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tv   America This Morning  ABC  April 23, 2021 4:00am-4:29am PDT

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right now on "america this morning," decision day. a cdc committee meets today to decide the fate of the johnson & johnson covid vaccine. and now word that officials are investigating the death of a woman in her 50s after getting the shot. what we're learning. plus, new questions about whether we need to wear a mask outside. our experts weigh in. a potential compromise in washington to address the migrant surge at the southern rd. the new bipartisan plan. and abc news with an up close look at the poverty and desperation in guatemala helping fuel the historic migration north. mystery at sea. the urgent search for that missing submarine in the pacific. the crew's oxygen set to run out and how the u.s. is offering to help. happening right now, historic mission.
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the early morning launch at kennedy space center. why the rocket being used is like none other and the husband and wife astronaut team going where no couple has gone before. treasure in the attic. how one family stumbled upon a small fortune under the floorboards of their house. and later shell-shocked. one turtle's remarkable survival story. nd'maith abubey. kenneth is off. we begin with the pandemic. the cdc now investigating the death of a woman in her 50s after she received the johnson & johnson vaccine. >> her case will be among those discussed today as the cdc advisory committee meets to consider whether to lift the pause on the johnson & johnson vaccine. the cdc is also looking at whether to issue new guidelines on mask wearing. >> we'll get to that in a moment but first the j&j vaccine in the spotlight.
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this morning, the cdc is investigating the death of a woman in oregon. doctors say she developed a rare blood clot days after receiving the johnson & johnson vaccine. >> the event was a rare but serious blood clot that the woman developed within two weeks following vaccination. >> reporter: health officials say the woman in her 50s got the shot before federal officials placed the johnson & johnson vaccine on hold last week when they cited six cases out of 7 million doses received. they haven't concluded whether it's related to the vaccine. >> why announce it? does it not add to the vaccine hesitancy? >> this will be discussed in tomorrow's acip meeting so we're actually disclosing this information for transparency as this will be one of the cases being reviewed. >> reporter: that meeting today of a cdc advisory committee panel will decide whether the u.s. should resume using the j&j shots. health authorities were leaning
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toward lifting the pause possibly as soon as this weekend. according to "the washington post" if lifted the move would, quote, include a new warning about a rare complication involving blood clots, similar to a position taken in europe. >> we'll either get a green light to go ahead with the vaccine, or else we'll see some restrictions, for example, by age or gender, so a lot on the line here for johnson & johnson. >> reporter: this morning, the cdc also debating its guidance on wearing masks. the agency director says they may revisit their guidelines on outdoor mask wearing, which currently do not say anything specific for vaccinated people. >> we will be looking at the outdoor masking question, but it's also in the context of the fact that we still have people who are dying of covid. >> reporter: and now another potential problem in the race to vaccinate. thousands of appointments going unfilled. the u.s. now averaging fewer than 3 million doses per day, the lowest number in weeks. the areas of darker blue on this map show where americans are resisting the most. but many people are still eager to get the shot even in the most
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unlikely places. in chicago, this funeral home giving out doses. >> people are not hesitant about it. at least not what i'm hearing. it's like, where can i get it? >> and back to that death investigation in oregon. local health officials say if the cdc recommends lifting the j&j vaccine pause today, they will follow cdc guidance. a developing story overnight from new jersey. two people were killed when a truck carrying watermelons slammed into a bridge abutment on the new jersey turnpike. that was near trenton. the crash shut down parts of the highway with fruit spread all over the road. and we turn now to columbus, ohio, where new video offers a different perspective in the fatal police shooting of 16-year-old ma'khia bryant. a neighbor's camera captures ma'khia coming from the side of the house and appearing to push a woman in black to the sidewalk then it shows her rushing toward a woman in pink followed by the four gunshots. the mother said the shooting never should have happened.
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>> there's been too many killings in the world. i want the killing to stop. now i know what it feels like to lose a child. ma'khia is gone. i want the killing in the world to stop, and that's what ma'khia would want. ma'khia was peaceful. >> the officer who fired the shots is off street duty until the investigation is complete. protesters in north carolina are demanding the release of body cam footage after a sheriff's deputy fatally shot a black man. marchers hit the streets in elizabeth city saying they want transparency after the death of andrew brown on wednesday. the sheriff says a judge must approve the release of the body cam video. deputies were serving an arrest warrant on brown for felony drug charges. witnesses say he was driving away when he was shot. in washington a possible compromise this morning to deal with the surge of migrants at the southern border. it comes as abc news gets an up cle at the ve guatalro of this historic migration.
