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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  April 15, 2021 1:06am-1:41am PDT

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member of the family here at abc news. today, kim godwin was named the new president of abc news. her selection is historic. kim becomes the first african-american woman to head a major television news network, ever. an accomplished tv news executive and journalist with nearly 30 years in the business, a proud graduate of florida a&m university, we join the nation to say, congrats, kim. welcome home. strike, strike, and strike again. that's "nightline" for this evening. catch our full episodes on hulu. we'll see you right back
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outreach tonight here in windsor as the mayor refuses to resign after numerous sex assault allegations. everyone 16 and older in california will be eligible for a vaccine, with the state's experts and families for the influx of eligibility. temperatures in the comfort zone today, soaring this weekend. a story you will only see on abc7, reliving the trauma of a 1995 murder , a date area family's push to keep the man responsible in prison. >> a better bay area, finding solutions, this is abc7 news. how upset and disgusted i am that mayor duck out of this meeting, you all had a right to be heard, now he won't cure you. >> a dramatic twist in the north bay town of windsor after hours of intense and emotional debate, embattled mayor dominic foppoli leaves the meeting.
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>> he is facing allegations of sexual assault from multiple women. j.r. stone is live in windsor. there was a vote on his resignation tonight. >> reporter: there was, the council actually passed the resolution, which basically demands that the mayor resigns, they don't have the power to make it actually happened, so right now, a recall efforts. >> i have my head held high because i know deep in my heart i have done nothing criminally wrong and it will be cleared. >> reporter: windsor mayor and winery owner dominic foppoli publicly addressing sexual assault allegations for the first time since six women came forward with the accusations. at least one of them involving drugging a woman. his attorney telling us, everything was consensual, and the mayor refusing to resign from >> i am not without faults, but i'm not a criminal.
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left the attorney general and the justice system to side. >> reporter: city councilmembers in tears at times as they called for him to step down. >> you are making me tear up before i even start. if you love windsor as much as you said you always have, then you need to resign tonight. >> reporter: he co-owns a winery with his mother, who was also asking him to step down. the council voted to demand that the mayor resigned, a move that won't change anything, the vice mayor tells us, they will now look to recallfoppoli. community members outraged, with women and men demanding he resign immediately. >> please step down! if you don't, i hope to god that you hear my voice in your head. >> resign. >> dominic, man up, my dude.
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>> reporter: it was an uncomfortable meeting for everybody who was on that virtual call. you had people with anger and sadness, letting their voice be heard, really, for the first time tonight. we shall see what happens going forward, but the recall efforts will likely now start up. in less than an hour, anyone 16 and older in california is eligible to book a vaccine appointment. kate larson spoke with families and the i.t. experts about how they are preparing for open season. >> i am hoping to have a normal senior year. >> reporter: she is wrapping up junior year, so tori's first step to normalcy is finding a vaccine. the 17-year-old and her mom
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have a plan for booking an appointment as soon as she becomes eligible. >> i will stay up till midnight so i can get it right when it turns to the 15th, then my mom is going to look in the morning. >> we will probably do some craft work tonight, but i think my turn, these bigger sites tend to have more sites available. >> reporter: the state's vaccine scheduling site will open to millions more californians thursday. anyone 16 and older. >> we tested the system in multiple ways. >> reporter: eric norton is a project manager. do you anticipate any problems like it crashing with the influx of usage? >> we have upgraded the system to make sure we can handle the capacity of up to 300,000 transactions per hour. i know we can do it. >> reporter: because pfizer is the only vaccine authorized right now for 16 and 17-year- olds, when teens at age register, they will only be shown clinics for pfizer.
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once you and your friends are vaccinated, what are the first things you want to do? >> hanging out inside, because there is a lot more options when you can be inside. i really want to go back to school. in person. >> reporter: the site will update overnight to reflect expanded eligibility and include additional languages like arabic and farsi. ac/dc advisory committee unanimously decided today to extend the pause on the johnson & johnson vaccine to allow more time to fully review the safety data. this comes one day after the cdc and the fda stopped any use of the shot while six rare blood clot cases are investigated. >> if we need more time to think about this, we can reconvene later this week or this weekend. >> reporter: of the six known cases, one woman died, several others were hospitalized. >> we may be able to work this out in a few days
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with a hard recommendation like, we don't give this to women, or we don't give this to women under the age of 60. >> reporter: scientists are looking for any link between the women who got sick and whether the costs were an immune response. dr. philip grant led the trial. >> we will try to look at whether these women had other risk factors like being on contraceptives or smoking. >> reporter: the cdc director says they are expecting more cases to be reported. >> within the last few weeks, they should be aware of their symptoms and immediately seek medical assistance with any symptoms of concern. >> reporter: she says the risk for people who got the johnson & johnson vaccine is exceptionally low. >> the committee says it will try to meet next week or so, the biden administration says there is still more than enough of the other vaccines to give all americans
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children here will be part of a pfizer vaccine trial that will ultimately involve kids as young as six months. stanford is launching the study, the first volunteer is a three-year-old son of a stanford cancer researcher. zina good hopes to inspire other families and speed up the testing process. >> it will be really difficult to avoid getting exposed with little kids. it is peace of mind to know they are protected. >> researchers say children make up just under a quarter of the country's population, it is important to include them in vaccination efforts in order to reach herd immunity. and just of yours, san francisco will use more pandemic restrictions. starting at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, indoor seated events and performances can move forward at 35% capacity with an approved safety plan. indoor meetings, conferences, an can create can come back, vaccinated only sections. outdoor events will be able to reopen at 50% capacity.
