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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  October 30, 2015 1:07am-1:38am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> that breaking news in palo alto where at least 8 people at
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the westin hotel have gotten sick from an irritating odor of some kind. hank in our community shared this video on twitter. >> people are serious breathing problems. 8 people were decontaminated and taken to the stanford university medical center emergency room. hotel guests are being told to stay in their rooms to avoid exposure. >> firefighters are trying to figure out what caused this smell. they say it's coming from the underground parking garage. the ventilation system to the hotel has now been shut off. for the latest follow us on twitter on this site and we'll keep you updated here as well. good evening. >> other top story tonight. stash of cash bundles of pot. tonight san francisco dentist is accused of an interstate marijuana operation. >> jerome white runs a dental practice in the mission district and he was trafficking marijuana from san francisco all the way to new york say
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pros cue toyvrments reggie is live in san francisco with our story. reggie? >>reporter: when we came here tonight we told the dentist on the door that their boss was arrested and now in a jail in new york. we were also the ones to tell them the boss's son was arrested for similar marijuana related crime just months ago. now prosecutors in new york say this is a case like father like son. >> hello i'm dr. white from mission dental health. >>reporter: he's the friendly dentist his patients have known for 30 years at mission street business. >> he's very open. i can have very honest conversations with him. >>reporter: but new york prosecutors said upstanding man his employee describe had a secret. these are the 11 vacuum seal bag of marijuana and cash police seized from white in yonkers, new york. officers arrested him for running a medical marijuana trafficking business that stretched from san francisco to new york city. >> he's the best boss i have ever worked for.
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>>reporter: dentist says her boss retired from the practice a few years ago but was an active and caring owner. anything led to you believe that any accusations could be true. >> not at all. not at all. it's just shocking for me. >>reporter: but when you look at the documents it doesn't seem so shocking to prosecutor prosecutors. they say it appears jerome white took over the illegal pot trafficking business fromó his son joshua. who is now serving a 1 year sentence in new york prison. >> we are encouraging cannabis users and smokers and those who do it together to see the dentist more often. >>reporter: on his you tube passenger jerome white gave dental tip to pot patients. now he's the one seeking marijuana advice. of the legal kind. in san francisco, abc 7 news. new at 11:00 truck driver getting a reckless driving ticket for slamming into at least 6 parked cars in san francisco portrero hill enable enabled. police say the driver got off of highway 101 and when
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he got to 18th and rhode island street he was going too fast and lost control going down the hill there. one of the cars he hit ended up against a home. fear in the east bay. animal rescue group worried somebodyñ8 may be trying!- to p and harm cats >> theree you go. homeless anwhp& response program. e0>> a >>reporter: it's all in app effort to curb antioch feral cat in the hundreds of thousands. but someone may be taking matters into their own hands. this flier warning of cat trapping was discovered this week. the fliers were put in mail boxes in the gentry town neighborhood of antioch. how many is unclear. >> they had city of antioch. it had the animal services address. the phone number. so she came ñ over here in a panic.
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>>reporter: antioch animal services says it's not involved. leaving legitimate/ organizations like smith to worry about who is trapping feral cats. >> if you see somebody trapping cats don't be afraid to go up and ask what organization they are with. maybe ask for a card or phone number to verify what organization they are with. >>reporter: smith says it's illegal to trap relocate and abandon cats. harp creating a contract with the city to properly control the feral cat population. goes before council on november 10. in antioch, abc 7 news. >> developing tonight ncaa im passion plea tonight from raider nation as fans made the case against a possible time move to so-cal. >> alan attended tonight's public hearing hosted by the nfl and he's live in oak atlanta tonight. alan? >>reporter: more than 400 raider fans showed up here tonight to try to save their time. it was supposed to be a chance to speak directly to nfl executives that is until
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raiders owner davis made a surprise visit. tell the fans embrace raider owner mark davis even though he's making plans to leave oakland. they begged him to stay and pointed to the loyalty during losing seasons. even on holidays. >> a lot of family will be at home in front of the christmas tree we will be at the oakland coliseum. >>reporter: but the raiders want a new stadium and the city of oakland has been drug lipping to finance a proposed 900 million dollar project. >> we need help from the community as well to get something that our fans the raider players and the nfl will be proud of. we don't have that right now. >>reporter: that's why the raiders are working on another option. to share 1.7 billion dollar stadium with the san diego chargers to be built in carson. nfl executives are anxious to bring a football time back to the los angeles area. st. louis ram are also competing for the l.a. market.
