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tv   Good Morning America Weekend Edition  ABC  August 31, 2019 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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good morning, america. new overnight, hurricane dorian is changing course. the latest models on the hurricane's path. where it looks to be headed now. the new concerns this morning for a life-threatening storm surge up the east coast. florida's governor ordering the first evacuations. people stockpiling supplies. frustrations mounting as residents anticipate shortages. >> fuel is an issue. >> gas stations running dry across the state. >> every pump you go to has lines and lines. >> store shelves emptied. president trump declaring an emergency ordering federal assistance ahead of the monster storm. >> it's one of the biggest hurricanes we've seen in a long time. >> we have live team coverage on the ground with the latest track
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of the storm. also this morning, suspicious deaths. families demanding answers after as many as 11 veterans died at this hospital in west virginia under suspicious circumstances. >> we need answers and the family needs answers. >> the investigation this morning. pitcher's death. new details about how l.a. angels star tyler skaggs died. this morning his family shocked. >> as we observe a moment of silence. >> what they and the team are saying about the findings. and celebrating the life of valerie harper. >> i'm very pleased you got a big part in a play. >> the longtime tv star best known as rhoda on "the mary tyler moore show." tributes from fans and co-stars pouring in this morning. hey, good morning, everyone. let's get right to our top story. hurricane dorian barreling toward the east coast right now. take a look at the satellite imagery. this storm is a beast,
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strengthening overnight. it is now a category 4 with winds up to 140 miles an hour. >> the big development this morning, the forecast models now predict that dorian will probably not make landfall in florida. instead the storm may make landfall farther north in the carolinas. however, and this is important, even if the rrent recast model holds, that does not mean florida can fully exhale. >> also bear in mind here that when it grazes the coast, dorian is expected to bring a significant storm surge, which could mean flooding and property damage. this morning with the storm bearing down, floridians are scrambling to stock up on gas and other supplies, which are running low. we have team coverage, and we start with rob who is on the ground in cocoa beach. rob, good morning. >> good morning, whit. this is not the labor day weekend that folks here were hoping for. tourists are getting out. residents are preparing their families, their homes for what may come. this part of florida landscape is complex. i want to show you our drone shot.
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there's water pretty much everywhere. waterways and rivers intertwine just inland here from cocoa beach. meanwhile, another scenic and tranquil sunrise coming up on this saturday morning all while a monster hurricane looms in the atlantic. this morning, hurricane dorian a major category 4 storm marching towards the southeast u.s. with florida set to get it first. the governor urging locals to heed any calls for evacuation. >> even if it doesn't directly strike florida this is a big, powerful storm. you're still looking at really significant storm surge on the east coast of florida. you're looking at major flooding events. >> reporter: brevard and martin counties already announcing mandatory evacuations for the barrier islands, low-lying properties and mobile homes starting sunday morning with more evacuation orders expected over the weekend. >> i'm tired. >> reporter: eye -- eileen
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and her husband making a six-hour drive from florida to georgia to dodge the storm. >> it's time for older people to leave and florida is filled with older people. just say some prayers for us, please. >> it's pretty chaotic out there. i'm glad i prepared last weekend. >> reporter: dorian's winds could cut power for millions of customers in florida. more than 16,000 work crews from florida power & light on the way to help. >> the damage will require extended repair work and in extreme cases it may require fp&l to rebuild parts of the system here in florida. >> reporter: shops and homes throughout the state boarding up. containers and umbrellas and lounges moved off the beaches for what is typically a major travel weekend to florida. the daytona beach international airport terminal closing sunday. orlando international airport to cease commercial flights starting monday. dorian forecast to bring life-threatening storm surge and damaging winds. the famed hurricane hunters tasked with gathering vital information inside the storm speaking to abc news. >> the initial prognosis of the storm was that this was going to
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be a tropical storm and not much more, and we're already up to a cat 4 at this point in time, so it's growing. it's intensifying. it is a big storm. don't overlook it. >> reporter: they have been flying nonstop through this storm, and that data is helping us get some better forecast accuracy, at least we hope. this drone showing just how much water is surrounding this place. we're on a sliver of ld that connects the barrier islands including cape canaveral to the mainland, and those barrier islands have been ordered to evacuate beginning tomorrow morning because where i stand right now may very well be underwater with a combination of the wind, the storm surge and what is unfortunately timing out to be astronomically high tide so that is not a good combination regardless of if this thing makes landfall or not but it is a beast. i want to show it to you on the satellite picture. any time i look at something like this when you have an eye like that on the infrared picture, it does to me look like a monster, and it just gives me chills up my spine