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is rolled back restrictions are in line with the state's orange level, reopening guidelines. developing news, protesters gathered in a map a minneapolis suburb calling for serious charges against the ex-officer in the shooting death of daunte wright. this is the fourth night of protests. today, the former officer at the center of the case, kim potter, was booked into jail, she is expected in court tomorrow. an attorney spoke about her being charged with second degree manslaughter. >> what the family wants is him back. so, they will never get justice , all they can pray for now is accountability. and they want her to be held to the full extent of the law. >> polsay the shooting was accidental, potter thought she was using her taser. coming up, he was four years old when he came together with his mother's murderer.
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keeping you safe while flying, the one thing the cdc says airlines should do, but have stopped. a california drivers are doing a double take. the life-sized teddy bear on emission. the calendar says spring, but it is going to feel like summer. i will have the forecast, coming up. all of that coming up, but first, here is a look at what is ahead tonight, right after abc7 news at 11:00. told us that what he looks like. >> yeah, like you. >> wesley snipes?
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not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance
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the family of michelle redmond is being forced to relive the trauma of her death. she was found bludgeoned death in 1995. tomorrow morning, the man convicted of her murder could be one step closer to walking free. in a story you will only see here, reporter amanda del castille spoke with the family before his parole hearing. >> i fear for my family.
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it is just wrong. >> reporter: monica is once again hurting for her sister. she and her family are facing the possibility of her murderer, 67-year-old michael florez, walking free. >> we are all in pain. we are all reliving what he did. >> reporter: in the late 90s, he was found guilty of first- degree murder, it strike, convicted in the 1995 bludgeoning death of redmond. he struck her in the head with a hammer 28 times. later he took off in her car with her four-year-old son inside. >> i had known what was going on. to a certain extent. >> reporter: this is evan now. >> i was terrified, because it just, nothing looked right. i knew my mom wasn't okay and not to ask any questions. >> reporter: was dropped off near the family pup is home. florez evaded police for days and was eventually caught and sentenced to 171 years in prison. because of california's prison overcrowding, in 2014, a
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federal court ordered the state to implement a parole process. the elderly parole program. florez faces the parole board thursday. >> you can't heal when something keeps coming up and over again. >> we should be done with this. we should be able to be at peace, be able to help each other out. now, we have to do this every three years? >> reporter: the family putting a pause on healing any push to keep him in prison. >> as time progressed, you just, you hold all those memories to heart and you focus on all the good ones you have, now that this is being brought up, it is making that challenging. new details tonight about the suspect in a case of missing california woman kristin smart.
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our sister station says police have presented the das office with two different cases to review. paul flores was arrested this week after new evidence came to light in the smart case. he was a classmate in 1996 when she disappeared. >> today we mark the very first move to bring justice to kristin smart, her family, and the entire community of san luis obispo county. >> the county das says she was killed during an attempted rape . let's turn back to coronavirus. the middle seat on airplanes, when left empty, they do offer some protection against covid- 19. that is according to a study by the cdc. at most airlines have stopped doing that. >> reporter: the centers for disease control out with a new report, which estimates that
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leaving the middle seat empty on airplanes could reduce exposure to covid-19 by up to 57%. >> my family says as long as there are versions of covid-19 around, as long as we have toel secure to leave the middle seat empty. >> reporter: major airlines started blocking the middle seat during 2020 to give passengers comfort flying. now, airlines need the money from those seats for recovery. >> the big problem with blocking the middle seat is you have as much of a third of your inventory that you can't sell. over time, as people started to want to travel again, a lot of these airlines looked at their cabins and said, this is not sustainable. >> reporter: delta is the only age are airline that guarantees it will not seat the middle i'll. one passenger said it is a good idea for travelers, but not for the airlines. >> it is preferable for being safe and taking care of yourself and other people, but the idea of the trade-offs of
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the possible changes as far as capacity of airlines, cost of a fine. >> reporter: the cdc study you just walk up cabins and dummies were not wearing masks. one doctor said there will always be a risk when flying, unless you are fully vaccinated. >> as far as safety, being in the airplane itself, if you are not vaccinated, is probably not a good idea. if you are going to, the best idea is going to be to mask up. >> reporter: delta and all major u.s. airlines will return to solving the middle seat may 1st. it was a great night for granting wishes for critically ill children. tonight, i emceed the evening of wishes to make a wish greater bay area. this was inside the ritz carlton. it was virtual this year because of the pandemic.
