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tv   ABC7 News 430AM  ABC  February 14, 2018 4:30am-5:00am PST

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jeff sessions rescinded an obama era policy that barred federal law enforcement from interfering with marijuana sales in states where pot is legal. the berkeley measure does not prevent the police department from collaborating with federal agents on nonprofit -- rather, non-pot-related crimes. let's get a quick update on weather and traffic. hi, mike. >> it is colder this morning. windchill could be a factor in neighborhoods. but it's about 5 miles per hour and less. it's not that big of a factor. let me run you through the next 12 hours. 35 to 45 at 7:00 this morning with a sunny start to the day. we'll have midday to afternoon clouds. that will help keep our temperatures cooler than yesterday. 56 to 59 at noon. the breezes will pick up around 4:00 also. that will make it feel cooler, especially in the shade. 55 to 62. if you're heading out this evening, the low 50s for temperatures. >> the altamont pass, we have reports of an accident.
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it is westbound near grant line. it is on the right-hand shoulder. not blocking any lanes. but we are seeing your typical slowdown as you approach the scene. right now you're looking at about a 30-minute drive into dublin, pleasanton. just getting reports that this accident was in the left lane. now cleared out of lanes. westbound 80 near cutting. it's green. so everybody is getting by in the commute direction. eastbound, though, you are at the limit. that, of course, is the reverse commute. so as you make your way into the macarthur maze, we had an earlier accident. this one near high street in oakland. west 580. that one also out of lanes. sensors are still green throughout the area. we'll come back in a little bit and take a look at your bridges, specifically the bay bridge riding into san francisco. >> sue tharks ynk you. lisette -- she spoke the
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names of her killers before she died. matt keller is live in east san jose with more. >> reporter: good morning, reggie. she recently graduated from high school. they're offering up support staff and counselors as they continue to mourn the death of this young woman. a vigil was held last night for the victim at great oaks park where she used to hang out with friends. she graduated in 2016 but was currently living in tracy. candles illuminated pictures of the 19-year-old as family and friends shared their grief and memories. >> just a really genuine person. that's something that i will always remember about her and i'm sure everybody else will too. >> she was bubbly. she was a bubbly person. she was like -- it's kind of like that energy where it's contagious. >> reporter: she was found bleeding, crawling along tesla road in livermore monday
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morning. police say she named the suspects with her last breath. daniel gross and alyssa leonardo were arrested. she was friends with the two suspects. reporting live in san jose, matt keller, abc 7 news. 19-year-old daniel gross and 25-year-old melissa lee national guard -- leonardo lived together. a 9-year-old boy who lives next door says a s.w.a.t. team used his treehouse to peer into the backya backyard. >> we were scared. we saw a lot of guns. we were scared they were going to shoot or something. >> neighbors say the suspects were quiet neighbors who lived with gross's mother. imagine being on a flight over the pacific and suddenly you see this outside of your window. the faa investigating after an engine cover came off during a
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flight to honolulu from sfo. >> when flight attendants are tilling you to brace when you land. fortunate fortunately, it landed safely in hawaii. the passengers are talking about the flight, though. dan ashley has the details. >> tremendous bang and a sudden vibration and then down into a shaking because the engine mount was shaking. >> that's how passengers describe what happened when the right engine on united flight 1175 suddenly failed over the pacific. >> i thought we were going to die. i hoped that my kids knew that i loved them. >> the boeing 777 had to finish its journey to hawaii on one engine. that's something the jumbo jet is designed to do. >> get the emergency card out and reviewed that while we held pands a hand and prayed. >> they had us brace.
