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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  January 12, 2018 5:00am-6:00am PST

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what you're supposed to be seeing right now is a view of san francisco. >> no. the fog so bad you're going to have to imagine the skyline. we're seeing dense fog all over the bay area now. it's not raining heavily. it will be okay. it's friday. >> i think it will be okay. we're going to survive it. >> january 12th. alexis and mike off this morning. you're never more than seven minutes away from your accuweather forecast. >> hi, lisa. >> hi, reggie. natasha, good morning to you. the sacramento valley has a dense fog advisory. in the bay area, you could use one because we are foggier than yesterday. in fact, we're looking at zero mile visibility from half moon bay. less than a mile in livermore. just over a mile in concord. it's foggy at the san carlos airport and the typical spots in
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the north bay. we will be looking at 40s to near 50 this morning, but we're going to clear sooner and we will be milder today. so much more sunshine, mid and upper 50s by noontime, and some low 60s by 4:00 this afternoon. good morning, sue. good morning. we'll take another look at the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic flowing nicely. as you can see the dense fog is down on the deck and it is reason for concern and reason for slowing down. your drive from hercules into san francisco, though, is looking really good. a quick look at your mass transit if you'd rather not drive. 38 b.a.r.t. trains running on schedule. ace train number 1 is on schedule. train 3 will be leaving shortly. we are staying on top of breaking news in san jose after a huge apartment fire overnight. many units were destroyed and many people are without a home. reporter matt keller is there now.
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he spoke to people who helped save some of those victims. matt? >> reporter: these are the most dangerous fires happened in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping. check out the damage. these two units are destroyed. it could have been a lot worse. >> we were able to account for the occupants. a total of 16 people displaced including five children and some pets. >> reporter: some good samaritans banged on windows and doors to wake people up and did their best to knock down some of the flames with a fire extinguisher. firefighters called for three alarm. they fought the fire defensively once they knew everyone was out. took them about an hour to knock down the flames. making sure there are no hot spots here. a couple have structural issues so people won't be allowed back
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in. reporting live in san jose, matt keller, abc 7 news. the president seems to be denying the salty language he used to describe immigrants from certain countries. he has been up and tweeting. i want to show you one of his tweets from early this morning saying the language used by me at the daca meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. what was really tough was the outlandish proposal made -- a big setback for daca. he says the profane language that is making headlines right now was not the language used but doesn't outright say what he did say. reggie and natasha, this is not going to make things go away and said likely to fan the flames this morning. back to you. >> he left the door wide open for what that could mean. lieutenant government gavin newsom is one of many calling the president a racist and demanding he resign.
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>> the white house is not denying that he said it. here is how some bay area leaders are responding. >> the question he asked was very rhetorical, why are we taking people from countries that produce high instances of illness and in some cases violence? >> it's totally disgusting what he said. we think it's a reflection of his mind-set, his racism and his white supremacy. >> and as jessica mentioned there is response this morning from mr. trump, although it's not exactly clear what he's saying he said. here is what "the new york daily news" is saying. they put together this for their cover and maybe for the first time using the poop emoji as a full-page cover. that's a first even for them. even for them, that's a first. i don't know what size font that is. enormous? yeah. rescue crews scrambling to find dozens of missing people
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following the mud slides. >> national guard members based at moffitt field returned from montecito. six members spent three long days flying above that destruction. they spotted dozens of victims and ended up rescuing three. >> they were -- tears in their eyes thanking us for being down there trying to sort out what was going on. >> 17 people have died in the mud slides. officials expect that number to rise. up to 43 people in montecito are still unaccounted for. pacifica police investigating a report of suspicious activity involving a stranger bothering kids at school. >> this happened at ocean shore elementary shortly before 3:00 p.m. two students say a man in a gray car sounded a horn and waved at them possibly trying to get their attention. it scared the kids. he was in his 40s with possibly a beard and wearing a black
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baseball cap. good morning to you. it's friday, and we are socked in with dense fog around the bay area. it's not going to last as long as it did yesterday. and sunshine will be replacing it. use caution if you're going to be taking a ferry or even heading out to exercise later on it will be nice. really by about 8:00 it will clear up. as we look at the visibility in miles, it's the east bay that really is tough this morning along with the north bay and the coast. the best area is along the peninsula. this will be moving around just under a mile for concord, over a mile for livermore and we're looking at numbers around 50 degrees this morning from santa clara. elsewhere, 52 in the city. 48 in sebastopol. so mild in napa.