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cannot, however, was great, more than 400 registered guests. the auction closed a short time ago, and the money raised is being tallied, but there was so much generosity tonight, which means many more wishes will be granted. thanks to everyone who donated, and those who helped make tonight early just a huge success. it was wonderful. >> that is fantastic. you help make any event a success. congratulations, wonderful work. make a wish is just one of those great organizations. onto the weather forecast. getting pretty steamy. >> [ laughter ] yeah, definitely it was nice of you to do that, it is going to get very warm, even hot this weekend. i want to show you a live picture right now, today was quite comfortable, many areas warmed up as the winds dropped.
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is a live look from our san jose camera. visibility is good, at least in the south bay. are quality good to moderate, if you want to get outside, get some fresh air, perhaps bike after you get off work, it is going to be comfortable. good if you are hiking, cool to mild, and if you are doing gardening, a nice, fresh breeze will ¦ it is not going to be terribly windy. here's a look at live doppler, limited patches of fog. visibility down to 5 miles. watch out tomorrow morning if you are driving early in the day. 40s, 50s on those temperatures. not too cold as you look at a live picture from our ritz camera along the embarcadero. foggy areas in the morning, sunny, seasonable the next two days. temperatures are going to be storing this weekend. you are going to feel that heat. get ready for that, fog in the morning, we will be right around to the coast and bay, temperatures in the 30s and 40s for most areas. if you are going to be out early in the day, 5:00 to 7:00 a.m., definitely grab the jacket. of the afternoon, should be a nice day, breezy coast aside. temperatures ranging from the
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50s to 70s, a light wind inland, 70 ft. fairfield, 72, concord. 68 in santa rosa, 59 in san francisco. as you take a look at the game forecast, they take on the tigers tomorrow at the coliseum, it is going to be cool. you will need that heavy. 50 degrees at 6:40, then dropping to 52 degrees. anything but cool inland as we head into the weekend. upper 80s on saturday, coast is still comfortable, which is the beauty of the bay area. our microclimate surfacing sunday, you see that wide range, 60s coast aside, 90s inland. well above average for a good 10 to 20 degrees. some of you have been asking about rain. i have been searching, and all i can find is possibility next week, wednesday, this computer model is showing the possibility. but the other one isn't. perhaps by the end of april,
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april 24th, maybe something promising. stay tuned. typical pattern the next couple of days. it is going to be heating up this weekend with summerlike warmth, 90s inland. 60s coast aside, and we will cool off midweek next week. >> 90s, all rights. ah, the first apartment. minimum decor. maximum entertainment. they've got a flex 4k streaming box included with their internet. so all their favorite apps are in one place, now even disney+.
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a life-sized teddy bear is on a mission, and you may spot him on his journey. he goes by their sun. some sheriff's deputies caught up with him, they treated this picture saying it was a very unique situation. he began his walk monday in hopes to reach san francisco by saturday. i hope so, because it is going to be awfully hot in that
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outfit. >> oh, yeah, oh, 90s in that pursuit? no thank you. [ laughter ] the war years headed, raining threes tonight, another huge game from steph curry as i'm morgan, and there's more to me than hiv. more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato. prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen... to help you reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and stay undetectable... can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato
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the frustrating rookie season of james wiseman is probably over, the number two pick is going to have surgery on his knee. they're right back to small ball. tonight in oklahoma city, seth curry warming up with a little bit of soccer. you will publicly kick the ball the way he is going, triple- double at 16 assists. the warriors tie eight team record. mychal mulder, we call this with authority. injured in his
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this. he finds his spot, look at, knocks down the three. 11 threes, 42 points, warriors escort 50 in the third period. we have a game in cleveland tomorrow, warriors rule 147- 1409. ninth place in the west. how about afternoon baseball, giants and reds at oracle, and kids having fun. this is the fifth, scoreless game. austin slater, opposite field, to the gap, rbi double. incomes brandon crawford, 1-0 giants. johnny was absolutely dealing until the sixth. strikes out, nick casiano's, then you see discomfort, he has to exit with a sore left muscle. hopefully not serious going forward. onto the nines, jake mcgee, what a find. sixth save, 3-0 giants is your final. history made in chicago, carlos of the white sox, two outs away from a perfect game, hits roberto perez, so the perfect is gone, no-hitter still intact, one out away,
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gets a grounder to third. the celebration will begin, 8-0. today i speak of, sharks making a playoff push, but they're going in reverse. hosting anaheim, they are already up 2-0, a goal by alexander volkov, then the frustration sets in. it gets chipped in. the sharks got punched, they lose 4-1. the nhl draft, over two weeks away. kyle shanahan was watching justin fields throw his second pro day for the scouts. what a rocket for an arm, superstrong, might be the choice for the third pick in the draft. we shall see. managing type 2 diabetes? you're on it. staying fit and snacking light? yu on it there too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease... tion do more to lower your heart risk?
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jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and it lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, ...genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction... ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance.
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thank you for watching.rewe
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welcome back. police in south carolina have shut down a neighborhood in suburban columbia after a protest turned violent. it happened in front of the home of a soldier who assaulted a


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