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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  April 26, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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a rare condition seen after the johnson & johnson vaccine might not just be a women's problem. next at 5:00, the bay area man who may be the first in the country to suffer from it. plus the new effort in the south bay to make sure seniors and others get vaccinated. and developing news on the effort to recall governor newsom. we're learning the effort now has enough signatures to
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trigger a special election. >> also ahead this evening, a shift in the state's political landscape, california loses a seat in congress. why it is the only state in the west to do so. >> and broken glass, a neighbor feels under siege. why it problem. >> we begin tonight with a new chapter in the mystery of why the johnson & johnson vaccine seems to be causing blood clots. ucsf is now reporting the first case of a man developing a clot after getting the shot. developers are now racing to find out why and how. thank you for joining us. >> the announcement comes days after the cdc and fda lifted the pause on the vaccine following 15 other cases of severe but remember rare blood clots reported over the last month. stephanie sierra is following the latest for us.
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she's in the newsroom. steph this makes the 15th now case of blood clots. >> as far as we know it is the 16th reported case in the country. however doctors have made it clear there could be other cases that have yet to be reported or formally diagnosed. the 15 previous blood clot cases all occurred in women. however this case out of ucsf is a man in his 30s. >> a patient at ucsf health is the country's first known male case of a rare but severe blood clotting condition reported following use of the johnson & johnson vaccine. the san francisco resident currently in his 30s was diagnosed with tts. last wednesday april 21 21, the pain started in his lower back. >> the clot presented pain and swelling. if it's pain in one leg, it's like when you wake up in the middle of the night and you have a cramp in your leg. it's that kind of pain.
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>> reporter: the man was taken to the hospital 13 days after receiving the vaccine. >> the guy knew enough to go seek care. the er figured out right away. he got appropriate treatment. he's going to be, he'll come out of this fine. >> while this is the nation's first male case of the one dose vaccine, ucsf chief pharmacy executive jesse codis explains there was another case reported before. >> there is a male in the clinical trial that also had trombosis. >> reporter: the cdc approved the use of the vaccine last friday. but not in california yet. >> the department of public health in california would like to look at the data before releasing those doses back. but again, the percentage. what i see is a very, very low,
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low risk. >> reporter: abc 7's analysis says j&j vaccines only amount for 4% of the vaccine doses given out in california. alameda at 6.4%. >> it's going to open up the vaccine chain for us to have more j&j vaccine. however we're already seeing a decrease in demand. the bigger issue i think is, making the case to people the to get vaccinated. >> now there are around 2,000 j&j appointments currently waiting in the cue but that's expected to significantly increase once the state finishes its review. >> before you go, two questions
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please, how many j&j doses does the state have at the moment and when do we expect them to be able available. >> the state has 1.1 million johnson & johnson vaccines. that's prior to the pod. and it's not counting the ones that will become available this week. >> thanks steph. in the south bay, a new program in santa clara county should make it easier for seniors and people with disabilities to get vaccinated. chris nguyen has more. >> reporter: in the bay area's largest county, a new effort aims to reach some of the most as as a our community. >> supervisor cindy chavez says equitable access to top of mind. >> we have centers that are vaccinating all over the
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county. so we're really trying to make sure that everybody, everybody has access to the vaccine. >> will provide para transit services at no cost to those who need it. robinson accompanied ferdinand to the county fairgrounds. >> it really helps a lot bringing my father who's disabled. i was hoping that people who need this help will try to get a ride from that. >> reporter: vta officials say, people can select any location in the country. >> if they can't get to the rail way station or the nearest bus stop. >> reporter: so far, roughly 75% of seniors 70 and up have been vaccinate bud reaching the
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final chunk will be harder. >> the final 25% are those who have barriers. >> a focus on ensuring that no resident is left behind. in san jose, chris nguyen, abc 7 news. we have some vaccination milestones to share today. contra costa health officials say a million people in the county received at least one dose in vaccine. vaccination sites are now open to everyone in marin county. 2/3 of people living in san francisco have received at least one shot of the vaccine. the groups behind the effort to recall the
