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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  January 10, 2018 6:00am-7:00am PST

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we want to check in with meteorologist mike nicco here at the top of 6:00. the brief reprieve, i'm still tracking light rain today that will move north to south from about 7:00 this morning until 5:00 this evening leaving less than a tenth of an inch of rain. that could make things wet at times. mainly dry this morning, though, on live doppler 7. 101 and 880 in san jose. my 12-hour planner, best chances through 7:00. dress warmer this morning. temperatures in the mid to upper 40s. in the mid-50s at noon with the rain moving into the heart of the bay as the rain starts to move and exit out of the south bay. it will be a dry evening. let's see how that drier morning commute is this morning. hi, sue. >> it's not too bad. we do have, of course, a c problem spots. on the east shore freeway traffic is getting busier but we're still moving at the limit for a nice drive. you do get bunched up where 580
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merges. then things thin out. we do have metering lights on as of 5:26. that is slowing your drive for about a 16 to 17-minute delay from the back of the line and then it looks good on the upper deck. >> thank you, sue. a federal judge in san francisco blocking president trump from ending daca at least for now. >> the program protects children of undocumented immigrants from being deported. abc 7 news reporter amy hollyfield is live in berkeley this morning with more. amy? >> reporter: hi, jessica. this is one of many places where young people will be impacted by this new decision. any students who are here were able to be here because of daca can relax a little bit, that march deadline is not facing them, staring them in the face now. that could have meant possible deportation when the program was scheduled to end. a federal judge in san francisco has temporarily saved daca which
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stands for the deferred action for childhood arrivals program. it protects immigrants who came to the u.s. as children. this now puts pressure on congress to come up with a solution. president trump summoned lawmakers to get them talking about a possible bipartisan bill. >> what about a clean daca bill now with a commitment that we go into a comprehensive immigration reform procedure? >> i have no problem. i think that's basically what we said. we're going to come up with daca, do daca, and start on the phase two which would be comprehensive. >> mr. president, you need to be clear, though. i think what senator feinstein is asking when we talk about daca we don't want to be back here two years later. you have to have security. >> reporter: california's attorney general has scheduled a press kveconference for later t morning encouraging congress to come up with a more permanent solution for the d.r.e.a.m.ers. he is calling this court order a
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step in the right direction. this court order, though, is only a temporary injunction. reporting live, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> thank you, amy. minutes ago the white house issued a statement that reads in part, we find this decision to be outrageous, an issue of this magnitude must go through the normal legislative process. a new development in the detention of an undocumented uc berkeley student. >> chancellor carhrist says the are working to help luis mora. he was stopped at the u.s. border. christ says she has reached out to students working for his release. the chancellor is being criticized for waiting a week to issue a statement saying christ has not reached out to them, quote, to this day chancellor christ has not sent any message directly to any of the students who have mobilized in support of
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luis mora. her silence has been absolute. at the live desk we are tracking this story. search and rescue efforts under way in santa barbara county after heavy rain caused severe flooding and mud slides. at least 15 people are now dead and that number could still grow. at least two dozen others are still missing. flash flooding, debris flow and mud slides hit communities that were devastated by the fires last month. officials say several dozen homes have been destroyed or damaged. an advisory was first, you'd last night after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake hit in the caribbean near honduras. no reports of damage from the quake. adopting a new drone use policy that could help inspect pier damage after earthquakes. >> drones could have been used
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to inspect piers after last week's 4.4 magnitude earthquake. the use of camera equipped drones will help increase operational efficiency and increase safety after a quake. this morning an olympic figure skater is hoping thieves who stole her priceless items will return them. >> marissa says her rental suv was broken into while park at webster and post streets monday. she was sightseeing in san francisco and went to japan town for dinner. when she left the restaurant she made the devastating discovery. the window of her rental suv was smashed. her custom made ice skates and hand crafted costumes all gone. each dress cost about $1,000 to make. the left is an emotional loss. >> without them i feel incomplete. at first i was just like, oh, my god, this is the worst thing that could possibly happen to me. >> the break-in happened hours after bill scott announced a new plan to combat property crimes.
