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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  June 12, 2019 1:42am-2:12am PDT

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may regr k a cougar. [ laughter ]. it always seems like a good idea. it always seems like a good idea. >> maybe it is. >> just climb in. just lower yourself in. >> yeah. >> see him lowering himself into this lake. >> aaron has a great idea. >> aaron got volunteered for a great idea. >> it's not deep. >> that's where they keep the pa ran thats. >> this looks like a place where an angry swan would live. >> he swims out to the middle. >> oh, uh-oh. >> your instincts are strong. >> what's that thing you said about an angry swan. >> yeah. is it going to be a swan or a goose. let's see who is more today. >> oh my gosh! oh my gosh! [ screams ] >> he immediately turns around. >> oh my gosh! >> oh my gosh. it is moving, too.
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it's clocking good knots there. screams ]f my >> you [ bleep ] bird. [ bleep ] you bird. [ bleep ]. >> did he hit him? >> it's always a good idea until it isn't. >> help me! help me get him out! help me get him out! >> he can figure it out. >> that's awesome. >> that swan is not pleased. >> no. she posted this on twitter. of course twitter made fast work of it. millions of views laterty amuse. everybody except the swan that is. there are few thrills as hang gliding. the girl on this hang glider, let me know what it's like truly to hang glide.
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>> screaming like crazy. >> it's very visceral. >> the fun part about these two hang gliders that is dad john hidahter maele. his tandem rating meaning he's allowing to take people up to ride along, so of course he took his wife along as well earlier in the day and now it's madeline's turn. you can see they are really making a hard right here in this case. she's like, dude, that's awesome! >> father/daughter bonding. [ laughter ]. >> that's really beautiful flight over massachusetts. great visual. great audio and nice smiling video moment between dad and daughter.
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[ screams ] 75 miles an hour gusts and a sailboat with five souls on board adrift 85 miles from shore. we have this video from the maritime rescue. this is in spain. when you get closer, as this rescue diver is being lowered down, you get a look at this sailboat and you realize just how bad it is. that sail has been ripped clean off the mast. there's little bits hanging on to the bottom. the fact it's adrift means they cannot land the rescue driver on board the vessel. it's moving around too much. the only option is to drop him in the water and encourage them to come towards him. we see that moment where the first person comes close. they got their arms outstretched. help! take me with you. >> this on,tice t
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you have to work fast enough to pluck these people out of the water and bring them to safety. you see one by one methodically they're able to get down, attach them, lift them back up. you'll be happy to know all five were rescued and are expected to be just fine. not too sure about the vessel they left behind, though. the second one from her majesty's coast guard, this one is due with a cruise ship on its way from liverpool to norway. one passenger was starting to have a medical issue so bad they said she had to be medevaked. they identified the most vehicle location right there, the rear of the ship. they lower down obviously that person already in the stretcher and pluck her and her husband off the ship as well. honestly, never going to live that down. bye, sweetie. i'm going to norway. love you. >> about to start in 30 minutes. >> we paid. they won't return the money. >> all inclusive. >> she was taken to the
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hospital. everybody is wishing her a speedy recovery. ♪ i just want to say, that is a brave woman. >> how would my exes describe our relationship? >> that's self reflection at its finest. >> self reflection and then there's getting three of them together. she got z, jason and rico. >> she clearly wants a fight. >> clearly. >> magazine and entertainment got them to talk about their relationship with her and start with the basics like how we met. >> we met at -- >> my ex-girlfriend's. >> video shoot. >> it was attracted to -- >> her empathy, her face, she was very pretty, her ass. >> at least they were honest. empathy. >> going to pick something up. oh, your empathy. >> our first date was -- >> at mcdonald's at 42nd street.
