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tv   America This Morning  ABC  April 5, 2021 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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"america this morning." right now on "america this morning." water emergency. authorities ray to stop the waste water pond from collapsing and unleashing a 20 foot wall of contaminated water into neighborhoods. this dangerous reservoir. >> easter sunday shooting. at a city park in alabama. a 4 year-old is among the victims. >> a new variant of the coronavirus is found in the u.s. what experts are saying ability the so called double mutant variant and americans rush to book travel airlines cope with a serious problem. a shortage of pilots. >> one giant leap for the first
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space helicopter on mars. what's next for nasa. >> also a push to change the rules when it kayleicomes to ho ride escalators. >> a home run at his first at bat. his parents in the stands cheering him on. this is "america this morning." good monday morning. >> we begin with the developing story near tampa, florida. >> state of emergency ordering mandatory evacuations. to prevent the leaking remdesivir sorry from collapsing unleashing a wall of water. >> pumps have been brought in. along with the national guard. in hopes of avoiding a disaster in the county. >> more than 300 homes south of tampa are under mandatory
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evacuation. warning of the potential for catastrophic flooding if the leaking remdesiv leaking reservoir collapses. >> deemed the site too dangerous. of collapse. >> engineers trying to drain the 340 million gallons of toxic waste water. after the linings supporting the reservoir cracked last week. >> we are pumping out 33 million gallons a day. in effort to drain. so we can mitigate the effects should a full breech occur. >> this national guard helicopter bringing in more pumps to speed up the process. the controlled release is working. we believe that probably by tuesday we'll be in a much better position and the risk level will have decreased significantly. >> authorities insist the water being discharged is not radio
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agentive but residents have concerns. >> we boat and fish. you don't want it dumped out into the beautiful bay. >> when you get thipgs going again for this to turn the corner. >> despite warning of the potential for a wall of toxic water being unleashed. officials remain positive the pumps will work. >> we have a water fall and we have a canyon. >> fishls say the local water supply is not effected and concerns were raised about this toxic water and risk or leak in 2003. >> developing story from alabama. shots rang out at park full of people celebrating easter. one woman was killed and five others wounded. a 4 year-old was among the victims. it started when a group of men started fighting.
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most of the victims were by standers. >> his family says he suffered from depression and preeted head trama from playing football. over night we learn about his activity on social media. we have more on that. >> reporter: facebook suspended the suspects account. in a post days before the attack he wrote about losing his job. about the nation of islam and end of the world. this morning new detals about the man accused of ramming into a barricade at the u.s. capitol friday. killing one officer and injuring another. sources tell us investigators focus on facebook posts by the sspect. and his apparent obsession with the nation of islam leader. on march 17 he posted i encourage everyone to study revelation. the sign of end times and who
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the beast is. he was not a terrorist. but suffered from depression and potential mental illness. green drove his car into a security check point. killing a capitol police officer. an 18 year vet and father of two. >> he died a hero. and it wasn't something he was looking for. and would much rather have him with us. >> less than three months after the january 6 riot that left five people dead. including another capitol police officer. this morning the police union says moral is approaching crisis level. and warning of a mass exodus. eo writing in a statement. -- >> there are those who leave comments about they have all the police to protect one building. it is the most important building in america.
