about this. overseas tonight, drones hitting deep inside russia. one of them outside moscow. what the kremlin is saying tonight. and vladimir putin now ordering the fsb to secure russia's borders. james longman with late reporting from inside ukraine. here at home, the alex murdaugh trial. prosecutors taking aim today at that new defense theory that there must have been two shooters. also, the u.s. swimming star found dead. tonight, the family heartbroken in that mysterious death. the former star found dead in the u.s. virgin islands and what
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we now know. the major recall tonight involving more than 800,000 vehicles. could the engine shut down while driving? and the view from inside this plane tonight. what a pilot did for his passengers on the wrong side of the plane as they first passed by the northern lights. you have to see this. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. now a new cross-country storm coming, already hitting and the tornado threat coming, as well. it then hits the northeast with this other storm just finishing tonight. we're going to time it out for you. but we do begin tonight with yet another train derailment, and, of course, the heightened concern after that toxic train derailment in ohio. this time, in florida. take a look. more than 30,000 gallons of liquid propane onboard. at least six cars derailing, two
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cars carrying that propane. nearby businesses put on alert for possible evacuations. hazmat crews on the scene tonight. several cars overturning. fire crews also there this evening, near sarasota, florida. so far, there's been no leak of that propane, but of course, when the call came in of yet another train derailment carrying potentially dangerous fuel, it put the whole community on edge. victor oquendo leading us off tonight from florida. >> reporter: tonight, a train carrying more than 30,000 gallons of propane fuel derailing in florida. emergency crews rushing to the scene. it comes after that toxic train derailment in east palestine, ohio. five cars toppling over today. so far, there's been no leak. >> can you identify the hazardous material? >> propane. >> reporter: hazmat crews near sarasota using thermal imaging to examine that propane tanker. four other railcars also falling over, containing sheet rock. a 100-foot section of the railroad snapped in half and uprooted. >> it's probably going to take several days to get this
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completely cleaned up. they'll have to rebuild the track, because it's destroyed. >> reporter: officials alerting surrounding businesses -- be ready to evacuate, in case of emergency. >> right now, everything is okay and it's a static situation. it's when they go to upright the tank that we will be back out in full force, just to ensure the public safety. >> reporter: and today, the governor of indiana objecting to the epa's decision to send hazardous waste from east palestine to his state, saying, "there's been a lack of communication with me and other indiana officials about this decision." david, here in florida tonight, the seminole gulf railway saying there were no injuries, and they'll continue working with local authorities until both the rail cars and the tracks are corrected. david? >> but again, yet new questions about the safety of our rails. victor oquendo in florida tonight. victor, thank you. this newest train scare tonight, now to the alarming scene playing out at boston's logan airport. the faa is investigating yet another close call, this time, a jetblue flight coming in for landing, having to, quote, take evasive action, pulling back up to avoid another plane. abc's gio benitez covers aviation.
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>> reporter: tonight, the faa now investigating yet another disturbing runway close call, l. the faa says on monday air traffic control told the pilot of a learjet preparing to take off to wait as a jetblue flight landed on an intersecting runway. >> cleared to land four right jetblue 206. >> reporter: instead, the faa says, even though the learjet pilot read back those instructions clearly, the pilot proceeded to take off anyway. the jetblue plane taking evasive action, going from 87 feet back up to 3,900 feet, before circling around and finally landing safely. >> jetblue 206, go around. >> reporter: tonight, the faa wants to know how close the planes got. >> when we have an error like this, very often it's a human error. and even though we had backup systems that operated here, the tower operator telling the others to go around, it's still too close. >> reporter: this as the faa
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faces tough questions about airline safety. abc news following at least five close calls in the u.s. involving commercial jets in just over two months. >> 33 clear for takeoff, skywest 5326. >> reporter: just last week at an airport in burbank, california, authorities say an air traffic controller cleared a united express flight to take off. but then seconds later, told an american airlines regional jet to land on the same runway. >> air shuttle 5826, runway 33 clear to land. >> reporter: the two planes about 1.3 miles apart before the pilot for that american airlines regional jet maneuvered out of the way. and back in january, at jfk airport, a delta jet came within seconds of hitting an american airlines flight that was crossing the wrong runway. and david, in this latest case, air traffic control and the jetblue pilot took swiftaction to avoid a disaster, but investigators really want to know why that learjet took off. david? >> yeah, really too many close calls for comfort these last few weeks. gio benitez, our thanks to you
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tonight. we move on now, to the new storm already tonight set to race across the country yet again, with this other storm just finishing here in the northeast. snowplows working overtime on long island, while in the west at this hour, this new system already hitting. new blizzard warnings up tonight. snow closing part of interstate 80. these pictures near sacramento. take a look at the map tonight. this storm set to move across the country. the real tornado coming with this. and the storm set to hit the northeast in the next couple days. rob marciano timing this all out in a moment. but first, matt gutman in california with the new storm hitting already in the west. >> reporter: tonight, that unending whiteout in the west. drivers snowblind in the sierras. where i'm standing right now is i-80, one of the most trafficked east-west thoroughfares in the entire country. but right now, it is closed to all traffic, completely socked in with this snow coming down at a rate of almost a foot an hour. in southern california, san bernardino county, officials now declaring a state of emergency due to blocked roads, as they brace for even more snow.