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the average highs in the 50s. we'll get a couple chances of some rain. so 60 today near the water in richmond as well as vallejo. 62 in san jose and with the low cloud deck really confined to the sacramento valley much better navigating tonight as well as tomorrow. the extended outlook, look at the chance of rain coming our way late on the holiday. more rain next thursday. sue? we are limited on our live camera shots this morning due to the fog so we're going to show you that because that's where it's affecting your drive as well. this is emeryville. heading westbound to the bay bridge toll plaza, it is thick out there represented by the orange on our traffic map. we do have a new accident, this on the dumbarton in the eastbound direction and is just before the toll plaza blocking the right lane of traffic. right now traffic conditions are light. so i'm not seeing a lot of
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slowing. they're going to try to get the tow truck and try to push it out of the road before it affects your drive. >> tesla model 3 will appear in a showroom at the stanford center. >> all the people who put down $1,000 deposit will be able to see one of the cars and sit inside of it even if it isn't exactly theirs. abc 7 news reporter alyssa harrington is there. good morning. elissa. >> reporter: some of the earliest orders went in in march, almost two years ago. the doors open here at tesla at 10:00 a.m. abc 7 news did get a peek yesterday, though. the model 3 is being shown at just two california locations here in palo alto. now today the difference is the public can actually get up close and personal with the car. that means you can get inside. you can sit in there.
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you can learn more about the interior, the features and how it runs. there will be tesla workers on hand to answer questions. as you mentioned production has been slow. tesla had to push back the date more cars will be made. if you order today they say it still won't get to you for at least a year. there's more than half a million people on the waiting list. it's supposed to be an electric car for the masses, about half the price starting at $35,000. now one thing you might be wondering if you can test drive the car today, actually you cannot. that is something you plan to do in the future. reporting live, elissa harrington, abc 7 news. a six-hour standoff in santa rosa is over. now the suspect is in custody. >> neighbors were allowed to return to their homes around 8:00 last night. no one was hurt. the man is believed to have been involved in an attempted robbery in santa rosa on tuesday night. >> still buzzing after truth and lies, the tonya harding story
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that aired on abc 7 last night. now we're hearing from her estranged mother and nancy kerrigan. vets are warning about the dog flu spreading quickly here in the bay area. >> we showed you that mock-up of a self-driving car wednesday. one company unveiled a model you could actually see next year. it's 5:10 in the a.m. yes, it is friday. a soupy start to the day. a soupy start to the day. kind of a misty morning on the
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we can now simulate the exact anatomyh care, of a patient's brain before surgery. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for seizures. and if we can fix damaged heart valves
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without open heart surgery, imagine what we can do for an irregular heartbeat, even high blood pressure. if we can use analyze each patient's breast cancer to personalize their treatment, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you.