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it's democracy. if that building and the people in it don't function, we have no democracy. >> in the meantime, cheers sunday for the other officer injured friday. as he left the hospital. he stood up and walked to a waiting car. >> the suspect died after he was shot by an officer. source tell us he recently tried to change his name. to muhammad. he failed to show up to the the court hearing. >> a new variant of the coronavirus found in the u.s. 20% of the population is fully vaccinated. >> this morning an ominous warning the u.s. is entering the fourth wave of covid-19. blaming the surge on new variants. >> we'll see in two weeks the
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highest number of cases reported globally since the beginning of the pandemic. we're at the beginning of the surge. we haven't begun to see it yet. >> experts are concerned about a double mutant coronavirus variant. found in the u.s. for the first time in the san francisco area. it was first discovered in india. >> this has been found in the united states. for the first time. in stanford lab doir. i'm not the significance at this point. it maybe another place we haven't the opportunity to look. >> cases and hospitalization are on the rise in nearly half the country. in michigan the state reporting its highest number of new daily cases since december. even with the increase a new survey found 25% of people in michigan are hesitant about the vaccine. 14 states are slated to
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vaccine eligibility to anyone over 16. the race to vaccinate comes as cook county illinois near chicago could be on the brink of new restrictions after a sharp increase in covid infection leaders putting warnings on limiting restaurants and gyms. the texas rangers will open the stadium to 40,000 fans. full capacity for the team home opener. president biden calling that a mistake. >> elsewhere in the league. braves and nationals is postponed because of covid concerns. and in hockey, more than half the players on the vancouver tested positive for covid-19. >> thank you. hunter biden speaking out about his public struggles. promoting a book on his battle
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with addiction. he's 100% sure he'll be cleared of wrong doing. locking into lhis finance skb a job with the ukrainian energy company. >> doint think i made a mistake. in taking a spot on the board. i under estimated the way in which it would be used against me. not one investigative body, not one journalist has ever come to the conclusion that i did anything wrong. or my father did anything wrong. >> he was questioned about a laptop that reportedly contained e-mails showing shady business dealings. he doesn't know if it belongs to him. >> a prayer vigil held today for rapper dmx in
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suffering a heart attack. >> time for a look at monday weather. >> fire crews in southern california on alert today for brush fires. this burned 25 acres. before being contained. no e vagvacnations needed. there's rain and snow in the northern rockies. high temperatures 79 in denver and minneapolis. washington gets the low 70s. 96 in phoenix. >> coming up a surprise on a beach in florida. >> the news from nasa. about a historic helicopter landing on mars. >> what to expect this week in the murder trial
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welcome back. nasa landed the fist space helicopter on mars. next up will be its first powered flight. the four pound chopper is powered by a solar energy. a rechargeable battery keeps it warm at night when temperatures plunge to negative 130 degrees. the first flight is next sunday. >> week two of the murder trial gets under way this morning. focus will be turning to george floyd's cause of death. >> reporter: a minneapolis community in pain. banding together on easter sunday to honor george floyd. >> why did you come by today? >> to try to feel what this moment means for the world and people of color.
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>> bracing for week two in the murder trial of former police officer chauvin. prosecutors expect to call medical experts to try to prove it was his knee that killed floyd. chief of police will likely testify against him. as the forces lodgest serving officer did on the friday. >> the prosecution has to come in hard with cause of death. they'll talk about drugs in his system. but the neck is and the only is the issue as to what we're talking about. >> the defense trying to create reasonable doubt arguing floyd's drug use and heart issues contributed to his death. last week pressing his girlfriend on the opioid addiction. >> it was your belief that mr. floyd started using again two weeks prior to his death, correct? >> i noticed a change in his behavior, yes. >> america watches intently. this hurting neighborhood praying for real change. >> true justice means a change. from how we do public safety.
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>> the trial so far is ahead of sded yul. and expected to last at least another two to three weeks. >> thanks. a big surprise on the beach in south florida. a naval mine washed ashore. it had the words on the side. officials closed the beach area. it is believed to be a military training device. >> it wasn't the weather or the coronavirus. why one airline had to cancel dozens of flights sunday. >> how good samaritans came to the rescue after a family terrifying crash. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant™ with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis.
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for a 3-month prescription. delta had to cancel 100 flights sunday because of a shortage of pilots and staff. they opened middle seats. the shortage is blamed on the surge in people traveling. retraining pilot and retirement. rental cars are in short supply and may mean higher prices. >> a perfect storm. the car rental companies sold off the inventory. when a year ago no one was leaving home. and now that demand is coming back they can't get cars quick enough. >> as for flying, they expect tt air fare to rise 12% for summer. >> a terrifying roll over crash. the good samaritans came to their rescue.
