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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 30, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning, america. good morning, america. it's our second hour. white house warning. the biden administration urging americans not to travel to the war zone after an american fighter is killed in ukraine. we the biden administration urging americans not to travel to the war zone after an american fighter is killed in ukraine. we're on the ground in kyiv with the latest this morning. urgent warning, a mysterious and deadly illness affecting children around the world. clusters of a severe form of hepatitis found in the u.s. the cdc investigating. what parents need to know about the signs and symptoms. also this morning, new findings on the new vaccine. the shot linked to a lower risk of heart attack and strokes. dr. sutton is breaking down the benefits.
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doggy depression. the top advice from a dog trainer that is sure to get tails wagging isn. the met gala days away as the a-listers get ready to rock the red carpet. the beauty tips to get that glow for your next big event. a celebrity makeup artist spilling her secrets. season of sequels. the summer blockbusters dominating the box office, from "downton abbey" to the universe of madness. what is the secret sauce to a quality follow-up film? get ready for a double feature as we say "good morning, amer america." >> announcer: it's saturday morning. this is "gma." >> i do want to dance.
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it takes two. then a sequel. i'm little slown a saturday sometimes. good morning, folks. we have a busy morning, and we're following a lot of news. we're starting with the latest in in ukraine and the biden administration warning americans not to travel to the country after the death of an american fighter. >> russian forces are behind schedules and have been slowed in their advances on the eastern part of the country. this as russia's defense ministry claims responsibility for a deadly attack on an apartment building in kyiv. russia launches new strikes in the region from land and sea. >> nearly 20 shipments of flights from arrived from seven different neations in the last day, carrying military aid for ukraine. another 12 flights from the u.s. are expected in the region this morning. >> let's go back to kyiv for the latest. marcus, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the first weeks of this war, russian troops were able to get reason a few miles of where we are on the outskirts of kyiv. members of the territorial
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defense force were in this trench and others protecting the city. they were successfully able to push the russians back. while they're gone, they remain on high alert as casualties mount in the east. this morning, a former u.s. marine killed on the battlefield in ukraine. willy joseph cancel is believed to be the first american killed while fighting in ukraine. >> dedication to community service and national defense is definitely something to look up to as a role model for anyone. willy was no exception. >> reporter: president joe biden calling his death very sad. saying he left a little baby behind. press secretary psaki doubling down on the plea for americans to stay out of the war zone. >> americans should not travel to ukraine for any reason. >> reporter: in ukraine's capital kyiv, russia's defense ministry saying their high-precision missiles for responsible for the deadly attack on an apartment building. the blast within close proximity of the u.n. secretary general on the ground meeting with ukrainian president zelenskyy. on friday, putin accepting an invitation to attend the g20
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summit in november, weeks after biden called for russia to be removed from the group. and a rare display of emotion from john kirby, choking up after being asked whether he believes putin is a rational actor. >> it is difficult to look at the -- sorry. it's difficult to look at some of the images. >> reporter: in a warning to russia, kirby saying the pentagon is comfortable with the nuclear deterrent posture in place. this morning, a battalion trains on patrols and ambushes. some you see have combat experience, but others were everyday lives before joining. why did you join. >> it is not a question, why. you need to do this. >> reporter: the trenches used to protect the city, they're training for fighters and saying
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ready, just in case the fight comes back to kyiv. they tell me they are prepared to fight for sas long as they have to. >> our thanks to marcus moore there in the region. turning now to a health alert. severe cases of hepatitis affecting kids. doctors trying to figure out what is causing it. we go to the cdc in atlanta for the latest. >> reporter: good morning again. health officials are sounding the alarm after the first reported death of a child in wisconsin possibly linked toout. more than 20 suspected cases popping up in six states, most of them in children under the age of ten. at least four of them needed a liver transplant. now, this serious outbreak is impacting nearly 170 children across the globe. health experts say parents should be on the lookout for symptoms such as fever, nausea, fatigue, and a yellowing of the eyes and skin. guys, at this point, it is still unclear what is causing all of
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this. health officials are still investigating that. >> alarming discovery. thank you. coming up here, the flu shot and your heart health. the new reported benefits to l rolling up your sleeve. dr. sutton is here to break it down. billy eichner opening up about his new movie. how the romcom is making history. before summer blockbusters hit the screen, the secret ingredients to a successful follow-up film. we'll be right back. if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember.
