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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  October 22, 2019 1:07am-1:40am PDT

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i'm kate larsen in san francisco. pg&e is talking about the possibility of another planned power outage. who it could effect and when. i'm amanda del castillo, a santa clara school district investigating claims of harassment against male cheerleader. everybody in the room laughing, some crying. abc7 news starts now. now news to build a better bay area from abc7. it's not a tool we want to use, like to use. runs against the grain of why most of us ever got into this business. over next dayturn off the powic potential power shutoff by pg&e, concerned that weather could
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start wildfires later this week. hundreds of thousands of customers on notice. >> customers. >> which areas will be affected this time. says could affect d go off. 200,000 customers and would happen in napa, sonoma and san mateo counties and the sierra foothills. based on forecasts for strong wind gusts wednesday through thursday. pg&e has begun notifying customers. if forecast holds, final notifications wednesday morning. 5:00 on wednesday would begin in sierra foothills, napa and sonoma, as wind moves south, parts of san mateo county thursday at 2:00 ske aut theibi
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hardship and comes with point safety for others. >> people who rely on electricity for medical needs. learned since the baseline customers, who signed up for discounted rates, is fraction of the actual patients who rely on oxygen tanks and ventilators. >> i think that the piece missing is we're not looking at overall health impacts of shutting off the power. >> napa county health officer wanted to know how pg&e is going to help medically fragile customers. so i asked. what is pg&e physically doing to help people to safety in told me they're going to pay for services. >> transit for customers or hotels if necessary or batteries if necessary. >> also said they've fixed all .
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>> during the last shutoff pg&e said it dealt with more than 100 issues with hazards and high winds. showed damage overlapped with areas where the power had been turned out. tree limbs, power lines and lines that had come down and hazards that could have led to fire. hearing a lot about winds and fire danger. meteorologist sandhya patel is joining with a closer look. this is serious, sandhya. >> fire danger will be elevated. watch in wednesday afternoon in north bay and evening for the east bay and santa cruz mountains. primarily the hills here. north-northeast wind, gusting, low humidity that could cause fires to spread quickly. wind gusts, wednesday evening start to sll gusty
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thursday morning and humidity will be lowering. that's a big concern. 9:00 p.m. 14%. 11:00 p.m. thursday and down to 11% in napa. i'll let you know more coming right up. >> we're keeping close eye on pg&e's actions and will let you know through the abc7 news app. challenges for firefighters in eastern contra costa county. hard time reaching flames in a marshy area. about 105 acres burned. at one point one personve over the firehong to slow the s. flames in los angeles, firefighters stopped a
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fast-moving wildfire before it climbed a canyon and got to the homes. lifted all voievacuation orders pacific palisades but remained on the scene. police called to wilcox high school on allegations that student athletes used homophobic slur against a male male male mm >> reporter: originally got the call around 1:00 this afternoon. accusations put the blame on members of the varsity football team. many questions remain on what exactly happened under friday night lights. petition claims that members of the football team yelled homophobic slurs at male
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cheerleader. >> details of the investigation are going to direct this one way or the other. hate crime is very specific intent crime. if facts are there, will be looking at charges. >> reporter: statement said we proactively work to create an environment that embraces diversity and don't tolerate abuse of any kind. lgbt students say what happens next is pivotal. >> we can all take a step back, realize how this can be growing and learning experience. >> reporter: impacting students on both sides. many spoke in support of the football program, convinced the claims are untrue. mother of the male cheerleader tells me he was back on school under security watch on monday. family waiting to see what action the school takes. for now gathering information
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and interviewing victims. >> if there's no crime admitted, would let the school district to handle administratively. >> reporter: there's no time line for the investigation. concentrating her monday on supporting her students. amanda del castillo, abc7 news. new developments in the college admissions cheating scandal. usc usc registrar's office has convirmed lori loughlin's daughters are no longer enrolled. accused of paying to fake charity to get two daughters accepted, both have pleaded not guilty. manuel rodriguez and his wife pleaded guilty to charges from the same scheme. admitted to payghelp his daught college entrance exams. just two months after