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good morning. a foggy look from our roof camera. and this is the way it looks to the north bay the san carlos airport. so areas of dense fog looking at sunnier and milder conditions today, tomorrow, sunday and into the holiday then wet weather returns early next week. the fog is with us 6:00 this morning. and as we go through about the 7:00 hour, still in the east bay, the south bay. we should have full sunshine by 9:00, 10:00. president trump says he is canceling his trip to london and london's mayor is reacting very strongly. first, i want to show you the president's tweet here. it says the reason i canceled my trip to london is that i am not a big fan of the obama administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in london for peanuts only to build a new one in an off location for $1.2
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billion. bad deal. wanted me to cut ribbon. no. okay. london's mayor responded overnight with this tweet. he's saying many londoners have made it clear donald trump is not welcome here while he is pursuing such a divisive agenda. it seems he finally has the message. so far no response from the president, but he is up tweeting, as i mentioned earlier. we will keep an eye out for that. back to you. it's 5:14 now. the federal government is giving san francisco more funding to fight homelessness. >> the county will receive $4 .5 million in homeless grants, $9 million more than it received last year. part of the money will fund
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housing in rehabilitated hotels. federal grants make up a small portion of the $300 million san francisco spends on homelessness every year. rent control will not expand in california, at least not for now, that's a decision from state lawmakers after four hours of testimony at the capitol. >> they rejected a bill that would have repealed the law that prevents cities from setting rent control on buildings built after 1995. supporters say repealing the law would have given local governments the power to set their own rent control measures. critics, mainly landlords, say it discourages construction of new housing. a 133% rent increase. >> the alameda city council will review the proposal. tenants at the three bedroom condo on lewis lane could see it increase to $3,500. proposed increase may end up standing because rent increases for that type of property are
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nonbinding under the city's rent ordinance. it may be a good thing if you didn't rush to patch up your computer after news of chip flaws. >> some customers are having reboot issues after patches were supposed to fix the flaw. it has its own bugs not related to security but create problems with intel's older processors. they're working with impacted customers and say if this requires another update they will send that one out. gm and san francisco-based cruz automation are giving us a glimpse into the very near future, a driverless car and you see what's not there, no steering wheel and no pedals. they want to get them on the road next year. the plan is to have them work in a taxi like service somewhere in the u.s. this will have to get approval from the federal government. tonya harding's mother taking on claims she was abusive to the olympic figure skater. >> allegations resurfaced >> allegations resurfaced through the movie "i tonya."
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the real mother spoke with abc news in an exclusive interview and refuted her daughter's claims she threw a steak knife at her. >> no. why would i throw a steak knife at anybody? she wouldn't know what a beating was. i didn't abuse any of my children. >> okay. harding accused her mother of having a drinking problem. she says she put brandi flavoring in her coffuld havffe morning not the actual drink. well, that makes no sense. she says she worked several jobs at a time to afford skating lesson and costumes for her daughter. nancy kerrigan says she hasn't seen "i tonya" saying he was busy, i was at the national
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championships so i didn't watch the golden globes. i haven't seen the movie. i'm just busy living my life. i think we were supposed to have a picture of nancy kerrigan there, not tonya harding. she says she doesn't know the story. she doesn't know her, she doesn't know the movie, and she's not about it. here is meteorologist lisa argen. hey, lisa. >> good morning to you. it's friday. we're waking up to foggier conditions right now. you can see the visibility is better in concord. it's been hovering around a mile. half moon bay, one mile the san carlos airport and the typical spots 52 in santa teresa. on the coast 46 half moon bay. brentwood at 44. so we're looking at the fog this morning. but then by 9:00 it has dissipated. high pressure building in.
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in the evening, 5:00. you can see the rain beginning to move in overnight. this is tuesday. your morning commute. in fact, it lasts all day. this is a colder system. we're going to get snow in the sierra nevada. and then a break on wednesday. let's skip ahead now into let's skip ahead now into thursday. several chances of rain. the fog this morning. 60 in oakland. and the accuweather seven-day forecast, we're dry today, tomorrow, even milder tomorrow and over the weekend. clouds increase. rain overnight. some showers on tuesday. cloudy wednesday. good morning, sue. good morning. to walnut creek with our live camera. if your travels take you from concord to 24 to oakland and the
