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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  February 7, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the urgent search and rescue effort under way right now, a newborn baby pulled out alive. they believe born in the wreckage after that devastating earthquake. also tonight, the fire breaking out on a united passenger jet headed to newark. and here in washington, president biden set to address the nation and congress tonight. first, rescuers in a race against time to pull survivors from under mountains of rubble. amid the heartbreak, the incredible moment the white helmets rescue team pulls an entire family to safety. also tonight, we're learning about a mother giving birth while buried under a five-story building. that newborn baby saved. the 7.8 earthquake causing widespread devastation across turkey and syria. marcus moore reporting from turkey tonight.
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here at home, that midair scare onboard a cross-country united flight from san diego to newark. a lithium battery catching fire. passengers screaming, air traffic control radioing the pilots, saying they could not hear them. we have new reporting tonight, the u.s. navy off the east coast and what they've now discovered. parts of that suspected chinese spy balloon and what it reveals. and the unmanned underwater vehicles examining the wreckage for explosives. a way for the chinese spy balloon to self-destruct. martha raddatz with new reporting. just moments ago, the first look tonight at what president biden will tell the american people later this evening. the address in prime time, the state of the union here on abc. the president before congress and the country, and mary bruce live at the white house. there is also breaking news from memphis at this hour in the tyre nichols case. we have new reporting tonight. what one of the officers allegedly did. pierre thomas is here. also, the war in ukraine
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tonight. ukraine claiming the last 24 hours have been the deadliest for russian forces since the start of the war. the numbers not confirmed. and tonight, where ukrainian troops are now training on those first german tanks. back in the u.s., the deadly train collision. an amtrak train with passengers onboard and a tractor trailer. the alarming images. authorities say a tesla driver apparently asleep at the wheel, going more than 50 miles per hour. the driver following, honking the horn, trying to wake them up for 15 minutes. your health tonight, and a potential breakthrough for new mothers. the fda weighing whether to approve the first pill to treat postpartum depression. and those images after the earthquake, the families, the children, and tonight here, how you can help. and good evening tonight from washington, where president biden is set to deliver his state of the union address tonight to congress and to the
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american people. we will carry it live right here on abc, and what we've already learned here in a moment. we are going to begin tonight with the stunning devastation and the miraculous rescues after that massive earthquake hit turkey and syria. tonight, a mother giving birth to her newborn under the rubble. that newborn has been saved and rushed to the hospital. and the desperate search for survivors continues amid freezing temperatures there. authorities say that baby girl was born in the rubble, that her umbilical cord was still attached. racing the baby to doctors. authorities say the mother did not survive. and take a look tonight. this is the reality on the ground there. across a large part of turkey and syria, entire communities destroyed. and the buildings that are still standing are now in danger of collapse. millions left homeless across the disaster zone. the staggering death toll, now well more than 7,000 people dead. that number is expected to grow. rescue teams still arriving tonight. the heavy equipment taking time to get there. survivors taking it upon themselves to search.
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women trying to salvage whether they can find anything from the rubble in their homes. the tears after staggering loss. and the heartbreaking image of a father tonight, whose 15-year-old daughter died, refusing to let go of her hand. hope is keeping crews and survivors going, now days into this horror. these are the cheers as a little girl was pulled free. the joyous moment that the white helmets rescue team was able to find her entire family alive. abc's marcus moore leading us off tonight in turkey near the epicenter, and we warn you again tonight, the images are very difficult. >> reporter: tonight, in a desperate race against time and brutal cold, rescuers finding iracles in the rubble. using drills and their hands, the white helmets rescue team in syria one by one pulling an entire family to safety. the crowd of hundreds erupting in joy. incredible scenes of hope. more than 40 hours after that
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catastrophic 7.8 magnitude quake rocked turkey and syria, killing more than 7,000 people. residents finding this infant alive, crying. the baby's mother giving birth while buried under the rubble of a five-story apartment building. the baby born just three hours before. her umbilical cord still connected to her mother, who sadly did not survive. across the region, urgent rescues. this man clawing through the rubble, finally finding little noor, buried in debris. scared.ather is here, don't be - noor, please, look at me here. talk to your father," he says. noor looking up in a daze, seeing her father. a short time later, little noor free after nearly 24 hours. the scope of the devastation staggering. apocalyptic drone footage showing multiple high rise buildings reduced to rubble, pancaked on top of each other. entire neighborhoods ripped to pieces. nighttime has fallen again here in turkey and the work to find those trapped in the rubble has not stopped. and the next 24 hours will be
