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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  April 21, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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obtained records from the san francisco department of pudepar health that shows just how well businesses are complying with covid regulations and it reveals those that are not. stephanie sierra spoke with the compliance team about how enforcement will change in the future and she is live tonight with the story. >> according to records from san francisco county, the overwhelming majority of is mrs. across the city and county have complied with the public health order. there are still problem areas the county health department is keeping a close eye on. >> may still lost a lot of money. we are still very slow. >> he is the proud owner of chinese cuisine. it is a hawaiian barbecue lunch spot in san francisco's financial district. over the past year he lost 70% of his business but never lost sight of safety. >> customers come in and i tell
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them to wear a mask and have sent hand sanitizer. they follow the rules. it is very good. >> that was the case for most business owners in san francisco but not everyone. records obtained show more than 1400 notices of violations were cited to restaurants, bars or other food facilities across the city and county over the past seven months. 95 of the businesses were cited multiple times. most of the violations were issued for hosting large crowds indoors and outdoors with a lack of social distancing or facemasks. >> that is the kind of thing we educate on but it should not be a repeat problem. >> maggie overseas the community education and response team. they investigate complaints of covid violations. she explains the violation hotspots are the marina, north beach, and mission districts. >> there were earlier on, businesses that we educated maybe 10 times a lot.
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that is to ensure you are not going out more than twice. >> for every business that was cited multiple times the county only provided the names of a select few businesses that declined our interview request. businesses including the right rabbit bar and balboa bank located in the marina district. both businesses are part of the lumberjack group. combined the two entities received two health order complaints. it is important to nononononono placed his ownership into a blind trust so he doesn't have any knowledge or role in the business decisions. however, records show he is profiting from each of the companies cited. we reached out to the group for further comment and received the following statement. "we have already addressed the concerns by adding more
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security and staff to strictly enforce social distancing protocols in the areas adjacent to the business. we aren't perfect but take tese concerns seriously. we will continue to adjust protocols as san francisco reopens, the weather gets warmer, and more people gather in groups." >> everyone needs to comply with the requirements. >> some of the businesses cited are in dean preston's district. with summer right around the corner he is concerned about a potential fourth search. >> look at the restaurants. by and large most are compliant. >> since last march 22 businesses across and cisco were forced to temporarily close for repeated health order violations. and majority have since reopen. >> it would be a huge mistake for folks to let their guard down now. >> especially for owners who are playing by the rules and just trying to survive.
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>> to put this in perspective, in the beginning of the pandemic they received about 90 complaints. that is down to 15. they have started to reduce operations at night and on the weekends but is still assisting the county during the week. today, president joe biden announced his administration has met its goal of 200 million vaccines parry it is ahead of schedule. today is joe biden's 92nd day in office. >> the rapid vaccination effort is already saved tens of thousands of american lives. >> to help speed up vaccinations even more, president joe biden is calling on employers to do their part. the administration is urging larger employers to provide the same benefits. this afternoon we asked the
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presidents surgeon general how we can overcome a vaccine hesitancy. >> i want you to know you have family and you have friends. that means you have power. you have people who trust you. if you can help them get the information they need to understand these vaccines are safe and effective and to understand that the downside of getting covid is serious you could help save lives. >> california doctors are echoing the statement that people shouldn't be hesitant any longer especially if they want life to return to normal. >> just a few months ago, people were dying by the thousands from this virus. now that we have gotten the folks that are more susceptible to dying vaccinated, those numbers have dropped dramatically. i think it is just time that we have to continue to educate folks in terms of the value and the safety of the vaccine. this is how we are going to get
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our country back to normal. >> we are keeping track of the vaccination progress with our vaccine tracker. about one third of the state is fully vaccinated. you will find this at abc in a rare move by the contra costa county district office a police officer was charged today in a deadly shooting. matt boone explains the same officer was involved in another tragic shooting. >> after 2 1/2 years of review, contra costa district attorney finally came to a decision regarding danville police officer andrew hall. >> officer hall used unreasonable and unnecessary force when he responded to the in progress traffic pursuit endangering not only has life but the lives of his fellow officers and citizens in the immediate area.