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we have the story. >> reporter: from the nations holiday roadways a story about strangers helping strangers. out for a drive with the kids when a pickup truck nicked their wheel. >> it spun us. and we spun and hit a curb. and flipped over on the passenger side. >> seeing it happen from their own car, robert and his wife. >> a flying car. i couldn't believe how high and far it flew. >> the boys had the car seats. they were fine. she was on the floor. she had her seat belt on. she was all right. my dog was in the back. >> suddenly there was a crowd of people wanting to pitch in. >> they were two and three. and four ask five. >> we have gone through hard times. right now for the pandemic and
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everything. people are now they're coming together more. >> this is the first time you have met since that accident. what's the first thing you want to say? >> thank you. thank you to you and your wife. i really don't know what we would have done. if you weren't there. >> happy easter to you and your family. god bless. >> you too. >> he wants to thank every person who dropped everything to help save his family. all right. coming up a new push to change how we ride escalators. >> the big winners and the biggest moments from the very unusual screen actor build awards. at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs
4:51 am
or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ now is the time to ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. with the capital one venture card, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase every day. objection! my credit card doesn't earn double miles on every purchase. i object to your objection! with the capital one venture card, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase. and may it please the court, earn 100,000 bonus miles when you spend 20,000 dollars in your first year. i'll allow it. no further questions, your honor. well, just one. what's in your wallet?® i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! ( sighs wearily ) here, i'll take that!
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a screen actors guild awards. >> they are a look into the oscars. out standing performance. and the trial of the chicago 7 won for out standing performance by a cast. >> the crown and schitt's creek dominated. and there was no red carpet. the stars did dress up at home. sharing looks on social media. including the 1920 inspired gown. a big night in college basketball. down to one final shot. >> unfortunately for arizona the three pointer at the buzzer didn't make it. the stanford cardinal won the national championship. the first title since 1992. >> the men's champ is crowned tonight. gonzaga and bailor. the shot at the end of over time sent the bulldogs to title game. both playing for their first national title. >> feel good story of the
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morning. >> a rookie for the tigers took the plate for the first time. and this happened. hit a home run on the first pitch. and his parents were in the stands. their son rounded the bases. >> next a change for jeopardy fans tonight packers quarterback aaron rogers takes over as guest host. >> he won celebrity jeopardy in 2015. he says hosting will be the honor of a lifetime. >> a town in japan decided to ban walking on escalators. people will be demanded to stand in place to prevent injuries. >> on this day after easter. two rabbits boxing. >> check out the video from england. two hears trading blows. it happens with a male gets too persistent chasing a female.
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>> it's not limited to just rabbits. >> top headlines next. i want time for the people i love. my heart doesn't pump enough blood so my doctor gave me farxiga. it helps my heart do its job better. farxiga helps keep me living life and out of the hospital for heart failure. do not take if allergic to farxiga. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. stop taking and seek medical help right away. tell your doctor right away if you have red color in urine or pain while you urinate, or a genital area infection since a rare but serious genital infection may be life-threatening. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. other serious side effects include dehydration, sudden kidney problems, genital yeast and bacterial infections in women and men, urinary tract infections, and low blood sugar. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis which is serious and may lead to death. more time with her? sounds good to me. ♪far-xi-ga♪ if you can't afford your medication,
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now at 5:00. a double mutant coronavirus variant found in the bay area, what we are learning. and a record weekend of travel forcing one airline to cancel 100 flights on easter weekend. and a toxic waste waterater that could flood inspire inspiri neighbors neighbors and. sanford national champions. congratulations. that was a nail biter. congratulations pouring in online. >> that was exciting. really the only reason i know is because i follow you on twitter. >> that's perfect then. that's all you need to know. >> game 1, it was great. good morning, on monday april 5. francis is back with us and lisa is with us as well. what does it look like? >> we are starting with not totally cloudy skies and clearing in the north bay.
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