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tv   ABC7 News 1100AM  ABC  March 22, 2018 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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. it is wet, windy and gloomy out there. you can see that from our emeryville camera. it's been the case all morning long. there have been moments of relief but keep the umbrella handy today and the rest of the week. thank you for joining us. i'm jessica castro. we have live team coverage of today's storm. we want to begin with meteorologist mike nicco. the rain is less widespread than what we saw this morning, right? >> that's correct, but you'll find a lot of issues left over. that's why we have the team coverage coming up. i downgraded the storm from a
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one to a two. it's now light. we're seeing the heaviest and steadiest rain well off to the east. a cold front is coming through bringing local downpours which could cause localized windy conditions and localized flooding. nothing on a wide scale. there's no watches, no warnings, no advisories. winds will switch from the south at 10 to 15 miles an hour to the northwest. here's a look at the downpour on the eastern side of the san mateo bridge. in fact, what we're seeing right there is light to moderate rain coming down at a pretty good clip. now, on live doppler 7 you can see that it's moving all the way up into castro valley, right ainto san ramone. another to head onto the dunbarton bridge. you can see behind the cold front things are quiet, but with the sunshine and cold front, we still have a chance of thunderstorms. the next seven hours, storms move through, and much dryer for the evening commute.
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it wasn't easier this morning, was it? >> no. that continues into the midday. i want to take you live to our wiggest issue. we have a sigalert for folks trying to cross the golden gate bridge, southbound 101 at the toll crossing. that's a crash with a truck on the opposite side of the tolls. unfortunately, a major fuel spill involved in this crash as well. they're having environmentalists and caltrans out on the scene. no estimate on when lanes will be reopening. i'll show you what that's doing to the drive. you're jammed for 3 1/2 miles into sausalito. definitely heavy from the north bay. good news. southbound 280 from john daly boulevard, we had a serious crash blocking the two middle lanes that just cleared. same thing for south bay, northbound 101 at 880, moving along well. we had a crash at great merp parkway. that pushed off to the shoulder so residuals are starting to
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thin out. back to you. >> thank you. we want to continue team coverage of our storm in the north bay. wayne friedman joins me love from roanoke park. >> reporter: good morning. it's been quite a morning in roanoke park and in sonoma county. i'll back out of the way and show you an evolving situation. this is roanoke parkway expressway east of stoney point road. when we arrived here, the water covered the entire roadway. it's still closed but receding. elsewhere we have other problems. let's show you video from shellville also in sonoma county. highway 121 at highway 12. another of the first places to flood. inevitably, drivers always underestimate the water. it was about one foot deep this morning. more than enough to stal a toyota camera. the driver is okay but wet. at last report, this intersection remained closed. it's going to put a crimp in travel plans for anyone moving between marin and sonoma county
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over to napa or napa counties. we'll keep an eye on this. to be safe, check with the highway patrol or try an alternate route. once flooding starts, it returns in a hurry because the ground is saturated. here back at rohnert park speedway. the water is creeping down. we have late news, however. we just picked this up. sonoma county public works is reporting calistoga road is closed between gates road and pette petrified forest road. there's trees, power lines down and a mudslide. if more rain comes, we'll see more of that. wayne friedman, abc7 news. >> thank you. the drive has been difficult this morning, to say the least. the south bay also getting pounded during this morning's commute. i want to go to abc7 news reporter matt keller.
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he is live in los gatos. have things improved there at all? >> reporter: actually, yes. it's been raining all morning long. probably in the past 15 minutes it's gone to a little bit of a drizzle. i want to show you something we haven't seen in a long, long time. when you look up, blue skies. of course, this morning the rain made it very difficult for commuters. you know it's a tough commute when you come to a complete stop on a highway. but this storm is the real deal. heavy downpours, gusty wind and water everywhere. >> it's a little hard driving. it's a little heavier than i've seen lately. >> i would say this has been a lot wetter than normal, but i love it at the same time. i think all californians love it but hate it when they have to drive in it. >> reporter: this huge feet 80 to 100 feet tall crashed over summit road and into power lines
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in the santa cruz mountains. the road was blocked in both directions, adding a 15 to 20-minute detour to the morning commute. it takes real dedication to run at 5:45 in the morning, but add in the rain and these three should get a medal for just showing up. susie and marty also get credit for showing up for their workout can this morning. >> we have a neighborhood that has a good hill, and we make like an eight around it to get our cardio. >> reporter: that hill will have to be climbed on a different and dryer day. >> of course we're going to walk. we're just going to walk under the overhangs of the shopping center. >> reporter: just back and forth? >> back and forth. you'll see us about five or six more times today. >> reporter: now, power outages haven't been a major issue this morning, but i just checked the pg&e website. it shows several hundred people without power in san francisco and san mateo. reporting live, matt keller, abc7 news. >> matt, thank you. and delays are horrific right now at sfo because of the
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low visibility and windy weather. arriving flights are facing delays of up to two hours. and it's getting worse. make sure to check with your airline for your flight status before heading to sfo. don't forget, you can keep an eye on weather and live doppler 7 any time using the abc7 news app. download it now. it is free. and we have new versions for both apple and android devices. we've actually upgraded abc7 news app so you can customize the forecast for wherever you are. new details now from san francisco about a police shooting. sfpd just told us a suspect who was shot in yesterday's shooting has died from his injuries. he has been identified as 21-year-old jihad ed. six people were shot, including ppolice responded to an area in mission street and geneva avenue for a report of a man with a
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gun. they actually ended up at a b k barber shop at geneva and london. you see in the cell phone video, sn officer crawling away, being shot in the leg. of the owner of the barber shop showed us the damage this morning. he was not there when it happened. he explained what one of his workers told him. >> the shooter was sitting over there. when the cops got here, he start shooting this way. the cops just got -- they start shoot from outside. >> the investigation is ongoing. police are asking any witnesses to come forward. developing news from the east bay. classes canceled for students at diablo county college after a threatening message was found on campus. abc7 news reporter amy hollyfield is at the campus with more on the investigation. amy? >> reporter: well, they made the decision late last night to cancel classes.