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abc's ike ejiochi is in washington and here now with more. good morning, ike. >> reporter: good morning, mona. a new bill backed by a republican and a democrat aims to ease crowded facilities at the border. meanwhile, we're learning about the new faces of immigration. so-called climate migrants. this morning, a rare show of bipartisanship in washington to address the surge of migrants flowing into the u.s. republican senator john cornyn and democrat kyrsten sinema unveiling legislation that would create four new processing centers at the border. the bill would also add more immigration judges and asylum officers to tackle the huge backlog of cases. >> they've simply overwhelmed our capacity to deal with it and exploiting these gaps and these quirks in our underlying asylum laws. >> reporter: it comes as the biden administration considers imposing sanctions or financial penalties against central american countries that fail to crack down on government corruption. one of the root causes of the flow of migrants. the administration is also considering a task force that
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would help local prosecutors fight corruption in what's known as the northern triangle countries of guatemala, el salvador and honduras. abc's matt gutman traveled to the region where it's not just corruption driving people out. >> what you're seeing across ole this hillside is the failure of yet another crop. corn here, which is the staple that people eat, has failed for two consecutive seasons. it means people here do not have enough to eat. >> reporter: drought and hurricanes have battered the region. experts say you can see the change in the soil. [ speaking foreign language ]ge in gusinsl unripened mango and had little more for dinner.
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> so he's 11 and he is 12 and they are about the size of my 6-year-old. >> reporter: isabel hernandez-lopez says before the drought, his farm yielded enough beans and corn for his family but now the beans in this simmering pot represent an entire day's worth of food for them. his oldest son arrived in the u.s. two weeks ago looking for a better life. now, president biden has put vice president harris in charge of handling the migrant surge at the border. she's scheduled to meet with the president of guatemala next week. mona. >> ike, thank you. the u.s. is sending air support to help search for a missing indonesian submarine. 53 sailors were on board. they haven't been heard from since wednesday during a military training mission near bali. there are fears now the sub sunk to a depth where it could have been crushed by water pressure. the only possible sign of it is now an oil slick. the oxygen supply is expected to run out this afternoon.
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breaking news from the sports world. a former college basketball star with nba ambitions has died in a car crash in california. terrence clark played at the university of kentucky. he was only 19 but was considered a potential nba lottery pick. he just signed with an agent this week. time now for a look at your friday weather. a new storm system rolls out of texas today and will move across the southeast through tomorrow. severe thunderstorms could spawn tornadoes and bring hail and strong winds across the region. meanwhile, it's another winter-like morning across the northeast. windchills feel like the 20s and 30s from new england down to the carolinas but temperatures will rise into the 60s later. checking today's highs, 60s along the west coast, 50s from denver to chicago. around 80 along the gulf coast.
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coming up, we remember two singers who helped define their generation of music. and also ahead, autopilot put to the test. what "consumer reports" found behind the wheel of a tesla. and another gender reveal party turns explosive. shaking homes across two towns. . i wasn't going to just back down from moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. psoriatic arthritis wasn't going to change who i am. when i learned that my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage, i asked about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. -play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. tuul, lympma, other s haveccurred. tell your doctor if u' been someple
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or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month.