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he says there were more than 30,000 car burglaries in the city last year alone. a big honor thank you to firefighters for their service during the devastating north bay wildfires. >> abc 7 news was in santa rosa for a special ceremony. the sonoma county board of supervisors presented the brave men and women with a commemorative challenge coin. this is to show gratitude for selfless and heroic acts during the october wildfires. of course we watched some of these men and women dodge flames. we watched them go house to house making sure people got out. >> there were so many heroes and so many people that came to the aid. we want to find a way to recognize everybody. >> while the coins are a thank you from the county it turns out the county did not pay for them. house of dollars came from an anonymous donor whose house was saved by firefighters. a new addition to oracle's headquarters on the peninsula, find out why workers are going
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to be seeing high school students every day. >> san francisco-based air bnb facing a new lawsuit this morning, one man claims he lost $7,000 after canceling a rental after just ten minutes. and check this out. 27 dry days in december. measurable rain only on four days. we're 150% of that through nine days so far in january and we could add to that again today. i'm
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how do they clean the toilet, grin at it? (laughs) stop laughing. the stomach flu is not funny. get a cleaner with bleach in it. good, you can smile now. clorox means clean.
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welcome back. today will be the second day of classes for new peninsula high school campus. >> yesterday the official first day of school at the design tech high school in redwood city. the charter school is located on oracle's campus in redwood shores. the school has been operating in burlingame since 2013. design tech high emphasizes problem solving skills and design. oracle's co-founder larry ellison came up with the idea where students learn to think. he did that nearly 20 years ago. let's talk temperatures. that's the big story this morning, the fact that it's dry, also. look at menlo park, the cold air coming out of the mountains. 49 in redwood city and daly city. everyone else in pacifica to
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half moon bay at 54 degrees. you head deeper south, 46 at san jose, also in hayward and antioch. san ramone at 42. clouds are start to go gather as you can see from our exploratorium camera at pier 15. starting to see those pull back. exercising and random rains. take your umbrella or leave it home. 12-hour planner. mainly cloud which with temperatures jumping from 48 to the mid-50s and one last stop in san francisco. mainly cloudy with drizzle to light rain. mid-50s in the afternoon hours. a check on that. a couple problem spots. it wouldn't be a morning commute without something happening. 80 westbound at pinole. a car in the center divide. they cannot get out until chp helps get it along.
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you can see it backing up from about hercules to pinole valley road. eastbound we are seeing some slow traffic due to malfunctioning signal lights at 37 and 121. this was a problem. they thought they had it fixed but it's still a problem and we are seeing some slow traffic westbound approaching that blinking signal treated as a four-way stop sign. another accident in vacaville. we'll be back with that in a few. a local rapper ending a partnership with h&m. and from a wine bottle opener that doesn't really open the bottle to a driverless car that looks more like a living room. the best from day one of the consumer electronics show. hey, it's a wednesday and it is not raining. right now. at 6:12 a live look from our east bay hills camera looking to the city. the city. we hope you have a ♪ jen, i've got estions. boots or flip-flops?
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boot! great. smokey or natural eye? ugh, natural. good choice. how about calling or texting? definitely calling. puppies or kitties? sorry, cats. dry eyes or artificial tears? wait, at's a trick question. because they can both get in your way. that's why it is super-important to chat with your eye ctor if you're using artificial tears a lot and your eyes still feel dry. next question. guys, it's time for some eyelove! your toilet is germ-ridden with minel buildup. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleachs match against limescale. but lysol power toiletbowl cleax more cleaning power against limescale. so switch to lysol. what it takes to protect. when you have a cold, stuff happens. ♪ { sneezing ] shut down cold symptoms fast [ coughing ] with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels.
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rapper gez is cutting ties with h&m. just announced plans to launch a new clothing line with the retailer last month. >> it looks like that is over >> it looks like that is over because of this ad.
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it modeled a young child and said coolest monkey in the jungle. h&m apologized and pulled the pro detective. i can't allow for my name and brand to be associated with a company that could let this happen. a man says he accidentally booked the wrong property for his upcoming trip to london at a cost of more than $7,000. he canceled the reservation ten minutes later and e-mailed the host three times to get his money refunded. >> i didn't hear anything, any trouble with my refund. no problem, right? didn't hear anything. long story short they kept telling me there was nothing they could do and they kept $6,708. and i was just floored that this could be their policy. >> so listen to this, according to abnb's policy the first month is now refundable. the man booked for 43 days.