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meanwhile, on the east coast, the other extreme. hardly any snow. our trevor ault in hartford, connecticut. >> this is the region's biggest snowstorm of the season, and it really isn't all that bad. here in hartford, we're at about a half foot, but even after that, the city is still in a two-foot snow deficit for this point of the year. >> reporter: back in the west, a mudslide in the mountains above beverly hills knocking out a retaining wall. that home evacuated as a precaution as they brace for even more rain in southern california. and david, over the next several days, this storm is expected to track across the country, hitting the east coast on friday. as for the sierras here, we are expecting several more feet of snow over the next 24 hours, which is why they're calling this such an extremely dangerous blizzard. now, i-80, which we just showed you, has been closed since sunday. not expected to be opened until thursday morning. david? >> just extraordinary pictures again from california tonight. matt, thank you. let's get right to senior meteorologist rob marciano, timing this all out tonight.
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and rob, this moves pretty quickly right across the country. >> reporter: yeah, it's moving, david. nearly as strong as the last system. going to be a long night for california. the action moves from san francisco and i-80, where the blizzard is happening, down to los angeles tomorrow. heavy rain again down there, could see some flooding. one to three to six feet of snow in the higher elevations. we have winter storm warnings just north of vegas and phoenix. the wind energy gets into the plains on thursday. we have a widespread severe weather threat. dallas, shreveport, jackson, into birmingham, as well. damaging winds, strong tornadoes possible. and then it moves up towards the northeast. mostly rain until it gets to, say, chicago and detroit, and the northeast. a wintry mix for new york and the other i-95 cities, but probably more in the way of heavy, wet snow inland. a mess in the northeast until saturday morning. david? >> a bit of deja vu tonight. rob marciano, thank you. we're prepared. now, to the supreme court tonight. and this question, will president biden's plan to relieve college debt for millions of students be put on hold?
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tonight here, the new audio from the supreme court. what the conservative justices are already saying. justice gorsuch, for one, asking, is it fair to those who paid back their debt already or who never borrowed in the first place? abc's terry moran has covered the supreme court for years for us. >> reporter: overnight, they lined up in the cold rain outside the supreme court. a few of the millions of americans whose financial futures may depend on this case. but inside, the supreme court's conservatives clearly signaling that they think president biden has gone too far with his $400 billion student loan forgiveness plan, and that congress must approve such huge sums. >> i think most casual observers would say, if you are going to give up that much amount of money, if you are going to affect the obligations of that many americans on a subject that's of great controversy, they would think that's something for congress to act on. >> reporter: the biden plan cancels $10,000 in federal student loan debt for those making less than $125,000, and another $10,000 for some lower-income borrowers. the white house says 26 million people have applied so far.
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outside, young people describe the stakes. >> you go to school to get a well-paying job, but you are also digging yourself a hole of enormous debt, and it's hard to crawl out of. >> doing things such as buying a house, i'm worried that i'm not going to be able to do that in the timeframe i want. >> reporter: but is the biden plan fair to other americans? that question raised by conservatives. justice neil gorsuch mentioning -- >> people who have paid their loans, people who don't -- plan their lives around not seeking loans, and people who are not eligible for loans in the first place, and that half a trillion dollars is being diverted to one group of favored persons over others. >> reporter: but to justice sonia sotomayor, the future without this plan looks bleak. >> there's a -- 50 million students who are -- will benefit from this, who today will struggle. they don't have friends or families or others who can help them make these payments.