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>> taco bell and back at her house. >> coney island. >> mcdonald's, taco bell and coney island. >> now we see why they're all exs. >> they asked them to show the best picture that they took together and they all had one. and they went there. they talked about the worst habits. >> jumping to conclusions. >> sleeping in late. >> i hate that. >> she was always late, like three hours late. >> at least she wasn't like three months late. >> i was about to say. [ laughter ]. that's what i was thinking. >> and his worst habit was -- >> not being able to communicate emotions. >> not texting back. she hates that. >> how long were they together? >> five, six months. >> six months. bordering an official relationship capacity. >> five months. >> actually it was eight. >> did they end on good terms? >> hell ya. other grow. ♪ rescue crews head way up to help a furry fr the
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eve of this house. >> see how they bring the little guy back down to safety. >> yeah. look at that. >> yeah. >> i know i messed up. and she's running the boat. >> don't worry, don't underestimate her. she's got this. >> see why it quickly turns into an all hands on deck. >> where are we going? >> oh! "i am here." aim to say that more with aimovig. a preventive treatment for migraine in adults that reduces the number of monthly migraine days. for some, that number can be cut in half or more. don't take aimovig if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or swelling can happen hours to days after use. common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. aim to be there more. talk to your doctor about aimovig. red rover, red rover send reese's pieces over [sfx] ♪ introducing new hershey's milk chocolate
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and reese's pieces now in one bar and reese's pieces (brian) i've had a hcopd...tack, a heart transplant... lung cancer... and part of my lung removed. my tip is: if smoking doesn't get you one way, it'll get you another. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now.
1:51 am
where the vinegar zings and the dijon zips knowing that our flavor dreams should always be giants but our footprints should not. kettle brand chips. no small flavors. no small potatoes. no small flavors. that looks tasty. have we done this before? dunkin' go2s. a great deal for 2, 4 or 5 dollars. america runs on dunkin'.
1:52 am
♪ closed captioning provided by -- gold bond neck and chest cream. 97% had firmer skin. gold bond ultimate lotion, ultimate skin. ♪ those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones i say this because i never parked a boat. by the looks of it, neither as this young lady. >> tell me when i get to neutral. >> friends and family roll the camera. >> this is in the uk. she's going towards the little
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pier. now? surely now? >> it's like parking a car, right? >> it's exactly the same as parking a car that's also on the ice. >> reverse. >> things don't react as quickly when you're in a boat. >> no? >> it's very much like keep going, keep going until suddenly go back ward! >> i'm going to crush it. >> go back. >> oh! oh! >> the camera kind of goes oops. >> see. >> yeah. you know how it is. at this point, okay. people are watching. i'm sure. i know. i know. i know. there you go. nicely done. takes her opportunity. >> you do it, ah? >> speak too soon? >> she spoke too soon. >> where are we going? are we still in the boat? >> going back in. going back out to sea. >> get that under control. starts bringing it back alongside. i'm sure it's all going to be well and good.
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they caught the attention of some people nearby. >> you can hear their cackling from the boat. they're all right. it all gets sorted. finally she's like, you know what -- >> it's not going to take you long to figure out what's going to be rescued here. maybe this creature wanted a better view of the city because that dog is stuck there in the gutter on the eve of this house. >> i 100% cat. a dog on the roof? >> we have seen dogs on window ledges. i see a window up there, so. >> if it wasn't for that gutter, that dog would not be on the roof. >> true. >> the firefighters have a chain collar just in case they need it, but they really need a leash more than anything else. they get close and the dog turns his head away maybe in shame. >> it doesn't run. he's like, hey, guys. >> where's it going to go? >> i kind of goofed here. i need a little help. >> yeah. i know i messed up.
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please don't shout at me. >> but it's okay, buddy. it is okay because they grab the dog pretty quickly. >> is there a tennis ball in the gutter? [ laughter ]. >> you might be a little disappointed on bvenlly m t of the lift. they are lowered down and this dog is handed down to its owner. >> the dog was like, oh, woof. i thought you said roof. >> so what is the story? >> the owner said, well, i left the house. the window was open and it got out. the amazing part of most of these videos in addition to the trick shot is the reaction from the person who nails it. ♪ >> oh! >> holy bleep. >> look at their faces. >> i'm not surprised. >> how long has that been going on? then to land this trick.