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opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials.
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if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network.
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is linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular events including heart attack or stroke. dr. darien sutton joins us to break it down. good morning, again. so this study is really interesting. what exactly does it tell us about this? >> so the study looks to clarify what is the exact benefit of flu vaccines beyond that of protecting against infection and hospitalization and they basically wanted to know is there an association to flu vaccines and a decreased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes. >> why is this study significant? >> it's significant for two things, its size and the risk reduction found. it found that there was a significant risk reduction, approximately 34% in things like angina, chest pain, heart attack, heart failure, strokes and death, secondary to complications and more than 9,000 participants over 20 helpn
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when having a discussion with patients higher risk. >> does it explain at all how this is, why this is? >> great question, so it looks at the association but does not really understand the causation. there are likely many reasons why these two things might be associated. one meaning a direct relationship, the flu can cause outcomes, or maybe indirect. maybe those who get the vaccine have different lifestyles compared to those who do not. >> it's april. not exactly flu season. if you didn't get a flu shot, should you get a flu shot now or just wait till we get to flu season? >> that is another great question. i think it's completely reasonable, especially if you're higher risk. typically it peaks in february and trails off around may but i have to say that recently i've been seeing a couple of cases and we've been seeing them around the u.s., strange outbreaks of flu and i think that it's really imperative patients know especially those higher risk it's probably okay and helpful to get the vaccine to be protected. >> conversations you should have with your doctor, dr. darien sutton, we always love having you, thank you so much. >> of course. well now to the annual met gala. fashion's biggest night two days away and as the a-listers primp
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and prep for the major event, lord, let beyonce be there this year, reena roy is here with a sneak peek. good morning, reena. >> reporter: good morning to you. well, i can tell you there will be no shortage of glitz and glamour monday night. more is definitely more this year and we got a top celebrity makeup artist who will be at the met to spill her secrets finding out how you can get red carpet ready for your next big event. >> this is the met gala, after all. >> gala. >> reporter: it's the annual event to see and be seen. the biggest stars stepping out and dressing up in eye-catching couture. gilded glamour is monday's dress code, part of a two-year theme celebrating all things americana. >> i can't wait. it is going to be so much gilded glamour. >> reporter: charlotte tilbury is ready to work her magic at this year's met gala from kate moss and nicole kidman to penelope cruz. she is no stranger to the red
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carpet. >> it is one of the most fashionable nights of the year. talk about the importance of it. >> people get to express all their fantasies and creations at the met. >> reporter: she says this year we can expect to see glamorous golds, dreamy pastels and statement lips. now charlotte is spilling her secrets, how you can get that glamorous glow for all those upcoming graduations, showers and weddings. first she says, think long term. a-listers start prepping weeks before a single shot is snapped making regular facials and a consistent skin care routine in vogue. >> i always say if you want a peaceful painting, you have to have a beautiful canvas. >> reporter: on the day of layering your skin is key starting with a face mask, then applying a plumping moisturizer and hyaluronic serum to smooth the skin. vitamin c and primer help you glow, too. as for an instagram ready look, she suggests choosing foundation with skin care ingredients to