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caldecott tunnel a 20 to 23 minute drive. it does represent the very dense fog for your commute. we have a stall eastbound on the dumbarton bridge near the radio towers before the tolls to push that out of lanes. up on the peninsula near 280 we have a car off the road that hit a tree. chp is there. it is foggy in that area, too. it's haphazard here, there, and just make sure you're slowing. a man pulled an elderly driver from a stalled prius moments before it was hit by a train. this happened yesterday in sunnyvale. we were toll it was an abandoned car. officials later updated us that a man pulled the woman out before impact and no one was hurt. >> the cdc will give an update on the flu season, one of the
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worst in years. >> 46 states reporting widespread illness. schools are closing. alabama has declared a public health emergency. here is kendis gibson. >> reporter: in this morning's "gma first look" the flu season hitting hard. children some of the most vulnerable. >> they have shut down all classes for the next two days. >> i really don't want my kids to get the flu, so while they're at school i remind them that they should wash their hands. >> don't touch your eyes, your nose, your mouth. >> reporter: in idaho an entire school district shutting down because of the flu. and in north carolina the school closed after 160 kids fell ill. and at schools across the country warning signs posted teaching kids about flu prevention. the cdc says flu is most dangerous to children under 5 because their immune systems are not as developed as those of older children. we'll have more on keeping your family safe at 7:00 a.m. with your "gma first look" i'm
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kendis gibson, abc news, new york. >> the flu is taking a toll on our pets. vets say the dog flu floating around the area is serious. a vet hospital in campbell tells "the chronicle" it's seen about 50 cases in the last two weeks. just like human symptoms include a fever, cough, runny nose and lethar lethargy. they can catch it from parks, doggie daycare. you can protect your pet by getting your dog vaccinated. the seven things you need to know as you start your day. it appears b.a.r.t.'s extension into the south bay hit another snag. >> a new
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your body was made for better things than rheumatiod arthritis. before you a your rheumatologist move to anher treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra fowhom methotrexate did not work well. it can reduce pain,
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swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancersave happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you ha an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher ver test and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz x and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if u have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. 5:24. whether you're just joining us or heading out the door the seven things you need to know before you go. breaking news in san jose where a huge fire has displaced 16 people including children and pets. it broke out at 12:30 this
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morning at an apartment complex on rancho drive. number two from the live desk the president responding to the firestorm over some expletive comments he allegedly made about immigrants. he, in a tweet this morning, saying he used tough language but saying the expletive making the news was not the language used. search and rescue crews holding out hope they can locate victims of the deadly mud slides in montecito. the death toll still stands at 17. as many as 43 people are still unaccounted for. number four, areas of dense fog. check out the visibility. half mile at the coast. three-quarters of a mile in livermore. in the north bay as well, in the next three to four hours. >> following your friday morning commute with problems on the peninsula, this one on 280 north. you can see the red sensors. an accident off on the embankment, a car in a tree. >> we will know in a few hours
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the mavericks surf competition is a go next week. organizers are watching big swells predicted to hit the northern california coast on monday and tuesday. >> number seven, starting at 10:00 this morning the tesla model three will go on display at the company's showroom in palo alto. tesla says nearly a half million cars have been reserved. few have hit the road because of production problems. congratulations are in order. a bundle of joy arrived for one mountain house family. five bundles, to be exact. they have welcomed quintuplets. >> three boys , two girls. they were born last night by c-section. the proud parents are chad and amy kimball. our partners report the babies are tiny and some are intubated to help them breathe. if all goes well they could go home in the next nine weeks. they have a little journey. >> wishing them all the best. another full 90 minutes of news including the coyote
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warning in two bay area cities. >> why b.a.r.t. says it's not to blame for delays. and we are still following this breaking news in san jose, a fire at an apartment building while people were sleeping. we will take you live to the scene next. weather and traffic conditions up on your screen throughout the break so you're unlike ordinary toothpaste, colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums.
