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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 23, 2018 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- oscar nominee saoirse ronan, from "game night", kyle chandler, this week in unnecessary censorship, and music from joey dosik. and now, sure enough, here's jimmy kimmel. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. i'm the host of the show. thank you for coming. thank you for watching. we have is to much to get to. so much going on. the bad news is our president is
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donald trump. president trump had a busy day he spoke at the conservative political action conference and the mood was very upbeat, things are going great. they were happy to see donald trump and trump was happy that they were happy to see him. he told the crowd he loves c pack and would never leave them for a double d pack. he did all of the hits, the tax cuts, the law, his hair. second amendment. went after john mccain, called hillary crooked, called the media crooked it was classic trump a lot of fun. you thought he would let giving guns to school teachers go, you're mistaken. this is a man with a lot of hair on his head. >> it's concealed. this crazy man wouldn't know who has it. er that's not bad.
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that's good. and a teacher would have shot the hell out of him before he knew what happened. >> in your john claude van movie it would make no difference but in this situation the security guard even had a handgun and nothing was gun. >> a security guard doesn't know the children doesn't love the children. this man standing outside the school the other day doesn't love the children probably doesn't know the children. the teachers love their pupils, they love their students. >> this is what happen when we elect a picture who thought park mall cop was a documentary. [ cheers and applause ] also the called the deputy
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sheriff a call him a coward, let's find out what a brave man donald trump has become lately. >> i will call up -- i have to do it myself. >> jimmy: hold on let's wrauch that one more time. i'll tell you something takes a strong man to [ bleep ] his pants in front of 10,000 people. meanwhile donald trump's son is in india selling low priced
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condominiums right now. for $38,000 you could have dinner with him. ed he's very popular in india they call him dumb dog millionaire over there. at the organizers put out a full page adidas. trump is here, are you invited. i open there's such thing as karma. if in is i hope gets reinka karcarnated as don trump jr. meanwhile back at home the a
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wonder why, could it be anything to do with a guy in marriage of immigrants. unbelievable this is what we'll focus on next will work on the statue of liberty which will read this -- ad this -- a at least we're being honest about what we want as a nation. so the white house hit north korea with largest round of sanctions yet. i feel like these sanctions are going to be the sanctions that turn north korea into a freedom loving democracy it's hard to understand what we're hoping to accomplish with these sanctions over and over. this is complicated the idea is if we restrict their food suppose the people of north
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korea will have no choice but to eat their nuclear weapons. is that how it works? okay. meanwhile in south korea the olympics are winding down. still no closer to what ice speeding and ice dancing. did you see the guy on the speed skating rink. you're about to. this gentleman took everything off other thutu and monkey pouc. why not. he looks great. if i was going to streak i'd wait to do it at the summer olympics it's more impressive. while all eyes were on pony tail man another athlete from russia failed a drug test this time a female bob sled pilot. this is the woman. she's wearing the t-shirt before
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got busted. she finished 12th so whatever she took didn't work. she wasn't even pushing the sled she was the one on it. that seems to be the easiest gold to get, right, riding the sled down. so the russian team was banned for doping at the last olympics. this time four adjective leepth positive, two were russians, i have the solution, ban russia forever from the olympics but we let them have their own event called the super olympics [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] where everyone in it has the physique and appearance, everyone looks like the terminator canada throw a javelin in the middle of the sun. i'd watch that. the olympics asa know have not been broadcast on our network they're on nbc so we've been
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showing clips from youtube and pretending they're from the olympics so here are the highlights from the final day of competition at the winter you-lympics. >> final event sweden on the blue sled is being slowed down by a large dog and fran chess cow gaining and the red sled pulls ahead for the win. >> jimmy: now that's -- ha, ha -- that is not. [ cheers and applause ] not his best friend. all right. we're going to take a break s of when we come back we have a special "black panther" edition of eye witness news and that week in unnecessary censorship. stick around.
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>> dicky: welcome back to the show. tonight on the show dosik and kyle chandler and saoirse ronan on the way. but first. you heard of body mental disorder characterized by an urge to change the way you look. apparently snapchat is exasperbating that so much that people are going to plastic surgeons to make them look more like how they look through the snapchat filter, like i'm vomiting rainbows all the time. isn't that weird.
