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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  June 4, 2017 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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good morning. it is sunday, june 4th. i'm kate larson in for carolyn tyler. we'll start with a quick look at the weather. here's meteorologist lisa argen. >> hi everyone. starting out with less in the way of the fog. keeping the fog along the peninsula and parts of the east bay. here's a look at live doppler 7. it will fill in a little bit. coolest temperatures in the north bay. 2 to 4 degrees cooler. 57 in hayward. it's 55 in san jose. a look at the golden gate bridge. few clouds this morning. 50s, 60s to near 70 by noontime. nice day today. once again the winds kicking up at the coast. get set for a warmup to start the week. i have some showers to talk about for the week ahead.
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that's coming up in a few minutes. kate? skbliefrmgts thanks, lisa. developing news out of london. officials are discussing a terrorist incident. the third such attack since march. this map shows you how close saturday night's attacks were. three people in a van ran down pedestrians on london bridge. they drove to nearby borough market and stabbed a number of people. the van you see here with the back doors open is the one police say was used in the attacks. london's police chief says the death toll has increased to 7 people. the three attackers were also killed and 48 other people were taken to hospitals including police officer. ari ariel rah chef on the chaotic night. >> kate, this was the third attack since march in london. it started on the lon gone done bridge and ended at the borough market. busy attractions, especially on a saturday night.
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a saturday night sfroel on london bridge turned into mayhem and murder when this white van plowed into a crowd running down helpless pedestrians. >> people lying on the ground. >> reporter: one person tweeting a photo of the immediate aftermath. people trying to give aid to the injured. police and ambulance workers swarming the scene. witnesses describing a chaotic disaster zone. >> once they crashed that van, three men got out and they were apparently armed with long knives. >> the suspects left the vehicle, attempting to stab a number of people. >> how clear do i need to be? move out of this area. >> reporter: people ordered to evacuate. >> keep moving! >> reporter: police asking radio stations to tell people in the area, run and hide. word came from borough market of the knife attacks. >> he stuck this girl i don't know how many times, 10 times, maybe 15 times. >> reporter: heavily armed police gunning down three suspects. >> we heard three gunfire.
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>> shot them and they are dead. >> the attackers were wearing what looked like a explosive vests. but police say they weren't real. president trump tweeting, whatever the united states can do to help out in london and the uk, we will be there. we are with you. god bless. >> president trump also tweeted that this is another reason for his controversial travel ban. he said we need to be smart, vigilant and tough. in london, ariel resch he have, abc 7 news. as police were trying to find and kill the attackers, people nearby were understandably on edge. take a listen. >> we're here. getting me home? >> right. >> if you get me home safe, i will follow you. >> right. this is nonsense. >> this is nonsense. >> [ overlapping talking ]. >> we are chasing suspects around london who want to kill
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people. they are going -- they are going into buildings looking for people. okay? you all come together in a place with no exit route. you are waiting to happen. get your stuff and get out of danger zone. >> all right. >> wow. while the u.s. embassy in london is urging all u.s. citizens in the city to be on high alert and listen to all directions from authorities. in a statement officials say we stand ready to provide all consular assistance should we become aware of any affected u.s. citizens. travelers arriving from london at sfo and those headed to the united kingdom are sharing their thoughts about the attack. abc 7 news reporter lonnie rivera has the story. >> it's a busy saturday at sfo's international terminal as travelers leave the country. julie shown field learned about the attacks in london before arriving for her flight. the trip to london is her daughter's graduation gift. >> yeah. it's within five miles of where
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we're staying. but one -- i think we're doing slightly different things and we're going to be careful. >> staying informed is important. >> be aware of your surroundings. >> she and others are trying not to stress. >> when you become too ving atlanta, you start stereotyping and looking for aspects of people. i try to keep it in the back of my mind and enjoy the trip. >> gabriel and his brother are heading to south africa. they have a six-hour layover in london heathrow. >> it's tragic. a horrible fact that we have to worry about that right no >> for europeans landing at sfo on vacation, it's hard to not think about it. >> i try to stay away from big gatherings or parties or carnivals. >> when you see what happened in manchester just a few weeks ago, of course, paris isn't immune where i have come from and two
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recent attacks in london. so it's hard to feel safe. >> for gary birch and so many that once assured sense of security and safety is harder to preserve. at sfo, lonnie rivera, abc 7 news. yesterday's attack was less than two weeks after a suicide bomber killed 22 people at an ariana grande concert in manchester, two hours north of london. the pop star tweeted praying for london. she will lead a star studded event tonight. you can see the highlights on abc 7 tonight at 10:00 p.m. followed by the abc 7 news at 11:00. the last terror attack in london was also on a bridge. on march 22nd, there was a car driven on to the sidewalk on westminster bridge, hitting and killing four people, including an american man. he then stabbed and killed a police officer near the houses of parliament. ma sued was killed by police.