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>> the 33-year-old was killed during a pursuit in november 2018. >> he ran around the rear of his vehicle and fired the semi automatic pistol at him. he was hit 9 times. >>'s lawyer claims self- defense. >> when officer hall fired his weapon, he felt not his life in imminent danger by virtue of this car approaching him but he felt his sergeants life was in danger as well because he saw a sergeant arriving believed his sergeant was in the path of the car. >> after the shooting the contra costa sheriff's office internal review found he did not violate policies and allow him to continue to work. now, he has been charged with two felonies. >> it is a long time coming. >> attorney john burris represents his family.
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>> our client be dead. >> he is referring to tyrell wilson who was shot and killed by officer hall on march 11th. that incident was captured in newly released body cam and surveillance video. danville police said they received reports of a man throwing objects on the freeway. when officer hall arrives he approaches mr. wilson and confronts him. from there it all happens quickly. >> drop the knife! dropped the knife! the video shows officer hall the shooting wilson in the head. he died a week later. in both cases officer hall failed to use any de-escalation techniques. >> you can't clear a conflict and shoot your way out of it. >> denville is looking into new training for officers. >> we will continue to advocate for such services at the state,
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county, and local level. our hope is that moving forward from this incident, we will be able to build a better methodology in handling these issues with our community. >> a warrant has been issued for officer hall the rest. an arraignment that has not been state set. >> to read more about what happened at each of these cases and to share the stories with your friends, look for them on derek chauvin just spent úh convicted murderer. is this justice for george floyd? it is a question a question has been asking today. you joins us live.:again, some people you talk to believe justice was not served? >> that is what i am hearing. they say that was accountability, what we saw yesterday the conviction of the former minneapolis police
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officer derek chauvin. that was the system working. the system has to change so these brutal police killings don't continue to happen. here we are again. it is already happening showing just how many just how much work needs to be done. >> there is a war waged on black lives. somewhere today the cops killed somebody else we just don't know their name. >> activists speaking to me moments after the derek chauvin verdict. the jury reached a verdict in minneapolis. police said the black teen who called 911 herself threatened to grows with a knife before an officer fatally shot her. by nightfall, protests broke out in columbus. then, the sinking feeling for so many black people, here we go again. >> and a small amount of amount of progress that is made is immediately taken back away. >> daniel fuentes morgan
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the book laughing to keep from dying. it deals with the traumas of living while black. >> there is never enough evidence to prove you are innocent. there is never enough evidence to prove even merit survival. so, the trauma feels personal. >> the new york times reports at least 64 people were killed by police in the u.s. since the chauvin trial started three weeks ago. more than half killed african- american and latino. the letter to high-profile victims were kids themselves. they were 13 and 16. >> children are at home. they are very observant. they are feeling what we are feeling. they can see it. >> tanisha booker offers
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advice. >> inability to pay attention, anxiety, concern and worry about their safety and what that may look like in your child depending on their age is maybe they are withdrawn? maybe they have a heightened sense of wanting to stay inside? you may see their want and desire to stay close to you is increasing. >> more thoughts from the child therapist you heard from right there. delete your child where they are. if they are younger, provide them with the words to express what they are thinking. if they are older provide them with more context. if they are old enough to face discrimination they are old enough to have these conversations. you want to create the space to allow them to express those feelings. it is something we should all be doing as we process what is happening right now. >> we all process in different ways control again, thank you so much. he is our race and social
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reporter. have contact information is right on your screen. on twitter and facebook you can find him on abc 7. on instagram he is julian glover tv. i am wayne freeman. this is one of the reasons governor gavin newsom came here today and declared a drought emergency. that is coming up. i am spencer christian. there is rain coming our ♪ ♪ ♪ when it comes to your financial health, just a few small steps can make a real difference. ♪ ♪ ♪
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listen to this. more than 99% of california is in drought. it is so badly governor issued his first emergency declarations for two local counties sonoma and mendocino. look at that cracked earth. not enough rain. lake mendocino is at 43% capacity. lake sonoma 62%. when friedman shows you the conditions firsthand. >> in terms of drought it is now official. dry, crusty, lake mendocino is california's new drought poster child. that is a dubious honor for the woman charged with mail and managing it. >> it is horrifying. i am concerned on how we will supply water. >> governor gavin newsom that took took took to bed that should be 40 feet underwater this time of the year. >> the hearts are getting hotter. dreiser getting drier. >> the damage is dramatic but the governor did perhaps even more so. he declared a state of drought emergency here in mendocino and sonoma counties. >> we are not ideological about
