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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  April 13, 2021 1:06am-1:41am PDT

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finally here tonight, recapping that news out of brooklyn center, minnesota. for the second night in a row, protesters there defying curfew and taking to the streets, calling for justice for daunte wright, an unarmed black man killed by police. stay with abc news for continuing coverage on that shooting. that's "nightline." be sure to join our conversation with the #turning pointabc. we'll see you right back here at the same time tomorrow. thank you for watching. good night.
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tonight, oscar grant's family members demanding change
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as others defend the officer. vaccine eligibility is opening up on thursday. we have tips on the experts of how to plan your vaccine appointment. in the south bay, the call for traffic measures finally being answered. decreasing temperatures but not for long. the forecast is coming up. building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. for the second straight night, protesters gathered outside a minnesota police station to protest the deadly shooting of daunte wright. there were clashes and a number of people arrested tonight. thank you for joining us. marcy gonzales has the video of the shooting and what
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we have learned about the officer who fired the fatal shot. >> reporter: a second night of outrage in minnesota after a police officer shot and killed 20-year-old daunte wright. officials calling it an accidental discharge, sing the officer meant to use her taser, but instead, fired her gun. >> my brother lost his life because they made a mistake. yo, y'all call it a mistake. it is not a mistake >> reporter: officers determined he had an outstanding warrant for a misdemeanor. body camera video shows a struggle. wright getting back into the car. she fires one single shot. the car then driving for several blocks before crashing into another vehicle. police say paramedics attempted lifesaving measures but wright, the father of a two-year-old ,
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was pronounced dead at the scene. they did not find a weapon in his vehicle. the officer, a 26 year veteran of the force is now on it illustratively pending an independent investigation. >> we cannot afford to make mistakes that lead to the loss of life. i do fully support releasing the officer of her duties. >> reporter: the mayor also tweeting that the city manager oversaw the police department has been released of his duties. wright's family calling for action after 20 businesses were damaged or looted during protests. resident biden also asking for, calling wright's death , tragic. >> we know the anger, pain and trauma that exists in the black community and in the environment is real. this shooting has sparked protests and vigils here in the bay area. j.r.
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stone explains that it has brought back memories of the deadly shooting of oscar grant back in 2009. >> reporter: 20-year-old daunte wright shot and killed by minnesota police officers on sunday remembered outside oakland city hall monday evening. the gun and taser now being compared by many to what happened in 2009 was oscar grant. >> it immediately took me back to what happened with oscar. the first thing i said to myself, here we go again. >> reporter: he said that the 26-year-old veteran kim potter meant to deploy her taser instead of her gun. in 2009, an officer said he mistakenly pulled his handgun instead of a stun gun. was killed in the 2009 case and wright killed sunday night . >> hearing the excuse about weapon confusion, i am not surprised about. sadly, the system fails to hold
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officers liable. >> reporter: the retired commander says he disagrees. he says there is not a simple solution in these taser confusion cases. while better training may help, human reaction to a life-and-death situation is to survive. >> this is a people thing. not law-enforcement, not indifference, it is not bigotry. it is hardwired in there. crucifying police officers is not going to make any difference. the ones you hire, unless you are able to get somebody besides humans, there going to be doing the same things. >> reporter: he says this was far from a routine traffic stop as there was also at least one warrant involved. >> getting back into a car after refusing to be arrested, i have to tell you, my heart
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rate goes up just thinking about it. >> reporter: going forward, it is certain all eyes are on minnesota. j.r. stone, abc 7 news. in the south bay, a small group of protesters gathered outside the san jose police department. they carried like lives matter flags. a flag was set on fire in the middle of the street. steve kerr addressed the deadly shooting before tonight's game. >> my reaction is just another sad day in america. there was a school shooting in tennessee, as well. it is devastating. these things seem to happen on a daily basis. >> kerr said the warriors did not talk about it in tonight's game. he is not surprised that the teams of minnesota chose not to lay their games while we do not
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have the answers, we do have a lot of fetid resources. find out more about how you can take action and the an ally by visiting thursday, everyone 16 years of age and older is eligible to be vaccinated in california. the state's supply is shrinking. this week, the number of johnson & johnson vaccines is dropping by 33% compared to last week. that number is expected to go down again the following week. experts say it could take some time before the state gets its supply before it gets to where it needs to be. >> it is going to be frustrating. everyone i have talked to is very frustrated. these are logistical problems that happen when you are working on making a vaccine for the entire world, essentially. >> a member of the vaccine advisory committee says he expects the state will have plenty of doses within the next month or maybe two. with limited supply on top of a huge influx of