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especially when you see a track that comes this close to the u.s. category 4 storm with winds teially getting close to a category 5 status going over very warm water. the bahamas obviously going to get it first. they have hurricane warnings up there and the track or the pattern remains the same. that high pressure is what's nudging it to the west. here are some of our computer models. but now there's indications that the western edge of that ridge is going to weaken, and that will open the door for dorian to make a right turn to the north a little sooner than we once thought. that is a good scenario and at least for south florida and for inland areas of florida because look at the computer model wind guidance here. this is a stark difference from what this particular model was showing us yesterday. it was showing us 110-mile-an-hour winds expected in west palm beach. about half that now expected if this forecast holds true. if it comes 50 miles either direction to the west, then we're talking about a whole other ball game. so the margin of error is very small with this sort of trajectory and obviously savannah, hilton head and
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charleston are going to have to worry about this midweek with life-threatening storm surge and hurricane force winds and heavy flooding rains. this story is not going away unfortunately for the folks in the southeast u.s. eva. >> all right, a lot of people anxiously watching that this morning. thanks, rob. dorian is making its move towards the bahamas right now and people there are getting ready for a direct hit with this storm. abc's marcus moore is in marsh harbour for us. good morning, marcus. >> reporter: well, eva, good morning. they are on high alert here in this part of the bahamas where as you just mentioned they're preparing to are a possible direct hit, and we could begin to feel the effects of dorian in the next few hours. in fact, they'll be shutting down the airport later today and a number of the businesses that have been open over concern for this storm, and we have seen an urgent effort to prepare. people boarding up their homes and businesses here on this island, and we saw a frenzied scene inside one of the grocery stores where dozens of people have their shopping carts full of food and supplies as they
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prepare for this dangerous hurricane. and it is worth noting there are evacuation orders in place because the storm surge could reach as high as 15 feet here in this area. so they are anticipating a dangerous storm, and one of the things the prime minister said is that people need not be foolish. they need to take this storm seriously. dan. >> marcus, thank you very much. marcus moore on the ground in the bahamas. meanwhile, there is also a mad dash this morning to fill on gas and stockpile on necessities in florida and that is leaving store shelves and gas pumps in that state empty. the florida highway patrol is now being used to escort fuel trucks to areas that need it and abc's gio benitez is right there in miami with that part of the story. gio, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, dan, good morning. listen, finding a gas station with gas and without lines, well, that's just a needle in a haystack. and this morning we are learning that more and more gas stations are just out of gas. frustration rising among florida residents as they prepare for hurricane dorian. >> i waited more than an hour.
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>> reporter: in some places lines of cars stretching down entire roads. >> every pump you go to has lines and lines. >> no more. >> reporter: this gas station owner waving off drivers telling them the day's 7,000 gallons are gone. governor desantis acknowledging the shortage. >> fuel is an issue. there are gas stations that have run out of fuel. >> reporter: as of this morning at least six counties in dorian's path saying their pumps have nearly run dry with more than half of their supply already gone. miami/ft. lauderdale hit the hardest. 72% of their gas stations are without fuel this morning. i'm looking for gas myself but at the stations with no lines, that's because the pumps are covered up. they've run out of gas. the florida highway patrol now escorting tankers bringing in more fuel. we've also seen long lines forming at florida stores as shelves across the state are em. people scrambling to stock up on last-minute supplies.
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>> i came for water and some gas tanks. we waited till the last minute so hopefully we can get something. >> reporter: residents also taking precautions to minimize any potential flooding in their homes once dorian arrives. all of these cars in line are waiting for this, bags of sand, each household gets six bags of sand. the city of miami giving it away for free. gabriel velasquez who was here during hurricane irma in 2017 is preparing for what's to come. >> reporter: even though the storm is days away. >> days away, you got to be ready no matter what. >> reporter: and officials here want you to make sure you're looking at that full cone of uncertainty because if this decides to change, if that path decides to change yet again, they don't want people caught off guard so prepare as if this storm were coming directly your way. eva. >> good advice there this morning, geppetto. storm surge and flooding is a big concern along most of the coast including in jacksonville which was hit hard by hurricane irma two years ago. that's where abc's kaylee hartung is joining us now.