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from our east bay hills camera this morning. just a little bit of sun rise peeking out there. good morning to you on this friday, january 12th. >> you are never more than seven minutes away from the accuweather forecast. we have meteorologist lisa argen. hi, lisa. >> reggie and natasha, good morning. good reason for the fog. a lot of pressure down on the atmosphere squishing that fog to the surface. live doppler 7 showing you the cloud deck and looking at the three-quarter mile visibility. half mile at the coast. one mile san carlos airport. a half mile in napa. we will be looking at numbers in the upper 40s to near 50. by the afternoon, check it out. low to mid-60s, plenty of sun in the north bay. 60 mountain view and san jose. do be careful out there. the fog with us for the next couple of hours here. after 9:00 things clear up. sue? take a look at this fog. this is slowing drivers on the east shore freeway, barely visible headlights past the
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golden gate fields area and the mcarthur maze. no metering lights yet but we'll check back in a bit. the orange on your map means fog affecting the north and east bay. we're waiting to see if they'll call this a sig alert north 280. a car off the road. they're holding traffic in the northbound direction and two lanes in the southbound direction. we'll check back on this in a couple minutes. we have breaking news in san jose. there was a big apartment fire overnight and right now more than a dozen people are without a home. abc 7 news reporter matt keller is live on the scene. he spoke with a neighbor this morning, and, matt, what's the latest there? >> reporter: jessica, this is devastating. we spoke with someone who lives on the bottom unit. you can see that unit is destroyed. they were only able to escape with their lives, their keys, and their phones. thankfully no one was hurt. check out what they faced, huge flames. the first call came in just
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before 12:30 at the apartment building on rancho drive. it turned into a three-alarm fire as firefighters were concerned about getting everyone out. they say good samaritans helped out before they got here including juan and his uncle. >> he started knocking on people's windows, getting fire extinguishers and trying to calm the flames down. and before the firefighters came he made sure that everyone was out. >> reporter: it took firefighters about an hour to knock down the flames. firefighters say all 16 residents were accounted for including five kids and some pets. firefighters are still looking into what cause this had fire. matt keller, abc 7 news. matt, thank you. this morning from our live desk one more story we have to get to here. president trump responding within the last few hours of claims he used salty language to describe immigrants from certain
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countries. democrats, some republicans expressing outrage yesterday and overnight. but in a tweet this morning, let me show you, president trump isn't saying he's sorry. instead, he's saying this. the language used by me at the daca meeting was tough but this was not the language used. what was really tough was the outlandish proposal, a big setback for daca. lana zak has more on this story. >> reporter: good morning to you, jessica. yes, president trump has tweeted about daca and immigration several times today and it's unclear in the latest tweet what exactly he is denying, if anything, as a reminder multiple sources including some in the room with the president at the time have confirmed that he used that crass language when talking about immigration. the white house is not denying the president's comments characterizing some countries with a curse word. sources tell abc news when
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lawmakers at the white house briefed president trump on their daca immigration plan, his response to restoring protections for immigrants from haiti and several african countries was, why are we having all of these people from, expletive, countries come here? proposing the u.s. should bring in more from countries like norway. it was a setback to the daca immigration plan. >> we have no agreement with the president. >> reporter: it was a defining moment for the president. outrage was swift. here is senator richard blumen h that will. >> this president is blatant racism, the most odious and insidious racism masquerading poorly as immigration policy. >> reporter: utah congresswoman love, the child of haitian immigrants, called the president's words divisive and talked about her parents saying they worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. the president must apologize. but the white house shows no
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sign of backpedaling. their official response, president trump is fighting for permanent solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society, grow our economy, and assimilate into our nation. on twitter the president pointed blame at opponents, the democrats seem intent on having people and drugs pour into our country. and the backlash has, in fact, been global. former mexican president fox used that expletive to describe mr. trump's mouth and the president of haiti has summoned the top diplomat for a meeting today. report be live, lana zak, abc 7 news. california lieutenant governor gavin newsom was blunt in his response to the president's comment. he posted on facebook, quote, you're a joke and a racist, president donald j. trump. resign. this morning hundreds of rescue workers continue to search for victims of the deadly mud slides in santa barbara
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county. >> the death toll remains at 17. 43 people are still missing. crews are working around the clock trying to get the mud out and find those still missing. further up the street the destruction just continues. people are still missing among the wreckage of homes and boulders. >> we know that window is closing, but we are doing our best to search and rescue. you hear the stories from around the world people have been missing for eight, nine days, and they were found alive. we're hoping we'll find those people. they're out here working hard to make that happen. >> officials estimate that residents will not be allowed to return to their homes for at least another two weeks. commuters hoping to ride b.a.r.t. to san jose may have to wait. new station in june. it says testing the ten miles of track between fremont and the new station won't begin until march. it will take six months which means the extension won't be good to go until the fall.