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hide a tired face and brightening powder under the eyes with highlighter. >> making sure you do it on this section. i don't know if you can see me but when i turn that way, that picks up the light. it gives you that gilded glow. >> reporter: guys, i told my best friends i was speaking to charlotte tilbury. they were really excited about it. the one thing they wanted to know, what to keep in your bag for touch-ups. she says lip liner, lipstick and finishing powder are key to looking fresh all night, guys. >> i like what you said before, more is definitely more. >> that's right. and speaking of more, will ganss is in for "pop news." you've got golden tennies on for us today. >> that's right. no place like "pop news." there's no place like "pop news." there's no place like "pop news." we begin this morning with some news from the one and only dolly parton, the queen of country, changing her tune on the rock & roll hall of fame induction. last month she said she was respectfully bowing out of contention for induction into the institution, but now she's still in the running telling npr
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that if she's selected she'll accept gracefully. dolly adding, quote, i'll accept it because the fans vote. it's hard to think of a better musician to honor, dolly, we will always love you. i'm in the idea, the boat we should just give dolly parton all the awards. >> yes. >> everything. >> she wrote "jolene" and "i will always love you" in the same day. >> the same day? >> crazy. >> i don't know what you have planned for the rest of the day but get on it. billy eichner gave attendees a look at his upcoming movie "bros," the first gay romantic comedy made by a major studio. while not available for the general public to see yet, eichner promised it will be soon. telling the crowd, we had two rom-coms about hedgehogs but let me tell you if you like hedgehogs you'll love gay people. this will be a groundbreaking
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rom-com that will feature an all openly lgbtq cast in starring roles. "bros" set to hit theaters this september. >> he's hilarious. >> he is. >> incredible. >> it's cool they're doing it. >> so important for so many young lgbtq people who will get to look at the screen and say, wait, i can have a love story like that. it's really important. all right, some more movie news. margot robbie is a barbie girl in a barbie world in the first look as the main character in the live action movie. one thing you won't hear or see in the flick, this song. ♪ i'm a barbie girl in a barbie world ♪ >> what? can you believe it. "variety" reporting the 1997 hit if the barbie -- "barbie girl" won't be nin the film. movie you won't want to miss. ryan gosling as ken and simu liu and will ferrell with america ferrera. ♪ come on barbie let's go
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party ♪ >> i remember when it came out. >> you must be devastated. this is your favorite song. >> yes. absolutely. >> it was your jam. >> i know. well, will you start the petition since it's your favorite song? >> on the internet. >> always good. thank you so much. now let's get a check of the weather with danielle breezy in nashville in for rob. hey, danielle. >> reporter: good morning, eva. i got to tell you it's cool weather here but i'll tell you it's cold other places. want to show you this video. this is compelling video of an ice shove in wisconsin coming off lake superior. it looks like mini icebergs piling up on the beach. weird sight to see at the end of april. by the way, snow is melting in the upper midwest and couple it with heavy rain and we are concerned with flooding as we have flood watches up for parts of north dakota and minnesota as two to four inches of rain are expected over the weekend. that's a look at what's happening around the country.
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lisa: good saturday morning. last day of april. locally, and that will allow for a gusty day today from pacifica half moon bay. . slightly warmer tomorrow as the breeze backs off. 70 in fremont. upper 70's in now to the multiplex. >> yeah. >> asked if i was doing a flex. [ laughter ] multiplex. no. >> can you flex? >> no. >> let's do it. >> oh, my goodness. get your popcorn ready. this summer box office blockbusters that cash in big on familiar faces, titles and characters, in fact, sequel movies make up seven of the top ten high grossing movies of all time.