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i'm not a medical expert but if this is the look you're trying to get. you don't need a plastic surgeon you need a veterinarian. i mean who would actually make an appointment, go to the doctor, and guillermo, have you heard of such a thing? >> no it's so crazy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: did you change something about your face? >> no i'm trying out some new hair gel. >> jimmy: oh, new hair gel? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i would like you to do the snapchat. maybe go get your phone and when you come back i want to see what that looks like through the snapchat filter. we'll snapchat on top of snapchat face. >> sure no problem i'll go get it. >> jimmy: okay we'll never see him again. [ cheers and applause ] how many of you have seen the
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movie "black panther"? [ cheers and applause ] it's the number one movie in the world. "black panther" had the biggest opening week of any marvel movie ever earned more than $520 million it tells the story of the king of a fictitious african country called wakanda it's not a real place but not everyone knows that so we went on the street to ask them their thoughts on the crisis in wakanda were they willing to weigh in on a fake crisis in a fake country, let's find out on tonight's "black panther" of lie witness news. >> is it time to bring the u.s. troops home from wakanda? >> i think we need a strong presence there. i definitely support our troops so if they're in wakanda i think they should they have say reason to be there. >> should we be involved in
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wakanda right now? >> no i think we should resolve our own problems first. especially what's going on in the government. >> what are people saying about the crisis in wakanda. >> they saying like it's like a big catastrophic. >> should wakanda be forced to share their vibranium. >> no. >> why? >> it's their, it belongs to their country. >> without vrks ibranium we can't power fidget spinners or golf carts. >> i'd say we need to find another way of doing that. >> what's your opinion of the twitter war between president trump and king of wakanda. >> my opinion is i think it's good in this state bad publicity is good publicity as long as people are watching, tuning in, somebody's getting paid somewhere. >> we're all just human beings
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so we can't judge each other. >> or panthers. >> or anything. we're all humans. >> except for panthers. >> yes, panthers. >> why does donald trump dislike the wakanda's so much. >> should i say it? because they're not his color. >> orange. >> yeah, okay. ha, ha. yeah. orange. i don't think nobody's his color. okay. no. ha,ha. >> you think if someone made a movie about what's happening in wakanda it would be popular or people don't want to see that? >> people don't want to see it, yeah, i don't think so. >> jimmy: all right thanks everybody. [ cheers and applause ] one more thing before we forge ahead it's friday so this week in unnecessary censorship.
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>> what is the carrot that you are dangling for north korea to convince them to talk. >> we're not using a carrot we're using large [ bleep ]. >> i watched that game with a [ bleep ] in my [ bleep ] the penalty ire time. >> a ten-year-old boy on a quest to [ bleep ]. every police officer in america made his way to l.a. pd. >> go in and grab them by [ bleep ]. no games. >> to use your metaphor, candy coating in the blow [ bleep ] which is my wife's favorite. >> i go to bed thinking about the excitement of [ bleep ] the next morning. >> did you [ bleep ] like that. >> i don't hi. >> i can fit a box of twizzlers in my [ bleep ]. >> what would mike pence buy if he could buy anything? a [ bleep ]. he has always wanted a [ bleep ].
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>> this night is made a lot sweeter because i know you have four and i have five. [ cheers and applause ] >> glad they're getting along. tonight on the show music from wrzosek and marcus cannon is here and we'll be right back with saoirse ronan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by kevita. sparkling probiotic drinks, alive like you. ♪ introducing the npower jean aka the perfect straight. and introducing the new relaxed slim for men. power up with 50% off all jeans this saturday and sunday only.
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at old navy. ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi and welcome back. tonight from the very funny new movie "game night," kyle chandler is here. then, his ep came out today. it's called "game winner." joey dosik from the mercedes-benz stage. [ cheers and applause ] guillermo okay let's do it. so guillermo has a snapchat face on. now we've added the filter. it's like a look into infinity. bring it up a little higher. we should have put a fake tongue on you too. you can stare into that for a
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real long time can't you guillermo. >> yeah all day long. >> jimmy: all right that's enough. supposed to be guarding my life over there. >> all right i'll put it away, yeah. >> jimmy: our first guest is 23 years old and. nominated for an oscar, for the third time. she won the golden globe for her performance in "lady bird." please welcome saoirse ronan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: are you into snapchat? are you a snap chatter? >> i'm not i wish i was if that's what you get. skbr >> jimmy: that is what you get and you get it for free too. your third oscar nomination and you're a very young person. there are people go their whole
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lives and don't get even one it's really remarkable thing. >> thanks. >> jimmy: i know it's not a question more of a statement. >> yeah, no, it's -- what's that for? >> jimmy: that is just tape. here's a talk show secret when i hold up the album i know where to put it. >> magic of tv. my god. and, but, yeah, to go back to your non-question. >> jimmy: yeah my non-question. >> no, it's -- it's great because you never, like, you never expect it to happen again. do you know what i mean so every time you kind of go, oh, they remember. >> jimmy: timothée chalamet was here last night. >> with oprah. god she isn't on again is she she's great. >> jimmy: i would have been nervous around oprah. >> i would wanted to hug her the whole time. >> jimmy: she would have hugged
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you probably. >> do you think so? >> jimmy: i think she absolutely would do that. you never met oprah. >> never. well she made that speech at the globes. >> jimmy: and everybody wanted her to be president after that. you never got to meet her. >> i never did. i would vote for her. >> jimmy: are you allowed to vote in the united states. >> i don't know i'm not a resident here. >> jimmy: oh, then no way. >> not now you're not. >> jimmy: no this is problemly going to be your last oscars you're not going to be able to get back in here. you better win this time. >> my gosh. >> jimmy: i know there's a lot of pressure you're going to have to be on via facetime. >> or snapchat. >> jimmy: is it less exciting to go to the oscars the third time. >> i haven't been to it yet so i don't know.