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the $2.3 billion line is actually a vta project right now and they are still testing trains. the vta is telling a different story. it says it's optimistic it can get the necessary testing and certification completed in time for a june opening. friday morning. mike has the day off. live doppler 7. not only the clouds but the fog. concord has been getting better. the coast is getting better. the airport five miles. a half mile at napa. fairfield, all the bridges around the bay area. sue will have the details. also very foggy. you can see we have a lot of fog out there. on the roadways, be careful. there will be some areas of fog for mass transit. temperatures in the 50s around the bay. 51 in hayward, fremont and oakland. 46 in novato and we will be looking at a mild afternoon and
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a lot of sunshine today. 8:00 we're in the 50s in the south bay. 54 around cupertino. sunnyvale, upper 50s by noontime. santa clara low 60s this afternoon and the sunshine, yes, it does take us through the weekend. 62 for you in concord. and low 60s up to napa. santa rosa and the north bay, the warmer locations. the fog is not going to be back tonight. high pressure is building so that will suppress the fog from forming. sue is here and will check on whether or not it's friday light. i kind of doubt it. >> we do have some areas of light traffic but not at the bay light traffic but not at the bay bridge. all the way into san francisco, right now it's at about 26 to 29 minutes. orange does represent fog. we have a couple problems on the
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peninsula northbound 280, a car off the roads. chp is there and is holding traffic. i would recommend 101 but an accident reported northbound near kehoe. chp on scene and you can see a long stretch of traffic from before highway 92 approaching the scene. more on these when we come back in a few. a woman is out of the hospital recovering from the latest sea lion attack. >> this keeps happening. doctors released irene chan last night. a sea lion bit her on the knee while swimming yesterday morning. she was able to get back to shore where people including a retired paramedics helped tend to her injuries. this is the fourth such attack since december. officials are telling swimmers to stay closer to shore. meantime, police warning people in daly city to be careful of coyotes. >> several have recently been spotted in the neighborhood next to the cal palace. a woman who lives on south ridgeway captured images from
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her window and sent them to police. rainy weather leads to an increase in rodents which are the main meal of coyotes. daly city police say the latest sightings have been in the southern hills neighborhood you can see on the map. san francisco's acting mayor is proposing a new honor for the late ed lee. critics are questioning london breed's motives. >> b.a.r.t. riders may be noticing fewer people on the trains, why transit leaders think that's happening. it's 5:40 in the morning on this friday. thank you for joining us. a live look at the san mateo bridge. there's some traffic building there but still moving nicely. you can keep on top o this guy is in a hurry. uh, i was in a hurry this morning. barely had time for breakfast. music sting: crave van! hey guys. try my country scrambler plate, with jimmy dean sausage, homestyle potatoes and scrambled eggs mixed with bacon, ham and cheese. part of my brunchfast menu. they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. hallucinations and delusions. the unknown parts of living with parkinson's.
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what plots they unfold, but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson's will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. if your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinson's specialist. there are treatment options that can help. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. my visitors should be the ones ♪ ♪
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when my smile is bright, i feel ready to shine. some whitening toothpastes only remove surface stains, colgate optic white high impact white is different. it has hydrogen peroxide, to whiten four shades for a visibly whiter smile. trust your smile to colgate optic white. come try my country scrambler plate. with juicy jimmy dean sausage, crispy homestyle potatoes and fluffy scrambled eggs mixed with bacon, ham, and cheese.