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kaylee, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, eva. this is the st. john's river. it's the longest river in florida, and it dumps into the atlantic here in jacksonville. it's an important shipping channel, but as the storm approaches, it also poses a tremendous threat. two years ago as you mentioned hurricane irma's storm surge sent the waters of the atlantic into this river, and then they flowed into downtown jacksonville behind me and here on the other banks into the san marco area. this is not a commercial area. this is a place where people live. this retaining wall is new. it's been rebuilt and raised because irma destroyed what was here before. residents on this street, they tell me this street can flood with a heavy downpour of rain. now, even though hurricane irma's eye came more than 70 miles from here, i'm told that water came up just below the first floor window of this home. some of the homes on this street had to be gutted finishing their renovations a matter of months ago. people here familiar with the threat they could face and
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jacksonville's mayor is reminding everyone here they can't tune out this storm. whit. >> everybody has got to be prepared. kaylee hartung for us, thank you. president trump, meanwhile, is monitoring developments with hurricane dorian this morning after expressing his concern about just how damaging it might be. white house with what the he president is saying. rachel, good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning to you. well, president trump said this storm looks like it could be an absolute monster. the president was supposed to be heading to poland this wkend to commemorate the beginning of world war ii, the anniversary there. instead the president scrapping his international plans to keep a close eye on this storm, and he'll be doing that not from here at the white house today but from camp david. he has an adviser traveling with him that will give him up to date information on the storm and its path. he has a briefing on the books for later this afternoon, and the president has continued to say that his biggest concern and priority here is the safety of residents, but something that will also likely cross the
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president's mind during these briefings is his own property. the president has multiple real estate properties in the state of florida including mar-a-lago which is a frequent stop for the president during the winter months, and yesterday he told reporters it could be at risk. >> mar-a-lago is dead center. but, look, mar-a-lago can handle itself. that's a very powerful place. the thing i'm worried about is the state of florida because this hurricane is looking like it's -- this could be a record-setting hurricane. now maybe things change. >> reporter: the president will return from camp david tomorrow and head directly to fema headquarters where he will have a meeting. he will continue to defer to local officials for evacuations but more decisions can be expected to be made after that meeting tomorrow. eva. >> rachel scott from the white house. rachel, thank you. joining us now from fema headquarters in washington is associate administrator for response and recover
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jeffrey byard. now, the path of the storm keeps shifting moving along florida and now possibly turning up toward the carolinas. that is a much bigger area of coastline to be watching. how does this new path change how your teams are preparing for the storm? >> yes, ma'am, first and foremost, thank you for having us. you know, you're a very vital part of our team and emergency management and emergency response, so just as you said, the coastline has expanded, so we want to make sure those residents in georgia, south carolina, north carolina are definitely starting to make their preparatory actions, however, we don't want the citizens of florida to lose sight of the cone of uncertainty that the storm presents. and even if it skirts the coastline as current forecasts have it, this is going to create a lot of rain, wind and damage all through florida. so, you know, we have to keep our eye on florida, and from the federal level we start moving teams -- we already have teams in georgia. we'll start putting response assets and teams in south carolina and north carolina, so
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although it's bigger, we will be prepared for any impacts that hurricane dorian presents. >> this is a powerful storm. i heard rob call it a monster storm and sending shivers up his spine. with a storm like this, what are you most concerned about? >> you know, we have -- at fema our job is to be concerned with everything so, you know, the list that i get concerned about is pretty long, but that's what i'm paid to do, so our most and largest concern is that citizens are not paying attention or they don't take these storms like this serious or if that skinny black line is not forecasted to come over their house, they feel like they're out of the danger area, and that can be deadly. you know, a lot of rain, a lot of flooding, a lot of inland flooding. everything that can happen in a hurricane, this storm will have it, so, you know, our biggest concern is that the messages are not getting out or people begin to get complacent because
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there's been a track shift or again that skinny black line is not going over their house. that's why i go back to how much we're appreciative of the media and just very important job that you do of getting this message out to this wide range of coastline and our citizens. >> good reminder to everyone in that cone of uncertainty to heed these warnings. jeffrey byard, thank you so much for joining us. >> no question about it. let's get back to rob marciano who is in cocoa beach, florida, watching all of this. rob, as you've been pointing out, even if this doesn't make landfall still a glancing blow can cause significant damage. >> we saw that, whit, in hurricane matthew just three years ago. could be very well a similar track again. any deviation 50 miles either way of that skinny black line we spoke of, it will mean the world of difference. so you got to focus more on the cone as we go through time. here is a satellite picture. again, you can see a couple of things with this. one, a very distinct eye.
