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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  August 11, 2015 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is abc 7 news. >> a reprieve for thousands of people fearful of being forced from their south bay home. >> at san jose city council stalled the sale of mobile home parks, the last affordable housing left here in the bay area. >> with nearly 60 parts of san jose it is welcomed relief. >> reaction tonight from residents. katie. >> well, the soldiers on the frontline of this affordability battle are the seniors here at winchester ranch mobile home. they were put on notice that the property owner would like to sell the property. the city of san jose as the potential to set guidelines and
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rules that would protect the most vulnerable citizens. >> thank you very much. >> mobile homeowner after owner took to the podium in san jose city hall. >> admittedly there is no affordable place to move to currently in the valley. >> they support a moratorium that halts the sale and development of mobile home parks, at least momentarily. >> there are economic forces at work that will get this valuable land. >> the city has 59 mobile home parks, some of the owners, like those of winchester ranch, want to sell. but this woman moved here after wanting to retire in 2009. >> you retire and you die, but they want to close the park. i don't know what we are supposed to do? >> not all park owners plan to sell and some managers are working with the city. >> it say potential solution to what otherwise is state law
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allowing park owners to close. >> council voted unanimously in support of a moratorium. more protections for residents. >> you are going to be one of the seniors trying to find a place to stay, you will end up in utah if they have anything to say about it. >> the san jose city council voted to let the police department use a drone for a one-year trial. the drone would be used for when the bomb squad is called out or if there is an active shooter. it can't be used for surveillance. san jose needs to get faa approval before flying the drone. >> new mandatory evacuations as two large fires have converged.
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all the way east to napa. the areas near the southern tip of the much larger rocky fire. the jerusalem firer to through. more than 1,600 firefighters are trying to contain it working across rough terrain with few words and at least 50 structures are threatened. many residents have left and others are ready to go at a moment's notice. >> we have been bulldozing dirt patches. we love living here, but it can be frightening and very stressful. >> the fire appears to be moving east and firefighters said many more homes would be in danger if it suddenly shifts to the west. the winds fanned the flames today. here are the conditions firefighters are facing. >> things have improved since earlier this afternoon. winds have died down. currently out of the west gusting to eight miles an hour.
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earlier today they were as high as 22 miles per hour. relative humidity as come up and temperature is 66 near the jerusalem fire and we expect the winds to remain light through the morning and even until tomorrow afternoon. not until tomorrow evening the winds pick up again and it gets on the gusty side. you will clearly see that smoke plume billowing and building and here is a picture that was sent to me from somebody that lives in the lower lake area. she said the smoke has died down this evening, but quite a dramatic picture here. i will be back with a detailed look at changes coming for the upcoming weekend. >> thank you sandhya. a warning has been issued as a coyote charge at a man and his dog. we are joined live from there tonight with the story.
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>> the coyote has been spotted here before and usually keeps to itself but this morning it gave one resident quite a scare. >> it basically charged at us from the bush and came straight at us. >> jerry had a morning walk he will never forget. he was with his black lab when a coyote emerged from the bushes. >> it pivoted and turned and ran back. >> such aggressive behavior from a coyote is a concern but there is nothing they can do unless the animal injuries someone. relocation is not a solution. >> we ask people to remove the attractant. clean up your trash. don't leave dog food out overnight. don't leave small pets lies around. >> because coyotes are not protected in any way property owners are allowed to hire a company to trap the animals.
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for now they are spreading the word to be on the look out. >> most of the time you won't have a problem. but in a situation like this, this coyote is not afraid of people so watch out. >> two alameda county sheriff deputies are recovering after an explosion at a home where they found a body. abc 7 news was in west oakland as fire crews were responding. an eviction notice was being served when the house suddenly exploded. >> i heard an explosion. i thought it was a bomb or whatever. then we saw the smoke coming out. boom. and then all of a sudden you saw police officers running from the house. >> deputies found a 45-year-old man dead inside the home and discovered signs of booby traps. the deputies were not seriously hurt.