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our approach. >> here in the north bay or even lake sonoma has dropped more than 40 feet the emergency order will relax roles for state and local agencies and how they manage flows from the russian river. grant davis runs sonoma water.w. >> this is a second gear of a critically dry year. it makes it near impossible to serve all of the competing needs. >> specifically it may help these counties find a balance between the needs of residents with lawns are grape growers that have already seen wells going dry. the drought looking worse than 1976 expect tough choices. >> the temperature and climate r it is probably more intense. there are more people. >> mendocino and sonoma counties got the first emergency declarations. the governor suggested they will not be the last. he has budgeted billions. >> we are taking a targeted approach and actual conditions
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on the ground. >> all he had to do today was look beneath his feet. we may get a little rain coming here but we need a lot more than we are going to get it sounds like. >> yeah. kent spencer has been tracking what is coming our way. >> it is the first measurable rainfall we have seen. much needed but not enough to relieve the child situation. here is a look at current conditions. it is breezy to windy across the entire region. we have gusts along the coast and around the bay shoreline. generally between 20-25 miles per hour. it is pretty cool out there. you can see the gray skies over san francisco from the rooftop camera. it is 51 in seven oakland 65. san jose 61. 57 morgan hill and 50 at half moon bay. here is the advancing marine layer looking from mount tam. 59 degrees in santa rosa. pretty: the north bay.
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68 at fairfield. that is our relatively warm spot. 65 at concord. 61 at livermore. you see low clouds chasing away the blue sky over the golden gate. these are the low clouds, fog and patchy drizzle. the mild inland next few days. it will bring some gusty wind from time to time. tonight we will see the advancing marine layer pushing locally across the bay and locally inland. skies will be fairly cloud free. it looks like overnight lows -- let me give you a further look at the forecast animation. goin we'll see mainly clear skies but of course low clouds and fog will back up to the coastline. overnight lows generally in the mid to upper 40s. there could be some patchy
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drizzle to the coastline but it is possible a patch were to have drizzle could work its way across the bay. highs tomorrow only in the mid 50s on the coast. it would be breezy with some lingering low clouds. 54 at half moon bay. san francisco will top out at up at about 58 degrees. low 60s tomorrow but the farther south you push the milder a gets. look for a high of 71 in san jose. inland east bay low to mid 70s. upper 60s to low 70s. a fairly mild day but not an exceedingly mild day. friday pretty much the same range of highs. a little bit milder getting into the mid to upper 70s. after that a sharp cooldown saturday and even cooler sunday with inland highs barely reaching 60 degrees. the reason for the cooldown? the approaching storm which ranks 1 on the impact gail. it is continuing into early monday. here is the forecast animation. saturday afternoon it is possible a shower or two could develop. they could arrive in the early morning hours and could continue before it winds down leaving us rainfall totals
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generally between 2/10 and 7/10 of an inch. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast. once again, dry and relatively mild for the next few days. a clouding up and calling down saturday. then get the rainy and breezy weather sunday with showers possibly lingering into early monday morning. there will be partial clearing later in the day monday before we get to brighter and drier and milder weather on tuesday
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people lined up for the grand opening of san francisco's new h mart. is the largest korean grocery chain in the united states. it is more than groceries. it is a food court and a snack lover's paradise. it is located just off to 80. san jose already has two. >> in the south bay, three papular restaurants are teaming up with underrepresented the area winemakers to introduce their labels to a brand-new audience. we explain why the effort is needed now more than ever ev before. >> at santana row in san jose, a new partnership rooted in representation is taking flight. >> serena harkey is behind the flight for l.a. ship. it is a program that aims to feature underrepresented winemakers. the effort started last last la
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following the black lives matter protest. this month she is putting the spotlight on asian american winemakers based in the bay area. >> with what is happening in the community now, we recognize this is the time to acknowledge the community and give back and shed allied onallied onallied on who needed. >> she worked with an organization called diversity and food and beverage. it is an inclusive community for those who advocate for equality and inequity in the hospitality industry. abortion will go to support their work. >> when you see someone that looks like you it is compelling. pele a sense of belonging. >> in addition, they will also be available at meso mediterranean #. >> the people behind the bottle of wine are as important
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a bigger part of the story as the place and the variety. >> the chance to not only empower those in the industry but to also educate consumers >> it is about bringing people together. it is about the community. this is another opportunity to enhance that get to know someone you wouldn't necessarily have before. >> opportunity that will hopefully inspire awareness and conversation. after a year of the pandemic we have gotten to know the familiar faces of our medical experts. have you noticed how many of them are women? >> 80% of the workforce and public health are women. you rarely see women in leadership positions. it is the same thing as public health. we have been in visible. >> decades of work on diversity are paying off in front of the bright lights of a national
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crisis in the bay area. >> is it time to blow up the edd and this is a no-nonsense message from three. small business insurance usually forces you to piece together multiple policies. that's why three was created. it's one policy that covers everything you need... leaving those old policies in the dust. three. no nonsense. just common sense. hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. leaving those old policies in the dust. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years.