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the other, the front side of it is not as symmetrical as the back side as far as the strength goes, so that's good in that it's not in a hugely strengthening mode right now, but hurricane warnings are posted for the bahamas and hurricane watches for the southern bahamas as well for big-time storm surge and obviously destructive winds as this cat 4 rolls through there during the day tomorrow. when will you feel those tropical storm force winds? well, here on the florida peninsula, tomorrow afternoon is probably when they're going to start to come in. that's 39 miles an hour or above. that's when they shut down airports. they shut down the bridges. monday morning a little closer to jacksonville and then getting up towards georgia and south carolina going into tuesday and wednesday, and that's when we'll see a significant storm sue and heavy rainfall, flooding rains across much of the southeast corner of the u.s. this is going to impact a huge area including some big waves that will do some damage too. that's a check on what's good saturday morning. waking up to this beautiful view of san francisco, you can see
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some patchy fog. we begin our warm-up yesterday. certainly around the bay and inland, and that continues for the holiday weekend with mild temperatures at the coast, hot inland, cooler pattern takes shape into next week. highs today in the east bay, upper 70s for you in oakland. 79, san mateo. 94, livermore. 73, san francisco. the accuweather seven-day forecast, we're hot through the holiday. the mood here in florida shifting somewhat in the last 12 hours from like a team getting beat badly in a basketball game to the momentum swinging late game potentially seeing some victory here if this thing were to take the track that it's trending towards, which would be offshore. of course, the game is far from over, so we'll continue to update you throughout the show and the weekend. guy, back up to you. >> not a time for people in florida to become less vigilant. rob, thank you for hammering that point home and for leading our coverage this morning. we'll come back to you in the second half hour. meanwhile, we switch gears a little bit to talk about hollywood celebrating the life of a sitcom legend.
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this morning valerie harper who passed away friday after a decade-long battle with cancer and diane macedo is here with all the tributes pouring in. good morning to you. >> good morning. so there are few sidekick roles more iconic than rhoda morganstern, and that's largely due to the talent of valerie harper. this comedic actress won emmys, a golden globe and the hearts of america throughout her long and fruitful career, and now friends and family are speaking out in tribute. >> believe me, mary, i'm not putting you on. you were really good. >> reporter: television icon valerie harper captured the hearts of millions playing the funny, sharp-tongued rhoda morganstern on the '70s hit "the mary tyler moore show." >> i'm very pleased you got a big part in a play. terrific. so what did you have to do to get it? >> reporter: after a successful run, harper went on to do the spin-off series "rhoda" winning four emmys and a golden globe. for more than 30 years harper continued to make america laugh making regular appearances on
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various television shows and films. but in 2009 harper was diagnosed with lung cancer, and in 2013 she discussed her terminal brain cancer diagnosis with our robin robert. >> don't go to the funeral until the day of the funeral. live this day. i'm serious. >> thank you. > live this day. >> reporter: despite being told she had months to live, harper defeated the odds even competing on "dancing with the stars." after her passing harper's daughter cristina released this statement on behalf of her father. she will never ever be forgotten. rest in peace, mia valeria. co-star ed asner from "the mary tyler moore show" also reflected on harper. >> she was incomparable. you can't make another rhoda morganstern. one in a century i believe is all we're allowed. >> reporter: and our robin roberts adds she was incredibly courageous facing cancer with her humor and grace. like mary tyler moore, she could
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turn the world on with her smile. and after her diagnosis, harper often said that she wanted all of us to be less afraid of death and take advantage of our lives while we have them. she certainly did. valerie harper was 80 years old. >> that's an incredibly powerful thing to model for people, to use her position to send that message. >> well, and she showed it by example. you know, this was her second battle with cancer, and she handled both of them with grace. >> absolutely. >> thanks, diane. well, a mystery at a v.a. hospital. as many as 11 suspicious patient deaths. the fbi is now investigating. and new details on what caused the death of los angeles pitcher tyler skaggs and the reaction from his family. and, of course, we go back to the big story of the morning and will return to rob marciano on the ground there in florida for the very latest on the path of hurricane dorian, which is a huge storm but with potentially a new track this morning. all the latest details coming up. "good morning america" is sponsored by sleep number. discover the sleep number 360 smart bed for proven quality sleep. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on a