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we first reported the attack in london with a push alert at 3:07 yesterday afternoon. download our app to receive breaking news developments on your phone or your tablet. a golden state warrior star is speaking out about the racist graffiti that defaced lebron james' southern california home. he agreed with james' statements from last week that no matter how much money or fame you have, being black in america is tough. james' home was vandalized early wednesday morning. iguodala told espn in part, nobody ever wrote anything on my property. but i've had situations where that n word has been thrown out plenty of times. you know how people look at you. the look is the same as spray painting. you see it all the time. it's different being an african-american athlete. you can see from our countdown clock on the screen in the corner that we're at
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seconds until coverage of game 2 of the finals begins. the warriors hope to go up 2-0 over the cavaliers tonight at oracle arena before the series shifts back east to cleveland. kevin durant had a huge game one on thursday. during yesterday's practice he talked about how his teammates helped him on the court. >> i just try to be aggressive and use them as help as well. you know, we try to just work well with each other, work well off of each other. you know, we know next game is going to be a totally different physical game. we're looking forward to it. you never know who will come up and show up for us. >> the cavs said they want to ramp up the physicality going forward in the series for them. warrior fans are still asking when head coach steve kerr will return to the sidelines. general manager bob myers says a game two return for kerr is, quote, on the table. golden state's acting head coach
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mike brown has led the team to 11 consecutive wins this post-season. >> what bob and steve both told me, they both said hey, you're the coach until we tell you otherwise. so it's simple for me to plan that way. and then if there comes a time that i'm not, i would have been prepared to coach the game if i needed to, but it's easy for me to take a step back. >> kerr has not coached the warriors since game two of the first round series against portland because of complications from his 2015 back surgery. you can celebrate the start of summer at the walnut creek art and wine festival where game two will be streamed live. that starts at 11:00 this morning and ends with the game is over. there will be food, drinks, arts and crafts, all sorts of stuff for the kiddos. admission is free. it will be at heather farm park on north carlos drive. in you're not going to oracle, you can only watch it on abc 7
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here. game two starts at 4 kpl:30. join larry beil before the game and mike shumann. larry and mike will be live at oracle at 4:00. lisa, i see you got your purple warriors on ready for the game. >> it should be a beautiful day if you're going to spend the day outdoors. check it out later. otherwise, we have changes coming for the week ahead. warming up and then cooling off. we do believe we have precip. right now, check it out. all decked out in the warriors colors with temperatures in the 50s ear in the city. we'll start out with sunshine and your full forecast in just a few minutes. also next, bay area demonstrators join anti-trump protests across the country and they say they plan to keep the heat on the president for a long time. the milestone for spacex with red's launch with an --
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yesterday' fortunately there's a bedples dwhere you both get what yous? want every night. enter sleep number and the semi-annual sale going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow!
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well, australian tourist rs in the bay area in hopes of finding what led up to a violent death. he was killed outside a villa in san francisco. abc 7 news reporter alicia ga lead is has the details. >> he was visiting three other friends from australia. they were returning to their rooms after celebrating the warriors win at 2:00 a.m. friday morning. but he got into an argument. as he walked away, his family believes he was sucker-punched. the 33-year-old hit the ground. he died a short time later. >> feel, very, very bad for the young man.