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critical, as they search for survivors. we met this woman who brought warm soup and water to crews working in the turkish city. >> we want to help people. it's very sad, everybody. >> reporter: tens of thousands still feared trapped under tons of debris. this woman survived, but lost her sister and four nieces and nephews in the quake. "they are all gone. if rescuers had arrived yesterday, they would have been saved," she says. hospitals overwhelmed, treating thousands of injured people. an international coalition of more than 70 countries sending aid, with two american search and rescue teams from los angeles and virginia now arriving in the region. but that support can't come soon enough, with millions grieving. this father's unimaginable pain. losing his 15-year-old daughter
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irma near the epicenter of the quake, refusing to let go of her hand. >> just haunting images from turkey tonight. marcus moore back with us, live right there near the disaster zone. and marcus, i know this hunt for survivors continues. expected to last for days there. you reported on this incredible rescue, that newborn born in the rubble, the mother did not survive. what more do we know about the health of that baby? >> reporter: david, we know the newborn was rushed to the hospital. doctors said she was suffering a seizure when she arrived there. they put her in an incubator and they also say that she had bruises on her face and her body. but miraculously, she is alive tonight. as searchers just behind us here are at the top of this pile of debris, searching for survivors, where another building collapsed here near the turkish/syrian border. david, it is going to be another long and very cold night here. >> still so hard to wrap our heads around the scope of the devastation. marcus, our thanks to you and the crew again tonight. and later tonight here, amid these devastating images, so
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many of you asking how you can help. and we'll have that for you a little bit later. in the meantime, we turn to the news back here at home tonight, and to the midair scare onboard a united flight from san diego to newark. a lithium battery catching fire. passengers screaming. the pilots turning the plane around. air traffic control radioing the pilots, saying they could not hear them. abc's mola lenghi from california tonight. >> reporter: the fire broke out in first class, minutes after united flight 2664's 7:30 a.m. liftoff from san diego. >> all of a sudden, there was some smoke, a guy next to me two seats over started to scream. and then i saw a flash of fire. >> i grabbed the girl next to me and we just really held onto each other. >> reporter: quick-thinking crew members put the burning battery into a thermal fireproof bag, stowing it in the bathroom. air traffic controllers at one point unable to hear the pilots as they raced back to san diego. >> united 2664, i understand you might be on masks there. i cannot hear you, suggest you
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turn north and you are cleared for the visual to san diego at any time. >> reporter: the plane making a steep but safe landing. >> right now, the laptop is contained. the fire is out. >> reporter: lithium batteries are in everything from laptops and cell phones to vape pens. and incidents of them catching fire on flights are on the rise. 57 incidents just last year, according to the faa. >> this happens underneath in the luggage compartment, everybody's a goner. people just don't realize it, but i think that's what people have to realize. >> reporter: well, as a precaution, four flight attendants were taken to the hospital, two others treated at the scene. the faa is investigating. and david, a reminder tonight, this is exactly why these types of batteries should only travel in carry-on luggage. the faa says never in a checked bag. david? >> they say do not put those lithium batteries in the cargo hold. that would just be an awful thing that could play out. mola lenghi tonight with an alarming story for sure. mola, thank you.
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we do have new reporting here tonight on what the u.s. navy has now found, parts of that chinese spy balloon off the east coast. and now the pentagon is revealing how it tracked it across the country. a u.s. navy team recovering pieces of the balloon off the coast of myrtle beach, south carolina. we have learned tonight an unmanned underwater vehicle is now examining the wreckage for explosives. u.s. authorities suspect there could have been explosives as a way for the balloon to self-destruct. here's our chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, these new images of the navy fishing china's deflated spy balloon from the waters of the atlantic ocean. they come as we learn fresh details of the pentagon's efforts to track the air ship as it crossed the united states. enlisting the military's famed u2 spy plane. we have seen first-hand the power of these jets. they can fly higher than 70,000 feet, so high the pilots must wear pressure suits like astronauts.