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it will be brilliant. it's been very different each time i've gone. >> jimmy: in what ways was it different. >> the first time i didn't know anyone and nobody knew me. it was myself and my mom and dad and we flew over i was a kid. i was only 13 years old. and we flew over from new zealand because i was shooting there with peter jackson who is mr. academy award he's won so many of them. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and we went over and all i remember from the night out of the everything, the whole experience, is me doing an interview and being in the foreground of this shot going it's so great to be here and my mom was in the background, she had a dress with a long train and george clooney stood on the train and didn't realize so she's in the background the oscars are great, she is going george excuse me, he won't
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turnaround and it gets more and more aggressivive she's like, george, and he won't turnaround and eventually he just sort of like walked away. >> jimmy: oh. >> she came up to me afterwards like, you'll never believe what just happened to me what george clooney just did to me. >> jimmy: was that her first time being trampled by the sexiest man alive was the second time more successful? >> i don't know if you would call it more successful, we again, mother and i were out in the main area just outside the auditorium where there is a bar. weren't necessarily having a drink at that time but we were chatting away. you know how it is, we're going to be doing it in a week from now. >> jimmy: yeah. >> everyone's chatting away and getting excited and stuff and thought we could chat away to
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everyone and all of a sudden we hear someone say and now the 88th academy awards they locked the door and we had to run in and barely made it in. >> jimmy: because your mother needed a drink. >> i think i needed a drink. we were networking, we were chatting. wheeling and dealing. >> jimmy: sounds like you need to leave your mother home this time. >> she's the best plus one. >> jimmy: that's good she doesn't embarrass you in anyway. >> no apart from the george clooney, that was more on george. >> jimmy: well george technically was on mom. i see what you're saying. ha, ha. i mentioned timothée chalamet are you friendly with him. you guys were also, he was in "lady bird" as well. >> yeah we smooched a lot in "lady bird".
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>> is it true you encouraged him to get a fake id during the shooting of that film. >> no. i would never. i would never do that. i would never. >> jimmy: it must have been odd for you to come to this country when back home you're legally allowed to drink. >> at like 12. although you are legally able to drink at 18 at home so he was about 19 at the time and i just know the pain of, you know, going out with a crew that you're working with on a saturday and you know, you've been drinking a few years at home and know what you're doing and you go out with everyone and you're the only one that's turned away so i mentioned to him that people mentioned to me in the past that you could get an id that isn't necessarily legit which is exactly what happened to me few years ago. i only used one once.
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i wouldn't recommend. >> jimmy: what happened? >> well it's ironic that it terrifies me so much to pretend to be someone else in real life. and my friend we were going into this club i was about 19 or 20 at the time and she wanted to go to this cool club she's from new zealand and she said i have a spare id a passport or library card she's like just take this. i'm about like but what do i say if he asks me question. maybe i should do an accent so when i was cueing up to the club i started coming up with back story, kind of going like i'm kiwi so i need to talk like that. and they'll ask about my age and i came up with this whole arc for the character. and i was like here you go, here's my id he's like cool yeah go on in. >> jimmy: disappointing in a way. >> it was. >> jimmy: saoirse ronan is here.
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i want to go where culture is like new york or connecticut
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or new hampshire where writers live in the woods. >> you can't even pass driver's test not even for state. >> my name is lady bird. call me lady bird like you said you would. >> just go to city college and then to jail and back to city college and then learn to pull yourself up and not expect everybody -- ah! >> jimmy: that's saoirse ronan in "lady bird", everything she does is under rated i think her performance was amaz in that performance. >> you don't see mothers like that very often in the movies. >> we seem in in real life.