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will provide buses serving orinda and walnut creek, and the buses will stop at the lafayette station. bart t is performing major upgrades to the tracks that run in the median of highway 24. woorchlt know you have a lot going on this weekend so we are checking in with lisa for a look at the forecast. >> good morning to you, kumasi. a lot of sunshine. you see a little fog in the distance keeping the coast cool. we will have the afternoon sea breeze. 60 in san jose as well as san francisco. emeryville, nice and sunny. more upper 70s in oakland today. 61, concord. highs today in the mid 90s inland. kumasi. >> thanks, lisa.
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get health tips, learn about the latest tech, have nights out at local restaurants and more. get your aarp membership today. welcome back to "gma" on this saturday morning. happening right now, hurricane dorian changing course. the latest models now showing that dorian will probably not make landfall in florida but will graze the coastline with storm surge, hurricane force winds and heavy rain. florida's governor ordering the first evacuations as people stockpile supplies there. also right now, suiting up. just two weeks after dale earnhardt jr. and his family narrowly escaped a plane crash before it erupted into flames, the nascar legend is gearing up to race today. earnhardt says his experience on the racetrack facing death-defying crashes is what has allowed him to get behind the wheel again after such a traumatic event. >> that video of the escape is incredible. >> yes. also from the world of
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sports today, it is the showdown tennis fans have been waiting for, teen phenom coco gauff is set to take on the defending champion and number one seed naomi osaka at the u.s. open this evening. 15-year-old gauff got everybody's attention at this year's wimbledon where she beat venus williams in the fourth round but then eventually lost to champ simona halep. >> it will be great match to watch, for sure. we start this half hour, though, with a disturbing mystery at a v.a. hospital. federal investigators looking into several suspicious deaths of veterans. abc's chief justice correspondent pierre thomas has the story. >> reporter: the circumstances surrounding exactly how 82-year-old vietnam veteran felix mcdermott died here at the clarksburg v.a. hospital is now a mystery with horrific implications. mcdermott is one of as many as 11 veterans who died at the v.a. hospital under suspicious circumstances, and there's now a broad federal investigation that includes the fbi. last year authorities say someone at the hospital injected
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mcdermott with insulin even though he was not diabetic and it killed him. the medical examiner flatly saying the manner of death is homicide after being administered by an assailant. >> we need answers and the family needs answers. >> reporter: mcdermott's daughter melanie parker says she thought her dad was safe there. his family has filed a wrongful death claim alleging the other patients were also injected with insulin they did not need. >> there is a complete system failure here that would allow this many people to be killed without any accountability. >> reporter: mcdermott's family members said investigators told them a person of interest has now been identified and the hospital says the investigation does not now involve any active employee. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. >> pierre, thank you very much. we're going to turn now to breaking news out of hong kong. protests erupting again this morning despite a ban by police. abc's senior foreign correspondent ian pannell on the ground with the latest. ian, good morning to you. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, dan. just look at the scene here on
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the streets of hong kong. it seems almost every weekend i talk to you there's more trouble. we now have this long line of riot police coming towards us. i don't know if you can make it out, but we've got a black flag there saying -- warning, tear gas. we're going to get out of their way, but if we could just swing back the other direction, we've had thousands and thousands of protesters who have been throwing molotov cocktails, chunks of bricks and a whole bunch of other items at the police, and they responded with multiple rounds of tear gas. the ground is littered with debris from what's being thrown at the police. as you stand to one side you can see as they go through they're very tense. you can see there this is a tear gas gun they have there. the riot shields, they've got their gas masks are on, and we see multiple rounds of tear gas being fired. i just show you this on the floor here. this is cs gas. i've never seen so much of this stuff being hurled through the air. the government here wanted to make some concessions.