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>> reporter: david, there is no question that the conservative supermajority on this court seems poised to strike down this program, and white house officials have been saying that they have not discussed options. there is no plan b. david? >> terry moran in washington tonight. terry, thank you. we turn now to news involving iran and its nuclear capability. tonight, a top pentagon official testifying that iran could now make enough nuclear material for a bomb in just 12 days now. let's bring in our senior white house correspondent mary bruce, live at the white house. mary, that official describing the pace of iran's progress as, quote, remarkable, in the years after the u.s. pulled out of the iran nuclear deal. >> reporter: and david, tonight, iran is on the brink of having enough material to build a nuclear bomb if they wanted to. a top pentagon official today saying they could reach that point in just 12 days. this is now the closest that iran has been to being capable of building a nuclear bomb since former president trump left the iran nuclear deal back in 2018. since then, iran has made
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astounding nuclear progress, the pentagon says. now, the biden administration did try to restart and revive that deal, but with no success. and david, it is important to note that while they are inching closer to this, the intelligence community tonight says they see no sign that iran has actually decided to build a nuclear bomb. david? >> but this was something to hear today. mary bruce tonight. mary, thank you. we turn now to the war in ukraine, and to russia, and tonight, drones hitting deep inside russia. one not far from moscow. russia saying those drones were sent by ukraine, targeting oil and gas facilities. and vladimir putin ordering tighter controls at the border, acknowledging in public, quote, there have been losses on the battlefield. abc's james longman in ukraine tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a series of mysterious drone strikes inside russia, according to the kremlin. videos circulating online showing an explosion of an oil depot. smoke billowing into the sky. another drone believed to be targeting a gas facility,
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striking deep inside russia, coming within 60 miles of moscow. the kremlin blaming ukraine, but so far, no claim of responsibility. vladimir putin today ordering his federal security service, the fsb, to take over border security. and he even made a rare admission, saying, "there have been losses in our ranks." many of those losses in eastern ukraine, in bakhmut. desperate for a win after more than a year of war, moscow sending in fighter jets, battering endless buildings with artillery and losing countless lives, all to take now ruined bakhmut. those determined to stay trying to survive the relentless sound of gunfire and explosions. buildings burning. but no one is coming to help here. but ukraine's spirit of survival unbroken. today, ukraine announcing additional units are on their way to bakhmut. this soldier saying though the city is on fire, ukraine will
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ent 'rwatchingocohepm waedat tonight theap russia. the president of belarus with close ties to vladimir putin. tonight, that president is in china for meetings? >> reporter: yeah, president luckow shen coe is vladimir putin's closest ally. and his presence in beijing tonight is only going to add to the concern that western officials have that china may seek to arm russia. if that happens, it adds a new dangerous global dimension to this war. david? >> james longman live in kyiv for us. james, thank you. back here at home tonight, and to the final testimony, and it was dramatic in the trial of the once prominent attorney, alex murdaugh, accused of murdering his wife and son. tonight, prosecutors pushing back on the defense theory that there must have been two shooters.estestifying today abaugh's ability to perform in therd courtouromuom.
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c'ab >> reporter: tonight, in a dramatic last of testimony in the alex murdaugh trial, prosecutors calling key witnesses back to the stand in their final push to prove the disgraced lawyer murdered his wife and son. >> and what does the shooter do? >> he shoots paul in the back of the head after he passes him. >> reporter: prosecutors poking holes in the defense's argument there were two shooters. their crime scene expert walking the jury through the defense version of the crime, trying to prove they got te bullet analysis wrong. >> i think the theory is preposterous, in my opinion. >> reporter: the prosecution taking aim at alex murdaugh's emotional performance on the witness stand. calling his former law partner to show murdaugh knew how to perform for a jury when he was a trial attorney. >> he was a -- a theatrical-type presence in the courtroom and he could get very emotional. >> reporter: the defense pushing back during a heated exchange, suggesting that partner is angry after having to pay clients back for money alex murdaugh stole. >> are you angry at him for stealing your money? >> i have no feeling one way or the other.