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>> a warning for people on the peninsula where a man sexually assaulted a woman inside a home. deputies say a man knocked on the door sunday night and the woman let him inside. he is on the loose and deputies are asking people to be on the alert of anyone suspicious in their neighborhoods. police announced the arrests of three carjacking suspects in san jose. police spotted the suspects. they were connected to a carjacking yesterday morning six miles away. officers moved in, the suspects tried to carjack two more drivers but were unsuccessful. the suspects fired shots as they ran. police arrested two men immediately and a third hours later. the two participated in a town hall debate held at the headquarters for the tech
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company. the sheriff was in a car accident last october and said he reported it to insurance company and city officials but did not file a report with the dmv. his license was suspended in february but he said he just found out yesterday because of media reports. >> i thought my personal insurance was taking care of it. but if that is a lapse i will make sure it is rectified. >> we had all of this news because he did not follow his own directive. he did not follow his own policy and procedure. that is more of the issue. >> late today he said the issue has been resolved and his license has been reinstated. he is running for re-election this november. >> the search is on for a bone marrow donor that could save the life of a 14 month old boy in sonoma. today alan wang spoke with his mother in sonoma. >> the biggest mess you have
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ever seen. he unloads my kitchen cabinets every morning. >> jack is like most 14 month old boys but he rarely leaves his home. he has a rare auto immune disorder meaning a simple cold virus could be deadly. >> we are constantly worried. we are always very careful. i never go anywhere outside my hand sanitizer. i actually don't go out much. >> the key to jack's cure is a bone marrow transplant. they have not found a donor via the national registry and went to tuesday's farmer's market in sonoma to encourage more people to sign up. >> there are only 12 million potential donors on the registry. the biggest obstacle is fear. >> donors found out it is as easy as swabbing their cheeks. >> i don't care what it is. i will do it. >> difficult as it is for jack
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to find a match, likely of european decent, the success variety lower for non caucasian patients. >> those that have multiracial backgrounds or anything like that, it is much more complicated. >> 61% of donors are caucasian but there is no match for jack, and the longer he waits the higher his risk grows for contracting a virus that could be fatal. >> sweet little boy. if you want to become a potential donor have a cheek swab test kit mailed to you. you can go to our website. >> baby on board in the boardroom. next on abc 7 news, the office giving a whole new mean to bring your child to workday. moms working side by side with their tiny to thes. >> maybe the end of the line for a train system. >> and yeah, you would think they would have googled it. the problem with the t
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it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer.
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but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california.
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>> covering all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. >> so, would you bring your baby to work like for the whole day? two washington state agencies are offering that perk to new parents for their infants' first six months. what does that mean for the office? >> bring your child to workday has a whole new meaning. not just in hollywood like josh dumel in "life as we know it." some government offices in washington state are now allowing parents to bring their
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babies to work. the perfect candidate, six weeks up to six months old. >> it was really exciting to know i wouldn't have to be bringing her to day care after eight weeks of being on maternity leave. >> first time mom erica brings lydia in three days a week. >> having this extra time with her has meant the world to me. >> state officials say both parents and babies win. research proves allowing a parent and infant to remain together in the earliest stage of life supports critical bonding, healthy infant brain development and parental well-being. and so far co-workers say baby lydia is the perfect colleague. >> morale is high. and it has been a good thing for our office. >> in the policy we say if a baby is having a really bad day or baby gets sick, mom takes baby home. we have not had to do that yet. >> only catch is when babies
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start to crawl, they need not apply. >> the north based smart train may lose fund to extend service. a u.s. senate committee drastically cut a program that would have funded the line. officials are still hopeful some deal can be reached. 2008 voters approved a sales tax with the promise that run where the riders could catch a ferry to san francisco. >> today people googled the new name and were surprised by what they found. alphabet is already trademarked. subsidiary of bmw. they said it does not plan to sell. google announced yesterday it will focus on maps, e-mail, youtube and the google search engine and become one entity under the parent company. >> wonder how they resolved
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that? >> i don't know. >> we will find out. we will find out about the weather which will heat up rapidly. >> we can look forward to heat. we will be seeing triple digits this upcoming weekend. but first why we are not going to see hot weather tomorrow. marine layer is near the coast and pushing in over the north bay. just off of the northern california coast actual returns, unfortunately that rain is not going to come into the bay area. when you look at the temperatures they are in the upper 50s in the north bay and along the coast and most other areas in the 60s. here is a nice view, patches of low clouds starting to cross the bay there. warmer days beginning friday with the triple digit heat this upcoming weekend and even near the coast it will get pretty warm. this area of low pressure off of the coast line.