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>> that's right. just this week we had major sequels come out ahead of cinemacon with announcements that robert pattinson will return to gotham city as the batman and "wicked" being adapted into not one but two movies. so is that technically a sequel? >> we're going to find out. so much to discuss, of course, so we called in an expert joining us now, one of the contributors of vulture's the 101 best movie sequels of all time, bilge ebiri joining us. good morning. great to have you. >> good to be here. >> all right, so when talking about sequels not all can be as good as "ace ventura 2: when nature calls" but what is the secret sauce. >> honestly the secret sauce to making a great sequel is making a great movie. it has to be a good movie first and foremost. my colleagues and i worked on this list of the 101 greatest sequels of all time and one of the things that we wanted to make sure was for every single movie on that list, we wanted to -- somebody to champion it. even if all of us didn't love every single movie on the list, every single movie on that list
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has a couple of champions in our group and so that was the most important thing. >> so you're well versed in the world of sequels. how much of a role does nostalgia play in a sequel being successful? >> nostalgia certainly plays a part. it actually plays more of a part these days because once upon a time the conventional wisdom was after a movie came out you had about five years in which you could make a sequel and then get the money and run. and over the past 10, 15 years or so i think hollywood has started to mine older and older properties and so you've got, you know, had you a sequel to the "mad max" movies, we've got a sequel to "top gun" coming out and it's from 1986. when it becomes a film -- when you're making a sequel to a film that was 10, 20, 30 years ago and, you know, generations have passed, nostalgia plays an even bigger part. >> as much as i want to talk about "mamma mia 2: here we go
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again," it's on the list, let's talk about "mad max: fury road." bold choice. how did you land on that as number one on the list? > it's a fantastic movie. it's a fantastic movie. we all loved it. obviously on a list like this, very often the traditional conventional choice might have been "godfather part ii." also a fantastic movie and our number two choice. when we were trying to decide what should be number one we went around the room or virtual room and everybody listed their tom three sequels, top three choices. every single person had "mad max: fury road" on their list and once we found that out we were like that's it. it's got to be number one. >> so next week summer sequels start. "dr. strange" not a traditional sequel. >> well, we'd consider it a sequel. on our list we made sure that every franchise was represented
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by just one movie so -- and with "dr. strange" obviously there was a previous "dr. strange" but the marvel cinematic universe has been incorporating all these story lines and characters. the thing i'm most excited about "dr. strange," i haven't seen the new one is they brought in sam raimi to direct and sam famously made the first three "spider-man" movies and "spider-man 2." i believe it's the highest superhero movie on our list. phenomenal director who hasn't made a film in a while and, you know, movie geeks like me are just really excited by his return to behind the camera. >> so we got a little time left but you noted this. the "top gun" sequel, the need for speed, it's been so many years, what can you tell us about it? what can we expect? >> i can't tell you too much. i have seen it. >> okay. >> but -- and it just premiered at cinemacon. >> they swear you to secrecy. >> no, they do. they swear you to secrecy but i think i'm allowed to tell you i
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liked it a lot but i think you will find that it does something really interesting with the nostalgia factor because so much happened since the original "top gun." tom cruise's career has gone up, it's gone down, it's gone up, it's gone down, it's gone up again. our relationship to the military has changed. >> like an f-18. >> well, yeah. the planes have changed. they're bigger, better planes now. so much changed since the first one and the new one i think really tackles that in a fascinating way. >> we are looking forward to it. thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate it. coming up here, doggie depression. how going back to the office affects our four-legged friends. we'll be right back. who do you think you are? canceling plans, commanding a room,
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being your own biggest fan. who said you could do that? say no to settling, no to compromising. yes to getting all of the above. who? no, really. tell us. who do you think you are? oh, you're you. and tj maxx is where you can afford to be you to the maxx. see him? he's not checkin' the stats. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do?
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are you looking to renovate your kitchen or bathroom? i'm mike holmes here with ivan from agm renovations thanks mike! too often, homeowners hire the wrong contractor. ivan, i see this all the time. delays, shortcuts, hidden fees - nightmares. at agm we use the top trades, and each project is finished on time, on budget, backed by a five year warranty. that's why agm are the only kitchen and bathroom renovation specialists i recommend.
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♪ ♪ under district attorney gascón, and get $3,000 off! i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now. and now please welcome ana montoya. ♪ hello there, fellow students... hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. ♪ i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy.