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undergoing cancer treatment, just justice ruth bader ginsburg, rbg was speaking. nuggets of wisdom that had the audience laughing and crying. >> reporter: it's rock star welcome that follows justice ruth bader ginsburg everywhere they goes. >> came on stage, i literally started crying. >> reporter: greatest hits from story book marriage to fights for gender equality to workout routes. first question, is she okay after fourth bout with cancer? >> compared to how i was six months ago, very well. >> wonderful. are you back at the gym? >> yes. >> reporter: conversation steered clear of politics but rbg got a jab in when shared best marriage advice. >> it helps every now and then
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to be a little deaf. that is advice i have followed not only in a marriage for 56 years, but also to this day in dealing with my colleagues. >> reporter: justice ginsberg was here to honor friend, first female dean at berkeley law. currently women make up more than 50% of the student body, very different from when they started their careers. >> one thing i'm going to take off the talk, barriers are blessings. >> reporter: no message of retirement, made it clear her legendary energy endures. >> if you have survived cancer, you have a zest for life that you didn't have before. >> kris reyes, abc7 news. coming up next, new report prompts the governor to investigate why california gas
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prices are so high. a billboard battle in san francisco as the mayor's race takes a nasty turn. final trailer for final chapter in the skywalker chapter is here. take you to galaxy far, far away. first "jimmy kimmel live." >> thanks ama and dion, we're in brooklyn, new york. >> came out, played about five sock songs, thought it my mom washes the dishes... ...before she puts them in the dishwasher. so what does the dishwasher do? cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, the first time.
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wow, that's clean! cascade platinum. take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. so you don't have to stash antacids here... here... or, here. kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, hmm. exactly. so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ and we are well past wethe honeymoon phase. oooh lufa. ocupado tom. at&t, what's this i hear about you advertising a 100% fiber network? only like a fraction of my customers can get that. that's it?!? you have such a glass half-empty attitude. the glass is more than half-empty! you need to relax tom. oww! tom, you need a little tom time. a little tt. stop living with at&t. xfinity delivers gig speeds to more homes than anyone.
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we were the first to cover a controversial billboard that depicts the mayor of san francisco with feet up, smoking and holding stack of money. >> today london breed and city officials denounced the billboard paid for by candidate running against the mayor in the election. >> reporter: 15 days away from the general election in san francisco, all attention on this. do you think it's racist? >> it speaks for itself. >> reporter: mayor breed with feet up, thinking of homeless, smoking and holding stack of
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money. paid for by candidate ellen zhou, who says she's best for the job. >> hurtful, disrespectful, no place in >> people peeing and pooing on the street that's not disrespectful for people passing by? selling drugs openly? >> reporter: said threatened but gained support. >> my people need to understand we can know longer just vote on party. tell my grandma that all the time. >> reporter: cohen and other city leaders condemned the billboard. want it pulled
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zhou not pulling it. you would do it again? >> if i had more money, more billboards. >> reporter: $1200 to $2400. it's not going anywhere of yet. luz pena, abc7 news. fire forced diners to leave a restaurant in the financial district this evening. jackson and front streets. one customer heard a fire alarm in the restaurant and waiters told them to ignore it. decided to evacuate when another alarm went off. no word on what sparked the fire. governor newsom has asked the attorney general to investigate why gas prices are so high. shows drivers pay as much as $1
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more per gallon than the rest of the country. newsom suggests big oil companies are price fixing. weather this week, warm. >> could prove dangerous. sandhya. >> fire danger rising toward the middle of the week. talk about why. gusty, downsloping winds will develop out of the north-northeast. when those winds develop in bay area in october, they tend to drop the humidity. dangerously low, possibly single digits, teens. combined with dry vegetation and fire danger is elevated. talk about when the winds are going to be coming up, particularly in the hills. that's the concern wednesday night into thursday morning is when you'll see the winds increasing 20 to 25 miles an