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air bnb says it refunded cleaning fee, about $800, also offered an additional $1,000 to resolve the issue, but the man turned that down. he is suing the company to get all of his money back and wants a 48-hour grace period allowing customers to change their minds without being punished. california state university turned away more qualified applicants than ever last year. >> according to the san francisco chronicle 31,000 people were rejected even though they were qualified. only 6 of the 23 uc campuses have enough room to accommodate all qualified freshmen. only seven can admit all qualified transfer students. officials say decades of under funding is to blame. you're never more than seven minutes away from the accuweather forecast. we want to check in with meteorologist mike nicco. we'll start by talking about what will happen in the hills the next couple of hours gusting to around 36 miles an hour on mt. tamalpais. breezy in san francisco and down
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to sfo but those are starting to taper. a very breezy day though we have a weak system coming through that will keep us cloudy and cool with drizzle to light rain. fog forms tonight with minor cloud clearing. look for more fog the next couple of nights and a dry and warmer weekend to round out my accuweather highlights. 60 palo alto. the rest of us around 56 to 59 degrees. temperatures tomorrow morning about the same as this morning. 50 in san francisco. mid to upper 40s around the bay and out towards the coast and low to mid-40s inland. a look at the leading edge of the wet weather, it's not a solid shield, so drizzle to random areas of rain coming into the north bay at 7:00. by 9:00 a few areas of random rain into the heart of the bay. by noon just about everybody but the east bay and the south bay has a chance of light rain. you'll get your chance into the afternoon hours of notice the rain starts to taper as we head from 4:00 to 7:00 and that bodes
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well for the evening commute. less than a tenth of an inch of rain out of this system, even less tomorrow as we get sideswiped with a slight chance of rain. brighter afternoons and warmer temperatures with low 60s at the coast. mid to upper 60s by sunday around the bay and inland. here's sue with a look at what's going on in the east bay. vacaville this problem that's been out there a while, westbound 80 near mason with a couple of vehicles involved blocking one lane and the off ramp. they're trying to get that cleared out of lanes. for now there is a delay there. a look at your drive times. slow out of the central valley and into dublin/pleasanton. check in on ace trains all running in on time. getting a little slower now, sluggish from antioch into concord westbound on highway 4 and your drive from san rafael
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to san francisco looks great, under 20 minutes across the golden gate. >> thank you, sue. the consumer electronics show is under way and that means we'll see some cool and totally absurd creations. >> this device lets you pour from a bottle of wine without ever opening it. you may have seen ads for this already but this is a new version that comes with an app. the thin needle goes through the cork, keeping the bottle sealed. it can preserve the remaining wine in there, reggie, for years. in the app what it does you can tell it what your favorite foods are and favorite activities and then it suggests some wine for you. it should be available this fall for a cool $999.99. that's a great christmas gift for me. >> an open bottle of wine in my house doesn't last long so i don't need it. panasonic thinks this is what driverless cars will look like. no steering wheel or pedals. just a cabin that is awfully
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spacious with chairs, display screens and whale sharks. the chairs can face different directions or face each other if you want to talk to someone. panasonic envisions a speaker surround system along with screenings for movies or music. >> if you're not comfortable with riding in one of those, how about this, you have to drive it yourself but it also delivers food. ford and domino's unveiled a specially equipped ford fusion that comes with self-driving technology and an oven. customers will enter a number near the back window and then the window lowers and you saw them pulling out the pizza there. they have been testing it out for months. >> a car could come one no one in it and a pizza pops out. it's the future. so lazy. >> very lazy future. if you use e-harmon kri to find a date you may be owed
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money. >> james frankel is the latest to be accused of sexual misconduct. >> here is a look at what's ahead on "good morning america." the desperate search for survivors this morning after those deadly mud slides in california. it was more than a half inch of rain falling in some places in just minutes. then debris from the wildfires creating dangerous conditions. we're live on the ground in
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♪ ♪ there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it.