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i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. jr: good morning. i am j.r. stone. the u.s. coast guard is resuming a search for a third victim after a car drove off they clip
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into the ocean at pescadero state beach. officials said two people were found dead last night. several agencies, including the chp, san mateo county sheriffs office, and the la honda fire department responded to the scene. officials are investigating and trying to determine thee accide. ather.oined by meteorologist lisa: a nice day out there, but. we have fog. . . weyoac ro warriors. because we know you want to get back to going your speed, steering life at 10 and 2. you're hitting the road... and we're helping you get there with confidence. soon you'll get back to skipping the counter without missing a beat. back to choosing any car in the aisle.
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back to being the boss of you. go national. go like a pro.
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♪ it's gonna be me ♪ we love that song. especially as we approach the month of may. >> especially as we approach the month of may. welcome back to "gma." most punderful time of year. they're making me say that. we have fun with it. we'll get to why we're so excited about the month of may coming up in "binge this." first, some of the headlines right now. a judge denied maxwell's request to have her sex trafficking convictions dropped. maxwell was found guilty of five federal charges in aiding jeffrey epstein's sexual abuse of minors. the judge agreed some of the charges were repetitive. maxwell will be sentenced on
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three counts on june 28th. former tennis ace boris becker has been sentenced to 2 1/2 years behind bars for fraud in london. the wimbledon champ slammed for hiding millions in assets and loans, including in real estate in germany, to avoid debts. celine dion telling fans she's once again postponing her tour. the singer scaying health issue are keeping her from the stage. she's suffering from muscle spasms. in january, dion canceled the end of her north american tour. we're wishing her all the best. now our furry friends who, just like human companions, are at risk of developing depression. this morning, the warning signs your dog may be feeling down, and the tips to get their tails wagging again. >> reporter: for many of us, the last two years have taken a toll on our mental health. but we're not the only ones.
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>> like people, dogs can get depressed for a lot of the same reasons so simply a change in the schedule or moving or if somebody moves out of the home or if we lose somebody that's special to us or if we have a new pet come in. >> reporter: experts say our furry friends could be at risk of developing depression and the signs are familiar. >> often we see signs like they're engaging less with their owners, might have changes in their appetite. they might be lethargic. sometimes less excited to go outside or play. >> reporter: there are ways to help dogs who exhibit symptoms of depression. >> physical activity is a great place to start and that helps with their overall -- their hormone health and endocrine system and gets the metabolism working and makes animals feel a lot better. you can do things like training exercises and incorporate puzzles or games into their lifestyle. that helps, you know, with the physical activity but also very rewarding and mentally stimulating and makes them feel better about themselves. >> reporter: when it comes to maintaining your pets' mental health prevention is key. >> maintain a regular schedule and consistent activity and enrichment helps their well-being from day to day.
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>> reporter: with many pet parents returning to the office this spring, dr. anton says -- >> working from home regularly and now you'll be going back into the office, something you can do is start making small trips outside of the home then start being gone for a little longer periods and make it this gradual transition so it's not an all of a sudden black and white i'm home constantly to now i'm gone for 40, 50 plus hours a and author of "training for both ends of the leash" talking about separation anxiety. my dog walter is here because he loves kate as well. separation anxiety is a real thing. especially in this post-pandemic world. you say there are things we can do at home to help our dogs if they are suffering. >> yes, absolutely. so first of all, thank you for having me and this is such an important topic during this time that we're living in. so the first thing i always say,
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i'm so glad you had a vet on before me too because get a vet check first. get a health check on the dogs to make sure that there's no underlying conditions and issues. then what you want to do is, well, the first thing i usually suggest is set up a webcam or a video through your phone and get some video evidence of how your dog is behaving while you're not home. a lot of times we'll hear the dogs barking and whining but sometimes the behavior is also what the trainer needs to see to help give you the best treatment plan. and you want to see how they really are behaving with their, you know, anxiety. if they have it and sometimes they're having a protest bark and not necessarily an anxiety bark so we want to get the righa lot of us have been working from home obviously and we've had our dogs underneath our chairs and sitting on our laps, so the next thing you want to do is practice some distance between you and your dog. so i start with getting a