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check me out, y'all. ♪ do the humpty hump just watch check me out, y'all. ♪ do the humpty hump just watch me do the humpty hump ♪ back now with the digital underground's "humpty dance." the group's leader, shock g, has been found dead in a florida hotel room. a friend says jacobs struggled
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with addiction. he was 57. also this morning, the former front man for the bay city rollers known for hits like "bye bye baby" has died. les mckeown passed away suddenly. he was 65. we turn now to new questions surrounding the autopilot pilot developed by tesla and it comes after new tests by "consumer reports" which critics say could raise important safety concerns. this morning, "consumer reports" claims during testing it was able to get a tesla model y to drive with no one in the driver's seat by among other things tricking sensors in the steering wheel with a weight to stimulate a driver's hand on the wheel. lweentwle di in a tesla crash in texase se driver's seat at the time of that crash. but tesla's ceo, elon musk, responding saying autopi not engaged before that crash and that the car did not have
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the full self-driving add-on package. tesla has defended the safety of the autopilot system insisting it does require active supervision. other car companies use systems that track the movement of the driver's head position to make sure they are alert and behind the wheel. this morning, another example of a gender reveal celebration getting out of control. this time an explosion was felt across two towns in new hampshire. tuesday's blast in kingston, new hampshire, was caught on a doorbell camera in another town. people seven miles away heard the explosion. investigators say 80 pounds of tannerite, a substance used for target practice is to blame. authorities say it is very dangerous if not used properly. >> for example, you're doing it near private property where the explosion could damage property, start a fire, start a wildfire, something of that nature. >> the person who bought the tannerite is cooperating with police. a former homeless man who made national headlines when people discovered his remarkable voice is now setting his sights on politics. >> i'm going to make you work
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for your dollar. say something with that great radio voice. >> when you're listening to nothing but the best of oldies you're listening to magic 98.9. thank you so much. >> oh, i know you remember that voice. well, that voice turned ted williams into a national sensation. this was back in 2011, and now he's running for governor of ohio. well, the army veteran says his platform would be improving veteran services and it will be part of his top priorities. when we come back, the reality television star under arrest accused of domestic violence. also ahead, the rocket launch at kennedy space center this morning and the husband and wife astronaut team making history. our gio benitez is there, and he joins us next. yup, on it there, too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death
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back now with news about one of the stars of mtv's "jersey shore." back now with news about one of the stars of mtv's "jersey shore." ronnie magro-ortiz arrested in a domestic violence case. he was already on probation on a previous case involving co-star jenn harley. he is reportedly out on bail. let's head now to florida for the big space launch at cape canaveral. >> four astronauts are blasting off to the international space station, and branford marsalis played "america the beautiful" as the crew made their way to the rocket ship. the mission now very historic because spacex is reusing a rocket that's been used before. >> that's right. abc's gio benitez is at the kennedy space center. gio, good morning. >> reporter: oh, good morning, mona and faith. a very exciting morning here at the kennedy space center in cape canaveral, and take a look
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behind me right there. that is launchpad 39a. the rocket is ready to go. everything is looking really good so far, all systems go for launch. it's a mission unlike any other. not because of the technology, but because of the people. one of nasa's veteran astronauts set to launch into space early friday morning is megan mcarthur. her house bob behnken was the pilot on that historic first mission that launched last year. >> it's been cool to have him really understand what it is that i'm doing now and what i'll be doing in the future. that's been helpful to have a partner that gets all that. >> liftoff. >> reporter: she and her son watched as bob launched into the air last may. this time it'll be bob watching with him as megan flies on that very same spacex crew dragon and in the same seat, the pilot seat. with her nasa astronaut shane kimbrough, french astronaut thomas pesquet and akihiko hoshide. nasa's acting administrator steve jurczyk telling me the astronauts are ready to go. have you been able to speak recently with the four >> yes, so tuesday morning very early at
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about 2:00 a.m., i went into crew quarters and had a chance to talk to them and they said, we're just ready to launch and get going and do the research and technology experiments. >> reporter: the crew is fully vaccinated. on the international space station they'll be conducting research on viruses to help understand the pandemic but before the work, the fun. just days before the launch, megan mcarthur taking her son to the beach for a launch week tradition. launching rockets before her very own takes off. a sweet moment right there, and we got to tell you the launch is expected at 5:49:01 a.m., not a second sooner, not a second