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the u2s tailed the balloon, photographing it up close. until it was shot down off the south carolina coast. the massive recovery effort now under way. unmanned underwater vehicles seeking out wreckage from the balloon's huge technology bay, the size of three buses. those vehicles also searching for possible explosives. a senior u.s. official tells me the balloon had a self-destruct capability. as the u.s. collects debris, and with it information, china today declaring the air ship does not belong to the united states, but to china. the biden administration making it clear, they're not getting it back. >> do you intend to return the debris to china at some point in the future, or under international law, are you able to keep it? >> i know of no such intention or plans to return it. >> and so let's bring in martha raddatz back with us tonight. and martha, you've learned that in addition to these underwater
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drones that are now hard at work looking for potential explosives, there are now reinforcements coming? >> reporter: reinforcements in a crane. they are bringing a huge crane. they have now located what they believe is the payload, the most important part of this balloon, on the sea floor. so that crane will go down there, look for it. there will be divers down there. and they hope to bring it up quickly and piece it together, david. >> and of course, we don't know if the president will bring up this balloon, but surely china will be on the agenda later tonight for the state of the union, and i'll see you here for that. thank you, martha. in the meantime, to the other news, and this is a late headline from memphis tonight, in the case of the tyre nichols investigation. new police documents now detailing what one of the officers allegedly did after tyre nichols was beaten. let's get right to our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas, who is with us live tonight. and pierre, what have you learned? >> reporter: david, tonight, there's a deeply disturbing report concerning the beating death of tyre nichols. abc news learning of a new document from the memphis police department claiming that there's evidence that one of the officers on the scene used his personal cell phone to take a
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picture of a bloody, battered, and bruised nichols and then sent it by text to at least five people. memphis police are using evidence of the photo to bar the officers from ever working in the state of tennessee again. memphis police officer are banned from using personal cell phones to take pictures while performing their official duties. tonight, the troubling unanswered question, why would an officer want a personal picture of a badly beaten suspect? david? >> just awful. pierre thomas with us again on this case tonight. pierre, thank you. and here in washington, as i mentioned a moment ago, just a short time from now, president biden will deliver his state of the union address to congress and to the country, of course. let's get right to our senior white house correspondent mary bruce live at the white house tonight. mary, the president, we know, is expected to list bipartisan accomplishments, supported by democrats, republicans, infrastructure, rebuilding bridges, roads, creating jobs, capping insulin prices. hopes to signal optimism. but this white house also knows that many americans say that they're not feeling this yet, and mary, you've just received
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some early looks at the speech? >> reporter: we have, and david, we've also been told that the president will likely be tweaking this right up until the last minute. we know he's been working on this for weeks. even doing some run-throughs in recent days. the president tonight will argue that the economy is strong, pointing to the latest historic jobs report, that unemployment rate at a 53-year low. and he will tout his accomplishments, like the bipartisan infrastructure law. his message to americans is going to be that the country is on the right path, and it is time to finish the job. but he is also keenly aware that a lot of americans simply don't feel that way. and he is going to speak directly to them saying, "too many people have been left behind or treated like they're invisible," saying, "i get it." and of course, for the first time, he will be speaking to a republican-led house, coming out of the midterm elections, he will say, "there is no reason we can't work together in this new congress. the people sent us a clear message. fighting for the sake of fighting, power for the sake of power, conflict for the sake of
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conflict, gets us nowhere." the president tonight with a message of bipartisanship and optimism. david? >> the state of the unions are always fascinating, mary. the case will be whether or not he's able to strike an optimistic tone, whether or not he can convince americans to stay the course here, making the case that the benefits are still to come. we'll see how he does tonight. and the republican response, as well. >> mary, thank you. of course, martha, mary, the entire team, all here for abc news live coverage in prime time, that's a short time from now, the state of the union address and the republican response, tonight, 9:00 p.m. eastern, right here on abc. of course, we'll see you for that. the president expected to surely mention russia, vladimir putin, and the war in ukraine. and it all comes as ukraine tonight is now claiming the last 24 hours have been the deadliest for russian forces since the start of the war. and tonight, where ukrainian troops are now training on those first german tanks. abc's tom soufi burridge in ukraine tonight. >> reporter: tonight, as russia threatens to cut off ukrainian
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troops inside the city of bakhmut, ukraine hitting back. with rounds of artillery. ukraine claiming the last 24 hours have been the deadliest for russian forces in this war, with over 1,000 russian soldiers killed. but those claims can't be verified. ukrainian troops now training in poland on these advanced german-made tanks. with european nations today pledging an additional 100 tanks of an older model. ukraine also now awaiting those longer-range u.s. rockets, part of nearly $30 billion in military aid america has committed over the past year. but the toll from this war has been heavy on ukraine. each flag, each cross in this cemetery, a life sacrificed. more than 700 soldiers buried here. some killed in the past few days. these rows of freshly prepared graves speak of the brutality of the fighting right now, because
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sadly, almost inevitably, all of these will soon be filled. david, president biden is planning to travel to poland later this month around the one-year anniversary of this war, in a show of solidarity with ukraine and european allies. david? >> tom soufi burridge in ukraine for us again tonight. tom, thank you. in the meantime, back here in the u.s. tonight, and major news in the trial of alex murdaugh, accused of killing his own wife and son. for the first time, jurors hearing evidence of his alleged deep financial crimes, and you'll hear how prosecutors argue that that financial ruin was the motive for murder. here's eva pilgrim now. >> reporter: for the first time, the jurors in the murdaugh trial hearing evidence of financial crimes as a motive for murder. >> it's not character evidence, it's only the motive, according to state's theory. >> reporter: prosecutors argue the once prominent attorney was on the brink of being exposed for those crimes when he killed his wife and son to distract from them and gain sympathy.
