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tv   ABC7 News 430AM  ABC  May 17, 2017 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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these campuses. now, school officials say symptoms start at surfacing two weeks ago, and they include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and they are busy disinfecting classrooms and a spokesperson has these suggestions. >> if your child is symptoms, and keep them out and call and then keep them out a couple days. >> this is not a confirmed neuro virus. and our website, abc7 news, has a complete list of schools and tips to protect your child. a former fbi agent is calling this video a call for the golden gate bridge. and security had no idea. when they got to the top, they did not just take in the view, they did summersaults, and back
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flips. and abc7 news spoke to one of the teens back home on face time? >> i had to do it one hand because i had my camera in the other hand. >> and he a buddy came to the bay area for spring break last month and decided to climb golden gates. >> where these individuals were would not have harmed the bridge so it did not trigger alarms. >> the teens could face up to a year in jail and fines up to $10,000. >> a san francisco police for help in finding a man, the father of two just returned to drop off his son after a hike, and his family says he is never done anything like this before
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and does not suffer from any illnesses. and then set to meet with governor brown to discuss the sanctuary state bill. and he asked the senate and is expected to do the same in the assembly. it would bar local and state bar enforcement from cooperating from federal agents. the aim is to protect illegals from dough peer taeugs. they say some cooperation between local and federal law enforcement is necessary. now on to washington, d.c. where a memo written by james comey is sparking a huge firestorm. comey claims president trump asked him to end the investigation into michael flynn. >> back to back bomb shells taking up the white house.
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sources tell abc news president trump suggested former fbi director james comey shut down his investigation into former national security adviser, flynn. >> in a week with revelation after revelation, on a day when you think things could not get worse, they have. >> the day after flynn was fired in february comey wrote a memo quoting the president saying, i hope you can get this go. he's a good guy. i hope you can get this go. >> if true, it's another disturbing allegation that the president could have eupblg gauged. >> they said it was part of a paper trail comey wanted to leave behind as evidence of what he called improper influence on the investigation, and the white house said the president never asked mr. comey or anybody else to ask any investigation, including any investigation
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involving general flynn, and this is not a truthful or accurate statement, and the leading republican on the house oversight committee requested the alleged comey memo from the fbi as other republicans weigh in on this week's explosive reports. >> i think it would be helpful to have less drama. >> despite "the new york times" report that the comey memo was a paper trail on the investigation, and testified last week there, have been no efforts to emtepa investigation. and then leaving complete and utter devastation in their week when tornadoes ripped through a mobile home in wisconsin and flattened a subdivision in elk city, oklahoma. it's video of a tornado touching
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down in texas, and strong winds uprooted twaez arees and topple trucks and power poles. there were 20 tornadoes in five states and more than 100 homes destroyed. a man being held in a santa clara jail for dui is accused of nearly clearing his cell made. carter was waiting transferred for a misdemeanor dui charge, and deputies heard a commotion in his cell and found carter beating another inmate and the inmate was rushed to the hospital. >> the individual who sustained the injuries was brutally attacked by his cell mamate ands not able to move when the deputies noticed him. >> no word on what may have caused that attack. carter is expected to be moved to the maximum security main jail in san jose and also expected to face new charges in
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connection with the new attack. battle may be brewing between supervisors and the office over super cuts. the county is considering reducing the number of sergeants in tkpwurpbville and the lower russian area. with the growing number of homeless people, they need more and not less law enforcement. turning to the warriors now, they are just two wins away from advancing to the nba finals for the third straight year. >> they had no problem last night crushing san antonio at oracle. the dubs, they just a pul
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durant said it will be tougher next game. >> we like our chances against anybody no matter who is on the court, but we have to be heady for game three, and they are going to be ready to play and carter is going to be incredible. >> pretty amazing. the warriors are 10-0 in the playoffs, and game three is saturday night at 6:00 p.m. in san antonio, and you can watch the game on our cys espn. take a look at these guys here, one t-shirt and one bandana, and we want to see your pictures as well, or if you just have a little nugget with a cute little hat and shirt, we want to see it, and use
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you might see them right here on abc7. >> the san mateo bridge, you can see it looks cleans. thanks alexis for going out and cleaning the camera lens yesterday. we look east bay there. if you are on the roads today i and maybe a little breezy and sutro tower showing some clearing taking place, and look out for the tree and grass pollen, and burn in ten or 15 minutes today if you are unprotect unprotected. we are 50 to 52, so a lot like yesterday. temperatures around low to mid-50s. we have a few upper 40s. today's temperatures, look at this, they are springing back. 61, san francisco to antioch at
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74. signs of warmth, 80s inland. signs of heat, friday. 90s. and those aren't even our warmest days. our accuweather 7-day forecast is next. we do have behind wind advisories this morning, including for the bay bridge, so looking just fine at the toll plaza. i drove across the span myself this morning and once you got to the san francisco side you did have gusts. and also quick mention, big event at levi stadium, a u concert. they will run a special north bay train about 75 minutes after the show, and we will have other options coming up later this morning. > an east bay man is so passionate about the warriors he
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quit his job to pursue his dream, and now he is hoping his dub nation designs are pretty good. there's a warning this morning about a toxic chemical morning about a toxic chemical you may be putting in your body.