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. what was so great was that the weather was great here at the launch site and around the world on that rocket's path. so mona and faith, no doubt about it. a very exciting morning here in cape canaveral. >> oh, gio, we are so jealous. thank you so much for that live report. and coming up, the treasure in one family's attic. also ahead, one lucky turtle. turtle. with less moderate-to-severe eczema, you can roll up those sleeves. with dupixent, adults saw clearer skin and significantly less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, pasitic infection. occur including anaphylaxis, whif you takere. asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. time to check "the pulse." we begin with ♪ time to check "the pulse," and we begin with a search for hidden treasure. >> a family in massachusetts needed help finding money that was rumored to be in their house, so they called a treasure hunter. >> he went to work in the attic using high-tech equipment to search under the floorboards and
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guess what, he found a lockbox. >> when we opened it like the first thing you saw were bank bills and bank straps, like cash. >> cha-ching. they found $46,000 cash in the attic since the 1950s. next if you're in florida, beware of flying turtles. >> a turtle went flying through a car windieldn i-95 hitting the person in the passenger seat in the eye and leading to a panicked 911 call. take a listen. >> 911, where's your emergency? >> i'm on interstate 95, and something just came through the windshield and hit my mom in the head. >> did you see anything in my front seat? >> a turtle. >> a turtle? >> a turtle-turtle. tualurtle? >>he turtle
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few scratches to his shell and was released back into the wild. next we turn to utah to show you a furry new track star. >> check out the backstretch here of this girls 4x200 meters race. that little white blur is a dog named holly. tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. as a repairman, i hear a lot of folks say they feel like they have to rinse off dirty dishes like these before loading them in the dish washer. but new cascade platinum changes all that. new cascade platinum, with 50% more cleaning power! it dissolves fast to start cleaning sooner, releasing the soaking power of dawn. ng zys latch on and break down food into particles so small they can flow right down the drain. and it's powerful enough for the quick-wash cycle! new cascade platinum with 50% more cleaning power! the #1 brand just got better!
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checking the top story, health authorities w checking the top stories, health authorities could lift the current pause on the johnson & johnson covid vaccine after a cdc committee meets today. during that meeting, experts will consider the case of a woman in oregon who died after receiving the j&j shot, but officials emphasize blood clots associated with the shot remain very rare. the man behind a terror attack in the new york subway in 2017 will spend the rest of his life in prison. akayed ullah, an immigrant from bangladesh apologized in court before being sentenced yesterday. ghislaine maxwell is due in court today. the one-time girlfriend of jeffrey epstein is facing new charges of sex trafficking a teen girl. she has denied all charges. today's weather, some showers along the west coast and more snow in the rockies. severe storms from texas into the southeast and showers for part of tht. d w proposal like none we'r pped hen
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new york. will ganss shows us. >> reporter: fire trucks, a woman in labor in the middle of broadway and one epic surprise. >> i knew it would be something crazy. my mom actually kept asking, what do you think he is going to do? and i'm like, i don't even want to pretend to know. >> reporter: mike matthews and amy marshall have been together for 2 1/2 years and he has been planning a proposal for almost as long. >> i knew that i wanted to incorporate health care workers, nurse, something like that because of this past year. >> reporter: amy is a nicu nurse which is how mike got the idea to spotlight the work she does. mark calling in favors, finding an actual pregnant woman to pretend to go into labor and actual firefighters to pretend to need assistance from a nicu nurse. the couple in line to get bagels when mike gets an alert about the emergency situation a block away, something he had a graphic designer create. so amy sprang into action.
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>> at one point i said, do you feel like the head is coming out? and she's like, yeah, it feels like the head is right there and i'm like, can i look and she's like, no. the fireman said, amy, turn around. >> reporter: mike there on one knee behind her, ring in hand. >> and it took me a few seconds. i said, this was fake? >> reporter: amy throwing her gloves at the firemen, laughing. the moment going from heart stopping to heartwarming. >> i said, sorry. >> i'm sorry for all this. will you marry me? >> reporter: the couple sharing a kiss. the fire horns blaring and the crowd clapping to celebrate. now that her heart rate has come down a bit, amy says she wouldn't change a thing. ooh, good job, mike. >> thank you. >> when things were first getting serious, amy made a deal with mike. do whatever you want for the proposal, but the wedding needs to be classic and romantic. so it looks like the surprises are on hold, at least for now. mona and faith. >> oh, will, i love when two people with the same sense of .
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>> that's wh right now on "america this morning," decision day. the cdc committee meets today to decide the fate of the johnson & johnson covid vaccine, and now word that officials are investigating the death of a woman in her 50s after getting the shot. what we're learning. plus, new questions about whether we need to wear a mask outside. our experts weigh in. a potential compromise in washington to address the migrant surge at the southern border. the new bipartisan plan. povert desperation in guatemala mraon north. mystery at sea. the urgent surge for that missing submarine in the pacific. the crew's oxygen set to run out. how the u.s. is


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