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containment area and a containment area consists of either a gated off area, a playpen, a crate obviously if people have been crating their dogs and you want to start weaning yourself away from your pooches. this is what i call detach with love. most people start doing the cold turkey effect, where they're suddenly out the door and the dog is freaking out. have to wean them off you and in that containment area have high value occupiers and what i call interactive treat toys. chewing is a great stress reliever for dogs, right, so that's part of the solution. >> giving them something positive too so in that separation they don't associate with something negative. >> exactly. the containment area needs to be a safe place for the dog. it's not like, okay, now i have to go back to work. you're going behind the gate and that's it. you have to wean them into
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accepting that through feeding, through toys. i like to use a 3-inch hollow sterilized bone. i call it cannoli the bone. fill it with cream cheese or peanut butter, freeze it, and -- i know, walter had one of these, i think. >> takes them a while to get through it. >> exactly. it gives them time. but the key component is start to practice the detach with love effect. which is, have the dog in a separate room, in a contained area while you're watching tv, while you're doing a zoom call. start giving them some practice. training is about practice, right? >> yes, definitely practice is hard for all of us, kate, thank you for being here. up next, mother's day is a week away. "deals and steals" to help shop for mom. we'll be right back. come on. ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪ >>♪ okay ♪ ♪ great ♪ just welcome back to "gma" at just wouldn't be saturday morning without some serious savings with the one week to go until mother's day, tory johnson, of course, here with the gift ideas for mom from all the small businesses you love to support. so get in on these deals now. you can point your cell phone at
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the camera, at the qr code on the screen. i broke a nail and said if i'm doing "deals & steals," i got to get this nail fixed. start us off here. so soft. >> these are supersoft. it is called softies and they specialize in designing pieces that are really a flattering fit for every figure. we've got two different styles from them. so both have the cowl neck, the roomy sleeve and pockets, everyone loves pocket, either the two-piece with the capri length bottoms or the dress. this is a piece you can like put on and it's effortless and the material has a teeny bit of stretch in it that adds to that kind of just balance and it moves right with you. >> look how soft it is. >> even fonsi who is directing us back there, he gave his thumb's up on the softness. 50% off today. the sets start at $49. >> good deal. so these, the new fanny packs, i have this one at home. tell us about it. >> bandis. the modern day fanny pack. instead of being bulky and have
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zippers and kind of all that extra stuff, these are flat and sort of sleek. >> and cool. >> very cool and they will hold a phone, a credit card, cash, key, whatever it is you need when you're on the go. >> walking the dog, taking the kids to the park. >> traveling. these are amazing. see them in a lot of amusement parks but on the go. we also have from them their sun wrap. for that neck area it's a sun protective fabric that will provide sun protection to the next and chest area made in america, 12 to $17. >> boom. >> okay. blinged out. >> ashley gold specializes in just like a lot of -- yeah, we can show your nails. >> i had to make sure to get it fixed. >> this is all about layering so putting on, you cannot have too many necklace, too many bracelets, you have the pearl but there's all these blingy piece, sterling silver, gold plated with embellished elements, create the look that's
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messy is in. it's trendy, it's like layering it, feel good about it, don't worry, more is more. i heard whit saying that earlier about something else. like it's true with jewelry too. these pieces start at $12. >> oh, my gosh, load up on them. nylon bag for on the go. >> easy nylon bag for on the go from k carroll. it comes with a 48-inch -- >> because you'll fill it. >> so much stuff, you can't have the bag itself be heavy. comes with a cross body strap and make it longer to carry it a variety of ways and has an interior pocket, three outside zippered pockets. >> even on the sides. >> yes, they have really thought about every detail. plus inside, rfid lined slots for credit cards, they have a variety of colors, i think five different colors this bag today is $22. >> oh, my gosh. for a mom on the go. >> it's perfect. >> making their deals debut,
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this is a company called tlc candles. i know you like your candles. this is a citrus i love. >> whoa. >> all hand poured with essential oil based fragrance the scents are amazing and keep sustainability in mind. the tins they come in, these make great -- it could be a little marker can, it could be for storing little small toys for kids. so everything is about sustainability. that's great. mint, an amber noir. the scents are spectacular. >> they're strong scents. they're really good. these are $21. this is just -- that's a white tea. >> so good. >> okay, finally. >> my mom's favorite place. >> gooseberry designs. >> all hand drawn maps and so it's a phenomenal piece on natural canvas. it comes with the envelope closure. fits about i think a 16x16 pillow insert. the insert is not included but have all of the states. this makes a great colorful reminder.