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eligibility, there is concern about increased frustration in signing up for vaccines. kate larson is on our vaccine team and spoke to experts a lot about where vaccine supply is going and how you can find an appointment. >> we will get vaccinated, it just might take longer than anticipated. >> reporter: while eligibility is opening to everyone on thursday, it may take weeks to get appointments because of supply constraints. right now, most of the supply is going to pharmacies. san francisco is still working to equitably distribute the vaccinating in the hardest hit zip codes. they are trying to ensure families of 16 and 17-year-olds who want the vaccine know where they can get pfizer. that is the only vaccine authorized for those ages. dph does not recommend people travel outside the bay area to get vaccinated. >> the other reason to not
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travel is, wherever you get your first dose, you need to go back to get your second dose. they are getting allocations based on who they give their first dose to. >> set your expectations that you will not get the first appointment you try to sign up for. >> reporter: bay area mothers decided to launch a website dedicated to helping people navigate vaccine sign-ups. she helps run the vaccine hundreds facebook group and advises -- which abides vaccine assistance. >> don't get discouraged. keep trying. >> reporter: keep your insurance information handy and team up with family and friends to find appointments. she also hopes people will follow her lead and help someone who is struggling. >> when other people are protected, we are all protected. >> we have links, tips and tricks from lee on our site, kate larson, abc 7 news.
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today, the coliseum transitioned from being run by the federal government to county and state control. it has been the bay area's most productive vaccination site providing 6000 shots per day. doses will come from a mix of the state and two counties. total supply is expected to remain the same. there is overwhelming demand for fema's new funeral systems program for families who lost loved ones during the covered pandemic. today, they received nearly 1 million calls, 1 million calls in the first hour and a half! it crashed the system and jammed phone lines. the agency is planning to use 5000 agents to handle high call demand. participants can receive up to $5000 per funeral. the death must have occurred in the united states and must list covid as a direct or indirect cause of death. out of control, oakland's
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police chief addresses the crime . why residence say they are finally being heard. also here, steph curry makes warriors' franchise history against the denver nuggets. gustier and cooler tomorrow. we will let you know how long this trend will last coming up. first, a look at what is coming up. jimmy? i will take care of the show, you just sit. don't light your tie on fire. he has still got it, look
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developing news, alcohol likely played a role in a crash in pittsburgh that killed two people. the driver of the camaro was speeding when his car rear-ended a corolla. the corolla's driver lost control and hit a tree. that driver died as well as a child in the car. a total of five people were seriously hurt. the man driving the camaro was not injured. police say they arrested him for driving under the influence. the oakland city council voted unanimously to allocate $10 million to restore funding to the city's police and fire department.
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this comes as the new chief of police as they are facing a big spike in violent crime is here. >> we need resources and we need communities to be able to address violence. >> that plea from the chief who says his department needs more funding and is suffering shortages after $25 million was cut from the police budget. >> those millions of dollars are resources. >> reporter: oakland reports 41 homicides so far this year compared to 13 at this time last year. that is a 215% increase. sideshows more common, more violent, shootings and robberies also way up. >> we have to collectively come together and say this is unacceptable. >> the crime surge is the reality of measures to reimagine policing >> what we have is questions about defending the police and a rise in crime. what we are seeing is the rhetoric meeting the road.
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>> this past week alone, violence claimed seven lives. >> it is tragic for a community to have to deal with this level of trauma and pain. >> chief armstrong calls tonight 's funding approval an initial step that will help the city take on the rise in violent crime. the sex scandal involving a sonoma county mayor will be --. today, the state attorney general's office will take over as the lead agency prosecuting any criminal charges against the mayor who says he has done nothing wrong. >> we vehemently condemned the actions of our mayor and we are meeting on wednesday to call on him to resign. >> the town council has the power to ask. a recall campaign is already gathering signatures.
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in the south bay, traffic calming measures could soon make a difference for residents living in the north side neighborhood. for years, people have been fed up with dangerous drivers demanding the city do something about it. residents say this is the most substantial action by the city in quite some time. >> reporter: this video was taken after 5:30 p.m., easter sunday. this driver hit a cyclist. this is not new to northside neighborhood paul marshall. >> i am a cyclist, as well. i go through the neighborhood quite often. i have seen this with my own eyes. >> reporter: his nest camera has captured other examples of dangerous driving. a councilman has pushed to have larger traffic calming projects funded for the northside. he was able to get an additional $100,000 allocated
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while connecting with residents about high-priority areas. >> a lot more than what $100,000 would be able to fund, but we had to go through the process of identifying the top areas that we could really address. >> reporter: 19th and 21st streets will have rubber medians installed by summer. while there is 100% buy-in from those living in homes where the , this will be laid. >> they don't necessarily want this implementations happening right in front of their home. >> reporter: residents say this would be a significant step toward safer streets. >> we are continuing to grow, housing developments which means more cars. we are going to be in flux with a lot of people.