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the future is for the unafraid. ♪ all because of you ♪ ♪
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we're back at about 6:25. did i mention this was a light storm? by 7:00 this morning, by the time we get to noon you can see a couple of those random showers down to fremont and by the evening commute the peninsula nothing measurable. mike, thank you. new details on that highly classified rocket that vanished after liftoff. spacex says don't blame us. it insists it did not lose it. >> where is it then? the satellite fell into the indian ocean this weekend. however, spacex says the rocket that shot zuma into space worked properly. a defense contractor built the satellite for a cost of more than a billion dollars. the mission is classified. how convenient. online dating
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are harmony. >> the site is accused of misleading customers, did not explain its subscription fee policy which led to numerous customers getting hit with unexpected charges. e-harmony will pay an additional million in restitution to california users who enroll in automatic billing. sexual misconduct allegations to james frankel have forced a cancellation. >> he appeared on "the late show with stephen colbert" last night and asked about claims made against him by several women including an allegation of assault. he says the things he heard are, quote, no the accurate. the 39-year-old from palo alto says if he has done something wrong he will fix it. tennis star serena williams revealing a serious medical issue following the birth of her
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baby. >> why doctors say it's so important for everyone to get a flu shot this year. >> how you can get free tickets and free parking to a local baseball game. the deal being offered today. and let's take a look at the bay bridge right now. we have your weather and traffic up throughout the commercial break. not raining here in san francisco right
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hi and good morning. it is 6:30 on the dot. and you are never seven minutes away from the accuweather forecast. here is mike nicco. still tracking a very, very lit storm with areas of light drizzle to rain, even sprinkles drizzle to rain, even sprinkles thrown in. that's the gray you're seeing there. let's roll through my 1 -hour planner. rain moves into the bay by noon. in the mid-50s at noon. low to mid-50s by 7:00. here is sue. metering lights have been on for a little over an hour now.
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if you can pay cash you have less of a delay. irony. we have the metering lights on and this earlier accident at pinole valley road cleared out of lanes. we do have the signal lights out. causing a bit of a backup westbound is slow. developing news in south san jose. a shooting at a power plant there. matt keller is live on blanchard road. what's the latest? >> reporter: good morning. it's quiet out here since the investigation wrapped up a few hours ago. you can actually see some of the on seen investigation units leaving.
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this is more than 11 hours after the officer involved shooting took place around 5:00 p.m. here is what police were saying when they arrived on scene. >> the metcalf center. pulled something out of the drunk and put if his coat. he's walking back and forth. >> he might be coming back towards the vehicle. there is a large sword on the front seat. i can see that. >> reporter: reports the intruder was carrying an ax. he refused to drop it and was shot by one officer and killed. the company told us no employees were hourt. an interesting note today san jose police chief garcia is scheduled to unveil an online port
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portal and the use of force preporting live in san jose, mat preporting live in san jose, mat keller, abc 7 news. a rock slide killed a driver. a car went off the road after he was hit by a rock last night. authorities have to wait to recover until geologists determine it's safe for them to do so. highway 121 is closed. ro governor brown will introduce his final state budget proposal before leaving office next january. >> the state budget will be the first that includes anticipated revenue from marijuana sales taxes. a surplus of $3.7 billion. leaders expect congress to cut funding for social services under president trump's plan that reduces federal revenue.
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the governor's proposal is expected to include shoring up health care services. santa rosa is beginning to build next year's budget. the city is uncertain how much the wildfires will cost. the fire destroyed nearly 3,000 homes and 50 businesses in the city. "the press democrat" says santa rosa has spent at least $5 million more on the current budget than planned. no indication when it will be reimbursed by state and federal governments. the city council plans to set up meetings to get input on spending priorities. state health officials say this flu season is turning out to be one of the worst in a decade. >> it could get worse before it gets better. 27 people under the age of 65 have died from the flu so far this season. four of them were from santa clara county. visits have surpassed some of the most severe on record. most patients are getting the
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h3n2 strain of influenza which is deadlier than other strains and 30% of the people died received the flu vaccine. so should you get the shot? health officials say, yes, you should, because it can reduce the severity of your symptoms. supervisor aaron peskin wants a hearing and vote to take place next week on the appointment of an interim mayor following the death of ed lee last month. >> the board of supervisors would need six votes to come up with an interim mayor. if they cannot reach a consensus the board president will continue as acting mayor for the city charter. some think that gives her a leg up in the election. eight candidates including breed filed papers before yesterday's deadline to enter the june 5th election. jackie spear and other lawmakers plan to show for for the me too and time's up meeting by wearing black to president trump's state of the union address. >> a lot of celebrities wore
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black to the golden globes. harassment scandals have plagued congress in recent weeks. in november spear revealed the sexual harassment she faced early in her career on capitol hill. the state of the union address is january 30th. oakland's mayor and police chief say there's still work to chief say there's still work to be done. >> violent crime has dropped for the last five years. oakland top brass says the success fighting crime comes after city leaders adopted the ceasefire program in 2012 in which they stepped up outreach to those at highest risk of being shot or killed. >> when we talk about homicides that means 53 mothers did not have to debt that call their child was not coming home. >> 2012 was the year we decided to put all our eggs in a basket.