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here you go. oh, cameras. hi mom! part of the brunchfast menu. hi there, everyone. friday morning. lots of fog locally and fog in the central valley. mid-60s and sunshine along the central coast today. low to mid-70s southern california and this forecast the weekend but adding a couple degrees each and every day. heading to the mountains in the 50s, partly cloudy. today, tomorrow, overnight lows in the 20s. reggie, natasha? happening today organizers will decide whether conditions will be ideal for the mavericks challenge surf contest next week. >> people around half moon bay are getting ready just in case. the community events manager says organizers are targeting this monday or tuesday to run
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the famous surf competition. a storm in the pacific is predicted to bring big waves. 24 of the world's elite surfers are standing by for word. workers are bracing for hungry customers. >> we would probably need extra workers to work in the restaurant because when it's slammed, you need people running food, washing dishes, extra help up front. >> the last time mavericks was held was in 2016. the former organizers went bankrupt. this is the first year women will be competing. that's awesome. so president trump will have his first physical exam as president today. it does not include an evaluation of mental fitness. >> he is the oldest person ever to be president. the 71-year-old has pushed backd that he is mentally unfit declaring himself a genius over
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the weekend. acting mayor london breed wants to rename portsmouth square in honor of the late ed lee. >> hundreds of people packed the square for a candlelight vigil for lee who died of a heart attack. this is one of the oldest and most significant sites in the chinatown neighborhood. some people, though, questioning breed's motive. she is running for mayor, and critics say the proposal is aimed at attracting support for the chinese community. fewer people are riding b.a.r.t. and one director wants the transit agency to find out why. >> ridership was down almost 2% in the quarter and 4% below the same period last year. the downturn is mostly among riders making short trips. >> we'll look at the impact of uber and lyft and other ride sharing services on our short trips. are people taking those ride sharing services instead of using b.a.r.t. for the short
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trips? >> the downturn is hitting b.a.r.t.'s budget which saw passenger revenue fall by $1 million. b.a.r.t. says overall, though, the budget situation is fine with sales tax revenue coming in higher than projected. a lone bay area driver tried to get creative, still got a ticket for violating the rules. >> how creative is this really? doesn't this just draw attention? >> that's so true. >> i would stop and stare if i saw this. the contra costa area chp tweeting this out. this is a chucky doll. the tweet said we know jon gruden is back and we love it, too, but this will not work as our car-pool passenger. "a" for effort. here's your car-pool ticket. and poor jon gruden, maybe this time around we can let that comparison go a little bit. >> people are still bringing out the dolls. >> does everyone thinks jon gruden looks like a chucky doll? you're never more than seven
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minutes away from the accuweather forecast. here is meteorologist lisa argen. >> the hair is all wrong. >> the voice of reason. good morning. half-mile visibility in napa. down to 3/8 of a mile by the delta. we have a mile in concord. around sfo, six miles. three-quarters in livermore. santa clara. mid-40s, some of the cooler locations. 52 in san carlos. we're looking at all that fog in the city and it will turn to sunshine quick probably by as early as 9:00 in some spots. sunnier and milder through the weekend. looks like the holiday on monday, slightly cloudier and wet weather arrives tuesday. fast forwarding and you can see the rain flirting with the north bay through the overnight hours we're wet into your tuesday morning commute. we have wet weather and then we do have a break on wednesday before an opportunity for some more showers. today 61 in santa clara.
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peninsula numbers, low 60s. palo alto, lots of sun downtown. milder numbers, 62 petaluma. near east bay looking at 60. you head inland, low 60s in concord. so a really nice day. the accuweather seven-day forecast shows more sunshine through the weekend. increasing clouds, rain late on the holiday on monday. tuesday some scattered showers. a break wednesday and then looking at more rain on thursday. good morning, sue. good morning. a couple problems on the peninsula. first was 280 and now 101. that purple is not good. we had a full road closure with a car off the roadway into a tree. chp is holding traffic in the northbound direction and southbound direction past trousdale. that's the purple on your map. they have not yet issued a sig alert. i would offer 101 as your alternate. however, we had a camper shell
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in lanes near third 101. that resulted in a car hitting it and now we have three lanes blocked. the three left lanes blocked northbound with traffic now stacking up before highway 92. both 280 and 92 a rough one heading in the northbound direction on the peninsula. new at 6:00, i could not believe this when i saw this, a new warning for parents out because teens are using tide pods for a challenge. >> could we stop doing challenges? >> no more challenges of any kind. first, a big change on facebook meant to have you spend less time on the social media site. >> check your suitcases. some airlines are about to roll out restrictions on what bags you can take on a plane. even as we head to break, it is slow going at the toll plaza this morning. obviously it is quite foggy out there so be careful. abc 7
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happy friday to you. heads up if you're heading out from our east bay valleys. in the north bay it's foggy to the delta. five to six miles, san carlos, mountain view. as we look at our fog forecast, 6:00 it's still with us. by 7:30 it begins to pull away. 9:00, 10:00, it's just over the bay. >> thank you, lisa. you may have noticed changes to your facebook news feed. the social media network says it is prioritizing posts over posts from publishers and brands. the ceo mark zuckerberg says the move will boost the well-being of users and expects people will spend less time on facebook.