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welcome back.
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another confederate monument is gone this morning. here it is coming down. you can see they use add large crane to hoist it down, similar to the other two that we have seen be removed already. the city has one more to go. once it was gone, though, look at the social media video we got, we saw people rejoicing and chanting in the middle of the streets and partying, but not everybody is happy there. there are still a lot of people that are upset and we have seen the protests continue, and we expect this to happen once they move that fourth one, too. certainly you have heard about the chemicals that are in everything from canned goods to plastic bottles, and a new study out there today has eye opening information about what we are consuming, 40% of canned goods still contain bpa, and they
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tested cans sold in 11 states including california and the toxic chemical is linked to breast cancer, and retailers have been under pressure to get rid of it. we have a list of stores and more on the study from environmental health on our website, website, 4:44, there's using a dredge boat to suck up sand and sell it. the sand really comes from the public beach a few yards away. the commission says it's taking the equivalent of one dump truck full of sand every 40 minutes. san francisco is celebrating another star as the most walkable city in the country. and abc7 news was at hilltop
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park and san francisco was named the first city in the country where a park is no more than a ten-minute walk away. the designation comes from the tru trust. they figure how close people live to a space. >> there has to be able to walk. >> there has to be able to walk. if there's a you, you can't grow wings. >>. >> happening today, nearly 1,000 bay area students will be making one popular san francisco beach cleaner. the 24th annual kids' ocean day will be held at ocean beach. the third graders are learning about ocean life, and they are creating the image of a hermit
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crab, and that is advanced shape making. they will be photographed from the air and make that aerial artwork. >> can barely make a sandcastle. how much do you love the warriors? would you kit your job for the dubs? >> it is what one man did. >> check the hard core warriors fans living and dieing with every play as if life-long dreams hang in the balance. for one, it's true. >> they need to win. >> for many reasons. you will understand when you visit him at his mother's house, and he has spent hours creating we arable limited addition, nonfading prints of the warrior's starters, and it's a novel idea, and he turned his back on ten years of corporate america to make this happen. >> whenever there has been a
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fork in the road in my life, it has come back to my heart. >> his drawings began with crayons. he drives for uber is uses every square inch of the car for advertising space. do you believe in sarin dip tea? guess who climbs into this backseat? >> klay thompson. >> the same klay thompson he is now drawing, and -- >> i told him you are next. >> he hopes to work a formal deal with the team. >> so if they say to you, let's do it, how many could you make if you had to right now? >> as many as they want. >> now you understand with these nba playoffs, yanni does really hang on every basket, and you would, too, if you invested everything. >> you better hope they win? >> yeah, i am hoping.
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>> and so is your mother. >> yeah. >> has to figure out a way to mass produce those t-shirts. >> i like the stars. >> impressive. an actual artist. >> i like that he's all in, no doubt, and so is his mom. a look at sfo this morning, and not expecting any delays. we are getting clearing conditions out there, in fact, and our hottest highs are slated for this weekend, and it's only the 17th, and i was looking at the medium range models. let's take a look at our pattern. we have talked about it yesterday how this was going to be a yesterday slider, and it's over idaho right now, and trailing cold front is what it's going to usher in, the drier air. so grab those sunglasses. 68 in sunnyvale and and everybody around 66 to 71 in the peninsula.