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>> the wide body jet landed safely while emergency crews waited along the runway. >> we had to wait for the fire department to assess the aircraft before we could go. otherwise, we would have done the emergency evacuation straight-aw straight-away. >> then came feelings of relief and joy. >> everyone cheered and clap and people were crying. we were crying. >> passengers also praised their pilots. >> when we were leaving the plane, they shook everybody's hands and looked them straight in the eye. it was really comforting and they were so brave. >> dan ashley, abc 7 news. that was dan ashley. if you have the abc 7 news app, you were immediately notified of this breaking story yesterday afternoon. the app is free to download for apple and android devices. a man kicked off a southwest flight for speaking arabic is suing the airline. it happened on a flight from l.a. to oakland in 2016. he was speaking on the phone
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when another arabic speaking passenger told a flight attendant he heard him mention a terrorist group. he was removed from the plane and questioned by fbi agents. he claims it caused him to suffer mental and emotional distre distress. danvill police are trying to identify a bank robber. investigators releasing these photos of the man. it happened before 2:30 yesterday afternoon at the wells yesterday afternoon at the wells fargo on ka he was last seen running at the safe way parking lot on tas hara crossing. just how much cooler is it? anywhere from 3 to double digits in fairfield, napa. look at half moon bay, 13 degrees cooler. let's start off with the coolest temperatures. dublin, down to pleasanton, livermore, lafayette.
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we're going 35 to 36 degrees there. we've got danville at 37. 38 at walnut creek. 39 at pleasant hill. 37 at brentwood and low 40s in antioch and pittsburg. here's the way it looks from east bay hills. camera not shaking as much as it did yesterday. it will start to again this afternoon as the breezes come back. you'll notice the most around the bay. mass transit, dress for that cooler morning. on the bay, i should say in the car, it's going to be cloudy at times. i'd still take the sunglasses. notice the cooler temperatures. 45 at 8:00. to 55 at noon. between that or around that, noon and 4:00, at about 54 degrees. our last stop will be the south bay. 44 this morning. 55 at 10:00, low to mid-60s in the afternoon hours and back in the mid-50s during the evening hours. we'll take a look at the accuweather seven-day forecast and search for rain coming up next. here's, sue. as promised, let's go to the bay bridge plaza.
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you're looking at a mild drive from hercules into san francisco. less than 30 minutes. that's always a pleasure if you got to be up at 4:37. slow traffic out of the central valley for our early morning commuters. we had an accident near grant line on the shoulder. this also on the shoulder. westbound 580 near high street in oakland. about to push that out with a tow truck. otherwise, traffic is getting by okay. we're going to come back and check on your south bay commute in just a few. this morning, gold medal winner snowboarder shaun white responding to sexual harassment claims when he should be celebrating his win. i'll explain next. also, another one of scott baio's tv family members comes forward with claims of sex abuse. in the east bay, only on 7.
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they're in a high fire danger or getting rain. much-needed rain. especially los angeles to santa barbara. temperatures in the mid 60s there. we'll be a little bit quieter in palm springs at 70. sacramento 54. 53 with showers in eureka. tahoe, where it's going to be quite windy and that wind in the temperature of 38 degrees. it's going to feel like winter again tomorrow. a brief warming into the 50s and very light snow to light snow
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showers a couple inches sunday into monday. new this morning, three-time gold medalist shaun white is responding to sexual harassment accusations. white took home the gold yesterday in the men's halfpipe making olympic history. just hours after he faced questions about a harassment suit that was filed by a former drummer in his band. te claim dates back to 2016 and says white sent her explicit pictures and forced her to watch sexually explicit videos. matt gutman asked white about the allegations. >> matt gutman, abc news. shaun, the sexual harassment allegations against you have resurfaced. >> lena. >> are you concerned that they're going to tarnish your legacy? >> you know, i'm here to talk about the olympics, not gossip. but i don't think so.