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gotten enough signatures to. here are the numbers from the state secretary's office. 1.6 valid signatures have been submitted and verified. the initial effort 10th. the people are upset about his handling of the pandemic. counties still have until april 29th. so a few days from now to submit the rest of the verified signatures. that will be follow bid a 30 day period where people with withdrawal their signatures. the head of the recall efforts really says this group has done the impossible but that their work is just beginning and about 45 minutes ago, we did hear from governor newsom, he tweeted out his thoughts during what his campaign is doing framing it as a republican effort. he called it the republican
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recall. he says it threatens our values and seems to undo the progress we've made and passing common sense gun violence solutions. that's the statement from governor newsom. this will only be the second time that a a recall. >> we saw this with gray davis who was recalled. and arnold schwarzenegger got the job. and results from the 2020 census show as you know our state will lose a seat. the others are new york, pennsylvania, ohio, illinois
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michigan and west virginia. for california's todays change means the state will now have 52 seats in the house of representatives instead of 53. so certainly a very interesting development. liz i know you've been looking into this and why it's so important and what it means exactly. >> california has lost a seat but 6 states gained seats including texas who gained two seats and florida which gained one. for california it comes to slow population growth. it's not that we're not growing it's just that we're not growing as fast as other places. >> reporter: for the first time in california history, the state has lost a congressional seat. instead of 53 house seats we'll have 52. the change comes after the change in california residence growth. >> the state is actually growing it's just not growing at the same rate that it was in
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prior decades. >> reporter: states like texas will gain two house seats and florida will gain one. but why. >> why california hasn't grown so much in the past i think there's a number of factors. >> for one, more people have left the state than moved to it. that idea of a california exdouse promoted by the california gop which put out a statement today blaming governor newsom for policies that are driving people away. but bryan mitchell says it's more than that. >> i understand that people want to look at those policy areas and point to people getting those uhaul trucks and moving across the country. but really, it should be recognized the population is growing and that the birthrate is a real driving factor in our population change not being as rapid as it was in the 70s, 80s and 90s. >> reporter: the abc
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shows, population rate has not increased at a fast rate. the data showing population won't be available in the later this year. but the bay area could be safe from losing a district. >> the bay area as a whole the nine county barrier region. right now it's proskwrebgtded to essentially gain maybe projected essentially to gain maybe 1/5. >> california still has the largest population of any state and the most congressional seats. so even though this does mean we're losing representation electoral college groups we still as a state have a lot political power.
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liz kreutz. there's frustration in petaluma over the release man accused vandalizing vehicles. what the suspect is doing after his release. >> this is the surveillance video that has much of petaluma angry. it shows a homeless man breaking the window of a car with a shovel and that was just the first thing. >> that was his favorite car. >> reporter: she's one of 11 victims mostly on bernice courts. >> i don't care so much about the damage than i feel unsafe. >> this is his third such attack on homes this year. homes and vehicles. >> reporter: daniel gibbs confirmed that information from petaluma police after finding damage to two of her cars and the bedroom window. >> the glass was all over my husband, all over my, all over
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my bed. >> reporter: after the attack, burg waited for police and asked for a cigarette. >> he just looked he unpreturbed. >> you can blame covid. this morning he was arrested again, for assault. >> a police car was damaged, police officer was injured by him kicking him in the stomach. we arrested him in january for the same thing. >> reporter: but these are strange, stressful covid times. technically it's just property damage. just don't expect that to satisfy the residents of bernice courts. >> i don't feel safe at my home. if he gets the itch, he
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come and do >>
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attention, california. new federal funding of $3 billion is available to help more people pay for health insurance — no matter what your income. how much is yours? julie and bob are paying $700 less, every month. dee got comprehensive coverage for only $1 a month. and the navarros are paying less than $100 a month. check to see your new, lower price. the sooner you sign up the more you save. only at covered california. this way to health insurance.