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>> police were dwo dwo dwo dwo d respond. >> at least four hispanic men were thrown on the ground in front of our room. i watched out the peephole for about an hour. asking them questions, handcuffing them. >> police formally arrested one of the men. beats family released a statement saying we want to remember matt as someone who lived to the fullest. h had a lot of friends who will miss him dearly. he was an analytic chemist who arrived a few days ago. >> we asked if it was a safe place. he said yeah. >> his family is struggling with the details and with the possibility that he may have died from something that has been plaguing australia for years. >> used to call it a king pouch and now a coward punch. >> the one punch can kill campaign is educating
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australians about the dangers of sucker or coward punches. laws have even gotten tighter as a result. they have not released a suspect name or charges. abc 7 news. the reward to find whoever killed 12 dogs in vallejo is now up to $15,000. a memorial was held yesterday near where the dogs were found back in february. jameson animal rescue ranch in napa valley is hoping that increasing the reward money will help someone come forward. they say it wasn't a homicide and nothing they do. thousands of people in south san francisco can drink their tap water again this morning after tests showed it was not contaminated. california water service had been getting bottled water to residents of the sunshine gardens area since friday. this happened after a water tank was vandalized. cal water says a lock had been cut so out of an abundance of caution they issued a do not
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drink notice. the utility says it's conducting a full investigation. across the country, we heard calls for the truth on president trump about russia's ties to the election. here in the bay area, hundreds took to the streets. abc 7 news reporter cornell bernard has our story. >> all people need to stand together. we can no longer afford to allow ourselves to be divided among each other. >> a march for truth in the streets of san jose. >> reporter: hundreds of people on the march near city hall calling for an independent investigation into alleged connections between president trump's campaign and russia. >> i think that our democracy is in peril and not knowing whether or not another foreign power is meddling in our elections is important. >> reporter: similar actions happened in more than 100 cities across the country, including this one
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>> in oakland, activists kicked off a national campaign by the democratic national committee called resistance summer. >> the trump administration first of all, wants to take away health care from 24 million americans. are we resisting that? >> reporter: congresswoman barbara lee urging volunteers to help take back congress from republicans in 2018. >> we need in wall of resistance in the house of representatives to stop some of these horrific budget cuts and these tax breaks for millionaires. >> getting the en yell voters involved is the challenge. >> he's leading the charge. >> yes, i support the resistance to yes, i support the resistance and i'm going to go somewhere to do that. i'm going to call a bunch of people. >> reporter: these people say they won't stop. in oakland, cornell bernard, abc 7 news. after president trump's decision to withdraw the u.s. from the paris climate accord, epa administrator scott pruitt
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and former vice presidential gore come to this week. you can watch it with george stephanopoulos at 8:00 on abc 7. liftoff. the 100th liftoff from 39a as falcon and dragon take flight to the international space station. >> spacex made history yesterday when it september the first ever recycled cargo ship to the international space station and on board is a science experiment by metal students from san jose. it will help nasa scientists measure how heat and humidity behave in a micro gravity -- tp will support the deployment of four small satellites. expected to be released at 6:10 this morning. hi there everyone. good morning to you. we are starting out with less fog. in fact, with that you'll notice that live doppler 7 picking up a