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>> south carolina, eva. >> these are $24. >> california, hawaii, whit, we've got you covered. >> got them all, baby. >> hey-o. thank you, tory, a week early. getting set for mother's day. we partnered with all of them. go to our website to start saving, and back out to danielle breezy in for rob. hey, danielle. >> reporter: good morning, janai and great to be with all of you this morning. i want to show you some scary video, though, out of andover, kansas. this was from yesterday. this massive tornado caught on camera and there you see the debris being flown in the air. now, also hail fell in northeast nebraska. see it falling on the cars there. we had 60 hail reports from yesterday and unfortunately, that severe weather threat is out there today. it has shifted to the east a little bit from little rock all the way up to chicago. yes, my tennessee friends, you are included. hail, wind and tornadoes, all threats and a severe weather
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threat on sunday for the texas and oklahoma panhandle. that's a look at what's lisa: good saturday morning to you. you can see the fog here in the distance. it will be a breezy afternoon from marin to san mateo, but temperatures in the east and coming up here on "gma," va necesscessary -- vanessa bay teams up with molly shannon for a new show. the inside scoop coming up next in "binge this." come in for snack time, leave more fulfilled. because when you shop at target, you leave with what you value most. like healthy foods for your family and brands that lift our communities. at target, the things that matter are always within reach.
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what we value most, shouldn't cost more. [ music ends ] ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. (jackie) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... i ignored them. but when the twitching and jerking in my face and hands
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affected my day to day... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. (vo) austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. don't take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, restlessness, movements mimicking parkinson's disease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, and sweating. (jackie) talk to your doctor about's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other.
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digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? ♪ i was ready to speak then the dramatic tone. i guess we're on right now. welcome back. time for "binge this." [ air horn ] >> and we got all the tones this morning. andrea boehlke with "people tv" joins us for a few laughs, a little true crime and highly anticipated new music. always great to see you, andrea.
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>> good morning. yes. so i have a great show for you, it's called "i love that for you" starring vanessa bayer. now, i am so happy she has her own comedy series on showtime. she is so hilarious and this is a "people" pick. her character lands her dream job as a host on a home shopping network. everything is going well but one day has an on air gaffe and faced with losing her job and says a really bad lie. it's pretty unethical but she's back on air. she has her job. she has to live in this web of lies. you have a great cast including molly shannon. a little "snl" reunion there and plays a home shopping legend which is exciting selling snuggies. i would buy anything from her. so that's on showtime. kind of got me thinking about dream jobs and doing anything to keep it. when you are growing up for you in the studio what was your dream job as a kid? >> that's a -- deep question. >> i don't know that i was that deep as a child.