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>> you don't have any feeling about alex murdaugh betraying you and stealing your money? >> i have had anger with him, extreme anger, mr. harpootlian, because of what he did. and if you suggest, you are dead wrong if you think i've come in here ag becausof money, en wee lkg ouo ople o btally murdered. osinarments are ex tomorrow. david? >> eva pilgrim, our thanks to you again tonight. now, to the mysterious death of that former u.s. swimming star found dead in the u.s. virgin islands. her family, of course, heartbroken, and now demanding answers. here's abc's will reeve tonight. >> reporter: tonight, authorities investigating the death of a former american swimming champion on the island of st. john. her boyfriend reportedly finding 42-year-old jamie cail unspshared a week ago. she was pronounced dead at a medical clinic after suffering cardiac arrest. staff trying to save cail's life with cpr.
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rccie anstum u.s. virgin island officials saying the case is under investigation by the criminal investigation bureau, and they're waiting on an official autopsy report. the new hampshire native was a standout swimmer at the university of maine and won a gold medal in the 800 free relay at the 1997 pan-pacific games when she was a teenager. a friend saying cail was well-loved in her virgin islands community where she worked at a he aery beautiful person. >> reporter: this is still a very ongoing investigation, and david, tonight, virgin islands police are asking anyone with information to contact them. david? >> will reeve tonight. will, thank you. when we come back here, the major recall. more than 800,000 vehicles. could the engine shut down while driving? what president biden has ordered when it comes to tiktok in this country. and then, that spectacular flight. the passengers seeing the northern lights out of one side of the plane. and what the pilot then did.
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to the index and to a new recall tonight. nissan recalling more than 800,000 vehicles here in the u.s. and in canada. the company warning that a problem with the ignition key, the fob, could cause some vehicles to shut down while driving, possibly cutting power to the engine and power brakes. air bags also may not deploy. the recall involves certain nissan rogues from 2014 to 2020 and rogue sports from 2017 through 2022. no reports of accidents or injuries. we do have more on our website. when we come back here tonight, what the pilot did when half the plane had a spectacular view of the northern lights. nor. when you have chronic kidney disease. there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. and here. not so much here. if you've been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis.
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picture perfect flight. tonight, it is the flight diversion most definitely welcomed by these passengers. this is the spectacular view from inside a passenger jet flying from iceland to england. but passengers on one side of the plane getting the better view. so, the pilot making a 360-degree turn to give everyone onboard that spectacular view of the northern lights over the uk. passengers say the pilot turned off the cabin lights. often seen over iceland, scandinavia, the northern lights were seen far and wide overnight these last two nights. look at this man in scotland, his hands in the air. shining above all of downtown calgary. this time lapse showing the lights shimmering above western minnesota. spokane, washington, too. while back on that plane, the once in a lifetime sight, passengers say it was, quote, a fun flight to say the least. what a view. breathtaking view. they won't forget that. i'll see you tomorrow. good night >> new at 6:00, a look at the
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damage the stormy weather is doing in the bay area. >> showers and snow, i'm the meteorologist, i will have the forecast coming up. >> california's covid emergency ends today. what you will notice will be different tomorrow. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. >> doppler 7 is lit up with today's storm that continues to bring rain and snow to the bay area. thank you for joining us. no at 6:00 a large tree came crashing down in sonoma county, causing a lot of damage for one family. the tree slammed into a home in forest hill. the homeowner says a large brands punched through his living room ceiling. it also took down power lines and destroyed his propane tank. >> the whole house was shaking, a big old boom, a tree is laying over our property. it was very scary.
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toppled, they were shaken but they were not hurt. how much more stormy weather should be expect? ama: let's get to the answer with the expert. >> through tonight you can expect this wintry mix to continue. let me show you live doppler 7. as we get you into street-level radar, right around mount hamilton, we are seeing rain-snow mix. it is switching o rain in sunnyvale, santa clara. scattered teacher in san francisco. inland east bay, we are seeing mixed precipitation over mount diablo, light rain right now. to the north bay, showers in the hills above kalus tova -- cast