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>> tougher emission standards could be coming. that barred california from setting its own car pollution standards. the epa granted california a waiver allowing the state to set its own rules. under california standard, cars were required to get morethan 54 miles to the gallon by the year 2025. the trump administration's requirement was 37 miles per gallon. the pandemic has been hard on everyone. for parents there's an extra
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layer of caring for our kids during this tumultuous time. they felt a lot of the tension dealing with home, work and kids. >> as we start to emerge from the pandemic what are you seeing as some of the main challenges that parents are running into? >> there are still a lot of decisions families are making. there's a lot that's gone into let's make kids feel like they're back to normal. what has happened is a lot of parents have not prioritized their own needs. i think trying to balance and negotiate that. i'm encouraging parents to think about what also working for you. that your need can't be completely at the bottom. that we need to think about our kids and our own needs moving
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forward. >> as i said to margaret, easier said than done. she's been researching the impact covid has had on parents since the pandemic. if you can't balance out at the end of each day, make sure to carve out some time for yourself over the weekend and don't be afraid to palo alto university held a town hall. we have linked this webinar to our website. check it out. stay with us, get ready. you're going to want
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take a look. this is what a lot of us may be seeing tonight. a bright full moon in the sky. and it's not just any full moon. it's a pink super moon. super moons are full moons that appear larger because they are a bit closer to earth. even though it's called a pink moon it's not actually going to be pink. so don't set
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that high. it's called a pink moon after the herb moss pink. the herb is the first widespread spring flower. so don't start e-mailing me, and saying ama it's not pink. i clarified it for you. but will it be clear enough for us to see it? >> so what's the answer sandhya it looks so stunning. >> it's absolutely going to be a gorgeous night for viewing and that's because dan and ama there will be limited cloud cover and limited fog tonight. let me show you when this is all going to be in a. when you get an opportunity the action occurs, it is named after the flowers blooming. so when you get a chance you will want to check that out. and definitely send pictures, video when you get that opportunity. i want to show you doppler 7 right now we do have a couple of clouds still lingering just
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left over moisture associated with the same system that brought some parts of the bay area rain yesterday. isolated showers popped up in the north bay. in the last couple of hours but that will be pretty much dying down as the sun sets. all right, rainfall totals .17 of an inch in the last 7 hours in san francisco. just over that in oakland. had about a third of an inch in millvalely. i know some people did not measure anything at all that system started to fall apart as it got closer to parts of the bay area. the wind are kicking up. gusts to 25 at sfo. 28 at san jose. we're expecting the breezy pattern to continue. look at the beautiful view view our bay bridge camera. a lovely view from our emeryville camera. 64 fairfield. 65 in livermore. it has been a little milder for the most part and look at this lovely view from our san jose
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camera. chilly inland with patchy fog. warmer the next few afternoons and then it's going to turn cooler this weekend. there's still a possibility of an isolated shower tonight in the north bay. tomorrow morning, 5:00 you will see some fog along the coast and bay. and then heading into the afternoon. but for the most part as i mentioned should be good viewing for that super moon. temperatures 30s, 40s tomorrow morning. bundle up. the coldest spots will be around lake county, mendecino county where they will be seeing temperatures dropping to freezing and below. afternoon highs coming tomorrow. 68 68 oakland. 74 tomorrow in livermore. you will notice around 4 :
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p.m.,35, 37 miles per hour not out of the question. then we'll cool it down a little bit for the weekend. over all looking like good weather for viewing tonight. ama and dan. >> all right, that's promising. thank you sandyha. >> imagine someone paying off your college debt. that happened i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media for 45 years. i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot.
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this is great. finally here tonight a gift for some college graduates in san pablo. >> what a gift, 62 students graduating next month from contra costa community college will have all their outstanding fees paid for in full. in all the contra costa college foundation is erasing $13,000 in debt. >> that's incredible. ama. that's enough to help a lot of people. including griffin who happens to be a hercules city council member. >> it was a nice little christmas gift that came early. at the same time it was something that, really eased the burden for a lot of people because i had a couple of friends who weren't sure whether or not they would be able to receive their diplomas because of the amount they owed. >> it doesn't seem
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larger universities, but these students ♪ ♪ ♪ easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. where can a healthier heart lead you? for people with heart failure taking entresto, it may lead to a world of possibilities. entresto is now approved for more patients with chronic heart failure. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema,
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tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the coronavirus and masks in america. the cdc is expected to release new guidelines when it comes to masks outdoors. what dr. anthony fauci is now saying about the risk outdoors if you've been fully vaccinated. also tonight, news on the johnson & johnson vaccine and could there now be a case of a man with a clot potentially connected to the one-shot vaccine? the horrific scene from india tonight. we continue our reporting here. 353,000 new cases of the virus reported in just the last 24 hours. a global record. overcrowded hospitals, patients dying outside. anyo tonight pleading for oxygen. the white house vowing to send help. the other news this monday night, a state of emergency in one north carolina community


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