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i didn't even know what i wanted to do once i graduated college. >> still working it out. >> maybe an astronaut. andrea, next up, andrew garfield is stepping into the world of true crime with "under the banner of heaven." you're excited for this one. >> yes, so a true crime series starring andrew garfield. say no more but i will say more because i am very into this. andrew is starring in "under the banner of heaven." an adaptation of jon krakauer's novel of the same name about a double murder that rocked a mormon community in the '80s in utah. he plays a detective and from the beginning we see him leave his family to try to solve these murders. it gets worse and worse. i wouldn't watch this before bed, per se, but the true crime fanatics out there are going to love this. i will be watching for andrew garfield alone. he has had a crazy busy year from "the eyes of tammy faye" to
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"tick, tick, boom!" two episodes on hulu and new episodes will drop weekly. >> the book is incredible too. it's a fascinating story and i lived in salt lake city a short time after the book came out so it's definitely something that will get people talking. looking forward to it coming up. >> watch it at 11:00 a.m. >> give yourself time to decompress. time for everyone's favorite meme and new music from a former boy band returned, solo hit maker. >> we all know the meme and the song, it's gonna be may so thank you to justin timberlake and to 'nsync for having that song and that meme forever burned in my brain, not sure i'll ever forget it but i am excited it's gonna be may because it's my birthday month. i'm excited. speaking of boy bands this is getting us pumped for another former boy bander, harry styles who is releasing a new album, that will be coming out may 20th. it's all about harry these days, so he has harry's house and fans are so pumped. he recently released a track
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list, his single "as it was," this song "boyfriends," "late night talking" which he performed at coachella. watching those videos at coachella i think we're all a little harry crazed. someone needs to check in on us, we have a little time before the full album comes out on the 20th but may is all about harry. i bet we have harry fans in the studio, right. >> i thought you were going to say we're getting new music from justin timberlake. >> me too. >> yes, we're excited for harry, too. >> happy early birthday. >> thank you. >> pick up "people's" 2022
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under district attorney gascón, i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin
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is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now. my perfect day at denny's i'm trying to be good... but then i see uncle charlie's fries. so i reaaaaaaaaach across the table. why do fries taste better when they're not yours? open for "sharing". open for anything.
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♪ good morning ♪ i can't even talk about what just happened with walter. ♪ good morning ♪ i can't even talk about what just happened with walter. >> oh, okay. >> good morning. see you tomorrow. ♪ sweet loving ♪ >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. jr: good morning. i am j.r. stone. in contra costa county, investigators trying to determine the cause of two separate fires set overnight. they are being called
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suspicious. both started on opposite sides of the checkable of our gated firefighters were able to quickly extinguish the flames. no buildings were affected. today, supporters of san francisco's slow speed program will hold a parade. they want at least slow streets permanent. supporters say the program has transformed the neighborhood and makes it possible for people to make trips safely without using cars. the festivities start at 11:00 this morning at 3rd avenue and lake street. the parade will be on lake and will go for 20 blocks, ending at 20 3rd avenue with a pizza party. meteorologist lisa argen is here now with a look at your weather. a nice day today. winds will be a factor in the city. you can see the fog in the distance. 5 in6 oakland, 56 in the city, with santa clara in the upper 50's. there is that fog bank, so low
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clouds already situated at the shoreline. 60 three in santa rosa with mid 60's in concord. a westerly component today. allowing the coast to cool off while mild numbers along the bayshore, redwood city, cooler today, 68 in oakland, 70 in fremont and lynn will be in the upper 70's. so that. subside -- so that wind is back. it will subside by j.r. monday. j.r.: thanks so much. day 3 of the abc 7 news nfl draft is next. abc 7 newscontinues at 5:00. have a great day.
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if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together.
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more family time. more time to remember. andm to harm healthy par dyfter. >> announcer: you're watching espn on abc. day three of the nfl draft in las vegas. dreams still alive for many. it didn't take long until the jaguars took travon walker off the board first and plenty of exhilaration followed. the type of thrill that only comes from realizing a dream, the type of emotion that can be overwhelming even to the toughest players to share it with the people that you love the most. the moment the bear hugs that you wanted for so long and even for some if it took a little bit longer than expected the tears of joy could not be stopped and injuries would not slow down people like david ojabo who will have a chance


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