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little bit here on the peninsula. it will fill in, but not as much as yesterday. we're going to have a beautiful day today. but check it out here. our live camera from the sue tra tower. it's obscuring parts of the view in san francisco. 56 in oakland and mountain view. 55 in san jose. looking at half moon bay, 54 degrees. visibility, not much of a problem. the view from mt. tam looks nice. a lovely day today. get set for a warmup to start the workweek. 48 in santa rosa as well as novato. 53 in livermore. 56 in concord. temperatures this morning anywhere from 2 to 4 or 5 degrees cooler than we were yesterday in the north bay. we had that blanket of low clouds and waking up to patchy fog. a look from the golden gate bridge. it looks clear with the wind picking up once again at the coast. should be a nice day. but we are starting out with
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little fog that we have. it's going to be sunnier than it was yesterday morning. so we have that going for us. partly cloudy this morning. warmer days beginning tomorrow and tuesday. not too much warmer. we'll go up maybe 2 to 4 degrees. and then another weather system heads our way. this one, wait until you see the forecast model. let's check out oakland today. should be a beautiful afternoon. lot of folks perhaps hanging around the coliseum. upper 60s is the average high. we'll be just about there later on this afternoon. i think we'll be a couple degrees warmer than we were yesterday. we'll look for things to change significantly by the middle of the week. our hour-by-hour forecast right now shifts to wednesday into thursday. check it out. this is thursday at 6:00 in the morning. this forecast model wants to bring rain through santa rosa and continue it as we go through later on in the day thursday into friday. in fact, if we go a step further and look at how much it wants to bring us, yeah, i know it looks
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pretty unbelievable, right? this model wants to bring .25 inches. spab .05 to .10. much cooler temperatures by about thursday and maybe each spotty showers. highs today, san francisco, 65. look for 70 in oakland. low 70s for you. nice day for you in hayward and palo alto. 76 in san jose. we checked in with oakland earlier. but once again, game 2 temperatures dropping through the 60s. plenty of 80s today, tomorrow, inland. 70s along the coast. lots of sunshine each day at the shoreline. but then by wednesday, not only do the temperatures drop but going to add extra cloud cover on thursday. cloud icon and you know, wouldn't be totally out of the question to see some rain. certainly unusual. >> summer in the city, right, lisa? >> yeah. >> we want you to notice the countdown clock in the corner of
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the screen. 11:08:5, 4. >> not too much longer. just ahead, pride month kicks off in san francisco's castro. the special honor given to several lgbt leaders.
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a lochk ordeal for two families. summer will be a lot more fun now that their pools and spas are completed to their satisfaction. >> i'm really excited. >> this construction project has come a long way since we visited
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back in september. a contractor left the santos family pool like this. when we returned in february, their pool had filled with rainwater. this is what it looks like today. waterfalls cascading down into a luxurious pool with a spa right above. daughter is thrilled. >> it made me happy because it's done in time for summer and so i can have friends over. >> a few miles down the road, 3-year-old cameron is thrilled too. >> we can play volleyball. >> we can play volleyball, huh? >> the family can enjoy the pool now that leaks that plagued the pool are fixed. >> a tremendous weight off my shoulder. >> the same contractor that the santos pool unfinished left his pool with leaks. >> the court grabted contractor donald boushey chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in september. he operated as a franchisee of premiere pools and spas.
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we tried to get a comment for this report but he has not returned three calls. prior to his bankruptcy last year, the state revoked his license accusing him of abandoning numerous projects. another contractor with long ties to premiere and who asked to remain anonymous stepped in to complete the work at both homes for just the cost of the materials. >> if not for your follow-up, i don't think they would have really helped us out. >> michael finney, 7 on your side had my back. we've got yours. thank you. >> not all of the boushey customers are as fortunate. this san jose resident has given up and will hire another contractor to finish the work. as for cameron, he's most looking forward to jumping into this plastic pool. >> i'm ready to go in my pool. >> you're ready to go in your pool. >> my little pool. >> your little pool. your $6.99 walmart pool. >> prior to hiring a contractor, you check for any violations and