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>> your heater is running longer. here is the reason why, anywhere from 4 to 13 degrees cooler than this time yesterday. we'll start down in the south bay. one of the coolest spots in alum rock and milpitas and morgan hill. also in newark and livermore. san pablo, you're at 50. a look at what's damp. on the roads today we'll have slippery spots because of the drizzle to light rain. a little breezy if you're going to be on the bay. dress the kids for that cooler condition or for those cooler conditions by 7:00 we're in the mid to upper 40s. 11:00 is when we have our best chance of sprinkles to light
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rain. low to mid-50s and by k it's just going to be mainly gray. now with that soaking record setting rain we're still well behind where we should be for today and today's light storm won't put much of a dent in this. here's sue with a look at what's going on with the san mateo bridge. it's drier today. >> it's drier and windier. the chp has issued a high wind advisory mid span. it's sluggish but it is moving across. no delays and no accidents or stalls to delay your drive. just a lot of people out there. we'll take a look at an accident southbound 880 just past highway 92. it has just been cleared out of lanes. so hopefully we'll see recovery there. if you look at highway 92 westbound you can see that backup heading to the san mateo bridge. otherwise we are still looking
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at this problem with signal lights on highway 37. i will update that in just a few minutes. >> sue, thank you. we do have good news for commuters. caltrain riders may be enjoying a faster, smoother ride sooner than expected. money would help speed up conversion from diesel to electric service by about ten years. caltrain began the electrification project last summer. electric trains are scheduled to begin service in 2021. >> you are looking at some of the first cars to travel on a newly reopened section to highway 35 in the santa cruz mountains. a massive mudslide knocked out part of highway 35 near los gatos last february. and the reopening now comes after cal trans spent $10 million to replace the roadway and build a retaining wall. the wall designed to protect the road from future slides.
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the oakland a's are celebrating their 50th anniversary season with some free tickets for fans. >> tickets will be avalable on the a's website this morning starting at 8:00. season ticket holders will get their tickets automatically loaded into their my a's ticket account. a desperate search for survivors in southern california after the deadly mud slides in the same area hit hard by wildfires only a month ago. amazon's alexa digital assistant is already in millions of homes across america. soon it'll also be in our cars. today at 9:00 on "live with today at 9:00 on "live with kelly and ryan" proud
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the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing.
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today's storm is level 1. that means light rain so keep an umbrella handy and drive safely. track today's storm on the abc 7 news app. download it now. very weak storm coming up. i'll take an hour by hour lock at that. focus on southern california, some good news here. heavy rains and the threat of debris flows gone. around the rest of the state you can see the storm becoming an inside slider so we do have rain and snow showers for tahoe and for yosemite today.
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and this is about the only chance of getting precipitation in the high country. temperatures warm to near 60 by sunday. here's reggie and jessica with more news. at the live desk we are tracking the mud slides in southern california. more than a dozen are dead in the same area devastated by last month's historic wildfires and that's not the only area being hit hard this morning. >> our sister station in l.a. is live from one of the mudslide areas. brandi? >> reporter: all you see are piles of mud one after another here. and when you look at the mud this is what has been pushed off the street into the center portion of the road. this is what neighbors have had to deal with for the last 24 hours here in sun valley. it's been a river, a river of
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mud and debris that's been flowing down the street here. and they've been spending the last few hours trying to clean up the mess. there are evacuation orders still in effect for the remote areas where there are massive mansions up in the hills. the mud still a danger there. we saw a police cruiser. the officer inside the cruiser had to ditch it. he is okay but the car is now buried. >> we're having some audio difficulties with brandi's live shot. you can see how awful it still is in the los angeles area this morning. we have watched since we've been sitting here this morning that death count go up to 15. we're going to hear more today. moving on to other news. much more today about a federal judge in san francisco blocking president trump from ending daca, at least for now. >> the program protects children of undocumented immigrants from
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being deported, and many of them are college students. abc 7 news reporter amy hollyfield is live at uc berkeley with more. hi, amy. >> reporter: good morning, jessica. uc berkeley is one of several places where young people will be impacted by this ruling. students who are here because of daca and are starting their spring semester will not have to worry about that march deadline that was quickly approaching and that could have meant deportation. that has been stopped for now. a federal judge in san francisco has temporarily saved the daca program, that stands for deferred action for childhood arrivals. the program gives legal status to immigrants who were brought here to the u.s. as children. this move puts pressure now on congress to come up with a permanent solution. president trump brought lawmakers together yesterday to discuss a potential bill. >> it would be a bill of love.