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>> is yours perfect. >> jimmy: no she's completely crazy but in a good way. >> right like charming. >> jimmy: right everyone finds it charming. you were a cast of that jumping out of the car where is the cast now did you save it as an object that will go in the smiths ownon. >> god knows it's gross it's it's real cast. >> jimmy: really? >> and they made a few versions of it for different scenes but because we were shooting in l.a. during the summer it would get so, this is gross now, it would get so hot that my arm would get very, very sweaty, yeah it's gross and my cast would sort of expand and so there's all these just filthy casts with arm sweat, i don't know where they are. they're probably burned.
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>> jimmy: they might we on e bay. that's the way to go because casts do get smelly you want it to be ream. daniel day lewis may have jumped out of the car and broke it intentionally. >> all right. all right i have to perform. >> jimmy: yeah don't jump out of a car no reason for that. are you still living in dublin? >> just outside dublin, yeah. >> jimmy: and you come here regularly? >> i mean at the minute. >> jimmy: do you like los angeles. >> you know. [ laughter ] i like los angeles when, you know, you're able to go out and enjoy it and see the sights and you know, do what the locals do rk go to disneyland. >> jimmy: do you like disneyland? >> truly i had one of the best days of my life there. >> jimmy: when was it? >> was my 21st birthday when i
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was legally able to drink and went to disneyland and couldn't drink the whole day. it's like oh, cake. but i went there and honestly had one of the best days of my life and my friend jake who was with us got the top score in the buzz light year ride where you shoot all the monsters he got the top score and his name was on the board, was like this is the greatest day ever, he oh, my god. and we went to space mountain went on that four times and i got free dessert when we went to the restaurant. >> jimmy: my goodness even better than an oscar. >> was great. >> jimmy: well i will see you a week from sunday at the oscars. >> i know! >> jimmy: i wish you a lot of luck, saoirse ronan everybody. we're going to be right back
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wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. muham[laughter & applause]atest! muhammad: i'm going to become champion of the universe! muhammad: me with my beautiful, colorful personality. muhammad: i'm good looking, clean living, cultured, muhammad: and i am modest. [laughter] muhammad: i am so modest, i can admit my own fault. muhammad: my only fault is muhammad: i don't realize how great i really am! [laughter] muhammad: because i am great, i am the greatest! ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ >> jimmy: we're back, tonight we have music from guest emmy-winning actor you know as coach taylor on "friday night lights." his new movie is called "game night." it's in theaters now - please welcome kyle chandler. [ cheers and applause ] mouz ♪ed . >> jimmy: how you doing? why did you bring alcohol? is this for me. >> no they're both for me. >> jimmy: shall we drink some of this. >> yeah go ahead. >> jimmy: what's going on are we celebrating something. >> you know i get nervous before i come do these shows. >> jimmy: i'm surprised at that. >> i think a lot of people do they just surprise it well. so a friend of mine scottie
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sayers sent me a link from a shot of the tonight show with joey bishop and dean martin and frank sinatra and dean's smoking and frank's got a cocktail and i thought that's nice to sit and have a cocktail and speak to each other and the added benefit, i thought about few minutes ago, i had a chance to have a drink with peter o' toole i was in texas doing a film, was a young kid, i love id him in lawrence arabia and the ruling class, few other things, we have connections to anne coats all these things nonthe less i got to have a scotch with peter o' toole and now i get to have a scotch with jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: how about that.
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it's downward trajectory but salute. oh, that's -- yeah you're right this is a good thing i should do this with everyone that comes on the show. >> i bet you will have more people suggest it. >> jimmy: how you dog. last time you were here -- >> wait you know how i know i need this? >>. >> jimmy: >> there's a rabbit there. following me the last week. >> jimmy: when you pour just the two of us drinks a sinkle tear rolled down his face don't worry we'll get you. >> after the show. >> jimmy: last time you were here we were talking about you had five mini done keys what are their names. >> big daddy. carlos the drug dealer. white donkey number two. shay shaw. and red. >> jimmy: and they're all doing great?