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i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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this may be the most damning indictment today of the edd since the start of the pandemic. the state senator in an interview you will see only on abc seven mac minis got for the agency to be rebuilt because it does not work. >> michael finney has been investigating the edd for more than a year now. he joins us live. michael it has been one problem after another. >> you two have been reporting on this night after night after night. people are >> tammy event and has been receiving an appointment since march of last year. she asked after a year if she
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needed to reapply. >> to have to file a new claim? to have to do anything? she said no. don't do anything. it will automatically roll over. >> his benefits stopped in september. >> region the men who probably was in charge of it said you are supposed to be getting your federal extension automatically. let me see what i can do. >> both are still waiting for their promised extensions. >> that is so par for the course right now. they provide information and it turns out it is not true. >> many are left wondering and not getting answers. they are forced to survive without expected benefits. >> i lost track. >> i have done everything i do.
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>> they still haven't fixed these problems. >> neither tammy nor albert have time to be patient. >> as i described in my email i am reaching the end of my rope. >> i feel like i am going to lose my house. have to call every day. it wears on your mental status. >> she called for swift change to the edd. edd. edd. edd. edd. >> >> $137 billion has has since the start of the pandemic. they pledged to
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>> the state must take responsibility for the edd. he also says it stops if the legislature and the governor -- at the legislature and the governor. >> you will stay on it i know. thank you very much. >> the battle against covid-19 has throw a lot of heroes from the bay area medical community into the spotlight. for some of the women it has been a lifelong journey through a world once dominated by men as kate larson discovered. >> dr. maldonado of stanford began her journey into medicine as the daughter of immigrants growing up in los angeles. >> my parents moved to the u.s. from mexico. a young couple moving and looking to find a better life for themselves. >> melanie immigrated herself after falling in love with medicine in her native germany. >> yong melanie was a very
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hungry girl who grew up on the countryside and always wanted to become more urban. >> they both share a passion virology honed in the early days of hiv. maldonado spent most of her early career with the cdc eventually leading efforts to vaccinate vulnerable populations around the e e e e >> 80% are women. you rarely see women in leadership positions. we have been in visible. >> remember at the gladstone at the time when there was no female principal incipal incipa there were only male pis. >> fast forward several decades
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to one of the great health crisis the time. they had joined a highly accomplished and now highly visible mix of bay area women helping to lead the fight against covid-19 and perhaps as importantly becoming the public face of of of of of of of >> this comes with the territory they are more exposed. you will be asked to be commenting on certain things. before if you're not in the position and it is only a male person in that position then, of course, you don't see female faces. >> as director of her own lab at gladstone, she is often called on to explain the frightening nuances of coronavirus. dr. maldonado shares updates on the vaccine trials she directs at stanford. while there may be pioneers they are also mentors paving the way. >> really i felt like in my career it has been important to
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have someone in your corner understands what struggles you are going through. >> it has been inspiring. it just things are changing and they face of medicine is changing to be more representative of what it should be. be. be. be. be. >> you know something is wrong with the system. >> while improving the system may be a work in progress, the benefits of becoming more visible than expects the hardware to continue. dr. maldonado is serving as the senior associate dean for diversity and faculty development at at at at at at a
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now to our special series, california dreaming. we examine the issues threatening the california dream and the people working to