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it also has to be a bill where we're able to secure our border. >> reporter: daca covers about 800,000 people. the judge says his ruling must stay in place and protect daca until a lawsuit against the trump administration plays out. california's attorney general calls this ruling a step in the right direction. he has scheduled a press conference about all of this later this morning. reporting live in berkeley, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> amy, thank you. in just the last half hour president trump tweeted about the daca decision saying, quote, it shows how broken and unfair our system is when the opposing side in a case always runs to the ninth circuit. outrage after a report of a huge pay disparity between actor mark wahlberg and actress michelle williams. >> wahlberg made $1.5 million for the reshoot of the movie
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"all the money in the world. "but williams was paid an $80 per diem totaling less than $1,000. the film was hastily reshot by the director ridley scott the week of thanksgiving in europe after sexual misconduct allegations were made against kevin spacey. meanwhile, serena williams opening up to "vogue" magazine about her terrifying medical ordeal. >> she suffered serious complications. she talks about it in the february issue of "vogue." she says she had to deliver by emergency c-section in september. the 36-year-old says the moment her new daughter was laid on her chest was an amazing feeling and then everything went bad. williams had a pulmonary embolism and several small blood clots in her lungs. >> you have veins in your leg, your torso. a blood clot forms there. if this dislodges, travels to the heart, the lungs, it can range from a minor issue with breathing or it can be fatal.
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>> but now williams says she's almost back at full strength showing off her moves in this new video for "vogue" embracing life as a new wife and mom and hoping to return to compete in march. she looks fantastic. loreal is joining forces to create a tiny device that monitors the sun's ultraviolet rays. >> uv sense is the world's smallest wearable device of any kind. it's a solar powered waterproof device and is designed to be worn for up to two weeks at a time and it's right on your thumbnail. look at that. the reader runs an app from their smartphone and it will tell them whether or not they've exceeded safe limits for ultraviolet exposure. all you have to do is put that blue doth rig right there. >> it's amazing. >> neat. now to your morning money report. dunkin' donuts wants to make it easier for you to cheat on your
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diet. >> they've announced an aggressive plan to double the number of stores in the u.s. that will give them 14,000 stores in the country. that's more than starbucks. the company hasn't given a time frame for opening all those new stores. they've opened several in the bay area and people have made a huge deal about it. the number of people using hulu is skyrocketing. the streaming service says it has more than 17 million subscribers. that's a 40% increase in less than two years. the hand maid's tale may have played a part in the success, among the most watched dramas in 2017 and won big at the golden globes, too. this next one is for our producer noah. you will soon be able to use alexa in your car. the ougautomaker will integrate into its toyota and lexus vehicles later this year. you'll be able to use speech command to order navigation, pick entertainment options, get
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the news and even shop while in your car. hyundai and ford are working to integrate alexa in their cars. i don't think i need to be buying while driving. now i can. the warriors are used to being the biggest stars in the room when they enter, right? even they were in awe when they saw who walked in practice. >> yeah, reggie. who walked in there? >> dr. dre paid the ws a visit yesterday. their partnership was the focus of a documentary called "defiant ones." part of the team's business basketball meeting giving them a chance to talk to the biggest players in the music industry. >> he made great music himself. like i said, i think the top three album of all time. he and snoop have stuff we still rock to today. but his ability to make others great, that's what's special. >> some jaws dropped, and that's you have to do in our group.