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>> right now we have 3 teams looking to move. you only have one time that is selling out the stadium. >>reporter: but executives pointed out complexity of building a new stadium in oakland versus one in suburban carson. >> infrastructure is complicated. it's not complicated in a corn field. there's nothing wrong with corn field but it's complicated in city. >>reporter: owner are expected to vote on time or teams for the l.a. area as early as january. in oakland, abc 7 news. east bay mud released another list of people who are using too much water in the drought. people on the list are using more than 1,000 gallons a day. well known names are on it including former safeway ceo steve bird and former warriors player foychlt he has cut back on watering from 5 to 2 day a week and believes he has leak on his property he says. now we got an aerial view today of the affects of california's drought. drone view 7 flew over the rest 74
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near stockton today. look how dry it is. east bay mud says it's at 28 percent of capacity. for more pictures from drone view 7 we have a photo gallery on our web site. >> criminals in some bay area cities are literally getting away with murder. >> tonight we dig into why so many homicides go unsolved. dan is here now with the story. >>reporter: the open investigations are paneful for friends and family who lost loved ones. ism he was somewhat awake he was trying to wake him up. he just died. >>reporter: coming up. east bay police force that appears to have the answer to this important problem. i'm meteorologist sand yeah. picture perfect tonight. i'll let you know if halloween is a trick or a treat coming u up. also ahead. return of lynn's san. >> social media buzzing about palo alto native jeremy lin.
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>> is what come up on kimmel live right after 7 news at 11:00. jimmy. >> thanks. special halloween show just for you. point be funny with all this excitement all this anticipation if right now you just tell us what happens from beginning to the end of the movie. end of the movie. >> oh, okay
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♪my milkface ♪is an elevated state. ♪cinnamon is my soul mate. ♪no debate 'cause it ♪tastes so great. ♪that's why i got ♪milk face. ♪yes, you want it. ♪the milk tastes oh so sweet. ♪just like heaven between ♪your cheeks. ♪try this technique, ♪put your mouth on fleek. ♪la-la-la-la-la. odysseo by cavalia opens november 19th under the white big top at at&t park.
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>> tonight an investigation reveals startling fact. cells have a very good chance of literally getting away with murder in several bay area cities. >> the police departments do a a poor job of solving homicide cases compared to other department around the bay and the nation. >> dan has been crunching the numbers and he's here with the story and i think washington we are going to hear is surprisin surprising. >>reporter: someone is thinking right now you shouldn't talk about this an idea. but the experts say the best thing to do is expose the problem and pressure our police departments, public officials and voters to take action. no one should have to hold their best friend as he die from his a gunshot. >> the like 10 or 20 shoingts went off. >>reporter: but mvt yous did
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almost 1 year ago. >> he was shaking that's all i know. that was it. walked ou out. i couldn't stay there. he says 16-year-old rodney frasier was a good kid who stayed out of trouble. no interest in gangs. he just loved basketball. riding dirt beek. he was still wearing his motorcycle helmet when he stumbled into the bushes and died at the home he shared with his grandfather. >> we raise him ever since he was two months old. >>reporter: at the time of his death richmond police called it a case of mistaken identity. rodney grandfather hasn't heard a word from authorities since. >> the what it make me feel better. >> they gown the guy. >> yes found the guy who did i it. >>reporter: the death is among 230,000 unsolved homicides in this country since 1980. >> it's leak a war. in fact if you count homicide as a conflict the murder committed
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since 1980 are one of the worst war america has ever experienced. >>reporter: he launched murder accountability project with group of retired fbi investigators, criminal oly jest and investigative reporters. their data shows nearly 90 percent of murder were solved in 1965. now that number has dropped to about 60 percent. the largely because the type of mr. dear has changed. fewer crimes of passion. >> we are less likely because of better intervention technique to kill a spouse or girlfriend and so what are left are some kinds of murders that are more difficult to solve. >>reporter: such as gang or drug related killings. murder of strangers or for monetary gain. the data shows several police departments around the bay area are doing a bad job of investigating homicide. these are the cities with the most homicides from 2009 to 20 tlaechbility rank by how well they solve murders. clearance rate. richmond where rodney