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keep the dream alive. with oscar sunday around the corner, tonight we look at the robust film and television industry. of course it is more than just a dream factory. it is a vital part of the california economy. >> hollywood and the entertainment industry is a part of the california dream. the entertainment content that is made here in the state of california is all over the world. it doesn't just entertain people all over the world. it educates them. and inspires them. it is such an important part and legacy of our state. it is really cool we are. californians are known to be by and large crlarge crlarge crlar inclusive. i think it kind of represents those cultural values that are such a big part of our state. >> hollywood is a major employer in the l.a. region and across the state of california. that is one of the reasons they are having concerns about
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runway productions. toronto, new york, new orleans and other places across the country. i think it is really important for us to reclaim and to double down on hollywood and really capitalize off of the the the t some of the benefits of being associated with a diverse workplace. of course, as california goes, increasingly that is where the rest of the nation is headed. >> entertainment production is a very important part of the california economy. it is big business. in employees hundreds of thousands of people. so many businesses. also, it impacts tourism. filmtourism is in california. people want to travel to california so they can see where their favorite movie was shot. that has a positive impact on the economy and draws people here to our beautiful state. i am looking forward to the academy museum. it is a beautifula beautifula bl
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cultural history of the filmmaking here. i am so excited for the official opening. >> i have been living in new york and i moved to l.a. it was the idea of what else is out there? what else is available? california and los angeles in particular is one of those cities that anything and everything is possible. i am one of the producers of the oscar-nominated short film, "feeling through.'s close back feeling through was the very first thing said. it is a surreal feeling. i still work at a restaurant. the california california calif fact that i am here means the dream isn't dead. >> people really want to stay in california. there is a lot of competition
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out there. everybody wants a part of entertainment production. other states and also internationally. california we continue to improve our competitiveness. have the most diverse landscape and topography locations and experience, talented crew and the depth of the crew in our program is really working as intended to deliver significant value. we are just getting started. >> we are the entertainment capital of the world. we hold that title. this will continue to be our legacy here and the state. >> you can stream all of our california dreaming stories on demand including our 30 minute special right now. you will find it on our bay area connected tv app wherever you stream. >> you could watch the oscars right here on abc 7 clive coverage begins with sunday morning at 10 a clock and
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continues all day with special on the red carpet coverage leading up to the 93rd academy awards ceremony which begins at 5:00 p.m. after the last award is handed out stay with us and stay with on the red carpet for advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. it is the only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more starry nights. more sparkly days. more sunny mornings. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm
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we are looking for rain. >> yes, we are looking for the weekend, spencer. >> i am getting pretty excited about the rain. tonight we will see increasing low clouds and fog. maybe some patty tomorrow's highs much like today mid-50s. low 60s around the bay shoreline and low 70s. then, in comes the storm over the weekend. form of light intensity but bringing much-needed rain sunday an early monday. here is the timeline starting late saturday night. we will see the rain pushing and during the overnight hours into sunday and into monday morning before it breaks up and tapers off. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast. tomorrow dry and relatively mild to days before cooler weather saturday. than the rainy and breezy
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weather sunday. clearing drier and warmer on tuesday and wednesday. bring on the rain. even though it is not going to last long, bring it home. >> absolutely! >> the young woman who captivated the nation at president joe biden's inauguration will be making an appearance at the professional women's california annual conference. amanda gorman inspires so many from her abc 7 is a proud founding sponsor. >> we are indeed. a great event. jeopardy revealed the future lineup of guest hosts since the death of alex trebek. we have seen anderson cooper phil and just to name a few. future hosts include robin roberts. george stephanopoulos, cnbc's david faber. joe buck as well as levar burton, the actor and former host of reading rainbow.