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let's talk a little bit of wind kicking up. it is still nice outside. >> it is. it will get even warmer? >> it is, indeed. how about close to 90 degrees? not immediately, at first it will cool off. let me show you a live picture from our golden gate bridge camera. notice, it is a bit of a murky view. the bridge is obscured by some fog tonight. i want to show you what was happening this evening. showing you the marine layer, it is about 1500 feet deep tonight and making its push, not just along the coast but parts of the east bay. you can see it from point reyes down toward the monterey bay. also seeing visibility lowering around places like oakland, where it is six miles. if you are commuting tomorrow morning, give yourself some extra time. here is a look at temperatures,
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40s, 50s, not terribly cold, inland even east bay we are seeing 60s. a light breeze along the embarcadero. a little cooler the next few days, a much warmer pattern is setting up for the upcoming weekend. let me show you what will bring us the cooler weather. the system drops down from the north and produces snow showers over the sierra nevada. snow showers, this is good, we are getting some precipitation, just not in the bay area. that same system will trigger the wind for us and that is going to bring about some of the change we will experience. there will be some fog tomorrow morning. notice, it is right around the east bay coastline. a little mist and drizzle, especially around parts of the coastal region. don't be surprised if you run into a little coastal drizzle. and few patches of fog lingering
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. temperatures in the morning will be in the 30s to 50s range. it will be breezy along the coast, that is the first sign of the wind kicking up. fog will be around, as i mentioned. give yourself that extra time for the commute. tomorrow, mid-50s to the mid- 70s. today we saw low 80s in our warmest spots, tomorrow those temperatures are coming down. 73 in vallejo, 74 in santa rosa , low 60s san francisco. 68 in san jose and 72 degrees in concord. the hour by hour wind forecast, we will show you those winds kicking up around 30 miles per hour heading into the afternoon. over 30 miles per hour, not just at the coast but also in some of our inland areas, as well. the forecast, gusty and cooler. fog giving way to sunshine on wednesday with lighter winds. we will see a change in the pattern for the upcoming weekend in the mid-to upper 80s inland this weekend. a lot of it 60s along the coast. very warm for this time of
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year. i would even call it hot inland. especially for april. >> for april, that is. you are managing type 2 diabetes? you're on it. staying fit and snacking light? yup, on it there too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and it lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, ...genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction... ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar.
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today, airbnb and be what it is called the summer of responsible travel. it includes blocking out single night reservations. it is to cut down on the potential for parties. president biden has highlighted fourth of july as a target date to regain some sort of normal. a lot of people looking forward to doing something on that weekend. >> stay
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dealers. steph curry past wilt chamberlain as the warriors' all-time scoring leader. tonight he rewrote the franchise record books. curry, he was sprinting out to a quick start. there he goes.'s three-pointer right here is going to pull him within 1 of the all-time record. game tied at 29. thought he would break the record tonight. i'll get it done in the first quarter. lay in and flex. there it is. he scored 21 in the first quarter, had 30 at the half and that was the bucket that put him ahead. what a moment this was. a little kiss to the sky, hugs from dre'mont. the warriors trailed by five at recess. third quarter, curry was on. his ninth three-pointer of the night. klay thompson loves it. his tent three-pointer, a little relocate.
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staff scores 53. his third 50 point game of the season. the warriors won. cool him off. the top scoring franchise history, stefan curry. >> and you tie hear wilt chamberlain's name, you assume his record is unreachable. i did play six extra years here, but it still means something to be at the top of that list i am forever grateful. i don't plan on slowing down, but this is when i have to take a second and appreciate, for sure. >> madison bumgarner on the mound for the diamondbacks. top five, he is up. 4-2 on the error. he had another run and that, matt chapman swinging. the a's when 9-5. pizza!
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get your pizza at oracle park. giants hosting the reds. joey takes garcia deep. the first reds player to ever do that. the reds beat the giants 3-0. bad turnover here leads to anaheim's first goal. the ducks scored three in the first. san jose got 44 shots on goal. the sharks lose 4-0 and drop three of their last
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