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you can see the word got out. we're told you usually can't get a parking spot here on thursdays because it's so crowded. but the parking lot today is empty. they tell us the threat is credible enough for them to take this drastic move and cancel classes. they say they did not take this decision lightly. the threat said there would be a shooting here on the diablo valley community college campus today. >> there was graffiti written on the bathroom wall in several different locations. >> reporter: they don't know who wrote the threat but there is a student here that makes some people nervous. a facebook post from a few weeks ago mentions the student and says he talks about guns and knives and says he likes hitler but doesn't like women. the campus spokesman said the two aren't related. >> there is no evidence at this time that there's any linkage between that.
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>> i'm just thankful that i don't have class, to be quite honest. but it's terrible they made a threat. >> reporter: he says as a student, threats like this are the new way of live. >> quite frankly, i mean, i hate to say it, but i've gotten used to it because, quite frankly, it happens all the time and nobody's going to do a damn thing about it so you have to sit there and go, it's going to happen. you have to deal with it. >> reporter: administrators say they don't know who made this threat. they're working with police on the investigation. they haven't decided yet whether to have classes tomorrow. they're hoping to make an announcement about that later this afternoon. live in pleasant. hill, amy hollyfield, abc7 news. >> we'll be waiting for that. thank you. name-calling and threats of violence. the war of words this morning between president trump and former vice president joe biden. also ahead, president trump's first step in imposing tariffs on nearly $50 billion
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ross has the must-have styles and brands get ready for spring-at the ross spring shoe event. for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere. step one: get to ross. step two: walk out with top brands at big savings... the ross spring shoe event.
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ross has the brands your whole family will love get ready for spring-at the ross spring shoe event. for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere.
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step one: get to ross. step two: walk out with top brands at big savings... the ross spring shoe event. . new this morning. president trump's lead lawyer in the russia investigation has left the legal team. attorney john dowd confirmed it in an e-mail to the associated press. he said, quote, he loves the president and wishes him well. according to "the new york times," mr. trump was increas g increasingly inanothering dowd's advice. over the weekend, dowd called on
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the official overseeing robert mueller's investigation to bring an end to it. dowd made the request after the firing of deputy director andrew mccabe. new at 11:00, president trump has directed the u.s. trade director to level tariffs on $50 billion of chinese imports on the heels of the steel and aluminum tariffs that took aim at china. meantime, the administration has granted more exemption to those steel tariffs. countries include australia, brazil, and the european union. new this morning, president trump is going after former vice president joe biden in a tweet. take a look. the president tweeted early this morning, crazy joe biden is trying to act like a tough guy. actually, he is weak both mentally and physically. and yet he threatens me for the second time with physical assault. he doesn't know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying
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all the way. don't threaten people, joe. now, this appears to be in reference to comments biden made earlier this week. the former vp told a group of the people at university of miami that if he and president trump were in high school, that he would take the president behind the gym and, quote, beat the hell out of him. after the break, new video giving us a look at what happened moments before an uber autonomous suv hit and killed a woman in arizona and we'll tell you how uber is responding. even though the heaviest part of this storm is behind us, don't let your guard down just quite yet. we still have chances of wet weather. 80% of us getting wet tomorrow. 90% saturday.
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we need to be ready for my name's scott strenfel and r i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california.
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. look at this. if you get our weather newsletter, you would know to take the sunglasses along with the umbrella. take both. here's a look at san rafael. down to the south, which we're looking at on 101 is kenfield where we've had over 5 inches of rain over the last 48 hours. here's a look at 101 and 880 which is more comfortable to get around. you can still see the standing water under the overpass. accuweather highlights, no morsteady rain, no more widespread downpours. just scattered. much cooler. fog tonight. a stray shower possible and sunshine next week. the atmospheric river is down over southern california where they're getting ready to possibly evacuate because of flooding and mud debris there.