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>> doing excellent. >> jimmy: do you have a donkey handler? >> no i handle all the work. matter of fact before i flew out here it was 4:00 in the morning, i headed out to the barn with hot coffee and by 5:30 i realized i was mucking. i realize what other guy mucks his donkey at 5:30 in the morning and next day seeing his movie in the chinese theater. >> jimmy: probably just you. >> i'm that guy. >> jimmy: i haven't met many donkey munkers. >> got one now. >> jimmy: how was the premier. going well. you go ahead and have a drink. >> this is great. isn't that good. you feel like you're at a nice place having nice conversation. >> jimmy: yeah you're right. i'm gonna lay down. >> the -- so, look, when i was
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1989, january 15th, i had the opportunity to come to los angeles and buddy and i dropped out of college to do it. i was with the abc program at the time. got a first class ticket my buddy and i split the tickets in half and back of eastern airline flight where you could still smoke on the way out we land in los angeles over at century city hotel, president reagan had been there the night before, that next morning we walk out, get in the car to go to entertainment tonight to be presented. i was in the last year of this program and who is walking down the street the first celebrity i get to see in los angeles milton burrow with cigar. >> did you talk to milton. >> no he was walking across the street we almost ran him over. >> jimmy: is that why you bought
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donkeys. >> i don't get that. i don't understand that joke. that one's on you. but the other thing was early on you get to go see over at the chinese theater you see all these films from the past and wonderful actors getting out from the golden age. >> jimmy: yeah the hand prints all the different stars. >> it's a dream, you get there as a young kid, you want to be an actor so bad so last night i get to go to a premier and where is it held? at the chinese theater. and it's a great movie "game night." >> jimmy: it's very funny and you're first comedy. >> the first dedicated film of comedy i've been in. >> jimmy: amazing. >> you saw it jason bateman and rachael they're wonderful in it.
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he's so much fun to watch it's like an acting class he owns what he does. great movie. >> jimmy: he's pretty much exactly like his character in the movie would you agree with that. >> i can't tell you because most of the time when we'd speak it would be what do you want in your coffee and i would go get it for him. probably. i don't know. very nice fella. >> jimmy: does jason command that kind of respect on the set, wasn't aware of that. >> he yells at you. >> jimmy: he does? is he a task master. >> no but it's a really wonderful film. >> jimmy: i agree with you, it's got like 90% on rotten tomatoes. not just blowing smoke up people's ass. >> you know it did very well on rotten tomatoes. it's such a joy. because it's a comedy i'm used to sitting in a quiet theater
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with a dramatic movie you don't know what they're thinking but boy in the comedy everyone's laughing, the thrill, the excitement and joy it was fantastic. >> jimmy: it's more fun than being in a dramatic film. >> i liked it. >> jimmy: all right, well congratulations on that. it's great to have you here. kyle chandler everybody. "game night" is out now. right back with joey dosik. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ed ing. ed
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank saoirse ronan, kyle chandler and apologize to matt damon. we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, the deluxe version of his ep "game winner" is out today. here with the song "running away," joey dosik! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ anytime you think about her the feeling's there
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she's thinking about you ♪ ♪ about you about you ♪ about you about you anytime you see her in the street what choice is there ♪ ♪ she's gotta see you after you're through oh whoa oh i got to believe it ♪ ♪ baby ooh ooh ooh that you're thinking about me maybe ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ i don't know what you're thinking about any other day ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ when you keep on running away running away running away running away i try not to expect ♪
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♪ much anymore it's over now but what was it all for what was it all for ♪ ♪h yeahea y and i'll always care about you baby ooh the feeling's there ♪ ♪ we grew it too long to say it's gone it's gone ooh ooh ooh i got to believe it baby ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh that you're thinking about me maybe ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ i don't know what you're thinking about any other day ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ when you keep on running way keep on running running away you're running away ♪ ♪ keep on running you're running away
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you keep on running keep running ♪ ♪ you keep on running away why'd you keep on running away running away running away ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh why did you keep on running ooh ooh ooh why did you keep ♪ ♪ on running away i don't mind thinking about her as long as she's thinkin' ♪ ♪ about me about me about me about me i got to believe it babe ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ that you're thinking about me maybe ooh ooh ooh don't know what ♪ ♪ you're thinking about any other day ooh ooh ooh when you keep on ♪ ♪ running away you keep on running running away
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running away ♪ ♪ running away you keep on running keep running you keep on running away why'd you keep on running ♪ ♪ away running away why'd you keep on running keep running why'd you keep on ♪ ♪ running away why'd you keep on running away running away [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ this is "nightline." tonight, national failure. >> somebody was outside, they didn't react properly under pressure or they were they weree >> president trump harsh words to the deputy who chose not to do anything. >> as a playoff that's your job. >> more red flags missed. dozens of police contacts involved with the shooter including this 911 call. >> i need someone here because i'm afraid he comes back he has a lot of weapons. >> plus, actress answera riff ear smith raising against the so


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