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remember, there are five key demands revolving around freedom and democracy, and that request was put to beijing, and beijing said absolutely not. just coming up to evening here in hong kong, and i guarantee you it's going to be a long night with plenty more violence, dan. >> a long night, ian. we really hope you and your team stay safe. they're taking a lot of risks to cover this important story, important for a lot of reasons about the future of our relationship with china and the future of that incredible city hong kong. we're also following the big story this morning, the new track of hurricane dorian. let's go back to rob in cocoa beach with the latest on this storm. good morning, rob. >> hi again, eva. i want to show you some of the landscape here once again from our drone shot. we have a couple of rivers that have come together from the barrier islands and the atlantic ocean. so lots of water here and you pointed out towards cape canaveral where they made some adjustments to the nasa facilities there as has some of the military in this area as hurricane dorian looms off in the distance. here it is on the satellite picture, that eye couldn't be
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more distinct. that classic form, although the western part of this looks to be ated a little bit. maybe hitting a little dry air and some shear, but very warm waters as it heads towards the bahamas later on tonight and tomorrow as a category 4 storm and note the track of this thing. their line is there just offshore but the margin for error includes much of florida so you have to remember that as this track has been all over the place and will probably continue to be so. that ridge that we know is shoving it in this direction, the western edge of it is likely going to break down. that's why we have this discrepancy, maybe open the door for a right-hand turn. we are certainly hoping for that. everybody here cheering for this to stay offshore but we are far from having that being a done deal. either way winds will be close enough to do some damage as we get through monday and especially tuesday. that's the lat good saturday morning. from our roof camera we do have some patchy fog here in san
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francisco. it will be a nice day though, in the low 70s downtown. low 80s by noon time inland and a little fog at the coast.t t this weather report sponsored by werther's original. guys, i wish you were down here. it's going to be a beautiful day. unrtunately, it's not going to be that way in another day or two. back up to you. >> i'm not going to lie. i'm happy to be inside. >> i was just thinking that. i love you, rob. >> we do. >> not glad -- not happy -- not unhappy to be in new york. i agree, yes. >> yes, exactly, but be careful down there. we are thinking of you. >> yes, yes. coming up on "good morning america," the new details on the death of l.a. angels pitcher tyler skaggs. why it's now part of a police investigation. and selena gomez's message to fans begging for new music. that's ahead in "pop news." that's ahead in "pop news."
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so we're learning more about the sudden death of l.a. angels pitcher tyler skaggs this morning. his family and his team speaking out after a coroner's report and abc's marci gonzalez is in our los angeles bure rewith much more on this. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. nearly two months after his death we now know the cause. it is an explanation those
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closest to skaggs are now struggling to come to grips with. this morning they're raising new concerns that are sparking a league investigation. this morning, new questions surrounding the sudden death of los angeles pitcher tyler skaggs. this after an autopsy report revealing the coroner found a dangerous combination of the opioids fentanyl and oxycodone as well as alcohol in skaggs' body. the 27-year-old newlywed was found dead in his suburban dallas hotel room while on the road with the angels july 1st. the coroner now ruling the cause of death accidental. the pitcher's family expressing disbelief over the autopsy results hinting that someone connected to the team may have played a role in his death. in a statement the family saying, that is completely out of character for someone who worked so hard to become a major league baseball player and had a very promising future in the game he loved so much. we were shocked to learn that it may involve an employee of the los angeles angels. we will not rest until we learn the truth about how tyler came into possession of these narcotics including who supplied
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them. major league baseball said the league was unaware of the allegation and will begin its own investigation. reporters launching a flurry of questions at the angels general manager in a pregame press conferencevernight. >> it kind of goes without saying that i cannot comment more on the situation until the police conclude their investigation. we're cooperating with the police, and we are a part of the investigation with the police department. >> reporter: skaggs' untimely death hitting the team hard. the angels on friday releasing this statement saying, tyler was and always will be a beloved member of the angels family, and we are deeply saddened to learn what caused this tragic death. and police in texas say they are also still investigating and skaggs' family tells us they have now hired a high-powered attorney as they try to get more answers. whit. >> a lot of questions but a tragic story either way. marci gonzalez for us in los angeles. thank you. coming up here on "good morning america," espn's maria taylor joins us from ft. worth,
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texas, for college gameday and her take on the season ahead. on the season ahead. using the. driving safe. heh. you wanna go? wanna go bro? hey, uh, do not mess with my discount. woooo! you could save up to 30%. let's go! nice to meet you, go get 'em tiger! woooo! sounds like you've got this? yeah. definitely. get a discount up to 30% with drive safe and save™ from state farm. if your mouth is made to amaze, let philips sonicare give its care a raise. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. give it philips sonicare.