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for us, the heaviest showers are over mt. diablo, antioch and oakley. we have one headed towards dublin and one just now, right behind me on a willva rad dough road. you can see the clearing taking place but still, we've got a chance of showers and thunderstorms. here's the way it plays out in my accuweather 12-hour planner. look at these temperatures, 61 to 51. the cold front drops our temperatures as we head into the afternoon hours. the chance tapers of a shower and thunderstorm. dress for temperatures in the uppup upper 40s today. in fact, our temperatures were warmest now and this morning and they'll be about 20 degrees cooler tomorrow morning. look at this, upper 30s north bay valleys. san francisco at about 47. the biggest concern tomorrow will be the lack of visibility because of the fog, not because of the wet streets. 4:00, you can still see some stray showers out there but
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they're mainly green. by 7:00, it's just about over. we'll see more sunshine before the sun sets. then you can see at 4:00 tomorrow morning, any showers are mainly up in the north bay. maybe some snow way up in mendocino county and lake county at the highest elevations. tomorrow evening, that's when the next chunk of energy comes through and the better chance of showers coming down and making it wet in the evening and overnight hours. make sure you have an umbrella tomorrow. saturday, up until 3:00 it's dry. then a chunk of wet weather rolls through for the evening and overnight hours dropping our snow level down significantly, maybe 3,000 feet. snow levels high in tahoe. you can see rain on the camera right there. it is dropping also. we're going to continue that winter storm warning until tomorrow morning. now our avalanche watch has been upgraded to a warning, which means an avalanche is imminent at any time now through 7:00 in the morning in the back country. here's a look at my attack cue weather seven-day forecast. so, we're downgraded to a one for the rest of today.
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we'll be a one tomorrow. a one saturday. and a one sunday. look at those temperatures. in the 50s over the weekend as old man winter holds on for one more weekend. and then i know a lot of people are looking at monday, tuesday, wednesday, time to get recharged by sunshine and temperatures in the 70s by wednesday. >> looking forward to that sunshine. for now, just a little bit small breaks and then keep that umbrella handy. >> exactly. we go from umbrellas to sunglasses a couple of times today. >> thank you. we're getting our first look at the seconds before one of uber's self-driving cars hit and killed a woman in arizona. take a look at this new video we have. you can see the backup driver right before the accident sunday. you can see him looking down and then his face in shock as that woman appears in front of his car. another look on board the car camera. it's looking out forward. you can see the woman that was hit, elaine walking into the roadway from a darkened area.
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the volvo had sensors to detect people, cars and objects in the roads and are designed to trigger the car's brakes. san francisco-based uber said in a statement, the video is disturbing and heartbreaking to watch. and our thoughts continue to be with elaine's loved ones. our cars remain grounded and we're assisting local, state and federal authorities in any way we can. happening today, companies working on driverless cars will meet with san francisco city leaders to talk safety. according to the examiner, uber, lyft and waymo are responding to the mayor's letter. he asked 50 companies to volunteer for safety tests with the san francisco police department. more fallout from the facebook user data scandal. ceo mark zuckerberg has been called to appear before a house panel. he said yesterday that he is willing to testify before lawmakers. british firm cambridge analytica is accused of improperly using
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the data of 50 million users while doing work for the trump campaign in 2016. >> facebook and other internet provider types need to come in and talk to us about they're doing internally. >> zuckerberg says users will soon be able to find out if their data may have been affected. meantime, facebook stock is down once again this morning. it has lost 11% this week. are you a puppy or dog owner and love showing him or her off? you won't want to she's a very different kind of mommy vlogger. >> she channels you. >> next "right this minute."
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welcome back. national up. puppy day is one day away. we cannot wait to celebrate. >> strarting at 4:30 tomorrow morning be streaming our live puppy cam. the aim will be to find them and many other puppies in the bay area animal shelter forever homes. we've been asking you to post a video or photo with your best friend. chime if you see yours. here's just a few of the many we received. there's still time to post yours. you may see your pet on air or online. >> i diplomat see rio. keep sending them in. we love to see those pictures. they make us smile.
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have a great day today. it's a bit gloomy. stay dry.
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>> welcome to victories for veterans week. we all owe a debt to our nation's veterans who have risked their lives to protect our country. today, i'm hoping we can start to repay that debt in the form of a check for $1 million. so, come on, let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ welcome to victories for veterans week here on "millionaire. we are paying tribute to all the brave men and women who have served in our armed forces together with a great charity, dav, disabled american veterans. [cheers and applause] america's 22 million veterans are on their most important tour, the tour of their lives, and when they face challenges dav is there. last year dav helped secure more than $4 billion in earned benefits. that's incredible.


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