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>> this is absolutely insane. >> everyone else have to drink a keg of beer now. >> watch this. tanner and his boys pulled this off. puts the ball in the cup. the next guy tanner back flips and nails it. >> where are the other 275 takes. that's what i want to see. >> you're not going to see those, just this one. >> that is outrageous. >> yeah. >> and they call this one one for the books. i agree. >> the only one for the books. oh! ♪ kevin perry drops a seed and the plant grows. >> how he creatively captures one flourishing flower. >> hang on a second. that's all wrong there. plus, boys need cross a flooded road so -- >> they figured it out. >> the genius way they give themselves a leg up next. >> these are the a.p. students. >> the engineering kids. fragr'. air wick's new technology releases fragrance upwards and outwards unlike febreze.
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so now you can fill every corner with fragrance. upgrade to air wick. when yoyou act fast.uder... boo so do we. raid kills roaches 7 times faster than the next leading ant and roach spray. 7 times faster? raid! get raid and get tough on roaches fast. sc johnson and i smoked while (amanda) my i was pregnant. this is the view i had of my baby in the nicu. my tip is, speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. that was, surprisingly, not terrible. even without scrubbing, lysol power toilet bowl cleaner attacks tough limescale and rust stains to clean 10 times better than clorox toilet bowl cleaner. lysol. what it takes to protect.® (crunch! crunch!) (cwhoosh!m) (sniff sniff) no way sister! try listerine ready! tabs. they turn into liquid as you chew, so you can swish and clean your whole mouth on the go.
1:58 am
try listerine ready! tabs and see men in black international in theaters. ♪ living well do you often wake up with chest congestion? or suffer excess mucus? try mucinex 12 hour. the bio layer tablet immediately releases to thin and loosen excess mucus. and lasts for 12 hours. mucinex 12 hour. with three extrairst absorb channels.r they stay up to three times drier so babies can sleep soundly all night pampers dishes won't get clean? don't be a soaker! switch to finish quantum, it scrubs, degreases, and shines to get your dishes truly finished. and with finish quantum you get up to 25% more loads for your money. it's not clean until it's finished!
1:59 am
polo red. the mens fragrance. by ralph lauren. and polo red rush. by ralph lauren. ooohhhh ♪ promotional considerations provided by -- the "rtm" video's app. the easiest way to watch the best videos. download it now. i was once told to build a
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bridge and get over it. yeah, well -- seemed like the right thing to say at the time. >> these kids just did that. this is in thailand. >> it's great. >> they were stuck in their classroom. while a lot of other people were trying to figure it out. >> these are the a.p. students. >> the engineering kids. >> they took these wooden chairs. >> yeah. >> and one by one they made it across. >> and it seemed like a stupid idea until it worked, didn't it? whose train is nice and dry back to class. now who stole the chairs from class? >> i don't know what you're talkitalk talking about. >> there's flooding in the area. they figured it out. this little one figured it out as well. pete -- >> look at this. >> is chilling. so mac, i got your back for you, dude. >> don't worry about it. >> stay right there. i will feed you. >> this is that first class resort-style service. pete is an old man.
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he's nine years old, so you know, this is his time to chill out and relax. >> he's done his due diligence around the house. take care of all the kids. and now -- >> be like, he couldn't muster up the strength. i'm going to lay right here. >> they're old pals. now the next time mack needs to -- now you know look where the dog is sitting. right below that chair. >> wow. sneakiness. watching plants grow could be a little -- >> maybe he's in pain. >> but when you got a video like this, it's absolutely fascinating. the seed goes in and the plant grows. >> is that beautiful? >> this is stop motion footage created by our buddy kevin pen.inclome vo sngheuld ohis rather unique-looking footage.
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>> it didn't quite grow right. >> right. >> hang on a second. that's all wrong there. >> it looks like he did it backwards. >> what kevin is doing here, you'll see he has his backdrop there. he has that arm that goes across the top of the plant. he swings that arm around and he measures that looks to me like, a centimeter on the wall. he makes that measurement and swings the arm back over to the plant and cuts. he's essentially just slicing the plant a centimeter at a time. >> yeah. to give this amazing video of life's creation, he murdered a plant. >> yeah. >> kal la lilies my favorite flowers. how could he do it? >> kevin said he spent 14 hours cutting up this plant. he created that neat piece of footage. david has to get his wisdom teeth removed so -- >> he's in the dentist chair. >> why a day at the dentist is
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no day off.
