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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  May 16, 2018 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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tv's number one daily viral video show right this minute. this bridesmaid going viral. >> get it. get it. >> dr. jay describes how it lead to a lot of invites. >> there are so many comments can go me to come to the wedding. a car is about to suffer significant damage the moment it was hit by a ufo. >> it is a cat walk. the sky high stunt with no room for error. plus the rtm you choose give away. it is your chance to win a
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google home or amazon echo. we break down the best on the web including a son trying to drive stick. why mom and dad may not survive the driving lesson. >> the end is this bridesmaid caught everybody's >> get it, get it. they are like hold on. the d.j. is playing so let's show him how we do it in baltimore. ♪ the song shi is dancing to is i'm the ish. she is an entrepreneur and why
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don't we add viral video star to her resume. we have got janet armstrong. welcome to the show. you own a place called cranked up cardio. >> it is my fitness format i started five years ago. it is inspired by the club scene. i wanted to do something representative of our culture. >> did you be -- >> the bride was my water girl. one time i passed out. i was rally going to walk and then the floor opened up and she started hyping it and i was like okay. i have no choice. >> woman to woman between you and me, how did you not fall out of that dress? >> that is a bra that was recommended to me by others that
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have volupuus up are bodies. >> why is that song so near and dear to you? >> that's the thing. it's all free style. it's very unique how baltimo baltimoreans. it's not oh, that's my song it's like these are my peeps. this is how we do. it's no different than we would do at a house party or anything else chlts. >> baltimore seems to be in your bloodline. you want to give your city a shout out? >> yes. b. more east side. first dash cam.
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>> what was that? >> he watches in slow motion you might be able to figure out what exactly that was. >> oh. >> any guesses as to what that was? >> any tire? >> no. >> a cannon ball? >> no. >> let me remind you it's in australia. >> beer keg. it's a flying beer keg that looks like it came from the other side of the road. it did significant damage to the car. now over to taiwan. this guy and the scooter ahead working their way through. scooter rider slows down, sees a pedestrian in the road. let's go over that guy and then bam. >> what was that? >> it is the scooter rider who intentionally threw a hunk of metal because the scooter rider
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believed he was going in the wrong direction. if you look at the video there are cars clearly parked in both directions so it doesn't appear to be a one way road. no injuries to the people inside. it has been detained and a investigation is pending. traffic flowing in both directions. small head-on collision. >> come on, man. >> this dump truck was hit but at an angle. you can see this white car following very closely behind the truck. the white car almost rear ends the truck, tries to avoid to rear end collision. it causes the dump truck to swerve and nearly go over the edge of that bridge. the dump truck was carrying a load of asphalt. that weight was like and held
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the truck from going over. >> your instinct would be to dump your load. >> you need to change your pants? we'll go to a commercial break. normally going to lax i'm excited because it means we'll travel. hope for paws was called in because somebody saw that dog. when it got close it ran away. they finally see the dog on one side of the road. they will set up a trap and the dog does eventually get lured in. the pedestrian was walking by. that made the dog skittish again. the dog ran away into this parking struck chufrmt thture. they searched for the dog for four days. after four days they got intelligence from somebody that said that dog is running between the two containers. they decide to set up the trap
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with food in it. something was caught in there. there she is. >> hey, you look familiar. >> yeah. >> this ought to be easy. >> can i give you the micro chip number? >> they say hey, they hear back, yeah. the dog does have an owner. >> yeah. we do have an owner but we did try to contact them and they stated they no longer own this pet. >> did they abandon it at the airport on the way out of town? >> that sounds kind of awful. >> if a dog has been raised by humans it needs to continue to be rised by humans and have some help. they named her viva. they say once she was with a family they said she opened up. i guess it makes them feel better they got a dog with
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somebody that does want to give the dog love. >> this is the latest winner of an amazon echo. >> you could win too. all you need is wednesday's buzz word, be at least 21 years old. >> the rtm buzz word coming up in just a bit. >> standby the rtm you kmochoos give away. daredevils, adrenaline junkies. one of the crazy things we see is angela. she is known for climbing some of the tallest skyscrapers. he motto is no limit, no control. still, it is narly to see her so nicely dressed but still on the tiny ledges. in this case --
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>> yeah. it is a little bit like blade runner. they must be like stop it. come on. >> i'm looking at those metal hooks. >> yeah. i don't know why these started giving you the heebee jeebies. >> i'm trying to figure out the sexy moves. what's sexy right now? >> yeah. >> either way it's really weird and crazy to see her with that little one piece on that tiny ledge. i guess it's the kind of attitude you have when you're in your 20s. maybe she will stick to the rooftops when you're in your 30s. >> i want to see -- >> me too. one of you tube's finest is sending a message about the
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scariest moment. >> you caused so much harm for your family and relatives. shame on you. >> what lead to one powerful choice. >> amazing. hats off to you, man. and prepare yourself. >> i'm still sweating. >> why the tooth fairy might be showing up after this stunt. >> oh. now, brow impact for days. new tattoo studio brow gel from maybelline new york. just apply and blend sets in 1 minute lasts up to 2 days ...for fully defined brows maybelline's tattoo brow. only from maybelline new york. ♪ more than a bag... afternoon of playtime domination. save the day and everything else with ziploc. sc johnson. marvel studios' avengers: infinity war in theaters april 27th. ...the only eye drop... ...approved for the signs...