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died had 128 killings with you cleared just 32 percent. same in vallejo. 84 homicides. 32 percent solved. the worst east palo alto. 35 murders just 8 and a half percent solved. >> if you really study the problem how can you not have a sense of outrage? >>reporter: there is hope. oakland had the most homicides of any bay area city in that 5 year time frame. 5 15 killings and cleared just 41 percent. oakland homicide detectives were overwhelmed. >> we work them until we can't work them no more. >>reporter: enter the fbi. >> we are not coming in to take over. we are not coming in to say we are better. we are coming in to say how can we help? how can we make a difference? >>reporter: the fbi has assigned 5 agents full-time and as many others on call. building this command center at the oakland pd so agent can work in the same space as police detectives. and i saw firsthand this past friday how the project is working. after a brutal torture gang hit the
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task force launched 6 simultaneous pre-dawn raids. argue 15 suspected gang members. confiscated automatic rifle with 100 round drum. pistols. cocaine. hearn. pounds of marijuana at this grow house. >> there's no way we could have pulled off an open rigs of this magnitude without our federal partner e-in the past few mont months of the joint project oakland homicide clearance rate jumped to more than 60 percent. >> i don't want this to be like wow! the fbi came in and did something magical. no the fbi just came in. andal with those detectives with the increased personnel just gave them additional resources to focus on the problem. >>reporter: that's the key. it takes manpower and a lot of over time in the crucial 48 hours after a killing. experts say police chief have to help those victims families and makeñ these cases a priority. and politicians and voters need to give department the resources they need. this story is businessed on numbers that
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local agency report to the fbi but police in richmond called me late today said the fbi missed some of theirs and their clearance rate is actually 47 percent not 32 percent. either way there's still a lot of work to do. i'm posting the complete legislature at our web site. see who is doing a good job catching kill as near as surprising.ic >> thanks. >> halloween is this saturday. lots of parents are concerned about keeping track of their little trick or treateders. >> we need to find a device that would help keep our children safe and give us peace of mean. >> smoke alice checking out the new kid tracker promising to pen point your child if they get lost. tomorrow night at 1 11:00 device that work the bes best. plus the one bug that still needs to be worked out. >> keep tab on the little ghosts and gone lens throughout this saturday. talk about the halloween forecast. >> everyone is wondering rain or sheen? >> it is going to be shine. as a matter of fact for trick-or-treaters the costumes not going to get wet. look at
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doppler 7 hd right now temperatures falling in place leak livermore fairly quickly very dry air mass so 55 already but still mild in antioch fairfield in the low 70's 52 in half machine bay everyone else in between from our exploratorium camera stary night looking to the financial direct. warm sunshine friday saturday dry mild for halloween and we look at chance of much-needed rain between sunday night and monday. just hold off on the rain until the festivities are over. we look here high pressure is come in. so it is warm for halloween. and then after that ridge of high pressure weaken sunday night we are watching for this cold front to bring in some colder airdrop the snow levels in the mountains and sierra and possibly drop a few showers here in the bay year. 7:00 a.m. sunday morning. northern california getting wet. that front starts to fall apart so our chance of showers here in the bay area sunday evening is starting to dwindle but we keep it in. stale slight chance.
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mountains will see high snow levels initially around 7000 feet then sierra by monday dropping down between 5500 to 6000 feet. better chance on monas the trough comes through with snow showers in the mountains and in the bay area wet weather. what you notice behind the cold storm is how much the temperatures really plunge. san jose temperature trend from pretty warm mild really for the first half of your weekend into second half and then you are going down into the 60's so it's almost going to feel leak weren't as we head towards early next wee week. tomorrow morning temperatures will be on the cool side. mid upper 40's for our coolest spots. most other areas 50's. crisp clear to start off and then for the afternoon check these numbers out. it's warm in the south bay. 80 santa clara. san jos jose. 79 sunnyvale peninsula 76 in san mateo. upper 70's redwood city and 71 half monba monbay. 74 degrees don't and daly city 70. north bay mid
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80's for napa santa rosa, 81 san rafael. 80 vallejo east bay it's a pretty mild season day. 78 in oakland. 79 hayward. 80 free mop. mid 80's fairfield concord 86 livermore. a look at the halloween forecast sunset is at 6:12. trick-or-treat forecast 5:00 p.m. darkness descends we see the temperatures fall mid 60's and mostly goesly at then p.m. 62 degrees. accu-weather 7 day forecast dry for most of your weekend but sunday night into monday watching for the chance of some showers. don't forget standard time sunday at 2:00 a.m. that means we fall back 1 hour began the extra hour of sleep and that's all i'm looking at. beyond that we keep it on the cool to comfortable side next week in the accu-weather 7 day fork. >> thanks so much.