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thousands of fans petition to have him host the show pick that should be great. jeopardy heirs abc 7 present 6:00. tune in for these. >> we want to see larry beale. >> i was such rainbow fan growing up. >> i think i am more cut out for wheel of fortune. you spin it and pick a letter or something. not much for a book learning. >> anyway, they go for 11 in a row. how do you win in extras when you don't get a base hit in the
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go back up! hang on! i am hanging on. don't mess up your deck with tex-mex. terminix. hi. the only way to nix it is to terminix it. good evening. steph curry looking to continue his wizardry against the wizards on the road tonight. learns today anderson is still in concussion protocol. he needed 35 stitches to close a gash in his head after he dove over the scores table saturday night. >> the worriers down 19 early against the wizards. curry a sweet drive but held 18 points. he was 2 of 14 on threes. we finish with 24. he played great on both ends. jordan pole with a heats check 3 in the fourth quarter.
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the worriers had 22 off the bench. they were up by as many as 11. the wizards battled back. bradley beal very difficult to stop of beale going to the basket. the wizards now now now now now a worriers down with two seconds left. they get the steel. andrew wiggins to tie at the. it rolls off the rim. the wizards hold on wow! >> after holding the twins scoreless into games yesterday today a very different story for the oakland a's. runs galore for both teams. they combined for 25 runs may go to extras. riding the wave and streaking looking to when 11 in a row. matt olson already has one homerun and now he has got to. a two run jacket that goes to season. fast-forward to the six. olson trying to get by.
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amazing catch to keep the twins in front. a fax i would tie this up at 10. go to the 10th, buxton high and deep. the a's win streak in serious jeopardy. he is down to their last out. travis cannot make the play. around scores and it is a one run game. he pitches what should be the game ending grounder to luis who throws it. that is way over his head. a come back when for the a's and extras. they did not get a hit in the 10th. two walks and two errors. they have won 11 in a row. 13-12 is your final in 10 innings. >> how about the chilly day philly? later in the seventh, mike a pop up to left.
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you never see this. he drops the ball. a costly error. he scores the go ahead run and the giants are up 5-4. handed off to the bullpen. problem. bottom of seventh, bryce harper -- we have liftoff to write. tied again at 5. fans hanging in there. andrew with a base hit to left and harper scores. good night. a game over. drive home safely. they avoid the sweep and a walkoff. the 49ers add to their running back depth. they sign wayne goleman. he spent four years in new york mostly as a backup to berkeley. he runs hard and he can catch the ball out of the backfield. the niners also reportedly signed arden key. circling back to the worriers they go 3-2 on the road trip. the best thing about coming home friday night, the first game at chase center with fans.
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actual humans in the buildin. i hope to be one of them if they will let me an. we will see. >> you can go out to thrive city at the front area get there. watch it on the big screen. we will see. >> it was questionable even before the pandemic. left back >> nice! nice! >> very good. steaming just having fun. coming up tonight, catch the goldbergs followed by home economics, the conners and called your mother. at 10:00 it is 1 million different things. then stay with us for abc 7 11:00. >> you can watch all of our newscast live and on-demand through the connected tv app. download the app now and start streaming. >> that will do it for us now. thank you for watching. >> for spencer kristin, larry beale and all of us here, we
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appreciate your time. hope to see you again at 11:00. have a nice evening.
6:58 pm
emergency planning for kids. we can't predict when an emergency will happen. so that's why it's important to make a plan with your parents. here are a few tips to stay safe. know how to get in touch with your family. write down phone numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and can't go home. remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe during an emergency.
6:59 pm
but it will help you and your family stay safe ♪ this is "jeopardy!" let's meet today's contestants. a tutor from irvine, california... an attorney from atlanta, georgia... and our returning champion, an actor, originally from chesterton, indiana... ...whose 2-day cash winnings total... and now, here is the guest host of "jeopardy!", anderson cooper. thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome to "jeopardy!" i am so honored to be guest-hosting, it's incredibly exciting. yesterday's game was very competitive, had a lot of ups and downs, but our returning champion, mike nelson, held on for his second win.
7:00 pm
i wanna welcome ellen and max, good luck to both of you. here are the categories in the jeopardy! round. starting off with... and each response is two words, one with a single and one with a dd. mike, you're our returning champion, what's your pick? coming back to win the game for $200. max? who is serena williams? that's correct. uh, named a school for me, $400. max? uh, what is william and mary? yes. the college william & mary. max. uh, a school for me, $600.


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