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>> yeah.>>lu ip. ♪ ♪ couple years ago i got my bottom wisdom teeth taken out and today i'm getting my top wisdom teeth over. >> he has to hand his camera over. >> when i'm knocked over, you're taking over the vlog. >> who wants a car? >> keep that in mind.
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now it's time to get down to the surgery. >> guys, e. you guys get extrem. >> yucky. >> wow. >> i can't hear you. >> i love you, jason. i'm just [ bleep ] kidding. [ laughter ]. ♪ >> little rugged. but the second tooth comes out. there it is. david leaves the dentist's office and gets back into the car with his friends. they tell him, hey, david, call one of your big sponsor a ask them for some money. >> hey, this is david. >> hey, david. >> i'm doing a video right now. my wisdom teeth are out. >> let me guess, you want more of our money? >> he can deliver no matter how many drugs you got.
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>> on camera right now? >> yeah, right now. i'll tell them all about it. >> the easiest way possible. >> never need to buy tickets to anything. >> wow. that muscle memory, dude. boom. >> remember what carly said right when he turned his camera over to them. >> even with enough drugs in my system to put down a baby elephant, he trusted me with their money. i decided to return their favor and use that money to buy carly her dream car. >> carly sees her dream car. [ bleep ]. >> what do you mean? [ bleep ]. >> we had a phone call yesterday. >> get out of my car! >> get it in! >> i'm just trying to decide if we should [ bleep ] bleep until they send us some money. >> yes. >> see how many times did we mention [ bleep ] on the show.
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>> yeah, so. [ bleep ]. >> really appreciate it. because i [ bleep ] before. >> exactly. [ bleep ] so ♪ that's our show. thanks for checking in has lots more fun to put a smile on your face. connect with us while you're there and remember "rtm" is brand new all summer long. >> today's contestant choyon manjrekar from pawtucket, rhode island says he's notorious for his terrible dance moves. if he wins the $1 million today, i have a feeling we may get a good look at 'em. so let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic music] ♪ hey everybody, welcome to the show.
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are you guys ready to play today? [cheers and applause] choyon. >> yeah, great to be here. >> you feeling good? absutely. flsat>> ro go. let's ye the'14uestions all the way up to that $1 million. you have your three lifelines. you know how to use them. you ready to start making some money? >> let's go. >> all right, let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] we'll start you off with that $500 question. good luck, here we go. when lots of family comes over for thanksgiving dinner, it's common to set up a second (often smaller) dinner table for whom? >> so chris, you know, those are all great ideas, to have the separate table, but i think i'm gonna pick the place that i've graduated from. >> i'm still there. still at the kid's table. proud of it.
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that's right. $500. this is your $1,000 question. balto was a legendary siberian husky who in 1925 led a group of sled dogs 658 miles to deliver a life-saving diphtheria serum where? >> sure, so, looking at what we have up there, doesn't look like you really need a sled in miami, new orleans, or san antonio. but the perfect place for that would be nome, alaska, final answer. >> only place that makes sense is right. [cheers and applause] two questions down. $1,000 in the bank. now we're looking at your $2,000 question. though deemed by the justice department to be ineffective and possibly harmful to youth, "scared straight" programs usually involve teenagers
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visiting here? [laughter] >> oh, those all do sound like terrifying options. but if you wanna scare someone straight, you probably would wanna take them to c. prison, final answer. >> that's right. that's where they used to take 'em for the scared straight program. although now, no wi-fi would definitely work. >> yeah. >> here's your $3,000 question. which of these is neither an open porch, nor a city 65 miles west of venice, italy, nor an insufferable brat in the book, "charlie and the chocolate factory"? >> okay. so let's go through what we have up here. verona sounds like an italian city.
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"charlie and the chocolate factory. i think the girl's name was veruca salt. and the-- and the open porch would be a veranda. so that would only leave d. verboten as final answer. >> that's the odd one out. that's right. you got it. it means forbidden. and it meant $3,000 for you. this next step is worth $5,000. also the first threshold you can get to. here it is. born in 1877, ulrich salchow is a 10-time world champion still remembered today for his contributions to what sport? >> you know, chris, i think i'd like to ask the audience if they... >> okay, well, this is a big one. you wanna get to 5,000 at least. >> yeah, i'd like to see what they have to say about thi


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