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actually pretty active. expecting the low to remain here for a couple more days. it will keep the temperatures in check. showers stay offshore and they finally move into the pacific northwest. high pressure starts to build westward and that means heat is coming back into the california and the bay area will be feeling it. the weekend will feature 100. but before we get to that it will be nice and mild to warm the next couple of days, running below average for this time of the year. i do want to turn your attention quickly to the tropics. we have tropical storm hilda. it has weakened considerably. winds at 65 miles per hour, expected to continue its westward track. tropical storm watch is up for the big island and it is expected to dump half a foot to a foot north and just west of its path expect the potential for flooding and mudslides there
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and the big surf and it will weaken into a tropical depression. if you have travel plans to head there you want to keep an eye on this. tomorrow morning temperatures in the 50s. low clouds to start. low clouds hang around until the afternoon. 69 in san francisco. low 80s, santa rosa. 75 in oakland. 76 in santa cruz. enjoy this nice weather. we have some heat coming. and it all begins friday with the warmth into the 90s. weekend will feature the triple digits. fog getting out of the picture for the weekend. >> thank you so much sandhya. >> no net, no problem? >> a walk on the
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flying high again. a turkey as a resulture found poisoned last week is now back in the wild. vets say the turkey as a resulture made a full recovery. the massive bird with a 6'0" wingspan flew back to freedom. >> it is not a vulture or a plane but a death defying stuntman high above the ground. the tight rope walker completing the longest walk of his career 1,600 feet high above the wisconsin state fair. he was ten stories above the ground. he holds nine guinness world records for his stunts and his family is famous for this thing. >> incredible.
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unbelievable. >> in other sports the giants return home and take out the belt on the astros. brandon belt that when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at same plan. new phone. or a new plan. and a just in case. add a new line. or three. and unlimited talk and text for unlimited tweens. take a carrier store detour at target, and upgrade to a shiny new everything. and now when you buy a phone, get 20% off your target run.
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with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. only at a sleep number store. right now, save up to $1000 on select mattress and adjustable base sets. know better sleep with sleep number. this abc 7 sports report is brought to you by xfinity. >> giants are home facing the a.l. west leading astros and the best medicine for a giants slump is big madison bumgarner on irish heritage night. scott kazmir facing mad bum. mat duffy gets a hold of it and thinks he took the former a out of the yard. carlos gomez is rightfully pumped up. one more look here.
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a face full of wall and holds on. great play. mad bum, strikes out the side. former a's jed lowrie and chris carter and hank conger. you will all get nothing and like it. finished with 12 ks. be brandon belt with the power. 16th of the year and number 17 coming up right here. opposite field. giants win 3-1 snapping a four-game slide. bumgarner, a complete game. a's took a three-game winning streak into toronto but toronto. marcus semien, you play first base with this guy and you need a net at times. jose bautista. he got all of it. hang it and bang it. his 27th. 4-2 jays the final ending the
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a's win streak. the warriors, well represented in las vegas at the team usa minicamp. steph curry, klay thomson, harrison barnes and draymond green are all there for three days of workouts to select the olympic team. klay's brother is a baseball player. trace hit his first major league homer tonight against the angels. teammates gave him the silent treatment when he got back to the dugout. white sox won the game 3-0. i am not sure which is worse for loyal raider fans. the carson proposal is going full steam ahead or that we are hearing nothing from oakland officials who have no plan to keep the silver and black in oakland. nfl owners listened to relocation plans. oakland had no viable plan to present while the carson project to build a $1.7 billion for the
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raiders and the chargers to share is making progress. they claim both the raiders and chargers are now committed to moving. >> it works for california. it certainly works for the l.a. market. now it works for the two teams playing in the most terrible stadiums in the league. raiders and chargers are committed to l.a. and they spent a lot of money. a lot of money. >> that does not sound good for raider fans. abc 7 sports brought to you by xfinity. crickets. where are you libby? >> all right. thanks, larry. thank you for joining us this evening. abc 7 news will continue online and on twitter and
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>> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight. christina applegate. rick springfield. and music from tyler, the creator. with cleto and the cletones. and now,here's jimmy kimmel!


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