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palike that's going to happen. icyhot. icy to dull, hot to relax. closed captioning provided by: >> for the past couple of years it has been the motto of the yes theory. for those who may not be familiar with what the yes theory does they are a group of friends that created a you tube
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channel. they have part. >> choosing you guys over -- >> he has to choose between the friendship he built with the guys and his family. >> why? what happened? >> he got a letter. >> i want my son, omar back. if you don't do that i won't accept you as my son or my life at all for that matter. you caused so much harm. shame on you! are you serious? >> yeah. he is from egypt and born in a muslim family. they have very strict ideas about what their children should grow up and do. >> i dropped out a university to pursue a career he doesn't
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understand. >> the problem is an ultimatum. he really does have to make a decision. >> and he does. >> i've been working really hard along with my best friends to put out a message we think is much needed in today's world. i'm committed to spreading this until the day i die. nothing should stop that. >> amazing. hats off to you, man. >> and it really drives home that what he is doing is his life's purpose and when i was younger i could never recognize how strong an hard concrete is and how soft my
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head is. this first one is a pretty epic trick. >> you know -- >> he tracked >>. >> he goes head over heals. >> all right. i just want to tell you before i show you that i'm here for you. i can tell you right now that it is ten times worse than you ever thought it could be. you can read it from their reactions. >> my god. he broke his whole face. >> and look. >> anyway, if you want to see the truth behind this use your mobile app if you're brave
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enough. >> he's on a that's next right this minute. and did you guys notice anything slightly off? >> the moment they realize their job has gone a little wonky. and we'll reveal wednesday's buzz word coming up. with every meal, there's a dish. but what happens to all that grease?
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lung cancer... and part of my lung removed. my tip is: if smoking doesn't get you one way, it'll get you another. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. we make the food and deliver right to your door so you won't have to lift a finger, just a fork. ♪ toilet's clean, allowance please! new lysol power and blue 6 cleans with every flush, releasing lysol cleaning power in a wave of blue to leave the bowl clean and fresh. ibut it doesn't always come naturally. this i can do, easily. benefiber® healthy shape is a 100% natural prebiotic fiber that's clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this i can do!
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get allegra-d, with aparates you non-drowsy antihistamine plus a strong decongestant to break through fast. get back to the moment with allegra-d. years in the sun causing dark spots? gold bond dark spot minimizing cream. 81% saw improvement in the appearance of sun-damaged skin. gold bond. this guy reporting what's going on. it is a person recording the video we proceed to inspect the rest of this welding job. a couple of welders working diligently. do you notice anything slightly off? how much would you want to be
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the guy that lets them know that that? they reveal the >> apparently this welder >> the guys that aren't going to be able to live this one down either are the police officers taking a little nappy nap in russia. >> the citizens came up and couldn't help but record this. you think it would get you arrested if you started going bang bang bang bang bang? >> in russia you shouldn't.
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>> let's find out. >> he's insane. >> yeah. he is. >> they were getting that good sleep. >> yeah. that mouth open, drool out. >> they really needed that nap. both of these videos getting hundreds of thousands of views. >> now it's time for the rtm you choose give away. you get to cloos. >> i choose a million bucks. can you have it delivered to my house? >> good luck with that. >> to enter you'll need a buzz word, be 21 years old or be part of the u.s. or canada. >> enter the buzz word. you can using each every day. >> let's reveal wednesday's buzz word. it's recipe. >> click on the rtm win button and enter wednesday's buzz word recipe, r-e-c-e-i-p-e.
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>> good luck everybody. this guy likes to give his parents a glimpse of his driving skills. why it lead to very funny twists and oto balancendidate for governor the state budgetarties together while making record investments in local classrooms and creating new career training programs. antonio villaraigosa for governor.
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brought business and labor together to expand career training and apprenticeships, invested in transportation and helped create over 200,000 living wage jobs. antonio villaraigosa for governor. letsz than 13 minutes for 11 burgers. that's impressive. karen is a 19-year-old
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blogger from south australia. he lik she likes to show driving skills or lack there of. >> stop. >> he is supposed to video him driving with his parents in the past. >> no. no. >> how are you >> dad decided this is his fate. if he does it is right with the lord. >> i would never get in a car with this fellow. it seems awful. >> i wouldn't let this kid do anything. >> yeah. it looks like he is born in confidence. >> are you
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>> you've ruined it. >> this is why i said we need to get a camera in the car. it will be the greatest. >> what a difference between mom and dad. mom is like fraeaking out. >>. >> oh, my god. >> you're running. >> we are going home. >> no. i would be straight to the department store and buy him a $150 bicycle. >> here you go, son. >> right, right, right. >> what do you think? >> it is very stressful. >> did you catch it? the buzz word? enter it at right this and catch up on the next all new rtm.
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music [freeway traffic] [angrily] it wasn't my fault that guy was texting! chp officer: does it matter? music [dejected] it wasn't my fault he cut me off! does it matter? music [sound of vaccum] [frustrated] that jerk didn't even use his turn signal! it wasn't my fault! doesn't matter. sorry, bro! don't be dead wrong or dead right. survive the ride!
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tonight, breaking news. the president and the payment. president trump now confirming he paid his lawyer michael cohen more than $100,000, after he denied knowing anything about the hush money paid to stormy daniels. what his new financial does closure now reveals. also tonight, north korea. will the summit happen after all? kim jong-un furious with comments coming from the white house. president trump had said, it is simple, they get rid of their nukes. but tonight, the first standoff before the summit. the white house now responding. the school shooting today. seniors gathering, rehearsing for graduation, when a fellow senior begins shooting in the school. the deadly package and the explosion inside this building. the woman killed. >> i need to have the building evacuated, all crews pull back from the incident. >> the children running for


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