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confirm the contractor has a valid license. he had a license and two violations when he was hired. now he have a link on our website. i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. thanks, michael. june is pride month. the san francisco guy men's chorus is getting the celebration under way. >> ♪ >> the san francisco gay men's chorus performed at an event off market street yesterday. it included 24 new honorees added to the rainbow honor walk. pride-related events will continue all month long culminating with the annual pride parade on sunday, june 25th. comedian bill maher apologizes as some call for his firing. what he said that has outranged his fans and critics. students are learning a lesson you can't find in any book. a teacher's critical need for a
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new kidney is inspiring kin
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good morning. we're going to start with a look at the weather. here's meteorologist lisa argen. good morning. hi there, kate. good morning to you. you can see a little fog in the city. this is from the exploratorium camera. we're looking at temperatures in the 50s. low 50s san francisco. across the bay in oakland, 56. mountain view, 56. 55 in san jose. 54 on the coach and sfo, bank of low clouds there. there's less of it this morning. we'll see the sunshine sooner. it is going to be pretty much very similar afternoon. santa rosa in the upper 40s. it's 53 in livermore. so we will be looking at the clouds to scour out within the next few hours. by noontime, we're in the upper 50s. lots of sunshine at the shoreline. 70 inland. mid-80s arrive throughout the
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afternoon. we'll keep it cool and breezy at the coast. we'll talk about minor warmup in the days ahead and then we'll go the other direction all coming up in a few minutes. kate? thanks, lisa. uk police have arrested 12 people following yesterday's london bridge terror attack. meanwhile, preparations are under way for the concert benefiting the victims of the manchester terror attack nearly two weeks ago. pop star ariana grande will return to the stage where 22 of fans were killed after a suicide bombing. our reporter has the story. >> big name artists banding together to bring a massive show of support to manchester. ariana grande returning to the uk less than two weeks after a suicide bombing left 22 people dead and wounded 116 others outside her dangerous woman concert. on friday, the pop star surprising some of the youngest victims in the hospital with warm hugs. tonight's one love manchester
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benefit headlined by music industry giants. justin bieber, cold play, the black-eyed peas. katy perry. miley cyrus honored to be a part of the love fest. the uk threat level lowered to severe. but security still tight as police continue to untangle the web of terror tied to the attack. new pictures surfacing of british-born bomb rer salman abedi before his murderous mission. >> don't drive here. use the facilities that are put on for free and secondly, don't bring a bag in. if you can avoid it, don't bring a bag. that will slow the search procedure down. >> reporter: in a city that saw unspeakable violence. united in their resolve and resistance to terror in honor of the victims. abc news, manchester. you can see the highlights of the concert here on abc 7 tonight at 10:00 followed by the abc 7 news at 11:00. this morning, there are calls for comedian bill maher to
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be fired for using a racial slur on his talk show friday night. he told his guests, nebraska senator ben sass, he should visit nebraska more often. the senator then made a joke about having maher work in the fields with us to which maher made a joke saying he was a house n-word. they called the comments inexcusable and tasteless and removed the segment from any repeat airings of the show. here's what i wish i had been quick enough to say in the moment. hold up. why would you think it's okay to use that word? the president of the naacp tweeted this photo of maher and kathy griffin. he said great comedians make us think and laugh. when our humanity is the punch line, it hurts too much -- >> last night was a particularly long night as i regret the wordy used and the banter of a live moment.