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i am who i am. i'm proud of who i am and my friends, you know, love me and vouch for me. i think that stands on its own. >> white and she reached a settlement in that case one year ago. meantime, white also responding to claims that he dragged the american flag after his win last night. he says he was simply trying to put on his gloves, hold his snowboard as well as that flag. he didn't mean to drag it. he meant no disrespect. reggie, natasha. the '80s starve charles in charge will speak about the allegations made against scott baio. baio was the star of that show. nicole eggert accused him of sexually abusing her. her teen brother is accusing baio of sexually abusing him. he came stories with physical and mental abuse last week. he's expected to reveal more
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details today. baio denies the allegations. president trump's personal attorney now says he paid $130,000 out of his own pocket to a foreign actress. the actress once claimed that she had a sexual relationship with mr. trump in 2006. michael cohen tells "the new york times" he was not reimbursed by the trump organization or the crumb campaica -- trump campaign. a woman is leading the charge to shut down a suspected east oakland -- it's been in operation for more than three years. lisa amin gulezian has the story you'll see only on abc 7. >> we heard there are a lot of dogs being sold out of here. >> no, no. >> the park at the end of douglas avenue and east oakland sits this broken down rv where carmella harris lives. >> i'm an animal lover. >> she has four miniature
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doberman pinschers. >> according to animal that's a lie. >> she's breeding them and selling them over a period of, i'm for sure, three years. >> these are eight dogs that were rescued. she paid nearly $300. >> she brought them outside, they were just filthy dirty, covered with feces. they couldn't all hardly stand in there. >> lewis called oakland animal services and the police. no one said much to us either, other than it's an open investigation. >> there's been some contact with the situation. >> animal control did come here because they called them on me and said that i was -- whatever they told them, they were lying. >> even now, two unfixed males and two unfixed females remain there, violating oakland's own municipal code. >> that's really sad. >> i showed noelle guy yoe the
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photos of the dogs in cages. >> the city of oakland will take action this week. that means serving a search warrant, getting inside of that rv, possibly citing or charging the owner with animal cruelty and removing those dogs. in oakland, lisa amin gulezian, abc 7 news. the san mateo county officials warning walkers and runners after a mountain lion was spotted near a popular trail. it was 2:30 yesterday afternoon off the sawyer camp trail close to crystal springs reservoir. it was about a mile and a half north of the sawyer camp trail entrance at skyline boulevard and crystal springs road. officials say it didn't appear aggressive or injured but want visitors to be alert when walking trail. county clerk offices around the bay area are helping couples tie the knot for valentine's day. >> the recorder's office is holding ceremonies at the main office in oakland and satellite office in dublin.
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ceremonies cost 75 bucks. others are also offering valentine's day wedding. >> if you're seeing more weddings happening at city hall, that's because you are. there's a 50% increase of people registering for marriage licenses in the last decade. they attribute to a stronger economy and legalization of same-sex marriage. san francisco is on track to beat the 11,000 licenses issued from july 2016 to june of 2017. >> the photos taken at that building are always beautiful. >> it is a gorgeous place to get married. hi, mike. >> good lighting it looks like also. we talked about a couple of cold fronts changing the direction of our weather but not bring us much in the way of rain. you can see this particular system as it's moving through the northern parts of the state. it's already starting to show signs of weakening. what we're going to get out of that are increasing clouds today and cooler breezes.
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it will be mostly clear, breezy in the hills again tonight and a winter chill is coming early next week. talking about some freezing cold overnight temperatures that may make it all the way to some bay neighborhoods. now for today, the clouds are going to shave a few degrees off our temperatures, especially the farther north you go. 58 and 59. low 60s for the rest of the north bay. we've got 59 around half moon bay in san francisco. a little sea breezewill develop. the rest of us at 60 to 64 degrees in san jose. here's a lock at the north bay. 35 this morning. look at the cloud cover early. noon, 57. even when you get sunshine in the afternoon hours, it's too late. 50 at 7:00. here you can see, around 58 to 61 degrees. for the peninsula, sunny at 7:00, 44. you can see the clouds most dominant from noon to 4:00 keeping you in the mid to upper 50s. 49 by 4:00. your highs, 57 in daly city. 62 in redwood city. temperatures tonight in the 30s inland. 39 in palo alto. low to mid-40s in the bay.
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temperatures will rebound tomorrow. they'll keep climbing until they reach 70 saturday. another cold front is going to come through monday, tuesday, possible freezing cold temperatures those mornings and highs in the 50s in the afternoon. sue, you say it's like my valentine's day before i met my wife. >> it's pretty quiet outside. oh, yes. all right. a little violin is playing for mike. let's go south on the golden gate bridge. we've got four lanes. they just had the zipper truck out there. there's a configuration that's 2 in the north and 4 in the southbound. clear, beautiful ride. we'll take a look at the altamont pass. we had an earlier accident near grant line. that's cleared off the chp log. traffic remains typical for a 35-minute drive into livermore and dublin. sue, thank you. sams club trying to get into the e-commerce business by offering free shipping. >> google upgrading to g-mail.