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a sure sign of the end of the summer, "college gameday." oregon and auburn going head-to-head in ft. worth, texas, and espn's maria taylor joins us from sundance square with more on the season ahead. maria, this is like christmas for a lot of people. how are you this morning? >> i'm doing great, eva, and you're right. now you can't have weddings on the weekend anymore because college football is in full effect. i have to tell you, the game that we're here for today is oregon and auburn. it's the only top 25 match-up that we're going to have this
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week, and there's great story lines throughout. justin herbert, a senior quarterback who could have been in the nfl came back to play at oregon, his hometown of eugene and rewrite the legacy there with wins and then on the other side of the ball, auburn's bo nix is a true freshman but his dad patrick played there and all eyes will be on him as he finally takes his first snap under center. the ducks and the tigers, it's going to be a great one here from jerry world. >> i know it's early on but what are some of the teams that you're most looking forward to seeing play today? >> i mean, i have to be honest, we just came off a clemson match-up where they're the national champion defending kind of that honor, and they did a great job in that match-up. so it's going to be interesting to be able to watch them throughout the season, and also we got to take a look at alabama this off-season with my good friend holly rowe. and they're a team who came up short a season ago. they wanted to win that national championship.
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they fell to clemson but they have a young man back named tua tagovailoa who is an amazing quarterback and what we've been able to see from him almost won him a heisman a season ago so those are two teams i'm looking forward to watching all season long. >> you mentioned alabama and clemson. for those of us who are tired of seeing them dominate college football, is there any hope that someone else can come in and take the national championship this year? >> okay, eva, this is not self-serving, i promise you, but i got to say georgia. they are the number three team in the nation right now and kirby smart spent seven years under the tutelage of nick saban at alabama, and right now the dogs, they've had back-to-back almost top five recruiting classes, and they're one of those teams that they have to play really big games like notre dame and have to play alabama if they make it to the s.e.c. championship, and they're a team that could write their way into the top four and potentially a national championship and, eva, too, i got to give you a congratulations on your florida gators. they did win their opening
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match-up, and i was there, so college football is ready to rock 'n' roll already. >> see, we play nice in the s.e.c. we try to, right? thanks. >> a little bit. >> thanks, maria. you can watch "college gameday" live from ft. worth at 9:00 a.m. eastern. that is on espn. >> why didn't i get to do that segment? i feel like strahan always calling me and asking me about football. >> do you know who is playing today? >> the ducks and the tigers. i got my money on the tigers. ducks? >> he had to check the notes. >> all right. >> stay with us. diane is next with "pop news." "pop news." what if you had fewer headaches and migraines a month? botox® prevents headaches and migraines before they even start. botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® injections take about 15 minutes in your doctor's office and are covered by most insurance. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking,
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♪ ♪ "good morning america" is sponsored by state farm. talk to an agent today at 800-state-farm. >> all right. it's time for "pop news." diane is rocking the white before labor day comes and goes. >> getting it in while i can. >> that's right. >> though i'm definitely going to wear white afterward. >> i know. that rule doesn't exist anymore. >> straight from diddy's white party. >> all right. we'll start things off with what could be a sneak peek at kanye
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west's upcoming new album. his wife kim kardashian posted this photo on her social media account with what appears to be the name of the album, "jesus is king," followed by a track list live and the slated release date september 27th. the track list notably features water, a song kanye performed during his coachella sunday service earlier this year. other spiritually themed titles including "god is baptized" and "through the valley." this would be his ninth solo album. many crossing fingers hoping this will be for real. the last album he postponed indefinitely, so "jesus is king," everyone is waiting. speaking of the new music theme, selena gomez is back in the studio, and fans are pumped. the singer shared these black and white snaps on her instagram story, which appear to show her in a writing and recording session. there's also this shot of a soundboard captioned, just so you know, i see your comments and i'm working on it. fans have long been wondering when she would release a new solo album so hopefully this is a sign of one to come.