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the word was offensive and i regret saying it and am very sorry. happening today, an historic east bay church destroyed by a fire last fall is back open for services and will host a grand celebration. much of the campus surrounding the first kong grags allist church in berkeley is still damaged by the fire. but the remodeled sanctuary just reopened two weeks ago. the cause of the fire is still unknown. but this morning at 10:00, there will be a special service with berkeley firefighters to celebrate the church's return home. madison county officeotorcy off their skills. they shared this video of the motorcycle training competition. this is the fourth year of the event which is open and free to the public. some lucky kids got to take their bicycles through the course as well. a teacher in san mateo in need of a kidney trans plapt is learning an unexpected lesson
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from her own students. chris nguyen has the story. >> you're prototyping -- >> at the school in san mateo. >> loving, passionate, exciting. >> many words to describe this engineer turned educator. >> mother, believer, advocate. >> kim sax has been teaching here for 26 years. students will say she's had a profound impact on their lives. >> the place i want to be. makes me excited to walk in. last week sax had tough news of her own to share. >> that letter actually was the hardest i've had to do in my life. >> in a message to the community, sax opened up about her battle with end stage renal failure. she's been told she needs a transplant to survive. her kidney function is at 10%. >> after the shock and sadness is how do i be there for her and help her. she's been there really for me. >> the outpouring of support has
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been encouraginencouraging. dozens of people have stepped up to see if they're a match. >> i felt an obligation simply to do something not that difficult for me and yet utterly critical for kim. >> many of them doing their best to spread the word. >> there are people around you struggling every day with major diseases. you might not see it or be visible or publicize it until the end. >> learning a lesson about love from those around her. >> there are so many great people in the world. >> thank you, like, for all that you've taught me. >> you're so welcome. >> providing strength and comfort when she needs it most. >> hope is a beautiful thing. >> on the peninsula, chris nguyen, abc 7 news. thanks, chris. in texas, fifth graders are using the latest technology right there in their classroom to change a fellow classmate's life. marci gonzalez has her story. >> it started with a 3-d printer
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and a fifth grade assignment. >> i wanted the kids to invent something that would solve a real-world problem. >> a challenge for their young minds that ended up teaching more about their giant hearts. >> i was really overwhelmed. i was brought to tears. >> 11-year-old ma kye blue. >> technology is like a blessing. >> taking that blessing and deciding to share it with a first grader he's seen in the halls at lakeshore elementary near houston. >> he was missing a hand. so when i found this project, i knew this was the one for him am. >> the class worked for weeks with a company called e-enable creating this prosthetic. custom fit and designed with a spider-man theme. >> he's my favorite character. >> just for joshua shanks. >> going to be in the nfl at this rate. >> a life changer for the 6-year-old and life lesson for everyone involved. >> i was so amazed that we
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actually did it. >> on just how much is gained by giving. >> kind of feel like he's getting something he always thought sneed. >> marci gonzalez, abc news, los angeles. we are counting down to abc espn's coverage of game 2 of the nba finals. you see the clock in the corner of your screen. we have 10 hours 51 minutes. also coming up, a special lucky charm. meet the warriors fan who says his autographed toaster is one of the reasons the dubs keep winning. here's a live look from mt. tam. a beautiful morning this sunday. lisa argen will have your forecast in just a few minutes. we'll be right back.
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this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today.
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an abc 7 news was in san carlos yesterday where the fourth annual biggest little air show was held at the hiller aviation museum. jets, drones and radio controlled aerobatic helicopters took to the sky. the airport runway was closed to regular traffic for a couple of hours because of the event. military members who were injured serving our country are putting on an amazing display of strength and ingenuity in alameda this weekend. the valor games are for any veteran or active duty service member with a disability living in the western part of the country. the goal to introduce adaptive sports to attendees. it includes archery, swimming, cycling and power lifting. the games began in chicago in 2011 expanding into three additional regions, including the bay area.
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the valor games on coast guard island in alameda continue today and tomorrow. a very cooley vept, l -- event . >> it should be -- subtle changes starting out with this. not so much in the way of cloud cover from the golden gate. 52 degrees. we do have fog around the bay, though. you may want to watch out for that if you're out for an early bike ride. 57 in hayward. we'll talk about a warmup to start the week and then some big, big changes. you probably aren't expecting them. stay tuned for the accuweather forecast coming up. also next, the warriors and the cavs get ready for game 2 of the nba finals. mike shumann has a preview from both camps coming up in sports.
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introducing colgate total advanced health mouthwash. just shake to activate its unique formula that removes 24x more bacteria. for a healthier mouth and a clean you can feel! try colgate total advanced health mouthwash.