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mid to upper 50s along the coast. sausalito, 62. and about 70 in petaluma, and 74 in santa rosa. and 65 in berkeley, oakland, 66. we could get to 70 in orinda and hercules in the warm spot. and tonight's temperatures, mid-40s to about 50 under clear skies. another chilly night. as far as our temperatures, 60s, 70s and 80s tomorrow, and still having 70s, 80s and 90s on saturday and sunday. we do have our first blocking issue of the morning here on northbound 101. this is is the brisbane area and we have a location change. i was not able to update that on the map before i came up here, originally it was past oyster point and now it's closer to airport boulevard and you can see the red forming on northbound 101 at the bottom part of the map here. five vehicles involved in the
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crash including a rollover, and it sounds like a box trailer separated from the vehicle towing it as well. we will check in with chp and i will have an update coming up in less than ten. we are waiting on president trump's infrastructure plan, and some ducklings are giving a quack of approval. san jose about to go green in a big way. the new that ypower option. >> a sparkling amount of earrings sold for and don't match. so far the new selfie features, include a couple different crowns. >> tech reviews are not thrilled. if you want an ipad mini you may want to get one now.
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>> a report says the tablet will be discontinued, pulled a guy in texas is suing over a bad date. >> this is him. he met a woman on the dating app and they went to a movie and he claims all she did was text friends. >> so he is suing her for $17.31, the price of the movie tickets. he said he will be staying off the dating apps for a while. the dating apps for a while. >> and
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welcome back, everyone. this just coming in. we have video of an amazing plane crash in new jersey. why is it amazing? look at this. it's a red plane you can see there in between the trees. the pilot was coming in for a hard landing north of atlantic city and crashed into the trees. the trees actually kept him from slamming straight into the ground and the pilot managed to walk away unharmed which would not have been the case if he had not landed in the middle of the trees and bushes so lucky for the pilot. back to you. >> thank you. san jose will soon be the largest city in california to offer neighbors a 100% green energy source. and it's a program approved by city council, and san jose produces more than 200 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a
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year. san francisco county and san mateo county and sonoma county have similar programs. look at this duck ramp. that's right. a duck ramp at the reflecting pool, and it's there to help a flock of ducklings get into the water. did not take them long to get the hang of it, as you can see. not everybody is so happy about this. one congressman of north carolina called this an example of government waste. >> not all of them get on the ramp. a couple of them -- >> yeah, in every pack there's a few that go their own way, natasha. >> i was a late bloomer and not ashamed of that. >> you just didn't follow the crowd. >> that's government waste? what does that take, $5 to make? rally? look at the hash tag, sweep l.a. yeah, we can do that. and you ready to climb these
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steps, san jose from 71 today to nearly 90 all the way through tuesday. and then advertising 77, and 82 to 91 from thursday all the way through tuesday. and one last stop, advertising 76, and 73 today. you will be in the 80s from thursday all the way to tuesday. hey, alexis. >> good morning, the day game for the giants means a lot of folks will take the golden gate ferry from larkspur, so plan ahead if that's your normal commute. quick check of the roads here this morning. we have one blocking issue. northbound 101 before you get to airport boulevard. this is a rollover crash involving five vehicles total. they are working on getting the clear right now, and we definitely have a backup, so you can use 82 or 280 for an alternate if you would like. we will check on drive times coming up at 5:00. take a look at this bling. it's a fair of diamond earrings
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sold at auction for a record-breaking $57.4 million. they do not match, but they are stunning. they are nicknamed apollo and aurd miss. get it, brother and sister. >> it will not look like they made a mistake? >> fashion forward. and then gender discrimination, and more on the disturbing lawsuit on a bay area virtual company. we are just getting word of breaking news here at the live desk. a fire in vallejo. i am gathering details. that's next. that's next. >> you
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5:00 a.m., no more snooze button and it's time to get up and get tkpwagoing on march -- ? >> going back to the future. >> it's may 17th. >> it's cool, but march cool? >> that would take us way back. >> let's take a look at those waves out there, and that's been the story and it's so windy and that's what kept us cooler than average for what seems like a week now. santa rosa, 10. the rest of us in single digits. we are losing some of the wind and that's why we are going to be warmer today. temperatures in the mid-40s to mid-50s at 7:00, and as we head through your 12-hour day


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