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hour initially and stronger towards late night, early morning hours. worth being aware of your surroundings next couple of days. live doppler 7 showing clear skies across the bay area. don't see any rain in the seven-day forecast. temperatures 48 in half moon bay to 73 in san rafael. live picture from the exploratorium camera. gusty winds, high fire danger. warm, dry pattern. cooler weekend for those who don't like the warmth. mid-60s to low 90s for warmests. llughe wl 43 first thing in morning in half moon bay. 54 in san rafael. 49 napa, low 40s around oakland. 55 san jose, 50 in santa cruz. south bay is warm, 90 in gilroy,
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83 in sunnyvale. 80 in millbrae. if you like the warm weather, this is the time to head to coast. 79 downtown san francisco. sausalito 86, 90 in calistoga. 86 napa. east way, 83 in oakland, newark. inland, low 90s in brentwood and 88 in livermore. accuweather seven-day forecast, low 90s entire workweek for inland locations. upper 70s by thursday. high fire danger wednesday and thursday and over the weekend much cooler, helps to bring the fire danger down as humidity rises. >> thanks. saga is about to reach its
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conclusion. glimpse at the upcoming wars" film. tomorrow on good
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get ready for final chapter in galaxy far, far away, "star wars: the rise of skywalker" trailer dropped tonight. >> made it sound dramatic. promises a conclusion to the tale that began more than four decades ago. owned by disney, parent company of abc7. >> lot of people getting excited. >> are you "star wars" fan? >> company man and probably go see it. >> interesting. >> if you quiz me about "star wars" -- >> diplomatic answer. >> go seeay rr havrand
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last time the 9ers won the
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super bowl, 1994 season. they're going to break out '94 all white throwbacks against the panthers this sunday as they lock to make this a super season. finished win over the redskins in style, slipping, sliding, sacking quarterbacks. celebration. nick bosa, down, time to likes effort in less than ideal conditions. >> especially after huge win week before, it's human nature to ease up a little bit. our guys did the opposite. says we've got the right guys. love football, played hard together. tighter team is, harder you'll play. evidenced so far. raiders traded kori ali muhammad to houston 2023rd-round pick. joining cooper and mack to name a few. >> don't want to trade mack,
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said that 100 times. circumstances are what they are. we'll see where we are.eam. it's up to you. everybody has their own opinion. but we feel like we're doing what's best for our team, period. "monday night football," unbeaten patriots and new york jets. new york turns it over six times, sam darnold picked up four times. sony michel had three touchdowns. two 30-point shutouts on the road for patriots, even bill belichick kind of smiling. patriots 7-0. stephenald o , oracla, changes when they tip off regular season in chase center.
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said stillno new car smell but hard to replace the memories. >> probably ask other people but ten years in one spot, not something you turn page on. hope the fan same passion and create true home-court advantage. 13 years ago today, marshawn lynch went on a ride at cal, cart all over the field. had a lot of fun. those things aren't easy to drive, especially without training i imagine. good stuff there. abc7 sports report sponsored by river rock casino. mention again, "star wars," perfect gift. >> side deals behind the station after the show. >> december 20th. >> thanks. >> abc7 news continues online,
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facebook and mobile devices with the
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man 1 vo: proof of less joint pain woman 1 oc: this is my body of proof. and clearer skin. man 2 vo: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... woman 2 vo: ...with humira. woman 3 vo: humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. avo: humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, seriousheart failure.tions,ang tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. man 3 vo: ask your rheumatologist about humira.
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woman 4 vo: go to to see proof in action. all right. that's it. thanks for watching. dion lim. >> ama daetz. for chalvarean s thasoratchin "jimmy kimmel live," bruce springsteen, alicia keyes. >> duet maybe? good night everybody.
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♪ ♪ >> tamron: hello. how are you? heo.lce evyoneyou. lc. y
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welcome. ha


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