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in techbytes, sam's club is jumping on to the free shipping bandwagon. >> taking direct aim at costco and amazon. offering free shipping on 95% of merchandise with no minimum order size for sam's plus members. g-mail is about to take on a life of its own. >> new technology will allow the senders to update the messages. >> for instance, if you have a flight confirmation e-mail, your e-mail would update if the itinerary changes. if you're looking for love on this valentine's day, there's an app for that. >> dating apps like bumble and tinder, there's big surge in use today. tinder says there was a 20% increase in usage last year on valentine's day. >> any luck? >> no. >> people keep swiping left. those are your techbytes. >> that was kind of rude. a popular restaurant chain makes a valentine's day offer
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why you may want to propose today at panera. >> hmm. and shock at the westminster dog show. the
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without a strong storm to hang our hat on, it looks like the records are getting closer and closer coming into focus more and more for the lack of rain this month. so far, all the reporting stations, absolutely nothing. sfo, if you get anything, that will break the record. because you've had a month of february with no rain.
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the rest of us 2 to .08 of an inch. i really don't see that coming either. you probably watch a reality show about fixing up a home. now martinez is a finalist in a downtown series. this is a scenic view of martinez. people can vote online to be featured on the show small business revolution main street. martinez is competing against four other u.s. cities. the winning community gets a half million dollars to revitalize. voting ends on tuesday. the presidio in san francisco is giving bird lovers a nice view. it's 100 feet up. they're keeping the exact location a secret. a camera will let people watch the hawks make a home, watch the young take flight. you can go to to look in the camera. congratulations in order for flynn this morning. >> flynn is a
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fri frise. sound french. >> target. >> he is french. >> he took top honors at the westminster kennel club dog show. it was a decision that seemingly shocked the crowd last night at new york city's madison square gardens. fans who had been shouting, there was stunned silence. this is flynn's 42nd career victory and almost certainly his last show before retiring. >> why are they so shocked? >> i don't know. i read that with a lot of drama. >> that was a correct amount of drama for that story. >> was he wearing eyeliner and blush? i'm sure he was. >> let's talk about what's going on. our temperature outlook. talk about the winter chill coming. look at monday through friday. we're in the depths of a winter chill and east of the rockies they get a spring fever that we've been dealing with most of this month. look at the rain as it skirts around us the next seven days.
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big doughnut hole of dry weather for us, unfortunately. let me talk quickly about the breezes. by 5:00 this evening, up around 15 miles per hour. possibly 20 in isolated areas. in the north bay hills towards napa and fairfield. it's going to be a noisy night for you. >> in san rafael, your travels take you through san rafael and on to the southern marin and golden gate bridge, a 22-minute drive. our camera shot here is above freitas parkway looking south towards north san pedro. north gate mall on your right to give you perspective. we're looking really good this valentine's day morning. slowing as per usual out of the central valley. let's look at drive times. tracy to dublin, 40 minutes. highway 4 is looking good. there's the drive into san francisco from san rafael. >> thank you. if you are planning on popping the big question today, consider doing it at a panera restaurant. >> unless you think that's bad
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for you in the long run, i don't know your life, but you make your choice. the bakery and cafe chain is offering a free catered wedding reception to five couples. you have to propose at a panera today. you have to post a picture of it on social media before midnight. and then they'll select the winners randomly. everyone will know you proposed at a panera. >> next at 5:00 a.m., as we deal with a lack of rain, cal fire acting aggressively to prevent another major disaster. >> short-term rental hosts may have to post their phone numbers in their window. plus, we're learning a famous hollywood actor and professional golfer were involved in a deadly crash overnight. the full story is next.
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. good morning on this wednesday, february 14th at 5:00 a.m. valentine's day. going to be a good day. never more than seven minutes away from your forecast. mike nicco, that means you. >> lots of love in the air and a few more clouds than yesterday. here's afr look at the reason why. the top part of the screen, the green, reds, whites and snow as we have a system falling apart coming our way. what it's going to do for us, you can see the increase in clouds in the morning hours and lingering through the afternoon hours. it also becomes breezy today. that will keep our temperatures down a bit. starting cooler also. starting 35 to 45. 56 to 59 at noon. 55 to barely 60 at 4:00. grab a light coat if you're headed out this evening. dress for temperatures around 50 to 53. the clouds will be going away. hi, s


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