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in sports tipoff for game 2 of the nba finals is just hours away. later today, the warriors will
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take to take a 2-0 lead over the cavaliers for the second straight year. if you're not going to oracle a reasona you can watch the game right here, only on abc 7. abc espn's coverage starts at 4:30 p.m. yesterday both teams practiced to prepare for today's pivotal game 2. here's mike shumann with details in this morning's sports. >> good morning. well, warriors and cavs set for game 2 today at oracle here on abc 7. expect game 2 to be much more physical as the cavs try to knock the warriors off their game. the dubs are expecting lebron and company to change it up and try to control the pace. the former warrior richard jefferson is adamant that the cavs don't have to change a thing aside from not turning the ball over 20 times. >> we turned ther 20 times and they had nine dunks and shot 42% from the field, one of the best shooting teams in the history of the nba. how far off are we? not very far. >> every game is different.
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that's the butte i have the finals. doesn't matter really what happened in game 1. it's a whole another experience that we got to be ready for. >> shark fans know how the city of nashville is feeling. down 2-0 to the penguins. they had a chance to get back in the series with their first ever finals game in the music city. it was off the glove of penguins forward carter roun ee, tying the game at 1-1. gaudreau, puck out of midair. second goal of the playoffs. 2-1 preds. predators get one more before the end of the period. james neal at the side of the net. scores his sixth. nashville wins it 5-1. but they still trail in the series 2-1. to the diamond. a's end a three-game slide after taking the slumber out of the lumber. joe ross i was on the mound for the nats. rough start for ross in front of the home crowd.
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bottom first, jed lowrie and ryon healy both with two run homers off of ross. goes three innings and gives up seven runs. bottom seven, alonzo and healy go back-to-back to make it 10-4 a's. 4 for 4. 3 rbi, first ever two homer game. they win 10-4 the final. giants hosted by the philli phillies. former giants farmhand tommy joseph goes just inside the foul pole of johnny cueto. that ties it at 1-1. phillies rookie, ben lively made his major league debut and the giants could not solve him. he gave up four hits and one run in seven innings. grounds into one of two p p double plays. he thinks it's a grand slam but stays in the pick.
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a three-run double to ice the game. phils win 5-3 and the giants fall to last place in the national league west. a's have a day game at the coliseum. parking will be a nightmare for the warriors game. we suggest b.a.r.t. or get there early. that's the way the ball bounces, i'm mike shumann. see you at oracle. good sunday morning to you. feeling like the summertime pattern. the clouds continue to fill in around the bay. but just enough to make it pretty for us. bringing lofts sunshine for your sunday. we're talking about the subtle changes that come with the ebb and flow of the marine layer in the next few days. we'll look at concord for an example. today a high of 83 degrees. should be beautiful. get a spike in the temperatures tomorrow. check it out. in the upper 80s. still looks warm on tuesday. but then check it out. you know something is going to happen here when numbers are plummeting into the mid-70s. but as we look outside, the flag is blowing.
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we'll see another day today where the sea breeze kicks in pretty good and that will allow for temperatures to stay rather cool at the coast. so live doppler 7 right now. the fog is situated from the bay. filling in locally around the bay. not going to last too much longer. more sunshine. the westerlies will kick up. temperatures spread very much like yesterday. 60s to 80s. right now from the golden gate bridge, you can see the flag blowing and we'll look for sunny skies at our beaches today. but not really going to make it much out of the lower 60s. so plan on that if you are headed to the coast. 52 in the city. 56 in oakland. good morning mountain view. mid-50s for you. san jose at 55 degrees. low 50s gilroy and half moon bay. you can see the low clouds, fog and just the tip of the tower there. this will look probably pretty gray for the next couple of hours. but then by 8:00 we should see a lot of sunshine around here. 54 in napa. it is 53 in livermore with