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the cfo of his family's law firm testifying she confronted murdaugh about missing fees on the day of the murders. >> he told me the money was in there, that we could get it at any time. >> reporter: hours later, maggie and paul murdaugh was shot to death. that cfo says she would go on to discover that alex murdaugh had stolen millions from clients and partners. today, laying it out case by case in painstaking detail. >> alex had stolen it. he stole it. had been stolen by alex. the sickest feeling you could feel in the world. i knew that he was stealing all this money. >> reporter: but the defense pointing out murdaugh's misconduct wasn't new at the time of the murders. it went back some ten years. >> we're not here today to try those charges on the financial crimes. >> reporter: meanwhile, late today, a forensic expert says she found gunshot residue on the clothes alex murdaugh was the murder scene.ce arrived on - david? >> all right, eva pilgrim with us again tonight. ea, thank you. when we come back from washington, the deadly train collision, an amtrak train with passengers colliding with a fedex tractor trailer. and then those images, the
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tesla driver apparently asleep at the wheel on the highway, going more than 50 miles per hour, in a moment. that's the perfect age to see some old friends, explore new worlds, and to start screening for colon cancer. yep. with colon cancer rising in adults under 50, ancer society recommends starting to screen earlier, at age 45. i'm cologuard, a noninvasive way to screen at home, on your schedule. and i find 92% of colon cancers. i'm for people 45+ at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you.
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authorities say the driver apparently sleeping while that car was going more than 50 miles per hour on the 15 freeway. one car following for 15 minutes, honking the horn, apparently trying to wake the driver up before then calling police. authorities say they were unable to then find the driver. no accidents were reported. that was something. when we come back here tonight, a potential breakthrough for new mothers. the fda considering the first pill to treat postpartum depression. and later here tonight, how you can help the people after that earthquake. thinking about selling your home today's more challenging market? well, you don't have to let it sit for weeks or months trying to sell it the traditional way. at 72sold, you can get a price thousands more than if you sold the traditional way and get it done from a to z in just eight days. thinking about selling. just put in your address and get your price a higher price for your home in just eight days. only at
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tonight, before we go, we know so many of you have been moved by the suffering after that devastating earthquake. some of the images coming in, giving hope. children being pulled from the rubble. this boy on a stretcher, rescued after being trapped for more than 40 hours. this little girl pulled from a collapsed building, carried to safety. and what so many families are hoping for, reunions. the hugs and tears, as extended family members find one another. this boy rescued from the rubble, too. to help, you can visit i'll see you just moments from now, our live coverage of the state of the union, 9:00 p.m. eastern, right now on apc. the whole team standing by. stay tuned.
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get more with nature's bounty. good evening. president biden set to address congress and the american people, the state of the union, abc news live coverage begins right now. this is an abc news special. the state of the union. >> when i came to office, the pandemic was raging, our economy was reeling, but we acted together. now, two years in, it's clearer than ever that our plans work. >> as tensions with china escalate over the spy balloon shot down, and the war in europe enters its second year -- >> this is about freedom. freedom for ukraine. freedom everywhere. >> with historic job growth and economic recovery -- >> the strongest job growth in
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history. the lowest


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