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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  April 23, 2021 1:41am-2:00am PDT

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new overnight, a tractor-trailer crash in new jersey leaves two people dead. the track slammed into a bridge abutment last night on the new jersey turnpike spilling watermelons onto the road. it happened outside of trenton. the cause is under investigation. turning now to a family in massachusetts and how they settled an old family legend. >> they hired a treasure hunter to do it. our own will ganss picks up the story from there. >> keith wiley has been hunting treasure since he was a teenager. but this week something he never thought he'd find. >> i'd say this one is at the top. >> keith getting a call from a family in massachusetts, hoping to put a decades-old rumor to rest. was there really money hidden
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somewhere in their house? >> the information seemed solid. they just couldn't find it. >> the family had looked. they'd hired carpenters to look, but no one had the skill or the stuff. >> the other side would be the treasure hunting tools, the lighting, the mirrors, the metal detection equipment itself. >> that state-of-the-art metal detection giving him his first big clue when he began searching in the attic. he marked a spot and grabbed the endoscope camera. >> i realized after i focused on it, oh, man, this is a keyhole. right then, i was bingo, everything is here, it's true, they were looking in the wrong spot. >> does your heart start beating fast? >> yeah, that's an understatement. >> less than two hours after he arrived, keith pulling a lock box hidden since the '50s. what was inside? >> the first thing you saw were bank straps. >> $46,000 in all, wrapped in original bank straps.
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>> this is what they'd consider a once-in-a-lifetime find. >> yeah, so he couldn't give me specifics, but keith says this find paid off well for him, too, both professionally and personally. by the way, his advice for the rest of us, if there are rumors of hidden treasure in your home or area, you got to look for it. you'd be surprised at what you might find, you guys. i don't know if it's $46,000 of what you might find, but yeah. >> do you know about anything hiding here in these halls? >> yeah, but that would be not stuff you want to find. >> let's just say, mickey mouse is here. >> mickey mice are here. >> exactly. i just want to know where all my bobby pins and hair ties go, and my socks, my right foot sock. if you could find that.keith is for these days. >> he hit the bank.
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>> there you go, cha-ching. >> cha-ching. coming up, reaching for the stars. >> the brand-new spacex mission making history again. >> that's next on "world news now."
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♪ [male narrator] for as long as we've existed, boys & girls clubs has always been about coming together. to support the families of our communities and do whatever it takes to give every kid a chance at a great future. but we're going through a challenging time right now. and while we may not all be able to come together in the same physical ways, in other ways, we're coming together like never before. because that's what “whatever it takes to build great futures” means. it means providing a safe place to go for children whose parents are on the front lines battling the virus. it means providing millions of meals for kids who previously relied on their school or a meal program which are now shut down. and it's about harnessing the power of technology to keep kids moving forward with their education. so yeah. “whatever it takes to build great futures” may mean something different right now.
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but whatever it is, that's exactly what we're going to keep doing. ♪ oh, no, no, no ♪ ♪ oh, no, no, no ♪ ♪ i'm a rocket man ♪ ♪ rocket man ♪ well, this morning it's actually three rocket men and one rocket woman making history with a predawn launch from the kennedy space center. the spacex crew walked out earlier before heading to their dragon capsule, which, for the first time is being reused. >> abc's gio benitez has more. >> mona and faith, good morning.
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this stoir is special becauseof the people, not just the people of the watching on the ground and their families, but the astronauts themselves. take a look. it's a mission unlike any other, not because of the technology but because of the people. one of the veterans is megan mcarthur. her husband bob behnken was on the historic mission that launched last year. >> it's been really helpful to have him really understand what it is that i'm doing now and what it is that i'm going to be doing in the future. that's been really helpful to have a partner who really gets all that. >> she and her son watched as bob launched into the air last may. this time it will be bob watching with him. as megan flies on that very same spacex "crew dragon." and in the same seat, the pilot
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seat, with her nasa astronaut shane kimbrough. steve jurczyk telling me the astronauts are ready to go. have you been able to speak with the astronauts? >> yeah, tuesday morning i went in and talked to the astronauts, they said we're just ready to launch, get up there and get going and do the research and technology experiments. >> reporter: the crew is fully vaccinated. and on the international space station, they'll be conducting research on viruses to help understand the pandemic. but before the work, the fun. just days before the launch, megan mcarthur taking her son to the beach for a launch-week tradition. launching rockets before her very own takes off. >> oh. >> oh, my god. our thanks to gio. he did that in the car just for us here on "world news now."
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can you imagine parent/teacher conferences. sorry, parent can't come, he's in space. love it. coming up, love is literally in the air. >> the mile-high wedding rehearsal.
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♪ ♪ welcome back. it's time now for "the mix". and the pandemic forced a lot of us to start cooking at home, right? >> yeah >> but this new chef on the block is blowing us all away. take a look at this video, just 3 years old. >> that's no easy bake oven. >> yes, he is cooking whole meals for his entire family. apparently, he started learning how to cook at 14 months old, and he's not just making simple dishes. you see him making smoothies, parfaits and complicated dishes. he's even using seasoning in some of his dishes. >> thank you. thank you, lord. got to start them young, y'all. i hope it doesn't violate any child labor laws, but i would like to eat at that restaurant.
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>> apparently he uses the stove as well. the mom said she made sure he understood the danger before lettg apparently, this couple recently got engaged in las vegas. the southwest crew found out about it and were like, you know what? we're going to practice down the aisle. here comes the bride, right? >> i love it. >> guess what we also love? the polka. because it's next. one, two. >> please welcome back the swedish sensation. carling's darlings. ♪ ♪ ♪ politics and foreign wars ♪ ♪ all the weather, all the scores ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ if you're an insomniac ♪ ♪ and a good night's sleep you lack ♪ ♪ do ake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ so grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance ♪ ♪ have some fun ♪
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♪ be a pal ♪ ♪ every anchor guy and gal ♪ ♪ do the world news polka ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪sted to the john ♪ but hold it one more minute while we get your polka on ♪ ♪ you'll know the weekend's near ♪ ♪ when this little tune you hear ♪ ♪ it's the world news polka ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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it's "live with kelly and ryan". today, a chat with film superstar gal gadot. and from the new series debris, jonathan tucker. also exclusively for our amazing viewers, green bargains in honor of earth day. plus, the hosts share their movie love memories of their special time at the academy awards. all next on "live". and now here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest. hello, deja. oh, good morning. morning, deja. morning, ryan. morning, kelly. it's thursday, april, 22nd, 2021. it is earth day. happy earth day. yes, celebrating the planet earth. - yes. - and also celebrating, as we just showed there, the oscars coming up. we've been working very hard on the performances you'll see soon,
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many characters played by the two of us.


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