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interesting. b.a.r.t. says clipper vending machines are now in every station. this is their move to get you to turn away from paper tickets. they've sold more than 45,000 clipper cards and 70% of riders are using the cards. they added a 50 cent surcharge to paper fare tickets. b.a.r.t. plans outreach events including one during the women's march to convert more people to plastic. next week three more airlines will start banning so-called smart bags if they're equipped with nonremovable batteries. >> united, hawaiian and allegiant will institute the new rules. several other carriers like delta, southwest and american have already taken similar actions. officials are concerned the lithium ion batteries could cause a catastrophic fire. passengers will be allowed to check the smart bag if you remove the battery and keep the battery with you in the cabin. here is a novel way to get
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frequent flier miles. politely tell your flight attendant if you're unhappy. >> they can give air miles as a way to apologize. in the past only gate agents had that authority. it can be done on the spot using a tablet. and good morning. sue hall following your friday commute. it is not a pretty one on the peninsula. an injury accident on trousdale. that long line of purple is a full road closure on 280 trying to clear out the accident but traffic is stacked up there. 101 problem plagued as well with an accident near kehoe. traffic is now stacked up towards belmont. give yourself extra time on the peninsula this morning. sue, good morning. we have fog all around the area. six-mile visibility but later on
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today lots of sunshine with upper 50s by 1:00. plenty of 60s from belmont to burlingame. a nice day. high pressure builds and we're looking at temperatures warming up. in fact, look at the mid-60s. upper 60s by sunday. high pressure builds in, the same area that is allowing for the dense fog this morning. so do be careful. give yourself extra time. it will be with us the next two to three hours. it will clear sooner today. >> thank you, lisa. a bay area auto shop is hoping a special gift will help change the life of a veteran. >> abc 7 news was at the caliber collision body shop. he served 13 years and seven deployments in the persian gulf in somalia and is currently
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homeless. he is positive this car will be a turning point in his life. >> this is for real? i don't know why i got this. this is beautiful. i'm very humbled and excited. >> he was nominated which soldiers angels. the first thing he will do is drive to oregon. >> seven deployments. he deserves it. >> thank you for your service. muni has the new definition of moving art. >> work by local artists and poets, part of the san francisco beautiful program. the winning artist and poets competed in a citywide competition for one painter it's a chance to get her work in front of a mass audience. >> here on the buses people will just go around and look around and see something different. hopefully it will inspire with color in their lives when they are commuting.
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>> beyond the creative satisfaction the winning artist and poets get a cash prize for their work. new help to fight homelessness in san francisco. bay area crews are returning home. you'll hear their stories as we get new information about the disaster. and this morning a fire at an apartment building. firefighters are on scene. we will take you there live next. next. the reveal
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now at 6:00, a foggy start to your friday. this is what it looks like now in san rafael. >> take a look at the east bay. what? it looks like we're showing you a gray slate. you can barely see the headlights there. >> be careful on the south bay, gray skies.
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conditions are better for drivers make their way on highway 101. good morning. we're just foggy in the brain. not really. mike and alexis have the day off. >> accurate. you're never more than seven minutes away from the accuweather forecast. here is meteorologist lisa argen. good morning to you. it is moving around out there. two miles in observing, emeryville, three-quarters in concord. throughout the day we'll look for improving conditions. we'll see upper 50s noontime. sunshine by noon. and then by 4:00 we are looking at lower 60s. another look at the embarcadero. certainly give yourself extra time. a sunny weekend on the way. sue? >> extra time, too, if you're come up the peninsula. we had northbouns.-


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