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it'll be here before you know it. hello, halloween. it's the one night when everybody dresses up. and that includes dinner. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop.
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here in vineland, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups... but just one kind of chicken. white breast meat chicken every time. so if you're not going to make your own chicken soup tonight, do what we do...make it progresso. you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas .
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(record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh >> check out this do. twitter buzzing about former warrior and current charlotte hornet player jeremy lin new haircut. debut last tonight and the question is how much product does it take to keep your hair up right like that while sweating during a game? proud of him. he view about up
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in palo alto. >> that's a lot. let me try that on the news e you should do that. >> i think it's a race in terms of product versus product there but i hope he's working on the game as much as the hear. patriots look like on a search an destroy mess. bay area native brady and edelman why let someone else have all the fun? the sometimes haphazard, never boring fun. the why can't it smell like this all the time fun. the learning the virtue of sharing fun. why let someone else have all the fun? that's no fun. unleash the power of dough.
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give it a pop. if you're an adult with type 2 diabetes and your a1c is not at goal with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin, your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. once-a-week tanzeum is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes, along with diet and exercise. once-a-week tanzeum works by helping your body release its own natural insulin when it's needed. tanzeum is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes or in people with severe stomach or intestinal problems. tanzeum is not insulin. it is not used to treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis, and has not been studied with mealtime insulin. do not take tanzeum if you or your family have a history of medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you're allergic to tanzeum or any of its ingredients. stop using tanzeum and call your doctor right away
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if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction which may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of thyroid cancer which include a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. before using tanzeum, talk to your doctor about your medical conditions, all medicines you're taking, if you're nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. and about low blood sugar and how to manage it. taking tanzeum with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects with tanzeum include diarrhea, nausea, injection site reactions, cough, back pain, and cold or flu symptoms. some serious side effects can lead to dehydration which may cause kidney failure. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. go to to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. make every week a tanzeum week.
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>> good evening. warriors will play the first road gym of the somebody tomorrow in houston. saturday in new orleans. they were hoping the coach might join the time for the trip but he continues to deal with severe headaches stemming from back surgery. interim coach walton joked he might face time with him at half time for advice. andrew expected to skip both games with a concussion. clippers and jordan reunion game. remember jordan agreed to seen with dallas and changed his mind and stayed with l.a. second quarter almost teammate dirk. jordan in the air a little griffen and the pocket of raymond. clip by achl 8 and the mavs can't buy a basket. hoarse the the the blake. cherry picking. he had 26.
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clips roll. brady on pegs right now and patriots look unbeatable. good ship belichick sailing along thursday night football with miami. pat gets started early. brady with short pass to pwrovrng. big block there. 47 yards 7 nothing petitions. early second quarter. what we have here is a failure to communicate. tannehill not late second quarter lewis he's called lil dirty. comcomes out of the back field. untouchedfs. 196ç nothing pats at thegv half. brady throwrzs for#z 3 56 449h area-4 native edelmanhp. 36z8e finalcñ. arizona state honor0eg onight hosting oregon. final seconds duck down 7. fourth and goal. adam scal bell and throw up a prayer. caught by duane stanford who landsen bounds. duck tied at 41. score first
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in o t. arizona state ans. mike to tim white who reaches for the goal lean. tied it at 48. and right now they are tied at 55 in double over time. and one last look at the mavs clippers in l.a. they put rival owner mark cuban and steve balmier on the kiss cam i'm sure cuban is thinks you can kiss my the wallet. abc 7 sports brought to you by xfinity. >> few has more money than him. >> that's true. >> 7 news continues now on line on twitter facebook all the mobile devices with our 7 news app. >> our next newscast at 4:30 >> our next newscast at 4:30 tomorrow m here in vineland, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups... but just one kind of chicken. white breast meat chicken every time. so if you're not going to make your own chicken soup tonight, do what we do...make it progresso. you say avocado old el paso says...


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