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concord checking in at 56 degrees. for mt. tam, it's cooler here as much as about 4 or 5 degrees cooler. most of the night was clear. you can see the camera shaking a bit. winds at 20 to 25 miles per hour. when you get the fog moving closer towards dawn. we've been cool and clear all night long. tuesday, you saw that earlier. then the bottom falls out. cooler air head our way but this system had precip that's going to hold together certainly for the north bay and it will travel down the coast through thursday and friday. we're fast forwarding now until wednesday afternoon. so we've had warm days. we'll see the clouds increase. check out thursday morning. here's your commute. santa rosa and marin county, seeing showers. towards the afternoon still looking at wet weather around the bay. let's add up the precip. can you believe it. we're looking at .25 inches to a
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tenth in san francisco. how is today. from the upper 70s in the south bay peninsula. 71 menlo park. san francisco in the 60s. west winds up to 20 miles an hour. north bay, 80. santa rosa. 70 oakland. mid-80s today inland. download our accuweather app and track the warming trend. if you're in oakland today for the athletics, it will be a mild to warm day. the accuweather seven-day forecast. notice summer like pattern through the period until thursday into friday. and it would be kind of nice to see a few showers. i think already everything is so brown and dried out. >> thank you so much for that, lisa. we, of course, are kountdco down to the coverage of game 2 of the nba finals. today warriors fans are sporting all of their gear, especially the superstitious fans. laura anthony tells us about an east bay man who was a lucky warriors themed kitchen appliance. >> it's a toaster right here. this toaster is responsible for
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the last 28 games. >> to the naked eye, it looks like any other toaster. but to diehard warriors fan ronnie reyes, this isn't just any small appliance. it's one with special powers, at least since klay thompson signed it in march. >> ever since then, we've been undefeated. >> 27-1 actually. the loss was when thompson wasn't playing. >> he says is that a toaster. >> here's a photo of him signing the toaster at an autograph event in san francisco. >> he recognized the signatures, david lee and draymond. i'm like, it's draymond and david lee right there. that's really cool. that's the first time i've ever seen this. >> he's added the penmanship of jim barnett, current announcer. reyes and his toaster are even celebrities, at least among his co-workers. >> do you let the toaster out of your sight? >> not at all. >> he will never ever use it for
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its intended purpose. >> it burns the logo on to the bread. it doesn't really toast it that well. >> that's okay as long as the warriors toast the cavs in the finals. laura anthony, abc 7 news. thanks, laura. no toast but lots of luck. if you're not going to oracle, you can only watch the game on abc 7. espn and abc's coverage of game 2 of the nba finals starts today at 4:30. right before the game, join abc 7's larry beil and mike shumann for the dubs on 7 pregame show brought to you by jeep. larry and mike will be live at oracle at 4:00. coming up, lunch with a legend. what you can do to dine with warren buffett. one of the world's richest men. but it's going to cost you. and here are the winning numbers from last
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here are the winning numbers from last night's $337 million powerball drawing. 3, 9, 21, 41, 54 and the powerball number 25. nobody picked all six numbers. wednesday night's jackpot is estimated at $375 million. and bidding for this year's auction for ailun much with warren buffett starts today. the billionaire businessman hosted a power lunch for the past 17 years. the annual fundraiser donates millions to san francisco's glide foundation. the minimum bid on e-bay starts at $25,000. last year's auction tied the record with a winning bid of $3.4 million. bidding begins today and goes through friday. next on abc 7 mornings at 6:00 a.m., gearing up for game 2 of the nba finals. the one kevin durpt and the warriors are -- whap they are expecting them to do to each up the series.
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the thirdter i don't remember attack. i'm ariel resch he have. i'm have how police stopped the suspects.
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keep on giggling...ica. and goofing. keep on grooving... and togethering. with scott 1000's long-lasting roll, we'll keep on going, too.
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scott 1000. america's longest lasting roll. good morning. it is sunday, june 4th. i'm kate larson in for carolyn tyler. we'll start with a quick look at the weather this morning. here's meteorologist lisa argen. >> good morning, kate. we're starting out with low clouds and fog. here's a look at live doppler 7. it's being picked up along the peninsula. this will stay with us throughout the hour. temperatures by 7:00, we'll hit 60 degrees. around hayward, peska der owe, by 8:00. by 11:00, mid-70s arriving with 60s at the coast. we'll talk about the rest of the day which features more 80s inland. a warmup to start the week. maybe getting those umbrellas out. we'll talk about it in a few minutes. kate? >>


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