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selena is also sharing a new addition to her family. meet her new dog gwinnie. having a nice nap together. it is time to pig out because today is international bacon day. >> yes. >> the holiday. >> international bacon day. >> correct. the world is celebrating bacon. >> a couple weeks ago it was national bacon day. we've gone international. >> yeah, don't even worry about that. it was actually started by three grad students at the university of colorado bolder 15 years ago and is observed the saturday before labor day. >> good bacon. we have another thing to celebrate. it is day two of eva pilgrim's birthday extravaganza. eva is like the queen. we're going to celebrate for at least a week. >> bacon and cake. love birthdays. >> eva, by the way, that is gluten-free so you -- >> that was my excited scream. >> but can dan eat it? oh, there's sugar. >> nah. i can't. yes, but i can be happy for your birthday. >> bacon and cake. what more could you want? >> this is perfect. this is exactly what i need. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> guys, i have to say i had
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lunch with our friend ron claiborne yesterday. >> oh, yay. >> he is super happy in retirement. ron, if you're watching, which you're probably not, we still love you, and it was great to see you. >> he would have liked the bacon. >> yes. >> and the cake. >> and the cake. hey, guys, see you right back here tomorrow morning. "abc 7 news" morning. >> good morning, i'm kumasi aaron. happening today, a french swimmer who swam through the great pacific garbage patch will pass under the golden gate bridge and return to shore. ben lecomte left hawaii in june. he told us one day they
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collected 3,000 pieces of micro plastic in just 30 minutes. lecomte is expected to arrive at crissy field beach at 11:00 this morning. on the peninsula you can celebrate the last official -- unofficial weekend of summer at the millbrae art -- at the millbrae art and wine festival. organizers have transformed the city into a mardi gras-style celebration for the weekend. you can listen to live music, you can shop, you can, of course, eat and drink. the festival runs today and tomorrow from 10:00 until 5:00 and admission is free. also the annual belmont greek festival kicks off today. organizers expect 20,000 people to visit over the three-day weekend. there will be dancing, rides, activities for kids, arts and crafts and food and drink. tickets there $5, and the festival runs from noon until 10:00 tonight at the holy cross greek orthodox church on alameda. with all of that going on you know we have to check and see what the weather has in store for us for the weekend.
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lisa is standing by to let us know. >> good morning. a beautiful picture from the sutro tower camera. you can see the clouds and sun as well. numbers are in the 50s and 60s, so it is a nice day out there to start your weekend, your long holiday weekend. look at the fog at the golden gate bridge. we are in the upper 50s in santa rosa, mid 60 s in concord. the fog beginning to clear from this viewpoint and hot temperatures inland for the weekend coming up. >> thanks, lisa. also coming up next on "abc 7 news" at 8:00, a 5 year old escapes from his east bay school through a fence. i'm elizabeth hur in florida where the entire state remains on alert for hurricane dorian. coming up, i will have the latest including details on
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increases low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain and decreased appetite, which lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about trulicity. news to build a better bay area, this is "abc7 mornings." good morning, everyone. it is saturday, august 31st and i'm kumasi aaron. we are starting our morning with a look at the forecast. here is meteorologist lisa argen. good morning, lisa. >> good morning, kumasi. we begin, a little bit of a warm-up yesterday. here is live doppler 7. certainly some patchy fog out there but it is sunny downtown here in san francisco, the east side of the city. we are looking at alrea warming temperatures. how about 60 downtown. 57 though in gilroy. so a few cool pockets, and this vantage point you see a few areas of fog there. 58 in santa rosa with 56 in


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