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our guys have seen a lot. they've made a lot of people. when jaws drop with our group you know it's a special day. >> steve kerr and the warriors take on the l.a. clippers at oracle arena tonight. you are never more than seven minutes away from the accuweather forecast. let's check in with meteorologist mike nicco. hi, everybody. look at the colorful sun rise developing from mt. tamalpais. just absolutely love the colors there. if you see something like this, make sure you capture it, it, #abc7now. clouds and a chance of light rain return today. lingering clouds and patchy fog tonight. more fog the next couple of mornings. and a brighter and warmer afternoon to follow. temperatures around 56 to 59 degrees. as you head south, palo alto southward, san jose, morgan hill, santa cruz around 60. tonight is like this morning temperature wise. low to mid-40s inland. around the bay, the coast, 50 in san francisco. it's just going to be a little
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more foggy. so here's a look at our storm. heading more off to the east than it is to the south. so we're kind of getting the tail end of the storm that doesn't have a lot of moisture to begin with. 7:00 in the north bay. 9:00 it starts moving into the bay. noon it tries to move into the south bay and east bay. and then by 4:00 it's already starting to fizzle. so rainfall amounts up and through the morning commute you can see a couple hundredths of an inch possible into oakland. as we head to noon that could be down to fremont and along the coast. by 4:00 we'll try to bring in the south bay. so there may be slick spots for the evening commute. enjoy the dry and problem-free weatherwise commute this morning. we have some thick fog the next couple of mornings. look at the temperatures by sunday. low 60s at the coast. mid to upper 60s around the bay and inland. sue with those hot spots. >> let's take a look as we head out this morning to get you going. highway 37, we have some signals malfunctioning right there by
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sonoma raceway. those signals are blinking red and we'll see slow traffic as we zoom out the entire stretch of 37 as you make your merge from two lanes down to one lane as slow as 25 miles an hour so that's the reason why. this happened yesterday morning as well. they should be out there trying to get those repaired. to san jose north 880 before the alameda we have the right lane blocked. there was a car up an embankment that's been moved off the embankment but, unfortunately, it's now blocking a lane of traffic. so you're seeing 880 slow from highway 280 in san jose. >> thank you, sue. this morning an orphaned mountain lion cub is being nursed back to health at the oakland zoo. >> the cub was found on the side of the road in bad shape. two other cubs came to the zoo in early december, both males found in orange county. releasing all three cubs back into the wild is not possible. >> it would be a death sentence for them without the proper mom training that they would need.
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she was on the brink of death when she came in and we've been doing our best to help her out. >> so there is a solution. the cubs will soon have a new home at the zoo's newest addition called california trail. it doubles the size of the zoo to 100 acres with habitats for wolves, jaguars, grizzly bears, black bears, and mountain lions. california trail opens to the public in june. >> i'm and we're gonna serve sunday dinner off a counter wiped with jasmine sparkle? i got salmonella just thinking about it. me too. you want clean, get a cleaner with bleach in it. clorox means clean. for 100 years, heritage and innovation have made gillette the #1 shave in america. now get gillette quality at lower prices --
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every day. brought to you by 1200 workers in boston -- we're proud of giving you our best. gillette. the best a man can get.
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6:58. if you're just joining us or heading out the door the seven things to know before you go, 15 people are now confirmed dead following flooding and mud flows in santa barbara county. it's devastating. search and rescue efforts are continuing right now. and number two, we have a chance of some drizzle to even some light rain very sporadic, less than a tenth of an inch. much cooler this morning, dress for temperatures in the 40s. we'll end up in the upper 50s. number three, we're following your wednesday morning commute with an accident at the bay bridge toll plaza, lane number 16. so try to avoid that lane. lane number 14 is still out of commission from an accident several weeks back. number four, san jose police investigating an officer
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involved shooting at the metcalf power center. the bay area news group reports an intruder was carrying an ax when he was shot and killed. number five, a reprieve for thousands of immigrants benefiting from daca. federal judge in san francisco has issued an injunction ordering the trump administration to start the program back up again which protects them from deportation. actor james franco denying allegations of sexual misconduct after multiple women came forward. in an interview last night franco said the things he heard are not accurate. number seven, today starts the oakland a's giving away free tickets to the white sox game in april. it's to celebrate 50 years since the a's have been in oakland. and i can't think of a better gift. >> even free parking. so, hey. we'll be back in 25 minutes with an abc 7 news update. >> thanks for joining us. much more on
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good morning, america. search for survivors. rescue crews desperately trying to find loved ones trapped in those deadly mudslides in california. knocking homes off their foundations, shutting down 30 miles of this highway and the moments of hope. a mother and her newborn found by this crew airlifted to safety. breaking overnight, a judge blocks president trump's plan to roll back protections for d.r.e.a.m.ers after that unprecedented meeting. the president with leaders from both parties on live tv trying to negotiate an immigration deal. >> i'll take all the heat you want to give me. my whole life has been heat. >> plus, what the president said about going head-to-head with oprah. james franco under fire. overnight, the actor taking on those sexual misconduct allegations coming on the heels


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